PSYC- Ch 12: emotions, stress, & health

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Abdul has just discovered his term paper is due tomorrow when he thought it was due next week. According to Hans Selye, Abdul will likely be experiencing the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


Claudia has just received devastating news about her semi rig. Things seem very bleak because a fire in her neighborhood spread to her semi and destroyed it. Driving the truck is her only means of earning money. Claudia has many debts to pay off and is expecting her fourth child. When she hears the bad news, her heart rate zooms, and she feels faint, like she is in shock. According to Selye's general adaptation syndrome, she is in Phase 1, also known as _____.


William James argued that the "commonsense view" that our body's reactions reflect our emotional state is:


Based on the textbook's discussion, experiencing less stress is to better managing stress as _____ is to _____.

being optimistic, meditation

Mark is embarrassed by the fact that he displays emotion when watching a film with sad or sentimental scenes. What could Mark do to help control these emotions while viewing this type of film?

bite on an ice pop stick

Brendan must give an oral presentation in 10 minutes at the start of his class. In response to this "threat":

blood flow increases to Brendan's muscles

Which description of the expression of fear is accurate?

brows level, drawn in and up, eyelids lifted, mouth corners retracted

A response of the whole organism to a stimulus that includes a mixture of physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience is called:


After breaking up with her boyfriend, Laura alleviated her stress by avoiding contact with her ex-boyfriend and by planning recreational activities with her best girlfriend. Laura's behavior BEST illustrates _____-focused coping.


_____ is an organism's response to a stimulus that includes a mixture of bodily arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience.


"[Emotions] are our body's way of ensuring we do what's best for us," observes Frans de Waal (2009). This quote BEST reflects a(n) _____ perspective on emotion.


Darius has met some new students who just arrived from China. He asks them if they are excited to be in the United States, and they respond that they are excited to be here, but he cannot detect this excitement from their facial expression. If Darius wanted to look for signs of excitement, research has suggested he should look for this emotion by attending to their: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


B lymphocytes is to T lymphocytes as _____ is to _____.

fighting bacterial infections, attacking viruses

Lupe examines how social support may buffer the negative effects of stigma on the well-being of HIV-positive gay men of color. Lupe is MOST likely a _____ psychologist.


A friend has been a bit depressed because of a low test score. Daniel decides to play a DVD of funny cartoons to cheer her up. What could he ask her to do to increase the likelihood that she will laugh at the cartoon?

hold a big smile right when starting the DVD

John is really angry at his boss at work. John's friend suggests John go to the gym and hit the punching bag and pretend it is his boss. The problem with this advice is that:

it will just provoke more anger when he sees his boss

Employees are who are permitted to personalize their work space are likely to be more productive, committed, motivated workers because the personalization process increases workers':

perceived control

Hakeem is a fourth-year medical student. He has the tendency to downplay every successful exam. Every little setback is evidence to him that he will never graduate even though he has had several successful evaluations. Hakeem has a(n) _____ outlook.


The amount of stress that HIV-positive people experience is _____ correlated with the speed with which their disease progresses.


When labeling their feelings, "mindful people" show MORE activation in the brain's:

prefrontal cortex

Research suggests that regular exercise can not only reduce stress but also:

reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease

During a job interview, the prospective employee laughs at Ms. Dolly's jokes and seems to feign his smiles. She knows this from all of these clues EXCEPT that the smiles:

seem too wide

Li Ping lived through China's Cultural Revolution. He narrowly escaped China with his life, leaving family and friends behind to immigrate to the United States. This experience is likely to affect Li Ping:


Personal milestones such as getting married, getting divorced, or having a child go off to college are examples of:

significant life changes

____ can come in many forms and be effective, including from significant others, friends, community members, and pets.

social support

The process of appraising an event as threatening or challenging is called _____.


Sean is under an extreme amount of stress. He is battling with his boss about a failed project. In this time of stress, Sean turns to his friends for support and spends as much time with his children as possible. Taylor and colleagues would say that Sean is demonstrating a(n) _____ response to stress.

tend or befriend

The Lazarus theory of emotion suggests that people experience emotion:

when appraising an event as harmful or harmless

According to cross-cultural research, women are generally perceived as having higher levels of emotionality. Some researchers suggest that this perception is caused by:

women's greater openness to feelings

Hillary rates her satisfaction with her life as an 8 out of 10. A psychologist might say that this score MOST specifically refers to her:

subjective well-being

Ariana believes that yelling at her husband calms her feelings of anger toward him. Her belief is MOST clearly consistent with the concept of:


One effective strategy for reducing angry feelings is to:

count to 10

Attempting to alleviate stress indirectly by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to feelings related to one's stress reaction is known as _____ coping.


Following an ugly confrontation with a co-worker, Simon seeks sympathy from his friends. Simon is practicing _____ coping.


According to a study by Becker and colleagues, if one were to ask men and women to imagine a smiling face, which sex would they MOST likely imagine?

Both men and women would imagine a woman

If one were to give advice about how to become happy and remain happy, which piece of advice might be offered based on psychological research?

Give priority to close relationships and seek work and leisure activities that are found to be engaging

The first theory of emotion in psychology's history was the _____ theory.


Which sequence reflects the order of the major theories of emotion from the earliest to the more recent?

James-Lange -> Cannon-Bard -> Schachter-Singer

Evidence that emotion follows physiological arousal would be most consistent with the _____. Evidence that emotion follows the placement of a cognitive label on physiological arousal would be most consistent with the _____.

James-Lange theory, two-factor theory

Who suggested that very similar physiological reactions are associated with a variety of different emotions?

Walter Cannon

Pioneering thinkers in psychology's history recognized the importance of happiness. _____, for example, wrote about it in 1902.

William James

Alan reluctantly decided to take a long-awaited trip to New Zealand. The thing that is most disturbing to him is that he must leave his pet monkey behind. There is a "pet hotel" in the city that has agreed to take him. Should Alan worry about him?

Yes. Monkeys under stress due to social disruptions have weakened immune systems.

With respect to stress, which list contains an item that does NOT belong with the others?

aerobic exercise, building social support, preventing stress

Each Monday evening, Beth plays the guitar in jam sessions with friends. Beth enjoys the challenge of these musical improvisation sessions. During these jams, Beth may experience a state called:


Viktor thinks his friends Daniel and Alfonso are perfect for each other. He wants them to get together. Viktor decides to play a little game. "Indulge me, you two," he says. "I want you guys to _____ for 2 minutes."

gaze into each other's eyes

When faced with an overwhelming workload, an example of problem-focused coping would be:

getting a deadline extended

Someone needs to be hired who is good at reading emotions from minor, quick changes in people's facial expressions. Which personality type should be chosen?


Depression and anxiety are _____ to aerobic exercise.

negatively related

Two people can experience the same event, and one may find the event to be very stressful, while the other does not. This is because:

people interpret events differently

The field that studies mind-body interactions is called:


Charles looks down while sitting at the top of the Ferris wheel. He immediately feels his heart start to pound, and he simultaneously experiences fear. Which theory BEST explains this emotional response?

the Cannon-Bard theory

When people are stimulated by an exciting soccer match, their excitement can fuel and intensify anger. This effect is known as:

the spillover effect

Recent research (Burris et al., 2019) has found that children as young as _____ pay attention to angry faces, suggesting that people are hardwired to detect threats.

2 years

Maya owes the credit card company $20,000, her adjustable-rate mortgage has just gone up, and she has been out of work for 3 months. Her husband of 15 years came home today to tell her he is having an affair and wants a divorce. With that news, she collapsed and had to be taken to the emergency room. In Selye's general adaptation syndrome, Maya is in Phase:

3, in a state of exhaustion

According to the textbook, in looking at 206 studies of people's abilities to discern lies from truths, people were about _____ percent accurate.


Sandy is a human resources director for a chain of fast-food restaurants. When interviewing perspective employees, Sandy is known to finish their sentences and to be very short with them if they do not quickly finish a sentence. According to Friedman, Rosenman, and colleagues, Sandy is a Type _____ personality. Please type the correct answer in the following input field, and then select the submit answer button or press the enter key when finished.


Joseph has been experiencing financial problems associated with his recent divorce. He was able to save $300 from his tips, but because he could not pay off his bills, he decided to purchase a flat-screen television to help him take his mind off of his stress. This is an example of _____ coping.


Jennah's friend's father has just passed away. She does not just say she is sorry for the loss, but rather she tells her friend that she truly feels the pain that she is going through. Jennah really understands her grief, and both of them are crying together, as she can actually feel the loss in her heart as well. This is an example of:


In a senior writing seminar, students were asked to write a brief autobiography. Sixty years later, the students MOST likely to be alive and healthy are those who had expressed which of these in their autobiographies?

happiness, love, and other positive feelings

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