Psych Exam 4

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Freud believed that psychoanalysis was a way to "_____________" the unconscious mind.

c. (no others were pulling with them)

In a study on social loafing, blindfolded students were asked to pull on a rope as hard as they could. The students pulled hardest when they thought: a. three others were pulling against them b. three others were pulling with them c. no others were pulling with them d. no one was monitoring how hard they pulled

Biomedical therapy

"medical procedure" prescribed medications or medical procedures that act directly on the patient's nervous system


"seeing ourselves" the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

d. (neurogenesis)

One possible explanation for the delayed effect of antidepressant drugs is that the increased availability of serotonin seems to promote: a. tardive dyskinesia b. increased dopamine activity c. decreased norepinephrine levels d. neurogenesis

Beck's Cognitive Therapy

Testing beliefs to see how accurate they really are.

Cognitive Dissonance

The conflict or anxiety we feel when there is an inconsistency between our beliefs and our actions. Example: Smoking Cigarettes


The degree to which we have positive or negative feelings about ourselves.


The four characteristics of _________________ are: 1. Statistically Rare 2. Deviance from Social Norms 3. Personal Distress 4. Interference with Normal Functioning

Normative Social Influence

The influence people have on us because we want to be liked.

Informational Social Influence

The influence people have on us because we want to be right.


"Doing unto others as they will (hopefully) do unto you."


"Doing unto others because it somehow benefits ourselves."

bystander effect

"Let someone else do it..." a person is less likely to provide help when there are other bystanders

Implicit Rules of Society

"Others are helping, so I will help too."

Self-perception theory

"derive beliefs from behavior" Attitudes follow behavior. Doing becomes believing. Foot-in-the-door technique


"happy = helping"


"talking about problems" treatment involving psychological techniques; consists of interactions between a trained therapist and someone seeking to overcome psychological difficulties or achieve personal growth

b. (psychological)

A _____________ disorder is a syndrome marked by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior. a. dysfunctional b. psychological c. maladaptive d. stress

Cognitive perspective

Abnormal behavior results from illogical thinking patterns.


Abnormal behaviors are learned through a series of rewards and punishments.

22, 44

About ______% of adults suffer from mental disorder per year. About ______ million people in the U.S.

Action therapies

Aimed at changing behavior. Behavior therapy Cognitive therapy

Insight therapies

Aimed at understanding motives and actions. Psychoanalysis Humanistic therapy

b. (her new role)

Amanda is a newlywed, and she is conscious of basically acting out her understanding of how to be a wife. She is in the process of adapting to: a. her new status b. her new role c. her new relationship d. her new partner

Behavior Therapy

An action therapy involving the use of learning techniques to change undesirable behavior and increase desirable behavior. Examples include: Modeling, reinforcement, and extinction training Also called Behavior modification or Applied behavior Analysis

a. (passionate)

An aroused state of intense positive absorption in another is an example of _____ love. a. passionate b. altruistic c. romantic d. companionate


Antipsychotic drugs (Neuroleptics) Antianxiety drugs (anxiolytics) Antidepressant Drugs Mood Stabilizing Drugs are all types of __________________________ treatments used in biomedical therapies.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Anxiety disorder that develops after exposure to a traumatic event, oppressive situation, abuse, or disaster.

Behavioral Approach

Anxiety disorders are learned over time

Cognitive Approach

Anxiety disorders are the result of illogical, irrational thinking patterns.

Psychoanalytic Approach

Anxiety disorders are the result of repressed feelings and thoughts


Any pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress, causes them to harm themselves or others, or interferes with their ability to function in daily life.

Social Cognition

Attribution Person Perception The Self Attitudes are all areas of ___________ ____________.

Sigmund Freud

Austrian Physician Inventor of Psychoanalysis


Behavior that complies with the specific demands of an authority figure.


Behavioral abnormality is the result of repressing undesirable thoughts, memories, and concerns. Mental and behavioral problems are caused by conflicts between acceptable behavior and unacceptable, unconscious desires.


Being part of a group reduces one's sense of personal responsibility. Example: Mob mentality "just one of the herd"


CBT is the most effective form of psychotherapy for anxiety and mood disorders.

Sometimes (When attitude is strong. When person is made aware of attitude. When person has vested interest.)

Can attitudes predict behavior?

Sometimes (Self-perception Theory)

Can behavior predict attitudes?

Humanistic Therapy

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow Also called: Person-Centered Therapy Emphasizes free will, self-actualization, and human nature as growth seeking experiences and motivations for behavior.


Changing one's behavior to align with the group or group standard.

d. (peripheral route persuasion)

Changing opinions because of incidental cues such as a speaker's attractiveness illustrates: a. cognitive dissonance b. social facilitation c. informational social influence d. peripheral route persuasion

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V)

Contains each known disorder, a description, symptoms, checklist of criteria, and other relevant facts.

Bipolar disorder

Cycling between manic episodes (extreme happiness) and depressive episodes.

Major Clinical Depression

Deeply depressed mood or an inability to experience pleasure that comes on fairly suddenly and is out of proportion with the circumstances surrounding it. Depression is the number one reason people seek mental health services.

Social Identity

Defining oneself in terms of group memberships. (Ingroup - "your group") (Outgroup - "comparison group")


Determining why people do what they do.

Mood Disorders

Disturbance in affect or emotion. Also called affective disorders.


Dream analysis Free association Resistance Transference are all characteristics of ___________________.

Social comparisons

Evaluating one's own thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and abilities in relation to others.


Exaggeration of events, ideas, feelings

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Excessive anxiety and worry occur more days than not for at least six months that interferes with normal functioning and causes personal distress. Can often lead to depression and other disorders.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Expectations cause individuals to act in ways that make the expectations come true.

Social Phobias

Fear of interacting with others or being in a social situation

Specific Phobias

Fear of something in particular


Flashbacks Emotionally avoidant Desensitization Exaggerated startle response Difficulty concentrating Apprehensive and nervous Impulsive outbursts (sometimes aggressive) are all characteristics of ___________. (A type of anxiety disorder)

Negative symptoms (of Schizophrenia)

Flat affect, catatonia, social withdrawal, lack of speech.

Cognitive Therapy

Focused on changing distorted thinking patterns. Goal is to help clients think more positively.

c. (major depressive disorder)

For the past four weeks, Phoenix has been feeling lethargic and worthless. Her friends are worried because she no longer shows interest in her normal social activities. It seems likely that Phoenix is suffering from: a. mania b. bipolar disorder c. major depressive disorder d. disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

All-or-nothing thinking

Must be perfect or it's completely ruined


Generalization about a group's characteristics that does not account for individual variability. Sometimes it is accurate, but often overgeneralized.

d. (harmony)

Groupthink is fueled by a desire for: a. actions following attitudes b. conformity c. group polarization d. harmony

Positive symptoms (of Schizophrenia)

Hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, irrational thought, word salad.

Person Perception

How do we think about other people. Forming impressions, feelings, and attitudes about others.

Social Cognition

How people select, interpret, remember, and use social information.

Social Psychology

How people think about, influence, and relate to other people.

The Self

How we view ourselves.


Human physical features that others rate as high in objective physical appeal.


Impaired group decision-making that occurs when making the right decision is less important than conforming to the group.

Leon Festinger

In 1957, a Psychologist named _________ ______________ developed the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance.

b. (the chameleon effect)

In one study, participants who worked alongside someone who rubbed her face or shook her foot were observed to produce the same behaviors. This mimicry illustrates: a. minority influence b. the chameleon effect c. normative social influence d. social loafing

d. (depression)

In terms of pervasiveness, ____________ is the number one reason people seek mental health services. a. phobias b. mania c. bipolar disorder d. depression

a. (we are in a hurry)

In terms of the bystander effect, the best odds of our helping someone include all of the following EXCEPT: a. we are in a hurry b. the victim is similar to us c. the victim appears to need and deserve help d. we are in a good mood


Insight therapies and action therapies are both types of ____________________.


Internal vs. External causes Stable vs. Unstable causes Controllable vs. Uncontrollable causes are all examples of _______________ theories.


Intruding thoughts that occur again and again.


Irrational fear that causes undue personal distress and/or interferes with normal functioning.

d. (irrationality)

James has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Which of the following problems is James NOT likely to exhibit? a. fidgetiness b. impulsiveness c. distractibility d. irrationality

c. (phobia)

Kira, a 35-year-old, needs to have a blood sample taken. She is so distraught by this that she must mentally prepare herself for it as well as take a short-acting sedative. Kira seems to be suffering from a: a. panic disorder b. general anxiety disorder c. phobia d. social anxiety disorder

b. (social facilitation)

Liam is an excellent violinist. When he's in front of an audience, he tends to play his violin even more beautifully than when he is alone. This is most likely due to: a. minority influence b. social facilitation c. personal control d. normative social influence


Long-lasting psychotic disorder (involving a break with reality) characterized by disturbances in thinking, emotions, behavior, and perception.

b. (last for two or more weeks)

Major depressive disorder is characterized by signs of depression (e.g., lethargy, feelings of worthlessness, and loss of interest in family, friends, and activities). To be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, these symptoms must: a. alternate with symptoms of mania b. last for two or more weeks c. be caused by a medical condition d. last for one week

b. (antidepressant drugs)

Many of these drugs work by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine or serotonin, which elevate arousal and mood. a. antipsychotic drugs b. antidepressant drugs c. anti-anxiety drugs d. mood-stabilizing drugs

a. (a 12-step program)

Many self-help groups have emulated the use of __________________ pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. a. a 12-step program b. free association c. progressive relaxation d. insight therapies

d. (generalized anxiety disorder)

Maria is constantly concerned about things at work even when she is at home. She is constantly worried about her home life even when she is at work. Maria has a free-floating anxiety that leaves her tense and irritable, impairs her concentration, and leaves her with many sleepless nights. Maria suffers from a(n): a. panic disorder b. obsessive-compulsive disorder c. phobia d. generalized anxiety disorder


May just be treating symptoms, not underlying causes of problem.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Mixes both Cognitive therapy with Behaviorism Establish positive thinking patterns Set up rewards/punishments to change behavior Develop strategies to cope with future problems

helping behavior

Mood Empathy The Bystander Effect are all factors that Influence ___________ ______________:


Most prevalent of Psychological disorders is _______________.


Our feelings or opinions about people, objects, and ideas.

False Consensus Effect

Overestimation of the degree to which everyone else thinks and acts as we do.


Patient transfers feelings from childhood to therapist.


Patients unwilling to talk about certain things means that coming close to repressed material.

Fundamental Attribution Error

People tend to overestimate the importance of stable, internal traits and underestimate the importance of temporary, external situations when seeking explanations for others' behavior.

Social Facilitation

People tend to perform better when others are present if the task is easy or well-learned. People tend to perform worse in front of others if the task is difficult or new.

b. (flat effect)

People with schizophrenia sometimes lapse into an emotionless state called: a. chronic schizophrenia b. flat effect c. catatonia d. impaired theory of mind

a. (Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy)

Persuading depressed patients to reverse their catastrophizing beliefs about themselves and their futures is most characteristic of: a. Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy b. Joseph Wolpe's exposure therapy c. Carl Rogers' client-centered therapy d. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis


Phobias Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Panic disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are all types of _____________ disorders.


Prejudgment. Unjustifiable and usually negative attitude about a group and its members. Generally involves stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings, and a predisposition towards discriminatory actions.

c. (catatonia)

Preston, who has schizophrenia, tends to remain motionless for hours and then becomes agitated. Preston's symptoms characterize: a. disorganized thinking b. delusions of grandeur c. catatonia d. hallucinations

Biological Models (of abnormality)

Psychological disorders have a biological cause. Also known as the medical model.

Milgram's Obedience Study

Question: Would you harm someone if an authority figure told you to do so? Two-thirds of participants continued to obey the experimenter, even though they believed their actions were causing pain (maybe even death) to another person.


Racing heart rate Rapid breathing Out of body experience Sweating Dry mouth are all symptoms of ____________ disorder.

a. (the fundamental attribution error)

Recognizing the powerful impact of social influence on others' behavior is most likely to minimize: a. the fundamental attribution error b. social facilitation c. minority influence d. the foot-in-the-door phenomenon


Reflection Unconditional positive regard Empathy Authenticity are the four basic elements of _____________ therapy.


Ritualistic behavior that reduces anxiety.


Single negative event interpreted as a pattern

Social Psychology

Social Cognition Social Behavior Social Influence Intergroup relations Close relationships are all areas of _____________ ________________.

a. (even when the group judgment was clearly incorrect)

Solomon Asch reported that individuals who participated in a study of what they believed was visual perception conformed to a group's judgment of the lengths of lines: a. even when the group judgment was clearly incorrect b. only when members of the group were friends prior to the experiment c. even when the group seemed uncertain and repeatedly altered its judgment d. only when the group was composed of at least six members

b. (reflected her personal disposition)

Students who were told that a young woman had been instructed to act in a very unfriendly way for the purposes of the experiment concluded that her behavior: a. was situationally determined b. reflected her personal disposition c. illustrated normative social influence d. demonstrated role playing

Panic Disorder

Sudden onset of extreme panic; impending sense of doom

b. (need help)

The social-responsibility norm refers to the expectation that people should help those who: a. help themselves b. need help c. deserve help d. have helped them

Social Contagion

The spread of behavior, emotions and ideas. Examples: Fads yawning laughing

Social Loafing

The tendency for people to underperform when in a group because of reduced accountability.

a. (insight)

The variety of therapies that aim to improve psychological functioning by increasing a person's awareness of underlying motives and defenses are referred to as _____________ therapies. a. insight b. cognitive c. behavioral d. dialectical behavioral

Dopamine Hypothesis

Theory that it is excessive dopamine that causes schizophrenia. Evidence: Drugs that block dopamine reduce positive symptoms of schizophrenia

Biomedical Therapies

Therapy that directly affects biological processing. Most involve psychopharmacological treatments.

Psychological Models (of abnormality)

These are examples of what type of abnormality? Psychoanalysis Behaviorism Cognitive perspective Combination approaches

b. (a lobotomy)

Today, patients are no longer treated with _____________, a psychosurgical procedure in which the nerves that connect the frontal lobes with the emotion-controlling centers of the inner brain are cut. a. electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) b. a lobotomy c. tardive dyskinesia d. repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)

b. (biopsychosocial)

Treating our mind and body as independent entities seems especially inappropriate to those who take a ________ approach to therapy. a. cognitive b. biopsychosocial c. cognitive-behavioral d. biomedical


True or False? Behaviors and thoughts change with depression.

False (Depression is twice as likely in women.)

True or False? Depression is twice as likely in men.


True or False? Depression often brought on by stressful events.

True (therapy speeds recovery, but most will get better eventually without it.)

True or False? Most depressive episodes end on their own.

True (Some people may have a biological predisposition to develop PTSD after trauma.)

True or False? Not everyone develops PTSD after a traumatic event.


True or False? There are probably many causes of anxiety disorders. Psychologists approach anxiety disorders using the model of their choice.


True or False? We typically attribute others' behavior to internal causes, even though that is not always accurate.

Stereotype threat

Type of self-fulfilling prophecy in which anxiety about being negatively stereotyped actually causes underperformance.

Dream analysis

Unconscious mind emerges in dreams.

Free association

Unconscious mind emerges in free flowing stream of ideas.

c. (obsessions)

Uncontrollable thoughts and worries are to _____ as uncontrollable behaviors are to compulsions. a. stress b. anxiety c. obsessions d. tension

d. (deindividuation)

University students charged the field after the game in response to their team's loss. They vandalized the opposing team's field, and the police had to be called in. This behavior is best understood in terms of: a. social facilitation b. cognitive dissonance c. group polarization d. deindividuation


Unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its members.

Anxiety Disorders

Unrealistic or excessive anxiety. Sometimes can be tied to something specific (fear), but other time it cannot (free-floating anxiety).


Unselfish interest in helping another person.

b. (participants are not observed by other group members when giving their answers)

Using the Asch experimental procedure, conformity to group judgments would be LEAST likely when: a. it is very difficult for anyone to make correct perceptual judgments b. participants are not observed by other group members when giving their answers c. participants announce their own answers only after the other group members have done so d. judgments are made in a group that has more than three people.

Self-serving Bias

We often attribute our own behavior to whichever explanation benefits us the most.

b. (family therapy)

Which form of treatment is especially likely to focus on the goal of healing social relationships? a. cognitive therapy b. family therapy c. psychodynamic therapy d. behavior therapy

Asch's Conformity Study

Which line in exhibit 2 is the same length as the line in exhibit 1? When all others in the group picked the same "incorrect" answer, volunteer participants chose to conform with the group 35% of the time!

b. (social exchange theory)

Which theory suggests that altruistic behavior is governed by calculations of rewards and costs? a. the diffusion of responsibility theory b. social exchange theory c. the two-factor theory of emotion d. the reciprocity norm

Cognitive Dissonance

Why does Foot-in-the-door technique work? Why are people more likely to change their beliefs after engaging in behaviors that go against them?

a. (getting a foot in the door)

You are trying to convince your parents to finance your planned trip to Europe. First, you ask them for a small favor (a bus ticket to a local city), hoping that later they will be more willing to send you on the longer trip. This technique is known as: a. getting a foot in the door b. peripheral route persuasion c. minority influence d. normative social influence

b. (social exchange theory)

You decide that your free time over the weekend, which you're thinking of giving up so you can volunteer at the Special Olympics, is not as important to you as the good feelings and the joy you will receive from giving back to the community. This decision can be explained by the: a. two-factor theory b. social exchange theory c. bystander effect d. mere exposure effect

c. (cognitive)

You recognize that self-blaming and overgeneralized explanations of bad events are often an integral part of the vicious cycle of depression. You are most likely a _______________ therapist. a. family b. psychodynamic c. cognitive d. client-centered

a. (deindividuation)

Your sister-in-law always has a smile on her face and a joke to tell. The moment she walks into your house you start smiling, even before she says something funny. Your attitude is a result of all of the following EXCEPT: a. deindividuation b. the chameleon effect c. automatic mimicry d. mood linkage


______ out of the top 10 causes of disability in the U.S. is from Psychological Disorders


________ million people suffer from depression and/or bipolar disorder. Occurs in every country worldwide.

d. (Group)

____________ therapy refers to therapy that is provided by one therapist working with several people simultaneously. a. Psychodynamic b. Behavior c. Client-centered d. Group

a. (Diffusion of responsibility)

__________________ refers to the phenomenon in which the presence of other people makes it less likely that any single individual will help someone in distress because the obligation to intervene is shared among all the onlookers. a. Diffusion of responsibility b. The rule of the social trap c. The rule of reciprocity d. The social-responsibility norm

d. (Normative social influence)

__________________ result(s) from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval. a. Dispositional attributions b. Situational attributions c. Informational social influence d. Normative social influence

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

an anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions)


only look at the bad, minimizing the positive


•Little need for sleep •Speech is loud, flighty, hard to interrupt •Extreme optimism and self-esteem •Irritated easily (especially by advice) •Poor judgment •Increased risk taking •Increase in creativity and productivity these are all characteristics of what happens during _____________ phase of bipolar disorder.

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