Principles Of Biology 1 (Midterm Study Guide)

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21. Place the following levels of biological organization in order, with the smallest, least inclusive level first.

Answer: 1. Species, 2. Population, 3. Community, 4. Ecosystem, 5. Biosphere.

19. Cellular respiration involves all of the following except.

Answer: Breathing in and out.

33. Cells grown in a petri dish tend to divide until they form a thin layer covering the bottom of the dish. If cells are removed from the middle of the dish, the cells bordering the open space will begin dividing until they have filled the empty space. What does this experiment show?

Answer: When cells come into contact with other cells they stop growing, The controls on cell growth and division can be turned on and off, Cell division can be regulated by factors outside of the cell, Cells continue to grow as long as there is adequate space.

9. Select the correct association.

Answer: carbohydrates—provide the body with an immediate source of energy.

2. Which of the following statements best describes ATP?

Answer: ATP is comprised of a sugar, base, and three phosphate groups.

6. In which of the following is the correct monomer matched with its polymer?

Answer: Amino acid—protein.

1. Which is an example of potential energy rather than kinetic energy?

Answer: An apple made up of energy-rich macromolecules.

42. If tumor cells have a faulty, nonfunctional proteinase, they will be unable to undergo which of the following processes?

Answer: Apoptosis.

4. Which of the following is an organic molecule?

Answer: C6H12O6.

41. Which of the following is a characteristic of cancer cells?

Answer: Cells with abnormal nuclei.

3. Which of the following statements describes the correct flow of energy conversions through living systems?

Answer: Chloroplasts convert solar energy to the chemical energy of nutrient molecules.

15. A student sitting in the back row opened a bottle of foul-smelling perfume and dabbed it on her wrists. One by one (beginning from the back of the room) the students began to cough due to the foul smell. This phenomena was due to.

Answer: Diffusion.

16. The largest number of ATP molecules is produced in which phase of cellular respiration.

Answer: Electron transport chain.

10. Which one of the following is a main function of many proteins?

Answer: Enzymatic activity.

17. Which process is responsible for moving bulk cellular wastes across the cell membrane.

Answer: Exocytosis.

11. Which of the following is a passive mechanism used to move materials into and out of of the cell?

Answer: Facilitated diffusion.

37. Which of the following is the correct sequence for the cell cycle? Assume the cell has just completed cell division.

Answer: G1-S-G2-M.

27. As global temperatures increase, which of the following scenarios is most likely to happen.

Answer: Glaciers and snow coverage decrease.

28. A product of photosynthesis, _____ is a carbon-based molecule that is the chief source of energy for most organisms.

Answer: Glucose.

29. Photosynthesis takes carbon from reservoirs in the atmosphere and uses it to form _____, the energy source for all animals on earth.

Answer: Glucose.

12. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in cellular respiration?

Answer: Glycolysis → Preparatory reaction → Citric acid cycle → Electron transport chain.

24. How do greenhouse gases cause climate warming?

Answer: Greenhouse gases prevent radiation of infrared energy back into space, trapping the heat near the earth's surface and causing the climate too warm.

22. Over the past several decades, the overall trend for earth's temperatures has been.

Answer: Increases in overall global temperatures at an accelerating rate, a phenomenon known as global warming.

38. During which stage of the cell cycle do the chromosomes duplicate?

Answer: Interphase.

23. The greenhouse effect.

Answer: Is caused by gases such as carbon dioxide trapping heat in the earth's atmosphere.

26. Why is ocean acidification problematic for some marine life?

Answer: It decreases the amount of carbonate in the oceans, making the creation of shells and other hard structures difficult for marine life.

35. There are three major parts within each DNA nucleotide. Of these three, which is responsible for the storage of genetic information?

Answer: It's four nitrogen bases.

34. Enzymes are able to speed up the rate of a reaction by.

Answer: Lowering the energy needed for the reaction to proceed.

20. Which of the following provides support for the endosymbiotic theory?

Answer: Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own genomes.

39. Which of the following is true concerning the checkpoints in the cell cycle?

Answer: Mitosis stops if chromosomes are not properly aligned.

43. Which of the following is true about mutations?

Answer: Mutations are changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA.

8. Which of the following is a true statement about proteins?

Answer: Proteins are made up of amino acids bonded together.

7. The principal role for sugars in living organisms is too.

Answer: Provide a source of cellular energy for work.

31. Cancer is a disorder in which some cells have lost the ability to control there.

Answer: Rate of cell division.

40. Which of the following is a correct association?

Answer: Sister chromatids - two identical chromosome strands still attached at the centromere.

14. Which of the following statements best describe the way molecules move across a plasma membrane?

Answer: Small, uncharged molecules pass through the plasma membrane easily.

18. Which of the following statements is true?

Answer: The end product of glycolysis is pyruvate.

25. How does climate change affect earth's oceans?

Answer: The pH level of the ocean will shift to a more acidic environment, leading to stress and the possible extinction of many species of shellfish and corals.

32. Cancer occurs when.

Answer: The regulation of the cell cycle is lost and uncontrolled cell division occurs.

13. What property of phospholipids makes them suitable for the formation of the double layer found in membranes?

Answer: They have both a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic end.

36. Which of the following is true of the chromosomes in a cell undergoing mitosis?

Answer: They have histones bound to them.

30. The light reactions of photosynthesis occur within the _____ of the chloroplast and the Calvin cycle reactions occur within the _____ of the chloroplast.

Answer: Thylakoid, Stroma.

5. Hydrolysis of sucrose, a disaccharide, results in.

Answer: Two monomers.

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