Psych 205 Midterm

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Bob experiences unshakable sadness. His friends have stopped trying to cheer him up because nothing works. An ancient Greek physician would have labeled his condition:


"An abused child's thoughts occasionally drift to other, less anxiety-arousing, topics; this anxiety reduction thus serves to strengthen 'other' thoughts, while weakening the thoughts about abuse." A psychologist with which theoretical background would be most likely to offer this quotation as an explanation for the development of dissociative disorders?

in fewer than half the states in the U.S.

"I can't help myself. I had to do it," would likely be a successful insanity defense:

predictive validity

A new assessment tool does a good job of differentiating those who later will be depressed and those who will not be depressed, and it produces results similar to those of other tools measuring depression. Therefore, the new assessment tool has good:

the Thematic Apperception Test.

A patient looks at a series of black-and-white pictures, making up a dramatic story about each. The patient is taking:

when they are no longer considered insane.

Currently in the United States, patients who are criminally committed to a mental hospital can be released:

discovery of the link between general paresis and syphilis was made by:

Richard von Krafft-Ebing.

high school and is more likely than average to have a close relative with social anxiety disorder.

A person recently was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. A BEST guess is that the person is in:

unusual; those with unipolar depression usually have a smaller-than-normal hippocampus, causing it to produce a low number of new neurons.

A person suspected of having unipolar depression has a smaller-than-normal hippocampus, although it produces a normal number of new neurons. This is:

classical Freudian

"The force that operates on the 'reality principle' is an independent, powerful force in human functioning." What kind of therapist is the theorist who would agree MOST strongly with this statement?

mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

"Your worries? They're only thoughts. Don't try to stop them, but recognize that they're thoughts, and don't let them upset you so much." This statement MOST likely would come from someone using which form of therapy for generalized anxiety disorder?

systematic desensitization

A client in a totally relaxed state vividly imagines formerly anxiety-arousing situations without feeling any lingering anxiety. MOST likely, that client has just completed what type of therapy?

psychophysiological test.

A client is hooked up to an apparatus that measures galvanic skin response and blood pressure, after which the client verbally answers a series of questions. This is a(n):

exposure therapy

A combat veteran undergoing "eye movement desensitization and reprocessing" is experiencing:

a stress management program.

A comprehensive approach that involves several techniques in treating anxiety disorders is called:


A depressed person who is confused, unable to remember things, and unable to solve problems is suffering from _____ symptoms.

very uncommon: most people with this diagnosis are women in their mid- to late 20s

A man diagnosed with major depressive disorder exhibited his first diagnosable symptoms when he was about 40 years old. Among those experiencing major depressive disorder, his case is:

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

A psychodynamic theorist finds that a client is experiencing a battle between anxiety- provoking id impulses and anxiety-reducing ego defense mechanisms. He thinks that this usually unconscious conflict is being played out in an open and obvious manner. He is sure this underlying conflict explains his client's:

life stress and depression are related.

A researcher finds a strong positive correlation between ratings of life stress and symptoms of depression. Therefore, the researcher may be confident that:

use blind design

A researcher trying to eliminate the Rosenthal effect would be sure to:

experimental group

A researcher wished to study the effect of a new drug on symptoms of depression. Research participants were randomly assigned to two groups. Participants in Group A received the drug whenever they reported depressive symptoms to the experimenter; participants in Group B received nothing when they reported depressive symptoms to the experimenter. After a month of this procedure, participants in Group A reported significantly fewer symptoms of depression.

blind design

A researcher's expectations about a study can affect its outcome. The type of research design used specifically to address this problem is a(n):

excessive worry for six months, edginess, sleep changes, distress

According to DSM-5, one must demonstrate which set of symptoms to be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder?


According to Foucha v. Louisiana, hospitalized offenders can only be institutionalized if they are:

defense mechanisms are too weak to cope with anxiety.

According to Freud, a generalized anxiety disorder is MOST likely to result when:

neurotic anxiety

According to Freud, children who are prevented from expressing id impulses—making mud pies, playing war, and exploring their genitals—are at risk for developing:

more than 70%

According to surveys, about what percentage of female rape victims in the United States are teenagers or younger?

1 in 6

According to surveys, about what proportion of adults in the United States receive psychological therapy in a typical year?

depersonalization disorder

An individual has been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. However, the individual has very good recall of previous life events and has a strong sense of self. The MOST likely diagnosis for this individual is:

loss of positive social rewards

An older person retires and begins experiencing health problems. Consequently, the person loses contact with old friends and becomes unpleasant to be around. A behaviorist would explain the resulting depression in terms of:


Apparently, people develop phobias more readily to such objects as spiders and the dark than they do to such objects as computers and radios. This observation supports the idea of:


Approximately _____ percent of Americans would NOT tell their employer if they were seeking mental health care treatment.

depressed behavior leads to even fewer opportunities for social rewards.

Behaviorists explain the downward spiral of depression by theorizing that:

continuous amnesia

Carlotta is attacked in the street and her young daughter is kidnapped. Eventually, the police find her daughter and she is returned to her mother. However, Carlotta is unable to recall events that have occurred since the attack. She is even unable to retain new information; she remembers what happened before the attack but cannot remember new and ongoing experiences. This is a classic example of:


Churches have often been seen as a sanctuary for the mentally ill. What percentage of people report that they attend church nearly every week?

personality inventory.

Clients check off either "Applies" or "Does Not Apply" to a series of 200 items dealing with what they do and what they think in a variety of situations. The kind of test they are taking MOST likely is a:

categories based on weak research and reflecting bias (for example, gender or racial bias)

Concerns about the reliability and validity of the DSM-5 diagnoses are MOST likely to center on which factors?

increase serotonin activity.

For an antidepressant to be effective against obsessive-compulsive disorder, it must:

generalized amnesia

Gwendolyn is held up at knifepoint and her young son is kidnapped. Eventually, her son is found and returned. However, she is unable to recall events that occurred since the attack, although she remembers some new experiences; worse still, she finds that she is forgetting events that occurred even before the attack. This is a classic example of:

Yes, the risk is great; more than a third of sexual assault victims and about half of terror victims experience PTSD.

How concerned should we be about victims of sexual assault and terror? Is there a very great risk that they will experience PTSD?

practicing outside of the united states

If a clinician is using the ICD to make a diagnosis, MOST likely that clinician is:

M'Naghten test

If a person with paranoid schizophrenia committed murder and was not able to control his or her actions and follow the law, that person would NOT be eligible for an insanity defense under:

there is little evidence that debriefing works.

If someone asked you about the effectiveness of psychological debriefing following a disaster, you would be correct (based on the research) in saying that:

become depressed

If someone is isolated and lacks social support or intimacy in his or her life, that person is more likely to _____ than someone who has social support and intimacy.

there is no consistent relationship between age and severity of depression.

If the correlation between severity of depression and age is -.05, it means that:

some phobias should be acquired more easily than others.

If the idea of "preparedness" is accurate, then:

at a different arousal level after the stress is over.

If the state-dependent learning explanation of dissociative disorders is correct, a person may not remember stressful events because he or she is:

unconditional self-regard.

If you recognize your worth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed:

an employee assistance program

If you were having marital problems that were affecting your work and your employer made mental health services available to you to deal with those problems, your employer would be providing you with:

children of people with schizophrenia are at higher risk for criminal behavior.

Imagine that a longitudinal study found that children raised by people with schizophrenia are more likely to commit crimes later. This result tells that

biological challenge test

Imagine that researchers investigating panic disorder gave a study participant a drug that caused that person to hyperventilate and the person's heart to beat rapidly. The participant would have been given a(n):

the sample is representative of the larger population.

In correlational research, external validity is established when:

Gheel, Belgium

In the 1600s, Pilgrims in Europe who sought "psychic healing" would have been MOST likely to go to:

has increased

In the United States, the number of diagnosed cases per year of dissociative identity disorder:

industrial accidents

In the workplace, psychological problems are estimated to contribute MOST to:

endogenous depression

Jamal is experiencing a major depressive episode that appears to have begun three weeks ago. He is miserable and suffers from at least five symptoms of depression. No unusually stressful events have occurred in the past year. Based on these data, the diagnosis would be:

a manic phase of bipolar I disorder.

On an impulse, David decides to throw a huge party. It takes four days of round-the-clock work to get everything ready, and then David welcomes more than 200 guests. When the police stop by because David has blocked a public road to have room for the party, he flies into a rage. MOST likely, David is experiencing:

woman who was physically abused as a child.

One who suffers from dissociative identity disorder is MOST likely to be a:

tertiary prevention

Providing treatment as soon as it is needed so problems that are moderate or worse do not become long-term is called:

corpus callosum

Recent research indicates that all of the following brain structures or regions are part of the brain circuits involved in unipolar depression EXCEPT:

fail to pay attention to threatening cues.

Research on the cognitive explanation for the development of generalized anxiety shows that people with generalized anxiety symptoms:

cultural belief system and social support factors.

Several studies have demonstrated that Hispanic American combat veterans and police officers have higher rates of PTSD than other veterans or officers. Research into the causes of this difference have MOST often focused on possible:


Studies that are structured like experiments but use groups that already exist instead of randomly assigning participants to control and experimental groups are called:

The diagnosis pathologizes severe cases of premenstrual syndrome.

The DSM-5 has added premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) as a diagnosis given to certain women who repeatedly experience clinically significant depressive and related symptoms during the week before menstruation. Why has this been an ongoing controversy?

began their work in 2006

The DSM-5 task force and various work groups:

excessively optimistic, with poor judgment.

The MOST common cognitive description of someone exhibiting mania is that the person is:

on the defense for federal cases and on the prosecution for most state cases.

The burden of proof in an insanity case is usually:

cognitive clinician.

The clinician who would be MOST likely to ask "Do you believe you will always feel like this in all situations?" is a:

teach the skill of relaxation over the course of several sessions.

The first step in using the treatment called "systematic desensitization" is to:


The form of therapy that helps clients recognize errors in logic and to try out new interpretations of events is:

Johann Weyer

The individual considered to be the founder of the modern study of psychopathology is:


The movement that has tried to find the common factors and strategies that "good" therapists use is called:

people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier.

The proper conclusion from research studies that show a relationship between devout religious people who see God as warm and caring and psychological health is that:

managed care system

The type of system that many health insurance companies have set up to try to curtail expenses associated with providing treatment is referred to as a(n):

motor immobility or excessive activity.

To receive a diagnosis of major depressive episode, catatonic, an individual must display:

almost no emotional response to pleasurable events.

To receive a diagnosis of major depressive episode, melancholic, an individual must display:

a growing belief by clinicians that this is an authentic disorder

To what can we attribute much of the dramatic rise in the number of reported cases of dissociative identity disorder in recent years?

a participant observer.

Under the instructions of a psychologist, Tina's mother records the number of times Tina hits her brother at home and what happens immediately before the hitting. In this situation, Tina's mother is:


What we would call "conscience" is MOST like what Freud would call the:

nonwhite defendants are more likely to be found incompetent to stand trial.

When nonwhite defendants, compared to white defendants, are evaluated for competence to stand trial:

Not so well; many people with severe disturbances are in jail or on the street.

Which BEST reflects the impact of deinstitutionalization?

increased assessment research

Which factor leads to increased respect for assessment and diagnosis?

substance-related disorders

Which is MOST likely to have an impact on job performance in terms of accidents, damage, and absenteeism?

The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce a stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release corticosteroids.

Which statement accurately describes the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pathway of the stress response?


Which therapy is an effective long-term, nonpharmacological treatment for panic attack that involves teaching patients to interpret their physical sensations accurately?

one that uses inaccurate information in the question

You have witnessed a crime and are testifying for the prosecution. What type of question should the defense attorney ask you to invalidate your testimony?

One who sees abnormality as a problem in living usually refers to those seeking help with problems in living as:


Hippocrates attempted to treat mental disorders by:

correcting underlying physical pathology.

Which is NOT a characteristic of eccentrics noted by researchers in the field?

having a diagnosable mental illness

Dissociative disorders:

involve major changes in memory

Rorschach, Draw-a-Person Test, Thematic Apperception Test

projective tests

ABAB reversal design study

represents an attempt to measure a baseline (the first A), a treatment measurement (the first B), the withdrawal of treatment (the second A), and the re-introduction of treatment (the second B)

depersonalization disorder?

usually comes on suddenly and may be triggered by extreme fatigue, intense stress, or pain.

Response inventories are improvised as the need arises and are not well tested.

valid critique of the use of response inventories

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