PSY ch. 1-7 (midterm)

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which of the following remarks does NOT demonstrate the fundamental attribution error

"they are poor because they have not been given opportunities"

which of the following is the best example of normative influence

a child goes along with his peers in bullying a new student out of fear of being bullied himslef

maladaptive coping strategies tend to be associated with poorer adjustment; this means that

a coping strategy may help in the moment, but is problematic in the long run

if a potentially stressful event is viewed with alarm, the stress may trigger ____________

an emotional response, a physiological response, & a behavioral response (all of these responses)

which of the following is NOT a beneficial effect that many result from stress

an increase in optimism

which one of the following types of learned behavior is most likely to be governed by classical conditioning

anxieties, phobias, & maladaptive emotional reactions (all of these)

based on research concerning the trait of hardiness, which of the following hypothesized relationships is LEAST plausible

as hardiness decreases, GPA should increase

which one of the following is not included in active listening

asking those around you for clarification

which of the following is NOT considered an essential element of reducing intergroup hostility through cooperative interdependence

assigning specific titles or names to each group

which of the following in NOT consistent with the "what-is-beautiful-is-good" stereotype

attractive individuals are judged as less assertive than unattractive individuals

which of the following is NOT a guideline to choose a good self-help book

avoid books with explanations of theories or research (you want self help books with this)

which of the following is an example of external-unstable fact in attribution?

bad luck

"any overt response or activity by an organism" defines the term


which of the following is NOT a criticism of behavioral perspectives

behavioral perspectives neglect to explain why people are only moderately consistent in their behavior

psychologists study responses to stress at which of the following levels

behavioral, emotional, & physiological (all of these)

constructive coping involves all fo the following EXCEPT

being less realistic in your appraisal of your coping resources (you want to be more realistic)

which of the following is NOT a coping technique used to deal with self-discrepancies

being more optimistic about your actual abilities

physical & emotional exhaustion and a lowered sense of self-efficacy due to work-related stress is called


case studies

can provide general conclusions through consistencies between cases

confirmation bias occurs in

casual social interactions, job interviews, & courtrooms (all of these)

which of the following MOST accurately paraphrases the key themes of the textbook definition of stress? stress is any event or circumstances that __________

causes reduced coping abilities

the first step in systematic problem-solving is

clarifying the problem

albert bandura different from other behaviorists in that he gave an important role to __________ in influencing human behavior


all of the following are dimensions of the attributional process EXCEPT

cognition versus affect

__________ occurs when people yield to social pressure in their public behavior, even though their private beliefs


efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands caused by stress in one's life are collectively known as __________


the type a behavior pattern of anger & hostility is MOST closely linked to which of the following physical ailments

coronary heart disease

the habitual use of misguided or ineffective strategies for achieving desirable outcomes is called


"subjecting ideas to systematic, skeptical scrutiny" best describes which of the following processes

critical thinking

__________ is a tendency to blame victims for their misfortune, so that one feels less likely to be victimized in a similar way

defensive attribution

self-regulation refers to

directing & controlling one's behavior

which of the following is an example of the coping strategy known as behavioral disengagement

dropping a class because it is evident that one needs to take one of the recommended prerequisites

which of the following factors do NOT contribute to resisting authority

evaluating effects based on the authority figure's expectations

the experimental method rests heavily on the assumption that

experimental & control groups are alike in all important matters except for the independent variable

which of the following statements is true according to big five research

extraversion & conscientiousness are positive predictors of career success

many theorists agree that the basic challenge of modern life involves struggling with such problems as

forming a solid sense of identity, arriving at a coherent set of values, & developing a clear vision of a future that realistically promises fulfillment (all of the above)

which of the following is NOT true of self-esteem according to the research

happiness causes high self-esteem

behavioral genetics has provided evidence that

hereditary factors help shape personality

whether or not an event is stressful is most likely to depend on

how one appraises & adapts to the event

which of the following has NOT been proposed as an explanation for how humor helps to reduce the effects of stress & promote wellness

humor facilitates the release of stress-relieving neurotransmitters

"psychobabble" is best defined as

ill-defined terminology

research suggests that efforts to actively suppress emotions result in

increased autonomic arousal

in asch's studies of conformity, participants

indicated which of three lines matched a standard line in length

__________ involves putting personal goals ahead of group goals & defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group membership


which of the following notions is NOT considered one of the major contributions of psychoanalytic theory

influence of reinforcement in maintaining specific behaviors

which of the following does NOT typically underlie most self-defeating trade-offs

intentional self-harm

which of the following is a mnemonic device

link method, method of loci, & acrostics (all of these)

taken together, research on stress & physical heal can be BEST summarized by which of the following statements

links between high stress & poor physical health can be explained by many third variables

which of the following would NOT be considered good advices for someone looking to boost self-esteem

listen to the goals of close confidants

which of the following is an example of positive reinterpretation

looking for something good in a bad experience

one likely explanation for people's tendency to act in self-destructive ways is that

many health-impairing habits involve activities that are quite pleasant at the time

which of the following statements regarding the influence of ethnicity & gender on self-esteem is accurate

men & women do not differ in their self-esteem levels for academic ability or emotional well-being

the strengthening of a response of leading to the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is

negative reinforcement

in our society, alcohol abuse is associated with which of the following

neglecting responsibilities, illegal & dangerous behavior, & desire to stop drinking but inability to do so (all of these are associated with alcohol abuse)

__________ is a form of compliance in which people change their behavior in response to direct commands


social context affects self-concept in all of the following ways except

only aspects of self that are central to who you are will be affected

carl rogers was concerned with how childhood experiences promote congruence based on

parental unconditional or conditional love

empirical work on national character using the five-factor model reveals that __________

people's beliefs about national character are usually inaccurate stereotypes

according to the research on expectations & self-fulfilling prophecy

perceivers behave toward targets according to expectations, targets adjust behaviors to fit perceiver expectations, & expectations of authority figures-such as teachers-influence subordinates' performance (all of these)

all of the following appear to have a moderate impact on subjective feelings of well-being except

physical attractiveness

humanistic theories of personality have been critiqued for their ___________________

poor testability of hypotheses, inadequate empirical evidence, & unrealistic views of human nature (all of these are true)

defense mechanisms are

probably not healthy to use, with a few exceptions

tolerance involves

progressive decrease in responsiveness to a drug with continued use

attempting to weaken a response by presenting a noxious or aversive stimulus after than response is called


an experimental group consists of subject who

receive some special treatment in regard to the independent variable

which of the following explanation is accurate in explaining how a sedative, such as a benzodiazepine, could lead to accidental overdose

sedatives can cause the respiratory system to halt, if mixed with a depressant

a mismatching of self-perceptions is termed


the tendency to use various strategies to maintain a positive view of the self is called


perceiver expectations include

self-fulfilling prophecy

which of the following is NOT an essential component of emotional intelligence

separating emotion from though

maslow's heirachy of needs is based on the idea that

some needs are more basic than others

which of the following explanations is accurate in explaining how an amphetamine, such as speed, could lead to accidental overdose

stimulants could cause a cortical seizure

a correlation coefficient indicates the __________ and the __________ of the relationship between 2 variables

strength; direction

suppose a political candidate makes a change to his message in order to include more recent scientific data; which of the following persuasion tactics is he MOST likely using

taking the central route to persuasion

people who exhibit an optimistic explanatory style tend to attribute setbacks to

temporary situational factors

explanations of personality from a biological standpoint, like all approaches, have their shortcomings. the authors of the textbook note __________ as a weakness of the biological approach

the complex interplay of heredity & environment

the rapid growth of clinical psychology was stimulated mainly by

the demands of WWII

clinical psychology is primarily concerned with

the diagnosis & treatment of psychological problems

which of the following statements is NOT true about self-fulfilling prophecies

the effect of self-fulfilling prophecies is limited to educational settings

which of the following statements regarding the influence of culture on response to social pressure is true

the kind of situation is more important than the kind of person, regardless of culture

according to psychologists, frustration occurs when

the pursuit of some goal is thwarted

which of the following is the best definition of psychology

the study of behavior & the profession that applies knowledge from these studies to solving practical problems

based on research regarding big five personality traits & life outcomes, which of the following hypotheses is MOST justifiable

those high in openness to experience should be more likely to report experimentation with drugs & alcohol while in college

for which of the following reasons is someone most likely to play the sick role

to escape the demands of others

when people need to consume larger & larger doses of a drug to obtain the desired effect, they have developed __________ on/for the drug


which of the following ideas is NOT central to the concept of personality

traits that are shard with others

which of the following observations about political candidates and/or voters MOST closely reflects the dunning-kruger effect

unknowledgeable voters who are misinformed but are extremely confident in their knowledge

the best description of social support is

various types of aid from one's social networks

if you use self-control resources by resisting temptation in a given situation

you may have a hard time resisting the next temptation

which of the following is good advice for minimizing the risk of developing AIDS

you should have sexual contact with fewer partners, you should use condoms to control semen exchange, & you should curtail sexual behaviors that increase the probability of mixing semen & blood (all of these statements are good advice)

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