Psych 17 Final Exam

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ECT: The Beginning

induced artificially patients started to convulse immediately unconscious, fractured limbs, bruises

1. Set commitments with 3 levels

(Optimal, Acceptable, & Passable) level of performance to avoid an all/none pass fail

somatic treatments

- Medical treatments for psychological disorders, including drug treatments (psychopharmacology), psychosurgery, and electroconvulsive shock therapy. - Based on the biomedical model of psychological disorders.

Behaviorism 101: The Keys to the Kingdom of Change

1. reward the behavior to increase it (positive reinforcement) 2. Punish the behavior to decrease it (Positive punishment) 3. reduce discomfort to increase behavior (negative reinforcement) 4. Take away rewards to decrease behavior (negative Punishment)

Moral Treatment: Respectful of the Mentally Ill

1700s-1800s High success rate, not a lot of people returning gave patients things to do & meals

Hospital Movement

18th century protected insane from harm, cure them, improve lives, and fulfill caring needs

Insulin Coma Therapy: Rewiring the Brain

1930s-1960s thought brain wires were crosses dropped insulin levels -> patient in coma -> raised levels

DSM5 criteria for schizophrenia Part A

2 or more for at least 1 month: hallucinations, disorganized speech, catonic behavior, negative symptoms

Awareness and Commitments as Antidote to Auto-Pilot behavior

3 Steps 1. Set commitments with 3 levels of performance 2. Devise reinforces for success 3. Target barriers to success


4 fluids, blood, phlegm, bile, & black bile

Trephination: Holes in Your Head

5,000-7,000 years ago done if someone is possessed by demons made sense to drill holes to get them out cured but killed them

How many people have psychotic experiences?


What does it mean to experience psychosis?

A continuum from normality to psychosis DSM says either have it or not

Parkinson's disease

A disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, often including tremors.

Provide a clear example from DSM of circular reasoning

ADHD, mother seeking evidence. Going around in circle, backward claim


An adoption of the social, political, or economic institutions of Western—especially European or American—countries.

History of treatment

Asylums, EST, Skull Drills help those suffering from M.I.s View has changed throughout history (societal view) Trephined skulls Several ancient cultures used some religious & recreational activities to help Hippocrates's Imbalances Social stigma Humanitarian movement Hospital movement Sigmund Freud Somatic treatment Chlorpromazine

Sigmund Freud

Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis.

Asylums: Isolating the Patient

Basically warehoused -sent here if family couldn't take care of them

Bleeding, Vomiting, and Purging: Fixing 'Humors' Ancient Greece Through 1600s

Belief that if one was acting crazy, they were out of balance -causing one to vomit, bleed out or purge, would re balance them

History of the making of the DSM

Consensus document Heavily influenced by pharm. industry Little emphasis on context

seasonal affective disorder

Controversial disorder in which a person experiences depression during winter months and improved mood during spring. Can be treated using phototherapy, using bright light and high levels of negative ions.

Conflicts of Interest

DSM has drugs ADs on UOP library website

What flew off shelves?

DSM-3 & the DSM-3R (revised) flew off shelves

Clarifying Boundary Between Normality & Disorder

DSM5 introduced with preface of disorder section 2 of the manual (excluding [v&z codes]) must meet the definition of mental disorder

positive symptoms of schizophrenia

Delusions of reference, delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur, thought broadcasting, though insertion, hallucinations, disorganized thought, disorganized behaviour, catatonia


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

History of Mental Health Treatments in the Western World

Disturbing, should be looking for causes Belief is crucial since we know how treatments should go

positive reinforcement

Increasing behaviors by presenting positive stimuli, such as food. A positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response.

negative reinforcement

Increasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock. A negative reinforcer is any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response. (Note: negative reinforcement is not punishment.)

Popular Psychology, Fads, Pseudoscience: Historical Example

Phrenology Frances J. Gall -followed by Thomas Edison & Ralph Waldo Emerson

Naming something doesn't make it real

Reification - renamed it Name of mental illness was supposed to be a short, quick way for professionals to talk amongst one another to discuss their patients

Hickey (1998); Sorboro (2010)

Reliability & Validity of DSM labels ADHD & MDD criteria of 2 overlap a lot why people get diagnosed w/2,3,4 illnesses

DSM-5 Criteria for Schizophrenia Part C

Signs must last atleast 6 months must include 1 month of symptoms that meet criteria A during residual periods, only negative symptoms may be present

Beck (2016) The disease you only get if you believe in them

Talked about diseases you get if you believe in them in other countries

Dangerous of Reification

The underlying cause is not found or defined

Would never use the criteria used to diagnose mental illnesses for medical illnesses

They don't have the mental illness, they are suffering from something we have yet to be able to identify

The Disease You Only Get if You Believe in Them

Westernization bigorexia seasonal affective disorder

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)

a depressive disorder in children characterized by persistent irritability and frequent episodes of out-of-control behavior


a disorder in which an individual falsely believes he or she is underweight or undersized

premenstrual dysphoric disorder

a disorder marked by repeated episodes of significant depression and related symptoms during the week before menstruation


a drug that reduces the symptoms of schizophrenia by blocking dopamine D2 receptors


a psychological disorder in which a person loses contact with reality, experiencing irrational ideas and distorted perceptions

Asylums treatment

abuse, abandoned, & chained

psychological approach

aims to understand experiences in the same way that we understand


an event that decreases the behavior that it follows

3 Steps to tackling autopilot

be aware of how laws of behaviorism come into play in life & plan to enact own reinforces for behaviors for behavior you want changed



Private Madhouses treatments

church attendance, confessing/repenting

Sorboro (2010)

construct v. identifiable disease

DSM Library

contains glossary of cultural distress lists like other countries have it but we don't

What is "normal" & who gets define it?

crazy & abnormal -> cultural impact (norms)

result of supernatural phenomena

demonic possession treated with chipping at skull and helped evil spirits release

Thought Disorder

difficulties with thinking, concentrating, remembering schizophrenia having extreme case of this (word salad)

Psychosis (schizophrenia)

distortion of reality and disturbances of thought

Physical Therapies: Restraints

everyone needed restraints


excludes the "why" of feelings

Popular Psychology, Fads, Pseudoscience: Current Example

fMRI = 21st phrenology


false beliefs, often of persecution or grandeur, that may accompany psychotic disorders


false sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus


falsely exaggerating one's worth

DSM used to list homosexuality, what about gender identity?

gay/lesbian was a mental illness society will come to understanding that gender is more fluid

What is normal?

if majority thinks it's okay, it might not be always a "swing shift"

DSM-5 Criteria for Schizophrenia Part B

impairment in a major areas of functioning for long period of time since start of disturbance

Mental Health America & U.S. Community MH Centers Act (1963)

improve lives of mentally illed in the US

The Hammer Against Witches

in 1486 written to assist in detection & persecution

Lobotomy: Disrupting Brain Circuits

inventor received Noble Prize scrambled prefrontal lobe

3. Target barriers to success

limit obstacles in environment and remove/assert your needs from support from others

Prodromal disorders

may qualify for diagnosis of mental disorder of a mental disorder based hunch of psychiatrist

Getting Change You Want

mechanisms are the "keys to the kingdom" of change because they can also help to see how this influence occurs between people


the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders.

Hickey (1998)

mental diagnoses as expectations -reification of what we mean

Pendulum Swing

movement to release patients from Mental hospitals

Terms of DSM

often, clinically significant impairment, clinically significant distress. -used in diagnostic criteria are nowhere operationally defined


overly suspicious

What does it mean to reify something?

take an idea and turning it into a real thing

4 types of contingencies

positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment

Ancient Persians, Egyptians, Greece

practiced personal hygiene and puring mind+body to protect from diseases -prescribed recreational activities to relieve symptoms of mental illness -changed view due to Hippocrates's view (illness coming from natural occurrence in body)

somatic symptom disorder

psychological disorder in which the symptoms take a somatic (bodily) form without apparent physical cause

Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia

psychosis schizophrenia psychological approach

St. Mary of Bethlehem treatment

purging, bloodletting, and blistering

2020 ECT

recommended by Mayo Clinic no one knows how ECT helps depression

2. Devise reinforces for success

rewards you gift yourself for success & things you won't allow yourself if you don't meet goals

Mystic Rituals: Exorcism and Prayer

same idea as trephination demon would have to be exorcised out of person

Provide a clear example from DSM of reification

schizophrenia, know diagnoseable symptoms, but does encompass real thing

Trephined Skulls

show 1st look at mental illness (5,000 BCE)

Cultural M.H. and Health Problems

somatic symptom disease soma premenstrual dysphoric disorder

humanitarian movement

someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms

Women in the 20th century

sterilized, lobotomized, & etc. 5 stockton hospitals, women were given clitordectomy because mental illness was unladylike

Dangers of Reification

stops people from understanding the "why" -just using label as explanation

negative symptoms of schizophrenia

the absence of appropriate behaviors (expressionless faces, rigid bodies) disturbance of effect, blunting (severe reduction in the intensity of affect expression), flat affect, inappropriate affect (might laugh hysterically while describing someone's death)


the detailed study of the shape and size of the cranium as a supposed indication of character and mental abilities. -science of the day

social stigma

the extreme disapproval or dislike of a person or group based on perceived differences from the rest of society ex. mental illness has been stigmatized in american society


the study of abnormal behavior

Example of hearing voices in terms of continuum

times of stress, whereas for others they're intense, enduring and distressing

Hippocrates' main treatment

to change job and or environment


trying to define something that is abstract & treating it as a real thing

What the DSM is not?

used to diagnosed

No objectively validity

way to saying a person has a diagnosis of a "major pain"

After Moral Treatment...Hydro-therapies: Ice and Restraints

wrapped tightly like a mummy wouldn't fix cause only pause it for short time

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