Psych final 2013

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Which of tghe following isw true of the American attitude toward death

Americans are generally death avoiders and death deniers

Individuals with an anxious attachment style:

demanded closeness in relationships and are more emotional

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, which of the following is the first stage of dying?

denial and isolation

Erik Erikson believed that people who experience isolation and stagnation is earlier adulthood are more likely to experience___ in later adulthood


One study found that after 6 months of ___, older adults showed improvement on reaction time tasks

doing aerobic exercise

When working with older clients, some clinicians use ___ therapy, which involves discussing past activities and experiences with another individual or group


In one survey reported by Kalish & Reynolds only ___ of individuals 60 and over had made any funeral arrangements

24 percent

In a single act of unprotected sex with an infected partner, a teenage girl has a __ percent risk of acquiring genital herpes


A recent national study revealed that ___ percent of U.S. 15 year olds met the federal governement's exercise recommendations on weekdays


A recent analysis predicted that __ percent of U.S. adults will be obese in 2030


In about __ percent of motor vehicle fatalities involving adolescents, the driver was found to be intoxicated


In a national survey, __ percent orf U.S. 15 to 19 year old boys and ___ percent of girls said they had engaged in oral sex


Adolescents in the U.S. spend about ___ percent as much time on schoolwork as their East Asian counterparts do


In a U.S. national survey conducted in 2009, ___ percent of 12th graders reported that they had experienced sexual intercouse, compared with ___ percent of 9th graders

62; 32

The young-old are people who are between:

65 to 84 years of age

In the united states, in 2007, ___ percent of corpses were disposed of by burial


According to Onwuteaka-Philipsen & others, a Dutch study of almost 7,000 dying persons revealed that only___ percent requested passive or active euthanasia, and of those who requested it, approximately one-third of the requests were granted


According to the cellular clock theory of aging, cells can divide a maximum of:

75 to 80 times

Today the average life expectancy in the United States is:

78 years

In a recent review of research on childrens conceptions of death, it was condluded that children probably do not view death as universal and irreversible until about what age?


The mean age at the beginning of the growth spurt in girls is ___


Which theorist proposed the "storm-and-stress" view that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings?

G.Stanley Hall

___ adults commit themselves to the continuation and improvement of society as a whole through their connection with their children and grandchildren


___ encompasses adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation


Leptin acts as an

anti-obesity hormone

Securely attached adults:

are less likely than others to have one-night stands

Recent research revealed that ___ parenting was linked to lower adolescent alcohol consumption


The retention of information about the when and where of life's happenings is called ___ memory


The hormone that is associated with breast, uterine, and skeletal development in girls is"


In menopause, production of ___ by the overies declines dramatically


Which of the following statements about the benefits of exercise is true?

exercise can be as effective in reducing depression as psychotherapy

___ are the leading cause of injury deaths among adults who are 65 years and older


According to Kalish & Reynolds, middle-aged adults actually ___ than do yound adults or older adults

fear death more

Most psychologists emphasize that ___ is the best strategy in discussing death with children


___ is a program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible


___ refers to a legal document that reflects the patient's advance care planning

living will

The average adult in middle adulthood ___ height and __ weight

loses; gains

The main purpose of a hospice is to:

make death more peaceful and less frightening for the patient and family

According to a lonitudinal study by Jerald Bachman and his colleagues, by the time individuals reach their mid-twenties, ___ their use of alcohol and drugs

many would have reduced

___ is the illicit drug most widely used in the United States, and its use by adolescents increased from 2008 to 2011


Results from the "Sex in America" survey suggest that adult sexual behavior is ruled by ___ and ___ for most Americans

marriage; monogamy

A girl's first menstruation is called __


A condition in middle and late adulthood characteried by hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance is referred to as

metabolic syndrome

In 2011, which of the following countries had the highest life expectancy?


Identity ___ is James Marcia's term for the status of adolescents who are in the midst of a crisis, and whose commitment levels are either absent or only vaguely defined


In 1994, Robert Michael and his colleagues conducted a comprehensive survey of American sexual patterns. Results from this "Sex in America" survey suggested that Americans' sexual lives are ____ than previously believed

more conservative

According to a national study of more than 200,000 freshmen at more than 400 colleges and universities, today's college students experience ___ than students in previous generations

more stress

The mortality rate of emerging adults is ___ the mortality rate of adolescents

more than twice

By the end of emerging adulthood(age 25), ___ individuals have had sexual intercourse


___ refers to a self-centered and self-concerned approach toward others


According to Salthouse, a recent analysis of research found:

no evidence for significant changes in everyday cognition from 20-75 years of age

Compared to men, women have a higher incidence of ___ disorders during middle adulthood

nonfatal chronic

At 60 years of age, the retina receives only ___ as much light as it did at 20 years of age


Which of the following is NOT a biological theory explaining aging?

reverse neurogenesis theory

___ infants are defined as those who use the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the environment

securely attached

Which of the following statement about the care of a dying older person in the U.S. today is true?

the care of a dying older person has shifted away from the family

When explaining death to younger children(around preschool age) , the most imprtant point for parents to stress is that:

the child is loved and will not be abandoned

___ reflects an individual's personal investment in identity


The oldest-old today are mostly:


Female friendships involve more ____ than male friendships


Crystallized intellegence is:

an individual's accumulated information and verbal skills

In a single act of unprotected sex with an infected partner, a teenage girl has a ___ percent risk of getting HIV


The peak rate of pubertal change occurs at ___ years for girls and __ years for boys

11 1/2; 13 1/2

According to 2008 date, in the United States, ___ percent of men and ___ percent of women 65 years of age and older were widowed

13; 41

The transition from adolescence to adulthood has been referred to as emerging adulthood, which occurs from approximately ____

18 to 25

___ love is also called companionate love


___ refers to a progressive, irreversible brain disorder that is characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoinig, language, and eventually, physical function

Alzheimer disease

According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, which of the following is the second stage of dying?


Which of the following is the gene which appears to play a role in as many as one-third of cases of alzheimer disease?


According to Erikson, the positive resolution of which develpmental stage culminates in appreciation of interdependence and relatedness in old age?

Basic trust vs. mistrust

___ is a term that is used to describe the midlife transition in which fertility declines


___ is defined as a period of identity development during which the individual is exploring alternatives


Which of the following is a treatment of advanced Parkinsons disease?

Deep brain stimulation

In which of the following states is active euthanasia not considered a crime?


Identify the major task that must be mastered in early adulthood, according to Levinson

Developing a stable life structure

According to studies, which of the following is one of the most common sexual problems of older men?

Early ejaculation

According to the U.S. government's Occupational Outlook Handbook, which of the following areas of work are expected to account for the most new job in the next decade?


___ is the act of painlessly ending the lives of individuals who are suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability


Which of the following is the term that most researchers use to describe crisis?


George Vaillant concludes that the ___ are a decade of reassessing and recording the truth about the adolescent and adulthood


Why is LDL referred to as "bad" cholesterol?

High levels of LDL cause atherosclerosis

Which of the following statement about hospice care is true?

Hospice care emphasizes palliative care

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following is a precursor to intimacy in romantic relationships during emerging adulthood?

Identity development in adolescence

Which of the following is Erikson's fifth developmental stage?

Identity vs identity confusion

Which of the following is an example of active euthanasia?

Injecting a lethal dose of a drug

Which of the following is Erikson's eigth stage of development?

Integrity vs. despair

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following is the sixth developmental stage?

Intimacy vs isolation

Which of the following is a drug that is used in the treatment of Parkinson disease


What did Levinson's research conclude about women in midlife transition?

Levinson reported that his stages, transitions, and the crisis of middle age hold for women as well as men

Active euthanasia is legal in the state of:


Which of the following countries had the lowest estimated life expectancy in 2011?

South Africa

___ develops when individuals sense that they have done nothing for the next generation


____ are DNA sequences that cap chromosomes


___ is a hormone associated in boys with genital development, increased height, and deepening of the vocie


Which of the following were considered to be clear signs of deathe twenty-five years ago?

The end of certain biological functions

Which of the following countries has the highest number of centenarians?

United States

If researchers measure an individual's self-esteem at ages 10, 20, 30, and 40 years, where are they likely to find the most stability?

When measured at the age of 20 and then again at the age of 30

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following is the resolutoin of the last stage of human development?


Why do women have an easier time with the loss of their spouse than do men?

Women have better social networks

Exercise is related to all of the following positive outcomes in adolescence, EXCEPT:

a lower incidence of type 1 diabetes

According to Erikson, in old age, the positive resolution of the conflict of identity vs. confusion culminates in:

a sense of complexity of life

According to Erikson, in old age the positive resolution of the conflict of intimacy vs isolation culminates in:

a sense of complexity of relationships

Identity ___ is the status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and made a commitment


An ___ states such preferences as whether life-sustained procedures should or should not be used to prolong the life of an individual when death is imminent

advance directive

Sustained exercises such as jogging, swimming, or cycling that stimulate the heart and lung activity are known as:

aerobic exercises

One study found that ___ of the individuals 65 to 69 years of age considered themselves middle aged

almost half

Most of us reach our peak physical performance:

before the age or 30, often between the ages of 19 and 26

A flat EEG recording for a specified period of time is one criterion of___

brain death

Which of the following religions believes in reincarnation?


Which of the following is the positive resolution of the psychological conflict of generativity vs stagnation?


According to Erikson, the positive resolution of the conflict of generativity vs stagnation culminates in ___ in old age.

caring for others, and empathy and concern

Nowadays, the main causes of death in middle adulthood in the United States are:

chronic diseases

The term Baltes uses to describe the "hardware" of the mind, meaning the neurophysiological architecture of the brain through evolution, is:

cognitive mechanics

Hospice advocates underscore that it is possible to:

control pain for almost any dying individual

The ___, where fibers connect the brains left and right hemispheres, thickens in adolescence, and this improves adolescents' ability to process information.

corpus callosum

Critics point out that studies on the effectiveness of antioxidants in slowing the aging process, thus far have been so-called population studies that are ___ in nature


Daniel Levinson's studies suggest that most adults feel that middle age is a time of:


Middle-age partners are more likely to view their marriage as positive if they:

engage in mutual activities

In the United States, the most widely recognied marker of entry into adulthood is:

holding a permananent, full time job

One study explored links between health behavior and life satisfaction in more than 17,000 individuals 17 to 30 years of age in 21 countries. Which of the following has NOT been found to be positively related to young adults' life satisfaction?

fiber intake

According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, ___ refers to a heightened state of pleasure experienced when we are engaged in mental and physical challenges that absorb us.


Identity ___ is the status of individuals who have made a commitment but not experienced a crisis


According to Piaget, which of the following is the final stage of cognitive development?

formal operational stage

Eriksonian researcher James Marcia reasons that Erikson's theory of identity development contains ___ of identity, or ways of resolving the identity crisis

four statuses

Recent research indicates that the greater distractibility of older adults is associated with less effective functioning in neural networks running through the ___ of the brain, which are involved in cognitive control.

frontal and parietal lobes

Erikson proposed that middle-aged adults face a significant issue which he termed ___

generativity vs. stagnation

Identity development:

gets done in bits and pieces

Sensitivity to ___ sounds usually declines first among ___

high-pitched; men

The ___ portions of the brain often die sooner the the ____ portions

higher; lower

Adolescents who do not successfully resolve their identity crisis suffer from what Erikson calls ___

identity confusion

Identify the status of individuals who have not yet experienced a crisis or made any commitments

identity diffusion

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following stages is the most important issue to be negotiated in adolescence

identity vs identity confusion

In Erik Erikson's theory, adults strive for generativity to achieve a sense of ____


According to research on intergenerational relationships, in which of the following ways is an adult child most likely to be similar

in politics

Currently in the United States, 90 percent of hospice care is provided:

in the patient's home

A longitudinal study revealed that most bad health habits engaged in during adolescence ___ in emerging adulthood


Erikson describes ___ as finding oneself while losing oneself in another person, and it requires a commitment to another person


Development in early adulthood involves a balance of:

intimacy and commitment on the one hand with independence and freedom on the other

Which of the following statements about sibling relationships is true?

it is rare for sibling closeness to develop for the first time in adulthood

According to studies, which of the following is one of the most common sexual problems of older women?

lack of sexual interest

Research indicates that links between early attachment styles and later attachment styles were ___ by stressful and disruptive experiences


Which of the following statements about life review is NOT true?

life reviews avoid reflecting on regrets

Van Alphen, Donker, & Marquet reproted that in the Netherlands, ___ was found to be main reason for requests for active euthanasia


The type of carfe that is designed to reduce pain and suffering and help individuals die with dignity is known as:

palliative care

Turning off a respirator or a heart-lung machine is an example of ___ euthanasia


All of the following are part of the life review process EXCEPT:

projecting future life experiences

Which of the following is the term Erik Erikson uses to describe the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy?

psychosocial moratorium

Puberty refers to a period of:

rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that occurs primarily during early adolescence

Which of the following is a common way to assess speed of information processing?

reaction-time task

Fluid intelligence is the ability to:

reason abstractly

One study revealed that an important factor among older adults who showed a higher level of emotion regulation and successful aging was:

reduced responsiveness to regrets

The term ___ refers to the ability to focus on a specific aspect of experience that is relevant to the task at hand while ignoring others that are relevant

selective attention

A person's knowledge about the world is called ___ memory


The gradual decline in men's testosterone levels in middle age can reduce their ___

sexual drive

Compared with earlier and later periods, middle age is influenced most by ___ factors


All of the following are key features identified by Jeffrey Arnett as characterizing emerging adulthood EXCEPT:


Nicotine is a ___


According to James Marcia, what determines an individual's identity status?

the existence or extent of their crisis or commitment

For hospice services to be covered by Medicare:

the patient must be deemed by a physician to have six months or fewer to live

Compared to young children, which of the following is likely to be a differentiating aspect of adolescents' view of death?

they develop more abstract conceptions of death

Exercise can reduce the risk of all of the following conditions EXCEPT:

type 1 diabetes

Which of the following is a problem that can plague cross-gender friendships?

unclear sexual boundaries

Almost half of all deaths from 15-24 years of age are due to:

unintentional injuries

___ refers to ability to understand ideas expressed in words

verbal comprehension

In a survey conducted by AARP, the primary reason middle-aged and older women cited for wanting a divorce was:

verbal, physical, or emotional abuse

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