Psychology Ch 10 Review

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According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, which of the following is true?

A moderate level of stress and challenge is associated with optimal performance on exams.

Which of the following is an example of excitation transfer?

After jogging three miles, you become very angry at your roommate for doing something that would normally irritate you just a little.

After nearly hitting a deer with her car, Nadia's heart began to race and her palms started sweating. Which of the following responses is consistent with the James-Lange theory of emotion?

After she noticed her racing heart and sweaty palms, Nadia concluded that she was scared.

Which of the following is true about the neurochemistry of sexual arousal?

Dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus stimulate sexual activity. Sexual stimulation leads to nitric oxide production, which increases blood flow to the penis and clitoris.

Which of the following describes the relationship between motives, drives, and needs?

Drives motivate the satisfaction of needs. They create arousal, which motivates the organism to fulfill a physical or emotional deficit.

Researchers conduct an experiment in which male participants are given a drug that makes them feel extremely happy. Participants in Group A are told that they will feel this way from the drug. Participants in Group B are not told about the effects of the drug. After the drug has taken effect, an attractive woman enters the room. According to the Schachter-Singer two-factor theory, which group of participants is less likely to feel attracted to the woman, and why?

Group A, because they expected positive feelings from the drug

According to one study, parental warmth is associated with greater feelings of guilt in children. This finding suggests which of the following?

Guilt arises in healthy and happy relationships.

Domenica hates that she blushes at the slightest feeling of embarrassment. However, blushing may serve which of the following purposes?

It offers a type of biological, nonverbal apology

Lisa and Tori are sitting at a bar when a very attractive man approaches them. Lisa's palms start to sweat, her heart rate increases, and her stomach does flip-flops. In contrast, Tori's face flushes, her muscles tense up, and her hands feel cold. Each woman experiences a different emotion based on her bodily responses. This is best explained by the _______ theory of emotion.


When choosing a roommate, your housing adviser suggests that you choose someone with a similar optimal level of arousal to yours. If you follow her advice, whom will you choose to live with?

Meredith, who enjoys the occasional party but mostly likes to hang out in small groups watching movies and playing board games, just like you.

Which of the following examples most strongly suggests that emotions have a biological basis?

Nolan grins widely and pumps his fist in the air after winning a chess tournament, even though he is blind and has never seen what a winner's body language looks like.

People tend to eat much more from a buffet than they will eat if they order a meal. Given what you know about eating behavior, how might you explain this result?

People eat more when there is variety.

Erica plans to prepare for an exam a month from now. Her goals are (1) she studies six hours every night for a month, and (2) she overlearns materials. Based on the goal setting theory you have learned, what would you recommend her to reach her goals?

Recommend her to measure her level of "overlearning."

Which of these is an example of classical conditioning influencing eating habits?

Sarah always feels hungry shortly after she leaves work, right in time for dinner.

My stomach feels as if I swallowed a large, jagged rock, Jeff thinks. This interview must be making me feel very nervous. Jeff's emotions are best explained by the _______ theory of emotion.

Schachter-Singer two-factor

Which of the following statements is true about how our brains process emotions?

Sensory input enters the amygdala, which sends information to various organs to activate the appropriate physiological response.

Which of the following statement is FALSE about human emotion?

The fast path of emotional response to a visual stimulus (e.g., seeing a bear) is from thalamus to visual cortex.

Which of the following explains why some people prefer white bread and others prefer wheat bread?

The types of bread people eat as children shape their adult preferences because people prefer to eat the type of bread that is most familiar to them.

Caroline came back to her dorm room late on Friday night. It looked like her roommate was already home, but she was not alone. In fact, Caroline's roommate and her date were engaged in what looked to be the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle. What did Caroline see?

Their pulse rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure were increased, and they were in a frenzied state of passion.

Weight-loss programs frequently suggest that you use small plates. According to the concept of sensory-specific satiety, why might this strategy be effective for limiting the amount you eat?

There will not be room on the plate for too many different foods.

Which of the following is NOT one of the four essential qualities of motivational states emphasized in most general theories of motivation?

They differ in their valence

Many people who are isolated in the wilderness are surrounded by sources of nourishment that they are too squeamish to eat, such as crickets and worms. In other words, these people are unable to overcome which of the following types of learning?

cultural factors

When Steve wanted to bake a pumpkin pie, Brett pointed out that it was the middle of the summer: not the time of year for pumpkin pie. Steve told Brett that she was being overly influenced by which of the following?

cultural factors

While Joey hopes his painting will win a prize at an upcoming art show, Colin has dozens of full sketchbooks that he never plans to show anybody. In doing artwork, Joey experiences __________, while Colin experiences __________.

extrinsic motivation; intrinsic motivation

According to self-determination theory, ________ rewards may reduce ________ value.

extrinsic; intrinsic

According to sexual strategies theory, men and women differ in their sexual behavior because they

face different adaptive problems.

Harper's mother always told him that when he felt sad, if he smiled he would soon feel happier. Which of the following best aligns with this advice?

facial feedback hypothesis

Chanese believes that eating foods high in protein and low in sugar will minimize hunger and make weight loss easier. Chanese believes in the __________ theory of eating.


Maria is an 18-year-old woman, and Dale is an 18-year-old man. Both are physically developing in a normal manner. However, Dale experiences more sexual thoughts and desires than Maria. This is best explained by Dale's having _______ levels of ______ than does Maria.

greater; androgens

Which of the following is an example of a secondary emotion?


Salim's family has just moved to the United States. Although he has never met an American before and does not speak English, he can easily identify some of the primary emotions of his classmates, including

happiness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust.

Ryan has been served a large meal at a restaurant, but when he feels full, he stops eating. He asks for a box to take the remaining food home instead of overeating to the point of being uncomfortable. Ryan has achieved a state of __________ with regard to his food consumption.


Biscotti the cat gets a nasty shock from chewing on a power cord. Since the shock, Biscotti is always hungry, eating huge quantities of food many times a day. The shock has probably damaged the part of Biscotti's brain that influences eating, which is the ________.


Which region of the brain is considered to be the most important for stimulating sexual behavior (given its role in controlling the release of sex hormones into the bloodstream)?


Eight-year-old Simon loves stickers. When he successfully completes his homework, he gets to choose two stickers from a jar. If Simon diligently completes his homework in order to get the stickers, then he is motivated by ________.


A convincing piece of evidence for the idea that positive emotions and negative emotions are independent is that positive emotions involve ________ and negative emotions involve ________.

increases in dopamine; increases in norepinephrine

Ryan and Katie both like games, but Ryan prefers to play solitary games, like sudoku or crossword puzzles, whereas Katie likes contests, such as trivia or strategy games. Ryan plays games for his own enjoyment, while Katie likes to win games for prizes or others' admiration. Ryan's motivation is __________, while Katie's is __________.

intrinsic; extrinsic

A doctor says that Ronald is overweight because of a problem with the biological mechanism that regulates fat over the long term. The doctor is saying that Ronald's _______ is not functioning correctly.


Whereas the hormone __________ is involved in fat regulation, __________ originates in the stomach and triggers hunger.

leptin; ghrelin

Based on the need to belong theory, the phrase misery loves company would be more accurate if it was

misery loves miserable company

The __________ theory suggests that human beings have a fundamental need for interpersonal attachments, which has evolved over time for adaptive purposes.

need to belong

Dan loves playing new and exciting racing video games that get his heart racing. Based on this fact alone, his motivation to play these games is best explained by ________.

optimal arousal

After dating for only two months, Joel and Natalie broke up. Joel had always wanted to run off to the next party or club, while Natalie was happier staying home and reading mystery novels. Which motivational factor was out of sync?

optimal level of arousal

Natalie is a single mom who is poor and lives in a dangerous neighborhood. When a financially stable man asks to marry her, she says yes. She does not love him, but she knows he will support her and her daughter and give them a safe home in the suburbs. According to Maslow, Natalie's behavior suggests that her answer is motivated by the desire to satisfy her _______ needs.


Vico is about to be evicted from her apartment, so she does not have the energy to return a call from a friend wanting to make lunch plans. According to Maslow's need hierarchy, Vico's __________ needs must be satisfied before higher needs such as __________.

safety and security; belonging and love

Nicola has been playing Roller Derby for several months now, but she has not seen many improvements in her skills lately. She is at the rink three nights a week, but she is starting to feel that there is no point in practicing so hard as it is not paying off. Given what you know, you can reasonably conclude that she is developing


There is some evidence that prenatal exposure to hormones may play some role in which one of these?

sexual orientation

Adolescent girls with higher than average __________ are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse.


Luiz is walking home late at night when he hears footsteps behind him. He is instantly frightened and gets ready to run. He glances over his shoulder and sees that it is the neighborhood police officer on patrol. Realizing there is nothing to fear, he calms down. Luiz's first response, fear, was processed by the path from the ________. His second response, calming, was processed by the path from the ________.

thalamus to the amygdala; thalamus to the sensory cortex to the amygdala

Sharaz, a 5-year-old, is at the park with her father. The ice cream truck is parked at the corner. Her father has told Sharaz that she can have ice cream when they leave the park if she does not ask for it until then. To keep herself from asking for the ice cream, Sharaz imagines that the truck has gotten hot and all the ice cream has melted. Sharaz is delaying gratification using the successful strategy of

turning a hot cognition to a cold cognition.

All of the following are limitations of the polygraph method for lie detection EXCEPT that

difficult to pass even if we use countermeasures.

Although it is difficult to tease apart nature and nurture, there is evidence that North American women show emotions more easily than men. To the extent that this is based on culture and not biology, how and when we express emotions is governed by which of the following?

display rules

When Natalie studied abroad in Taiwan, a waitress dropped her drink and started giggling. A few other times, Natalie noticed someone smiling or giggling when he or she made a mistake. These were not signs that people thought their mistakes were funny but rather signs of a cross-cultural difference in which of the following?

display rules

Brand Z of bottled water puts sodium chloride (salt) in its water, which makes people thirsty. Based on this fact alone, which theory of motivation best explains why people might drink more bottles of Brand Z water than another brand of bottled water without salt?

drive reduction

After hearing the front door slam suddenly in the wind, Bradley felt both physiological arousal and a sense of being immediately terrified. The bodily arousal and emotional experience happened at the same time. This would be best explained by the __________ theory of emotions.


Gordan got run over by a bus. After the accident, he could no longer receive signals from his sympathetic nervous system about his bodily responses. His doctor says that Gordan can still experience emotion because the brain processes emotions. The doctor's statement is consistent with the _______ theory of emotion.


Which theory suggests that a stimulus causes simultaneous physiological arousal and emotional awareness rather than preceding or following it?

Cannon-Bard theory

Which of these stories is difficult for Maslow's need hierarchy to explain?

Clarissa has taken a pledge to spend the night alone under a downtown bridge in order to draw attention to the problem of homelessness in her community.

Because of its role in both emotion and memory, this part of the brain helps emotions like fear strengthen memories, which could be helpful for avoiding future harmful situations.


Patient I.K. has a normal IQ, has functional memory and attention, and does well in school. However, she shows no fear conditioning. Even though she can tell you that a certain noise is associated with a painful electric shock, her body shows no physical signs of fear when she hears the noise. Which part of her brain is most likely to be damaged?


Delroy was on a plane that flew through a hurricane. There was tremendous turbulence, and he was absolutely terrified. Even though he tries not to think about it, Delroy cannot forget that plane trip. Delroy's persistent memory results from the effect of the ________ on how the ________ consolidates memory.

amygdala; hippocampus

Which sexual orientation appears to be less common among men than among women?


Pavati is a competitive gymnast and has made it to the final round of the Olympic trials. She is intensely motivated to perform at her absolute peak. Given your knowledge of the Yerkes-Dodson law and the effects of arousal on performance, you might advise her that she should ________, because ________.

calm down; very high arousal can hurt her performance

Blythe had a large and late breakfast. Even though she was planning to skip lunch, she starts to feel hungry at noon and decides to eat. The best explanation for Blythe's hunger at lunchtime and subsequent decision to eat would come from

classical conditioning

Around the world, most people eat lunch at about the same time of day. Why is this?

We are classically conditioned to eat at midday.

Research on thought suppression has shown that trying to suppress negative thoughts can lead to ____.

a rebound effect

Tori is practicing shooting hockey pucks at the net. If she has a high need for achievement, she will probably take __________ practice shots.

very easy

Often, at the end of a long soccer practice, Roland tells himself that he must love soccer because he works so hard at it. One day, his high school soccer coach says that Roland is good enough to get a full soccer scholarship to college. Now Roland leaves long practices telling himself that he is working this hard to earn a scholarship, and he finds that he now enjoys soccer less. Bem's self-perception theory would explain Roland's behavior by saying that

winning the scholarship has become the reason for playing soccer.

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