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Match each school of psychological thought with its key belief: Experiences should not be broken down into their constituent parts.


cell body

Part of the neuron where information from thousands of other neurons is collected and integrated.

terminal buttons

Parts of the neuron, at the end of axons, that release chemical signals from the neuron into the synapse.

Clinical Psychology Sample Questions

What factors lead people to feel depressed? How does the brain change as a result of therapy for depression?

What did James - Functionalism ask?

What is the purpose of mental experience?

Ever since he had a motorcycle accident, Cornelius has been unable to form new memories. Cornelius has most likely damaged his ______.


terminal buttons

hold and release chemicals.

The pituitary gland activates the release of

hormones throughout the body.

Biological Psychology focuses on

how biological systems give rise to mental activity and behavior

Social Psychology focuses on

how people are affected by others

Cultural Psychology

how people are influenced by societal rules that dictate behavior in their cultures

Developmental Psychology focuses on

how people change from infancy through old age

Health Psychology focuses on

how psychological factors affect health and well-being

Evolutionary Psychology focuses on

how traits are selected to aid adaptation in an environment

"Tell me how the group sessions have helped you become a stronger person."


Tan is motivated to go out to eat because he is hungry.


GABA has inhibitory effects. Without it,

too much excitation in the brain can result in seizures.

Parietal Lobes

touch, spatial information

Axon:This structure carries the action potential to the

terminal buttons.

Correlational Methods

test the relationship between variables

male gonads


hormone with larger quantities in males


The functionalist school of thought focused on how

the mind worked.

"Tell me the overall feeling you have when you dance."


The Autonomic Nervous System splits off to

Parasympathetic and Sympathetic

The humanistic school of thought focused on

personal growth.

gland that governs bodily rhythms


gland that governs hormone release


The frontal lobe is involved with

planning, critical thinking, and movement.

Self-Reports Disadvantages

(self report bias)

If a person suffers from a traumatic brain injury in the prefrontal cortex, similar to that of Phineas Gage, what changes might occur?

1. His personality would change. 2. He would be difficult to get along with. 3. He would be more impulsive.

What happens once a neurotransmitter is received by a postsynaptic neuron's receptors?

1. If the message is excitatory, the neuron will be more likely to fire. 2. If the message is inhibitory, the neuron will be less likely to fire. 3. The cell body integrates the messages.

Which of the following are the major tenets of Darwin's theory of evolution?

1. Members of the species that survive are most likely to reproduce. 2. Members of the species that have adaptive characteristics are most likely to survive. 3. Species change over time.

Which of the following key ethical decisions would an institutional review board (IRB) approve of?

1. protecting study participants from potential mental and physical risk 2. keeping study participants' data confidential 3. obtaining informed consent

Which of the following would represent a Gestalt approach?

1. seeing pictures in cloud shapes 2. believing that two people can see one thing in different ways

Alicia is being aggressively tickled by her older sister. Since Alicia perceives the tickles as being uncomfortable, her heart is racing and she is moving about trying to escape. Which divisions of the nervous system are involved in her response to the tickling?

1. somatic 2. sympathetic 3. central

Identify how a good psychologist views new claims in psychology

1. using critical thinking 2. with friendly skepticism 3. using logic to evaluate the evidence for the claim 4. considering whether there may be alternative explanations for the conclusion

endocrine system

A communication system that uses hormones to influence mental activity and behavior.


A hindbrain structure above the medulla; it regulates sleep and arousal and coordinates movements of the left and right sides of the body.


A hindbrain structure at the top of the spinal cord; it controls survival functions such as heart rate and breathing.


A hindbrain structure behind the medulla and pons; this structure is essential for coordinated movement and balance.


A long, narrow outgrowth of a neuron's cell body that lets the neuron transmit information to other neurons.


A model of interconnected ideas or concepts that explains what is observed and makes predictions about future events.

nervous system

A network of billions of cells in the brain and the body, responsible for all aspects of what we think, feel, and do.


A property of the brain that causes it to change through experience, drugs, or injury.

random sample

A sample of participants that fairly represents the population because each member of the population had an equal chance of being included.


A school of thought that emphasizes the role of environmental forces in producing behavior.

humanistic psychology

A school of thought that investigates how people grow to become happier and more fulfilled; it focuses on the basic goodness of people.

cognitive psychology

A school of thought that studies how people think, learn, and remember.


A specific prediction of what should be observed in a study if a theory is correct.


A subcortical forebrain structure involved in regulating bodily functions. The hypothalamus also influences our basic motivated behaviors.


A subcortical forebrain structure; it is associated with the formation of new memories.


A subcortical forebrain structure; it serves a vital role in our learning to associate things with emotional responses and in processing emotional information.


A subcortical forebrain structure; the gateway to the brain for almost all incoming sensory information before that information reaches the cortex.

Frontal Lobes

planning, movement, complex thought

autonomic nervous system

A subdivision of the peripheral nervous system (PNS); it transmits sensory signals and motor signals back and forth between the central nervous system (CNS) and the body's glands and internal organs.

somatic nervous system

A subdivision of the peripheral nervous system (PNS); it transmits sensory signals and motor signals back and forth between the central nervous system (CNS) and the skin, muscles, and joints.

scientific method

A systematic procedure of observing and measuring phenomena (observable things) to answer questions about what happens, when it happens, what causes it, and why. This process involves a dynamic interaction between theories, hypotheses, and research methods.

Which scientists studied Humanistic Psychology?

Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers


An approach to psychology based on the idea that conscious experience can be broken down into its basic underlying components.


An early school of thought concerned with the adaptive purpose, or function, of mind and behavior.

Match each school of psychological thought with its key belief: Psychology should only study events that can be directly observed.



Branchlike extensions of the neuron's cell body with receptors that receive information from other neurons.

When Cara is two, her parents learn that she has severe epilepsy that requires the removal of the right hemisphere of her brain. Given the research, which of the following is likely true?

Cara may eventually regain some use of her limbs. Cara's seizures will diminish.

Nervous System splits off to

Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System


Chemical substances that carry signals from one neuron to another.


Chemical substances, released from endocrine glands, that travel through the bloodstream to targeted tissues; the tissues are later influenced by the hormones.

Types of Research Methods

Descriptive, Correlational, Experimental

Educational Psychology Sample Questions

Do fidget spinners help students pay attention? How can a teacher help student learn when watching videos?


Emotional states and impulse control and dreaming

What was the goal of studying Cognitive Psychology

Explore internal mental processes that influence behavior

How does the sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system prepare the body for action?

Eyes dilate, Respirations increases, heart rate increases, digestion decreases

Stages of Scientific Method

Focus on Theory, State a Hypothesis, Test with a Research Method, Analyze the data, Report results and embark on further inquiry

dizygotic twins

Fraternal twins; these siblings result from two separately fertilized eggs, so they are no more similar genetically than nontwin siblings are.

Which scientist studied Cognitive Psychology?

George Miller and Ulric Neisser

institutional review boards (IRBs)

Groups of people responsible for reviewing proposed research to ensure that it meets the accepted standards of science and provides for the physical and emotional well-being of research participants.

Biological Psychology Sample Questions

How do chemicals in the brain influence sexual behavior? How do brain cells change during learning?

Developmental Psychology Sample Questions

How do children learn to speak? How can older adults maintain mental abilities as they age?

What did Miller-Cognitive Psychology ask?

How do mental processes affect behavior?

What did Rogers-Humanistic Psychology?

How do people change in positive ways? Focus on people's basic goodness.

Cultural Psychology Sample Questions

How does culture shape a person's sense of self? Does culture create differences in perception?

Health Psychology Sample Questions

How does feeling stressed affect the body? How does viewing life optimistically improve health?

What did Watson-Behaviorism ask?

How does the environment affect behavior?

Evolutionary Psychology Sample Questions

How has evolution influenced the ability to do many tasks at once? What evolutionary pressure affect selection of a romantic partner?

Match each school of psychological thought with its key belief: People's behaviors and development are driven by a desire to improve their lives.


monozygotic twins

Identical twins; these siblings result from one zygote splitting in two, so they share the same genes.

control group

In an experiment, a comparison group of participants that does not receive the experimental treatment.

experimental group

In an experiment, one or more treatment groups of participants that receive the manipulation of the independent variable being investigated.

dependent variable

In an experiment, the variable that is measured to determine how it was affected by the manipulation of the independent variable

independent variable

In an experiment, the variable that the experimenter manipulates to examine its impact on the dependent variable.

Which scientists studied Behaviorism?

John B Watson and B.F Skinner

Which scientists study Gestalt Psychology?

Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Kohler

Hindbrain Components

Medulla, Pons, Cerebellum

transmission phase

Neural communication begins when there is enough stimulation in the presynaptic neuron to create an action potential.

Types of Descriptive Methods in Research

Observational, Self-Report, Case Studies

Forebrain Cortical Components

Occipital Lobes, Parietal, Temporal, and Frontal

random assignment

Placing research participants into the conditions of an experiment in such a way that each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to any level of the independent variable

What did Freud - Psychoanalytic Theory ask?

Psycholoanalysis of unconscious conflicts?

occipital lobes

Regions of the cerebral cortex at the back of the brain; these regions are important for vision.

frontal lobes

Regions of the cerebral cortex at the front of the brain; these regions are important for movement and complex processes (rational thought, attention, social processes,

temporal lobes

Regions of the cerebral cortex below the parietal lobes and in front of the occipital lobes; these regions are important for hearing and for recognizing objects, such as faces.

parietal lobes

Regions of the cerebral cortex in front of the occipital lobes and behind the frontal lobes; these regions are important for the sense of touch and for picturing the layout of spaces in an environment.


Repetition of a research study to confirm or contradict the results.

correlational methods

Research methods that examine how variables are naturally related in the real world. The researcher makes no attempt to alter the variables or assign causation between them.

descriptive methods

Research methods that provide a systematic and objective description of what is occurring.

experimental methods

Research methods that test causal hypotheses by manipulating independent variables and measuring the effects on dependent variables.

Which scientists studied Psychoanalytic Theory?

Sigmund and Anna Freud

Peripheral Nervous System splits off to

Somatic Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous System

critical thinking

Systematically evaluating information to reach conclusions best supported by evidence.

Forebrain Subcortical Components

Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Hippocampus, Amygdala


The basic units of the nervous system; cells that receive, integrate, and transmit information in the nervous system. neurons operate through electrical impulses, communicate with other neurons through chemical signals, and form neural networks.

natural selection

The basis of evolution; the idea that those who inherit characteristics that help them adapt to their particular environments have a selective advantage over those who do not.


The beliefs, values, rules, and customs that exist within a group of people who share a common language and environment and that are transmitted through learning from one generation to the next.

Marisol enjoys her first cup of coffee in the morning. Which of the following statements correctly describes the communication of Marisol's neurons in this situation?

The dendrites of neurons receive neurotransmitters

psychoanalytic theory

The idea that our thoughts and actions are influenced by specific unconscious forces.

gestalt theory

The idea that the whole of personal experience is different from simply the sum of its parts.

action potential

The neural impulse that travels along the axon and then causes the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse.

Reception Phase

The neurotransmitters cross the synapse and fit into the receptors in the dendrites of the postsynaptic neuron

peripheral nervous system (PNS)

The part of the nervous system that consists of all the nerve cells throughout the body except those in the brain and spinal cord.

central nervous system (CNS)

The part of the nervous system that consists of the brain and the spinal cord.


The scientific study of mental activity and behavior, which are based on brain processes.


The space between neurons where communication takes place through neurotransmitters.


The units of heredity, which partially determine an organism's characteristics.

What did the Titchener-Structuralism ask?

What are the elements of mental experience?

The cerebral cortex is involved in


Cognitive Psychology Sample Questions

What makes some problems harder to solve than others? Do brain training programs increase attention and memory abilities?

Social Psychology Sample Questions

When do people form impressions of others? How do people form or dissolve intimate relationships?

What did Descartes - Mind/Body Problem ask?

Who asked "Is the mind separate from the brain (dualism)? Or is the mind a product of brain activity?

Personality Psychology Sample Questions

Why are some people shy? How do biology, circumstances, and culture shape personality?

Which scientists studied structuralism?

Wilhelm Wundt, Edward Titchener and Margaret Floy Windburn

Who were the scientists that studied Functionalism?

William James and Mary Whiton Calkins

Experimental Methods

a confound can affect the dependent variable

myelin sheath

a fatty tissue layer segmentally encasing the axons of some neurons; enables vastly greater transmission speed as neural impulses hop from one node to the next

John takes an unknown pill at a party. The next thing he knows, he is standing in the middle of a field and has no idea how he got there, or what happened. What might the pill have contained?

acetylcholine antagonist glutamate antagonist

The Sympathetic Nervous System in the autonomic portion of the Peripheral prepares the body for

action and is in charge of the fight or flight response

Myelin Sheath: This protective sheath speeds up the

action potential as it travels down the axon.

The cognitive school of thought focused on the

activities of the mind such as memory, language, and thinking.

Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter involved with

alertness and arousal.

Case Studies

allow in depth investigation of one or a few people or an organization

Brian can tell by the look on the lost child's face that she is frightened.


In integration, the cell body sums up the excitatory and inhibitory messages. If there are more excitatory messages,

an action potential is fired.

Corbin, a 13yr asks his brother if hormones are responsible for Corbin's sudden growth of facial hair. His brother responds, "Yes, it's because hormones called ______ are being released into your bloodstream, where they affect the organs in your body through the ______ system.

androgens, endocrine


arousal and alertness


association of emotions with experiences

Cognitive Psychology focuses on

attention, perception, memory, problem-solving, language

The temporal lobe is involved with

auditory processing and memory.

Friendly skepticism looks for scientific evidence to

back new claims using open-minded scrutiny.

The parasympathetic nervous system works to

balance or calm the peripheral nervous system.

"Tell me what you did in response to the change in plans."


"Nature" refers to our

biological makeup.

The autonomic nervous system regulates the

body's glands (like sweat glands) and internal organs (like the heart).

Spinal Cord

body-to-brain and brain-to-body communication

The brain has the ability to rewire and reorganize itself following trauma such as brain surgery. This is called

brain plasticity.


breathing, heart rate, survival mechanisms

While walking through the woods one day, Ricardo sees a large bear. His sympathetic nervous system will most likely ___________.

causes his heart to beat faster as he prepares to run away

Shonda makes arrangements for her vacation next month.

cerebral cortex

Personality Psychology focuses on

characteristics that people display over time and across circumstances

Synapse: This space between neurons allows

chemicals to float from one neuron to the next neuron.

"Tell me how you arrived at your decision."


Match each school of psychological thought with its key belief: Behavior is influenced by people's intelligence, memory, and thoughts—not just by the rewards and punishments they have received.


Michael Phelps's phenotype is made up of his observable physical characteristics, such as height and muscle development. These are determined by a

combination of his genetic makeup and environmental influences.

Broca's area

controls language expression - an area, usually in the left frontal lobe, that directs the muscle movements involved in speech.

Thyroid Gland

controls metabolism in the body


cooperation mating eating

What was the goal of studying Behaviorism?

describe behavior in response to environmental stimuli

What was the goal of studying functionalism ?

describe how the conscious mind aids adaptation to an environment

The Gestalt school of thought believed the whole was

different from the sum of its parts.

Fraternal twins develop when two zygotes develop at the same time, so the twins have

different genes.

A person with a lesion in Broca's area has

difficulty speaking.

Correlational Methods Disadvantages

directionality problem, third variable problem

Educational Psychology focuses on

effectiveness of techniques in teaching and learning

The structuralist school of thought focused on identifying the

elements or structures of the mind.


enhancement of action potentials, learning and memory

The behaviorist school of thought focused on

environmental effects on overt behaviors.

hormone with larger quantities in females


Identical twins develop when one zygote splits into two, and both twins have

exactly the same genes.

Dendrites receive either

excitatory or inhibitory chemicals from other neurons.

Plasticity is a property of the brain that lets it change through


mental activity

experiencing sights and smells memory thought

An initial theory guides the scientific method by

explaining possible reasons for a phenomenon.

Clinical Psychology

factors that cause psychological disorders and the best methods to treat them

Males and females both have estradiol, but larger quantities are found in



formation of memories

Psychology teaches how attitudes are

formed or changed and how well people's attitudes predict their behavior.

Match each school of psychological thought with its key belief: It is important to understand how the mind has adapted to perform certain tasks that allow us to survive


The results are reported to the scientific community for critique. New hypotheses are

generated, and theories may be revised.

glands that govern male and female sexual behavior


Pituitary Gland

govern release of most hormones

Pineal Gland

governs body rhythm

Temporal Lobes

hearing and memory

Carl Rogers's approach to psychological treatment focused on

helping people accept themselves and live up to their full potential.

euphoria and insensitivity to pain

high levels of endorphins

active attention or focus

high levels of norepinephrine

Alyssa's grandmother had a stroke. Afterward, she experienced trouble keeping her balance and stumbled when she walked. Alyssa correctly believes that her grandmother's stroke affected a structure in her ______ called the ______.

hindbrain, cerebellum

Ahmed meets new people at a party and repeats their names to himself in order to remember them later.


What was the goal of studying structuralism?

identify the basic parts or structures of the conscious mind

Integration Phase

if enough activation it will lead to another action potential

You participate in a medical study testing a drug that temporarily increases the function of the neurotransmitter glutamate. You correctly believe that the increased glutamate will ______.

improve your ability to remember

Dualism, the idea that the mind is

independent from the body, is rejected by today's psychologists.


influence sexual development and sexual motivation in biological females


influence sexual development and sexual motivation in biological males

"Nurture" refers to all the

influences we are subjected to after birth.


inhibition of action potentials, anxiety reduction, intoxication (alcohol)

Substantia Nigra

initiation of voluntary motor activity

What was the goal of studied Humanistic Psychology

investigate how people become happier and more fulfilled, focus on people's goodness

Experimental Methods

investigates what causes an outcome

Midbrain Components

just substantia nigra

Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter that assists in

learning and memory by reinforcing neural pathways

The hippocampus functions in

learning and memory, especially the formation of new memories.

epileptic seizures

low levels of GABA

Parkinson's disease

low levels of dopamine

sadness, aggression, food cravings

low levels of serotonin

The gonads are the endocrine glands that regulate

male and female sexual behavior.

Males and females both have testosterone, but larger quantities are found in


In psychology you will learn about how people interact and work together, which can help you

manage conflict. You will also learn about motivation, which will give you some ideas about how to work with people with different amounts of motivation to do their work.

Miller and Neisser studied mental processes including

memory, thinking, decision making, and language.

The cell body collects and integrates

messages received by dendrites.

In ancient times, philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle were already debating whether our psychological traits were the product of nature—that is, biology—or of nurture, meaning influences like education, experience, and culture. Another classic question is the relationship between mental activity and our physical state—whether the mind is independent from the body, or the two influence each other. Today this is known as the

mind/body problem, and modern psychologists believe that the mind and the body are inseparable.


motivation, emotion, complex thought


motor control over muscles, attention, memory, learning and sleeping

The hindbrain is the portion of the brain that contains the cerebellum, which is crucial for

motor learning, coordination and balance


motor learning, coordination, balance

The primary motor cortex sends messages to

move muscles, especially in a coordinated manner.



The central nervous system is made up of the

nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

The hippocampus plays a crucial role in the formation of

new memories

Observational Studies Disadvantages

observer's bias and reactivity

Dane is looking at a photo that his friend emailed him. During this task, the part of Dane's brain that processes his ability to see the information in the photo in most active. The part of his brain is in the ___________ lobes


A risk/benefit analysis is always performed to determine whether the benefits of the study

outweigh any risks to the participants.

female gonads


Endorphins are released to reduce

pain and increase pleasure.


pain reduction and reward

The nerve cells outside of the central nervous system are the

peripheral nervous system.

Louisa had a stroke that damaged the motor cortex in her right hemisphere, making it impossible for her to walk. However, over time and with practice, Louisa started walking again because different, undamaged parts of her brain took over control of this ability. Louisa was able to walk again most likely because of the influence of _______ on her brain.


Catherine gets into a ready position to receive a volleyball serve at her school's volleyball match.

primary motor cortex

The parietal lobe is involved with

processing pressure, touch, and spatial relations.

"Tell me about your dreams."


Match each school of psychological thought with its key belief: Behavior is influenced by conflicts in the unconscious mind.


How does the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system return the body to a resting state?

pupil contraction, respiration decrease, heart rate decrease, digestion increases


regulation of body functions (sleep, temp) and motivation (hunger, thirst, sex)

if a presynaptic neuron has an action potential, then neurotransmitters are

released from the terminal buttons at the end of the axon, cross the synapse, and bind with the receptors on the dendrites of the postsynaptic nueron

A specific hypothesis is needed in order to design a

research study.

Case Studies Disadvantages

researcher can be bias

Observational Studies

researcher watches what participants do in a natural environment or laboratory


reward and motivation, motor control over voluntary movement

The pineal gland regulates

rhythms of the body.

Androgens are hormones found in greater levels in males, that influence the development of

secondary sex characteristic, like facial hair

The autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that

sends and receives signals to and from glands and internal organs.

The somatic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that

sends and receives signals to and from skin, muscles, and joints.

TV experts often report information with

sensationalism and bias.


sensory information (except smell)

René Descartes proposed that the mind and the body are


The ovaries are the female endocrine glands that activate

sexual behavior.

The testes are the male endocrine glands that activate

sexual behavior.

The somatic nervous system, part of the peripheral nervous system transmits sensory info to the CNS using receptors in the

skin, muscles, and joints


sleep, arousal, left-right body movement coordination

George touches a baby lamb at the local petting zoo. George says the lamb feels "soft." The softness of the fur is a result of how the feel of the lamb was processed in George's ______ system.

somatic nervous system


something occurs in the receiving neuron after the synapse


something that occurs in the sending neuron before the synapse

Identical twins develop from one sperm fertilizing one egg which then

splits into two.

Adrenal Gland

stress response

Freud believed that unconscious conflicts, including troubling childhood experiences and inappropriate sexual urges, had a

strong influence on behavior.

Match each school of psychological thought with its key belief: An experience can be analyzed by looking at the individual pieces that make it up.


What was the goal of studying Gestalt Psychology?

study individuals personal perceptions as a unified whole

Data analysis determines if the hypothesis is

supported, revised, or rejected.


survival functions, and movement

hypothalamus regulates

survival systems like hunger.

When Andrew proposes to Salman, Salman's heartbeat quickens, his pupils dilate, and his breath quickens. Which nervous system divisions are activating these responses?

sympathetic peripheral autonomic

Psychology teaches what motivates or discourages patients from following

treatment plans, and how patients' behaviors can make them more or less healthy.

Dr. Reicker does research in the field of behavioral genetics. He wants to investigate associations between different sibling's grades in school. To study the tole of nature in sibling's grades, he should conduct _______. By contrast, to study the role of nurture in siblings grades, he should conduct _________.

twin study, an adoption study

Fraternal twins develop from two sperm fertilizing two eggs, which become

two zygotes.

The psychoanalytic school of thought sought to uncover

unconscious content and conflicts.

What was the goal of studying Psychoanalytic Theory?

understand how unconscious thoughts cause psychological disorders

Watson and Skinner dismissed psychology's focus on conscious and unconscious mental processes as

unscientific, and instead focused on environmental effects on observable behavior.


use surveys, questionnaires and interview to gather information directly from participants

Critical thinking is the process of

viewing information systematically to evaluate the truth of the claim.

Occipital Lobes


The occipital lobes house the primary visual cortex and processes

visual information

The occipital lobe is involved with

visual processing.

Dopamine regulates

voluntary movements.

Wertheimer and Köhler looked at context and individual differences in people's experiences and perceptions, focusing on the

whole experience rather than its parts.

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