Principles of Computer Programming: Data Representative & Algorithm

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-requirements analysis -software design -coding and implementation -testing -deployment -maintenance

Software Development involves

Can be performed in multiple algorithms

A Computer Task

*Are a set of computer instructions following down a list, one item at a time, without jumping among the items *Aim to solve a problem in a step by step matter

Linear Algorithms

*Depends on the resolution and bit depth *Determines the quality of the image

Size of an Image

*Is a process of computer programming, documenting, testing and big fixing through successive phases in an orderly way *Includes not only the actual writing of code, but also the preparation of objects, the planning of what is to be coded and the approval of the final results

Software Development

-script languages, such as Perl are most suitable for small tasks or acts as a program goes between other large programs -Visual Basic is most suitable for new programmers -Java C++, or comparable languages like Python and Tcl are most suitable for larger applications using object orientation as a design model -C is most suitable for projects which are required to perform efficiently -assembler languages are most suitable for the programs which are relatively short and high performance is required

Software Development involves choosing the appropriate computer language for the project

are codes allowing text to be transferred be transferred between different computers

Standard Codes

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Unicode

Standard Codes most common used are:

*26 upper case letters *26 lower case letters * 10 digits (0-9) *around 20 punctuation

Around 80 characters are used in Western text, including

*Can also be extended to 8 bit and allows 258 different characters. The extended code is known as extended ASCII *Was originally designed to cope only with Western based character sets such as English, French and German


-96 displayable characters -32 control characters which control the display devices

ASCII is a 7 bit code allowing 128 characters, including:

Sum of the integers from 10 to N

Algorithm Example

*Are formulas which gives instructions for the computer to perform a specific task *Can be a simple or a complex procedure


Refers to the number of bits needed to display the color of each pixel

Bit Depth

Are displayed as a matrix of pixels

Bit-Mapped Graphics

When a number reaches F, it goes one digit to the left and starts back at 0 and every digit is 16 times bigger

Counting Hexadecimal Number includes

*Is information processed or stored by a computer *Can be in the form of figures, texts, images or other types of information *Is stored and processed within a computer in binary format *Can be transferred from one computer to another


Involves using binary code to represent data inside the computer

Data Representation

-numbers -text -graphics

Data Representation can be:

Sum of the integers from 10 to N

Flow Chart Examples

*Are a graphic representation of the step by step instructions of how the computer processes data *Shows how an algorithm works to make the computer perform a certain task

Flow Charts

*Are usually created by programmers before writing a program *Show programmers different algorithms before creating a program *Use boxes of different shapes which indicate different types of instructions *Help programmers pay attention to the logic of solution to the problem

Flow Charts

-bit-mapped representation -vector graphic representation

Graphic can be represented in several ways, including:

*Are used on webpages to set colors *Are in Range of 00-FF

Hexademical Numbers

*Are a set of computer instructions which executes steps in iterations *Aim to find successive approximation in sequence in order to solve a problem

Iterative Algorithms

-each character is allocated its own binary code -around 80 characters are used in Western text

Text is composed of characters

0 ans 1

The Binary System only requires two numbers:

*Is a standard code providing a unique number for every character *Uses a 16 bit code for each character, which provides 2 to the 16th power= 65,536 characters *Can display many more characters than ASCII *Occupies more space than ASCII


*Are creates of digital images which are comprised of paths instead of dots *Can be scaled to a larger size and not lose any image quality

Vector Graphics

-an image created at a particular resolution can still keep high quality in a higher resolution device -file size is often smaller because values do not have to be held for every pixel -objects can be grouped to create larger objects

Vector Graphics Advantages include

-individual pixels cannot be edited -it is difficult to represent freehand shapes because computers depict images mathematically -monitors and printers require a vector graphic to be converted into a bit-map image before it can be displayed through a process called rendering

Vector Graphics Disadvantaged include

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