Psych chapter 1 & 9

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an early psychological perspective concerned with identifying the basic elements of experience


an educated guess

predictive hypotheses

an educated guess about relationships between variables

casual hypotheses

an educated guess as to how one variable will influence (or cause a change in) another variable


an explanation of why and how a behavior occurs

sensitive periods

in prenatal development, a time when genetic and environmental agents are most likely to cause birth defects

control group

includes participants who do not receive the manipulation that is being tested.

experimental group

includes participants who receive the manipulation that is being tested.

The amount of alcohol consumed will influence the ability to walk a straight line.

Which statement illustrates a causal hypothesis?


a newborn during the first 28 days of life

scientific method rules

1. Define and describe the issue to be studied. 2. Form a testable hypothesis. 3. Choose an appropriate research strategy 4. Conduct the study to test your hypothesis. 5. Analyze the data to support or reject your hypothesis.

teratogen environmental substance that has the potential to harm the developing organism

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

A 2-year-old child wants to choose her clothes and dress herself. Although her outfits might not be appropriate for the situation, her input in such basic decisions has an effect on her sense of independence.


A psychologist who studies individual differences in shyness is probably from which specialty area?


A psychologist's explanation of a particular behavior is generally presented as a(n) ____.

Initiative vs. Guilt

A sense of ambition and responsibility occurs when parents allow a child to explore within limits and then support the child's choice. These children will develop self-confidence and feel a sense of purpose.


After returning from summer vacation, Phil notices that his teenage neighbor, Alexander, has begun to shave and his voice had deepened. Phil concludes that these changes are most likely due to ____.

concrete operational stage

Andrea and her younger sister were playing with the coins their grandmother had given each of them during a recent visit. While they were playing, Andrea proposed a trade. She would give her little sister a big coin (a nickel) in exchange for a little coin (a dime). Her sister agreed just as Andrea thought she would. She was pretty sure that her sister didn't understand that a dime was worth more than a nickel. What stage is Andrea in?

three stages: germinal, embryonic, and fetal

Developmental psychologists describe prenatal development as occurring in ____.


Dr. Ali is a psychologist who believes that psychology should not attempt to understand the mind, but rather should focus on understanding peoples' observable actions. Dr. Ali's approach deals with ______________ psychology.

A naturalistic observation

Dr. Duarte is studying bullying behavior in children. Every day, he goes to the local playground at 3 P.M., sits on the sidelines, and records the number of times one child bullies another, the sex of the children involved in bullying, and the duration of the bullying. Dr. Duarte is using which research method in his study?


Dr. Kahlo is a psychologist who is studying parenting techniques in the United States, Nigeria, Cuba, and Poland. She is interested in determining if fathers play a different role in child rearing in these countries. Dr. Kahlo is most likely a ____ psychologist.

Industry vs. Inferiority

During the elementary school stage (ages 6-12), children begin to compare themselves with their peers to see how they measure up. They hopefully develop a sense of pride and accomplishment in their schoolwork, sports, social activities, and family life.

cells divide and differentiate into bone, muscle, and organs

During the embryonic period, ____.

Generativity vs. Stagnation

During this stage, middle-aged adults begin contributing to the next generation, often through childbirth and caring for others; they also engage in meaningful and productive work which contributes positively to society.


an automatic response to a specific environmental stimulus

(Ego) Integrity vs. Despair

From the mid-60s to the end of life, we are in the period of development known as late adulthood in which individuals reflect on their lives and feel either a sense of satisfaction or a sense of failure.

psychosocial; biological

Gender is to ____ as sex is to ____.


Hoda is a 10-year-old girl who tends to see the world in "either-or" terms. For her, every question or problem has a single right answer. Psychologists refer to this as ________ thinking.

double-blinded studies

In ____, neither experimenters nor participants know whether the participant is in the experimental or control group.

The type of information the participants are given

In an experiment on attitudes, participants are given either positive or negative information about a speaker and then asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker. In this experiment, which is the independent variable?

contact comfort

In their research with baby rhesus monkeys, the Harlows demonstrated that ____ was a strong determinant of attachment.

Trust vs. Mistrust

Infants are dependent upon their caregivers, so caregivers who are responsive and sensitive to their infant's needs help their baby to develop a sense of assurance; their baby will see the world as a safe, predictable place.

Identity vs. Role Confusion

Most adolescents try on many different selves to see which ones fit; they explore various roles and ideas, set goals, and attempt to discover their "adult" selves.


One of the biggest disadvantages of case studies is a lack of ____.

Intimacy vs. Isolation

People in early adulthood (20s through early 40s) after they have developed a sense of self in adolescence are ready to share life with others. However, if other stages have not been successfully resolved, young adults may have trouble developing and maintaining successful relationships with others.


Potentially problematic variables that can lead to alternative explanations for the results of a study are called ____ variables.


Psychoanalysis is a therapy developed by ________.

the biological changes that happen during adolescence

Puberty refers to ____.

Most scientists believe that gender identity involves a complex interaction between nature and nurture.

Regarding the development of gender identity, which of the following statements is TRUE?


Research in psychology is conducted with people (or animals) who comprise---. meant to reflect the larger population from which it is drawn.


Rita's husband of 38 years, Ron, just died of a brain hemorrhage. She is now experience an intense emotional reaction to the loss called ______.

psychoanalytic theory

Sigmund Freud's view that emphasizes the influence of unconscious desires and conflicts on behavior

What is object permanence?

The ability to form mental representations of objects that are no longer present


an early psychological perspective concerned with how behavior helps people adapt to their environment


The idea that the correct solution (or solutions) to a problem may vary, depending on the circumstances, is called ________ thought.

dependent variable

The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable.


The time in a woman's life when menstruation ends is called ____.

gender identity

Three-year-old Penny knows she's a girl. Penny's feeling and labeling as a female exemplifies ____.


Tina is introducing her topic by saying, "Today I will be talking about the fundamental emotional bond that develops between the infant and the caregiver." What is the topic of her presentation?

preopertional stage

Twin brothers go "trick or treating" one Halloween. They went to the same houses and got exactly the same candy at each house. Yet, by the time the evening was over, Reggie was very upset. Because his bag was bigger than his brother's, it wasn't as full with the same amount of candy, so it didn't seem to him that he had as much candy.

case study

When a researcher gathers a lot of information about one or very few cases or people, this is called a

formal operational stage

When asked what the saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" means, Patrice said that it meant that you can provide someone with an opportunity, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they will take advantage of it. When asked what the saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" means, Patrice said that it meant that you can provide someone with an opportunity, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they will take advantage of it.

naturalistic observation

When behaviors are studied and monitored in their normal or usual setting, this is called

sample; population of interest

When conducting their research, psychologists attempt to obtain a(n) ____ that is representative of their ____.

the scientific method

When psychologists conduct research through a systematic process of testing ideas about behavior, they are using ________.


When we want to know how two variables are related to each other, or how one predicts another, we do

Playing peek-a-boo with her

Which activity might allow Gwyneth to help her six-month-old granddaughter develop object permanence?

Structuralism, Behaviorism, and humanism

Which progression best represents the historical order in which these psychological perspectives were developed?

Define and describe the issue, form a hypothesis, choose a research strategy, conduct a study, analyze the data

Which progression represents the correct sequence of steps in the scientific method?


Which stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development best describes the infant s/child's interaction with the world through action and purposeful manipulation of objects?


While watching television with his dad, Bryce kept trying to grab the remote control. Finally, his dad hid the remote control behind his back. That didn't seem to bother Bryce a bit, he just started reaching for the family cat.


Will it happen again? If so, how? (Can we predict that one with anxiety disorder to have a panic attack)


Your psychology professor studies processes like thought, memory, and knowledge. What type of psychologist is she?

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

a committee that reviews research proposals to ensure that ethical standards have been met


a fertilized egg


a field of science that investigates the relationships between the nervous system and behavior/mental processes

Down syndrome

a genetic birth disorder resulting from an extra21st chromosome, characterized by distinct facial features and a greater likelihood of heart defects and intellectual disability

placebo effect

a measurable change in participants' behavior due to the expectation or belief that a treatment will have certain effects

random assignment

a method of assigning participants in which they have an equal chance of being placed in any group or condition of the study


a psychological perspective that emphasizes the personal growth and potential of humans


a psychological perspective that emphasizes the study of observable responses and behavior

negative correlation

a relationship in which increases in one variable correspond to decreases in a second variable

positive correlation

a relationship in which increases in one variable correspond to increases in a second variable


a research method that is used to test causal hypotheses


a research study that is not a true experiment because participants are not randomly assigned to the different conditions

Scientific Method

a system of rules for asking and answering questions.

behavioral perspective

an approach that focuses on external, environmental influences on behavior

humanistic perspective

an approach that focuses on how an individual's view of him- or herself and the world influences behavior

evolutionary perspective

an approach that focuses on how evolution and natural selection influence behavior

cognitive perspective

an approach that focuses on how mental processes influence behavior

psychodynamic perspective

an approach that focuses on internal unconscious mental processes, motives, and desires that may explain behavior

biological perspective

an approach that focuses on physical causes of behavior

sociocultural perspective

an approach that focuses on societal and cultural factors that may influence behavior


ask others (hopefully a large group) about their attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviors.


changes in behavior or abilities or both

informed consent

ethical principle that research participants be told about various aspects of the study, including any risks, before agreeing to participate


ethical principle that researchers do not reveal which data were collected from which participant

germinal stage

he first stage of prenatal development, from conception to 14 days


he scientific study of behavior and mental processes

independent variable

is manipulated in order to determine what effect the manipulation has on another variable

Gross motor skills

motor behaviors involving the large muscles of the body


observing one's own thoughts, feelings, or sensations


psychological information or conclusions that sound scientific but have not been systematically tested using the scientific method

nature-nurture issue

the degree to which biology (nature) or the environment (nurture) contributes to a person's development

population of interest

the entire universe of animals or people that could be studied


the ethical principle that participants be fully informed of the nature of the study after participating in research involving deception

embryonic stage

the second stage of prenatal development, lasting from the 3rd through the 8th week

fetal stage

the third stage of prenatal development, from the 9th week through the 9th month

Critical thinking

thought processes used to evaluate and analyze information and apply it to other situations

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