Promotion Board 3-15 IN

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On a CCO/M68 what does one click on the adjustment knob measure as?

0.5 MOA

ECWCS system

1- silk top and bottom 2- waffle top and bottom 3- fleece jacket 4- windbreaker 5- soft shell jacket and trousers 6- extreme cold/ wet weather jacket and pants 7- extreme cold weather parka and trousers

How many battle drills are there?


What is the Army's birthday?

14 June 1775

How many campaign streamers are authorized for display on the army flag?


What is 3ID birthday/ when was it activated?

21 November 1917

How many Medal of Honor recipients does 3-15 IN have?


Muzzle velocity to the M4

2970 feet/sec

What is the MOA of an M4?


How many medal of honor recipients does 3ID have?


Ucmj ar

AR 27-10


AR 600-20 Ch 6


AR 600-20 Ch 7&8


AR 600-8-22


AR 600-9

ATP for counseling process

ATP 6-22.1

What different types of rounds does an M4 shoot?

Ball, tracer, armor piercing, short range training ammunition, blank, close, combat mission capability kit, dummy.

What is a bar scale on a map and where can it be found?

Bar scales are located in the center of the lower margin. They are rulers used to convert map distance to ground distance. Maps have three or more bar scales, each in a different unit of measure. Care should be exercised when using the scales, especially in the selection of the unit of measure that is needed.

What is BD 8?

Breach mined wire obstacle

What is BD 3?

Break contact

What is BD 2?

Conduct Platoon Attack

What is BD 2A?

Conduct Squad assault

What is BD 14

Conduct left or right action while mounted

5 C's of UXO

Confirm Clear Call Cordon Control

What is BD 12?

Dismount a Bradley

What is BD 6

Enter and clear a room

What is BD 7?

Enter trench to secure foothold

3 types of counseling

Event Performance Professional growth

Drill and Ceremony FM

FM 3-21.5

FM for the M4

FM 3-22.9

Land navigation FM

FM 3-25.26

8 cycles of function

Feeding Chambering Locking Firing Unlocking Extracting Ejecting Cocking

General Order 1

I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.

General Order 2

I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner.

General Order 3

I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief.

Classes of Supply

I- Rations II- Clothing III- POL IV- Barrier Materials V- Ammunition VI- Personal Items VII- Major End Items VIII- Medical Supply IX- Repair Parts

What is BD 5?

Knock out a bunker

What is an adjoining sheets diagram and where can it be found on a map?

Maps at all standard scales contain a diagram that illustrates the adjoining sheets. On maps at 1:100,000 and larger scales and at 1:1,000,000 scale, the diagram is called the index to adjoining sheets. It consists of as many rectangles representing adjoining sheets as are necessary to surround the rectangle that represents the sheet under consideration. The diagram usually contains nine rectangles, but the number may vary depending on the locations of the adjoining sheets. All represented sheets are identified by their sheet numbers. Sheets of an adjoining series, whether published or planned, that are at the same scale are represented by dashed lines. The series number of the adjoining series is indicated along the appropriate side of the division line between the series.

What does MOA stand for?

Minute of Angle


Mission Enemy Time Terrain Troops Civilian Considerations

What is BD 13?

Mount a Bradley

5 Principles of Patrolling

Planning, Recon, Security, Control, Common Sense

What was the first award given in the army?

Purple Heart

What is BD 9?

React to IDF

What is BD 11?

React to IED

What is BD 4

React to ambush

What is BD 10?

React to chemical attack

What is BD 1

React to contact

8 TLP's (Troop Leading Procedures)

Receive the mission Issue WARNO Make a tentative plan Initiate movement Conduct recon Complete plan Issue OPORD Supervise and Refine

EPW 5 S's and T

Search Segregate Silence Safe Guard Speed to the Rear Tag

5 paragraphs of OPORD

Situation Mission Execution Sustainment Command and Control

Knots for the tie-down on a CCO

Square knot, bowline, half hitch


Suppress Obscure Secure Reduce Assault

What are the facing movements allowed at the position of halt?

TC 3-21.5 states that there are 5 movements from halt (position of attention) Right/Left face, half right/left face, and about face

Symbolism of the 3ID patch

The 3rd Infantry Division shoulder sleeve insignia consists of three diagonal white stripes, 5/16" wide and 5/16" apart, superimposed diagonally upon a dark blue field 2 1/4" square. When worn on the left sleeve, the three stripes should run from the upper, rear corner downward to the front, lower corner. The clear field of blue stands for the loyalty, steadfastness and undying devotion to the principles of right and justice by the American Soldier. The three clear-cut, white stripes stand dually for the three operations up to the signing of the Armistice of 11 November 1918, of which the 3rd Division took part (Marne, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne), and for the numerical designation of the Division. The clear field of blue stands for loyalty, steadfastness and undying devotion to the principles of right and justice by the American Soldier. One of the basic facts considered in the design was the striking appearance of any design that embodied the use of equal stripes as shown to the world by the flag of our country

What is a contour interval note on a map and where can it be found?

The contour interval note is found in the center of the lower margin normally below the bar scales. It states the vertical distance between adjacent contour lines of the map. When supplementary contours are used, the interval is indicated. In recent edition maps, the contour interval is given in meters instead of feet.

What is a declination diagram and where can it be found on a map?

The declination diagram is located in the lower margin of large-scale maps and indicates the angular relationships of true north, grid north, and magnetic north. On maps at 1:250,000 scale, this information is expressed as a note in the lower margin. In recent edition maps, there is a note indicating the conversion of azimuths from grid to magnetic and from magnetic to grid next to the declination diagram.

What is the edition number on a map and where is it found?

The edition number is found in bold print in the upper right area of the top margin and the lower left area of the bottom margin. Editions are numbered consecutively; therefore, if you have more than one edition, the highest numbered sheet is the most recent. Most military maps are now published by the NGA, but older editions of maps may have been produced by the U.S. Army Map Service. Still others may have been drawn, at least in part, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey, or other agencies affiliated or not with the United States or allied governments. The credit line, telling who produced the map, is just above the legend. The map information date is found immediately below the word "LEGEND" in the lower left margin of the map. This date is important when determining how accurately the map data might be expected to match what you will encounter on the ground.

What is an elevation guide on a map and where can it be found?

The elevation guide is normally found in the lower right margin. It is a miniature characterization of the terrain shown. The terrain is represented by bands of elevation, spot elevations, and major drainage features. The elevation guide provides the map reader with a means of quick recognition of major landforms.

What is the index to boundaries on a map and where is it found?

The index to boundaries diagram appears in the lower or right margin of all sheets. This diagram, which is a miniature of the map, shows the boundaries that occur within the map area such as county lines and state boundaries.

What is the series name on a map and where is it found?

The map series name is found in bold print in the upper left corner of the margin. The name given to the series is generally that of a major political subdivision such as a state within the United States or a European nation. A map series usually includes a group of similar maps at the same scale and on the same sheet lines or format designed to cover a particular geographic area. It may also be a group of maps that serve a common purpose such as the military city maps.

What is the scale on a map and where is it found?

The scale is found both in the upper left margin after the series name, and in the center of the lower margin. The scale note is a representative fraction that gives the ratio of a map distance to the corresponding distance on the earth's surface. For example, the scale note 1:50,000 indicates that one unit of measure on the map equals 50,000 units of the same measure on the ground.

What is a series number on a map and where is it found?

The series number is found in both the upper right margin and the lower left margin. It is a sequence reference expressed either as a four-digit numeral (1125) or as a letter, followed by a three- or four-digit numeral (M661, T7110).

What is the Sheet Name of a map and where is it located?

The sheet name is found in bold print at the center of the top and in the lower left area of the map margin. A map is generally named for the largest settlement contained within the area covered by the sheet, or for the largest natural feature located within the area at the time the map was drawn.

What is the sheet number and where is it found on a map?

The sheet number is found in bold print in both the upper right and lower left areas of the margin, and in the center box of the adjoining sheets diagram, which is found in the lower right margin. It is used as a reference number to link specific maps to overlays, operations orders, and plans. For maps at 1:100,000 scale and larger, sheet numbers are based on an arbitrary system that makes possible the ready orientation of maps at scales of 1:100,000, 1:50,000, and 1:25,000.

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