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An eliminated - children are born with some degree of genital ambiguity

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The menstrual cycle is a periodic variation in hormones and fertility over the course of about how many days?

28 days

Among adult humans, those who sleep ____ or more hours per night have the highest percentage of REM sleep.


what is the average internal temperature for humans?


Which of the following is true of androgens and estrogens?

Both sexes have both types of hormones

When food distends the duodenum, the duodenum releases which hormone?


Which hormone(s) is/are likely to be found more abundantly in females than in males?


T/F: Alternation between wakefulness and sleep depends ONLY on stimuli in the environment.


T/F: Angiotensin II acts on the kidney to retain more sodium.


T/F: No correlation exists between father's hormones and level of interaction with their child


T/F: Typically, boys play more cooperatively than girls


The Periovulatory period are the days of the cycle when fertility is:


The risk of sleep apnea is increased among which group of people?

Men who are overweight

Which of the following is TRUE about Prolactin?

Necessary for milk production, enables mother to eat more than usual, responsible for some maternal behavior

Toy preferences are a result of which of the following?

Only answer choices a&b (child-rearing experiences/prenatal hormones)

REM sleep is associated with

PGO waves in the brain

during the menstrual cycle, estradiol and progesterone levels increase and decrease under the influence of hormones released by which gland?


During _, cells in the pons send messages that inhibit the motor neurons that control the body's large muscles.

REM sleep

Which of the following are behavioral and anatomical differences between heterosexuals and homosexuals?

Shape of the nose and forehead/Heterosexual men slightly taller and heavier/Homosexual men use landmarks more often when giving directions

T/F: Behavior can also influence hormone secretion.


T/F: Homosexual behavior occurs in many animal species


T/F: Masculine-type behavior in girls are a poor predictor of sexual orientation.


T/F: Obese people tend to produce more insulin than people of normal weight.


T/F: Sexual reproduction increases variation in the gene pool.


T/F: The mean preferred time of going to sleep gets later until about age 20 and then starts a gradual reversal.


T/F: The physiological changes that regulate body temperature depend on areas in and near the hypothalamus


T/F: Young children are more likely to be morning people than older adults


T/F: vasopressin is the hormone released by the porsterior pituitary


Which of the following are the chromosomes for females?


Who would probably develop as an intersex?​

a genetic female exposed to more testosterone than normal during early development

The frequency of homosexuality in men is highest if-

a monozygotic twin brother is homosexual

A set point refers to:

a very narrow range that the body works to maintain at a stable level

Cells in the basal forebrain increase arousal and wakefulness by releasing:


Sandra is pregnant, when will her doctor be able to tell her the sex of the baby?

after the first trimester

in sham feeding animals are

allowed to chew, but the food never enters the stomach

"Male hormones" are referred to as-


Two major classes of sex hormones are-

androgens and estrogens

Like vasopressin, ____ constricts the blood vessels, compensating for the drop in blood pressure.

angiotensin II

During her menstrual cycle, Lacresha's-- releases FSH.

anterior pituitary

There are regions of the brain that are larger in males than females and vice versa. It is known that these regions -

are not really involved with reproductive behavior

poikilothemic (ectothermic) organisms have body temperatures that -

are the same as the temperatures of their environments

Stimulation of the pontomesencephalon:

awakens a sleeping individual

Research has shown that men are more likely to be jealous than women-

because a woman's infidelity makes it impossible for him to know if offspring are his

How do adult mammals with damage to the preoptic area regulate their body temperature?


Sex is a - concept, while gender is a - concept.


Hormones are most essential to which aspect of mammalian parental behavior?

care for newborns during the first few days

Type 1 diabetes is also known as

childhood diabetes

Girls who are exposed to higher than normal androgen levels during prenatal development tend to:

choose to play with more typically masculine toys

sexual differentiation begins with-


If suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons are disconnected from the rest of the brain, they:

continue to produce activity that follows a circadian rhythm

glucagon stimulates the liver to -

convert glycogen to glucose

The hypothalamus of a female who is exposed to testosterone early in life will-

develop more like a typical male hypothalamus (noncyclic)

the small intestine

digests proteins, fats, and carbohydrates

which characteristic tends to be more important for women than men in choosing a mate?

earning potential

which of the following is the most commonly found estrogen in the body?


"female hormones" are referred to as-


Nature's "default setting" is to make every mammal's external anatomy:


Mullerian ducts are found in--

female and male fetuses early in development

The human sensitive period for genital formation occurs during the - trimester of pregnancy.


Mammals have circadian rhythms ____.​

for sleep cycle, frequency of eating, and sleep/body temp.

the input from the eyes to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, responsible for shifting the phase of the circadian rhythm, originates from _.

ganglion cells that are not connected to any cones or rods but respond directly to light

Sodium-specific hunger is closely associated with _.

hypovolemic thirst

What is one current recommendation for raising children who have intersex conditions?​

identify the child as male or female based mainly on the predominant external appearance

During sleep, what happens in the brain?

increased firing by GABA neurons

the temperature required by reproductive cells of birds and most mammals is _.

lower than the rest of the body

which is true of androgen and estrogens?

males and females both have androgens and estrogens, but in different amounts

If one-- twin is homosexual, probability that the other twin is homosexual is fairly high.


which of the following animals was discussed in class due to its unique ganglion receptors in its nose that helps determine its circadian rhythm

naked mole rat

Loss of orexin-containing neurons in the hypothalamus may contribute to ____.​


Processes that reduce any discrepancies from the set point are known as -

negative feedback

In response to arousing events, the locus coeruleus releases _ to increase wakefulness.


Damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus leads to eating

normal sized meals, but eating them more frequently

Which of the following are sensitive periods of development?

only answers a & c (puberty/before birth)

small birds generally eat

only what they need at the moment

the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is located just above the -

optic chiasm

What kind of thirst is produced by an increased concentration of solutes in the blood?


the tendency of water to flow across a semipermeable membrane from the area of low solute concentration to the higher concentration is termed_.

osmotic pressure

an increase in the size of meals is most likely to occur following damage to which are of the hypothalamus


Sometimes people find themselves unable to move their postural muscles immediately after awakening Why?

part of the brain is still asleep

Which of these is characteristic of sleep apnea?

periods without breathing during sleeping

For most obese individuals, giving them leptin would _.

produce little effect

During her normal monthly fluctuation of hormones, Pearle's body produces-- to help prepare he uterus for potential pregnancy.


In class Professor Mar showed a video that showed the detrimental effects of:

raising a castrated male as a female

the circadian rhythm is reset by input from special ganglion cells in the retina. These ganglion cells are unusual in that they _.

respond directly to light

a small branch of the optic nerve, known as the _ path extends directly from the retina to the SCN


Teresa is pregnant and experiencing nausea. This is because of increased activity of -

serotonin receptors

which of the following is MOST clearly under the control of a circadian rhythm in MOST animals?


slow wave sleep is comprised of -

stages 3 and 4

after damage to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the body_

still has rhythms, but they are less consistent

Many female mammals become very attentive after delivering their babies largely because of a sudden:

surge of prolactin and oxytocin

what determines whether a mammal develops male or female external genitals?

the amount of testosterone during prenatal development

gender identity can be defined as-

the sex one identifies with and calls oneself

What measurable differences are apparently related to homosexual versus heterosexual orientation in adult men?

the size of certain parts of their hypothalamus

which is not a way that steroids exert their effects?

they bind to cell membranes and cause a huge release of neurotransmitter

typically, _ parents have _ children

thin, thin

T/F: Orexin is not necessary for waking up, but it is for staying awake


which of the following depends on an organizing effect of hormones?

whether an organism develops as male or female

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