PSY-203 Midterm

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Life-span development covers the period from ________ to ________. A) conception; early adulthood B) conception; death C) birth; old age D) birth; middle adulthood

B) conception; death

Andrea calls every animals she sees a dog. This is an example of... A. Accommodation B. Assimilation C. Zone of Proximal Development D. None


The belief that development occurs throughout life is central to the ______________ perspective.


What are the four steps of the scientific method?

1) Conceptualize a process or problem to be studied. • (2) Collect research information (data). • (3) Analyze data. • (4) Draw conclusions.

In Baltes' view, development is constructed through what 3 factors working together?

1. Biological 2.) Sociocultural 3.) Individual

Which of the following is NOT among Paul Baltes' eight characteristics of the life-span perspective on development? A) unidirectional B) lifelong and multidirectional C) contextual D) multidimensional and plastic

A) unidirectional

Which of the following is NOT among Paul Baltes' eight characteristics of the life-span perspective on development? A) unidirectional B) lifelong and multidirectional C) contextual D) multidimensional and plastic

A) Unidirecitonal

Nature is to Nurture as.... A.Genetics is to Environemnt B. Environment is to Genetics C. Up is to down D. Yes is to no


Sally understands that a woman can be a daughter, mother & sister. This is an example of... A. Accommodation B. Assimilation C. Zone of Proximal Development D. None


Sally describes her friend as tall with brown hair and brown eyes. She is describing her? A. Phenotype B. Genotype C. DNA D Gamete Expression

A. Phenotype

A child actively seeks out a niche in their environment. This is example of ___________ heredity environment correlation.


Erikson's stage of Identity vs. identity confusion is seen during this developmental period.


Tim covers his teddy bear's ears when the t.v. is too loud. This is an example of...


At age 3, Jillian is beginning to engage her imagination. This is the ________ process of Jillian's life-span development. A) socioemotional B) cognitive C) ecological D) biological

B) cognitive

In the final analysis, most developmentalists tend to believe that A) development is more continuous than discontinuous. B) development is influenced by nature and nurture, and is characterized by continuity and discontinuity, and also by stability and change. C) nature is more important than nurture. D) for the most part, people can't change.

B) development is influenced by nature and nurture, and is characterized by continuity and discontinuity, and also by stability and change

Which of the following gives the BEST description of how life-span psychologists describe "development"? A) the growth in skills and processes experienced from childhood through adolescence B) the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and lasts through the human life span C) the pattern or movement of change that begins at conception and forms an adult's personality and physiology D) the change in personality and perspective experienced by individuals between adolescence and adulthood

B) the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and lasts through the human life span

The successful outcome of Erikson's stage of ________ results in a healthy sense of independence. A) initiative versus guilt B) autonomy versus shame and doubt C) industry versus inferiority D) identity versus identity confusion

B) autonomy vs. shame and doubt

Growth sequence- fastest growth occurs at the top of the body or the head. A. Proximodistal Pattern B. Cephalocaudal Pattern C. None of the above


What type of theories state that development is observable behavior that we can learn through experience with the environment?

Behavioral and Social cogn. theory

Describe Freud's stages of psychosexual development.

Believed Adult personality is determined by how we resolve conflicts between sources of pleasure at each stage and the demands of reality

_______________ age is in terms of biological health.

Biological age

Genes, heigh and weight, motor skills, hormonal changes of puberty, and cardiovascular decline are all examples of what developmental process?

Biological process

________________ processes produce change in an individual's physical nature.

Biological processes

What idea of cognitive theory did Piaget and Vygotsky share? How were they different?

Both agreed that children actively construct their knowledge Vygotsky placed more emphasis on social interaction and cultural roles on cognitive development than Piaget

Each stage in Erikson's theory presents a crisis that must be resolved. These crises are A) developmental landmarks with increased vulnerability. B) catastrophic events that toughen the individual for future crises. C) developmental landmarks with both increased vulnerability and enhanced potentials. D) developmental landmarks with enhanced potentials.

C) developmental landmarks with both increased vulnerability and enhanced potentials.

Diana feels that her human development course overemphasizes the changes that occur from birth to adolescence and disregards the developmental issues of adulthood. Which developmental perspective would address her concerns? A) ecological B) traditional C) life-span D) ethological

C) life-span

Aging theory associated with cell division is called? A. Evolutionary Theory B. Free Radical Theory C. Cellular Clock Theory D. Mitochondrial Theory


Sue is a ballerina & belongs to a dance company. Her concept of being a dancer is an example of.... A. Object Permanence B. Assimilation C. Scheme D. Conservation


Which is an example of plasticity of development? A. IQ limits set by heredity. B. Everyone developing differently. C. Someone who goes blind may develop better hearing. D. Learning language very quickly.


The number of years since birth is _____________ age.

Chronological age

What are the four conceptions of age?

Chronological, biological, psychological and social age

Watching a mobile swing above a crib, putting together two-word sentences, imagination, memorization, and solving crossword puzzle are examples of what type of process?

Cognitive process

_________________ processes refer to changes in the individual's thought process, intelligence, and language.

Cognitive process

Cognitive theories emphasize what?

Conscious thoughts

Contemporary concerns in life-span development perspective include A) sociocultural, ethnicity, gender, and policy issues. B) health and well-being issues. C) parenting and education issues. D) All of these answers are correct.

D) All of these answers are correct.

Baltes describes development as multidirectional. What does this mean? A) Development consists of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional dimensions. B) Development needs psychologists, sociologists, biologists, and neuroscientists to work together in unlocking the mysteries of development. C) Development is not dominated by any single age period. D) Development is characterized by the expansion of some dimensions and the shrinking of others.

D) Development is characterized by the expansion of some dimensions and the shrinking of others.

Contemporary concerns in life-span development perspective include A) sociocultural, ethnicity, gender, and policy issues. B) health and well-being issues. C) parenting and education issues. D) All of these answers are correct.

D) All the above

Psychoanalytic theories hold that development primarily depends on A) behavior's link to environment. B) biology and evolution. C) thinking, reasoning, language, and other cognitive processes. D) the unconscious mind.

D) the unconscious mind

States that people age when cells metabolize energy & byproducts include unstable O2 molecules. A. Cellular Clock Theory B. Hormonal Stress Theory C. Evolutionary Theory D. Free Radical Theory

D. Free Radical

Baltes describes development as multidirectional. What does this mean?

Development is characterized by the expansion of some dimensions and the shrinking of others.

Which developmental period is identified by exploration, instability, self-focus, feeling in between, and possibility of transformation?

Emerging adulthood (adolescence to adulthood)

_________________ theory refers to 8 psychosocial stages, which represent 8 key crises that must be resolved.


Which psychoanalytical theory of development focuses on Primary motivation for human behavior is social and reflects a desire to affiliate with other people, developmental change occurs throughout life span?

Erikson's psychoanalytic theory of development

Which theory states that the presence or absence of certain experiences during specific time frames has a long lasting influence?

Ethological theory

_________________ stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biology, tied to evolution, and characterized by critical or sensitive periods.


____ holds that adaptation, reproduction, and "survival of the fittest" are important. A. Natural Selection B. Biological Theory C. Nature- Nurture Debate D. Evolutionary psychology

Evolutionary Psychology

True or False Birth- in the last stage of birth the baby emerges from the mother's body.


True or False The last stage in Piaget's theory is the concrete operational stage.


According to Piaget's theory, how many stages of cognitive development do children undergo?

Four; sensorimotor (birth- 2yr), preoperational(2-7 yr), concrete operational(7-11 yr), formal operational stage(11- adulthood)

This theory includes the oral stage and the genital stage. The theorist is named?


Specific assertions and predictions that can be tested


The rapid innate learning that involved attachment to the first moving object that is seen is called what? What theory is this term relevant to?

Imprinting; Ethological theory

At what period of development does language, symbolic thought, sensorimotor coordination, and social learning begin?

Infancy (birth to 18-24 month)

What are key concerns regarding social policy?

Infant/child mortality rates, children, malnourishment, impoverished families. • Older adults and the growing number of older adults. • Health-care costs and access to adequate health care

Robert Siegler believed in which cognitive theory?

Information processing

The __________________ theory states that individuals manipulate info, monitor it, and strategize about it.

Information processing theory

When self talk becomes second nature and children don't verbalize it. It has become...

Inner Speech

Who applied ethological theory to human development?

John Bowlby

Erikson's stage of Integrity versus Despair is seen during this developmental period.

Late Adulthood

______________states that aging is caused by decay of mitochondria which causes oxidative damage.

Mitochondrial theory

What are the three developmental issues?

Nature- nurture, stability-change, continuity-discontinuity

Playing peek-a-boo with a baby can show if they have accomplished this concept...

Object Permanence

What are the 5 stage's of Freud's psychological development theory?

Oral (birth to 1 1/2), Anal (1.5 to 3 year), Phallic (3-6 yr), Latency (6yr- puberty), and Genital stage (Puberty onward)

According to Piaget, what two processes underlie cognitive construction of the world?

Organization and adaptation

Athletic parents usually have athletic children and provide athletic environments. This is an example of ____________________ heredity- environment correlation.


What are the three important cognitive theories?

Piaget's cognitive developmental theory, Vygotsky's sociocultural cognitive theory, and information-processing theory

What are the periods of development?

Prenatal (conception to birth), Infancy (birth to 18-24 months), Early childhood (3-5 years), Middle and late childhood (6-10/11 years), Adolescence (10-12 to 18-21), Early adulthood (20s and 30s), Middle Adulthood (40s and 50s), Late Adulthood (60s-70s to death)

In what stage is a child beginning to represent the world with words and images?

Preoperational stage

This theory describes development as primarily unconscious...


Which theory of develpment describes development as primarily unconscious and heavily influenced by emotions and stresses early experiences with parents deeply shape development?


________________ age refers to adaptive capacities compared with others of the same chronological age.

Psychological age

In what stage is progression from reflexive to beginning of symbolic thought occuring?


What are two significant behavioral and social cognitive theories?

Skinner's operant conditioning and Bandura's social cognitive theory

__________________ is the government's course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens.

Social Policy

___________________ age refers to connectedness with others and the social roles that individuals adopt.

Social age

A young boy observes his father yelling in anger and treating other people with hostility; with his peers, the young boy later acts very aggressively, showing the same characteristics as his father's behavior. Which theory does this example reflect?

Social cognitive theory

The idea that behavior, environment, and cognition are key to development which is shaped by observation is from which theory?

Social cognitive theory (Bandura)

An infant's smile in response to a parent's touch, a toddler's aggressive attack on a playmate, a school-age child's development of assertiveness, an adolescent's joy at the senior prom, and the affection of an elderly couple all reflect the influence of what process?

Socioemotional process

________________ processes involve changes in the individuals relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.

Socioemotional processes

Which developmental issue refers to whether an individual is forever shaped by early experiences vs. individual having capacity to change?

Stability- change issue

What did John Bowlby study in regards to Ethological theory and what were some points that he emphasized?

Studied attachment to caregivers States that attachment over first five years has important consequences and secure attachments predict optimal development throughout life

SIDS stands for:

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Plasticity is a key characteristic of life-span development. What is this term referencing to?

The capacity fo change in various dimensions at different points in development.

An interrelated, coherent set of ideas that helps explain phenomena and make predictions.


True or False Apgar scale- 5 areas that determine if the baby has urgent medical problems.


True or False Pregnancy- the fetal period is the longest and lasts about 7 months.


True or False: Girls that mature late seem to fair better later in life.


True or False: Preterm infants are born 3 weeks or more before the pregnancy has reached its full term.


True or False: Small for date infants-birth weight that is below normal for the length of the pregnancy.


Who was Konrad Lorenz and what did he study?

Zoologist who believed ethological theory.... studied greylag geese to describe his process of imprinting

According to Skinner, through operant conditioning, what produces changes in the probability of behavior occurence?

consequences of a behavior

What four concepts are closely related to the contemporary concerns of sociocultural contexts?

culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender

According to Freud, personality is shaped in the first _____________- years, but Erikson believed that developmental change occurs _________________.

five; throughout lifespan

According to Bandura, when engaging in _____________, individuals guide and motivate themselves by creating action plans, formulating goals, and visualizing positive outcomes of their actions.


Rather than focusing on stage like development, information processing theory emphasised that development was....

gradual; gradually increase capacity for processing information which allows more complex and knowledge and skills to develop

What are some contemporary concerns of the life-span perspective which impact development?

health and well-being, parenting, education, and sociocultural contexts play in life-span development, as well as how social policy is related to these issues

What are the characteristics of the life-span perspective?

lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, multidisciplinary, and contextual, and as a process that involves growth, maintenance, and regulation of loss

In Piaget's theory, child's cognition is ____________ different in one stage compared with another.


A behavior followed by a _________ is more likely to recur, whereas a behavior followed by a _____________ is less likely to recur.

rewarding stimulus; punishing stimulus

According to Freud, the primary motivation for human behavior is _____________, while Erikson believed that primary motivation was _____________.

sexual; social

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