PSY 100 Final CSU Professor Lundeberg

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Brian often interrupts his teacher while she is speaking and frequently forgets to complete his homework assignments. He also has difficulty taking turns in playground games with classmates. Brian MOST clearly exhibits symptoms of:


_____ is the unselfish regard for the welfare of others.


Elaina is a 15-year-old adolescent who has become shockingly thin. She barely eats and, when she does, she compensates by exercising excessively. Elaina is MOST likely suffering from:


The three key symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do NOT include:


Yung is driving to campus one day when another car cuts him off and speeds ahead. Immediately, he yells out "Crazy driver!" not realizing that the person may be rushing to get to the hospital. Yung's judgment BEST illustrates:

Fundamental attribution error

Lorna examines how social support may buffer the negative effects of stigma on the well-being of HIV-positive gay men of color. Lorna is MOST likely a(n) _____ psychologist.


_____ levels of the hormone _____ are related to delinquency, hard drug use, and aggressive-bullying responses to frustration.

High; testosterone

Tom is attending college in a city far away from home where he does not know anybody. According to the principle of proximity, Tom will be MOST likely to make friends with:

His roommate

Victor's mother is frustrated because she cannot get Victor involved in any activities. Although he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, she still expects him to do things around the house. But most days, he sits in a chair with no expression on his face. This type of absence of appropriate behavior reflects the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


_____ symptoms are to an absence of appropriate behaviors as _____ symptoms are to a presence of inappropriate behaviors.

Negative; positive

Marcus is a young male recently diagnosed with schizophrenia. His symptoms, however, developed over a long period of time. According to the research available on schizophrenia, what are the chances that he will recover?

Not good; the slow progression of symptom development suggests he will probably never fully recover.

_____ disorder is characterized by a person having repetitive thoughts that may lead to repetitive actions.


Which statement is true?

People overestimate the duration of their emotions and underestimate their resilience.

Frank was seen laughing inappropriately in the library as if he were responding to internal stimuli. On the bus home, he was crying uncontrollably and suddenly became angered when a fellow passenger offered him a tissue. His excess of inappropriate behavior reflects the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


Sarah and Marge have been assigned to the same dorm room for the academic year. What is MOST likely to happen by the end of the year?

Sarah and Marge will become close friends.

After the events of 9/11, some Americans began boycotting Arab-American stores and lashing out at any Middle Eastern person they saw. This behavior is BEST explained in terms of:

Scape goat theory

Walter has an intense fear of speaking in public. Because he can only engage in one-on-one discussions, he has been passed over for promotions. He may be suffering from _____ disorder.

Social Anxiety

Mr. Rogers thinks that all teenagers are reckless, promiscuous, irresponsible delinquents. Mr. Rogers appears to be associating qualities that are unrelated to the objective evidence that define all members of this particular age group. Mr. Rogers is demonstrating:


Jane and Sue leave a building and see a dog running toward them. Jane assumes that the dog wants to play. Sue assumes the dog is going to attack. Which of these is MOST likely?

Sue's stress reaction will be more negative than Jane's.

Alan reluctantly decided to take a long-awaited trip to New Zealand. The thing that is most disturbing to him is that he must leave his pet monkey behind. There is a pet hotel in the city that has agreed to take him. Should Alan worry about him?

Yes monkeys under social stress have weakened immune systems.

Compulsion is to _____ as _____ is to thought.

action; obsession

The Townsville blood bank is desperately in need of blood donors. Which student would MOST likely contribute to the blood bank if asked?

adam who has no ongoing problems/ events and has just fallen in love

Conformity is best described as

adjusting our behavior or thinking toward some group standard

_____ can be defined as any physical or verbal behavior that is intended to hurt or destroy.


Connie is overwhelmed with fear whenever she must leave the house. She is especially afraid when she uses the subway or goes grocery shopping. Connie's case illustrates:


During a Girl Scout picnic, Lavinia was randomly selected to be on one baseball team and Carla on the opposing team. Before the game started, Lavinia and Carla were each convinced that her team was the better one. The girls' beliefs BEST illustrate:

an ingroup bias.

Major positive events such as winning the lottery usually lead to:

an initial surge in happiness, followed by a slow return to previous levels.

In _____ personality disorder, the affected person is aggressive and ruthless, and shows no sign of the conscience that would inhibit wrongdoing.


Nathan is a troubled child. He recently killed his neighbor's cat and hid the body under his bed. When confronted he was not sorry and did not seem bothered by his actions. Which personality disorder is he MOST likely developing?


People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder:

are tense and apprehensive most of the time.

Depression is a serious, common psychological problem that affects many people. Although questions remain concerning the cause or causes of depression, we do know that:

women are nearly twice as likely as men to suffer from major depression.

Bipolar disorder affects:

both men and women equally

_____ route persuasion uses evidence and argument to motivate careful thinking.


Bob has very strong opinions about the tuition increase at his university. However, once he is the student representative for the college board, he develops a more favorable attitude about the tuition increase. Which theory BEST explains why?

cognitive dissonance theory

One effective strategy for reducing angry feelings is to:

count to 10

The fact that support for interracial dating has dramatically increased represents a(n) _____ in _____ prejudice.

decrease; explicit

Regardless of race or ethnicity, improvements in socioeconomic status improve children's outcomes by:

decreasing deviant and aggressive behavior.

Which concept refers to the loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension that occurs in group situations that foster responsiveness to group norms?


When bad things happen to him, Joe lists all the good things in his life that he is thankful for. Joe's practice exemplifies _____ coping.

emotion focused

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Kathy alleviated her stress by avoiding contact with her ex-boyfriend and by planning recreational activities with her best girlfriend. Kathy's behavior BEST illustrates:

emotion-focused coping.

It is often heard that successful long-term relationships are 50/50 or 100/100, highlighting the role of _____ in companionate love.


The third phase of the general adaptation syndrome is characterized by _____.


Delilah is continually tense and plagued by muscle tension, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate. Delilah MOST likely suffers from _____ disorder.

generalized anxiety

In a senior writing seminar, students were asked to write a brief autobiography. Sixty years later the students MOST likely to be alive and healthy are those who had expressed which outlook in their autobiographies?

happiness, love, and other positive feelings

Which characteristic is NOT found for those with antisocial personality disorder?

increased autonomic arousal in unnerving situations

Elsa is a 50-year-old teacher who is openly gay. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Elsa's homosexuality:

is not classified as an illness

A jury deliberated on a rape case for more than eight hours. Some of the jurors commented that the rape victim had a history of going out to various bars and had been dressed too provocatively. These jurors said that by looking like that, she had been asking to be assaulted. Their opinion is BEST explained in terms of the:

just-world phenomenon.

This group sees dissociative disorders as behaviors reinforced by anxiety reduction.

learning theorists

According to the _____ model, mental illness needs to be cured through therapy.


_____ is a reflective practice in which people attend to current experiences in a nonjudgmental and accepting manner.

mindfullness meditation

Relaxing, silently attending to one's inner state, without judging, and mentally scanning one's body from head to toe are all components of:

mindfulness meditation.

Thirty-seven-year-old Steven is a single male who has suffered from depression all his life. He has been in treatment for the last week and a half and has begun taking an antidepressant. He is starting to feel better, but he is tired of living this way and does not want to face another depressive episode. In terms of risk factors for suicide, Steven is _____ likely to attempt suicide _____.

more; because his energy and initiative are rebounding

Seventy-five-year-old Walter lost his wife to a heart attack two years ago, and most of his friends have passed away. His children live in other states and he has no pets. In terms of risk factors for suicide, Walter is _____ likely to attempt suicide _____.

more; because the suicide rate surges among older men

People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder are:

mostly women.

Dahlia is trying to make partner at one of the city's most prestigious law firms. It is generally understood that associates remain hard at work in the office until at least 8 or 9 each evening. This is an element of the firm's:


Although Claude realizes his behavior is unreasonable, he is so distraught by high bridges that he avoids them and takes an unnecessarily lengthy route to and from work each day. Claude appears to suffer from a(n) _____.


John and Alisha randomly met each other at the local movie theater. Which factor will MOST likely affect their first impression of each other?

physical attractiveness

Sara and a colleague are having dinner together. While they wait on their order, a Muslim family enters the restaurant and the woman is wearing a Hijab. Sara's colleague leans closer to her and says "I am not sure how she expects to eat with all of that junk covering her face." Her colleague is demonstrating:


_____ is an unjustifiable, usually negative, attitude toward a group and its members.


The term _____ refers to behavior that intends to help or benefit someone.


Dr. Navarre investigates the link between coping strategies and immune system functioning during stressful situations. Dr. Navarre is BEST described as a:


Maria and Dionne have worked together for several years. Each Christmas they exchange gifts and the gifts are pretty much equal in value. This BEST demonstrates:

reciprocity norm.

Joe has been in treatment for lung cancer for the past 11 months, but has described himself as thankful and happy for every day that he has. The personal strength that has helped him to cope can be described as:


Criticisms of the DSM-5 suggest that, if Rosenhan's study were replicated today:

results would be the same

DeWayne is a police officer. When he is off the job, he is an easygoing, fun-loving person who enjoys life. When he is on the job, he is a very stern, serious, and no-nonsense police officer. DeWayne's professional behavior is an example of a:


Spencer has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. His parents have a difficult time understanding him because his speech is fragmented and bizarre. He jumps from one idea to another, sometimes within sentences, creating a word _____.


Dr. Pena is conducting research about how people form impressions of others and how they interpret one another's behavior in a variety of situations. Dr. Pena is probably a _____ psychologist.


Twenty-year-old Shoshanna lives in a small town. She has always been extremely shy, but lately she has been feeling intensely afraid that others are scrutinizing her. She avoids speaking in class, she no longer goes to parties, and she starts trembling whenever she is in a public place. Shoshanna seems to be suffering from _____ disorder.

social anxiety

Gregory is an impoverished African-American teen who finds school stressful but performs at a moderate level academically. He has no relationship with his father but a close relationship with his mother and grandmother. Which factor MOST increases his vulnerability to developing a mental disorder?

socioeconomic status

Ruth was walking through the woods during a thunderstorm. A tree struck by lightning from the storm toppled over, narrowly missing Ruth as she fled. The fact that Ruth now has a fear of all trees—not just the one that nearly harmed her—is an example of:

stimulus generalization.

In a now-classic study, Meyer Friedman, Ray Rosenman, and their colleagues tested the idea that stress increases vulnerability to heart disease. The researchers measured the blood cholesterol level and clotting speed of 40 U.S. tax accountants. They found that:

stress predicted increased heart attack risk.

Hostilities between a riverfront community's two racial subgroups were dramatically reduced when the threat that the river would flood its banks required them to work together to save their town. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

superordinate goals.

In Milgram's obedience experiments, teachers were LEAST likely to deliver the highest levels of shock when the:

teachers observed other participants refuse to obey the experimenter's orders.

Tanya is in a waiting room at a doctor's office and notices that once one individual yawns, others in the room tend to yawn as well. She is witnessing:

the chameleon effect.

If people are asked how they like various letters of the alphabet, they tend to prefer the letters found in their own names. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

the mere exposure effect.

"Fake it until you make it" is a saying of Alcoholics Anonymous and represents:

the power of acting a new role.

One of the criticisms about the DSM-5 involves how clinicians go about defining behavior as a disorder. This is because:

these diagnostic labels are determined subjectively rather than scientifically.

As compared with men, women are _____ likely to develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms after a traumatic event.

twice as

Currently, online dating is responsible for 1 in _____ marriages.

1 in 5

Anders has just received devastating news about the coffee shop he owns. Things seem very bleak because a nationally known competitor is moving in on the same block. Anders has many debts to pay off and his wife is expecting their fourth child. When he hears the bad news, his heart rate zooms and he feels faint, as if he is in shock. According to Selye's general adaptation syndrome, Anders is in Phase:

1, experiencing an alarm reaction.

The percentage of Americans who reported suffering from schizophrenia in 2015 was:


With medication and a supportive environment, _____ percent of people with schizophrenia can enjoy periods of normal life lasting one year or more.


Type _____ personalities direct their negative emotion toward dominating others.


Thirty-year-old Nellie has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Her selective attention is deficient, she is unable to ignore irrelevant stimuli, and she often gives her undivided attention to minute stimuli such as a spotlight shining in a window. This type of attention problem contributes to:

Disorganized thoughts

Jenny's mother sets Jenny's clothes out the night before school. Her father allows Jenny to choose the clothes that she wants to wear. Jenny's grandmother noticed that Jenny was more cooperative with her father than with her mother when getting ready for school. Which of these is the MOST likely explanation?

Jenny experiences more personal control when her father gets her ready for school.

Jessica was walking home from work when she found a $20 bill on the ground. There was no one around, so she picked up the money. As she rounded the corner, she saw a woman with an armful of groceries entering a building. Which scenario is MOST likely?

Jessica rushes to hold the door for the woman.

Bullying younger children earns Diego the attention and respect of many classmates. As a result, his bullying behavior increases. This MOST clearly suggests that his aggression is a(n):

Learned response

John has been having difficulties getting out of bed, is not interested in going out with friends, and hardly ever answers the phone. He has let a number of bills go unpaid, he is sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day, and he cannot concentrate at work. He has called in sick to work at least once each week. John is MOST likely suffering from _____ disorder.

Major Depressive

Neal has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Neal interprets negative stressful events using a pessimistic explanatory style. His explanatory style creates a hopeless depressed state, which then hampers the way Neal thinks and acts, causing more negative stressful events. Neal's depression is MOST likely due to a:

Vicious Cycle

_____ are feelings that are based on beliefs. They predispose people to react in a particular way to objects, people, and events.


After study participants were told that a videotaped interviewee was a psychiatric patient, they characterized the person with phrases like "passive type" or "frightened of his own impulses." This study BEST illustrates the:

biasing power of diagnostic labels.

Brendan must give an oral presentation in 10 minutes at the start of his class. In response to this threat:

blood flow increases to Brendan's muscles.

After Marcus lost the student election for president of his high school class, he spread false rumors intended to spoil the newly chosen president's reputation. Marcus' behavior is BEST explained in terms of

frustration aggression principle

People frequently fail to consider the influence of external circumstances on others' behavior. This is the:

fundamental attribution error.

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