Psych CH 8

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Which age range is NOT correctly labeled with the corresponding Piagetian stage?

11 years to adulthood - postoperational stage

Children speak their first words at approximately _____ months of age.


Menarche typically occurs around ages:

12 or 13

According to the text, separation anxiety among infants peaks at _____ months.


Survey data cited in the textbook suggests that nearly _____ in 10 teens say they have been bullied online. Nearly _____ in 10 have observed others being mean or cruel on a social media site.

1; 9

People tend to shrink as they get older. One longitudinal study found that adults lost an average of about _____ inches over a 30-year period.

Approximately _____% of older Americans live in a nursing home.


How does the language of a 5-year old differ from an adult?

5 year olds only have a smaller vocabulary.

Children are considered to be fluent in their native language by the time they are _____ years of age.


Dizygotic twins share _____% of their genetic material.


What percentage of adults attain Piaget's formal operational stage of cognitive development?


Ken and Kendra are fraternal twins. Lara and Lonnie are non-twin siblings. Ken and Kendra share _____% of their genes. Lara and Lonnie share _____% of their genes.


Longitudinal research by Schaie and his colleagues suggests that measurable cognitive decline is not apparent before age:


In the United States, the average life expectancy is just over _____ years for men and just over _____ years for women.


In one elementary school curriculum, mathematical variables first appear in the sixth grade. Why are they not introduced in the fifth grade?

Children in the concrete operational stage cannot reason with hypothetical entities such as variable.

The language acquisition device (LAD) is associated with:


An individual's _____ is comprised of his or her 23 pairs of chromosomes.


Dawn is a newborn. Ellis is 5. Fritzi is 9. Girard is 15. Which individual is correctly matched with his or her Piagetian stage?

Dawn - sensorimotor

The text reports the case of a girl named Genie, who was exposed to virtually no language from the age of 20 months until the age of 13. In what way does Genie's case offer support for the notion of a critical period in language acquisition?

Even with intensive instruction, Genie never mastered the complexities of language.

Nadine hears a television talk-show guest remark that "A baby's mother provides it with food, and that's the basis for attachment." She immediately realizes that this statement is false, because she is familiar with:

Harlow's work with monkeys.

According to Erikson, adolescents must resolve the psychosocial task of

Identity versus role confusion

In psychology, the MOST influential theory of moral development in psychology is that of:


At 12 months old, James is classified as securely attached. What is his behavior like?

Moderately distressed when his mother leaves him alone, and pleased upon return

The textbook describes Stright et al.'s (2008) 6-year study of over 1000 infants and their mothers. What did Stright et al. find with respect to the influence on child development of temperament on the one hand, and parenting style on the other?

Parenting style is especially important in the case of difficult children.

Which statement is MOST accurate regarding the influence of peers during adolescence?

Peers exert both positive and negative influences on most adolescents.

The field of cognitive development is greatly indebted to the seminal work of the Swiss scholar:


Which developmental psychologist is correctly matched with his or her stage theory?

Piaget - cognitive development

Kohlberg's theory of moral development MOST closely reflects:

Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

The frequency of exercise is _____ correlated with good bone density in middle age and late life.


Which statement expresses the relationship with age of scores on measures of fluid intelligence and scores on measures of crystallized intelligence?

Scores on fluid intelligence measures are negatively correlated with age, whereas those on measures of crystallized intelligence may actually be positively correlated with age.

Which of these psychologists would agree most strongly with the assertion that language is learned through association, reinforcement, and observation?


Which statement about cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs is TRUE?

The cross-sectional design provides information regarding age differences, whereas the longitudinal design provides information regarding age changes.

Some Western legal systems denote either 7 or 8 as the age at which a child attains reason. Is such a designation defensible from a Piagetian standpoint?

Yes. Children do acquire some basic reasoning skills during the concrete operational period.

Yolanda is 24; Zachary is 44; Andrew is 73. Assume that each successfully completed the identity crisis associated with his or her current stage according to Erikson. Which alternative matches each individual with his or her developmental outcome?

Yolanda: intimacy; Zachary: generativity; Andrew: satisfaction

The cross-sequential research design may be seen as:

a combination of the cross-sectional and longitudinal designs.

Bonnie is 3 months old and her parents attend only inconsistently to her needs. Sometimes they are very attentive, feeding her promptly when she cries and comforting her when she seems upset. Other times, Bonnie cries for a long time before her parents attend to her. Based on Erikson's theory, it is likely that Bonnie will develop:

a general sense of mistrust.

As compared to the adult brain, the newborn's brain has _____ neurons.

about the same number of

Four-year-old Hope thought her next-door neighbor's new pet rabbit was a kitty-cat until she noticed it hopped instead of walked, and it didn't purr at all. The change in Hope's understanding of her neighbor's new pet illustrates Piaget's process of:


Four-year-old Darlene is exploring one day when she finds a bottle of vitamins in a cupboard. They look just like the candies she got for Halloween so she eats them all. Darlene's error illustrates Piaget's process of:


In Piaget's theory, the process of fitting new experiences into existing schemas is called _____. The process of restructuring ideas to make room for new information is called _____.

assimilation; accommodation

Mary Ainsworth devised the "strange situation" to assess:


Recall Erikson's stages of socioemotional development that occur during childhood. Which stage is correctly matched with its age range?

autonomy vs. doubt - 1 to 3 years

Tom rarely acts nervous in strange situations and pays little attention to whether his mother is present or absent. Tom would most likely be classified as having a(n) ______ attachment pattern.


Each of these is a primary sex characteristic EXCEPT:


Edward is currently in the first grade. According to Piaget, Edward is in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operational

According to Mary Ainsworth, a child with ambivalent attachment will:

continue to show signs of distress when the mother returns after a brief absence.

A ban is imposed on outdoor watering during a severe drought. The Robinsons decide not to water their new shrubs because the neighbors would disapprove. Their reasoning places them at which of Kohlberg's levels?


Even though all her friends tried marijuana and cocaine in the 1980s, Monica refused to experiment with drugs because it is against the law. Based on Kohlberg's theory, Monica's reasons for refusing drugs reflect _____ moral reasoning.


Mark is a graduate student who is studying identity formation. He interviews a group of 5-year-olds, a group of 10-year-olds, and a group of 15-year-olds, and asks them what they plan to be when they finish school. In this example, Mark is using a _____ research design.


Mrs. Kendall is completing the vocabulary portion of an intelligence test as a participant in a cognitive aging study. Mrs. Kendall is completing a test of _____ intelligence.


Jody is completing a test in which she has to name as many state capitals as she can in 1 minute. Aditi is trying to complete analogies between pairs of abstract diagrams. Jody is completing a test of _____ intelligence, whereas Aditi is completing a test of _____ intelligence.

crystallized; fluid

Charles has been told that he has lung cancer that is too invasive for treatment. His doctor tells him that he will probably die within a year. Charles suddenly starts to laugh, and he tells the doctor that the lab must have mixed up the test results. Charles is most likely in Kübler-Ross's _____ stage of dying.


In order, the first two stages in Kübler-Ross's theory of the acceptance of impending death are:

denial and anger

Mrs. Weston asks Colin if he wants his sandwich in one piece, or cut into two pieces. Colin asks her to keep it in one piece, because he isn't hungry enough to eat two pieces. Colin's answer suggests that he:

does not understand conservation

According to Erikson, the psychosocial crisis of intimacy versus isolation occurs:

during the early adult years.

Mrs. Allen is pregnant. Her baby's legs and arms have started to grow, and its intestinal system is beginning to develop. The baby is in the _____ stage of prenatal development.


Grace is a 19-year-old college sophomore. She is living away from home for the first time and is trying to decide on a major. Grace is in a phase of life many developmental psychologists call _____ adulthood


The field of _____ explores how the environment affects the expression of genetic attributes.


Erickson et al. (2011) randomly assigned older adults to one of two activities: a gentle stretching condition or a more intense aerobic exercise condition. Because Erickson et al. randomly assigned participants to activities and because they deliberately manipulated the activity, their investigation is an example of the _____ research method.


Rosenzweig and his colleagues provided _____ evidence of the influence of the environment on brain development.


From two months after conception until birth, the developing fertilized egg is called a(n):


According to Piaget, adolescents are in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Between the ages of 3 and 6, the number of neural connections increases most dramatically in the ______ lobe.


Which sequence represents the units of genetics, from the smallest and most specific to the largest and most inclusive?

gene > DNA > chromosome

Ideally, most adults feel that their activities contribute positively to society. That is, they experience a sense of:


The first 2 weeks of a pregnancy, from conception to implantation, are termed the _____ period.


Which sequence reflects the stages of prenatal development from conception to birth?

germinal > embryonic > fetal

Which parenting style is correctly matched with its label?

high warmth, low control - permissive

According to the textbook, during late adulthood, the brain processes information more slowly and brain regions responsible for memory deteriorate. Based on this information, and on your knowledge of the brain, you infer that the ____ deteriorates in old age.


In Erikson's view, adolescent development is largely defined by the search for:


On Monday, Jacques announces to his parents that he wants to be called "Jack." On Wednesday, he says he wants to drop out of school. On Friday, he says he wants to get a tattoo and become an architect. In Erikson's terms, Jacques seems to be in the _____ stage.

identity versus role confusion

Erickson et al. (2011) randomly assigned older adults to one of two activities: a gentle stretching condition, or a more intense aerobic exercise condition. The activity is the _____ variable in this study.


Criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development has revolved around:

its potential lack of generality across cultures.

The animal researcher _____ conducted classic studies of imprinting among goslings.

konrad lorenz

Dawn is a graduate student investigating the development of fine motor skills. She selects one group of children and assesses their fine motor skills every 6 months over a 2-year period. In this example, Dawn is using a _____ research design.


Dr. Irwin is testing the same individuals repeatedly over time as part of a research study, while Dr. Jenner is comparing the performance of different people of various ages at the same time. Dr. Irwin is using a _____ research design; Dr. Jenner is using a _____ design.

longitudal, cross-sectional

Which answer choice is a correct match?

longitudinal study - indicates changes over time

According to the text, physical exercise in late adulthood encourages the birth of new neurons in areas responsible for learning and memory. In other words, exercise facilitates _____ in the _____.

neurogenesis; hippocampus

To stop baby Rudy from repeatedly reaching for a sharp knife on the kitchen table, Rudy's mother put it into her apron pocket. "Out of sight, out of mind," she thought, and it worked. Rudy's mother capitalized on his lack of:

object permanence.

When an infant recognizes that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer in sight, the infant has attained what Piaget termed:

object permanence.

Walter's parents strongly believe that Walter should make his own decisions, so they set very few rules about homework, bedtime, and household chores. Since they believe that freedom and responsibility are important, they patiently tolerate all of Walter's behavior, whether childish or mature. The parenting style adopted by Walter's parents is called:


Collectively, an individual's observable characteristics are called his or her:


Gavin has brown hair and green eyes. He is outgoing and a risk-taker, and he excels at his job as a financial analyst. All of these observable traits are part of his:


As identical twins get older, their observable characteristics become increasingly dissimilar, whereas their genetic makeup remains the same. In other words, their _____ changes, whereas their _____ does not.

phenotype; genotype

During adulthood, the frequency of positive emotions is _____ correlated with age.


Jack registered as a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War. He believed that it is wrong to take human life. He was willing to serve time in jail, rather than take part in an armed conflict. Jack's reasons for not going to war reflect Kohlberg's _____ level of moral reasoning.


Susie does not eat cookies before dinner because her parents will send her to her room for the rest of the night. In Kohlberg's terms, Susie is at the _____ level of moral reasoning.


Harry Harlow and his colleagues completed a number of studies in which baby macaque monkeys were raised with two artificial surrogate mothers. One of the mothers was made of wire, and the other was made of soft cloth. Either mother could provide food. Harlow found that when the infant monkeys were startled or frightened, they:

preferred the cloth surrogate, even if it provided no food.

In part, the trademark impulsivity of adolescence reflects that brain development proceeds more slowly in the brain's _____ than in its _____.

prefrontal cortex; limbic system

According to the textbook, online communities provide teens with a space to explore their identities. In Erikson's terms, online communities may therefore counteract _____ among adolescents.

role confusion

Beginning sometime in high school, Bernie lost his way. He failed to find his niche and drifted into an aimless life of odd jobs and drug use. In Erikson's terms, Bernie failed to negotiate the identity versus _____ stage.

role confusion

Alice takes her 1-year-old son, Derek, to visit an infant-toddler program in which she hopes to enroll him. Derek eagerly explores the room as long as Alice is present. When Alice leaves the room to fill out some forms, Derek becomes somewhat upset. When she returns, though, Derek quickly calms down. Which term best describes Derek's attachment style?


_____ is the weakest sense in newborns.


Mahalia is 7½ months old. If her development is typical, Mahalia can:

sit up unassisted.

Baby Brannon is not especially irritable. However, he deals poorly with changes in his environment and with unfamiliar people. Brannon's temperament type is MOST likely:

slow to warm up

Dr. Currie investigates personality development in middle childhood and early adolescence. Dr. Currie specializes in _____ development.


Dr. Babineaux asks a sample of 8-year-old children to complete measures of several personality traits. When the same children are 14 years old, she asks them to complete measures of the same traits. Dr. Babineaux then computes correlation coefficients between the two sets of measures. Her results are most relevant to the _____ discussion.

stability or change

A 4-year-old looks at a picture of a dragon while on the telephone with her grandfather. If Piaget's claims of egocentrism are correct, the child is likely to:

tell her grandfather to look at the dragon.

According to Erikson, the first stage of a child's psychosocial development is the _____ stage.

trust vs mistrust

During the sensorimotor period:

understanding is based mainly on basic sensory and motor abilities.

Which age range is NOT correctly labeled with the corresponding Piagetian stage?

2-7 years - preoperational stage

Which fraction represents the proportion of infants who are securely attached?


The nucleus of a human cell contains _____ chromosomes.

23 pairs of

According to the centers for disease control, what percent of adolescent females have STD?


Just over 1 in _____ infants has a temperament that is considered hard to classify.


In their late 30s, women experience an approximately _____% reduction in fertility.


Close vision is well-established by the time an infant is _____ months of age.


According to the textbook, about _____% of U.S. teens have established identities on social media sites.


How are critical and sensitive periods related?

A critical period is a type of sensitive period.

Dr. Adelson studies how infants form attachments to caregivers; Dr. Bryan investigates eyewitness memory accuracy among schoolchildren; and Dr. Chan researches perceptions of social support among elderly adults. Which of these scientists is a developmental psychologist?

All three are developmental psychologists.

Chevonne is in middle school. She seems to lack confidence and appears socially awkward. According to Baumrind's typology, Chevonne's parents may have been:


Hailey's parents demand her strict obedience; "backtalk" is not tolerated. Isabella's are firm as well, but will reason and explain the consequences of her behavior. In Baumrind's terms, Hailey's parents are ___, Isabella's are ___

Authoritarian, authoritative

Which of Baumrind's parenting styles tends to produce the most independent, competent, and socially responsible children? Why?

The authoritative parenting style tends to produce the most independent, competent, and socially responsible children. In this style, the child's point of view is taken into account.

Which statement BEST expresses preoperational children's degree of cognitive sophistication?

They can pretend that one object is another.

Tina is 2 months old, Vincenzo is 5 months old, and Wayne is 20 months old. Which choice pairs each child with the appropriate language acquisition stage?

Tina - cooing; Vincenzo - babbling; Wayne - telegraphic speech

Rebecca takes her 1-year-old son, Adam, to visit an infant-toddler program in which she hopes to enroll him. Adam appears very anxious and is unwilling to explore and play with the toys, even though Rebecca is close by. When Rebecca leaves the room to fill out some forms, Adam becomes extremely upset and remains inconsolable. When Rebecca returns, Adam stays close to her, holding onto her pant leg. However, Adam makes it very clear he does not want her to touch him or pick him up. Which term best describes Adam's attachment style?


Which language acquisition stage is matched with its example?

babbling - "Goo goo, ga ga."

Edric is no longer angry he is dying of colon cancer. If Kübler-Ross is correct, Edric will now experience:


According to Kohlberg, decisions at the postconventional level of moral reasoning are based on:

beliefs about morality.

The brain becomes fully mature:

by 22 to 25 years of age.

Samantha is creating a language development timeline for a class presentation. Along the top of a display board, she writes the following ages in sequence: 2 months > 4 months > 12 months > 18 months How should she label these ages, from youngest to oldest?

cooing > babbling > first words > telegraphic speech

In Kübler-Ross's theory, acceptance of death is most immediately preceded by:


Donna just turned 65, and she feels as if she made no real contributions through her career. She is starting to believe that her life has been meaningless and that it has had no purpose. Based on Erikson's theory, it is likely that Donna will:

develop a sense of despair

Eugene is 27 years old, and he feels very insecure about some of the personal and career choices he has made so far; and consequently he is reluctant at this point to undertake a serious, committed relationship with another person. Based on Erikson's theory, it is likely that Eugene will:

develop a sense of isolation.

Psychologists use the term _____ to refer to the patterns of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional change occurring throughout life.


According to the textbook, the creation of new neurons is mostly complete by the fifth month in utero. In other words, neurogenesis is completed during the _____ period of prenatal development.


Formal instruction in the scientific method usually begins when pupils are between 11 and 13 years of age. At this point, students are capable of the abstract thinking and deductive reasoning characteristic of Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Elizabeth is 5 years old, and she likes to help her mother when it is time for supper. However, her mother is often quick tempered at the end of the day, scolding Elizabeth when she tries to help. Her mother finds she can get things done more quickly if Elizabeth stays out of the way. Based on Erikson's theory, Elizabeth may develop:


Nature is to nurture as _____ is to _____.

heredity and environment

When a woman stops ovulating and becomes incapable of reproduction, she experiences:


A child demonstrates object permanence, egocentrism, and a failure to conserve. She is MOST likely in which Piagetian stage?


Which sequence accurately reflects the order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development, from birth through adolescence?

sensorimotor > preoperational > concrete operational > formal operational

Harry Harlow and his colleagues completed a number of studies in which baby macaque monkeys were raised with two artificial surrogate mothers. One of the mothers was made of wire, and the other was made of soft cloth. Either mother could provide food. Harlow was interested in which of the mothers the infant monkeys would seek out when they were startled or frightened. In these studies the dependent variable was the:

surrogate that the infant monkey preferred when it was startled.

In a process called ______, the number of neural connections in a child's brain decreases by _____% by puberty.

synaptic pruning; 40-50

"All gone milk," says 2-year-old Wesley, placing the empty glass on the table. Wesley's remark exemplifies the language acquisition phenomenon called:

telegraphic speech

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