Psychology 1001- Exam 3

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Which of the following is the correct sequence of Allports idiographic levels of organization from LEAST salient/characteristic and LEAST pervasive to MOST salient/characteristic and MOST pervasive?

Secondary, Central, Cardinal

Inspired by the events of World War II, which famous study looked at the question of whether ordinary people would obey the orders of leaders to the point of committing atrocities against innocent people?

The Milgram Obedience Study

If the personality factor of Openness is represented by many more words in European languages than in other languages, what inference can you make about European culture, given the Lexical hypothesis?

The characteristics of Openness to Experience-curiosity, imagination, innovation-are more important to European culture than to other culture

Which of the following is an advantage of the nomothetic approach over the idiographic approach

The nomothetic approach provides more generalizability

Among the primary functions of attachment is that the attachment figure serves as a "secure base." To what does this term refer?

The presence of the attachment figure allows the child to explore his or her environment more confidently

Anna is anxious about moving away from her family to go to college. As shes packing, she decides to take her favorite childhood teddy bear and blanket along. Freud might suggest that this is an example of which defense mechanism?


If an individual retakes a test and gets test results that are similar to or consistent with the scores they received the first time they took the test, the test ha


When one-year old Madison was startled by the loud music, she ran to her mother and cuddled. This calmed her down. This little scenario illustrates which evolutionary function of attachment?

safe haven

Someone commits the Fundamental Attribution Error when he or she

says that Ziyi is clumsy (when she slipped on some ice.)

When you respond "True" or "False" to a series of questions about yourself on a personality inventory, you are using which approach to the measurement of personality?


Scientific research has suggested that ________ seems to be the most important criterion to judge female attractiveness in the eye of men.

waist-to-hip ratio

Psy 1001 will be finished in 5 minutes, and Jack is suddenly 'feeling good.' He wants to be one of the first people out the door so he can see his girl friend, who is waiting for him at Starbucks. Our lecturer might say that Jack

was in a positive emotional state with anticipation of a reward

What is the Flynn effect?

Average IQ increases with each generation

Marques loves to go to parties, and while there he can have a conversation with just about anyone, whether he knows them or not. Which of the following Five Factors" would Marques probably rate highly on based on this information?


According to researchers, which faces are most attractive?

faces which are most average

Researchers studying the personality trait of "agreeableness" have found a correlation of 0.36 between monozygotic twins (MZ) reared together. Based on the methods of behavioral genetics discussed this semester, researchers would consider a correlation of ________ between dizygotic twins reared together as consistent with a genetic component to this personality trait.


As discussed in lecture, a fear startle response in rats will be blocked by lesions to which of the following areas of the brain?


Which of the following best illustrates the characteristic of good scientific practice known as replication?

An important model of intelligence was developed with a twin population, then found again in a sample of Dutch merchant marines

What research method would be used by Allport?

Case study

Suppose a psychologist wants to test the theory of a "g" factor of intelligence. What kind of data should the psychologist collect?

Correlations between performance on various intellectual or cognitively-demanding tasks

Which of the following is NOT one of the main attachment styles?


The Big 5 personality traits were discovered using___

Factor analysis

You are standing on the street and a person asks you for directions. Then they ask you to walk them part of the way. The next thing you know you have walked them all the way to their destination. This is an example of which persuasion technique?

Foot in the door technique

________ refers to the tendency to underestimate the impact of situational influences on others' behavio

Fundamental attribution error

Byron is going on a blind date. His friend has told him all about Rebecca and he is excited to meet her. What will be the best predictor of Byron's attraction toward her

How she looks

Which of the following statements about intelligence and the brain is true?

Human brain size correlates between 0.3 and 0.4 with intelligence

Jacob is a very skilled basketball player. When his girlfriend and her friends stopped by his house during a basketball game with his friends, Jacob's performance ________ due to what Zajonc calls ____________

Improved, social facilitation

The fact that humans are more motivated to protect the children of their siblings and kin than the children of strangers is explained by ______________________

Inclusive fitness theory

________ is the treatment in which people are first introduced to the reasons why a belief seems to be correct, and then exposed to the reasons why the belief is incorrect


What does it mean to say that intelligence is a theoretical construct?

Intelligence is not a thing that can be observed; it is inferred from observable differences in behavior

Which of the following is true of the classic Robber's Cave study by Sherif and Sherif (1967)?

It demonstrated that when the in-group and out-group mentality are formed, prejudice and hostility are likely to follow. However, by limiting resources and forcing groups to work together, the hostility ended and friendships eventually formed

The statistical technique used to reduce a large number of traits to a much smaller number of underlying traits is known as

factor analysis

Your friend, Chayton, believes that psychologists have an ethical obligation to work for solutions to the problems facing society. In this opinion, Chayton most resembles which of the following psychologists?

Kurt Lewin

Which of the following candidates is most likely to win, given that optimism predicts elections?

Laura, who says she can restore the health care system

Which of these practices is most consistent with eugenics?

Making birth control more accessible to people of limited intellectual ability

The fact that human females are pickier than males in choosing a mate is consistent with which of these:

Parental investment theory

For class, Psy 1001 students completed a short personality inventory that consists of a series of statements (such as "I am very sociable ." or "My friends can count on me to be punctual '). Students identify how well each statement describes them using a scale of one to five. This approach to measuring personality is called:

Self-report inventory

Although he and his wife earn $450,000 a year, a law professor at the University of Chicago defended low tax rates on the top 1% of Americans because he and his wife were barely meeting ends. When he compared his family's daily lives to those of people around him--some of whom were billionaires--he felt frustrated that he and his wife didn't have a plane of their own, and struggled to pay for international travel, school tuition for their children, staff to cook and clean their two homes and new cars every year. A Social Psychologist, observing this complaint, might understand this law professor's discontent as another example of _________________________

Social comparison theory

Although he and his wife earn $450,000 a year, a law professor at the University of Chicago defended low tax rates on the top 1% of Americans because he and his wife were barely meeting ends. When he compared his family's daily lives to those of people around him--some of whom were billionaires--he felt frustrated that he and his wife didn't have a plane of their own, and struggled to pay for international travel, school tuition for their children, staff to cook and clean their two homes and new cars every year. A Social Psychologist, observing this complaint, might understand this law professor's discontent as another example of _________________________.

Social comparison theory

Coworkers in one office building noticed a foul odor outside and suspected it might be a terrorist plot using a biochemical weapon. Soon, a number of reporters covered the story and reports of foul odors were popping up everywhere. Despite the mayor and the sewer department stating that a line in the sewer had burst, workers were convinced of the possible attack. This phenomenon is better explained by _________________

Social contagion

As a requirement of her Medieval Cities class, Anna and three others have to make a presentation. Anna is struggling with another class (Calculus 2) and, since the presentation is a group grade, she decides to let the other group members do most of the work. In this situation, Anna is engaged in the phenomena that Social Psychologists call _______

Social loafing

Kenneth is especially skilled when it comes to chart reading, map reading, and graph reading tasks. According to Gardner, Kenneth's skills reflect ________ intelligence.


As discussed in the lecture on the study of emotion, the blink response is a technique used to measure ________.

fear-potentiated startle

A sociologist has a large sample of participants, and gives them a wide variety of surveys and questionnaires that measure political attitudes and beliefs. She conducts a factor analysis and finds that nearly all of the correlation among the measures is explainable by two factors, which she interprets as "fiscal conservatism" and "social conservatism." She concludes that individual differences in political attitudes can be most parsimoniously explained by two independent (unrelated) factors. Which of the following, if TRUE, would most STRENGTHEN her conclusion?

The two factors themselves are nearly uncorrelated

Which psychological test asks the subject to tell a story based on a picture of one or more people in which it is unclear what is going on?

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

In terms of male and female differences in IQ, which of the following statements is true

There are more men than women at both the high end and the low end of the IQ distribution

Which of the following best describes the goal of factor analysis?

To reduce the number of variables in a complex data set to a smaller number of constructs.

You are in a debate with your friend, and he argues that people's behavior is much less consistent across situations than most personality theorists assumed. Whose theory of personality is your friend's argument MOST similar to?

Walter Mischel

Your friend argues that people's behavior is influenced by the situations in which they find themselves and not by some innate enduring personality trait. As a Psy 1001 scholar, you recognize that your friend is making the same argument in the "Person-Situation debate" as ___________________.

Walter Mischel

In which of the following scenarios would you predict to see the greatest obedience?

When the "teacher/participant" directs someone else to administer the shock

According to Freud, which of the following is entirely unconscious?

the id

According to research on attractiveness, which of the following images is likely to be rated as most attractive:

a face averaging 32 individual faces together

A belief about the characteristics of members of a group that is applied generally to most members of the group is known as _______________.

a sterotype

Parental investment theory suggests that men place more emphasis on the ______ of a potential mate than women do


When Vikas tried to understand why Aisling lied to him about going to Chicago last weekend, he assigned causes to her behavior in the process known as _____________


Edward would be the first to say that people of all races should be treated equally, but he unconsciously acts differently around people of a different race than his own. Edwards behaviors are best explained by ____________

aversive racism

A group of friends get together to plan a vacation that will allow expression of their personalities. They are all high in conscientiousness and low in extraversion. Based on the Big Five model of personality, as reviewed during discussion sections, one predicts that the plan they develop will let them

be well-organized and structured, but it won't include a lot of opportunities to meet new people

When an individual's attitudes do not match up with his/her behaviors, ________ is likely to occur

cognitive dissonance

Because Ken's history professor was a college student during the 1970s, he has extraordinary insight and knowledge of facts concerning the Vietnam War era. This knowledge is associated with the term ______________

crystallized intelligence

Zimbardo concluded from his Stanford prison study that after prisoners and guards had been assigned roles that deemphasized their individuality, they adopted their designated roles more easily than anyone might have imagined as a consequence of ______________


Alfred Binet is remembered for ____________________________________.

developing the first intelligence test

At a crowded park, Kayla sees an old man clutching his heart and stumbling. If Kayla assumes that someone else will help the old man, she is experiencing the phenomenon known as

diffusion of responsibility

As discussed in lecture, the neurotransmitter released by rewarding stimuli is ________________


As discussed in lecture, the appetitive motive system in the brain is associated with behaviors such as:

eating, drinking, reproduction, nurturing young

In lecture, we saw a clip from a 1940s film in which a woman is stalked as she walks down a dark alley at night. We hear her footsteps-click, click, click-and experience her nervousness. She turns to look behind her, and suddenly a bus enters the screen from the opposite side. The bus doors open with a sharp hiss. The audience screams!! The audience's exaggerated response is the so-called "bus effect" and an example of

fear-potentiated startle response

As discussed in the lecture on the study of emotion, the blink response is a technique used to measure ________

fear-potientiated startle

Research on flashbulb memories finds that ______________________________

flashbulb memories change over time just like other memories

A highly vivid and detailed emotional memory that retains its vividness yet which may change its details over time _____________________

flashbulb memory

Expectations about what is appropriate behavior for each sex MOST accurately describes

gender roles

Which of the following are basic emotions that people can usually identify in photographs, according to Ekman?

happiness, sadness, surprise

Alfred Binet and Sir Francis Galton would have likely disagreed about

he extent to which our senses influence intelligence

Randeep had been studying hard for a while in the Lind Hall library for an upcoming Psychology exam. When his friend Annelise came over and said hello, his heart rate decreased, he stretched back in his chair, he gave her a big smile, and said "I'm so happy to see you!" According to Dr. Gewirtz's definition, when Randeep's saw his friend, the somatic aspect of his emotional response is that _________________________.

he gave her a big smile

As described in lecture (and seen in discussion sections), an IAPS picture of a couple kissing passionately would likely be rated as:

high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

As described in lecture,, an IAPS picture of a snake attacking you would likely be rated as:

high on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension

Dave is a Red Sox fan. He intensely dislikes the Yankees. He celebrates with glee every time the Red Sox win and when the Yankees lose. This is an example of

in-group bias

Nathan reflexively puts a pencil in his mouth while he's reading his Psych 1001 textbook, which causes his lips and face to form a frowning expression. Based on the facial feedback hypothesis, this may have what effect on his feelings about the Intro Psych material?

it will make him feel more negatively about the material

If a test accurately measures what it was designed to measure, we would say that the test is


What kind of animals did Harry Harlow and his colleagues use to discredit the most commonly accepted theory of attachment of the time


All languages are rich in words describing the personality trait of neuroticism. Given the lexical hypothesis as discussed during lectures, this finding would suggest that

moodiness, feeling emotions more strongly and experiencing more negative emotions are important in all cultures.

As discussed in lecture, the startle reflex is humans can be measured by

muscle potential in the vicinity of the eye.

According to Gardner there are as many as ________ types of intelligence


The Five Factor Model (Big 5; OCEAN) represents what kind of approach to personality?

nomothetic approach

Research on ________ racism suggests that society is more egalitarian than it has been in the past, but research on __________ racism suggests that plenty of people are still prejudiced.

old-fashioned, modern

Sai, who is from Japan, can easily tell whether another Asian person appears to be from China or Thailand. However, he has trouble distinguishing among White people and thinks they all look basically the same. This is due to what psychological tendency?

out-group homoegenity

There are two alternative pathways to persuading others. One leads us to respond to persuasive arguments on the basis of snap judgments based on the surface aspects of the arguments. This is known as the ____________ of persuasion.

peripheral route

At the end of lecture one day, you are completely confused by what your professor has been trying to teach you. When the professor asks whether anyone has questions about the material, you notice that no one else raises their hands. You assume everyone else has understood the lecture perfectly, and you dont want to appear dumb by asking some simple questions. But, when talking to your friends after class, you realize that they had been just as confused. This situation is likely the result of

pluralistic ignorance

Hal is fearful of men who are friendly toward him, convinced that they are all homosexuals attempting to seduce him. If Hal is unconsciously anxious because he is sexually attracted to men, we might conclude that Hal is using the defense mechanism that Freud called


The first major force in the field of personality psychology was

psychoanalytic theory

A social psychologist might use the old saying, "I wept because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet" to illustrate ______________

social comparison theory

The phenomenon of ________ was demonstrated when Zajonc found that cockroaches will run faster on a simple maze when ________.

social facilitation; other cockroaches are presen

Amanda, Sarah, Jonas, and William have been assigned a group project. Amanda ends up doing most of the work while the others get the same grade as she. This is an example of ___________.

social loafing

A fear-potentiated startle response is

the augmentation of the startle reflex when fearfu

Dan went to a party even though he didn't feel like going out. Even though he felt a little down, he forced himself to smile and then, oddly enough, he actually felt happier. This reaction is consistent with

the facial feedback hypothesis

The phenomenon that Imani prefers her look in the mirror to her image in a photograph can best be explained by ________.

the mere exposure effect

When Sam went looking for a new car, he met a beautiful saleswoman who described the beauty of the car and the flashiness, and how good Sam would look driving it. She did not mention the poor gas mileage, the exorbitant price, and the poor road performance. Sam made a snap decision to buy the car from the persuasive saleswoman. Sam was using which alternative pathway in making a decision?

the peripheral route

In explaining personality, social learning theorist Walter Mischel was most interested in the influence of

the situation

The "Big Five" model of personality is considered 'real' because

the traits consistently emerge from factor analysis and are stable over time, plus the same traits are found in many cultures

Paul Ekman, who has conducted a number of studies of facial expressions associated with emotions, found that across cultures

there are six fundamental emotions that most everyone agrees on

Observing that intelligence test items with very different content all correlated, Spearman hypothesized that _____________

there was an underlying general factor of intelligence (g

What is the moral or take-home message of Solomon Asch's series of experiments in which participants were asked to judge the lengths of lines? People will go to great lengths

to fit in with others

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