psy2012 quiz 6

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The idea that self-esteem functions to mentally monitor one's degree of inclusion or exclusion in social groups is called the ___ model


Based on your understanding of the research of Solomon Asch, you know that of all of the following choices, the person most likely to determine conformity would be:

Mika, a 23 year old Japanese woman

In a moment of despair, Azucena swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills to try to kill herself. Thankfully her father found her, took her to the hospital, and she was rescued. Why wouldn't this action be considered an act of aggression?

because she actively sought to harm herself

While working out of a convince store, Nicholas openly mocks the clerks accent to his friend. "EVERY convince store I go into is owned by an Indian," he says, "Can't they do anything else?" Nicholas's open expression of his opinion and his lack of embarrassment suggests that thes is a(n) ___ bias


Even though her parents offer to get her a tutor, Alaine feels that she is not good at math and never will be. She believes that she is just not smart "in this way," and she's not interested in trying to get better. Alaine has a ___ mindset about her math skills


Any group of people in which membership is defined by similarities between its members is called a(n)

social category

Ingrid goes to a community build of a new playground where dozens have people have shown up to lend a hand. Ingrid doesn't really want to help, so she makes sure to take the easiest tasks possible, and puts very little effort into them. She does not think her lack of effort will matter or will be noticed. Ingrid is demonstrating ________.

social loafing

A group of people who share some common feature and suffer from social disapproval based on that characteristic is called ___ group


Which of the following is a possible outcome when individuals' implicit and explicit attitudes do not match?

they are unaware they hold an actual bias, such as a bias toward an ethnic minority

In 1972, the United States Surgeon General issued a warning that were negative effects that would result from

watching violent television programming

People who have a high social dominance orientation (SDO) are likely to agree with which of the following statements?

hierarchies are natural, some groups are simply better than others

Which of the following combinations would most likely combine to create a person's schema of the of the "model minority" individual

high in competence but how in sociability

Denita is very ardent, right-wing conservative and always votes for Republican candidates. She recently met Troy, who she thinks is interesting and very attractive. Once she finds out that he is very liberal individual who prefers Democratic candidates, she may no longer want to date him. This change in her opinion demonstrates the ___ hypothesis


When Myrl and Becca began dating, people would talk about them quietly behind their backs. The conversations centered around the fact that Becca was judged to be highly attractive while most people though that Myrl was relatively pain-looking. In this instance the couples seems to be dating in a way that violates the ___ hypothesis


Javari is teaching a psychology class and tells his students, "Kenna is 31, single, outspoken, and bright. She majored in philosophy in college. As a student, Kenna was deeply concerned with discrimination and other social issues." When Javari asked his class if it was more likely that Kenna was A) a bank teller or B) a bank teller AND a feminist, most people in his class chose option B. Javari explained that their answer was incorrect because their _____________ heuristic led them astray.


Which of the following would be good advice for treating aggressive tendencies?

start the treatment young, when people are still malleable and open to change

Charlotte is forming a new medieval singing group on her college campus. There are 12 singers involved, and they are trying to determine how the group will exist. Right now there is a lot of disagreement and conflict among the singers, and they are trying to determine a solution that will make everyone happy. According to Tuckman's model, the group is in the ___ stage


when you get a test back in your statistics class, you initially feel good about your score of 87. When you find out that your buddy got a 93, your satisfaction with your own grade diminishes. You have engaged in ___ comparison and that has impacted your evaluation of your own performance


How is it that schemas help people save time as they have new experiences or encounter new people or objects on a daily basis?

we compare new experiences to previously stored schemas and this allow us to put forth less effort to assess those new encounters

At what age do people appear to be the most aggressive?

1 to 3 years

Which historical event led to Milgram's research on obedience?

German citizen's willingness to go along with Nazi leaders during the Holocaust

Kylo is taking a social psychology course and his teacher asks students to take computerized test that asks them to sort pictures into different categories, such as "good" and "bad." The goal of this test is to help identify automatic preferences of which a person may not be consciously aware. What is this test called?

Implicit Association Test (IAT)

Which social psychologists suggested that our need to compare ourselves to others is rooted in a basic human desire called self-evaluation?

Leon Festinger

Which of the following is true of Milgram's (1963, 1965, 1974) research on obedience to authority?

With each increment of shock voltage, fewer participants obeyed, but about 65% still administered 450 volts

The durability bias occurs when a person overestimate how long their feelings might last. This bias is a type of:

affective forecasting

Ruby is angry at her little sister for wearing Ruby's favorite shirt without permission and then spilling paint on it. Ruby walks over to her sister and yells at her. Ruby's actions are an example of ________.


___ are opinions, feelings, and beliefs that a person holds about another person, a concept, or a group


Which heuristics would likely use if you were asked, "are there more words in the English language that start with the letter "k" or that have "k" as the third letterboxing in the word?"

availability heuristic

Stanley Milgram's studies on obedience (1963, 1965, 1974) and more recent replications have shown that:

female participants obediently shocked the experimental victim at a rate similar to males in the Milgram and other studies

According to Armour (2007), a Gallup poll indicated that employees who had at work reported 50% more job satisfaction than those who did not

close friends

A person's willingness to stay in a relationship no matter what - to "stick it out" even in hard times" - is related to which component of love, according to Robert Sternberg?


Shania notices that all of her high school friends have started wearing glitter eye shadow to school. She doesn't really like the look but she wants to fit in with the crowd, so she starts wearing it too. Shania has engaged in __________.


According to the stereotype content model, what would be a person's most likely response to a person who is perceived as being low in warmth and low in competence?


What is the highest level of analysis in psychology?

culture and the environment

The stereotype content model suggest that when we interact with homeless people we feel what type of emotional prejudice?


"Oh I know that I'll just be sad forever," Monique cries, after her first boyfriend broke up with her. 'I'm never going to love again. My life is RUINED!" Given that she is unlikely to be sad forever. Monique is demonstrating the ___ bias


What evidence supports the idea that social pain might be as devastating to a human being a physical pain?

fMRI imaging studies find similar brain areas activated by both experiences

Angie is on the subway when she notices that the women in the opposite seat is looking at her. Angie immediately think the other women wants to have a fight and says, "what are you looking at?" The women responds by saying she was admiring Angie's earrings, and Angie feels embarrassed. Angie is demonstrating the attribution bias in the way she interpreted the other woman's gaze.


In science, a possible explanation that can be tested research is called a ___


Conformity and obedience are two widely researched forms of social ___ that have received attention in the field of social psychology


Caring, closeness, and emotional support are all parts of the ________ component of love.


Dr. Shaw is conducting research on martial behaviors that predict divorce. He trains his students to observe and code videotapes of couples interacting. The students are looking for specific types of behaviors but they are unaware of the anticipated outcomes of the study. In this regard, the students are being ___

kept blind to the research hypothesis

Lori is training to be an opera singer, and is in a performance with several other singers. She tends to compare herself to the other women in the show, but she does not compare herself to the famous soprano Maria Callas, whose opera career was legendary. This is an example of the ________ effect.

local dominance

The practices of excluding one or more individuals from a group by reducing or eliminating contract with that person, often by ignoring, shunning, or explicitly banishing them, is called ___


Which of the following statements is true of Asch's research on conformity in groups?

participants conformed with the group norm on about a 1/3 of the total trials

when researchers invited business executives to a social mixer and tracked their interactions, what did they find?

people spent the most time with others who they already knew

When Stanley Schachter put people in ambiguous, stressful situations to observe their responses to such circumstances, what did he observe?

people tend to seek out the company of others in such situations

Which of the following factors does NOT influence conformity?

the age of the group

Janine loves to play chess but she is only a beginner. The members of her chess club laugh when she suggests her opening moves are similar to those of Kasparov, one of the greatest players of all time. Janine's social comparison is really unusual, since there is no ___ to the figure which she is comparing herself


Ethical concerns have been raised about Stanley Milgram's obedience research. Specifically, some have suggested that the project caused too much distress in the participants, distress that could not be justified. If you were asked your opinion of this issue, which of the following would be a legitimate response?

the majority of participants reported that they were pleased to have participated in the research, so it does not seem to have been damaging to most o the those who were involved

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