PSYCH 101 Midterm Review

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A child whose IQ score is ________ would be classified as ________. 60; normal 100; gifted 60; mentally retarded 150; normal 60; gifted

60; mentally retarded

________ refers to a temporary stress-related pattern of arousal with a clear onset and endpoint. A residual stress pattern Primary stress appraisal Acute stress Biarousal A "fight-or-flight" stressor

Acute stress

Which of the following is known to cause mental retardation? abuse by the mother of alcohol during pregnancy a genetic disorder such as PKU postnatal accidents involving the head conditions of deprivation or neglect All of the above are correct.

All of the above are correct.

Which of the following statements accurately reflects the relationship of the total amount of sleep that an individual receives as a function of age? We require more sleep as we age. As we age, we tend to get less sleep. We require much sleep during infancy and early childhood, less sleep in adolescence and early adulthood, and then more sleep in middle and older age. The amount of sleep we require solely depends on individual difference variables. We require less sleep when we are younger and when we are older, but more during our "middle" years.

As we age, we tend to get less sleep.

A Congressional hearing is taking place in Washington, DC. The representatives are discussing whether the portrayals of violence on children's TV shows are perhaps contributing to the violence we see in schools today. The work of what psychologist is most relevant to their discussions? Bandura Tolman Skinner Pavlov Garcia


________ carry messages away from the brain to the muscles of the body. Cortical neurons Sensory neurons Interneurons Glial cells Motor neurons

Motor neurons (think of a car driving away)

The deepest point in the sleep cycle, when brain waves activity is the slowest, occurs in Stage 1, about three hours after falling asleep. REM sleep, about one hour after falling asleep. Stage 4, about a half hour after falling asleep. Stage 4, about two hours before waking up. REM sleep, about one hour before waking up.

Stage 4, about a half hour after falling asleep.

________ is the view that the mind makes a coherent story out of spontaneous brain stem discharges. The psychoanalytic perspective The activation-synthesis dream model The humanistic model The behavioristic approach The homeostatic approach

The activation-synthesis dream model

People living under stressful conditions tend to get sick more often than they would otherwise. How do researchers in psychoneuroimmunology explain this phenomenon? The stress response reduces immune system functioning, thus making us more vulnerable to diseases. The stress response in the long run leads to a lowering of the heart rate, which makes the heart inefficient. The stress response makes muscles stronger, which places a greater burden on the heart and respiratory systems. The body tends to adapt to the constant call for the stress response and, thus, future responses are not as strong as before. This phenomenon has eluded explanation in the clinical research to date.

The stress response reduces immune system functioning, thus making us more vulnerable to diseases.

Which of the following is true of daydreams? Very few people daydream every day. Daydreaming is not an example of altered consciousness. They are a shift away from the immediate situation to memories, expectations, or desires. Daydreaming is normal for children, but it is pathological when adults do it. We tend to daydream more as we age.

They are a shift away from the immediate situation to memories, expectations, or desires.

According to Sternberg, your college grades would reflect your ________ intelligence. fluid analytical experiential practical creative


What three types of intelligence constitute Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence? global, intuitive, and special general, global, and specific analytical, creative, and practical mathematical, reasoning, and verbal interpersonal, intrapersonal, and independent

analytical, creative, and practical

The ________ believed that the soul left the body during dreams and wandered around in the world. ancient Egyptians ancient Chinese ancient Israelites Indian "veda" Native Americans

ancient Chinese

The American Psychological Association guidelines state that research participants must be paid (or rewarded) for their participation. never be deceived under any circumstances. never participate in blind research. be debriefed after the study if the research involves deception. waive their right to privacy if they volunteer for a study.

be debriefed after the study if the research involves deception.

A psychologist who studies how hormones affect a person's behavior is using the ________ perspective. biological functional deterministic evolutionary humanistic


A formerly dedicated physician who has lost her sense of caring and concern for her patients would be experiencing patient non-adherence. posttraumatic stress disorder. a Type-A behavior pattern. burnout. a catastrophic stressor.


A unique feature of the fMRI, as compared to the MRI, is the capacity to detect cell activity throughout the brain. measure the magnetic fields in the brain. control brain activity by stimulating various brain regions. take a detailed X-ray of the brain while the person is conscious. distinguish more active tissues from less active ones.

distinguish more active tissues from less active ones.

Which of the following is the term used to describe unpredictable, large-scale events that create a great deal of stress and feelings of threat? major life changes catastrophic events hassles eustress life change units

catastrophic events

The ________ is important for the human ability to tap dance and walk on a tightrope. hypothalamus thalamus amygdala cerebellum hippocampus


The ________ controls functions such as higher mental processing, including thinking and perceiving. brain stem cerebellum spinal cord cerebral cortex limbic system

cerebral cortex

Suggestibility can cause us to lose old memories in our LTM. distort memories and create false ones. block painful or upsetting memories. be unable to forget painful memories. rehearse important material repeatedly.

distort memories and create false ones.

The cognitive view would argue that learning always changes both behavior and thinking. does not always change behavior, but it always produces changes in mental activity. does not always change thinking, but it always produces changes in behaviors. produces changes in mental activity that cannot be objectively examined. always involves either reward or punishment.

does not always change behavior, but it always produces changes in mental activity.

Dr. Hefner wants to test the effects of Viagra on sexual desire. Dr. Hefner's research assistant (who is unaware of what the study is testing) randomly gives 50 males the drug while 50 males receive a placebo. (The study subjects are also unaware of the treatment which they are getting.) This would be described as a correlational study. double-blind study. study with no control group. study with two independent variables. study that would be difficult to replicate.

double-blind study.

The activation-synthesis hypothesis of dreaming states that the purpose of dreaming is to express unconscious wishes, thoughts, and conflicts. dreams are merely another kind of thinking; dreams occur because of random brain signals. the purpose of dreaming is to resolve current concerns and problems. dreaming is a by-product of a process of eliminating or strengthening neural connections. dreams serve the purpose of restoring spent neurotransmitters in the brain

dreams are merely another kind of thinking; dreams occur because of random brain signals.

Russell needs more of the drug he has been using to get the normal high he got when he first started. Russell is experiencing drug tolerance drug detoxification withdrawal overdrawal a syngergistic reaction

drug tolerance

The three components of hardiness identified in your textbook are confidence, challenge, and control. challenge, commitment, and control. commitment, conscience, and challenge. conscience, control, and confidence. conscientiousness, concern, and confidence.

challenge, commitment, and control.

Two strategies that are useful in dealing with the limits of working memory are to encode and process. chunk and rehearse. recall and recognize. relearn and retrieve. prime and repress.

chunk and rehearse.

Bits of information are combined into meaningful units so that more information can be held in working memory through the process of chunking. categorizing . rote rehearsal. cueing. priming.


A(n) ________ psychologist would be most likely to help individuals overcome their depression. clinical industrial/organizational (I/O) engineering school social


Which of the following is NOT classified as a hallucinogen? psilocybin angel dust LSD cocaine cannabis


A(n) ________ is a cognitive representation of a physical space. chunk spatial heuristic algorithm cognitive map confirmation bias

cognitive map

Actively working to change our thoughts about stress and how we appraise stressors are both components of cognitive restructuring. tangible support. primary appraisal. rationalization. subjective well-being.

cognitive restructuring.

A scientist who studies the strategies involved in playing a game of chess is most likely to follow a(n) ________ approach to psychology. cognitive humanistic behavioristic evolutionary psychoanalytic


This is a state of exhaustion experienced by medical and psychological professionals, as well as caregivers, which leaves the individual feeling stressed, numb, or indifferent. compassion non-adherence compassion fatigue a Type-A behavior pattern burnout a catastrophic stressor

compassion fatigue

What term do psychologists use to describe our tendency to search for evidence that supports our belief and to ignore evidence that might disprove it? confirmation bias convergent thinking availability bias representativeness bias mental set

confirmation bias

In an experiment, the independent variable is always changed by the subjects. confounded by other variables. controlled by the researcher. created by other researchers. considered by the control group.

controlled by the researcher

In this type of research, the relationship between variables is studied, but there is no manipulation of an independent variable: correlational study experiment case study survey observation

correlational study

Bob sells lamps for a living. In order to help people remember his telephone number, he requests the number 981-5267. Bob advertises his number as 981-LAMP. Bob is hoping that ________ will aid his customers in remembering his phone number. recognition recall maintenance rehearsal elaborative rehearsal engrams

elaborative rehearsal

The best strategy by which to transfer information from working memory to long-term memory is to engage in eidetic imagery. maintenance rehearsal. long-term potentiation. elaborative rehearsal. repression.

elaborative rehearsal.

According to Robert Sternberg, ________ is the ability to deal with new and different concepts and to come up with new ways of solving problems. analytical intelligence creative intelligence practical intelligence divergent intelligence none of these

creative intelligence

The purpose of the Binet-Simon approach was to determine which children needed remedial help. weed poor students out of the educational system. match workers with the appropriate job. test Galton's theories of intelligence. improve the educational system of France.

determine which children needed remedial help.

According to this perspective, people change as the interactions of heredity and environment unfold over time: biological cognitive whole-person developmental sociocultural


The main idea that defines this perspective is that people change in predictable ways as the influences of heredity and environment unfold over time: engineering sociocultural developmental structuralist humanistic


During synaptic transmission, the ________ within the axon results in the release of a(n) ________ that can traverse the synaptic gap. myelin sheath; chemical message electrical impulse; chemical message electrical message; chemical message myelin sheath; electrical impulse ionic impulse; electrical impulse

electrical impulse; chemical message

Sleep apnea is dangerous for adults because it can reduce heart rate. can cause a migraine. elevates blood pressure, which in turn stresses the heart. causes a loss of muscle tone. causes lower back pain.

elevates blood pressure, which in turn stresses the heart.

Memories are encoded and stored in a context. The idea that the context of a memory can serve as a cue to aid retrieval is known as encoding specificity. transience. long-term potentiation. the TOT phenomenon. retrograde facilitation.

encoding specificity.

Morphine and heroin duplicate the action of endorphins alcohol cigarettes LSD nicotine


Remembering your first day of college classes is an example of ________ memories. episodic semantic working implicit explicit


What would you expect to see on the EEG record of a person who is engaged in an episode of sleepwalking? paradoxical sleep waves very large sleep spindles evidence of deep sleep a record that is virtually the same as a daydreaming person a record that has only alpha wave activity

evidence of deep sleep

Creativity is a process that produces ________ responses that contribute to the solutions of problems. novel similar odd questionable personal


The idea that we can learn from seeing the actions of others is known as extinction. observational learning. insight learning. cognitive dissonance. the Garcia effect.

observational learning.

Vision is processed primarily in the ________ lobes. frontal temporal parietal occipital lateral

occipital (think ocular, eyes)

Proactive interference as used in the study of memory refers to when older information already in memory interferes with the retrieval of newer information. newer information interferes with the retrieval of older information. information is not attended to and fails to be encoded. information that is not accessed decays from the storage system over time. older information becomes distorted over time and is retrieved incorrectly.

older information already in memory interferes with the retrieval of newer information.

The ________ is involved in the regulation of feeding, drinking, and sexual behavior. hippocampus amygdala hypothalamus thalamus medulla


The "master gland" is a term that refers to the thalamus. hypothalamus. pituitary gland. adrenal gland. thyroid gland.

pituitary gland.

Jack suffered a brain injury as a result of hitting his head while waterskiing. One of the problems that developed was that Jack could not pronounce certain words correctly for a long period of time until he had extensive speech therapy and can now speak as he did before his accident. This is an example of the brain's ______ which allowed the structure and function of his brain cells to change to adjust to the trauma. adaptology stagnation plasticity reflex arc reflexology


Brad is home when all of his lights suddenly go out. His thought that "this is what happens when a fuse is blown" would be said to be demonstrating functional fixedness. identifying the problem. using an algorithm. working backward. evaluating a solution.

identifying the problem.

After suffering a sexual assault, Kathy feels a psychic numbness, she has some memory and sleep problems, and she has difficulty concentrating. Kathy is most likely suffering from general adaptation syndrome. posttraumatic stress disorder. Stockholm Syndrome. learned helplessness. denial

posttraumatic stress disorder.

In a well-designed experiment, subjects must be ________ to experimental conditions to control for other factors. stratified correlated randomized dispersed controlled


Margaret is a psychologist who designs programs to increase employee morale and workplace productivity. She is a(n) developmental psychologist. clinical psychologist. industrial/organizational psychologist. applied psychologist. experimental psychologist.

industrial/organizational psychologist.

The difference between insomnia and sleep apnea is that apnea affects primarily the elderly, whereas insomnia is characteristic of children. insomnia is treatable but apnea is not. insomnia is characterized by sleeplessness, whereas sleep apnea is characterized by breathing difficulties. apnea is a precursor to narcolepsy, whereas insomnia is not. insomnia occurs when a person cannot get to sleep, and sleep apnea occurs when people constantly wake up too early in the morning.

insomnia is characterized by sleeplessness, whereas sleep apnea is characterized by breathing difficulties.

With regard to subjective well-being, research has found that teens are happier than adults. men are more satisfied than women. Caucasians experience more happiness than African-Americans. money does not "buy happiness." spirituality plays no role in happiness.

money does not "buy happiness."

You are telling a joke to your friend who is laughing uproariously and then suddenly collapses to the floor. You are not surprised to later learn that he has a sleep disorder known as enuresis. narcolepsy. sleep terror. daytime insomnia. encopresis.


A(n) ________ is an imprecise mental classification that develops out of our everyday experiences in the world. familiar concept normative schema mental prototype natural concept deja vu experience

natural concept

Which type of research study would best be used to determine how aggressive children are while playing at a schoolyard during recess? confounding case study introspection naturalistic observation experiment

naturalistic observation

Alicia wants to understand the impact of peer pressure on adolescent behavior. She goes to a popular mall and observes the activities and interactions of a group of adolescents. Alicia is using self-report measures. naturalistic observation. conditioning. introspection. a double-blind study.

naturalistic observation.

An unconditioned stimulus is any stimulus that triggers a learned response. is based upon its association with another unconditioned stimulus. provides positive or negative reinforcement. naturally elicits a behavior without learning. inhibits previously learned behavior.

naturally elicits a behavior without learning.

You are sitting in a class when your professor holds up a large white feather. We could guess that most people would not really respond in any important way to the feather, because the feather is a(n) primary reinforcer. negative punisher. unconditioned response. neutral stimulus. extinct event.

neutral stimulus.

The drug ________ has a greater negative effect on health than does all the other psychoactive drugs combined. heroin PCP nicotine alcohol LSD


The linkage between a UCS and the UCR requires that the person must be hungry. the individual must receive either punishment or reinforcement. a critical impact of insight. no learning. that the dog salivates at the sound of the bell.

no learning

Jose is in a study to measure the effects of caffeine on mental performance. If Jose is given a caffeine-free beverage that tastes just like a beverage with caffeine, we would say that he is in the experimental group. in a correlational study. receiving a placebo. receiving the dependent variable. participating in introspection research.

receiving a placebo.

Ted is seeing a humanistic psychologist for therapy. His psychologist is most likely to focus on cultural guidelines that shaped Ted's personality. how Ted's parents shaped his behavior. striving for growth and exercising free will. the conflict between personal desires and social restrictions. Ted's unconscious resentment of his siblings.

striving for growth and exercising free will.

On the first day of class you are likely to do all of the following: find a desk, sit down, listen to the teacher talk about her syllabus, take out a pen, start taking notes, and not speak very much. These activities are part of your ________ about the first day of class. algorithm mental set script episodic memory heuristic


A _________ reinforcer, such as money or praise, gets its value through an association with a _________ reinforcer. positive; negative primary; secondary natural; artificial secondary; primary acquired; discriminative

secondary; primary

After Little Albert acquired a conditioned fear of rats, Watson wanted to see how he would react to a white rabbit, cotton wool, and a Santa Claus mask. He was studying whether or not ________ had occurred. behavior modification stimulus discrimination extinction stimulus generalization spontaneous recovery

stimulus generalization

A scientist who asks people which memory strategies they use in their daily lives would be said to be conducting a(n) experiment. case study. survey. clinical trial. naturalistic observation.


Which part of the nervous system reacts when the human body is subjected to stress? parasympathetic somatic sympathetic central endocrine


The action potential causes neurotransmitters to be released into the myelin sheath. axon. synapse. synaptic vesicle. dendritic cleft.


A loud noise at the front door of your apartment at 3 a.m. is a(n) ________; the changes in your perspiration level is termed ________. external motivator; an internal motivator coping catalyst; a poor coping strategy pressure; burnout eustress; GAS stressor; stress

stressor; stress

The humanistic approach toward psychology emphasizes the positive side of human nature. the deterministic nature of human environments. unconscious motivations. stimulus-response relationships in humans. our brain biochemistry.

the positive side of human nature.

Negative reinforcement involves the learning of a new response. the removal of an aversive stimulus. decreasing the likelihood of certain future behaviors. providing an unpleasant stimulus periodically during the day. pairing an old reflex with a new stimulus.

the removal of an aversive stimulus.

If you are unable to remember the name of your second grade teacher because you haven't thought of her in awhile, you are demonstrating the serial position effect. transience. misattribution. absent-mindedness. encoding specificity.


A(n) ________ refers to the behavior elicited by the unconditioned stimulus. conditioned stimulus conditioned response unconditioned response controlled response neutral response

unconditioned response

The majority of psychologists work in private practice. public school. government. universities, colleges, and medical schools. not-for-profit agencies.

universities, colleges, and medical schools.

"Jet lag" is primarily a result of anxiety-producing unconscious processes. upset circadian rhythms. hangover due to drinking alcohol before flying. sensory isolation due to flying in an enclosed airplane for a long time. flying many miles above sea level.

upset circadian rhythms.

Flashbulb memories are not subject to periodic revision. usually concern events that are emotionally charged. are almost always highly accurate. usually concern events from early childhood. are more subject to decay than regular memories.

usually concern events that are emotionally charged.

Which scanning method produces a computerized image of X-rays that have been passed through the brain at various angles? PET scanning CT scanning MRI scanning psychosurgery neurosurgery

CT scanning

________ involves relieving emotional pressure either directly or indirectly. Venting Catharsis Ego defense strategies Social support Accommodation


________ refers to the tendency for each hemisphere of the brain to take control of different functions. Neurotransmission Homeostasis Cortical transmission Cerebral dominance Spatial orientation

Cerebral dominance

________ is a steroid produced by the fight-or-flight response. Testosterone Progesterone Estrogen Cortisol Oxytocin


Which of the following statements is TRUE? All memories are stored in one place in the brain. Memories are randomly distributed throughout the brain. Different parts of the brain are specialized for the storage of memories. Almost all memories are primarily stored in the brain stem. Though many structures contribute to memory, the destruction of the hypothalamus would destroy a person's set of memory skills.

Different parts of the brain are specialized for the storage of memories.

A device used to record brain waves that involves placing electrodes directly on the scalp is called a(n) EEG. PET. GABA. MRI. RAS.


________ occurs when a person is blocked or prevented from achieving a desired goal or fulfilling a perceived need. Uncontrollability Conflict Pressure Frustration Avoidance


________ occurs when memories are retrievable, but they are associated with the wrong time, place, or person. Misattribution Interference Bias Priming Repression


Dr. Jones is an industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologist. Thus, she is most likely to do which of the following? help individuals who have eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa conduct experiments to determine which studying strategies work best diagnose learning disabilities within a school district assist an athlete in creating an effective schedule of practice sessions Help companies develop questions to ask job candidates.

Help companies develop questions to ask job candidates.

Which of the following is true of hypnosis? Hypnosis is a form of REM sleep. Hypnosis is accompanied by delta wave activity of the brain. Hypnosis is a state of awareness associated with relaxation and suggestibility. Hypnosis is a form of non-REM sleep. Hypnotic analgesia is blocked by naloxone.

Hypnosis is a state of awareness associated with relaxation and suggestibility.

Which of the following people would be considered a savant? Carrie, who is mentally retarded Luka, who is mentally retarded but has superb mathematical skills Carter, who is gifted and does well at most tasks Abby, who is gifted but has major difficulties with spelling Cleo, who is of average intelligence, but is great at math and terrible at spelling

Luka, who is mentally retarded but has superb mathematical skills

The scanning device that makes highly detailed pictures from tissue responses to powerful pulses of energy is the CT. PET. MRI. EEG. RAS.


________ involves controlled breathing while assuming certain body positions and minimizing external stimuli. Hypnosis Meditation Consciousness Dichotic listening Cataplexy


________ are biochemical substances that are released into the synaptic cleft to stimulate or suppress other neurons. Receptors Hormones Neurotransmitters Interneurons Neurohormones


In the ________ procedure, a composite picture of brain activity is produced by sensing which areas of the brain show the highest concentration of a low-level radioactive glucose. PET CT MRI EEG fMRI


________ are clusters of knowledge that provide general conceptual frameworks regarding certain topics, events, and situations. Prototypes Schemas Hierarchies Algorithms Cognitive maps


The "tend-and-befriend" model was proposed by ________ to account for ________. Carol Gilligan; male behavior Hans Selye; hormonal changes in females Walter Cannon; problems with the James-Lange theory Shelly Taylor; female behavior James Lange; behavioral responses

Shelly Taylor; female behavior

"If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated. If a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated." This is a statement of the law of positive reinforcement. Rescorla's cognitive perspective. Thorndike's law of effect. Garcia's conditional emotional response. Bandura's Bobo effect.

Thorndike's law of effect.

________ involves the provision of task-oriented help, such as housecleaning, cooking meals, or rides to a hospital. Transitional assistance Biofeedback Tangible assistance Socioemotional assistance Perceptual assistance

Transitional assistance

If I asked you what you ate for dinner on Saturday, it might be a difficult task. However, if I reminded you that you went to Outback Steakhouse with your mother and aunt, it may be easier to remember. Why is that? You have been provided with retrieval cues. You are now relying on recognition rather than recall. You are now utilizing procedural memory. There is no more proactive interference. You have used maintenance rehearsal to access the memory.

You have been provided with retrieval cues.

One major difference between psychiatry and psychology is that psychiatry is a branch of sociology. a medical specialty. focused on importance of perception for human function. part of a large group of specialties. involved in case study research.

a medical specialty.

A person who persists in solving a problem in the same way every time would be said to show anchoring bias. algorithm. representativeness heuristic. a mental set. cognitive bias

a mental set.

The Premack principle states that a preferred activity can be used to reinforce a less preferred one. in order to be effective, reinforcement must be unpredictable. reinforcement is more effective than punishment. punishment must be used consistently and immediately. using two types of punishment works better than using only one.

a preferred activity can be used to reinforce a less preferred one.

Reuptake is a chemical that is released into the synaptic gap. a protein molecule on the dendrite or cell body of a neuron that will interact only with specific neurotransmitters. a process by which neurotransmitters are sucked back into the synaptic vesicles. a chemical that plays a role in learning and attention. polypeptide that strengthens neural impulses.

a process by which neurotransmitters are sucked back into the synaptic vesicles.

Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of verbal and mathematical abilities. crystallized and visual-motor abilities. a single entity called general intelligence. analytical, creative, and practical intelligence. eight different forms of intelligence.

a single entity called general intelligence.

Addiction refers to increased drug effect with repeated use. the loss of withdrawal symptoms when the drug use is stopped. maintained drug effect with repeated use. a situation where drug use continues despite adverse consequences to the user. augmented drug reward.

a situation where drug use continues despite adverse consequences to the user.

A person who needs nine hours per night, but is only allowed to sleep for six hours per night, would be said to suffer from insomnia. sleep apnea. hypersomnia. a sleep debt. a circadian cataplexy.

a sleep debt.

According to the text, another name for a "hypothesis" is a specific testable idea or prediction. knowledge derived from common sense. an informed hunch. informed guess. belief system.

a specific testable idea or prediction.

During summer camp, campers get a sticker each time they demonstrate good sportsmanship. When they have earned 10 stickers, they may select a candy bar. This represents an example of negative reinforcement. primary shaping. classical conditioning. reward generalization. a token economy.

a token economy.

In Pavlov's classic experiments, the repeated presentations of the metronome along with the food was called the ________ step of the classical conditioning process. acquisition testing extinction spontaneous recovery generalizing


During the alarm reaction to a stressor, the hypothalamus triggers an emergency response in the forebrain. adrenal glands. amygdala. immune system. parasympathetic nervous system.

adrenal glands.

The use of ________ in problem solving guarantees success, but using a(n) ________ does not guarantee success. a mental set; schema an algorithm; heuristic a mnemonic; script a retrieval cue; cognitive map a prototype; anchoring bias

an algorithm; heuristic

A police officer is shot in a gun battle with bank robbers. Although emergency brain surgery saves his life, it leaves him unable to store new information. The officer's family is applying to the state for compensation for his injuries. When asked to provide a diagnosis of the difficulties he suffers, what will they write? proactive amnesia anterograde amnesia retrograde amnesia retroactive amnesia pernicious amnesia

anterograde amnesia (ant=antennae=forward=future)

Wolfgang Köhler suggested that chimps can use a primitive form of language. would seek affection directly from Kohler. avoid other chimps. are capable of insight learning. administer punishment to other chimps.

are capable of insight learning.

Your temporal lobes are most important for processing of ________ signals. olfactory (smell) visual (sight) auditory (sound) tactile (touch) gustatory (taste)

auditory (sound) (temporal= tempo of a song)

Concepts can represent objects but not activities. cannot be directly observed by researchers. are basically the same from one person to the next. interfere with our ability to organize new information. come in exactly two types, visual and auditory.

cannot be directly observed by researchers.

A punisher ________ the probability of a response while a negative reinforcer ________ the probability of a response. decreases; decreases increases; increases decreases; increases does not alter; decreases increases; decreases

decreases; increases

The odd feeling of recognition you get when you visit a new place is known as a prototype. a concept hierarchy. deja vu. a mental set. an algorithm.

deja vu.

Neural signals travel along a neuron in what order? axon, dendrite, soma, terminal button terminal button, soma, dendrite, axon dendrite, soma, axon, terminal button dendrite, axon, soma, terminal button axon, soma, dendrite, terminal button

dendrite, soma, axon, terminal button

Your teacher asks you to describe the sequence of parts of a neuron that the impulse travels during neural conduction. Which of the following sequences will you offer? dendrites, axon, soma, terminal button terminal buttons, axon, soma, dendrites axon, soma, dendrites, terminal button dendrites, soma, axon, terminal button neurotransmitters, dendrites, axon, soma

dendrites, soma, axon, terminal button

The capacity of morphine and codeine to provide excellent pain relief occurs because these drugs inhibit the uptake of serotonin. cause the loss of physical sensation. exert analgesic properties that resemble those of the body's endorphins. increase central nervous system activity. cause temporary failure within the cerebrum.

exert analgesic properties that resemble those of the body's endorphins.

According to Hans Selye, resistance to stress is lowest at the ________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. alarm resistance exhaustion collapse automatic


A danger posed by watching repeated news broadcasts of a tragedy is that a person will not understand the nature of the tragedy. experience vicarious traumatization. develop a serious case of cynicism. become emotionally numb. C and D are correct.

experience vicarious traumatization.

Marisol blamed her professor for failing her midterm. She failed to realize that her two hours of studying, her lack of sleep, and late partying all week would better explain her results. This is an example of Type A personality. Type B personality. internal locus of control. external locus of control. learned helplessness.

external locus of control.

When the CS is repeatedly presented in the absence of the UCS (food, in this case), the CR will "die out" in a process called CR fading extinction habituation generalization fading discriminatory fading


After Pavlov's dogs became conditioned to salivate at the sound of the metronome, he experimented with sounding the metronome and then failing to present the dogs with any food right away. Soon they stopped salivating to the sound of the metronome. This represents the process called acquisition. testing. extinction. spontaneous recovery. shaping.


In a set of scores that are normally distributed, many people score at the high end and just a few score at the low end. people are equally likely to obtain any particular score. people tend to score consistently when they are retested. few people score very high or very low and most people score near the average. people's scores reflect their actual ability.

few people score very high or very low and most people score near the average.

A monthly paycheck best represents a ________ schedule of reinforcement. fixed interval variable interval fixed ratio variable ratio continuous

fixed interval

A loose screw on the visor causes it to drop down while Ben drives; however, he keeps forgetting to take a screwdriver out to the car to fix it. When he notices the visor drop again, he reaches into his pocket for a dime he uses to tighten the screw holding the visor. What problem-solving difficulty did Ben overcome? relative comparison functional fixedness poor problem representation the representative bias the availability bias

functional fixedness

Jenna walks into her science class laboratory, and she immediately feels queasy. Today is the day her class is dissecting frogs and she is sickened by the smell of the formaldehyde. However, after an hour Jenna is no longer sickened because of classical conditioning. habituation. operant conditioning. her reflexes. spontaneous recovery.


Burning your toast, having trouble opening an e-mail attachment, breaking a glass, and running late for an appointment are all examples of uplifts. hassles. downturns. distress. major life events.


According to Terman's original computation of intelligence quotient, if Ralph's computed IQ score is 75, then he might be a 12-year-old who is as smart as the average nine-year-old. he correctly answered three-fourths of the questions on the intelligence test. he is 75 years old. he might be a 6-year-old who is as intelligent as most eight-year-olds. he is as smart as the average 75-year-old.

he might be a 12-year-old who is as smart as the average nine-year-old.

A person who has the Type A behavior pattern that includes anger and hostility is more likely to develop HIV infection. learned helplessness. heart disease. hardiness. dissociative identity disorder.

heart disease.

Deanna reads that horses are a type of animal, and that palominos are a type of horse. To understand this, Deanna will organize these concepts into a script. syllogism. hierarchy. mental set. cognitive map.


You believe that a test is going to turn out badly, but then you get an A on that test. If you then tell friends that you knew all along that you would do well on the test, you are showing hindsight bias. the anchoring bias. student bias. the availability bias. convergent thinking.

hindsight bias.

Roberto knew he had not tried hard enough on the final exam and deserved the lower grade. He told himself that he would definitely study harder next time. This is an example of Type A personality. Type B personality. internal locus of control. external locus of control. learned helplessness.

internal locus of control.

Janet cannot get along well with others, but she is the best in her class at reading. According to Howard Gardner, she lacks ________ intelligence but possesses much ________ intelligence. musical; spatial rhythmic; logical bodily-kinesthetic; intrapersonal interpersonal; linguistic spatial; linguistic

interpersonal; linguistic

Deprivation of REM sleep results in ________ during ________. irritability; the next day reduced problem solving; the next week reduced REM sleep; the next sleep period reduced problem solving; the next month All of the above are correct.

irritability; the next day

In science, a theory is based on several hypotheses. always generates accurate findings. is an unverified idea or abstract concept. is diametrically opposed to empiricism. is a testable explanation for a set of facts or observations.

is a testable explanation for a set of facts or observations.

The key advantage of using a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement is that the person will be rewarded often. it is very predictable. it is easy to extinguish. it produces more responding. the individual is usually content.

it produces more responding.

A client tells his therapist about a dream in which he drives his wife to the airport where she boards a plane. As the plane takes off, he is smiling. The therapist says the dream suggests a desire for a divorce. The therapist's interpretation represents what Sigmund Freud called the dream's deep content. latent content. manifest content. subliminal content. supraliminal content.

latent content.

A woman who has been repeatedly abused by her husband may develop ________ and stop trying to defend herself. unresolved major stress a Type B behavior pattern hardiness learned helplessness burnout

learned helplessness

Studies of observational learning demonstrate that nonhuman species cannot learn by imitation. learning can occur in the absence of personal experience. television viewing has more influence on behavior than direct observation of live events. people learn antisocial behaviors (but not prosocial behaviors) through observation. reward has a greater influence on our behavior than does punishment

learning can occur in the absence of personal experience.

A person's total knowledge of the world and of the self is contained within photographic memory. eidetic imagery. declarative memory. long-term memory. maintenance rehearsal.

long-term memory.

Bonnie is trying to remember what grocery items she needs from the stores. She repeats the words, "Eggs, cookies, bread, tortillas, and pretzels" over and over again in her mind. Bonnie is utilizing which memory technique? elaborative rehearsal transduction maintenance rehearsal chunking retroactive interference

maintenance rehearsal

Because ideas in LTM are stored in terms of meaning, a practical way to improve memory is to cut down on alcohol intake on study days. use only maintenance rehearsal when studying. study in a noisy crowded environment. wait until the last moment to learn new material. make the material meaningful when it is in working memory.

make the material meaningful when it is in working memory.

A key aspect of an experiment is the requirement that researchers use correlational methods. manipulate one variable to see its effect on another variable. replicate their findings. publish their results in a scientific journal. provide some sort of placebo.

manipulate one variable to see its effect on another variable.

Following a disaster, those in the automatic action phase cannot fully comprehend what has happened. experience psychic numbness. may behave with little awareness of their actions. use up their reserves of energy and collapse. may feel weary.

may behave with little awareness of their actions.

Our ability to breathe is controlled by the ________ which is located within the ________. medulla; brainstem thalamus; forebrain cerebellum; midbrain brain stem; medulla pons; forebrain

medulla; brainstem

Secretions from the thyroid gland control breast milk excretion. sperm production. stress reaction. metabolism. uterine contractions.


The key feature of behaviorism that distinguishes it from other approaches to psychology is that consciousness is central to the study of the mind. only observable behavior is appropriate for study. mental abilities evolve just as physical characteristics do. a holistic view of a person is essential for understanding. groups, not individuals, should be the focus of study.

only observable behavior is appropriate for study.

A Skinner box is most likely to be used in research on classical conditioning. operant conditioning. vicarious learning. cognitive learning. observational learning.

operant conditioning.

Endorphins are found where neurons meet skeletal muscles. less powerful than enkaphalins. pain-controlling chemicals. radically different in function from neurotransmitters. responsible for the fatal reaction that human beings have when bit by a Black Widow spider.

pain-controlling chemicals.

Malcolm is studying alone in his room late at night when he hears a loud noise downstairs. His heartbeat increases significantly and his breathing becomes shallow. He wonders if a burglar has entered the house and decides to investigate. When he gets downstairs he discovers his cat has knocked over a plant stand. His body begins to relax and return to normal. Which part of his nervous system is responsible for returning Malcolm to a normal state? spinal cord somatic nervous system sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system the corpus callosum

parasympathetic nervous system

When memories for unpleasant events are intrusive, what has occurred? suggestibility persistence mnemonics bias transience


Some identical twins have the same genetic makeup, but look slightly different. Their slight differences in appearance are an example of _______, which are influenced by both biology and environment. genotypes environmental selections phenotypes habitats neurons

phenotypes (think physical)

Another term for eidetic imagery is photographic memory. recognition. episodic memory. engram. implicit memory.

photographic memory.

Working a second job to pay off credit cards is an example of problem-focused coping. emotion-focused coping. distraction. reappraisal. realistic coping.

problem-focused coping.

Coping strategies can be either ________-focused or ________-focused in nature. problem; emotion distress; eustress physiological; spiritual internally; externally externally; internally

problem; emotion

The two main forms of long-term memory are recognition and recall. encoding and rehearsal. procedural and declarative memory. semantic and episodic memory. immediate and eventual memory.

procedural and declarative memory.

A guitarist uses ________ to recall how to play the notes of a specific song. episodic memory procedural memory semantic memory a flashbulb memory mnemonics

procedural memory

The first thing that comes to mind when asked to name an example from a category is called the schema. prototype. concept marker. category marker. exemplar.


Shortly after Louisa learned that her mother had been killed in an automobile accident, she walked around her hometown for hours not knowing where she was. She was probably exhibiting anticipatory coping. burnout. chronic stress. psychic numbness. disinhibition.

psychic numbness.

A therapist who analyzes your dreams is most likely to have been trained according to the ________ school of psychology. behaviorism cognitive humanistic psychoanalytic neuroscience


The ________ approach views the mind, particularly the unconscious mind, as a reservoir of energy for the personality. biological sociocultural behavioristic psychodynamic humanistic


Selma notices that as her supply of marijuana decreases she starts thinking more and more about where she can get another supply as well as feeling nervous and anxious. This is an example of withdrawal. tolerance. physiological dependence. psychological dependence. intoxication.

psychological dependence.

Ebbinghaus found that information is forgotten more rapidly as time goes by. gradually at first, then with increasing speed. quickly at first, then tapers off gradually. most quickly one day after learning. at a constant pace over time.

quickly at first, then tapers off gradually.

Memory is defined as an active system that consists of three processes. They are receiving information from the senses, organizing and storing the information, and retrieving the information from storage. the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response. bottom-up processing, selective attention, and top-down processing. acquisition, extinction, and spontaneous recovery. elaboration, maintenance, interference.

receiving information from the senses, organizing and storing the information, and retrieving the information from storage.

Under most circumstances, when you are intentionally trying to remember an item of information, ________ is a less demanding task than ________. recognition; recall recall; recognition priming; the savings method the savings method; priming a mnemonic; the method of loci

recognition; recall

Cross-cultural studies suggest that dreams reflect the life events that concern the dreamer. reflect unconscious impulses. are similar across cultures. are important for good memory function. rarely concern issues of violence and death.

reflect the life events that concern the dreamer.

The key difference between the two main forms of schedules of reinforcement is whether reinforcers are given or removed. reinforcement occurs often or rarely. the behaviors will increase or decrease in frequency. a person can control the consequences of the reinforcement. reinforcement is determined by time or by number of responses.

reinforcement is determined by time or by number of responses.

A person who has suffered damage to their hippocampus would be expected to have difficulty with remembering newer information. remembering events from his distant past. concentrating on complex tasks. controlling his temper. moving in a smooth manner.

remembering newer information.

A scientist who is skeptical about a particular study can decide to run that study in their laboratory. This would represent ________ the original research study. reconfiguring rearranging reanalyzing replicating referencing


Recall and recognition are examples of encoding methods. storage methods. retrieval methods. elaboration. organizational methods.

retrieval methods.

Jessica took psychology in the fall semester and is now taking sociology. Several of the concepts are similar, and Jessica finds that she sometimes has trouble recalling some of the major psychological theorists. She keeps getting them confused with sociological theorists. Jessica's problem is most likely due to decoding failure. retroactive interference. proactive interference. Toronto syndrome. anterograde amnesia.

retroactive interference.

Quite often, people with depression and those who are under a great deal of stress continue to mull over negative thoughts which can compromise their immune systems. This is known as sublimation. problem-focused-coping. rumination. emotion-focused coping. defending.


In the game show Jeopardy! contestants are tested on general information. The type of memory used to answer these kinds of questions is procedural. semantic. episodic. working. autobiographical.


The fact that it is easier to recall items at the beginning and end of a list of unrelated items is known as the phi phenomenon. implicit memory effect. serial position effect. sequestering effect. location parallax.

serial position effect.

As a marine biologist, you are trying to teach a dolphin to jump over a bar. At first, you reward the dolphin every time it swims near the bar. Then, you only reward her when she emerges from the water near the bar. Eventually, you reward the dolphin each time she jumps out of the water. Then, you only reward the dolphin when she jumps over the bar. This technique is an example of classical conditioning. spontaneous recovery. discrimination. shaping. positive punishment.


Short, rhythmic bursts of brainwave activity that appear during Stage 2 sleep are called delta waves. sleep spindles. paradoxical sleep waves. beta waves. gamma waves.

sleep spindles.

Research has consistently shown that having good _________ is of critical importance in a person's ability to cope with stressors. friendship camaraderie therapist social support medication

social support

If you are interested in how patterns, beliefs, and customs influence behavior, you are interested in the ________ perspective. behavioral sociocultural psychodynamic cognitive evolutionary


You are holding an ice cube in your left hand. You touch it and find that it is hard and slick and cold. Soon the coldness becomes painful. Most of this information is processed in which cortex? motor association somatosensory visual temporal


An animal is conditioned to salivate to a metronome using Pavlovian procedures. After the conditioning is established, the animal is then put through an extinction procedure and the conditioned salivation disappears. Then the animal is removed from the test situation for several days. When returned to the test situation, the conditioned response is seen again. The effect is known as spontaneous recovery. higher-order conditioning. extinction. stimulus generalization. stimulus discrimination.

spontaneous recovery.

A psychology teacher wants to determine whether computer-aided learning will produce higher standardized test scores than a usual lecture format. In this example, the dependent variable is the individual students. students' previous grades in psychology. standardized test scores. students' interest in psychology. method of instruction.

standardized test scores.

Drugs that speed up the functioning of the nervous system are called stimulants. depressants. narcotics. psychogenics. hallucinogens.


After feeding a dog with a red bowl but never giving any food with a green bowl, the dog now salivates only to the red bowl. This is an example of: insight learning. higher-order conditioning. spontaneous recovery. extinction. stimulus discrimination.

stimulus discrimination.

Researchers typically stress that a key aspect of intelligence is the ability to speak different languages. the Y chromosome. the ability to reason and acquire knowledge. only accurate for males. creativity.

the ability to reason and acquire knowledge.

Heritability refers to differences between identical twins raised apart. the amount of variation in a group that can be attributed to genetic differences. the impact of schooling on IQ scores. concordance differences between siblings. the impact of sensory deprivation on cognitive growth.

the amount of variation in a group that can be attributed to genetic differences.

Most people would guess that more women die of breast cancer than of heart disease, even though the opposite is true. People might be misled, because we hear about breast cancer quite a bit in the media. Thus, we fall victim to confirmation bias. the availability bias. an anchoring bias. divergent thinking. a mental set.

the availability bias.

How does the activation-synthesis hypothesis explain dreaming? the surfacing of repressed sexual urges biological attempts to make recent memories more permanent the cortex making sense of signals from the brain stem the use of elaborate symbolism to disguise "unthinkable" topics the surfacing of repressed aggressive urges

the cortex making sense of signals from the brain stem

Jenna wants to learn whether men or women are better drivers. To determine this, she decides that she will measure driving ability by examining the number of automobile accidents people have been involved in as a driver. The number of accidents is the basis of her control group in this study. a theory of good driving. the independent variable in this study. the operational definition of driving ability. a case study examination of driving ability.

the operational definition of driving ability.

Insight learning involves the perception of familiar objects in new forms or relationships. the integration of unfamiliar objects into familiar patterns. a strategy of vicarious trial-and-error. the development of abstract concepts. the process of assimilation.

the perception of familiar objects in new forms or relationships.

John learns about Michelle, a student at a state university in NY, who has blond hair, enjoys the summer, and likes the beach. John assumes she is from California (given the stereotypes about women from California) despite the fact that over 85% of students at this state university are from NY. This is best explained by divergent thinking. algorithms. knowledge of the base rate. the representativeness bias. convergent thinking.

the representativeness bias.

In most people, ________ of the brain is(are) most involved in visual and spatial activities. the right side the left side neither side the lower surface rear aspect

the right side

The peripheral nervous system is comprised of the autonomic nervous system and the sympathetic division. the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system. the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. the somatic nervous system and the sympathetic division. the parasympathetic nervous system and the central nervous system.

the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

"Fight-or-flight" behavior is associated with the parasympathetic division. motor neurons. the sympathetic division. the somatic nervous system. interneurons.

the sympathetic division.

Janie is taking an exam in her history class. On the exam there is a question that asks her to state and discuss the five major causes of the Trans-Caspian War. Janie remembers four of them. She knows there is a fifth and can almost remember it; she knows that it is something like taxes. Janie is walking down the stairs, when all of a sudden, she remembers that the fifth point is taxes, but it is too late. Janie was suffering from encoding problems storage inversion the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon evaluation overload anterograde amnesia

the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

Based on his classroom experiences and everyday observations, Dr. McGinty believes that those students sitting in the front row of a classroom get higher grades than those sitting in rows further back. His belief is an example of a(n) method. theory. stimulus event. correlation coefficient. dependent variable.


Widely abused illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines are attractive to users because they stimulate the brain's "reward circuits." they helped our ancestors survive and reproduce. they suppress REM sleep. they slow down mental and physical activity. they produce hallucinations and delusions.

they stimulate the brain's "reward circuits."

A telemarketer is working according to a ________ schedule of reinforcement. fixed ratio variable ratio fixed interval variable interval continuous

variable ratio

Punishment is MOST effective in most circumstances. when it occurs immediately after the undesired behavior. when it is mildly aversive. in surprisingly few situations. when it uses physical discipline.

when it occurs immediately after the undesired behavior.

After binging on alcohol the entire week of spring break, Virginia is trembling, nauseous, perspiring, and begging for alcohol. Virginia is probably suffering from alcohol intolerance. a painful illusion. sensory deprivation. withdrawal symptoms. cataplexy analgesia.

withdrawal symptoms.

Suppose Tamika looks up a number in the telephone book. After getting a busy signal, a minute or so later she tries to call again - but has already forgotten the number! This example illustrates the limited duration of ________ memory. sensory working echoic implicit procedural


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