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_____ is a complex molecule with a double helix shape, like a spiral staircase, and contains genetic information.


_____ is based on knowledge of the typical progress of children within an age span, as well as the uniqueness of the child.

Developmentally appropriate practice

When Josh was dropped off at preschool on the very first day of class, he was quite upset. He cried for a long time and would not play with the other children. According to psychiatrists Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas, what type of temperament does Josh have?


Which of the following statements represents the current thinking among increasing numbers of experts in the field of reading?

Direct instruction in phonics is a key aspect of learning to read.

Which of the following statements about dating in gay male and lesbian youth is TRUE?

Disclosure of their sexual orientation to parents is the most stressful problem for gay and lesbian youth.

During which period of development is the unborn baby most at risk of developing a structural defect due to the effects of a teratogen?

During the embryonic period

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following is the sixth developmental stage?

Intimacy versus isolation

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following stages occurs during early adulthood, after individuals are well on their way to establishing stable and successful identities?

Intimacy versus isolation

Which of the following is a type of intelligence identified by Howard Gardner?


Which of the following statements is true about genital herpes?

It involves an eruption of sores and blisters.

Which of the following is the correct definition of intellectual disability?

It is a condition of limited mental ability in which the individual (1) has a low IQ, usually below 70 on a traditional intelligence test; (2) has difficulty adapting to the demands of everyday life; and (3) first exhibits these characteristics by age 18.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding separation protests

It is initially displayed by infants at approximately 10 to 12 months.

Which of the following statements about sibling relationships is true?

It is rare for sibling closeness to develop for the first time in adulthood.

Which of the following is a criticism related to the Montessori approach?

It neglects children's socioemotional development.

Among the most important aspects of the relationship between parents and children that contribute to children's moral development are relational quality, parental discipline, proactive strategies, and _____.

conversational dialogue

Which of the following statements is TRUE about perception in infants?

Newborns cannot hear soft sounds quite as well as adults can.

Which of the following acts as the focus of stage theories trying to explain midlife?

Universals of adult personality development

Which of the following statements is TRUE about metabolic syndrome?

Weight loss and exercise are strongly recommended as part of the treatment of metabolic syndrome.

_____ is an area in the left temporal lobe of the brain that is involved in the comprehension of speech.

Wernicke's area

Which of the following statements about cardiovascular disease is TRUE?

When HDL is high and LDL is low, the risk of cardiovascular disease is lessened.

Which of the following is a conclusion drawn by the current proponents of prepared childbirth methods?

When information and support are provided, women know how to give birth.

If researchers measure an individual's self-esteem at ages 10, 20, 30, and 40 years, where are they likely to find the most stability?

When measured at the age of 20 and then again at the age of 30.

Which of the following is FALSE about the complications of Rh incompatibility?

With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of complications for an Rh-positive baby of an Rh-negative mother is reduced.

According to a recent study, which of the following observations was made about women who participated in Centering Pregnancy care?

Women had higher breast-feeding rates.

Before the delivery of her baby, Karen experiences several traumatic life changes. She separates from her husband, discovers that her mother is seriously ill, and begins a more stressful job. Will Karen's baby be significantly affected by all the stress in Karen's life?

Yes, the baby will be at risk for ADHD and language delays

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs):

are contracted primarily through sexual contact.

Scientists have found that there _____ the brains of children between the ages of 3 and 15.

are dramatic changes in local patterns within

Children with high self-esteem typically:

are prone to both prosocial and antisocial actions.

Mini wants to know what activities would be most conducive to creative thinking. Based on what people reported in Csikszentmihalyi's research, you would suggest that Mini would be at her creative best during activities that:

are semiautomatic

In considering the big issue of whether nature or nurture plays the more important role in infant development, Elizabeth Spelke endorses a _____ approach that states that infants are born with domain-specific innate knowledge systems.

core knowledge

Angie's mother allows her to schedule her study and relaxation time on her own and, in turn, expects Angie to continue doing well in school and to discuss her activities with her mother ahead of time. Her mother checks on her school progress frequently, and also talks to her about her problems and her social life. This approach is called:


Separation protest is characterized by:

crying when the caregiver leaves.

Reaching in four-month-old infants is guided by:

cues from muscles, tendons, and joints.

According to the study by Lloyd Johnston and his colleagues at the Institute of Social Research at the University of Michigan monitoring the drug use of America's high school seniors in a wide range of public and private high schools, the percentage of illicit drug use:

declined in the late 1990s.

In the last half of the twentieth century and the first several years of the twenty-first century, U.S. high school dropout rates:


Individuals with an anxious attachment style:

demand closeness in relationships and are more emotional.

The fiber that carries signals toward the neuron's cell body is called a(n):


Individuals whose identity status can be described as identity _____ are undecided about occupational and ideological choices, and they are also likely to show little interest in such matters.


Educational experts agree that students with a disability in reading or writing will do best in a:

direct instruction approach.

Joan has three grandchildren whom she loves dearly but she sees infrequently. Neugarten and Weinstein would classify Joan's grandparent style as _____.


The type of thinking that produces many answers to the same question is called:

divergent thinking.

According to evolutionary developmental psychologists, many evolved psychological mechanisms are _____. That is, the mechanisms apply only to a specific aspect of a person's makeup.


A recessive gene exerts its influence only if:

both genes in a pair are recessive

For years, debate has focused on whether breast-feeding is better for the infant than bottle-feeding. The growing consensus is that:

breast-feeding is better for the baby's health.

In contrast with Kohlberg's theory, Gilligan argues for a(n) _____ perspective that is moral and views people in terms of their connectedness with others; and emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with others, and concern for others.


In Piaget's theory, failing the conservation-of-liquid task demonstrates:


In sum, adolescents' lives are characterized by a combination of:

change and tradition.

A major study conducted by Fisher, Cullen, & Turner in 2000 focused on campus sexual assault, involved a phone survey of 4,446 women attending two- or four-year colleges. As per the study, the highest percentage of women reported being victims of attempted rape were done by a(n) _____.


In terms of self-understanding, children in late childhood are more likely than children in early childhood to:

compare themselves with others.

Sandra and Tom divorced after an 18-year marriage when Tom left Sandra for his colleague. Since the divorce 2 years ago, Sandra has been promoted in her job, has an active social life with her friends, and has taken up golf. However, when her friends suggest that she meet a man, Sandra tells them that she has no interest in men and that she is really quite content with her life. Sandra is a(n):

competent loner.

In the United States, the most widely recognized marker of entry into adulthood is:

holding a permanent, full-time job.

Behind the first whisker in boys and the widening of hips in girls is a flood of _____, powerful chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands and carried through the body by the bloodstream.


Tzu-Chiang is 55 years old and is currently enrolled in a college algebra course. He is pleasantly surprised that he is performing well in the course despite not taking a formal math class for over 30 years. Researchers would consider this an instance that illustrates how development is:


With regard to morality, Nasrin believes that the focus should be on abstract principals rather than relationships and others. Therefore, she has a(n) _____ orientation.


A form of communication that is based on a system of symbols is called _____.


Michael Pressley believes that the key to education is helping students to:

learn a repertoire of problem-solving strategies.

Jerome weighed 4.5 pounds when he was born. Compared to other newborns in North America, his weight is:

less than the average.

Middle-aged Americans agree that a major component of their well-being involves:

positive relationships.

A person is arrested for stealing company documents and says, "Yes, I did steal the documents, and I am willing to go to jail for it. These documents prove that the company was engaging in a cover-up of the unsafe properties of its chemical. I think the public has a right to know about it". Lawrence Kohlberg would classify this person as using _____ reasoning.


Cigarette smoking among U.S. adolescents:

peaked in 1996 and has gradually declined since then.

Jean Mandler argues that early categorizations are best described as _____ categorization.


The _____ is the part of adolescent egocentrism involving a sense of uniqueness and invincibility.

personal fable

During the elementary years, a child's self-understanding includes increasing reference to all of the following EXCEPT:

physical characteristics.

An individual's body image encompasses his or her _____.

physical identity

The life-events approach to understanding adult development has been criticized because it:

placed too much emphasis on change.

Three-year-old Ashley is putting together a jigsaw puzzle. As is typical of her age, she:

places the pieces awkwardly.

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks". This old saying refutes Paul Baltes' life-span perspective that views development as being:


Some theorists have pieced together cognitive changes in young adults and proposed a new stage of cognitive development. This stage is termed as _____.

postformal thought

Many of the deaths of young children around the world could be prevented by a reduction in:


Kendra has a few shots of vodka before going out to attend her annual college party. Kendra has engaged in _____.


Service learning is often more effective when two conditions are met: (1) giving students some degree of choice in the service activities in which they participate, and (2) _____.

providing students opportunities to reflect about their participation

Infants control the muscles of their trunk and arms before they control their hands and fingers, and they use their whole hands before they can control several fingers. This indicates a _____ pattern of growth.


The concept of discontinuity is characterized by:

qualitative change

Fluid intelligence is the ability to:

reason abstractly.

An aggressive boy's interpretation of an encounter as hostile, and his classmates' perception of his behavior as inappropriate are examples of _____ in behavior development.

social cognition

Vygotsky believed that children construct knowledge through:

social interaction.

One in every _____ children in the United States develops cancer before the age of 19.


From about _____ years of age, children display heteronomous morality.

4 to 7

It is estimated that approximately _____ percent of children born to married parents in the United States will experience their parents' divorce.


Accommodation of the eye experiences its sharpest decline between:

40 and 59 years of age.

At approximately the age of _____ years, two types of romantic involvement occur: casual dating and dating in groups.

14 to 16

By the time they enter first grade, it is estimated that children know about _____ words.


_____ uses a powerful magnet and radio images to generate detailed images of the body's organs and structures.


In the context of perception, by _____ years of age, a child recognizes that another person will see what is in front of his or her own eyes instead of what is in front of the child's eyes.


A national survey conducted by National Center for Health Statistics in 2011, found that _____ percent of U.S. 20- to 39-year-olds were obese.


Most people who suffer from organic intellectual disability have IQs between _____.

0 to 50

Anorexia nervosa is about _____ likely to occur in females than males.

10 times more

The peak rate of pubertal change occurs at _____ years for girls and _____ years for boys.

11½; 13½

By the end of the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus measures approximately _____ inches.


According to the Bayley mental scale, a _____ infant should be able to vocalize pleasure and displeasure, persistently search for objects that are just out of immediate reach, and approach a mirror that is placed in front of the infant by the examiner.


Based on the 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, adding up the daily media use figures to obtain weekly media use leads to the staggering levels of more than _____ hours a week of media use by 11- to 14-year-olds.


When Daniel Offer and his colleagues studied the self-images of adolescents in the United States, Australia, Bangladesh, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, and West Germany, at least _____ percent of the adolescents displayed a healthy self-image.


Today, the average life expectancy in the United States is:

78 years.

Uma has just given birth. Assuming that the baby is perfectly average, and was born in the U.S., he is most likely to weigh _____ pounds, and would be approximately _____ inches long.

7½ pounds; 20 inches

In the United States, approximately _____ of individuals 40 to 59 years of age are employed.

80 percent

Three prominent meanings are attached to being a grandparent. Which of the following is NOT one of those meanings?

A financial strain

Who amongst the following is most likely to be dissatisfied with body image as pubertal change proceeds?

A girl in early adolescence

Which of the following describes the federal government's exercise recommendations?

A minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per day.

According to Levinson, which of the following should occur at the end of one's teens?

A transition from dependence to independence

Identify the type of error that occurs when infants make the mistake of selecting a familiar hiding place rather than a new hiding place as they progress into Piaget's fourth substage of the sensorimotor stage.

A-not-B error

Which of the following statements about religion and adolescents has research shown to be true?

Adolescent girls are more religious than are adolescent boys.

Which of the following is TRUE about the immune system and stress?

Aerobic fitness is related to the presence of a lower level of senescent T cells.

_____ love is also called companionate love.


Identify the group that is least likely to exhibit suicidal behavior.

African American male adolescents

According to the Big Five factors of personality, which of the following personality supertrait describes a person as either helpful or uncooperative?


Which of the following is one of the main characteristics that applies to people suffering from anorexia nervosa?

Amenorrhea in girls who have reached puberty

Eight-month-old Andrew suffered brain damage at birth. His identical twin, Alex, had no brain damage. Research on habituation will likely predict that:

Andrew will not habituate as well as Alex.

Identify the widely used assessment method of infant development that has five scales—cognitive, language, motor, socioemotional, and adaptive.

Bayley Scales of Infant Development

According to Levinson, the changes to middle-adulthood requires that the adult male come to grips with four major conflicts. Which of the following is NOT one of these major conflicts?

Being attractive versus being unattractive

Which of the following statements regarding chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis is true?

Both CVS and amniocentesis provide valuable information about the presence of birth defects.

Which of the following is a sign of aging for the average adult in middle adulthood?

Brittle fingernails

Dalia tends to go on eating binges and then purges by self-inducing vomiting or using a laxative. Which of the following conditions does Dalia suffer from?


Which of the following statements about brain development and early childhood is TRUE?

By age 6, the brain has reached about 95 percent of its adult size.

Which of the following is the second leading cause of death in U.S. children 5 to 14 years of age?


Which of the following is included in the patterns of heterosexual behavior for males and females in emerging adulthood?

Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in young adulthood.

Which statement best summarizes Daniel Berlyne's views about children's play?

Children use play as a way to explore new things and as a way to satisfy their natural curiosity about the world.

Caleb is 14 months old. Which of the following Caleb is 14 months old. Which of the following activities would you expect that Caleb might be able to do?

Climb up steps using his hands and legs

What is the difference between cliques and crowds?

Cliques are more personal than crowds.

_____ refers to an internal regulation of standards of right and wrong that involves an integration of all three components of moral development, namely, moral thought, feeling, and behavior.


_____ thinking characterizes the kind of thinking that is required on conventional tests of intelligence.


_____ especially plays a key role in children's ability to manage the demands and conflicts they face in interacting with others. It is an important component of executive function.

Emotion regulation

From the following options identify the disorder that consists of serious, persistent problems involving relationships, aggression, depression, and fears associated with personal or school matters, as well as other inappropriate socioemotional characteristics. Approximately 8 percent of children who have a disability and require an individualized education plan fall into this classification.

Emotional and behavioral disorders

_____ is responding to another person's feelings with an emotion that echoes the other's feelings.


Which is the process by which information gets into memory?


Which of the following is NOT an effective memory strategy?

Encourage memorization rather than understanding of information

What are the two most important contributors to height differences among children the world over?

Ethnic origin and nutrition

Which of the following statements about the activity of genes is TRUE?

Events that occur inside of the cell can excite or inhibit genetic expression.

_____ is at work in perspective taking.

Executive functioning

Which of the following statements about the benefits of exercise is TRUE?

Exercise can be as effective in reducing depression as psychotherapy.

Diana is fun-loving, sociable, and affectionate with all her friends and acquaintances. Identify the Big Five personality factor that describes this aspect of Diana's personality.


Which of the following is one of the Big Five factors of personality?


According to Rothbart and Bates' new classification of temperament, in which category would Kagan's uninhibited children fit into?


According to the study, Parents should applaude their childrens' intelligence as more important than their childrens' self control.


Celiac Disease is cureable.


Celiac Disease requires a Gluten Free Diet, which means to avoid peanuts.


According to a recent meta-analysis, which of the following program types was linked to a reduction in recidivism for juvenile offenders?

Family treatment

In which of the following substages of sensorimotor development does the infant's main focus remain on his or her own body?

First habits and primary circular reactions

Feelings of anxiety and guilt are central to the account of moral development provided by _____ theory.

Freud's psychoanalytic

Which theorist proposed the "storm-and-stress" view that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings?

G. Stanley Hall

Which of the following statements about the trend in cross-cultural gender differences in sexual expression is true?

Gender differences in sexual expression and educational opportunities appear to be narrowing over time.

_____ encompasses adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation.


Identify the seventh stage of Erikson's life span theory.

Generativity versus stagnation

_____ occurs when the expression of a gene has different effects depending on whether the mother or the father passed on the gene.

Genetic imprinting

Which of the following identifies the order of the three periods of prenatal development in the correct sequence?

Germinal; embryonic; fetal

According to research, which of the following is most likely to be rated as the LEAST important characteristic that women look for in men?

Good looks

_____ refers to the match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with.

Goodness of fit

Victor has an X-linked inheritance disease. Which of the following conditions is Victor most likely to have?


Amber is given a Stanford-Binet intelligence test. Her mental age is determined to be 14 and her chronological age is 10. Which of the following is true of Amber?

Her IQ score is above the majority of the population.

According to Kohlberg, which of the following is the first stage of moral development?

Heteronomous morality.

Which of the following statements about children and cardiovascular disease is true?

High blood pressure goes undiagnosed in 75 percent of children with the disease.

Which of the following symptoms is NOT associated with menopause?

High blood sugar

Which of the following statements is true about drinking?

Higher levels of alcohol are usually linked with higher rates of sexual assaults and sexual risk taking.

Which of the following statements regarding autism in children is TRUE?

Higher-functioning children with autism show reasonable progress in understanding others' desires.

_____ is the second leading cause of death in adolescence.


According to Erik Erikson, which of the following is a precursor to intimacy in romantic relationships during emerging adulthood?

Identity development in adolescence

Which of the following statements about identity development is TRUE?

Identity encompasses an individual's personality characteristics.

Which of the following statements is true about diversity in the workplace?

In the United States, more than one-fourth of today's lawyers, physicians, computer scientists, and chemists are women.

David and Kelly are seeking help for infertility. Under their physician's guidance, they decide to undergo a procedure in which Kelly's eggs are combined in a laboratory dish with her husband's sperms. What is this procedure called?

In vitro fertilization

Which of the following is TRUE of giftedness?

Individuals with world-class status in the arts, mathematics, science, and sports all report strong family support.

Which parenting style leads to egocentric, domineering, and noncompliant behavior in children?

Indulgent parenting

Which of the following characterizes phase 1 of Bowlby's model of attachment?

Infants instinctively direct their attachment to human figures.

According to Robert J. Sternberg, which of the following BEST describes the love in a relationship where passion is the only ingredient, and intimacy and commitment are low?


Jasmine and her fetus are Rh incompatible. This means that:

Jasmine may produce antibodies that will attack the fetus

Jeremy is a securely attached infant; Jason is classified as an insecure infant. Which of the following statements about later functioning for these children is TRUE?

Jeremy is likely to have more self-confidence than Jason.

According to studies, which of the following is one of the most common sexual problems of older women?

Lack of sexual interest

_____ has the longest span of any period of development and the number of people in this age group has been increasing dramatically.

Late adulthood

Which of the following ethnic groups had the highest teen birth rate in 2009?


Which of the following statements about cohabiting arrangements in the U.S. is true?

Length of cohabitation has been increasing since 1995.

What did Levinson's research conclude about women in midlife transition?

Levinson reported that his stages, transitions, and the crisis of middle age hold for women as well as men.

Which of the following distinguishes the locations where rites of passage are prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa?

Low access to formal education

Cathy and Miguel have been dating for six months. Which of the following is likely to be LEAST important in their relationship considering that both are in early adulthood?


Which of the following statements is TRUE about mortality rates in United States and the world?

Men usually have higher mortality rates than women for all of the leading causes of death.

_____ involves knowing about knowing.


Of the following infants, who is most at risk for SIDS?

Mimi; her mother smokes

Which of the following is true of work patterns in the U.S.?

More than a third of Americans work 40 hours a week.

The type of white blood cell that is more likely to be present in low-stress circumstances are _____.

NK cells

According to Freud, preschool boys develop a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent in a process called the _____.

Oedipus complex

Which of the following is one of the outcomes of the restructuring, downsizing, and outsourcing resulting from globalization?

Offering incentives to middle-aged employees to retire early

Across a 10-year period, which of the following Big Five personality factors did NOT predict health outcomes involving physical health, blood pressure, and number of days limited at work or home due to physical health factors?


_____ has been the most consistent predictor of a secure attachment.

Parental sensitivity

Which of the following statements regarding paternal caregiving is FALSE?

Paternal interactions usually center on child-care activities, such as feeding, changing diapers, and bathing.

Holly is a quiet and introverted person. She feels stressed whenever she has to interact with a lot of people. Which of the following BEST describes this aspect of Holly's identity?


Penny has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Which of the following would be an appropriate course of treatment for her?

Physical and oxygen therapy, synthetic enzymes, and antibiotics.

Which of the following would Erik Erikson be most likely to recommend about soothing a crying infant?

Pick up the baby and soothe him or her so that a healthy sense of trust develops.

Megan bases her moral decisions on fear of punishment. According to Kohlberg, Megan is currently in which of the following levels of moral development?

Preconventional reasoning

Priscilla is in the 8th grade. Her group of friends has recently started shoplifting at departmental stores. According to research into peer relations, what is Priscilla most likely to do in this scenario?

Priscilla will join her friends in the antisocial behavior.

_____ are the building blocks of cells as well as the regulators that direct the body's processes.


Which of the following is the term Erik Erikson uses to describe the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy?

Psychosocial moratorium

Social cognitive theory provides several important principles to help us understand moral behavior of children. Which one of the following is NOT one of those principles?

Punishment will always increase modeling of moral behavior.

_____ are built-in reactions to stimuli; they govern the newborn's movements, which are automatic and beyond the newborn's control.


Most of Blanca's classmates call her a "bully", and many say that they "don't like her at all". Very few children consider her to be a friend. Which of the following is Blanca's probable peer status?


According to John Coie, which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why aggressive peer-rejected boys have problems in social relationships?

Rejected children are more focused on maintaining positive relationships with peers.

Which of the following statements is true about the impact of unemployment on an individual?

Researchers have found that unemployment is related to homicide.

Which of the following is a strategy that adults would recommend to adolescents to help in makeing friends?

Respect yourself and others

Nellie, 3, bangs her head against the wall repeatedly throughout the day. How could Skinner's concept of operant conditioning be applied to address this behavior?

Reward Nellie when she does not bang her head and punish the head-banging behavior

Which of the following refers to teachers' adjustment of their level of support and guidance to the level of skill of the student?


Amy is not overly stressed out about her relationship with her boyfriend Danny. She trusts him and is sure that if there are any problems, they can talk it through and come to an understanding. Which of the following BEST describes Amy's attachment style?

Secure attachment style

_____ is also called self-worth or self-image.


Developmental psychologists would describe Jennifer as an "emotion-dismissing" parent to her son. In which of the following types of behavior is Jennifer most likely to engage?

She ignores her child when he cries.

Maggie is 14 years old and has not yet matured physically. According to recent research, which of the following will be most likely to occur by the time Maggie reaches tenth grade?

She will be more satisfied with her figure than early-maturing girls.

Which of the following statements about intergenerational relations is true?

Similarity between parents and an adult child is most noticeable in religion and politics.

_____ is(are) a national government's course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens.

Social policy

_____ processes involve changes in the individual's relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.


Which of the following is NOT one of John Gottman's seven main principles that determine whether a marriage will work?

Solving perpetual conflicts

Which of the following statements about reflexes is true?

Some reflexes persist through life.

Sarah is a 20-year-old college student who is paralyzed from the waist down. She can walk with difficulty using crutches, but prefers her wheelchair. Sarah tells you that her condition is due to a birth defect that occurs when the neural tube fails to close during gestation. Which of the following birth defects does Sarah most likely have?

Spina bifida

Which of the following statements is TRUE about lung capacity in middle age?

Stiffening of the chest wall decreases the lungs' capacity to shuttle oxygen.

Which was the largest group of students with a disability to be served by federal programs and receive special education in the 2011-2012 school year?

Students with a learning disability

Sita is girl who lives in India; Suki is a girl who lives in Japan. They both have two older brothers. According to research, who is most likely to have better access to education?


Which of the following is typical of the health condition during early and late middle age?

Susceptibility to colds and allergies decreases

Which of the following terms is used to describe the mutually regulated interactions between parents and infants?


Consider the sentence: "The boy the ball with a hit bat." Which of the following rule systems of language does the sentence violate?


_____ involves the way words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences.


Which of the following countries has the highest percentage of single-parent families?

The United States

Which of the following statements is true about the stage theories of adult development?

The adult stage theories have also placed little importance on childbearing and child rearing.

Which of the following statements about the characteristics of a clique is NOT true?

The average number of people in a clique is 8 to 10.

Marlena, who just found out she is pregnant, has very poor eating habits. Her total calorie intake is very low. She eats little protein and unbalanced amounts of vitamins and minerals. If she continues her present eating habits, which of the following is most likely to occur?

The baby is more likely to be malformed

What does the result of a recent Norwegian study about preterm infants indicate?

The earlier preterm infants are born, the more likely they will drop out of school.

Which of the following statements is true about research conducted by Park & others in 2006 on the mortality rates of emerging adults?

The mortality rates of emerging adults are more than twice the mortality rates of adolescents.

Which of the following is the Apgar Scale especially good at determining?

The newborn's ability to respond to stress of delivery

Which of the following statements represents a criticism of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

There is too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.

Which of the following statements is true about perpetual problems?

They are the type that do not go away and may include disagreements about whether to have children.

Which of the following statements about the "young-old" is true?

They can develop strategies to cope with the gains and losses of aging

Identify the similarity between anorexics and bulimics.

They have a distorted body image.

Which of the following statements about self-conscious emotions is TRUE?

They involve the emotional reactions of others when they are generated.

How can rejected children be trained to interact more effectively with their peers?

They should be taught to more accurately assess whether the intentions of their peers are negative.

Toby is 3 years old. His parents are concerned because he is always running and jumping around. He cannot seem to sit still. Even when watching his favorite movie on TV, he fidgets and wiggles. It is especially frustrating for his parents when Toby does not sit still through dinner. Which of the following should Toby's parents do?

They should treat this behavior as normal and avoid being panicked, as Toby's behavior is normal for kids in his age group.

Which maternal age group has increased risk of low birth weight, preterm delivery, and fetal death?

Thirty-five years and older

Which of the following is NOT an argument against state-mandated tests?

Too much focus on developing the students' thinking skills

A good teaching tool for Parents is to teach a child to delay gratification and to learn to wait.


Celiac Disease is more common in children today than it was 50 years ago.


Melody and Harmony are identical twins. This means that they developed from:

a single egg that was fertilized by a single sperm.

Behavior geneticist Robert Plomin has found that shared environment:

accounts for little of the variation in children's personality or interests

A recent meta-analysis of 124 studies by Jane Kroger and her colleagues revealed that identity _____ rose across late adolescence and emerging adulthood.


Kuhel is a behaviorist. In the context of language development, he is most likely to believe that language is:

acquired through reinforcement.

According to research by Donnellan, Larsen-Rife, and Conger, individuals high on _____ were more likely to have satisfying romantic relationships.


Sustained exercises such as jogging or swimming that stimulate heart and lung activity are known as:

aerobic exercises.

Questions such as, "To which age group do you belong?" and "How old do you feel?" reflect the concept of _____.

age identity

Early interest in the XYY syndrome focused on the belief that the extra Y chromosome found in some males contributed to _____. However, subsequent research has proved this to be _____.

aggression and violence; false

Daughters of teenage mothers are:

at increased risk for teenage childbearing.

Hardening of the arteries is known as _____.


Logan is a warm and loving parent, but he also has high expectations of his kids. As Logan encourages independent and age-appropriate behavior from his children, Baumrind would classify him as a(n):

authoritative parent.

Individuals with a(n) _____ attachment style were less resistant to the temptations of infidelity, which was linked to their lower level of relationship commitment.


LDL is often referred to as _____ cholesterol.


Sandra has been informed by a pediatrician about the weight gained by her 4-year-old son, Manuel, over the last one year. She learns that Manuel has gained 6 pounds. Sandra should:

be content that this is normal for Manuel's age.

Peer competence in middle and late childhood has been linked to:

better relationships with coworkers in early adulthood.

Juan has been showing marked increase in his imitative and reciprocal play. He goes around imitating nonverbal actions like jumping and running. Juan is probably:

between 18 and 24 months old.

Travis spends a great deal of time working and trying to establish his career. He is also wondering if he should move in with his girlfriend and about their long-term prospects. Travis is most likely in the _____ period of development.

early adulthood

A number of college and universities describe the "red zone" as a period of time _____ of college when women are at especially high risk for unwanted sexual experiences.

early in the first year

The inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and someone else's perspective is known as _____.


According to David Elkind, personal fable and imaginary audience are parts of adolescent:


A characteristic feature of information-processing psychologists are that they are most likely to:

emphasize that individuals manipulate information, monitor it, and strategize about it

According to E. Mavis Hetherington's research, the _____ account for 20 percent of the divorced group.


Orthodox Jews and Mormons have especially low rates of alcohol use, underscoring the:

environment's role in alcoholism.

The human genome has not changed markedly in the last century, yet obesity has noticeably increased. This indicates that:

environmental factors play an important role in obesity.

Trenton was playing in a sandbox. He was pouring sand from a short and wide fat container into a tall and narrow container. When he poured the sand into the tall and narrow container, it appeared as if it had more sand in it. Trenton could not figure out where the extra sand came from, and how it got into his container. As Trenton continues to try to solve this puzzle, he experiences considerable movement between states of cognitive _____ and _____ to produce cognitive change.

equilibrium; disequilibrium

Which of the following is NOT a component of Sternberg's triangular theory of love?


Four-year-old Becky has just hit her sister, again. According to most developmental psychologists, Becky's mother should:

explain to Becky that "hitting hurts"; she is old enough to understand the consequences of her behavior for others.

In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), the primary reason middle-aged and older men cited for wanting a divorce was:

falling out of love.

Bob worships his colleague Anne. He loves her from afar but there is no intimacy or closeness between them. Sternberg would characterize this as _____ love.


Researchers have found that infant _____ is linked to guilt, empathy, and low aggression at 6 to 7 years of age.


In Schaie's Seattle Longitudinal Study, verbal memory peaked in the:


When four-year old Melanie ties shoelaces on her own and skillfully uses fork and spoon, she is demonstrating her:

fine motor skills.

The _____ includes the cerebral cortex and several structures beneath it.


It is now accepted that autism is linked to:

genetic and brain abnormalities.

Vanda's genetic makeup is composed of thousands of genes in which some are expressed and directly observable, while some are not. When we talk about all of her genetic material we are talking about her _____.


Voletta is at the stage of pregnancy where the zygote has attached itself to the uterine wall. This scenario indicates the _____ stage of prenatal development.


Carol, a mid-level manager at Pegasus Incorporated, has not received a promotion in the last three years despite good performance and good ratings at performance appraisals. If she were to be promoted, she would be the only female employee at top management level. Carol seems to have hit the:

glass ceiling.

Farah shows her baby a colorful block several times. The baby looks carefully at the block at first, but then turns her attention to a different toy after seeing the block a few times. The baby is displaying _____.


The overwhelming majority of children from gay or lesbian families:

have a heterosexual orientation.

Fred and Wayne are 4-year-olds. When they are together, they often wrestle, run, race, push, and shove each other. Although their level of activity often aggravates their parents, these activities will:

help the boys develop their gross motor skills.

Julie believes that Jason's accidental act of breaking 12 plates is worse than Peter intentionally breaking two plates. Julie can be best described as a(n) _____.

heteronomous moralist

Dr. Perkins predicts that children who spend years playing a musical instrument are smarter than children who do not play music. This testable prediction is known as a(n) _____.


Gender _____ involves a sense of one's own gender, including knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of being male or female.


A meta-analysis revealed a positive link between _____ and intimacy, with the connection being stronger for men than women.

identity development

According to Erik Erikson, during the _____ stage, adolescents are faced with deciding who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.

identity versus identity confusion

The _____ is adolescents' belief that others are as interested in them as they themselves are, as well as attention-getting behavior—attempts to be noticed, visible, and "on stage."

imaginary audience

The frontal lobes are _____ in the newborn.


In Erik Erikson's theory, adults strive for generativity to achieve a sense of _____.


Centering Pregnancy is an innovative prenatal care program provides complete prenatal care:

in group settings

The new model of parent-adolescent relationships emphasizes that:

in most families parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe.

Critics of universal preschool education say that:

it is more important to improve preschool education for young children who are disadvantaged rather than funding preschool education for all 4-year-old children.

The 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, which included more than 2,000 8- to 18-year-olds, documented that adolescent media use has _____ in the last decade.

increased dramatically

One of the benefits of a good marriage is:

increased longevity.

The number of children diagnosed and treated for ADHD has _____ in recent decades.

increased substantially

A(n) _____ is a written statement that spells out a program that is specifically tailored for the student with a disability.

individualized education plan (IEP)

The elementary school years where children need to direct their energy toward mastering knowledge and intellectual skills is when Erikson's stage of _____ takes place.

industry versus inferiority

A national survey indicated that _____ in adults was associated with the development of disease and chronic illness, especially cardiovascular system problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

insecure attachment

In the Strange Situation, Latoya basically ignored her mother, was not upset when she left the room, and did not seek her out when she returned. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Latoya as being:

insecure avoidant.

According to Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, _____ relates to the emotional feelings of warmth, closeness, and sharing in a relationship.


Erikson describes _____ as finding oneself while losing oneself in another person, and it requires a commitment to another person.


11-month-old Maya points to her cup when she wants some water to drink. Maya's behavior:

is considered appropriate for her age.

Caitlin, age 25, has a good job as a financial analyst but she has few friends and has had no success in dating. She admits that being close to others is a problem for her. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, Caitlin is at a risk of reaching the state of:


4-year-old Michelle talks to herself frequently and especially when she is trying to solve a difficult problem. Lev Vygotsky would say that Michelle is:

likely to be socially competent.

Young children from _____ families are the most likely to develop iron deficiency anemia.


According to the Mitchell and Helson study, conditions that distinguished the lives of women in their early fifties from those of women in other age periods included all of the following EXCEPT:

lower health.

According to a longitudinal study by Jerald Bachman and his colleagues, by the time individuals reach their mid-twenties, _____ their use of alcohol and drugs.

many would have reduced

The obesity rate has dramatically increased in the United States since 1900. This dramatic increase in obesity is likely due to all of the following, EXCEPT:

marked changes in the human genome.

Knowledge about memory is known as:


Middle adulthood is referred to as the sandwich generation because:

middle-aged adults may have to care for their own adolescent children as well as their elderly parents.

Older children, who are _____, recognize that punishment occurs only if someone witnesses the wrongdoing and that even then, punishment is not inevitable.

moral autonomists

Studies support the conclusion that gifted people tend to be:

more mature than others, have fewer emotional problems than others, and grow up in a positive family climate.

Gavin is rarely nominated as a best friend, but his peers don't dislike him. He would be classified as a _____ child.


Gertrude, 9, has been placed in the 98th percentile in terms of her BMI. Her doctor would likely tell her parents that she is:


Danny's mother is even-tempered, fair, and tactful. Seeing this, Danny is growing up to be a polite, good-natured boy too. This imitation or modeling of behavior mirrors the concept of _____ in Bandura's social cognitive theory.

observational learning

Katie-Lou is 88 years old. Katie would most likely be characterized as:


About _____ of parents who were abused themselves when they were young go on to abuse their own children.


At 60 years of age, the retina receives only _____ as much light as it did at 20 years of age.


B.F. Skinner, a behaviorist, would argue that the most important things that shape development are _____.

rewards and punishments

Sets of expectations that prescribe how females and males should think, act, and feel are known as gender:


The early stages of love have more _____ love ingredients.


When Martha wants to feed her newborn son, she gently brushes her nipple against his cheek and, in a _____ reflex, he turns his head toward the side that was touched and immediately latches on to her breast.


Children are internally motivated to perceive the world and to act in accordance with their developing _____.


According to Mario Mikulincer and Phillip Shaver, when adults who are _____ face stress and adversity, they activate cognitive representations of security, are mindful of what is happening around them, and mobilize effective coping strategies.

securely attached

Hans feels ashamed when his parents say "You should feel bad about biting your sister!" To experience a _____ emotion like shame, Hans must be able to refer to himself as distinct from others.


An aspect of _____ that involves having the confidence in one's ability to adapt one's thinking to a particular situation is important in being cognitively flexible.


Researchers have had mothers put a dot of rouge on the noses of babies and place the babies in front of mirrors to see their reaction. These researchers are studying the concept of:

sense of self.

According to Ellen Berscheid, the most important ingredient of romantic love is:

sexual desire.

The gradual decline in men's testosterone levels in middle age can reduce their _____.

sexual drive

Joshua, a 2-year-old, has been diagnosed with _____, a blood disorder that limits the body's oxygen supply and can cause joint swelling and heart and kidney failure. This genetic disorder can be treated through penicillin, pain medication, antibiotics and blood transfusions. His doctor has indicated that a study named Baby HUG may offer a better drug in the future.

sickle-cell anemia

Adolescent use of alcohol has recently shown a(n) _____.

sizeable decline

During early childhood, girls are _____ than boys.

slightly smaller

Quimby, 15 months old, looks to her mother to see if she should be afraid of the stranger who has come to her home. Quimby relaxes when she sees her mother smiling and speaking to the stranger in a calm voice. Quimby is engaging in:

social referencing.

Toby has the ability to visualize three-dimensional objects and rotate them. Toby's ability is known as _____.

spatial orientation

According to Freud, to reduce anxiety, avoid punishment, and maintain parental affection, children identify with parents, internalizing their standards of right and wrong, and thus form the:


In the cerebral cortex, the _____ lobes have an active role in hearing, language processing, and memory.


A New Zealand longitudinal study assessed the self-esteem of adolescents at 11, 13, and 15 years of age and then assessed the adjustment and competence of the same individuals when they were 26 years old. Its results indicated:

that adults characterized by poorer mental and physical health were more likely to have low self-esteem in adolescence than well-adjusted, competent adults.

Age-related loss of muscle strength is especially marked in:

the back and legs.

Identical human twins have similar weights, even when they are reared apart. This indicates:

the genetic component of a person's weight.

In the "sticky mittens" research project, it was found that:

the infants in the mitten group developed grasping skills earlier.

Jean Berko's experiment involving "wugs" demonstrated that young children who took part in the experiment knew:

the morphological rules.

The social role theory suggests that:

the social hierarchy and division of labor are important causes of gender differences in power, assertiveness, and nurturing.

A toddler is likely to learn something in the zone of proximal development (ZPD) if:

the task is too difficult for the child to accomplish on his own.

In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), divorced adults reported that they had generally stayed in their marriages and postponed their divorces because of:

their children.

Piaget stressed that young adults are more quantitatively advanced in their thinking than adolescents because:

they have more knowledge.

Children have the highest self-esteem when:

they perform competently in domains that are important to them.

The birth process occurs in _____ stages


About _____ as many boys as girls are classified as having a learning disability.

three times

The growth spurt that characterizes pubertal change occurs approximately _____ for girls than for boys.

two years earlier

The sensorimotor stage of development lasts from birth to about:

two years of age.

In a survey conducted by Watts & Zimmerman in 2002, _____ of female college freshman women report having been date raped or having experienced an attempted date rape at least once.


When faced with a conflict between law and conscience, a person who is at the _____ stage in Kohlberg's theory of moral development will follow conscience, even though the decision might involve personal risk.

universal ethical principles

William wants to know how he can keep his young son out of trouble. Typically, he should do all of the following EXCEPT:

use harsh discipline.

In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), the primary reason middle-aged and older women cited for wanting a divorce was:

verbal, physical, or emotional abuse.

Individuals with metabolic syndrome who _____ reduced their risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

were physically active

The _____ approach stresses that reading instruction should parallel a child's natural language learning.


Ishmael is experiencing a lot of stress at the workplace. Trends indicated in a recent national survey of U.S. adults suggest that Ishmael:

will be less productive because of stress.

According to cognitive aging expert Denise Park, the slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in:

working memory.

When adults are working with young children, they often provide a lot of hints, assistance, instructions, and other support to help the children succeed. As the children indicate that they can do more for themselves, the adults begin to withdraw the support. This shows the adults' involvement in the children's:

zone of proximal development.

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