PSYC 462 Final

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7. What did the Eyferth study on children of American soldiers in Germany say? a. No IQ differences for Black and white youth b. Black > White youth


9. What do blood assay tests with Blacks show? a. No correlation between European blood and IQ b. European blood and IQ were correlated


Comparisons of Asian-Americans and Euro-Americans in their performance on Raves' Progressive Matrices reveals that a. Euro-Americans do worse on the task if they are reciting the alphabet. b. Euro-Americans consistently do better on the task if they are saying something than if they are silent. c. Asian-Americans do better on the task if they are reciting the alphabet than if they are silent. d. Thinking and talking are largely unrelated for Euro-Americans


Stress affects health in at least two ways. First when people are stressed they are more likely to engage in health-compromising behaviors, like smoking and drinking. Second, stress directly weakens the immune system's ability to fight off infections. a. True b. False


The fact that people from some cultures lack an enzyme to allow them to digest milk reflects that a. cultural practices can affect human evolution. b. cultural practices are shaped by the local geography. c. people from different cultures differ more in terms of their genes than they do in terms of their cultural practices. d. there is no clear distinction between genetic evolution and cultural evolution.


Compared with other species, humans are ______ genetically distinct from each other, but different populations of humans ______ from each other in many of their genes

Less; do differ

In order to be able to synthesize Vitamin D, people need

Light enough skin to allow sufficient UVR & dark enough skin to prevent the breakdown of folic acid

40. Why doesn't the increasing number of years of higher education account for the overall increase in IQ?

Because IQ has been rising among those who do not go on to higher education

17. Why has the racial gap narrowed for IQ over the past 30 years?

Because greater opportunities and less overt discrimination for Blacks

According to Jared Diamond, why were the germs brought by the Spaniards so much deadlier to the Incans, than were the Incan germs to the Spanish? a. Spaniards had developed cleaner habits than the Incans. b. The Incans lived more closely together such that the Spanish germs were transmitted far more easily. c. The Spaniards had lived in close proximity to domesticated animals for much longer than the Incans. d. The large Eurasian continent allowed Spaniards to be exposed to a larger variety of germs than the relatively smaller South American continent of the Incans. e. The diet of the Spaniards contained more antibiotic agents than did that of the Incans.


An example of a distal cause for Europe's relative dominance over American indigenous cultures, according to Jared Diamond, is a. Europeans had better weapons than did Native Americans. b. Europeans had monogamous relations. c. Europe was at a similar latitude to a region with many easily domesticated plants and animals. d. Europeans had developed better resistance to more parasites than did Native Americans. e. None of the above.


In comparison with Chinese mothers, American mothers a. are more likely to lead interactions with their children. b. are more likely to introduce topics. c. are more likely to acknowledge children's perspectives. d. are less likely to discuss their children's successes. e. None of the above.


Some biological variation is due to a. Differences in inherited genes (e.g., skin color) b. Interactions between environment and genes c. Both A and B


47. Which of the following does not explain minority underachievement as achievement gap between ethnic groups? a. Higher dropout rates for Blacks/Latinos b. Less than 25% of Blacks/Latinos who enter college obtain a BA c. Black females at particular risk d. By 12th grade, Blacks score "below basic" on tests of math, science, history and geography


59. What is stereotype threat? a. Fear of consequence for not doing well b. Temporary societal barriers due to language or education stereotypes c. When negative stereotype has the power to diminish performance in domain of performance d. Triad of negative cultural traits that limit educational success


8. Cross-racial parenting says that IQ is... a. Lower when mother is white vs. when father is b. Lower when father is white vs. when mother is c. Higher when mother is white vs. when father is d. Higher when father is white vs. when mother is


Why do Latinos and Blacks have higher obesity?

Cultural difference in healthy weight norms

Although three different genes have predicted enhanced social sensitivity and each is more common in Asian samples than European ones,

Cultural experiences can shape the way genes are expressed in the body

1. What interventions have been developed to address the achievement gap? a. Treisman intervention with engineering students b. Schools that "equalize" outcomes for Blacks/Latinos c. Cooperative learning d. All of the above


21. Which of the following is a definition of intelligence? a. Ability to learn/understand from experience, acquire and retain knowledge; use of reason in problem solving, directing conduct (Webster's) b. Score on individually administered, intelligence tests (Operational definition) c. Speed of mental processing, efficiency of scanning and encoding/retrieving info; ability to reason abstractly (Conceptual definition) d. All of the above


African-Americans have higher levels of hypertension than European-Americans apparently because a. Of genetic differences between the races b. African-Americans tend to experience more discrimination than European-Americans. c. African-Americans tend to be poorer than European-Americans. d. African-Americans eat saltier diets than European-Americans.


Research reveals that the French tend to be less obese than Americans because a. The French eat fewer meals b. The French consume fewer calories c. The French exercise more d. The French avoid high-fat food more


What counteracts the effects of Authoritarian parents for Asians? a. High demands b. High achievement c. Orientation of peers d. School orientation


What provides us with cultural tools? a. Teachers b. Formal schooling c. Family d. Religious leaders


Evidence for genetic variability across human populations is seen through

physical characteristics & sports, skin color, alcohol reactivity, response to medications, obesity & birth outcomes

18. Family environment effects for IQ demonstrate which three factors affect cognitive outcomes?

# of words heard per day; encouragement vs. reprimands; intellectual impoverishment

58. Level and depth of commitment to intellectual pursuit is lower for what theory/perspective? a. Culture of Anti-intellectualism b. Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological theory c. Cooperative Learning d. Treisman intervention with engineering students e. Immigration influx hypothesis


56. What is the critique of Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory? a. Doesn't clearly explain underachievement of children of some immigrant groups (e.g. Central Americans and Mexicans) b. Shake Heights example where low black achievement despite racially integrated schools, high peer student spending, and quality teachers c. Controlling for SES decreases gap only by 1/3 to ½ d. Scores in some categories have risen only modestly over time


12. Children adopted into ________ class homes have _______IQs than ________ adoptees a. Upper middle class; much higher IQs; lower SES b. Upper middle class; much higher IQs; higher SES c. Upper middle class; much lower IQ; lower SES d. Upper middle class; much lower IQ; higher SES


15. Why do Northern Blacks have higher IQ than Southern whites? a. Greater opportunities and less overt discrimination for Blacks b. Less opportunities and less overt discrimination for Whites c. Greater opportunities and less overt discrimination for Whites d. Less opportunities and greater overt discrimination for Blacks


25. What are parenting differences and effects on IQ? a. White mothers more pos. evaluation of problem-solving efforts and more encouraging efforts in giving suggestions; Black mothers more disapproval & direct instruction b. Black mothers more pos. evaluation of problem-solving efforts and White mothers more encouraging efforts in giving suggestions and more disapproval and direct instruction


26. Which of the following are not environmental factors that may effect IQ? a. School location and makeup of teachers b. Intellectual impoverishment c. Having access to resources and having a home life conductive to learning d. Ordinal position in family e. Type and amount of praise


3. The ethnic gap may be ________ and _________ a. Genetic; environmental b. Genetic; sustainable c. Environmental; adaptive d. Heritable; defined


37. Flynn says that IQ measures not just the quality of a person's mind, but what? a. The quality of the world that person lives in b. The quality of their education


4. What are some of the critiques of Hernstein and Murray's Bell Curve? a. IQ difference is not genetic b. IQ has many performance and biological correlates c. IQ is predictive of many life outcomes d. IQ measures a stable trait


42. Research on cultural differences in reasoning reveals that a. East Asians use analytic reasoning strategies in most math and science problems. b. Westerners are less likely to use analytic reasoning strategies than East Asians when there is a conflict between analytic and holistic solutions. c. East Asians are more likely than Westerners to reason on the basis of abstract rules. d. East Asians are unable to engage in analytic reasoning strategies.


43. What is the evidence for an achievement gap between ethnic groups? a. Minority underachievement; East Asian Overachievement b. Minority underachievement; Westerners Overachievement c. Westerners underachievement; East Asians Overachievement d. Westerners underachievement; Minority underachievement


46. What is one of the primary sources of socialization? a. The school b. Neighborhood c. Sports d. After school activities


50. Which of the following sets of theories/perspectives regarding the achievement gap is accurate? a. School environment, Poverty, Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory, Immigration Influx Hypothesis, Steinberg Thesis, Stereotype Threat b. IQ gap, Crime, Family environment, Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory, c. School environment, Family environment, chronic welfare status, Stereotype Threat d. IQ gap, Immigration Influx Hypothesis, Raven's Matrices, Culture of Anti-Intellectualism


The relation between income and health can be summarized as a. absolute income predicts health outcomes for low levels of income, whereas income relative to those around one predicts health outcomes for high levels of income. b. there is a linear relation between absolute income and health, but a curvilinear relation between relative income and health. c. income is largely unrelated to health once you control for dietary practices. d. the health of wealthy people is poor because of all the stress that they experience in positions of great responsibility.


Variation in skin color lies in the body's ability to a. Synthesize vitamin D b. Process UV radiation


What is the most salient example of genetic variability of humans across different populations? a. Skin color b. Physical characteristics and sports c. Alcohol reactivity d. Response to medications e. Obesity and birth outcomes


Which of the following statements is FALSE: a. Racial health disparities between African Americans and European Americans is largely a result of class differences b. Evodience of a socioeconomic status gradient in health has been found in every industrialized country investigated. c. There is evidence of a socioeconomic status gradient in health in non-industrialized countries, such as in northeast Burkina Faso (e.g., Fulani, Mossi, and Rimaibe ethnic groups). d. Even after controlling for rates of obesity, smoking, reduced exercise, and higher blood pressure, researchers in the Whitehall Study found that men in the lowest status jobs had a higher mortality rate than those in the highest status jobs.


White/Hispanic benefit from _______ parenting and Blacks/Asians benefit from _________parenting a. Authoritative; Authoritarian/no difference in parenting effects b. Authoritative; Authoritarian c. Authoritarian; Authoritative/no difference in parenting effects d. Authoritarian/no difference in parenting effects; Authoritative


What is the Chernoff figure?

A figure in which each element of the face is tied ot the response of a particular question about food; the more the average participants response to that item reflects a negative attitude, the more the facial features reveal a small and unhappy face

What is the reason the "Asian flush" developed?

As a genetic variant to protect Asians against developing alcoholism

What is the "Asian flush"

Asians are less likely than Europeans to have an enzyme that sufficiently detoxifies alcohol which results in the fact that about ½ of all Asians react to alcohol with a rapid increase in their heart rate & temperature which causes their face to turn bright red

1. What are the results of cooperative learning on achievement? a. Negative results for primary school for Blacks and Latinos but results fade in subsequent grades b. Positive results for primary school for Blacks and Latinos but results fade in subsequent grades c. Positive results for primary school for Blacks, Latinos and whites d. Negative results for primary school for Blacks and Latinos but results improve in subsequent grades


10. What dramatically lowers IQ and achievement, indicating IQ difference is not genetic? a. Caste minorities of different "racial" stock b. Caste minorities of same/similar "racial" stock c. Being an immigrant to the US d. Being adopted into upper middle class homes


13. Transracially adopted black youth i.e. _______ family have much higher IQ than traditionally adopted youth i.e._____ family (~13 point difference) a. Black; white b. White; black


2. Why don't SES differences fully explain the differences in intelligence? a. Overall heritability of IQ is 40-80% b. Because gaps occur at every SES level c. Evidence for bias is slim


30. Although there are massive IQ gains over time, there have not been massive gains for what? a. Grades b. Achievement c. Standardized tests scores


32. Which of the following is not an IQ Fundamentalists view of IQ? a. IQ measures some hard and identifiable trait that predicts the quality of our thinking b. Best way to understand why IQ rises is to look at WISC test c. The fact that Africans score lower than Europeans suggests an ineradicable cognitive disability d. This trait is stable→determined by genes and impervious to environmental influences


38. Have all measures of intelligence been increasing? a. Yes b. No, SAT scores declining in U.S. c. No, WISC scores declining in U.S. d. No, but not heavily researched


45. Where does the ethnic gap exist? a. For math and science b. For almost every subject c. For math and English d. For math, science and English


52. What theory explains minority school performance? a. Immigration influx hypothesis b. Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory c. Stereotype threat d. Steinberg thesis


53. Temporary societal barriers due to language or education barriers and positive dual-frame of reference are characteristic of what group? a. Blacks b. Voluntary (immigrant) minorities c. Involuntary (nonimmigrant/caste) minorities d. Whites


54. By Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory, ultimate success for voluntary (immigrant) minorities is by what? a. Integrating into society b. Acquiring language and education c. Receiving high tests scores d. Performing well on standardized tests


1. What are the race differences in intelligence as defined by the Bell Curve (Arthur Jensen)? a. Asians>Blacks>Whites b. Whites>Asians>Blacks c. Asians>Whites>Blacks d. Whites>Blacks>Asians


14. Which of the following is incorrect? a. West-Indians in US have higher IQs than "native" blacks and better on social indicies b. Black female IQ higher than black males c. White female IQ higher than white males d. Black females 2x likely to have IQ>120 e. Northern blacks>Southern whites


20. Children of white professionals receive ___ encouragements for ____ reprimand a. 2:1 b. 1:2 c. 6:1 d. 5:1


22. What are some of the correlates of IQ? a. Brain size, rate of glucose metabolism, myopia, complex memory b. Electro dermal activity, brain nerve conduction, reaction time, information processing tasks c. A & B


23. Which of the following is not true for IQ being predictive of life outcomes? a. School & Work b. Crime, poverty, "illegitimacy," chronic welfare status c. Performance in job d. Health & mental health


27. The "Sociologist's fallacy" says... a. In the same family, higher IQ siblings have better social outcomes b. In the same family, higher IQ siblings have worse social outcomes c. In the same family, lower IQ siblings have worse social outcomes d. In the same family, lower IQ siblings have better social outcomes


39. What is viewed as the purest measure of intelligence? a. WISC b. SAT c. Raven's Matrices d. IQ tests


44. By 12th grade, Blacks are scoring ____ years behind Whites/Asians and Hispanics only slightly better than Blacks. a. 7 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5


5. Which of the following is not an example of a critique of Hernstein and Murray's perspective of the Bell Curve? a. IQ higher when mother is white vs. father (cross-racial parenting) b. No IQ differences for Black and white youth (Eyferth study on children of American soliders in Germany) c. For Blacks, only weak correlation between Caucasian features and IQ (racial ancestry studies) d. "Bright" black youth in Chicago schools had greater European ancestry than general black population (racial ancestry studies) e. Jews, Irish, Italians all had lower tested IQ (White immigrants to the U.S.)


51. Academic achievement is linked to what parenting factors? a. Cognitive stimulation b. Emotional support c. Authoritarian parenting d. All of the above


57. Proximity to Mexico and flow of migrants reinforces Spanish language and Mexican Culture, leading to less likelihood of children to learn English is defined by what theory/perspective? a. Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological theory b. Anti-intellectualism c. Treisman intervention with engineering students d. Immigration influx hypothesis


6. Which of the following is not a critique that IQ difference is not genetic for the bell curve? a. French and transracial adoption studies b. White immigrants to the U.S. c. Cross-racial parenting d. No evidence of caste minorities e. Narrowing of racial gap


60. Steinberg's thesis includes research on all of the following except: a. East Asian languages b. Authoritarian vs. Authoritative parenting c. Orientation of peers d. Math achievement scores of East Asians e. Parental expectations


Etine's discussion of race differences that might lead to disparities in athlete performance is explained through examples of a. East African long-distance running and Western anaerobic activities b. West African long-distance running and East African anaerobic activities c. East Asian long-distance running and West African anaerobic activities d. East African long-distance running and West African anaerobic activities


Which of the following are not effects of formal education on how people think? a. Learn taxonomic categorization b. Facilitates abstract logical reasoning c. Heightened willingness to consider information beyond what one has experienced or heard about firsthand d. Provides us with implicit kinds of knowledge


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Skin color variation lies in the body's ability to synthesize Vitamin D. b. Skin color variation lies in the body's ability to breakdown folic acid. c. Skin color is a case where geographical factors have affected the genotype. d. Skin color is a case where phenotypic variation is mistaken for variation in genomes.


What happens to the diets of immigrants, as they stay longer in the US?

Declines in nutritional value of diets

1. Why do East Asian languages prepare East Asians for better math achievement? a. Structure fosters more numerical awareness b. Because the spoken numerals correspond exactly to the written form c. Base-ten structure d. Cognitive representation of numbers e. B, C and D correct


11. What are some examples of Caste minorities? a. Koreans in Japan b. Arab Israelis c. Lower castes in India d. Burakumin in Japan e. All of the above


28. What is the average increase in IQ as designated by the Flynn effect? a. 7-20 points per generation b. 18 points since 1950's c. 20+ points per generation d. 5 points per generation e. A & B are true


31. Which of the following is true about cultural change in the US? a. Americans today score higher on the SAT than they did a generation ago. b. IQ tests reveal trends that all Americans have higher IQs today than they did a generation ago. c. "Culture-bound" IQ tests have shown increases in American intelligence over the past generation, but "Culture-free" IQ tests have not shown any changes. d. IQ increased among Americans in the first half of the century, but has been decreasing since. e. None of the above.


33. What are the Flynn effect challenges of the IQ fundamentalists view? a. Best way to understand why IQ rises is to look at WISC test b. Scores in some of the categories have risen only modestly over time c. Greater cognitive demands and new abstract categories d. Different cognitive preferences and habits e. All of the above


41. Cross-cultural research on math achievement at school reveals that a. East Asian children perform better than American children on arithmetic but not trigonometry b. The cultural differences in math achievement are pronounced in elementary school but largely disappear by the time of high school graduation. c. East Asian teachers teach more hours per day on average than American teachers. d. Americans spend more hours on math homework per week than do East Asians. e. Americans are more satisfied with their math performance than are East Asians.


48. East Asian overachievement is demonstrated by: a. Rates of college eligibility b. Overachievement in math and science c. Overrepresentation in AP scores d. Overrepresentation at elite public high schools and colleges e. All of the above


55. What are characteristics of involuntary (nonimmigrant/caste) minorities in Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory? a. Arrived through slavery, conquest, colonization b. Forced against will c. Positive dual-frame of reference d. Temporary societal barriers e. A & B are true


A key difference between the epidemiological view of cultural evolution and the "ideas as replicators" view is that a. the epidemiological view predicts faster and more widespread evolution than the ideas as replicators view. b. the epidemiological view is parallel to biological evolution, whereas the ideas as replicators view is different from biological evolution. c. the epidemiological view involves genes whereas the ideas as replicators view involves memes. d. the epidemiological view involves horizontal transmission whereas the ideas as replicators view involves vertical transmission. e. the epidemiological view involves people recreating what they have learned, whereas the ideas as replicators view involves the mere replication of ideas.


Leads people to think in ways that are different from though processes of people who don't experience

Formal schooling

29. What is an example of an increase in IQ worldwide?

Gains greater for Blacks than Whites

What are some explanations for obesity?

Greater resilience on high-calorie foods, larger portion sizes, more sedentary lifestyle and suburban lifestyle

16. What is the critique that West-Indians in the US have higher IQs than "native" blacks indicates of?

Hernstein and Murray's Bell Curve

36. Chinese Americans are an ethnic group for whom...

High achievement preceded high IQ

19. What is linked with cognitive outcomes?

Home score

49. What an example of clear evidence for achievement gaps between ethnic groups?

Impoverished Asian students at inner city schools outperform Blacks/Latinos

35. The reason IQ has changed by Flynn is that

In order to do well you need to put on "scientific spectacles"

Cultural experience do not just shape the ways that we think; they can also affect

Our bodies and our health

What was the intervention for Black engineering students underperformance?

Mimic the Asians: study more in groups with focus on solving problems

What is an example of an adaptive response to climatic differences among populations?

Skin color

Skin color is strongly correlated with

The amount of UVR that reaches the surface in different parts of the globe

What types of schools "equalize" outcomes for Blacks/Latinos?

Those with high quality teachers, high expectations and success reinforced, high quality/commitment of administration, structured academic schedule, order in school

US Blacks are 3 x more likely to be what

Vitamin D deficient which may lead to greater osteoporosis and some cancers

24. When do race differences disappear with IQ?

When life experiences are equated (wealth, neighborhood)

34. The Flynn effect says: IQ measures not so much how smart we are as how _______ we are


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