PSTMLS Assessment and Evaluation

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A ____ will serve as the vehicle used to observe an attribute whether in a written test, observation, oral question, or assessment intended to measure the respondent's knowledge or other abilities


A good test should also be highly reliable Meaning the test should give similar results even though different testers administer it, or different people score in different forms of the test are given, and the same person takes the test 2 or more different times

Formative Assessment

A kind of assessment which is sometimes called continuous assessment that is being carried out on an on-going basis while students are actually working through a course or major unit thereof


A set of scores obtained by whom the test is intended The scores obtained by these groups provide a basis for interpreting any individual score


A test is objective when it makes for the elimination of the scorer's personal opinion, bias, or judgment

Find out the causes of learning problems and plan to take remedial actions.

Aim of diagnostic evaluation

Summative Evaluation

Although the results of these are primarily used for assigning grades, or maybe certifying the learner's mastery of instructional objectives, they can also be used to give feedback on the appropriateness of objectives and the effectiveness of instruction.


An ______ can be used as a final review to gauge the quality and success of your instruction

Formative Assessment

Are designed to assist the learning process by providing feedback to the learner which can be used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, hence, improve future performance of the students

Process Assessment

Because this provides more detailed information, this assessment is usually most useful when a student is learning a new skill

Assessment and Evaluation

Both require criteria. Both use measures. Both should be evidence-driven.


By taking the ______, teachers try to improve the student's path towards learning


Equally important to the others Meaning, will the test give an equally competent student the same results as that of another student with maybe the same intellectual level? Will the two be able to get more or less similar results?

Summative Assessment

Evaluates student's learning, knowledge, proficiency, or success at a conclusion of instructional period


Example: A valid test measures the accuracy of a certain laboratory process or work

Standard tests

Example: Aptitude Test, Intelligence Test, Personality Test, IELTS, TOEFL, and other language tests.

Content Evaluation

Example: Asking a patient to give a return demonstration or asking the other laboratory staff to examine a tissue under a microscope after guiding them first.

Analogy Type

Example: If A is B, then C is what?

Outcome Evaluation

Example: If you train your colleague then you expect them to incorporate their knowledge into practice. Inside the laboratory, outcome evaluation should be given

Process Assessment

Example: If you want to assess if your students know the right procedure of analyzing blood sample

Formative Assessment

Example: In class discussions, in class quizzes, in class questions, assignments, reflections, and other periodic tests Often used to identify learning gaps of your students along the way

Recall Type

Example: Simple recall, completion type, and identification type of test

Summative Assessment

Example: Sitting an examination, undergoing a practical or situational assessment, submitting a major item or collection of work i.e., dissertation, thesis, portfolio, standardized test the teachers give, final reports, final presentation, final projects

Recognition Type

Example: True or false test, yes or no, agree/disagree, and multiple-choice test

Recall Type Recognition Type Matching Type Analogy Type

Examples of Objective type tests

What is the effect of the transfusion medicine program for MTs on subsequent laboratory staff turnover? Does this program help? Is the cost incurred worth it?

Examples of questions appropriate for impact evaluation related to your profession, includes:

Process Assessment

Focus on the steps or procedures or the whole task

Outcome Evaluation

Focuses on a longer time-period than content evaluation

Product Assessment

Focuses on evaluating the results or outcome of a certain process, not the whole process itself


Focuses on graze and might reflect classroom components other than course content and mastery level


For students and teachers, defines what is important, what counts, how they will spend their time, and how they will see themselves as both players in the whole learning process

Standard tests Teacher-made tests

Generally, all tests can be divided into two:

Good tests need norms

Good tests need norms

right assessment

If you want to change the direction of your lessons and how your students learn, choosing the _____ is necessary

In another way, the purpose of impact evaluation is to obtain information that will help decide whether continuing an education activity is worth the cost

In another way, the purpose of impact evaluation is to obtain information that will help decide whether continuing an education activity is worth the cost


In teaching, _____ is the systematic process of documenting and using empirical data to measure knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs.

Standard tests

Instruments of measurement which measures what it aims to measure correctly with constant results

Summative Evaluation

Is a type of evaluation given at the end of the course or unit of instruction to find out which student, and to what extent, has mastered the intended learning outcomes.

Summative Assessment

Is used primarily to make decisions for or to determine readiness for progression

Measurements of Evaluation

It is also a process of determining a quantitative or qualitative attribute of induvial or groups of individuals that is of academic relevance


It is feedback coming from the teacher that can be useful for the students


It is the feedback coming from the students and these are helpful for teacher's decision- making process


It is usually checked by comparing different sets of scores

Outcome Evaluation

Just as process evaluation occurs concurrently with the learning and teaching process, this occurs after teaching has been completed or after a program has been carried out

Impact Evaluation

Keeping in mind the purpose for conducting an impact evaluation should be helpful in maintaining the level of roughout the whole process

Matching Type

Measures the ability to identify the relationship between a set of similar items - each of which has two components: - Words and their definitions - Symbols and their meanings - Dates and the corresponding events - Causes and effects - People and their accomplishments - Others

Product Assessment

Most appropriate for documenting proficiency or competency in a given skill


Often assessed by checking how the test scores correspond to some criteria that is, for example, same behavior, personal accomplishments, or characteristics that reflect the attribute that the test is designed to gauge

Teacher-made tests

Only given to classes where the test is intended

institution of a new process the habitual use of a new technique, behavior the integration of a new value or attitude

Outcome evaluation measures changes. That can include:


Permit students to formulate answers to questions in their own words


Provide a basis for comparing the individuals within a group The test should be able to provide this kind of relationship

To determine whether learners have acquired the knowledge or skills taught during the learning experience

Purpose of Content Evaluation

To determine the relative effects of education on the institution or the community where you belong

Purpose of Impact Evaluation

To determine the effects and outcomes of teaching efforts

Purpose of Outcome Evaluation

Outcome Evaluation

Similar to that of summative evaluation in the classroom, because its intent is also to sum what happened, as a result of education

Product Assessment

So just as we mentioned in the previous example, here we may focus on the accuracy of the blood test results.

Summative Assessment

Sometimes called final assessment because they are being carried out at the end of a course or major unit

Quality of test items Reliability of test measures Procedures of administering and scoring Interpretation of scores

Standard vs Teacher-made: Differences

Both are constructed on the basis of a carefully planned table of specifications Both have the same type of test items Both provide clear directions to the students

Standard vs Teacher-made: Similarities

Recognition Type

Student must be able to recognize the correct answer from among several answers put before him.

Recall Type

Students must bring forth recall (by his own mental effort) the correct answer

Content Evaluation

Takes place immediately after the learning experience to answer the guiding question to what degree did the learners learn, what was imparted to him/her

Teachers cannot just make any kinds of tests, there are things that they should observe of a good test:

Teachers cannot just make any kinds of tests, there are things that they should observe of a good test:


Test consisting of factual questions requiring extremely short answers that can be quickly and unambiguously scored by anyone with an answer key

Analogy Type

Test questions where a pair of words are given, and you are asked to choose another pair with the same relationship.

Teacher-made tests

Tests used to determine and evaluate the progress of students in school or any educational setting

test score

The ____ is indication of what was observed through the test, can also be quantitative and qualitative in nature


The process of ______ is to gather, summarize, interpret, and use data. It's basically the same with Assessment but the purpose is to determine the extent if each teaching or action was successful


The process of _______ is to gather, summarize, interpret, and use data to decide or provide a direction for action. It helps teachers know where to go in teaching

Standard tests

The test construction process of _____ demands a more critical analysis and are usually prepared by specialists who both know the subject matter and the principles of test construction


The test must really measure what it has been designed to measure

Observational techniques or specially prepared diagnostic techniques

These techniques can be used to diagnose the problem

Standardized tests

These tests are good and better in quality and may be more reliable and valid

Formative Evaluation

This happens during instruction with the purpose of providing ongoing feedback to students and teachers regarding success and failure of the whole teaching and learning process

Formative Evaluation

This strengthens or sometimes improves the object being evaluated

Teacher-made tests

This test is not often subjected to any statistical procedure to determine its validity and reliability

Objective Essay

Two Kinds of Teacher-Made Tests:

Diagnostic Evaluation

Type if evaluation that is concerned with finding out the reasons for student's persistent or recurring learning difficulties, hence the word 'diagnostic,' that cannot be resolved by standard corrective measures or formative evaluation

Formative Evaluation

Type of evaluation that is used to monitor students' learning progress.


Used to measure what students know because they utilize their own storehouse of knowledge to answer a question

Characteristics of a Good test

Validity Reliability Objectivity Norm

While assessment and evaluation are highly interrelated and they are often used interchangeably as terms, they are not synonymous at all.

While assessment and evaluation are highly interrelated and they are often used interchangeably as terms, they are not synonymous at all.

Tests and quizzes

___ and ___ are devices used to obtain such information


____ is a technique of obtaining information needed for measurement and evaluation purposes


also determine students' ability to analyze, synthesize, and solve problems


quantifying an individual's achievement, personality, person's attitude, habit, and skills

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