psych of selling quiz 4

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ideas from ernest dicther

BAKING - home = feminity - cake in oven = giving birth - only adding H20 = threatening 2 women cuz now their role marginalized. add egg - W feels more involved & legitimate BATH - bathing= purification ritual. showering = teenage girls allows then 2 wash of feelings of guilt of new sexual desires SHOPPERS- - shoppers = not decision makers - put candy @ check out bcums impulse buy - more likely to purchase & then forgive themselves MOVIE - u project urself into the movie. u bcum character in movie

motivation research says pple experience happy childhood relive these epxeriences later. VS pple w unhappy childhood avoid those experiences in later consumption

CASE EXAMPLE bro & sis bought exact same home design in diff street. floor plan exact in the one they grew up in.

4. latent personality

CHARACTERISTICS - - at least 10 yrs when ur asexual / nun / priest -supress sexual / social needs - work ambitions dominance of super ego -judgemental well developed (non sexual) friendships w same sex "brotherhood" - not focused on physical ID , rejection of ID. ID = waste of ur energy MARKETING TO LATENT - -hardworking - ad shows for those willing to make sacrifices - consumer is strong than average person - same sex bonding , good friendships = meaningful -appeal to higher purpose WHAT TO SELL LATENT - - athletic products for serious athlete (NIKE AD = appealing to brotherhood / sacrifice) - products to enhance friendship (gifts, cards, charities(embrace superego)) AD - - basketball in wheelchairs - takes dedication, loyalty, friendship = guinness beer -nike - girl determined to make herself whatever - marketing military - "army strong" TV SHOW- -big bang theory - sheldon - latent personality - so focused on science doesn't notice other sex

5. genital personality

CHARACTERISTICS - (adulthood, most normal, balanced ego) - well adjusted, minimal neuroses -positive, reciprocal relationships - self actualizations - use all capacities good work / life / relationship balance (healthy) MARKETING TO GENITAL - - ad w setting of normal , happy individual

motivational perspective explanation of product failure of : FORD EDSEL

Edsel failed because of front of car. Ernest said grill reminded men of a vagina unconsciously

"escape from freedom"

Eric Fromm societies gain more freedoms, they experience greater insecurities /// less freedom, more feelings of belongingness & security /// freedom & belongingness inversely related poor = happy, cuz dont wake up dwelling on something. poorer country = more family tie, cuz thats all u have . IN US always work cuz we care bout $

Freud's 3 levels of consciousness

Iceberg Metaphor 1. the conscious mind 2. the pre - conscious mind 3. the un - conscious mind *The unconscious mind influences both behavior and conscious thought* ID - unconscious (most influencial) Super Ego - unconscious, preconscious, conscious Ego - preconscious, conscious

pre 1950 vs after 1950

PRE - defined themselves from their occupation or productive role (not actor, model, singer, sporter) in the economy - i am a steelworker AFTER - define themselves from their possessions / leisure activities - i drive a porche - i live in sm - i race motorcycles

concept of subliminal

TRUE SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE - a stimulus is presented below the lower threshold of conscious perception, but above the lower threshold of unconscious perception

subliminal messages in disney movies

according to american life league - christian anti abortion group - - Aladdin - "good teenagers take of their clothes "(forward) - little mermaid - the castle looks like a penis - lion king - stars say "sex" -who framed roger rabbit - jessica rabbit had no underwear on - the rescuers - had a frame of boobs

self concept theory

acknowledges that all pple r complex & multi dimensional . humanistic approach tells marketers not to focus on stereotypes regarding consumers

random info

ads = applied psychology subliminal = applied psychoanalysis images of sex & death r hidden in ads & suppressed in ordinary. belair fresh - ocean spray - ocean sperm, shadow on breast, women w mouth open no simple pics in ad - all photoshop/ painting

examples of bad science

ads w subliminal messages (<-not subliminal)

5 stages of psychosexual development

adults show these traits due to development complications as child - valid 1. oral stage - based on breastfeeding experiences (new born) 2. anal stage - based on potty - training experiences ( 2 yrs ) 3. phallic stage - based on emerging awareness of the genitals (5/6 yrs) 4. latent stage - based on dormancy (stopped) of sexual desires 5. genital stage - based on maturing sexual adaption (12 / 13)

motivation research in mid 20th century - ditcher

americans in 1930-1950 v practical cuz of WWII, Gr8 Depression. so embrace thrift, sacrfice, gratitude, carefull attention to social norms . so ppl never spurlged. how to transform? - ditcher gave reason to spurlge. how? show pple how they would feel from these purchases. freeing ID. free consumers from guilt. make it morally accpetable & well earned reward. EXAMPLE - Vero watch = $$$. ad - "u take care of watch 4 next generation" <- so now u aint egotistic, u a gr8 father. its an investment

unethical marketers

attempt to convince gullible consumers that pheromones work miracles ex - axe ad - young man 2 get 2 girls to like him

self actualization

the drive to realize, or maximize one's ultimate potential in life

concept of subliminal

threshold between conscious and unconscious perception

otto poetzl

tool otto invented that vicary uses -flash slides of landscapes for 1/100th sex/ don't have exposure enough to see images in conscious. next day asked what u dreamt of. most subjects said landscape scene shown the day before. = SUBLIMINAL PERCEPTION confirmed theory

how to market to pple w self actualization? (highest point of maslow heirarchy of needs)

u cant. they dont need ur shit. they arent trynna impress anyone self actualization = a person rllly aware of themselves. wont be hung up on possessions. self actualization = description used by maslow. drive 3 maximize one's potential. if u c urself like oh ill b happy if i have this, u should be happy now. so ur j gonna b unhappy whole life

Apocolypse at denvor airport

ufos? hidden bunkers? phalic images? (porn) even airport shaped like penis. street called penia (from mayer) other street is harry comb

humans driven by mostly

unconscious and instinctual motives (sex, power, fear (death))

vicary experiment 1

vicary created subliminal ads in film projector briefly flashing "hungry eat popcorn, thirsty drink coke" every 5 sec @ 1/3000th sec. sales of coke increased 18%, coke 58%. But, movie is called Picnic, so that might also b reason. pple thought this illegal (FCC - US Federal Communications Commission)l, but it was vicary idea to remove long ads . called process "a rape of the mind." side note - vicary never intended to use subliminal ad w/o viewers knowledge. b4 viewing, wanted to put announcement

possessions define us

we are defined by what we own. 17 yr chinkado sells kidney to buy ipad/iphone

production --> consumption

we do meaningless working hours that balance what we want as the active consumer. makes .. CONSUMPTION IS LIVING. (ad - im not gonna major in ceramics any more so i can guy rage rover car) (ad- VISA - spend $ on credit car & ull enjoy life) (show- CRIB - this is where the magic happens)

the psychopathology of normality

what we think of normal, its only normal bcuz we see it. but from mental health, thats not normal. we r all mentaly ill,. when ur surrounded by insane pple, & ur being rational, pple will think ur the insane one. trynna b like kim k is not normal (her wealth) no one needs $50,000 watch most of us function most of the time on a lower level than that of self actualization . self actualization rarely happens . less than 1% of adult population .... so 1% of marketing immune 2 marketing tricks

perceptual constraints

when individuals can not receive / process sensory signals due to limitations in the body's senses ex - dogs can hear things humans cant -> KFC ad

compensatory consumption - pearl fryer

when pple feel less control of their productive lives (jobs) they will seek greater control thru their consumptive lifes (spending) . mostly we work in larger corps, so less control. easier to obtain control in consumption

what to tell your dad campaign

when teenager u have acne. take a pill 2 make skin look better. none of the other companies can say it unless approved. this company spent 100 m 4 clinicall trials to FDA to say it clears skin . why all this trouble? to give consumers a script

roach case

why W would not purchase "roach mote" insecticide bait traps even tho better than spray. studied low income cuz they prob have more roaches in home. W did say roach motel = more effective. asked to draw pic of roaches & explain. W said roach = male. roaches = men in past who treated them badly. spraying & seeing them die = more fullfilling. unconsciously killing formal bf cuz bf=roaches who j stayed around 4 food. allowed women to express their hostility toward men.


c things not rlly there cloud images an illusion related to other brain differences. phenomenon in which a vague and random stimulus is perceived to be meaningful and deliberate

non conscious learning

carl young - individuals can learn w.o. conscious awareness -may contain info we not consciously aware of (y u use hypnotism to recollect past / eye witness)

"reason why" approach

cognitive justification 4 purchasing

modern society

dog example - dog thinking of one thing. man thinking bout 4 happiness does not come from increasing consumption the life u complain about, others dream bout (2/3 of world poverty) having perspective = therapeutic families want more income to consume more. transitioned from culture of production ---> consumption

across categories - theory of obesity

food as sub for love and belongingness

how to market to humanistic psychology

material possessions are questions, so marketing role of humanistic pscyh is questioned - looked thru a more critical lense

cognitive bias

misinterpret due to ur analysis

self concept

model based on self assessment that an individual continuously performs in order to define & understand him / herself critical foundation for the process of self actualization self concept relies on self schemas

motivational psychology

most commonly applied to marketing ernest dichter (followed jung and freud) unconscious nature of much human behavior means that consumers influenced by symbolic (hidden) aspects of products and messages (ads) product = symbol ex - women baking cake = giving birth -> u should take role as homemaker v seriously. lot of <3 into baking ex - men buy convertible substitute for mistress


only post fun stuff


only true potential subliminal impact (is it controllable?) EXAMPLE - SYNCHRONOUS ESTRUS - Syncing Cycles - took cotton swabs & swab underarms. make other women smell those a lot & they would sync. so u smelling body of roommate & unconsciously ur body is doing things we are not aware of.

Major Lawsuit against rock musicians

ozzy osborne (suicide solution) - someone suicided cuz of song cuz of lyrics. subliminal message - "get the gun ..shoot..shot..shoot" jodas priest - better by u, better than me - guy killed himself, other guy almost killed himself

5. repression

- "bottle up" / subdue unacceptable impulse by pushing those feelings out of conscious and into unconscious

vicary experiment 2

- 2 experimenters drew man w neutral expression. one group had face w word "happy" briefly flashed. other group same but word "angry". -findings- face appeared w expression consistent w the word they had unconsciously been exposed to

1. fantasy

- fantasy = escape from problems / entering imaginary world w more desirable characteristics . completely controlled by individual EXAMPLE- -video game -furries - dress up in stuffed animal costume -bronies - men that r into my little ponies -comicon larping - live action role play - participants physically portray their characters.

lecture 9 - subliminal persuasion

- it doesn't rlly work - theory derived from psycho analytical (unconscious) & classical (triggers) conditioning - theory of unconscious processing which influences conscious thoughts and behaviors

ernest ditcher findings

- many ads have double meaning to trigger unconscious ID EXAMPLES - cars for M metaphorically wife/mistress . convertables = 2% of sales, but most M dream of 1. M come to store to admire, but j purchase normal car. convertable symbolizes youth, freedom, mistress. harmless flirtation -told crystler to do double entendre - "fits like a glove" "you j slip it in" EXAMPLES - jack n the box - "nice bowls" . "looks big" (dick/burger) -direct tv -"im gonna give it to trevor 2nite" (meant his acct #) -budlight lime- "in the can" <- selling cans of new beer

ernest dichter

- pioneer of motivation research in US. trained in clinical psych in vienna -argued every brand has personality & consumers choose brand based on their personality. EXAMPLE- camay soap = sensual like a sexy white women. ivory soap = pure like a mother -had job in paris to sell fake designer clothing. realized pple care more of brand name than quality. so it led him to searching 4 consumer's true motivation. - (betty croker egg thing)

lecture 10 = humanistic psychology

- study of whole person, uniqueness of each individual . focus towards self actualization . idea that anyone can b anything - overcome a bad childhood -human consciousness & self awareness -humans = self oriented , aware that they can shape future events & seek meaning, value, and creativity

evidence of unconscious mind from alien encounters

- those who said they encountered aliens r rlly j resurfacing images from life as a newborn baby -theory - aliens called "greys" 0-0 <- most common face description. having memories from childhood as newborn <- u dont have good eyesight. if u blur vision of mom, kinda looks like alien <- MALSTROM THEORY <- unconscious train releasing images

implications of freud's theory of the unconscious mind for market research

- when u ask about purchase, pple may not b consciously aware of their true motives -consumers may be unable to provide accurate explanations of their behaviors & attitudes -thats why traditional research (surveys) is misleading

nescafe dilemma

-20th centuary method of brewing = precolator <- time consuming - nescafe made instant coffee (1938) - promoted as time saving alternative -unsuccessful :( . complained taste = bad. blind taste test - same taste. so not taste issue. made ad - "Truely tasteful coffee". didnt work - mason haire - HAIRE'S SOLUTION - A STORY CREATION TEST - made 2 shopping lists. both same expect one had (1)maxwell coffee, other had (2)nescafe instant coffee -response to (1)- women list= good wife -response to (2)- women list= sleep late, sloppy -RECOMMENDATIONS - change ad to show social acceptance of instant coffee to save time so can be used for family, to show the W is still an active W

edward bernays

-PR, political propoganda, nephew of frued accomplishments in marketing -made it popular for W to smoke (how? by telling W to challenge M. W smoking = more powerful & independent) -bacon& eggs - america's breakfast -ivory soap brand = more hygenically pure -popularized paper cups, more sanitary than regular cups -wanted to alter way of pple thinking. manipulate unconscious.

defense mechanism

-UNCONCSIOUS helps u deal w reality of life -defending ur brain that you aren't crazy -COPING technique used 2 reduce anxiety that occurs from socially / personally undesirable unacceptable impulses - serve 2 deny / distrupt reality to perserve ego avoid anxiety that comes from - embarrassment -shame -guilt -regret

6. sublimation

-consciously transform unproductive / harmful impulse into socially acceptable / personally productive - bcuz its conscious -"mature" defense mechanism EXAMPLES - - sexual compulsion --> art, music , entrepreneurial - obsession about death -> medical field to enhance lives

History of subliminal advertising

-from 1953 JAMES VICKORY, motivational psychologist, working in marketing. v into free association (blurt out 1st word from word, rapid response) cuz subject cant have ego defense response EXAMPLE- -beer brewers shouldn't put "laggard" in ad cuz consumers think: tired, drunk, lazy

motivation research - paul lazarsfeld

-helped laundry business increase business. Aussie W reluctant to send out their laundry cuz laundry = duty of proper housewife. W did laundry service only when family crisis. after initial experience, W continued service & became reg customer. SOOO send letter of their service to every household that experienced family crisis (Death). ---> led 2 gr8 increase paul lazarsfeld's student = ernest dichter

auditory tests

-high frequency sounds cant be consciously perceived but registered in thought process.

general characteristics from motivational research

-masculine - fast cars, red meat, razers, gun, coffee, power tool -fem-cake,dolls,tea,rice -reward-cigs,sweets,beer,icecream -security-home baking, neat closet -moral purity-white bread, white undie, ivory soap, oatmeal -mystery-gifts, soup, carbonated bev, class -mystery over env - sporting good, boat, cigg lighter -life-wood, flowers -eroticism (Sexual desire)- women glove, hard candy, fire

4. regression

-reshaping the ego into an earlier stage of dev so u cum up w childish solutions rather acting like adult -relapse into infantilism to go back to innocence , acceptance, security EXAMPLE - - go back to oral stage when person goes back to smoking, eating a lot (sucking on cigar, like sucking on boob) - back to anal stage by becoming v neat & organized, or rebelling by making mess

in reality study was flawed

-results probably fabricated. NJ theater used it, no increase in coke / popcorn sales. -1959 canadian broadcasting corporation (CBC) flashed "telephone now" 325 times & no increase in calls. later, CBC told public they flashed message, guess what they said more than half said they felt more hungry. no one guessed right 1957, ABC, NBC, CBS baned subliminal ads -vicary said he fabricated results in order to further his consulting practice. all big conspiracy -subliminal = failure, but 50-70% of american believe its affective to increase sales

Subliminal Bandwagon

-rock music -popular urban myths - ex from pop. press - wilson bryan key - book - describing subtle ways advertisers (and others) use hidden sexual imagery to make products and concepts attractive to the subconscious.

market research --> motivation research

-started market research - wanted to help businesses sell more. made it more scientific - wanted 2 replace guess work, give "facts" from surveys / interviews, identify law of the human mind for consumption. got lot of feedback that didnt make sense (consumer desire 2 b "helpful"). - early market research -> motivation research -> looked for motives for consumer behavior

motivation research ads

-tried to stimulate consumers unconsciously -ex - motives of sex - "strategy of desire" "Freeing ID" "Moral Persmission" ernest realized whenever pple indulged, they felt guilty. (candy, liqour, cigs, time saving products, expensive shit) ... ads should show these producss = morally acceptable - a well earned reward

3. rationalization

-unconscious or conscious -externally appear impractical or illogical are made to appear rational - make "excuses" for unacceptable behaviors by developing socially acceptable justification . explain urself EXAMPLE- shoplifter steals, justifies by saying the prices were too high

2. projection

-unconscious where pple cast off their weaknesses onto others -consciously deny own thoughts, unconsciously allow more desirable self image -reduces anxiety - more desirable self image EXAMPLE - -W concerned of her appearance, mock other women for being vain -M makes purchase to impress W, accuse other M for purchasing products to impress W

role of projective techniques in market research

1-6 r research tools to catch subject "off guard" by diverting their ego , thus overcoming "constructed" responses -how to make pple respond properly. dont say "u", ask about "3rd person" (most pple...)

fromms personality types

1. HAVING ORIENTATION -unhealthy -life lies in possessions -self worth in terms of how well their possessions compares with others 2. BEING ORIENTATION -healthy -well adjusted, living in moment, dont care of possessions, -defined by self worth rather than comparison

Freud's 3 components of personality

1. ID - pleasure principle (devil) - basic instinctual drives or motives - "spoiled child" - want anything. it wants w/o values & rn. anamlistic types and urges (sex & power). no thought 4 consequences. its mine. too much ID = jail - test social & cultural boundaries - see what they can get away w, "rush of being bad" ex - lindsey lohan shoplifting -ID heavily influences u when u shop - ID = concealed / suppressed. need ego permission to indulge in ID or excuses to rationalize - individual often dominated by ID but motives of ID tend to be socially unacceptable - customers - internal struggle between ID & outward appearance -motives for buying pple lie, so traditional research = misleading -ad - "its ok 2 b bad" , "everyone indulges" ex - ice cream, $$$ products (ex - loreal ad said - "its expensive but its worth it cuz now ur hair is perf & ur worth it) - ad - Ego Defensive justifications so can rationalize purchase to others. have a "script" to recite to other for why they purchased - "this was practical and rational" ex - i bought this sports car because my uncle and dad persuaded me it was a good choice. - ad - sex influences unconscious thought on our behavior. (beautiful girl sells drinks, shoes (airwalk), burger (jack n box..) vodka (2 girls in bikini @ snow mountain- sky blue), ambercombie catalog (naked pple even tho its a clothing store so if u wear a&e likely to get naked, cool, have sex), BMW (j a women on cover) - sex in ad = shock factor - calvien klein jeans -sex in ad = humor = mentos gum, carls jr - gets ur attention -sex accidents - sear catalog - didnt realize boob exposure. got on news - man buys $300k car, says its for reliability but actually 2 get women - ad to make u "bad" - cologn, Gucci Rush - marketing gives ID permission & show ID satisfaction is socially acceptable. everyone indulges, its normal. - ad - harley davidson - motorcycle everyone jealous. u live in trailer park, but u have motorcycle. rational pple r boring, ur gonna b smarter than them - ad to satisfy id - alch - bacardi - "librarian by day, bacardi @ night" 2. SUPER EGO - "parent" (angel). keeps us out of jail - good / social conscious 3. EGO - balancer/rationality -"a weak rider on a strong horse" - Freud made the analogy of the id being a horse while the ego is the rider. The ego is 'like a man on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse.' - ID = motivational -tricky job in life

other research methods

1. depth interview - sit ppl 1 on 1 . 4 2 / 3 hours to gain clues regarding underlying motivations . most frequently used. 2. shadow box - want sensory feedback. subject places hand in box - cant see whats inside . non visual reactions.

types of defense mechanisms from psychodynamic theory

1. fantasy 2. projection 3. rationalization 4. regression 5. repression 6. sublimation

types of projective techniques

1. free association - "im gonna say a word & say first thing in mind" 2. rorschach - ink blot test -ask what u c. if pple c something perverted - can b mental health 3. sentence completion - the problem w teachers is ___________ 4. story construction & 3rd person technique -trapped in an elevator w TBG <- brony guy, kept him, but changed him a lot -picture interpretation -picture frustration - show awk situation or controversial or ambiguous -character development -interpret a scene w a blank thought bubble (best buy interview)

foci on humanistic psychology :

1. inherent "goodness" of humans 2. creativity 3. love 4. beauty and aesthetics 5. human potential 6. self concept 7. free will (rather than determinism , as in behaviorism or freudian psychology)

maslow's defined human needs as-

1. universal - the need hierarchy applies to all people and cultures . everyone fits in this. start @ bottom & once u not consumed w that need, go more up 2. hierarchical - lower level needs take precedence over, and exert stronger influences than, higher - level needs 3. dynamic - as each level of needs is satisfied, individuals move to the next highest level of existence 4. often unconscious - upper level needs are not clearly perceived or understood by individuals bottom needs = more pressing than top. satisfy that level, auto go upward. needs somewhat unconscious


1900-1920 W more preggo & didnt wear shoes. shoes $$$. if ur rly poor, only afford one shoe for 4 man 4 working. shoes satisfy safety & security needs. WW11 couldnt buy shoes cuz of leather. after WW11 pple got richer. for W shoes safety --> self esteem. NorthCarolina 1952 kids go 2 skool w no shoes 1970s - men were largely exempt from shoe fashionization - want 2 convince u 2 have hella shoes - NIKE - man have fragile ego so said ur gonna get ass kicked if u dont have NIKE shoes

1rst large scale test w BBC

1956 - BBC flashed "pirie breaks world record" for 1/25th sec. ask 2 write letter to station. 430 replies, 130 almost, 20 exactly.

within - ex - pearl fryer

65 yr old works at beverage can americas company in SD. wanted to b a plant manager. works at night on yard to create topiary.

need satisfaction historically

99.9% of humans 99.9% of history, pple on lowest 2 levels of needs of hierarchy. now changed. americans spend more $ on car than food

needs vs wants

NEEDS -basic / general WANTS -specific STORY EXAMPLES 1. A LITTLE GIRL'S SOUP: taking pork out of her soup and putting it on the side. she didnt know what it was. she was so poor, never saw meat in stew. 2. TITO'S TACOS: waiting in line & homeless has sign that hes hungry. guy in line goes up to him and says ill buy u burrito. homeless guy says no beans. is he really that hungry? doenst like beans? not at bottom. no beans = want, not need cuz he specific 3. U.S. SHOE PRODUCTION - 1950-1970 M exempt from shoe fashion. NIKE made shoes fashion for M

freuds theory of dream

dreams r unconscious and imagery which emerge to sub-conscious mind during sleep 1 - experiment w water - during REM drop water on arm. when wake up, dreamt about water (pool, waterfall) so come unconscious and some conscious 2- hypnotism - use this to serve as eye witness - "what does criminal look like?" *rem is when u r dreaming, if u wake up from rem, ull remember ur dream

understanding need levels

each level of maslow's hierarchy represents the overwhelmingly dominant focus of a person's existence - for the man who is extremely hungry, no other interests exist but food. he dreams food, he remembers food, he thinks bout food, he emotes only about food, he perceives only food, and wants only food.... the average american citizen is experiencing appetite rather than hunger when he says "i am hungry"

self concept

encompasses several versions of one's self past self - formerly were. .... fat now skinny present self - now , personal identity, social identity ... this is who i am socially. future self - continually strive to bcum

VALS types - idk if we need to know this

experiencers (me) - self expression, you,g enthusiastic bout new possibilites but cool quickly, avid customers, spend high on fashion entertainment socializing , want "cool" shit thinkers (akka)- motivated by ideals. mature. value order. knowledge. responsible. educated. information seeker, decision maker. moderate respect for institutions, open to consider new ideas. practical. like wine subaru makers(mid west)- self expression. like working on it . projects. practical, constructive skills. self sufficient, traditional, suss of big buildings, unimpressed w material shit, prefer value. like ram budweiser nascar innovators (steve jobs) - successful, smart, take charge , high self esteem, leaders, tech, active consumers, upscale, niche, seek challenges. like bmw, wired, sparkling water ex of vals - manufacturer wants to have target market for organic food product. innovators cuz organic food is still new concept. achievers same demographics as innocators. ahievers focus on goals, rewards, tangible benefits. not early adopters

joe camal cigs

face looks like male genitals. old camel ad - on camel - a guy w errection in the camel

examples wilson bryan key

gin vodka - ice spelled out sex soft whisky photo - volcano = life, fish = christ, etc. ice cube - in it is pope, jesus, virgin mary blowing pope bigallo crucifix w/ saints , ad 1240-70, anonymous - giant penis on abs. subconsciously stimulate viewers for 100s of years - GEORGE BUSH vs AL GORE - democrats --> rats --> this one is deliberate -they live <- movie <- OBEY <- sunglasses & saw meaning on sign -Calvin Klien billboard 2011 - "f*ck" <- they live as an example of common assumptions of subliminal advertising

complex symbolism in marketing

goal to tap into subconscious to c deeper motives - sex, power, immorality -perfume ads - include vague sexual / romantic symbolism . direct 2 women. -man offering pretty girl a drink

subliminal persuasion

gr8 4 those who fear & want others 2 fear the ominous powers of marketing. authors, movie producers, attorneys, activists is gr8 when want to exploit ignorant / uninformed consumers

ink blot test

if u can c certain things that r not random , u have a bias. diagnostic test 2 c if u have a bias / psychosis pervert - showing ink blot. boss saying everything is young boy something.

perceptual bias

improperly process due 2 mental processing errors occurs when individual unconsciously / consciously makes enormous connections between 1 stimuli & another due 2 prior patterns of experience / flawed

self help subliminal CDS

in song have "don't shop lift"

self schemas

individual beliefs and ideas that people have about themselves based on perceptions or beliefs about oneself regarding their abilities, values, personality attributes, preferences, training, edu, strengths, weaknesses,,,, EXAMPLE - i am beautiful i am intelligent i am fat , shy, poor, lesbian ......... each person has numerous schemes. we have multiple roles we play in life. we play diff schemas. manifest diff things in diff settings.

fromm - society able to produce specific personalities

larger cultural env shapes personality

fetishism of commodities - karl marx

luxury of modern life - too many choices bring dissonance. americans = rich . pple w $1 said will b happy if they had $3 -> never get to point where they are satisfied

gorilla test

pple don't pay attention a lot. 83% don't see gorilla.

reverse speech / backward masking

present in rock music <- play it backwards 2 decoy 2 influence ur behavior / thinking 1. Beatles - white album -> "paul is dead" - references 2 dead men 2. eagles - hotel California -> "satan had help, he organized own religion.." 3. Led Zeppelin - stairway to heaven - "heres to u and my sweet satan" 4. Queen - another one bites the dust - "its fun to smoke marijuana"

within categories - productive

productive activities outside employment to satisfy growth needs thru "consumption" rather than thru "production" -- ambition - finds outlet thru other activities

erich fromm

receptive personality = oral hoarding personality - anal exploitative personality - phallic productive personality - genital marketing personality = complete bullshitter. lack genuineness. j selling themselves. superficial. little awareness of themselves. fake.

pres carter

said americans 2 self centered. worship self indulgence. not happiness. truth warning. ..... pple dont liek to admit that the transition has occured.

self esteem needs and social needs

self esteem needs and social needs r SOCIALLY SHAPED. , so imp to argue some needs are more legitimate than others humans attempt to satisfy self esteem & social w material objects & purchased services. some pple say this is deliberately encouraged by marketers

perspective psych theororists

sigmund freud alfred adler carl jung

3. Phallic Personality

similar to exploitative character (most politicians) CHARACTERISTICS- - privilege, strong sexual focus, self assured, exaggerated self importance, narcissism (v into urself), need to be admired - wants favorable treatment (trump) <- judges women on attractiveness -reject things that are given / freely - likes domination, aggressive, ambitious, competitive, manipulative -lack empathy, selfish, reckless -concerned v w physical appearance / sexual conquest - sensitive to criticism -ex - world is urs 4 the taking - grand theft auto 5 . its a fantasy so u can b phallic <- live out ur fanatasty -ex-yes, everyone wants u - BMW ultimate service. ex- dont let label hold u back - m vs. w - ad 4 phallic male - gillete razor - narcistic images. "have an angel by ur side" MARKETING TO PHALLIC- - they believe they are special, so show how product is "special" - show how they will be beautiful and desired by using product . everyone wants u - product only for "high achievers"

2. Anal Personality

similar to hoarding CHARACTERISTICS - - dominated by superego & control mechanism of ego - control freak, may rebel against authority - may be introverted - security from saving / collecting (not to show off) - cleanliness, stinginess, stubborn - "obsessive - compulsive" MARKETING TO ANAL- - appeal to sense of neatness - sell items that must be purchased individually to complete a set - concerned about perfectionism / precision in product / control their env WHAT TO SELL - - insurance (4 worriers) - gold coins (survivalists, economy tanking) - collectibles (beanie babies, pandora jewerly, cleaning supplies, cleansers, "german engineering" <- mercedes = perfect engineering -costco food storage

1. oral persoanlity

similar to receptive CHARACTERISTICS - - dominated by id - pleasure seeking -sometimes overly dependent on others, passive, compliant - trouble functioning w.o help of others - greedy, envy (have to keep acquiring possessions 2 b happy) - not good @ self control - overeaters, over indulgers - over optimistic, gullible -followers than leaders MARKETING TO ORAL - - show consumers need to keep acquiring - possessions to be happy, lack self control, indulgence acceptable PRODUCTS TO SELL TO ORAL - - impractical / indulgent goods (convertibles, luxury, credit cards, harley) <-> "u deserve it" . food & sex (mixed together) - diet w.o. sacrifice (diet by eating candy)

subliminal vs sexual

subliminal not necessarily sex (vice versa) BUT COMMON. <sexual, but no subliminal. suggestive, but not subliminal (vice versa)> RLLY SUGGESTIVE. BUT STILL NOT SUBLIMINAL. subliminal can b any senses (sight, sound, scent, touch, taste)

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