PSY 210 - Chapter 3 LearnSmart

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Which of the following statements are true regarding physical changes in early adulthood?

-A slight sagging chin may develop during early adulthood -Muscles lose some elasticity in early adulthood

Which of the following accurately describes age related physical changes?

-Age related muscle loss usually occurs at a rate of 1 to 2% per year after the age of 50. -Bone loss usually accelerate in one's 50s.

In 13- to 19-year-olds, getting too little sleep on a school night has been associated with which of the following?

-Being overweight -Inadequate concentration -Less motivation -High anxiety

Sirtuins have been linked to which of the following?

-Cardiovascular functioning -Longevity -Calorie restriction benefits -Mitochondrial functioning in energy -Stress resistance

Which of the following describe the two key patterns of human growth?

-Cephalocaudal -Proximodistal patterns

Which of the following are true of children and their developing brains?

-Children begin to attend stimuli more efficiently -Children's brain experience rapid, distinct growth spurts -Brain development allows children to make strides in language development.

What are some of the problems that early maturing girls may exhibit?

-Cigarette use -Alcohol use -Early sexual experiences

Which of the following are the two significant ways that neurons change during the first years of life?

-Connectivity among neurons increases -Myelination for visual pathways occurs rapidly

Experts recommend which of the following as methods of helping a child's sleep improve?

-Consistent sleep and wake times -Making sure the room is cool -Positive family relationships

Which two of the following have been associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline over a ten-year period in older adults?

-Daytime napping -Getting more than 6.5 hours of sleep.

Which of the following areas reflect the adaptiveness of the brain in older adults?

-Dendritic growth -Delateralization -The capacity to generate new neurons

Which of the following are reasons for adolescents having too little sleep time?

-Early school start times -Electronic media -Caffeine intake

Which two of the following are the most important developmental factors that contribute to differences in children's height world wide?

-Ethnic origin -Nutrition

Which of the following are biological theories of aging?

-Evolutionary theory -Hormonal stress theory -Genetic/cellular process theory > Cellular clock theory >Free-radical theory >Mitochondrial theory >Sirtuin theory >mTOR pathway theory

According to research which of the following is more likely in adolescents who do not get adequate sleep on school nights?

-Feeling tired or sleepy -Acting cranky and irritable -Falling asleep in school

The epigenetic approach focuses on which two of the following influences on life span?

-Genes -Environment

Which of the following factors are associated with unusually short stature?

-Growth hormone deficiency -Maternal smoking during pregnancy -congenital factors -Emotional difficulty (was marked wrong on assignment, but was listed in textbook)

Research has shown that children who do not get adequate sleep are more likely to ________.

-Have alcohol problems -Have problems in school -Experience attention problems

What are some factors that can affect the timing of puberty?

-Health -Family stress -Nutrition

In middle to late childhood, the increased pathways and circuitry in the prefrontal cortex are related to which of the following?

-Improved attention -Improved cognitive flexibility -Improved cognitive control

Place the following male characteristics of puberty in the order in which they typically develop, with the earliest-developing characteristic at the top.

-Increase in penis and testicle size -Appearance of straight pubic hair -Minor voice change -First ejaculation -Onset of maximum growth in height and weight -Growth of facial hair

Which of the following statements accurately illustrate the growth of infants in the first year of life?

-Infants increase their birth length but about 40%. -By their first birthday, infants are approximately triple their birth weight.

Which of the following statements about the adolescent brain is true?

-It's neural connections become more effective -It is still growing -It undergoes significant structural change

Which of the following are factors linked to high blood pressure?

-Lack of exercise -Obesity -Stress -Illness

According to the mitochondrial theory of aging, what causes mitochondrial decay?

-Loss of critical micronutrients supplied by the cell -Oxidative damage

Which of the following have been associated with shorter duration of infant sleep?

-Maternal depression during pregnancy -Child-care attendance -Early introduction of solid foods -Infant TV viewing

Which two of the following play a large role in the negative body images of adolescents today?

-Media portrayals of attractiveness -Use of Internet and social media

Regarding the debate as to whether experiences lead to biological changes in the brain or biological change precedes experience, which of the following statements is true?

-One study showed that when adolescents resisted peer pressure, the prefrontal cortex thickened and neural connections formed. -Scientist are yet to determine whether biological changes come first or if experience stimulates biological change.

Which of the following are linked to defects in mitochondria?

-Parkinson disease -Alzheimer disease -Impaired liver functioning

During adolescence, structural changes occur in which parts of the brain?

-Prefrontal cortex -Corpus callosum -Limbic system

Owing to the lack of full development of the prefrontal cortex, which of the following tasks are still difficult for adolescents?

-Reasoning -Decision making -Exhibiting self-control

Which of the following statements is false regarding sudden infant death syndrome?

-SIDS is more common in middle socioeconomic groups. True statements: -Infants who have abnormal brain stem functioning have a higher rate of SIDS. -SIDS is more common in infants who experience secondhand smoke. -SIDS is more common among infants who sleep in soft bedding.

Common changes and physical appearance in late adulthood include which of the following?

-Sagging due to muscle loss -Facial wrinkles -Age spots

Methods of helping a child's sleep before bedtime include which of the following?

-Sitting and listening to soft music -Reading a story -Quiet bath experience

Experts on aging recommend that consistent blood pressures above 120/80 be treated to reduce risk of which of the following?

-Stroke -Heart attack -Kidney disease

Ozzie's parents worry that he is not getting an appropriate amount of sleep. Based on the advice of experts, they will do which of the following to improve his sleep time?

-Take his phone away at bedtime -Shut off the TV in his room at 9 PM -Eliminate video games after 9 PM.

Which of the following statements is true regarding menopause?

-The decline and estrogen may lead to nausea, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat. -The average age at which women have their last period is 52.

Which of the following statements are true regarding growth in early childhood?

-There is a slow, steady decline in percentage of body fat. -Head size is more in proportion to the rest of the body than it was during infancy.

Which of the following are factors associated with a decrease in sudden infant death syndrome for infants who sleep on their backs?

-There is an increased access to fresh air -The infant's chance of getting overheated is reduced.

Sleep problems are more common in individuals who:

-Use higher number of prescription drugs -Are depressed -Have cardiovascular disease -Are obese

Infant brain mapping is being used to assess perceptual in cognitive activities including which of the following?

-Vision -Hearing -Language

What is the typical age range for the beginning of puberty in boys?

10 to 13 1/2

Research on fifth grade children has found that they need about __________ hours of sleep each night.


The recommended number of hours of sleep for young children is _________.

11 to 13

The peak rate for pubertal change occurs at age ________ for girls and age ________ for boys.

11.5; 13.5

The typical newborn sleeps ______ hours a day.

16 to 17

Sudden infant death syndrome most commonly occurs in infants between the ages of _______ months.

2 and 4

The average North American newborn is ________ inches long.


The newborns brain is about ________% of its adult weight


Logan is two years old. Since Logan is of average size we know he weighs about ___________ pounds.

26 to 32

Research has shown that on average, _________% of US adolescents get eight or more hours of sleep on a school night.


What is the average infant height at 2 years of age?

32 to 35 inches

Between the ages of 20 and 90 brain weight decreases by _________%.

5 to 10

The average North American newborn weighs ________ pounds.


By age 2, the brain of a child is about _______% of its adult weight.

75 At birth- 25% Age 2 - 75% Age 6 - 95% Age 7 - 100%

The average life expectancy of a person born in the United States today is _____ years of age.


Match the Nero transmitter to the description of how reduced levels affect brain functioning.

Acetylcholine — small declines in memory as well as Alzheimer disease Dopamine — impaired ability to plan and carry out motor activities; severe reductions linked with Parkinson disease

Which statement is false regarding adolescence and body image?

Adolescent boys tend to become more dissatisfied as puberty proceeds, where else girls become more satisfied with our bodies.

The __________ gland interacts with the pituitary gland and plays a role in pubertal development, and is in particular involved in adolescent boys' behavior.


Research has found that in late adulthood higher levels of _________ are linked with better memory.

Aerobic exercise

The general slowing of brain and spinal cord function that occurs in the middle and late adulthood:

Affects both intellectual performance and physical coordination

Life expectancy differs for various ethnic groups. For example the life expectancy of __________ in the United States is 5.7 years lower than the life expectancy of __________ in the United States.

African Americans; non-Latino whites

The limbic system structure that is involved with emotion is called the __________; it matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex.


Which of the following is true regarding human brain development?

An entire hemisphere of the brain can be removed and the other hemisphere will take over functions that they removed hemisphere previously performed.

Which of the following is not a reason men die sooner than women?

Androgen production

Rapamycin is a naturally derived:


Neural connections that are used:

Are strengthened.

In older adolescents, the brain's pineal gland produces the sleep hormone melatonin _________ than in younger adolescents.

At a later time

Research indicates that sleep deprivation in childhood is linked with which of the following?

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

Which of the following statements is true regarding myelination?

Auditory myelination is not completed until 4 or 5 years old

Which structure in a neuron is responsible for carrying signals away from the cell body?


Match the neuron part with its function or description.

Axon — to carry signals away from the cell body Dendrite — to carry signals toward the cell body Myelin sheath — insulator that helps electrical signals travel faster down the axon Neurotransmitter — Chemical that is involved in allowing information to pass from neuron to neuron Synapse — tiny gaps between neurons fibers

The ethnicity difference in life expectancy has ___________ in recent years.

Been widening

What is the normal age range in which menarche occurs?

Between 9 and 15 years

And virtually all species, females outlive males, and women have more resistant to infections and degenerative diseases. These are examples of _________ factors affecting sex differences and longevity.


Revolutionary theory, genetic/cellular process theories, and hormonal stress theory are all _________ theories.


Match the timeframe with the mile stone in brain development.

Birth — The hemispheres have started to specialize 2 months — Motor control centers are sufficiently developed to enable an event to reach out and grab a nearby object 4 months — The infant begins to experience depth perception 1 year — The speech centers are sufficiently developed that the infant can begin to talk

Reading and performing music are generally believed to involve ___________ of the brain.

Both hemispheres

The links between infant sleep in children's cognitive functioning likely occur because of the role of sleep in _________.

Brain maturation and memory consolidation

Which of the following physical changes typically occurs first in females during puberty?

Breasts enlarge Followed by: -Pubic hair appears -Hair in armpits -As these happen, the female grows in height and her hips become wider than her shoulders -Menarche

Researchers have found that __________ reduces oxidative damage created by free radicals.

Calorie restriction

Which is not one of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex?


The biological theory of aging known as the ____________ theory suggest that cells can divide a maximum number of 75 to 80 times and that cells become less capable of dividing as people age.

Cellular clock

The _________ pattern of growth is reflected in the fact that infants can see an object before they can control their torso.


Match the pattern of growth to the correct definition.

Cephalocaudal pattern — The fastest growth occurs at the top; physical growth and feature differentiation gradually work from top to bottom. Proximodistal pattern — Growth starts at the center of the body and moves toward the extremities.

The rapid development of the brain in infancy can be attributed to the ___________.

Cephalocaudal principle

Which of the following groups would have the most depression in brain activity, based on our understanding of the impact of environment on brain development?

Children raised in an unresponsive, unstimulating, and underfunded orphanage Other groups listed: -Children with low socioeconomic status who attend a high quality Head Start day care -Children who are hospitalized for extended periods but who have positive interactions with parents -Children who attend low-quality daycare with other children present

According to the new England centenarian study, which of the following was markedly delayed in centenarians?

Chronic diseases (cancer and cardiovascular disease)

The term ___________ is used to describe the midlife transition in which fertility decreases.


What part of the brain thickens in adolescence, adding to the ability to process information?

Corpus callosum

Which of the following descriptions applies to telomeres?

DNA sequences that cap chromosomes

In the United States, the average age of menarche has __________ since the mid-19th century.

Declined significantly

Compared to the growth rate of infancy, in early childhood the percentage of increase in weight and height ___________ with each passing year.


The view of which of the following fields is characterized by the description of the development of emotion and cognition in adolescence: "early activation of strong 'turbo-charged' feelings with a relatively unskilled set of 'driving skills' or cognitive abilities to modulate strong emotions and motivations"?

Developmental cognitive neuroscience

The areas of the brain:

Do not mature uniformly

What were the results of the Berkeley longitudinal study regarding early maturing boys?

Early maturing boys perceive themselves more positively and had more successful peer relations.

Based on the research, which of the following would most likely help an older person to avoid having sleep issues?

Engaging in physical activity

The neuroconstructivist view emphasizes the importance of interactions between biological processes and

Environmental experience

Which hormone is associated with breast, uterine, and skeletal development in girls?


In the _________ theory of aging, natural selection has not eliminated any harmful conditions and non-adaptive characteristics in older adults.


In the ___________ theory of aging, natural selection has not eliminated many harmful Conditions and non-adaptive characteristics in older adults.


Key to maintaining muscle mass as we age is __________.

Exercise and weight lifting

The number of years that a person born in a particular year will probably live is called life


Neural connections in an infants brain are formed through repeated _________.


True or false: a high level of physical activity in old age is associated with impaired cardiovascular functioning.


True or false: blood pressure decreases in the 40s and 50s


True or false: by the time students reach college, they begin to go to bed earlier and wake earlier than in their high school years


True or false: research shows that due to the large amount of REM sleep that infants get, they dream a lot.


Late maturation for boys is

Favorable for eventual career development and achievement.

Which of the following biological theories of aging states that people age because when cells metabolize energy, the by-products include unstable oxygen molecules that damage DNA and other cellular structures, leading to disorders?

Free-radical theory

Match the genetic/cellular process theory of aging with the proper description.

Free-radical theory — Aging occurs because cells produce unstable oxygen molecules that damage DNA. Mitochondrial theory — Aging is caused by decay of tiny cellular bodies that supply energy for function, growth, and repair. Cellular clock theory — Aging results in cells becoming less capable of dividing and telomeres becoming shorter.

___________ lobes are involved in voluntary movement, thinking, personality, emotion, memory, sustained attention, and intentionality or purpose.


Free-radical theory, mitochondrial theory, and sirtuin theory are all ________ theories of aging.

Genetic/cellular process

At the beginning of the adolescent period, ________ tend to be as tall as or taller than __________ their own age.

Girls; boys

The _______, which are also called sex glands, are the testes in males in the ovaries in females.


Physical changes in middle adulthood are usually:


There is a lower risk of cardiovascular disease when:

HDL is high and LDL is low

Which statement is false regarding body growth in the middle and late childhood?

Head circumference increases relative to body height. True statements: -Waist circumference decreases relative to body height -Head circumference decreases relative to body height -Muscle mass increases -Strength capabilities increase

All of the following are theories about why we sleep except that it

Helps fight boredom Theories: -It is critical for brain plasticity. -It is necessary for survival. -It is restorative

Anna sleeps about five hours every weeknight and tries to make up for it by sleeping about 10 hours each night on the weekend. According to the results of experimental research, which of the following is likely to be negatively affected by her sleep patterns?

Her sustained attention

An appropriate amount of quality sleep for an infant is associated with all of the following except:

Higher IQs.

Researchers have documented neurogenesis in the ___________, which is involved in memory, and in the old factory bulb, which involves smell.


_____________ stress theory States that aging wears down certain internal body systems, which lowers resistance to stress and disease.


High blood pressure is referred to as ________.


The most extensive changes in myelination in the frontal lobes occur:

In adolescence.

A recent study found that approximately 70% of college students were characterized as _______.

Inadequate sleepers

The United States had a low growth rate in predicted life expectancy do you to high rates of each of the following except:

Income High rates of: -Body mass index -Homicide rate -Child and maternal mortality

Which of the following is not an action that people should take to improve their cardiovascular health?

Increase cholesterol

Chronic sleep deprivation

Increases the risk of motor vehicle crashes

In the studies of older adults and centenarians, all of the following have been attributed to longevity except:

Intermittent loneliness Have been attributed to longevity: -Better coping and adjustment skills -Education level -Access to health resources

A centenarian is someone who:

Is 100 years old or older.

According to the evolutionary theory, Alzheimer disease would have been wiped out if:

It appeared in the earlier part of adulthood

Which of the following is true of the human brain?

It has two hemispheres

Which of the following is true of REM sleep in infancy?

It often begins an infants sleep cycle

The average American adult gets ________ hours of sleep.

Just under seven

When _________ cholesterol is too high it sticks to the lining of the blood vessels, which can lead to arteriochlerosis.

LDL (low-density lipoprotein)

Typically, individuals reach a peak of muscle tone and strength in their __________.

Late teens and early 20s

By the time males reach their 30s, those who were _________ maturing boys tend to have developed a more positive sense of identity than those who were __________ maturing boys.

Late; early

_________, or the specialization of function in one hemisphere of the brain, decreases in older adults.


The term ___________ refers to the maximum number of years that an individual can live.

Life span

The _________ is the seat of emotions and rewards.

Limbic system

Each hemisphere of the brain has four major areas called _________.


During middle adulthood, people tend to __________ height.


Which of the following statements is false about her mental changes in middle-aged men?

Men's testosterone levels are unrelated to sex drive

The onset of a girl's first menstrual period is commonly referred to as _________.


The time when women's menstrual periods completely ceases is known as _________.


The term climacteric refers to the:

Midlife transition in which fertility declines

In early adolescence, early maturation has

More favorable outcomes for boys than girls.

According to research, early maturing girls are

More likely lured into problem behaviors.

When it comes to aging which of the following is most likely?

More than one of the biological processes contribute to aging

Maria is 40 years old and gets about 8 1/2 hours of sleep a night. She sleeps:

More than the average American

In one's 40s, wakeful periods are _________ frequent and there is ____________ of the deepest type of sleep.

More; less

Which statement is false regarding physical changes in early adulthood?

Most individuals continue to grow taller in early adulthood.

Which of the following statements is false regarding changes in lung capacity in middle adulthood?

Most middle-aged adults experience a large change in lung capacity.

Creativity is a complex thinking activity. Which statement below represents most accurately the view of neuroscientist on creativity and lateralization?

Most neuroscientists agree that creativity is complex and therefore is not lateralized.

The layer of fat cells that encases many axons is called the:

Myelin sheath

The process by which nerve cells are coated with insulation that enhances the speed and efficiency of the information traveling through the nervous system is known as:


The process of encasing axons in a layer of fat cells, which helps increase the speed and efficiency of information processing, is called:


The increases in memory and rapid learning that characterize infants and young children are most attributable to

Myelination and synaptic growth

Which of the following statements is false regarding neuron change during the first years of life?

Myelination ends once infants complete their first year of life.

The generation of new neurons is called:


Which of the following is the least attributable to the decrease in brain volume in healthy aging?

Neuron loss Mostly because of: -Reduced axon length -Neuron shrinkage -Less synapses

Which of the following statements is false regarding newborn sleep?

Newborns must sleep 18 hours a day to maintain optimal health in the first few months of life. True statements: -Sleep totals for infants are variable and can range from 10 to 21 hours per day. -Infants vary in their preferred times for sleeping and their patterns of sleep. -The typical newborn sleeps 16 to 17 hours per day.

The most common infant sleep related problem is:

Nighttime waking

__________ lobes function in vision.


As people age, lateralization

Occurs less

Up to how many years earlier do children in the United States mature, compared with children in European countries?

One year

________ lobes play important roles in registering spatial location, focusing attention, and maintaining motor control.


Carter has a sensory disorder in which he has difficulty understanding where his body is in relation to others. He frequently stands too close, lanes unintentionally, or bumps into others. Which flows in the brain could this spatial difficulty be attributed to?

Parietal lobes

Changes in which of the following are most pronounced during middle and late childhood?

Physical proportions

Which of the following releases gonadotrophins and also works with the hypothalamus to secrete hormones that lead to growth and skeletal maturation?

Pituitary gland

Which of the following is not associated with earlier pubertal onset?

Poor overall health Are associated: -High BMI -History of child sexual abuse -Genetics

The highest level of the brain is the

Prefrontal cortex

Which of the following is most likely to occur during adolescence?

Preoccupation with the body

Sirtuins are a family of:


The _________ growth pattern starts at the center of the body and moves to the extremities.


Which principle holds that growth starts at the center of the body and moves towards the extremities?


Dramatic biological changes caused by a cascade of different hormones that occur during adolescence are referred to as __________.


The period of rapid physical growth and hormonal changes during early adolescence that prepares the body for reproduction is referred to as __________.


Which of the following is a probable reason infants spend so much time in REM sleep?

REM sleep may be important in promoting brain development in infancy.

Chronic sleep deprivation is the result of:

Regularly getting less than seven hours of sleep in a 24 hour period.

Which of the following statements are true about SIDS?

SIDS is the highest cause of infant death in the US

Age related loss of muscle mass and strength is referred to as ___________.


Losing just a few hours of _________ can have negative effects on attention, reasoning, and decision making.


In general, there is little change with regard to lung capacity during middle adulthood, except for a decrease in long capacity for people who _________.


In a study that examined anger and depression and adolescent girls,

Social factors were found to be better predictors than hormonal factors.

Developmental social neuroscience involves connections between development, the brain and ________ processes.


Which of the following is the least likely to be used to measure an infants brain activity?

Sonogram Are used to measure infant's brain activity: -MEG -EEG -Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)

By 2030, which country is it acted to be the first nation to break the 90 year life expectancy barrier, with a predicted female life expectancy of 90.8?

South Korea

The term "life ___________" refers to the upper boundary of life; The maximum number of years that an individual can live.


Those studying old age are increasingly interested in _________ genes, which make an individual more vulnerable to specific diseases or acceleration of aging.


In schools that have instituted later start times, all of the following have increased for high school students except student _______.

Tardiness Increased: -Alertness -Test scores -Mood

DNA sequences that chromosomes, known as __________, become shorter and shorter each time a cell divides; after about 70 or 80 such divisions, they are dramatically reduced, and the cell can no longer reproduce.


__________ lobes have an active role in hearing, language processing, and memory.


Middle-aged men experience a decline in the production of the hormone ___________ at a rate of 1% per year.


Which of the following statements is false in terms of brain development?

The brain cannot be rewired

Which of the following is not a premise of the neuroconstructivist view?

The brain is wired at birth, and cells in the brain that process information simply mature overtime. Premises of this view: -Biological processes and environmental experiences influence brain development. -The brain has plasticity and is context dependent -The development of the brain is closely linked with cognitive development

The issue of which comes first, biological changes in the brain or the experiences that stimulate those changes, is best characterized as:

The nature/nurture debate

Which statement is false about the rate of physical changes in the middle adulthood years?

The rate of physical change is fairly similar for all adults.

Some adolescent behavior may be due to:

The relatively immature prefrontal cortex being unable to adequately control the strong emotions produced by the amygdala.

If you were analyzing the results of the sleep study in which the participant began sleep cycle with REM sleep and spent 50% of the time in REM sleep, what could you determine about the age of the participant?

The subject is an infant

Lori, an avid tennis player, it's beginning to feel some slight aches in her elbows and knees, some thing she has never experienced before. In terms of typical development she is most likely in her ________.


According to research, which biological theory best explains aging?

This question has yet to be answered.

The ___________ gland, located in the throat region, interacts with the pituitary gland to influence growth.


Which of the following is not true regarding sleep in one's 40s?

Time spent lying awake in bed at night decreases True: -There is less of the deepest kind of sleep -Wakeful periods are more frequent.

True or false: both poverty and parenting quality can affect the development of the brain during childhood.


True or false: both testosterone and estradiol are present in the hormonal make up of both boys and girls.


True or false: centenarians in the United States are less common today then they will likely be in 2050.


True or false: children who grow up in an unresponsive and stimulating environment show considerably less brain activity than children with stimulating backgrounds.


True or false: doing early childhood, the brain and head grow more rapidly than any other part of the body.


True or false: during early childhood, the brain and head grow more rapidly than any other part of the body.


True or false: most people are not biologically capable of living to 100.


True or false: researchers hypothesized that adolescents extreme emotions and often irrational and risky behavior or partly the results of the relatively immature prefrontal cortex being unable to modulate strong emotions and motivations stemming from the mature amygdala.


True or false: the aging brain is adaptive and has repair capabilities.


True or false: the hormonal stress theory of aging states that aging wears down certain internal body systems, which lowers resistance of stress and increases the likelihood of disease.


True or false: the brain has plasticity and its development depends on context.

True; the brain depends on experiences to determine how connections are made. The brain has context induced plasticity.

Doing the first two years of life, nearly __________ as many synaptic connections are made as will ever be used.


Which of the following is not a typical sign of aging in the middle adulthood?

Weight loss

Experiencing menarche at age 9 is considered:

Within the normal range

Who tends to have a more negative body image?

Young adolescent girls

Structure of the neuron

cell body, dendrites, axon, synapse

The _______ pathway involves the regulation of growth and metabolism and has been proposed as a key aspect of longevity.


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