PSYC 3100 Exam 2

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Which of the following most accurately describes changes to vision and hearing in early adulthood?

Men are more likely to have difficulty hearing high-frequency tones, but men and women are equally likely to have difficulty seeing close objects clearly.

Which of the following most accurately describes gender differences in reactions to the empty nest phase?

Men may regret not being more involved in a child's life, while women may mourn a loss of personal identity.

Which of the following most accurately describes physical changes in middle adulthood?

Men tend to lose weight, and women tend to gain weight.

Which of the following most accurately describes changes to reproductive systems in middle adulthood?

Menopause for women entails the cessation of ovulation and menstruation.

Which of the following individuals is most likely to develop a healthy sense of identity achievement?

Mildred explored many different activities, organizations, and peer groups, before deciding that she'd like to pursue a career as a musician.

Shawna is concerned that her 13-year-old son William will begin experimenting with drugs. Which of the following would be the most accurate response to Shawna's concerns?

Modeling healthy decisions, and providing a warm relationship with supervision, can help to reduce the risk of her son's drug use.

Which of the following most accurately describes brain development in adolescence?

White matter matures from the front of the brain to the back, while the reverse is true for gray matter.

Which of the following is the best example of intrinsic motivation?

Rose studies biology because she finds it interesting and enjoyable.

Which of the following individuals is most likely to have a high level of emotional intelligence, based on the information given?

Sandy is good at picking up on her friends' emotions and, when needed, comforting them in different ways, based on the person and the situation.

Which of the following individuals is at highest risk for hypertension?

Terrence, a 30-year-old Black man

Which of the following is the best example of fluid intelligence?

When presented with a new problem, Sheryl devises a strategy to solve it.

A person struggling with depression will most likely experience __.

a persistently sad mood, feelings of helplessness, and a loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy

The successful formation of identity in adolescence is typically known as identity __.


A person who is high in __ tends to be trusting, giving, and kind.


Someone who has a __ attachment style may not have many relationships and struggle to be emotionally close to others


Someone in middle adulthood who is high in selection will most likely ______.

be pickier about the goals that they pursue

The foundational rationales of SOC theory state that ______.

biological resources and cultural support decline with aging

Carol Gilligan's critique of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning is that it fails to address gender differences, such as females' greater emphasis on ______.

caring and concern for others

The risk of ______, or the lens of the eye becoming opaque, increases in middle adulthood.


Mara believes that aging is due to cells becoming defective because of errors in the DNA genetic code. Mara is most likely a proponent of the ______ theory to explain aging.

cellular clock

Cody strongly dislikes being single, and is always looking to be in a relationship. When he does enter into a relationship, he spends a lot of time with his partner, takes on a lot of their characteristics, and can become possessive and jealous easily. Cody most likely has a ______ attachment style.


An adolescent who understands that stress can trigger a heart attack is most likely in the __ stage of understanding illness


Levinson's research suggests that the midlife crisis for men is most likely a result of ______.

re-examining personal needs and priorities

Compared to a novice, an expert is more likely to ______.

recognize meaningful patterns in information and use these patterns to better organize information in memory

According to Erikson, failure of the psychosocial crisis of adolescence will most likely result in ______.

role confusion

Gail is happy whether she's in a relationship or not, and doesn't tend to focus so much on finding a partner when she's single. When she does enter into a romantic relationship, she provides and receives a lot of emotional support, while maintaining her individuality. Gail most likely has a ______ attachment style.


According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, the goal of the generativity versus stagnation phase is to ______.

support the next generation

Lionel is given Piaget's pendulum problem, depicted below. He is told to determine which factor accounts for the pendulum's speed. If Lionel is an adolescent, he will most likely ______.

systematically experiment with factors one at a time, and determine that string length is the key factor

One of the defining features of postformal thought in early adulthood is __.

the ability to weigh the relative credibility and appeal of various options

Angelica is very organized, disciplined, and cautious. Her co-workers describe her as dependable, and as a hard worker. Angelica would most likely score high on which personality trait?


Which of the following is most likely to be influenced by education and socialization?

Crystallized intelligence

Which of the following most accurately describes dating in adolescence?

Dating relationships help individuals develop dating schemas and scripts to be used later in life.

Which of the following is the best example of selection, optimization, and compensation in middle adulthood?

Dawn enjoys playing the piano, and focuses on playing familiar pieces that she has practiced previously.

Which of the following accurately characterizes groups of people who leave their parents' home at different times?

In-time leavers are more likely to be married or in a long-term committed relationship.

Which of the following most accurately describes the effects of cohabitation before marriage?

Increased infidelity and cheating

Which of the following most accurately describes influences on osteoporosis in middle adulthood?

Increasing weight bearing exercise can help slow down osteoporosis.

Compared to novices, experts most likely have ______.

higher levels of metacognition and metamemory

Research finds that bullies tend to __.

incorrectly view others' acts as intentionally harmful

According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, the developmental task of ages 18-24 is to __.

learn how to have a close and loving intimate relationship

Wrinkles tend to increase in middle adulthood, likely because the skin ______.

loses elasticity and subcutaneous fat

Research indicates that text messaging is most often used to __.

maintain friendships

Selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) theory states that successful aging focuses on ______.

maximizing gains and minimizing losses

Compared to childhood, cognition in adolescence tends to be __

more abstract, flexible, and systematic

Compared to individuals from previous generations, Generation Y individuals may be ______.

more focused on positive feedback

In middle adulthood, ______.

most individuals successfully shift to a lifestyle without parenting as a major focus

Research indicates that computer use in adolescence __.

negatively impacts academic achievement

Hormones from the ______ stimulate the sex glands to begin producing increasing amounts of hormones.

pituitary gland

In the __ phase of self-regulated learning, an individual plans while keeping goals, knowledge, and context in mind.


Someone who is highly competitive, restless, and achievement-oriented most likely has a Type __ personality.


Which of the following in infancy is most likely to be associated with positive outcomes in adolescence?

A secure attachment style

Which of the following is the clearest example of an imaginary audience?

Alma is concerned with what she should wear to the first day of school, because everyone will be watching her and paying attention to her clothes, makeup, and hair.

Which theory states that aging is a result of the immune system attacking the body's tissues?

Autoimmune responsiveness theory

Which of the following married couples is most likely to have a happy and life-long marriage, based on the information given?

Ben and Clifton, who focus on open and honest communication

Which of the following is the clearest example of moral reasoning at the conventional level?

Brent helps his fellow classmates because he wants his peers and teacher to think he is a nice person.

Which of the following most accurately describes the impacts of off-time puberty?

Early-maturing girls are at increased risk for risky sexual behavior and substance use.

Which of the following individuals is most likely to successfully navigate Erikson's intimacy vs. isolation stage?

Elijah, who is comfortable communicating and being emotionally close with others

Which of the following most accurately describes findings regarding emotional intelligence?

Emotion recognition and utilization tend to be stable across early and middle adulthood, while optimistic mood regulation tends to improve.

Which of the following most accurately describes findings on experts and novices?

Experts tend to have more information, that is better organized, that they can more readily access, compared to novices.

Which of the following most accurately characterizes differences in internet use?

Extroverted individuals tend to spend more time online.

Which of the following is the clearest example of task analysis?

Figuring out what steps need to be taken to solve a Rubik's cube

Egocentrism in adolescence most likely results in which of the following?

Imaginary audience

Which of the following is associated with marijuana use in adolescence?

Impaired lung functioning

Which of the following most accurately describes the sequence of puberty?

For boys: pubic hair growth, then growth of the testicles, then penis growth

______ is credited with formalizing the concept of adolescence as a developmental stage.

G. Stanley Hall

Which of the following aspects of adolescent cognition has the clearest implications for identity development?

Game of thinking

Which of the following individuals is most likely to have increased risk for coronary heart disease, based on the information given?

Guy does not stop working until he knows he has done a better job than everyone else at the office. He gets mad when others are praised instead of him, and is preoccupied with ways to advance in his career.

Which of the following individuals is most likely in the postformal operational thought stage, based on the information given?

Janie, who weighs different sources of information, but decides to use the recommendations of a medical professional over advice she obtained online or from her friends.

Which of the following is the best example of deductive reasoning?

Jocks tend to play sports, and Cameron is a jock. Therefore, Cameron must play a sport.

Which of the following is the best example of maintenance in middle adulthood?

Jodi goes swimming regularly in order to stay practiced and keep her muscles functioning properly.

Which of the following individuals is most likely in the control phase of self-regulated learning?

Jody is unhappy with how she did on her last test, and decides to schedule an appointment with her professor to solicit advice on how to adjust her study habits.

Which of the following individuals is most likely to have higher motivation?

Leonard, who is taking a sociology class in which there are opportunities for him to contribute his own experiences and knowledge

Which of the following decreases in early adulthood?

Lung capacity

Someone with a difficult temperament in infancy who has a fairly stable personality will most likely have high levels of which personality trait?


Which of the following most accurately characterizes personality change in middle adulthood?

Neuroticism decreases in middle adulthood.

Crystal is upset with her friend Amy, and decides to ignore Amy and exclude her from events with mutual friends. Which of the following is the most accurate response you could give to Crystal about her behavior?

Ostracizing Amy will likely decrease her self-esteem, sense of belongingness, and self-control, and may harm the friendship.

Which of the following most accurately describes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

PTSD typically involves re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoidance, and hyperarousal.

Which of the following most accurately describes family relationships in adolescence?

Parent-child relationships tend to be relatively stable from childhood through adolescence.

Which of the following most accurately describes physical development in early adulthood?

People tend to reach their peak of physical well-being in early adulthood, but may start to experience some increased health risks due to aging.

Which of the following most accurately describes physical growth in adolescence?

Physical growth in adolescence proceeds in the reverse of the proximodistal trend seen in infancy and childhood

Which of the following most accurately characterizes physical changes in early adulthood?

Physical signs of aging and risk for hypertension increase throughout early adulthood.

Beatrice thinks everyone should treat others as they would want to be treated. Beatrice is most likely in the __ stage of moral reasoning


Which of the following is recommended to prevent bullying and victimization?

Providing assertiveness training for victims

Which of the following is most likely associated with positive health outcomes in early adulthood?

Regular exercise

Which of the following most accurately describes changes to the skin and hair in middle adulthood?

Skin tumors increase dramatically during this period.

Lena and her husband Glen have been struggling to conceive a child for the past year. Which of the following would be the most accurate response to their concerns?

Stress reduction techniques and support groups could help them cope with the stress and improve their fertility.

Which of the following is most accurate regarding stress and infertility?

Stress reduction techniques can help both men and women struggling with infertility.

Which of the following is the best example of extrinsic motivation?

Studying to earn good grades

Which of the following individuals is most likely to begin puberty earliest?

Susie, a girl who has more body fat than her age-mates

Which of the following most accurately describes peer relationships in adolescence?

The peer group can be an important source of emotional support and identity formation.

Which of the following most accurately describes the cardiovascular system in middle adulthood?

The risk of developing plaques in the arteries of the heart increases.

Which of the following most accurately describes change in crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence in middle adulthood?

Though there is a lot of variability in the rates of growth, crystallized intelligence tends to increase and fluid intelligence tends to decrease in middle adulthood.

A(n) ______ relationship is practiced most frequently among grandparents.


Bulimia typically involves __

consuming large amounts of food in binges and then purging

The climacteric involves ______.

decline in sexual functioning among middle-aged men

Improved emotion regulation in later adolescence is most likely associated with ______.

development of the brain's frontal lobes

______ involves the failure of pancreas gland cells to secrete enough insulin.


Compared to their peers, teenage girls from divorced homes are more likely to ______.

engage in risky sexual behavior

According to Piaget's cognitive-developmental theory, adolescents are in the __ stage

formal operations

The secular trend describes __

the tendency for puberty to begin at earlier ages than a few generations ago

Middle-aged adults are sometimes referred to as "the sandwich generation," most likely because ______.

they may be caring for aging parents while parenting their own children

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