Practice Test Questions: Driver's Ed

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*A flashing yellow traffic signal means __* A) Proceed with caution B) Exit the road C) Stop D) Speed up


*A large truck is ahead of you and is turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction. The truck:* A) May have to swing wide to complete the right turn B) May complete its turn in either of the two lanes C) Must stay in the right lane at all times while turning


*A pedestrian is crossing your lane but there is no marked crosswalk. You must:* A) Stop and let the pedestrian cross the street B) Carefully drive around the pedestrian C) Make sure the pedestrian sees you, but continue driving


*A red "X" lane control signal means __* A) The lane is closed B) The lane is about to close C) Only vehicles with multiple occupants may enter D) The lane is open


*Alcohol can cause anxiety* A) True B) False


*All of the following practices are dangerous to do while driving. Which of these is also illegal?* A) Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears B) Transporting an unrestrained animal inside the vehicle C) Adjusting your outside mirrors


*Always stop before you cross railroad tracks when:* A) You don't have room on the other side to completely cross the tracks B) The railroad crossing is located in a city or town that has frequent train traffic C) You transport two or more young children in a passenger vehicle


*An uneven street that's in poor condition will usually be marked with a sign that says __* A) "Rough Road" B) "Falling Rocks" C) "No Pedestrians" D) "Do Not Cross"


*At a T-intersection, yield the right of way to drivers __* A) On the through road B) On the private street C) On the street with fewer lanes D) On the left


*Checking your tires' air pressure will help prevent __* A) All choices are correct B) Blowouts C) Skidding D) Flat tires


*Compared with new cars, used cars __* A) Have more affordable insurance B) Need less maintenance C) Usually come with warranties D) Have more risk of depreciation


*If a red traffic signal is flashing, you must come to a complete stop and proceed once the intersection is clear.* A) True B) False


*If a school bus on your side of the road is displaying its stop signal:* A) Stop B) The driver is in an emergency C) Proceed with caution D) Drive past quickly


*If a traffic signal light is not working, you must:* A) Stop, then proceed when safe B) Stop and let all other traffic go first C) Slow down or stop if necessary


*If you are convicted of driving 34mph over the speed limit, __ points will be added to your record* A) 6 B) 1 C) 2 D) 12


*If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should:* A) Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears B) Enter the intersection and wait until traffic clears C) Merge into another lane and try to go around the traffic


*In what situation will you need to use low gears?* A) When you need more power at a lower speed B) When you need less power at a higher speed C) When you need to fit your vehicle under low-hanging branches D) When you need more power at a higher speed


*It is a criminal offense to provide false identification to a police officer that has lawfully arrested or detained you* A) True B) False


*It is illegal to coast downhill with the transmission or gears in neutral* A) True B) False


*It is legal to turn right at a red traffic light if your path is clear and there are no signs prohibiting it* A) True B) False


*Lane usage changes would be marked by __* A) Cones B) Flags C) Billboards D) Sand barrels


*Liability insurance pays for the expenses of others in crashes caused by __ under your policy* A) you and other drivers covered B) only you C) other drivers not covered D) you and your family covered


*Losing traction can cause your vehicle to __* A) All choices are correct B) Yaw C) Roll D) Pitch


*Signal at least __ before making a turn* A) 100ft B) 10ft C) 20ft D) 2 blocks


*Stopping, parking, or standing is prohibited in front of a public or private __* A) Driveway B) Storefront C) Property D) Doorway


*The California Vehicle Code imposes load requirements on the following characteristics EXCEPT:* A) Value B) Weight C) Height D) Width


*The extra space out in front of a large truck is needed for:* A) The truck driver to stop the vehicle B) Other drivers when they want to slow down C) Other drivers when merging into a freeway


*The suggested safe following distance for drivers is __ seconds* A) 3 B) 6 C) 2 D) 1


*To ensure your battery's longevity, you should keep the area where cables are connected to the positive and negative poles clean* A) True B) False


*To recover from hydroplaning, ease off the accelerator, __, and gently steer in the desired direction* A) apply gradual pressure to brakes B) put up the hand brake C) turn on your hazard lights D) apply instant pressure to brakes


*What is highway hypnosis?* A) When drivers zone out due to fatigue or boredom B) When snake charmers work on I-35 C) When drivers take breaks to rest D) When drivers are super focused on their driving task


*What is the only way to "sober up"?* A) Waiting B) Exercising C) Drinking coffee D) Showering


*What should you NOT do when you bump into an injured animal?* A) Move its body to check the injury B) Wait until any assistance/service arrives C) Call the police for help D) Try to find its owner


*What should you do before merging onto the highway?* A) All choices are correct B) Use your turn signal C) Check your side mirrors D) Look over your shoulder


*When a cop pulls you over, you should __* A) Remain in your seat until otherwise instructed by the police B) Never roll your window down C) Immediately get out and approach their vehicle to talk D) None of these are correct


*When approaching railroad tracks, never __* A) Stop or shift gears B) Use high-bean lights C) Use brakes D) Use low-beam lights


*When parking downhill, turn your wheels __* A) Toward the outside curb B) Straight ahead C) Toward the center of the road D) Up


*When turning left, you need to check your mirrors and __, decelerate, and use __* A) oncoming traffic, your turn signal B) turn your steering wheel, your parking brake C) use your turn signal, use your parking brake D) change your vehicle's gear to "Drive," turn your steering wheel


*Where do most crashes happen?* A) In parking lots B) On highways C) In rural areas D) In driveways


*Where should you put your hands on the steering wheel?* A) 9 + 3 B) Midnight C) 6 + 3 D) 10 + 2


*Which factor can influence underage drinking?* A) All choices are correct B) Peer pressure C) Curiosity D) Advertising


*Which factor was involved in the highest percentage of traffic fatalities?* A) Drunk driving B) Speeding C) Bad weather D) Distractions


*Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects Blood Alcohol Level?* A) The color of the alcohol B) The amount of alcohol consumed C) Body size D) Gender


*Which of the following is an example of a depressant drug?* A) All choices are correct B) Heroine C) Opium D) Morphine


*Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?* A) Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles B) Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rear view mirrors C) Blind spots are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle


*Which path should drivers choose when facing an impending accident?* A) Path of least resistance B) Path of greatest resistance C) Path of candy canes D) The shortest distance path


*With a Class C driver's license a person may drive:* A) A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds B) A vehicle pulling a trailer and a boat C) Any 3-axle vehicle regardless of the weight


*You are driving on a freeway posted for 65mph. The traffic is traveling at 70mph. You may legally drive:* A) No faster than 65mph B) 70mph or faster to keep up with the speed of traffic C) Between 65-70mph


*You are on a divided highway with a raised median when you see a school bus stopped on the other side of the road. Are you legally required to stop?* A) No, because the oncoming traffic is separated by a raised median B) Yes, you must stop for a school bus on any road C) No, because you never have to stop for a school bus on the other side of the road D) Yes, because you must always stop for a school bus on the other side of the road


*You drive defensively when you:* A) Keep your eyes moving to look for possible hazards B) Look only at the car in front of you while driving C) Always put one car length between you and the car ahead


*You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you:* A) Sell or transfer your vehicle B) Get a new prescription for lenses or contacts C) Fail a smog test for your vehicle


*You must obey instructions from school crossing guards:* A) At all times B) Only during school hours C) Unless you do not see any children present


*You should __ to reduce the risk of a serious balance shift around a sharp curve* A) Take the outside lane B) Take your foot off the accelerator C) Take the inner lane D) Take your foot off the brake


*Your field of vision is affected by __* A) Your speed B) The weight of your car C) Humidity D) The width of the road


*A center left turn lane can be used for passing other vehicles on the left* A) True B) False


*A green arrow lane control signal means __* A) Only vehicles with multiple occupants may enter B) The lane is open C) The lane is closed D) The lane is about to close


*A steady yellow "X" lane control signal means __* A) You can stay in the lane B) You must change lanes C) You can only make left turns D) You can only make right turns


*A white painted curb means:* A) Loading zone for freight only B) Loading zone for passengers or mail only C) Loading zone for freight or passengers


*Aggressive drivers can be dangerous because they confront other drivers and __* A) Fall asleep at the wheel B) Drive recklessly C) Don't answer questions D) Drive huge vehicles


*All of the following are safe alternatives if you do decide to drink EXCEPT __* A) Taking a taxi home B) Drinking a bottle of water to sober up before driving C) Having somebody give you a ride home D) Staying at a friend's house


*As a driver, you are aware of your surroundings through the use of __* A) Taste B) Eyesight C) Good vibes D) Telepathy


*At a __, yield the right of way to drivers on the cross street* A) 4-way stop B) T-intersection C) party D) traffic circle


*At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always:* A) Stop, listen, and proceed cautiously B) Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming C) Slowly pass vehicles that seem to be stopped for no reason


*Barrels along the highway are designed as an impact amplifier in the case of crashes* A) True B) False


*California's "Basic Speed Law" says:* A) You should never drive faster than posted speed limits B) You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions C) The maximum speed limit in California is 70 mph on certain freeways


*Can you pass when you see a trolley stopped at a safety zone?* A) No, you can only pass when the trolley leaves the safety zone B) Yes, if it's safe to do so C) Yes, and you should pass as fast as you can D) No, you can never pass when you see a trolley


*Crossbuck signs are __* A) Yield signs B) Railroad crossing signs C) X-factor audition spot signs D) Marks the spot signs


*If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV:* A) Only if you or the other driver is injured B) If there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries C) Only if you are at fault


*If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road with one lane in each direction and continually pass the other cars, you will:* A) Help prevent traffic congestion B) Increase your chances of an accident C) Reduce your chances of getting a traffic ticket D) Get to your destination much faster and safer


*It is illegal for a person 21+ to drive with a BAC that is __ or higher:* A) 0.05% B) 0.08% C) 0.10%


*It is illegal for anyone UNDER 21 to drive with a BAC that is __ or higher* A) 0.04% B) 0.01% C) 0.08%


*It's legal to drive across private property in order to make a right turn* A) True B) False


*Kevin is driving below the speed limit on the freeway. What should Kevin do?* A) Stay in the left lane B) Stay in the right lane C) Drive slowly in any lane D) Stay out of the way in the middle lane


*Motorcycles are not allowed the full width of a lane to maneuver* A) True B) False


*On a green arrow, you must:* A) Yield only to pedestrians in the intersection B) Yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian in the intersection C) Wait four seconds before proceeding


*On her way to work, Emma reaches an intersection without signs or signals. After stopping completely, what should she do?* A) Emma needs to get out of her vehicle and volunteer as an intersection controller B) Emma needs to give the right of way to vehicles in or near the intersection on her right C) Emma needs to give the right of way to vehicle in or near the intersection on her left D) Emma has the right of way before vehicles in or near the intersection on her right


*President George H.W. Bush mandated that by 1998, all cars must have __* A) Anti-lock brakes B) Airbags C) Headlamps D) Seatbelts


*Roadways are the most slippery:* A) After it has been raining for awhile B) When it first rains after a dry spell C) During a heavy downpour


*Stella has never been cited for a driving violation or gotten into a crash. What kind of insurance discount might she be eligible for?* A) A Driving Sober discount B) A Safe Driving Record discount C) A Loyalty Discount D) There is no discount for this


*To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about __.* A) 5 to 10 seconds B) 10 to 15 seconds C) 15 to 20 seconds


*To change gears from Park to Drive, you must first __* A) Move the gearshift from Park to Drive B) Press the brake pedal with your right foot C) Turn the car off D) Put your right foot on the accelerator


*To test brakes after driving through high water, you should switch to a low gear and brake lightly every __* A) 20ft B) 200ft C) 400ft D) Mile


*Two sets of solid double yellow lines that are two or more feet apart:* A) Should be treated as a separate traffic lane B) May not be crossed for any reason C) Are for cyclists wanting to turn left D) May be crossed to enter or exit a private driveway


*U-turns in residential district are legal:* A) On a one-way street on a green arrow B) Where there are no vehicles approaching you within 200ft C) Across two sets of solid double yellow lines


*What is the far right lane of the highway for?* A) U-turns B) Slower traffic C) Briefly parking D) Faster traffic


*What is the number one cause of death for teenagers?* A) Cancer B) Traffic collisions C) Homicide D) Horrible pop music


*What should you do if you smell gasoline while driving?* A) Speed up to get home soon B) Stop the car as soon as possible C) Add water to the fuel tank D) Fuel up at a gas station


*When can you drive in a bike lane?* A) During rush hour traffic if there are no bicyclists in the bike lane B) When you are within 200ft of a cross street where you plan to turn right C) When you want to pass a driver ahead of you who is turning right


*When driving on a one-lane road on a hill, which car has to yield?* A) The one bigger in size B) The one driving downhill C) The one driving uphill D) The one at a higher speed


*When going downhill, a truck's momentum makes it __ so you'll have to __ to pass it* A) go slower, speed up B) go faster, speed up C) go slower, slow down D) All choices are incorrect


*When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be:* A) Turned to the left (toward the street) B) Turned to the right (away from the street) C) Parallel with the pavement


*When passing on a two-lane road, you must first make sure you are clear to start passing by __* A) Checking your side mirrors B) Checking your rearview AND side mirrors C) Honking your horn D) You cannot pass on a two-lane road


*When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:* A) 5 to 10mph slower than the traffic on the freeway B) At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway C) The posted speed limit for traffic on the freeway


*When you drive through a construction zone, you should:* A) Hit the gas B) Pass the construction zone carefully without rubbernecking C) Slow down to watch the workers D) Decrease your following distance


*When you wait at an intersection, you should be stopped on top of the white stop line* A) True B) False


*Which of the following is a good strategy for avoiding fatigue?* A) Making the car nice and warm B) Sitting up straight C) Turning off the radio D) Texting


*Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks?* A) Motor homes or pickup trucks towing a boat trailer B) Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards C) Any vehicle with 3 or more axles or weighing more than 4,000 pounds


*Which sign warns drivers to give other cars the right-of-way and looks like a red and white triangle?* A) Stop sign B) Yield sign C) Merge sign D) Mile marker


*Which type of cars use two distinct power sources and are environmentally friendly?* A) Electric cars B) Hybrid cars C) SUVs D) Sports cars


*Why is drinking especially damaging to an underage individual?* A) It isn't. Drinking hurts everybody the same B) It damages a still-developing brain C) It leaves less time for sitcoms D) It actually hurts adults more than minors


*Why should you give more space to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists in bad weather?* A) They are more likely to ignore bad weather B) Bad weather is even more difficult for them C) Bad weather doesn't affect them D) They always take risks


*You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and you are unable to see 400ft down the tracks in one direction. The speed limit is:* A) 25mph B) 15mph C) 20mph


*You are driving on the highway and wish to pass the vehicle in front of you. What is the first thing you should do?* A) Shake your arm out the window B) Check to see if everything is clear C) Honk your horn to keep from surprising the driver D) All choices are incorrect


*You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. You must:* A) Leave a note on the vehicle with your contact info B) Report the accident AND leave your contact info C) Report the accident to the city police or the CHP


*You may not park your vehicle:* A) On the side of the freeway in an emergency B) Next to a red painted curb C) Within 100ft of an elementary school


*You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection. The flashing yellow light means:* A) Stop. Yield to all cross traffic before crossing the intersection B) Slow down and cross the intersection carefully C) Stop before entering the intersection


*You're approaching a flashing light at an intersection. Cars on the cross street don't have a light. What should you do?* A) Stop and give the right of way only to the vehicle on your right B) Stop completely and drive ahead when you can safely do so C) Perform a rolling stop since the red light is flashing D) Keep going. Stops are for solid red lights


*A solid yellow light means a __ is soon to follow* A) peppermint light B) green light C) red light D) flashing yellow light


*At an intersection with roads of differing numbers of lanes, yield the right of way to drivers on the road with __* A) Signs B) Prettier stripes C) More lanes D) Fewer lanes


*Collisions can happen more often when:* A) One lane of traffic is traveling faster than the other lanes B) All vehicles are traveling about the same speed C) One vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic


*Compared with trains, light rails are __* A) Longer B) Heavier C) Quieter D) Slower


*How can you avoid highway hypnosis?* A) Don't drive with hypnosis B) Stop every 5 hours or 300 miles C) Don't drive more than 8 hours a day and stop every 2 hours or 100 miles D) Don't drive more than 12 hours a day


*How do many motorcycle crashes happen?* A) Left turns B) Blind spots C) Left turns AND blind spots D) Aggressive driving


*How many hours of Driver's Education is required by California DMV?* A) 40 B) 20 C) 25 D) 30


*If you increase your speed from 10mph to 30mph, your momentum will __* A) Increase by 9 times B) Stay the same C) Increase by 3 times D) Decrease by 3 times


*If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should:* A) Assume the other driver will maintain a constant speed B) Assume the other driver will let you pass if you use your turn signal C) Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane


*In __, yield the right of way to drivers already in the intersection* A) emergency situations B) 4-way stops C) traffic circles D) T-intersections


*It is a very windy day. You are driving and a dust storm blows across the freeway reducing your visibility. You should drive slower and turn on your:* A) Interior lights B) Parking lights C) Headlights


*Letting a driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist use a certain part of the roadway before you proceed is called __* A) Passing B) Parking C) Yielding D) Crossing


*Pennant-shaped signs are __* A) Stop signs B) School crossing signs C) No Passing signs D) Railroad signs


*Rectangle-shaped signs are __* A) Yield signs B) Car shape awareness signs C) Regulatory signs D) Railroad signs


*Roads are slippery after it first starts to rain. When the road is slippery you should:* A) Test your tires' traction while going uphill B) Decrease the distance you look ahead of your vehicle C) Avoid making fast turns and fast stops


*Staring at a crash or other direction on the side of the road as you drive is called __* A) Oogling B) Visual aiming C) Rubbernecking D) Visual targeting


*The area around you car that you cannot see is called __* A) The vehicle's space B) The vehicle's invisible operating space C) The vehicle's hidden operating space D) All choices are incorrect


*The center of your roadway is marked with a broken and solid yellow line. If the broken yellow line is on your side (the right of the solid yellow), it means __* A) You are on the wrong side of the road B) You are not legally allowed to pass C) You can pass if it is safe D) Both sides of the road can pass


*The first step you should take to decelerate is to __* A) Use the emergency brake B) Hit the brake pedal C) Release pressure on the accelerator D) Put the car in neutral


*To make a right turn at the corner, you:* A) Should only merge into the bicycle lane if you stop before turning B) May not enter the bicycle lane C) Must merge into the bicycle lane before turning


*To turn left from a multilane one-way street onto a one-way street, you should start your turn from:* A) The lane in the center of the road B) Any lane (as long as it is safe) C) The lane closest to the left curb


*Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a residential area is __* A) 20mph B) 30mph C) 25mph


*What are the two major drug categories?* A) Stimulants and prescription drugs B) Depressants and prescription drugs C) Stimulants and depressants D) Stimulants and over-the-counter drugs


*What does a broken white lane separate?* A) Two lanes traveling in opposite directions B) You and I :( C) Two lanes traveling in the same direction D) One lane and a boulder


*What is a non-traditional intersection?* A) An intersection that has no good ol' family values B) An intersection where lanes aren't perpendicular to each other C) The meeting of two different roadways in an unusual place D) The meeting of two different roadway users at an intersection without signals


*What is one of the drawbacks to buying a new car?* A) It will take more time to get used to B) It needs a lot of maintenance at first C) The price of insurance is higher D) All choices are incorrect


*What mistake will automatically disqualify you during a behind-the-wheel test?* A) Using the low-beam lights while driving in urban areas B) Honking to alert a driver who is performing a dangerous maneuver C) Disobeying a traffic sign or signal D) Stopping slightly before the stop sign


*What should you always watch out for when turning right?* A) Trucks making wide left turns B) A mother and her ducklings crossing the road C) Bicyclists D) Correct signal lights


*What should you do if the traffic lights at an intersection are out?* A) Communicate using Morse code signals B) Treat the intersection as a traffic circle C) Treat the intersection as a 4-way stop D) Keep going if your road is bigger


*What should you do if you see an ambulance behind you with its lights and sirens on?* A) Stop right where you are and let the ambulance go around you B) Switch to the ambulance's lane and follow it C) Pull over to the right and let the ambulance pass D) Speed up to give the ambulance room


*What should you do when you drive into deep water?* A) Open the door by the driver's seat B) Slam on the accelerator C) Escape through an opened window D) Keep your seat belt fastened


*What was the first company that enabled buyers to purchase vehicles based on their credit?* A) GMC B) Tesla C) General Motors D) Ford


*When approaching a yellow traffic signal, __* A) Ignore the light B) Slam on the brakes C) Stop if it's safe D) Speed up in order to apss


*When driving, keep dogs in __* A) The passenger seat B) The back seat C) Their carriers D) The doghouse


*When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street:* A) One of your rear wheels must touch the curb B) Your front wheels must be turned towards the street C) Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb


*When passing another vehicle, it is safe to return to your own lane if you:* A) Have passed the other vehicle's front bumper B) Cannot see the vehicle directly to your right C) See the vehicle's headlights in your rear view mirror


*When should you increase your following interval?* A) During bad weather B) When the speed limit increases C) During bad weather AND when speeds increase D) Don't change your following interval


*When turning left at an intersection, you do not need to yield the right of way if you have a __* A) Red light B) Green light C) Green light arrow D) Unicorn


*Which of the following actions do you NOT need to indicate with your turn signals?* A) Making a turn B) Changing lanes C) Reducing your speed D) Pulling away from a curb


*Which of the following documents will law enforcement NOT ask drivers to produce?* A) Driver License B) Proof of Insurance C) Proof of Medical Insurance D) Vehicle Registration


*Which of the following is TRUE of slow-moving vehicles?* A) They seldom make stops B) They are all large in size C) They can sometimes be identified by orange triangle signs on the back D) They usually proceed at 40mph


*Which statement is true for motorcyclists and motorists?* A) They must drive with their headlights on, even during daylight hours B) They must flash their brake lights before slowing down C) They have the same rights and responsibilities


*While driving, you see a school bus in the opposite lane dropping off students. There is no median. When is it okay to go?* A) You can go as soon as the students are safely on the sidewalk B) Don't stop. You have the right of way C) You can go once the red lights turn off and the bus moves again D) You don't have to stop. The bus is in the opposite lane


*You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street only if:* A) A sign permits the turn B) Traffic on the street moves to the right C) Traffic on the street moves to the left


*You are driving on the freeway. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. You should drive:* A) Closely behind the truck because the driver can see farther ahead B) No more than one car length behind the truck so the driver can see you C) Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger vehicle


*You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should:* A) Signal and turn immediately B) Stop before entering the right lane and let all other traffic go first C) Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn


*You can minimize the effect of inertia on your body while driving by __* A) Maintaining a high speed B) Sitting in a lower position C) Wearing your seat belt D) All choices are correct


*You may drive off of the paved roadway to pass another vehicle:* A) If the shoulder is wide enough to accommodate your vehicle B) If the vehicle ahead of you is turning left C) Under no circumstances


*You may legally block an intersection:* A) When you entered the intersection on the green light B) During rush hour traffic C) Under no circumstances


*You may only __ in the center turn lane* A) park B) turn right C) turn left D) pass


*You might fail to recall what happened after drinking alcohol because __* A) It affects your concentration B) You probably didn't do anything memorable C) It affects your ability to store and retain information D) All choices are incorrect


*__ drugs distort the way the user processes reality* A) Depressant B) Stimulant C) Hallucinogenic D) Carcinogenic


*A two-point turn is __* A) Making two left-hand turns B) Making a left-hand turn C) Making a U-turn on a roadway D) Using a driveway in order to change directions


*Alcohol affects individuals __* A) Mentally B) Emotionally C) Physically D) All choices are correct


*Alcohol is a __* A) None of these are correct B) Narcotic C) Stimulant D) Depressant


*Always use your __ at night between sunset and sunrise* A) High beams B) Emergency flashers C) Daytime running lights D) Headlights


*Can you be a pizza delivery driver if you are 17?* A) Yes, but you cannot work for more than 18 hours in a school week B) Only if you have your provisional license C) Only if you get the permission from your legal guardian D) No, you can't be employed to drive a motor vehicle if you're under 18


*Can you drive when you are experiencing emotional distress?* A) Only if you are experiencing sadness but not anger B) Only if you are confident you'll be fine C) Yes, because emotional distress has nothing to do with driving skills D) No, because you won't be able to fully concentrate


*Comprehensive and collision coverage covers __ of the insured vehicle* A) the amount you still owe B) the purchase price C) half the cash value D) the actual cash value


*How does alcohol affect your ability to drive?* A) Depth perception is off B) Peripherals are harder to see C) Your vision is blurred D) All choices are correct


*How long do you need to keep your instructional permit before you can apply for the provisional license if you are under 18?* A) 1 year B) 3 months C) 10 months D) 6 months


*If driving in fog, you should __* A) Use your defroster B) Use your wipers C) Use your low-beam headlights D) All choices are correct


*If you refuse to take a blood alcohol test, which law are you violating?* A) DWI B) Zero Tolerance C) Saying No D) Implied Consent


*In which area should you NOT try to pass another vehicle?* A) School zone B) Any road with a solid line in the middle C) Railroad crossings D) All of these are correct


*In which situation should you lower your headlights?* A) When driving in fog, heavy rain, snow, sleet, or dust B) Within 500ft of an approaching vehicle C) Within 300ft behind a vehicle D) All choices are correct


*Mileposts are located __ on interstate highways starting at each state line* A) every 10 miles B) every 5 miles C) randomly D) every mile


*Pete is being passed by a vehicle on his left. What should Pete do?* A) All choices are incorrect B) Move to the left lane as soon as possible C) Speed up to block the vehicle from passing D) Stay to the right edge of his lane and maintain or reduce his speed


*Railroad warning signs warn __* A) If a train is approaching B) If it's time to make a dancing train C) If it is not safe to cross the tracks D) If you are approaching or next to a railroad


*Stella is driving down a steep hill. She should keep her car __ to help __* A) in a higher gear, slow her vehicle B) light, it speed up C) in a lower gear, speed up her vehicle D) in a lower gear, slow her vehicle


*Stella wants to go to a party with her best friend who will be drinking. What's the best course of action?* A) She should make sure to return with her so her friend will drive safely B) She should wait and see if her best friend changes her mind about drinking C) She should test her friend to see how much the alcohol has affected her D) She should ask a sober friend before the party to take her home


*The acceleration lane on expressways is used for __* A) Leaving the freeway B) Pulling over C) Passing other vehicles D) Entering the freeway


*The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is:* A) Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel B) Keep your phone within easy reach so you won't need to take your eyes off the road C) Review the number before answering a call D) Do not use a cellular phone while driving


*To prevent infant and child deaths, you should always __ as part of your pre-drive routine* A) run your daytime lights when the vehicle is parked B) honk your horn twice before going into reverse C) read Child Safety 101's latest article D) walk around your vehicle once to check for toys and children hidden from your view


*To turn right, push the signal lever __* A) Out B) Down C) In D) Up


*What is one thing you should always do before driving?* A) Adjust your vehicle floor mats B) Check under the hood C) Check for ants crossing the road D) Adjust your mirrors


*What is the penalty for drivers who are caught driving while their licenses are revoked or suspended?* A) They will lose their license B) They will be kept in police custody C) Their vehicle will be impounded for 3 months D) Their vehicle will be impounded for 30 days


*What is the right action to take in a rear-end collision?* A) Facing down B) Pressing your body against the steering wheel C) Accelerating during the impact D) Applying the brakes after the impact


*What should you NOT do if our vehicle starts skidding?* A) Steer in the direction you want to go B) Take your foot off the accelerator C) Keep your eyes on the road D) Slam on the brakes


*What should you NOT do when there are horses in your way?* A) Remain quiet B) Wait patiently for them to move C) Come to a complete stop while waiting for them to pass D) Honk at them


*What should you NOT do when there is an oncoming vehicle from the opposite direction?* A) Pull over to the side B) Slow down C) Honk your horn D) Move to the left


*When approaching a flooded area, what is the correct response?* A) Drive slowly the standing water B) Accelerate to gain momentum C) Turn on the wipers D) Turn around and drive in the opposite direction


*When following a vehicle at night, always __* A) Turn off your headlights B) Use high-beam headlights C) Use your hazard lights D) Use low-beam headlights


*Which of the following indicates problems of your exhaust system?* A) Strong smell of fumes B) Loud noises C) Abnormal rattling D) All choices are correct


*Which of the following is NOT a good tool to use when driving in fog?* A) Your low-beam headlights B) Your wipers C) Your defroster D) Your high-beam headlights


*Which of the following is TRUE?* A) Seat belts are very likely to trap you inside a vehicle B) Seat belts are only required on long trips C) Children under the age of six should be put in the front seat D) Improper use of a seat belt is a violation of law


*Which of the following is a legal place to park?* A) On a crosswalk B) On a bridge C) Within 15ft of a fire hydrant D) None of these are correct


*Which of the following topics are covered in the California Vehicle Code?* A) Ownership B) Maintenance C) Sale D) All choices are correct


*Why is there an increased risk of hydroplaning on pavement during rainy weather?* A) Rainwater mixes with road oils B) Rainwater mixes with road grease C) Rainwater mixes with dirt on the road D) All choices are correct


*Why shouldn't you turn off your car if the accelerator sticks?* A) You won't be able to listen to the radio B) You won't be able to use your accelerator C) You won't be able to use your emergency brake D) You won't be able to use power steering


*You can only drive 200ft in the __ lane* A) acceleration B) shoulder C) parking D) center turn


*You need to increase your following distance when:* A) There is no traffic B) You are slowing down C) Your vision is clear D) You are being tailgated


*You should do all of the following when a breakdown happens EXCEPT:* A) Place reflective triangles behind your car B) Move your car off the paved road C) Turn on your emergency lights D) Stand as close to the road as possible to let people see you


*You're driving on an unpaved road that leads to the highway. What should you do when you reach the highway?* A) Drive onto the highway as soon as you can B) Yield to vehicles coming in from your left C) Get onto the highway whenever you want D) Yield to vehicles on the highway


*Your blood alcohol level will be __ if you drink quickly* A) Lower B) Cooler C) The same D) Higher


*__ mean you may cross if it is safe* A) White lines B) Yellow lines C) Solid lines D) Broken lines


*__ separate one-way traffic or outline the edge of roads.* A) Yellow lines B) Broken lines C) Solid lines D) White lines


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