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Personnel psychologists have helped devise training programs that have increased job seekers' success by a factor of:


In this performance appraisal method, a manager, other colleagues, customers, and even the employee rates his or her performance.

360-degree feedback

During Stanley Milgram's famous shock study, what percentage of people shocked the innocent victim to the highest voltage?


The work of Mary Tenopyr helped _____ to identify likely-to-succeed representatives.


ABC's of behavior

Antecedents Behavior Consequences

Who developed a series of questions that people can ask themselves to help identify their strengths and weaknesses?

Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton

Which of the following does not describe a stereotype?

Michael picked the candidate for the job that got the cumulative highest score

What was the unexpected finding of Asch's line study?

Some people would pick the wrong comparison line because the people before them also picked the wrong line


Specific Motivational Achievable Relevant Trackable Shared

In the case of Goldilocks and the Three bears we need our arousal to be 'just right' to ensure optimum performance. What theory supports this phenomenon?

Yerkes-Dodson Law

when performance is based only on an employee's latest behavior, which may not be indicative of her overall performance, the employer is committing

a recency error

organizational psychology

a subfield of I/O psychology that examines organizational influences on worker satisfaction and productivity and facilitates organizational change

What is the process for selecting targets for the greatest impact?

address important large-scale problems; address timely issues; target ERB's with potential for greatest sustainability impact; target efficacy (one-time) over curtailment (repetitive behaviors); target organizations over individual households

According to the ABC attributes of attitudes, what does 'A' stand for?


Dorothy would always help out at the local soup kitchen. She did not help to expect a reward, or even praise. She did it purely out of the desire to help others. One would say Dorothy best personifies ______.


explain the performance over time graph

beginning starts with dependence, improving leads to independence, and leading leads to interdependence

To save energy, Charles hangs his wet clothes on a line outside in the sun rather than using a dryer. According to the author of Chapter 14, this behavior reflects which of the following conservation behaviors?

behavioral choice

leaders coach from a

behavioral perspective

openness is defined as

being able to understand things, using difficult words, and not being interested in abstract ideas


being the life of the party, feeling comfortable around people, and starting conversations

Career counselors suggest that, instead of finding a job, people should find their _____; people who have report the highest satisfaction in their work and lives.


Recall the three categories of attitudes toward work identified in the textbook. Individuals who perceive their work as a _____ report the highest level of satisfaction with their work and lives.


Recall the three categories of attitudes toward work identified in the textbook. Individuals who view their work as fulfilling and socially useful perceive their work as a:


the ____ route tries to change core beliefs



changing mood frequently, getting upset easily, I'm relaxed most of the time

Which concept or principle from social psychology connects best to people feeling guilty after throwing a recyclable bottle in the garbage?

cognitive dissonance

Many fishers voluntarily accept limits on their catch in order to avoid falling victim to which of the following:

commons dilemma

A person who is careless and disorganized most clearly ranks low on the Big Five trait dimension of


environmental psychology

considers the relationship between people and their physical environment

Jason is a football player and he feels he has certain expectations to fulfill in his role. When asked to star in the school's production of 'Les Misérables', Jason declined, worried about what his peers might thing. Deep down however, he would have loved the part. Jason's pressure to adhere to the expectations of his peers is best described as...


sustainable behavior

environmentally responsible behavior, curtailment behavior, behavioral vs technology choice, commons dilemma, interdependence, shared goals, and trust

Although Natalie receives somewhat greater rewards from her marriage than does her husband, both are satisfied with the relationship because they each benefit in proportion to what they put into it. This best illustrates the significance of:


attributional bias

evaluations biased by presumed degree of effort of motivation

which of the following is generally the poorest predictor of future job performance?

evaluations from informal interviews

The categories of vocational interest identified by the U.S. Department of Labor on its questionnaire do NOT include the:


Sheryl is very outgoing and fun-loving. She prefers to be around other people most of the time. She most clearly ranks high on the Big Five trait dimension known as


Which of the following beliefs would not be considered one that would be changed by the central route of attitude change?

favorite ice cream flavor

Performance appraisal methods do NOT include:

feedback rating scales

A completely focused state of consciousness resulting from optimal engagement of one's skills is called _____.


Matt is a student who becomes so fully absorbed in his course studies that he completely loses awareness of how long he has been working. Matt's experience best illustrates


Work is MOST likely to be satisfying for employees if it is associated with:


_____ is a focused state of total absorption in a challenging, goal-oriented activity.


conscientiousness is defined as

following a schedule, getting chores done right away, and paying attention to details

Chad believed that one of his brothers in his fraternity was innocent despite the overwhelming evidence that he was guilty for drinking underage. What bias does this best represent?

group-serving bias

When one's overall evaluation of an employee biases other ratings of work-related behaviors, this is referred to as a(n) _____.

halo error

four types of bias

halo- generalizing across situations, leniency- not wanting to engage in conflict, recency- latest, and contrast- comparing two things/people

Now ubiquitous, touch screens make use of _____ feedback.


_____ psychologists help to design appliances, machines, and work settings that fit human perceptions and inclinations.

human factors

Designing aircraft instrument displays so pilots can easily and accurately monitor flight data would be of most direct interest to

human factors psychologists

according to the author of chapter 14, which of the following is LEAST likely to increase a person's subjective well-being?

increased wealth

expressions reflect both

individualism and collectivism

Dr. Thompson develops interview questions that will effectively predict job applicants' success in specific work positions. Her work best illustrates that of a(n)___________psychologist.


Personnel psychology is the subfield of _____ psychology that applies psychology's methods and principles to selecting and evaluating workers.


The field of _____ psychology refers to the application of psychological concepts and methods to the workplace.


Intergroup contact theory states that prejudice is based on a lack of _______ and ______ between groups.

information; contact

A conscious effort to get others to like us is known as ______.


which of the following reflects the socially preferred behavioral decision?

injunctive norm

leaders demonstrate and promote


researcher's mastery is in

intervention and evaluation

Recall the three categories of attitudes toward work identified in the textbook. Individuals who view their work as unfulfilling but necessary for survival perceive their work as a:


According to research on the curse of _____, technology developers mistakenly assume that others share their expertise.


organizational psychologists are most likely to be involved in

modifying work environments in order to improve employee engagement

Which of these was NOT identified as a contributing factor in the interviewer illusion?

most interviewers have a tendency to rely on unstructured rather than structured interviews

Which of these is NOT one of the six interest types assessed by the vocational interest questionnaire offered by the U.S. Department of Labor?


the left-brain vs right-brain theory is a


environmental attitudes

nature (biophilia) vs nurture (learning); environmental risk perceptions- temporal discounting and detail

which of the following techniques used to increase the occurrence of ERB bypasses an explicit process of choice?


influencing ERB is done best through

nudges, prompts, incentives, and feedback; descriptive vs injunctive norms; intrinsic (values) vs extrinsic (incentives); collective guilt; empathy nudge

In management by _____, managers agree on specific, short-term goals to be completed in the service of larger aims.


Assessing the impact of different management styles on the motivation and productivity of employees BEST illustrates the professional concerns of _____ psychologists.


According to research on the curse of knowledge, technology developers mistakenly assume that:

others share their expertise

The practice of 360-degree feedback is most clearly designed to improve

performance appraisals

There are two different paths one can take to change their attitude; the _____ route and the ______ route.

peripheral; central

James is scheduled for a job interview with Ms. Farrar. He knows that she is in charge of selecting, placing, and evaluating employees for her firm, but he cannot remember her educational background. Of these, it is MOST likely to be _____ psychology.


_____ psychologists facilitate job seeking, employee selection, work placement, and performance appraisal


What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

prejudice is an attitude, whereas discrimination is acting upon such attitudes

Joshua was told not to step on the frozen lake by his parents. Nevertheless, he ignored his parents' wishes and walked on the ice anyway. Thankfully, the ice did not break, but it did crack. What is Joshua's deviance an example of?

psychological reactance

conservation psychology

psychology directed toward understanding and promoting a healthy relationship between humans and nature

Performance appraisal methods include graphic and behavior _____

rating scales

Performance appraisal methods include graphic and behavior _____.

rating scales

When a rater focuses on easily remembered or recent behavior, this is referred to as:

recency error

the five types of communication

relationship, possibility, action, opportunity, follow-up

Whenever ordering a drink, Margaret requests "no straw please," because she carries her own reusable straw. Subsequently, she brings reusable bags into the grocery store, and carries a plastic reusable bottle for water. Which of the following best reflects this spillover effect?

response generalization

A/An ____ is a mental category our brain uses to quickly make a judgement about our surroundings in order to save processing power.


consultant's mastery is in

selection and dissemination

large scale behavior change requires 4 steps

selection- what should we work on?; intervention- attacking the problem head-on; evaluation- understanding the impact of intervening; dissemination- capture the market

Fear tactics designed to increase the occurrence of environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) only work if they include which of the following?


three key beliefs that determine empowerment are

self-efficacy- 'I can do it'; response-efficacy- 'It will work'; outcome-expectancy- 'the effort is worth the effort'

Inferring our attitudes or values based on what behavior we choose to perform is known as?

self-perception theory

What is the psychological term given to the constant evaluation of ourselves using other people as a reference point for our deduction?

social comparison

A decrease in performance as the result of the presence of others, often because of perceived social pressure is known as what?

social inhibition

This interview process asks the same job-related questions of all applicants, each of whom is rated on established scales.

structures interviews


sympathizing with others' feelings, insulting people, and taking time out for others

which of the following obstacles to ERB reflects the human tendency to focus on soon, certain, and positive consequences?

temporal discounting

In Festinger and Carlsmith's famous experiment concerning cognitive dissonance, did those who were paid $20 or $1 express that the experiment was more enjoyable?

the $1 condition

Mr. Walters has many years of experience as a personnel officer for a large corporation. He does not review most job applicants' reference files because he is confident of his ability to predict their future work performance based on his direct face-to-face conversations with them. Mr. Walters' confidence best illustrates

the interviewer illusion

employees have been proven to be happier when

their supervisors are effective leaders

Natural extraverts who articulate high standards and who motivate employees to be more engaged, trusting, and effective use _____ leadership.


t/f: system thinking has been proven to improve attitude


Left Brain vs. Right Brain

• Left- controls the ability to speak & understand language in most people • Right- controls the ability to pay attention, recognize things you see, hear or touch & be aware of your own body • In some left handed people language is controlled by the right side & awareness by the left

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