PSYCH Exam 1

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Which theorist described dreams as having manifest and latent content?


Who called the stages of development psychosexual stages?


William wundt

German scientist to be the first person to be called a psychologist. Came up with introspection and structuralism

When Brady is hot he sweats. When Brady is cold, he gets goose bumps on his skin so he will warm up more quickly. This is an example of how the body tries to achieve ________.


the ________ reviews research conducted using animal subjects


Who believed that moral development, like cognitive development, follows a series of stages?

Lawrence Kohlberg

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory emphasizes the sexual nature of our development rather than its social nature.

The words "sexual" and "social" should be switched.

18-month-old Gordon learned the schema for apples. When Gordon sees tomatoes at the grocery store, he says, "Look mommy, apples!" His mother tells him that the food he sees at the store is a tomato, not an apple. He now has separate schemata for tomatoes and apples. This exemplifies ________.


Which concept refers to the persistent difference in grades, test scores, and graduation rates that exist among students of different ethnicities, races, and sexes?

achievement gap

The ________ wave is characteristic of stage 1 sleep


The ________ is involved in our experience of emotion and tying emotional meaning to our memories


what is NOT a hypothesis

anxiety disorder are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental influences

hildren whose parents have an authoritarian parenting style can be ________.

anxious, withdrawn, and unhappy

simplicity of conducting the study is to ____ as ability to test large number of participants is to _____

archival research; surveys

Physical dependence on a drug is indicated by the user experiencing ________ as a result of discontinuing use of the drug.

changes in normal bodily functions

Bev likes to be up late at night and sleep in; Caleb likes to wake up with the sun and go to bed early. A psychologist would say they have different ________.


Most people are awake during the day and asleep at night because their ________ cycles are aligned with the outside world.


________ development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity.


which of the following processes does NOT occur to excess neurotransmitters in the synapse?

collection by scavenger vesicles left over from the neurotransmitter release

the ____ group does not get the experimental treatment


________ means there is a relationship between two or more variables


What does nurture refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

environment vs culture

Which psychological perspective might advance the argument that our sleep patterns evolved as an adaptive response to predatory risks, which are higher during periods of darkness?


changes in behavior and cognitive processes over time are studied by

evolutionary psychologists

the only way to establish a cause and effect relationship between two variables is to conduct an


what research allows for a cause and effect conclusion?


What can you do to realign your biological clock with the external world when you work a rotating shift?

expose yourself to bright light while working

what would be experienced during a euphoric high?

feelings of intense elation and pleasure

twin boys both have a gene associated with aggressive tendencies. what is the most likely outcome to be observed in their behavior as they grow up?

it is not possible to determine the twins behavior based on having this single gene

Which of the following is a symptom of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)?

kicking and punching

_____ is the differences between hemispheres in the areas underlying the language function


________ skills refer to our ability to move our bodies and manipulate objects.


Cataplexy is a symptom associated with ________


Which of the following is not a developmental issue children face during the preoperational stage?

object permanence

Morphine is considered a(n) ________ drug because it decreases pain


________ is one of a group of sleep disorders in which unwanted, disruptive motor activity and/or experiences during sleep play a role.


the _____ nervous system is responsible for stimulating digestion and causing bladder to contract


the Tuskegee syphillis study was ethically problematic because

participants were not allowed to seek available treatment

a _________ case study is conducted by gathering detailed information about participants who are psychological patients


________ development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness.


the _____ gland often referred to as the master gland of the endocrine system


which of the following is NOT a forebrain structure

pons forebrain= amygalda, hippocampus, and thalamus

________ are concepts (mental models) that are used to help us categorize and interpret information.


cognitive psychology

studying thoughts and their relations to our actions

the space between two neurons is called

the synapse

A __________ is a well developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for an observed phenomena


100 psych students were surveyed about their indicated majors. the study showed more woman than men intended to pursue a psych major, whereas more men intended to pursue a history major. what do these results indicate?

there is a relationship between gender and intended major

While the American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that meditation might be used in conjunction with more traditional treatments as a way to manage hypertension, ________.

there is not adequate empirical support for its effectiveness

A strong negative correlation?


How many of the five stages of sleep are considered NREM sleep?


A ________ scan involves taking a number of x-rays of a particular section of a person's body or brain

CT scan

________ is/are often conducted with large number of participants and can even be conducted by phone


What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Children with FASD may have a large head size and abnormal facial features, poor judgment, poor impulse control, higher rates of ADHD, learning issues, and lower IQ scores.

The word "large" should be changed to the phrase "below average."

Max Wertheimer (1880-1943), Kurt Koffka (1886-1941), and Wolfgang Köhler (1887-1967)

These men are credited with introducing psychologists in the United States to various Gestalt principles. The word Gestalt roughly translates to "whole;" a major emphasis of Gestalt psychology deals with the fact that although a sensory experience can be broken down into individual parts, how those parts relate to each other as a whole is often what the individual responds to in perception

Shyla experiences a long delay between the time that she goes to bed and the time that she actually falls asleep. In addition, she wakes up several times during the night and has difficulty getting back to sleep. To diagnose Shyla with insomnia, it is necessary that she experiences these symptoms________.

at least three times a week or once a month

________ is a long-standing connection or bond with others.


which sense is associated with the temporal lode?



austrian neuroscientist who came up with the concept of the psychoanalytic theory of the unconscious mind

Which parenting style is most encouraged in modern America?


As toddlers (ages 1-3 years) begin to explore their world, they learn that they can control their actions and act on the environment to get results. What is the primary developmental task of this stage?

autonomy vs. shame/doubt

John b watson

came up with the idea of behaviorism

abraham Maslow and carl rogers

came up with the idea of humanism and that everyone has basic needs in life

Who described the collective unconscious?

carl jung

dr. mattar is interested in knowing more about brain injury to the optical cortex and he studies patients individually in order to gain in depth knowledge of their behaviors. these studies would best be described as

case studies

The two major divisions of the nervous system are the ________ and _______

central; peripheral nervous systems

Sandra strongly believes that attending daycare is detrimental to child development so she decides to write her psychology term paper on this topic. she does literature research and finds several sources supporting her opinion, but finds the majority of the research indicates children attending daycare experience healthy development. she only uses the sources with the negative effect, this is a ______ form of bias

confirmation bias

a ______ is a variable that affects both variables of interest and may falsely give the impression of a cause and effect relationship

confounding variable

The ____ variable measures effects of the independent variable


a major advantage of case studies is

detailed information

what two neurotransmitters have roles in appetite suppression?

dopamine; norepinephrine

a difference in _______ can explain why one person dies from a disease and another survives


Wendy's mother has blue eyes and her father has brown. the allele for brown eyes is dominant B to the allele for blue eye color b but Wendy has blue eyes. therefor wends _____ must be _____ and her fathers Bb

genotype; bb

the myelin sheath consists of a

glial cell

Henry Gustav Molaison (H. M.) had brain surgery for which of the following reasons?

he had sever seizures

Which theorist suggested that dreaming may represent a state of protoconsciousness?


The endocrine system consists of a series of glands that produce chemical substances known as ________


Clive wearing could remember which type of memory?

how to play the piano

research on ________ must always involve__________

humans; informed consent

in a resting state sodium Na+ is at a higher concentration outside the cell than potassium K+ is more concentrated inside the cell. during an action, the sodium levels ____ inside the cell


What should be changed to make the following sentence true? "The consequences of sleep debt include increased levels of alertness and mental efficiency."

increased to decrease

Spurling et al. investigated the effects of two learning strategies on word retention two weeks later. Learning strategy would be _____ variable and word retention is the _____ variable

independent; dependent

Once children reach the preschool stage (ages 3-6 years), they are capable of originating activities and asserting control over their world through social interactions and play. What is the primary developmental task of this stage?

initiative vs guilt

The sleep debt is the result of ________

insufficient sleep on a chronic basis

After age 65, most people are attempting to assess their lives and make sense of life and the meaning of their contributions. What is the primary developmental task of this stage?

integrity vs despair

Feeling pain, hunger, thirst, sleepiness, and being aware of our thoughts and emotions are all examples of ________ stimuli.


People in early adulthood (20s through early 40s) are ready to establish emotional closeness and maintain relationships with others. What is the primary developmental task of this stage?

intimacy vs isolation

randolff is walking down the street of his hometown, after being away for several years. when he smells fresh baked pie coming from the local bakery. he suddenly has vivid memories of walking down the street as a child swinging in the arms of his parents. the smell projects directly to the _____ which is responsible for _____ memories

limbic system; emotional

the _____ is the deep groove that separates the brain into two halves

longitudinal fissure

B.F. Skinner

made the Skinner box to observe the changes in behavior through reinforcement and punishment

Isla is describing her dream to a friend. She explains that in her dream she being chased by zombies and she escaped them by hiding in a refrigerator. Her description of her dream is focused on ________ content.


hyper polarization means that the

membrane potential becomes slightly more negative than the resting potential

Elroy decided not to cheat on the exam because he would fail the class if he was caught. What stage of moral development does this exemplify?


Carissa's parents let her stay up as late as she wants. She is allowed to pick out her own clothes and decide when and what she wants to eat. Her parents act more like her friends than authority figures. What kind of parenting style is this?


stan and Jenny are in a psych course that requires them to repeat an experiment that researchers have conducted in the past, in order to determine whether or not they produce the same results. this Is called


It is hard to tell how Guy's father will respond to Guy. Sometimes he is responsive to Guy's needs, but he is just as likely to ignore Guy. At 18 months old, Guy clings to his father, but he is just as likely to reject his father if his father tries to play with him. Guy becomes angry when his father leaves, and Guy is difficult to comfort even after his father returns. What kind of attachment is this?


evolutionary psychology

seeks to study the ultimate biological causes of behavior

Ego identity is our ________.

sense of self

During Jean Piaget's ________ stage, the world is experienced through senses and actions.


In what stage of sleep do sleep spindles appear?

stage 2

_____ can be used to assess ______

statistical analyses; reliability


study how the structure and function of the nervous system generate behavior`

what is one task peer review is NOT likely to participate in

suggesting magazines that may be interested in publishing the research

Emily is a doctoral student in psychology. She plans to use ________ to complete her doctoral paper, asking individuals to self-report important information about how their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs differ over a 10-year period.


Which of the following statements about rotating shift work is false

that it would probably lead to substance abuse

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when ________.

the airway becomes blocked during sleep

glucose a small uncharged molecule can pass through the cell membrane, but sodium ion do not pass through easily. what is the most accurate explanation for these finding?

the cell membrane is somewhat permeable

William james

the first American psychologist who proposed the idea of functionalism

a n negative correlation is

when one variable decreases and the other increases

the DARE program is an example of

why empirical research is needed

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