Psychology Test 2

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Noor and Ahmad, four-year-old twins, are shopping with their mother. She offers to buy them each a small cookie now or a large toy later if they are good during the shopping trip. Noor takes the cookie, but Ahmad waits for the toy. Based on this, who will be more successful in high school?

Ahmad, because he can delay gratification

Remmy is watching a tragic love story at the movie theater. She notices feelings of sadness come over her as tears fill her eyes. The idea that processing in the brain is the cause of emotions and bodily responses at the same time is consistent with the

Cannon-Bard Theory

Michael is observing the people in his dorm and listing any behaviors that indicate learning. Which of the following should be included on Michael's list?

Greg, who often whines until someone goes to the dining hall with him

Your siblings are arguing about who will be more successful in school. Your brother says that he will, because he has more natural talent and intelligence. Your sister thinks that she will, because she has more grit. You decide to settle the argument by telling them the latest research finding on whether natural talent or grit is more important in predicting success. What should you tell them?

Grit is a better predictor than intelligence for educational attainment

Dr. Earl is a cognitive psychologist who studies thinking. Which question is most relevant to Dr. Earl's research?

How do we mentally rotate objects to "see" them from many angles?

Simon's dog urinates in the house while he is at work. When he gets home and sees the mess, he yells, "Bad dog!" Which of the following is one reason why this attempt at positive punishment might not work to correct the dog's behavior?

It was not applied immediately after the dog's mistake

In the musical The King and I, the lead character sings about whistling to hide her fear when she feels afraid, which eventually makes her not feel afraid. The idea that acting like you are not afraid keeps you from feeling afraid is similar to which theory of emotion?


Vincent is a brilliant artist and is very satisfied with his achievements. However, he has little to eat, lives in poverty, and spends most of his time alone working on his art. Why would Vincent's life be problematic according to Maslow's need hierarchy?

Lower needs must be met before higher needs

In the past, orchestra conductors held the stereotype that women were inferior musicians. According to your textbook, how did the audition process change so that conductors would not be biased by this stereotype?

Musicians auditioned behind screens and the conductor did not know the musicians' names.

You are walking through the jungle and you see a huge snake. Which of the following explanations best represents the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion?

You are shaking and you are afraid simultaneously

After you finish a big meal, the level of glucose in your bloodstream increases. What happens next in order for your body to process the glucose?

Your pancreas produces insulin to manage the glucose

George is traveling to visit his friend Ryan in a neighboring town but has to take a detour due to road construction. At first George feels lost, but then he notices a sign for Madison Street and immediately knows where he is and how to navigate to Ryan's house. In this situation, George has reached Ryan's by using

a cognitive map

Shazia describes a made-up story to Ronald in vivid detail about a time that they got into serious trouble as young children. Later on, Ronald remembers the event even though it never actually happened. Ronald is most likely experiencing

a false memory

The type of thinking that uses shortcuts to allow one to make a decision quickly, without considering all of the evidence, is called

a heuristic

Dante was recently bitten in the leg by a snake and now has learned to fear snakes. If his fear is out of proportion with the danger posed by snakes, then Dante has developed

a phobia

Travis is taking a new medicine that has a side effect of disrupting his short-term storage. Based on this fact, you know that Travis will have difficultly recalling

a phone number he heard 15 seconds ago

What key feature helps us tell the difference between a genuine smile and a fake smile?

a small crinkle appears at the corners of the eyes

Stella takes an Advanced Placement English Literature test, which is designed to assess what knowledge and skills she has learned in that subject. Stella is taking a(n) ________ test


When explaining to his wife how positive reinforcement and positive punishment are similar, Jackson correctly says that both

add a stimulus

A main outcome of Ivan Pavlov's research is that a neutral stimulus can become a conditioned stimulus

after pairing it with a stimulus that triggers a reflexive response

James is trying to break into a safe, but he does not know the four-digit code. To find the right code, he uses a procedure that will obtain the right result if he uses it correctly. Specifically, he tries every possible set of four-digit numbers until he finds the correct one. James is using a(n) ________ to find the correct code.


The Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) measures logical thinking ability and predicts students' success in law school. Based on this you know that the LSAT is a(n) ________ test.


You are taking part in an experiment on emotions. You are shown an isolated face and are certain that the face is expressing sadness. Then you are shown the same sad face paired with a fearful body posture. According to the research, how will you categorize the emotion?

as fear

Riley ate too much chocolate cake during his birthday party and was sick all night. If classical conditioning occurred and he associated the cake with being sick, then when Riley sees cake today, he will most likely

be turned off by the smell and the memory of the taste of cake

Lisa does not like going to her sister Megan's piano recitals, but she finds that if she forces herself to smile during the recital, she will ________, as predicted by the ________.

begin to feel happy; facial-feedback hypothesis

When people group several concepts together, such as baseball, basketball, and football, based on the shared property of being "ball" sports, they are creating a ________ of the concepts.


During Tammy's eye exam, a buzzer rings and a puff of air is blown into her eye, which makes her blink. This happens several times. Then Tammy blinks when she hears the buzzer because she expects that a puff of air will be blown into her eye. In this example, Tammy is showing learning through the process of

classical conditioning

Fallon is afraid of loud sounds, like thunder. She associates lightning with thunder because it regularly precedes thunder. Thus, when Fallon sees lightning, she braces herself for hearing a big boom several seconds later. Fallon has experienced a certain kind of associative learning known as

classical conditioning

Alanna knows that a startling noise will always make people blink their eyes. Alanna has learned to associate a soft blue light with a startling noise, causing her to blink when she sees the soft blue light. When she blinks after seeing the soft blue light, she is showing a(n)

conditioned response

At lunch one day, a spider walks onto your table. It looks just like the one that bit you last year and made you very sick. You immediately start to panic. Your panic in this situation is most likely a(n)

conditioned response

The gray wolves of the Northern Rocky Mountain region vomited after eating poisoned sheep meat. The wolves formed the association of feeling ill with preying on sheep. In this example, feeling ill is the

conditioned response

Professor Kraig is known for his difficult quizzes, which automatically make the students anxious. Immediately before each quiz, he always turns off the projector. Students soon notice that they start to feel anxious when Professor Kraig turns off the projector. In terms of classical conditioning, Professor Kraig turning off the projector is a(n)

conditioned stimulus

Current research about the role of the amygdala in emotion suggests that the path from the thalamus to the cortex to the amygdala

confirms whether a threat is present

If you study in the same room in which you take an exam, you will probably do better on the exam than if you had studied elsewhere. This outcome occurs because of ________ memory.

context dependent

When Jon visits his grandmother's house, he always thinks about his childhood. Something about the way her house smells seems to trigger these memories. This is an example of ________ memory.


Dr. Shaw has a patient who has a phobia of spiders and also loves doing puzzles. Dr. Shaw exposes the patient to spiders briefly while having the patient complete a fun puzzle. Dr. Shaw is using ________ to treat his patient's phobia.


Jacob has to write an essay for his writing course and decides to write about a boy who is actually a wizard. When his teacher reads the essay, she realizes that Jacob got the idea from a popular book. Jacob denies this, honestly believing that he thought of the idea himself. Jacob is experiencing


Long-term regulation of body fat primarily involves the hormone called


While explaining affect-as-information theory to her roommate, Bianca should most likely say that we use

current moods to make judgments, even if we do not know the source of our moods

Positive punishment causes a(n) ________ in behavior through the ________ of a stimulus.

decrease; addition

Which of the following can be categorized as a primary emotion?


Japanese students were shown film clips designed to provoke strong emotions. When Toko watched the clip with other people present, she showed little outward emotion. When Toko watched the clips alone, she showed the same strong emotions observed in American college students. The difference in what Toko considers to be acceptable emotional expression shows the influence of

display rules

Raul has no motivation to read the chapters from his biology textbook that were assigned for homework. According to the Premack principle, Raul could reinforce his textbook reading by doing which of the following?

doing something enjoyable after he reads

Ming is hiking around a lake to photograph it from a variety of angles, but she forgot to bring water with her. Soon, she cannot concentrate and goes back to her car to satisfy her thirst. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing Ming's behavior in this situation?

drive reduction

Harry is reading the textbook for his astronomy class and is trying to relate the material to his own life experiences. According to the levels of processing model, Harry is more likely to remember the information over the long term because he is using

elaborative rehearsal

Alina often has trouble understanding her own feelings and has difficulty recognizing when her friends are expressing their feelings. Alina probably has low ________ intelligence


Timo does not have many memories of his early childhood. However, one thing he remembers clearly is when he broke his favorite toy. He remembers crying for days when his parents would not replace it. This childhood memory may be especially clear for Timo because

emotional events are more likely to be stored in long-term memory

When you are reading your textbook, your brain changes the words you are reading into a meaningful neural code that it can use. In memory, this process is called


If someone asks you to describe your first day of school, you would most likely retrieve a(n) ________ memory.


Sue and Mary are talking about knitting. Sue is trying to remember the first time she ever knitted. Mary is trying to remember what the word knitting means. Sue is trying to recall a(n) ________ memory and Mary is trying to recall a(n) ________ memory.

episodic; semantic

Sarah wants to do well in class because she is earning credit toward graduation. Joe wants to do well in class because he loves learning new material. Sarah is influenced by ________ motivation. Joe is influenced by ________ motivation.

extrinsic; intrinsic

Maya finds her customer service job to be frustrating and stressful. She tells her friend Jeff about her negative experience at work, and he tells her to force herself to smile while she is at work, an idea he learned in his psychology class. When Maya tries smiling at work, she finds her job less frustrating and even begins to enjoy it some days. The idea that Jeff shared with Maya is most likely the

facial-feedback hypothesis

Reinforcement that comes after a predetermined amount of time is called a

fixed interval

The Acme Chemical Company has some employees who work in a production plant and some who work in a sales office. The plant workers get paid every Friday; however, the office workers get paid for every fifth sale they make. The plant workers are paid on a ________ schedule, whereas the office workers are paid on a ________ schedule.

fixed interval; fixed ratio

Yu vividly remembers the day her husband surprised her with an emotional and dramatic marriage proposal. Research suggests that this ________ memory is ________ ordinary memories.

flashbulb; at least as accurate of

Karl was posting signs on campus and he ran out of tape to put up the last sign. He could not figure out another way to put up the sign even though he was chewing gum and could have used the gum to put up the sign. Karl most likely did not come up with this solution because of

functional fixedness

Ekman and colleagues found that several emotions are common to people around the world, including all of the following EXCEPT


When Billy's upstairs neighbor wakes up early to take a shower, Billy is typically awakened when the water starts, but then he gets used to the noise and goes back to sleep. In this example, Billy is showing learning through


When Sarita first moved into her dorm room, she would get distracted by other students chatting in the hall outside her room. After two months of repeated exposure to conversations in the hallway, Sarita does not get distracted anymore. Sarita has learned through


While studying Ekman's work on expressions of emotions, Tanino learns that the strongest cross-cultural agreement in the identification of emotions involves ________, and the weakest involves ________.

happiness; fear and disgust

Jorge knows that Monika goes to a lot of parties. When Bella asks Jorge what Monika is like, Jorge tells her that Monika drinks a lot of alcohol. Even though Jorge only knows that Monika goes to parties, he tells Bella that Monika drinks a lot because he

has a schema about going to parties that includes drinking alcohol

The final project for your class is due in a few days. You ask a classmate how his project is going. He tells you that he has not yet started, because no matter how hard he tries, he can never get a good grade. Based on this statement, it is likely that your classmate

has low self-efficacy

Donato and Quincy are identical twins who were separated at birth. Donato tends to be fearful of many things. According to the research on genetics and negative emotions, you would expect Quincy to have ________ levels of fear.


You are training for a marathon. You spend all your extra time conditioning and practicing, because you believe that the more effort you put in, the more likely you are to succeed. Based on this, it is likely that you have

high self-efficacy

Every morning, Jeannine's bathroom scale tells her that she weighs 120 pounds. However, when she go to the doctor's office, the very accurate professional scale says she weighs 130 pounds. Jeannine's bathroom scale has ________ reliability and ________ validity

high; low

Mauricio's habit of eating chalk to replenish the calcium his body needs is an example of a behavior intended to maintain


Aldo cannot get the answer to a chemistry problem even after sitting at his desk for an hour. He gets up and goes for a walk. Suddenly, even though he appears to have stopped thinking about it for a while, the answer comes to him. Aldo has most likely solved the problem based on

insight learning

Our ability to learn quickly, understand complex ideas, and use knowledge to solve problems demonstrates


Cesar has done so well in his economics class that he only needs 43 out of 100 points on the final exam to receive an "A" in the class. Cesar still studies a lot because he wants to do well on the final. Cesar's behavior is affected by

intrinsic motivation

Joe has an incredible ability to memorize whatever he reads in a book, and he can recite all the cities in the United States alphabetically. However, he has difficulty doing simple tasks like taking the bus. Joe most likely

is a savant

Research has shown that the consolidation of memories

is aided by a good night's sleep

Gertrude is close to finishing her degree in biology and was offered several good jobs in her field. However, Gertrude decides that her real dream is to become a carpenter. She quits school and becomes a very happy and successful carpenter. According to Maslow, Gertrude

is self-actualized

Though it appears to be negative, guilt can actually serve to protect and strengthen our interpersonal relationships. All of the following are examples of this protective concept EXCEPT when guilt

is used to manipulate others

Tamera and Kai found a house they want to buy. The day they found it, they had been having a wonderful time house hunting and planning their life together. A few days later, after having a miserable day at work, Kai goes back to look at the house again. Tamera predicts that Kai will like the house ________ because of ________.

less; affect-as-information theory

Short-term storage has a(n)

limited capacity

Kumar is trying to remember the name of his psychology professor from last semester. To answer this question, Kumar must search for information in his

long-term storage

Professor Smith refuses to learn his students' names because he believes the names will take up space in his memory that he needs to store research-related information. Professor Smith's belief about his memory is INCORRECT because

long-term storage holds virtually unlimited amounts of information

When you are studying for an exam, the part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating and strengthening the connections among neurons is the

medial temporal lobe

Yesterday, you caused an argument by insulting another person. Today, you remember the argument as being the other person's fault. You do not remember that you were actually to blame for the argument because of

memory bias

Sasha finds it funny that when she makes a silly face, her infant daughter, Penelope, tries to make the same silly face. As a psychologist who studies learning, Sasha knows that when Penelope observes Sasha's face, Penelope's ________ is/are active.

mirror neurons

Terri is an experienced matchmaker. She tells her clients who are looking for romantic connections that good first dates should be active experiences that make your heart race, resulting in excitement or fear. When her clients follow her advice, they are more likely to feel a romantic connection with a new partner on the first date. On what psychological concept is Terri relying when giving this advice?

misattribution of arousal

Your history professor wants to help students learn how to write a high-quality research paper, so he posts an example of an "A" paper on the course website. You use this example as a template when writing your own paper. You have used ________ to write a good research paper.


Elaborative rehearsal is a more effective memory strategy than maintenance rehearsal because the information is processed

more deeply.

Today is Bridget's first day of college. She is excited to conquer this new challenge. Bridget, along with other students who are high in achievement motivation, is more likely to choose a seat

near the front of the classroom

After finishing elementary school, Mia moved to a new school district for middle school. Almost none of her friends from elementary school came with her to the new school. She feels anxious and quickly joins an after-school club. What motive may be driving Mia's behavior?

need to belong

Jerome's boat sank in cold water and his body temperature is dangerously low, so he starts swimming to raise his body temperature. According to motivational theory, Jerome's low temperature created a deficient state called a(n) ________, which in turn created a motivating state called a(n) ________ to increase his temperature.

need; drive

In operant conditioning, removing a stimulus to increase a behavior in the future is called

negative reinforcement

Every Saturday, Vaughn watches a TV show featuring a chef making new recipes. The chef always throws a pinch of salt over his shoulder when seasoning the dishes. Now, whenever Vaughn cooks, he also throws salt over his shoulder. This modification of Vaughn's behavior is due to

observational learning

Irina, who is three years old, was watching her father hammer a nail to join two pieces of wood. If Irina learns how to hammer wood together after this experience, it is most likely the result of

observational learning

Jonathan is traveling to Italy, and his motto for his trip is "When in Rome, do as the Romans do!" This phrase suggests that Jonathan is most likely to learn how to behave in Rome based on

observational learning

Dr. Brimfield believes that humans learn best when they are given the opportunity to act on their environments and make associations between their behavior and the resulting consequences. Dr. Brimfield believes in

operant conditioning

Two-year-old Ciara learns that whenever she hits her older brother, her mom will place her in time-out. Ciara therefore understands that a behavior leads to a certain consequence, which is a type of learning called

operant conditioning

Antoinette is a real risk taker. She loves to skydive, and she can party all night. Benita dislikes risk taking and prefers quieter activities, such as reading and yoga. These contrasting preferences in the rate of physiological activation they experience suggest that Antoinette and Benita differ in their

optimal levels of arousal

While moving into a new apartment, Cole needed to hold the door open but he did not have a doorstop. Instead, he used his heavy potted plant to prop open the door. Cole solved this problem by

overcoming functional fixedness

Mabel is comparing theories of emotion. When studying the two-factor theory, she notes that people experience emotion through

physiological arousal followed by cognitive interpretation

Which of the following actions is an example of prospective memory

planning to pick up a library book on your way home tomorrow

If getting $1 for every correct answer on this test makes you study harder for the next test, then being given $1 is a form of

positive reinforcement

Whenever baby Colin cries, his mother picks him up. This stops Colin from crying. In turn, this makes Colin's mother pick him up more often. In this example, his mother picking him up serves as a ________ reinforcer for Colin. Colin stopping crying is a ________ reinforcer for the mother

positive; negative

Joffrey's wife asked him to go to the store and buy milk, bacon, apples, juice, butter, and cereal. Joffrey did not write down the items and ended up only remembering to buy milk and bacon at the store. The fact that Joffrey only remembered milk and bacon demonstrates the ________ effect.


Your rent is due, but you are short $100. You find a way around this obstacle to meet the goal of paying the rent by offering to clean your friend's house for $100. You now have enough money to pay your rent. To reach your goal, you have just used the thinking strategy of

problem solving

Becca is trying to teach her three-year-old son Cole how to ride a bicycle. Although she knows how to ride a bike, Becca is having a hard time verbalizing the steps to her son. Becca is struggling with trying to explain her ________ memory of riding a bike.


Remembering how to ice skate is most likely an example of ________ memory.


Jim and Phil are changing the oil in Jim's car. Jim is remembering the actions involved in changing the oil. Phil is trying to remember the first time he ever changed the oil in his car. Jim is recalling a ________ memory and Phil is trying to recall a(n) ________ memory.

procedural; episodic

Luke grew up by the beach and only wears sandals. Because of this, it is likely that Luke considers sandals to be the most typical type of shoe. For Luke, sandals would most likely be the ________ of the category "shoes."


If Sheila wants to decrease her dog barking at the cat next door, she should most likely use


Dominic is watching a horror movie at the movie theater. His heart is racing, he feels scared, and he considers leaving to calm down. Instead, he begins to think about how the blood in the movie is not real and the people are only actors. Dominic is using which strategy to regulate his emotions?


Marcy decides that yelling at her pre-teen son to clean is room is not effective. Instead, whenever he cleans his room without being asked, Marcy takes him to his favorite ice cream shop. In this example, the ice cream is the ________.


If Carl's episodic long-term memory was impaired, he would be unable to

remember details of his own personal life

Samantha tells her roommate that negative reinforcement and negative punishment are similar because they

remove a stimulus

Using heuristics in decision making has the advantage of ________ and the disadvantage of ________

requiring minimal thinking; not always working

Using heuristics in decision making has the advantage of ________ and the disadvantage of ________.

requiring minimal thinking; not always working

When we encounter a difficult problem, thinking about the problem in a new way can help solve it. This technique is known as


There are three common strategies for revising mental representations. Which of the following correctly pairs the strategy with an example of that strategy presented in the textbook?

restructuring; the nine-dot -problem

When Karl was a child, he loved to sit in his grandmother's kitchen watching her cook Italian food. Now, whenever he smells Italian food, he instantly remembers those childhood times. For Karl, the smell of Italian food is a ________ for memories about his grandmother

retrieval cue

After falling off your horse, you seem to have lost all memory of the past three years of your life. Based on this symptom, the doctor will most likely diagnose you with

retrograde amnesia

After he was robbed, Marcus kept replaying the incident in his mind. "Why did I leave the door unlocked? Some of my stuff was irreplaceable and I can never get it back." By continually focusing on this negative event, Marcus is exhibiting


Kelly, a 30-year-old, took a modern IQ test and got an IQ score of 90. Based on this information, we can assume that Kelly

scored slightly below average on the test

Delia lives far from her family and rarely visits them. On a recent trip home, Delia realizes that her nephews do not know who she is. This makes Delia feel remorseful. Because remorse is a blend of other feelings, Delia is experiencing a(n) ________ emotion.


Sampson is a dolphin trainer who trains his dolphins to perform tasks by blowing a high-pitched whistle immediately after the dolphins do the task. The dolphins enjoy the sound of the whistle because it previously was paired with the fish they were given to eat. Based on this, you know that Sampson is using the whistle as a ________ reinforcer to train the dolphins


Lisa is driving to school when she sees a yellow traffic light ahead. According to the three-part model of memory storage, Lisa will firstmaintain information about the yellow light in her

sensory storage

Makenna is starting her first job as a teacher. She is considering how to use goals to effectively encourage persistence and concentration, and to increase student motivation. Makenna should

set challenging and specific goals that are not too difficult or too easy

Ruth has weighed 130 pounds all her adult life. During her pregnancy, she gained 25 pounds. After having her baby, Ruth's weight returned naturally to 130 pounds. For Ruth, 130 pounds is a(n) ________, and her body went back to it through the process of ________.

set point; homeostasis

Shara is participating in a psychology study in which she has to press a button as fast as possible whenever she sees a circle on the computer screen. This study is measuring ________ reaction time


Tia is studying for her introductory psychology exam and is having trouble understanding the James-Lange theory of emotion. Her friend Brian took the course last semester and is most likely to explain the relationship between fear and trembling as

someone feels afraid because he or she is trembling

When using positive punishment as a means of discipline, the word positive indicates

something is being added

A conditioned stimulus is

something that causes a response after learning takes place

When explaining the purpose of homeostasis, Dr. Murphy would most likely suggest that it

stabilizes conditions in the body

The final exam for your psychology class is a(n) ________ test.


The increased ability to retrieve memories that occurs when one's internal states during encoding and his or her internal states during recall match is called

state-dependent memory

Because she heard that her blind date was an accounting major, Cynthia imagined that he would be conservative, humorless, and dull. Cynthia's generalization of what an accounting student is like is an example of a(n)


A cat is classically conditioned to purr when it hears the refrigerator door open, because it contains the cat food. But the cat does not purr when it hears the pantry door open. The fact that the cat only purrs when the refrigerator door opens is most likely a result of

stimulus discrimination

After reading your textbook, you are able to maintain the bold key words in coded representations in a network of neurons in your brain. In memory, this process is called


Alex sees a girl in a red shirt steal a candy bar. Later, during questioning, the police ask what candy the girl in the blue shirt stole. Months later, when Alex testifies in court, he describes the girl as having worn a blue shirt. This is an example of


When you read the word cake on a menu, it is a(n) ________ representation. The picture of a cake on a menu is a(n) ________ representation.

symbolic; analogical

Which of the following is NOT an example of thinking

taking a nap with soft music playing

xplicit memories are stored in the part of the brain called the

temporal lobe

Jean wants her daughter to eat her vegetables so she is healthy. Jean tells her daughter that after she eats her vegetables she can play outside, which is one of her daughter's favorite things to do. In this situation, Jean is using ________ to increase her daughter's eating of vegetables.

the Premack principle

Last week, Alana saw a television show about a rare, but fatal, virus. Now, she has a runny nose and a fever and thinks she has contracted the virus. Alana's thinking is most likely based on

the availability heuristic

Steve is trying to determine whether it will rain this Saturday. He quickly remembers that it has rained the past three Saturdays. If he uses this information to make his decision, he will be using

the availability heuristic

You are placing a bet on an upcoming basketball game. You quickly remember that the green team has won the last three home games. If you use that information to make your decision, you will be using

the availability heuristic

Sandra is toilet training her son and only rewards him some of the time when he uses the toilet. Sandra knows that using partial reinforcement creates behaviors that are more enduring than does continuous reinforcement, which is a result of

the partial-reinforcement extinction effect

To remember her nine-digit Social Security number, Alyssa uses her working memory to place the numbers into three groups. In addition, each group of three or four digits is easy to remember because it is meaningful. Alyssa's strategy in remembering her Social Security number illustrates

the power of chunking

Cynthia's psychology professor asks the class not to think about purple unicorns. Though Cynthia has never once before thought about a purple unicorn, she finds that she cannot stop thinking about them. Cynthia is experiencing ________ as a result of her attempts at ________.

the rebound effect; thought suppression

Addie told Callum her top 10 favorite movies. When he tries to recall the list later on, he can only remember the last two movies Addie mentioned. The fact that Callum only remembers the last two movies is most likely due to

the recency effect

When you meet Joe, he tells you that he loves math and building computers and robots. You decide that Joe must be an engineering student and not a liberal arts student, even though there are more liberal arts students at your school. In making this decision, you have just used

the representativeness heuristic

You read a description about a woman named Tyra, who happens to be extremely beautiful and almost six feet tall. You are asked to predict whether Tyra is a model or a science teacher. To do this, you think of your prototypes of a model and a science teacher, and you decide that Tyra is a model. Your reasoning may be faulty due to

the representativeness heuristic

Janet and Joan are on a hot air balloon ride. They experience identical patterns of physiological arousal: increased heart rate, sweaty palms, pupil dilation, and increased breathing. After each woman assesses the environment, Janet interprets her response as being excited while Joan interprets her response as being very scared. Which theory of emotion can best explain this difference?


If the Wicked Witch of the West flew down and struck you with retrograde amnesia, you would be ________ to remember anything from before the incident and ________ to form new memories.

unable; able

A perfume advertisement uses classical conditioning to increase product appeal. To do this, it pairs the attractive face of the actor Brad Pitt with its perfume Chanel N o 5. If Brad Pitt elicits an innate response from you, he is being used as a(n)

unconditioned stimulus

Beth's entire family has a high achievement motivation. Which of the following is Beth NOT likely to observe in her family members?

unrealistically high career goals

Short-term storage

uses working memory to help maintain information

Marco wants to get an A on his exam. To do this, he divides up the material into small sections and focuses on learning a different section every day until he knows all of the material for the exam. Marco is ________ to achieve his goal of getting an A on his exam.

using subgoals

Braxton's friend Shayla is caught cheating on a test and receives an F. Braxton learns the consequences of cheating by watching Shayla be punished for this action. Braxton has learned through

vicarious conditioning

Yang watched her brother pray before eating and heard their mother praise him for praying. Thus, Yang has learned to pray before eating a meal. Yang's praying is most likely a result of

vicarious conditioning

Yamah was enjoying a latte while her favorite song was playing in the coffee shop. Later, she felt sick to her stomach and began to associate drinking the latte with feeling ill. She did not form an association with hearing the song and feeling ill because

we are biologically predisposed to associate gastrointestinal illness with food and drink

Roland tells himself that he must love soccer because he works so hard at it. Then, Roland's coach tells him he can get a full soccer scholarship to college. Now Roland tells himself that he is working so hard because he needs to earn a scholarship, and he enjoys soccer less. Self-perception theory would explain Roland's behavior by saying that

winning the scholarship has become the reason for playing soccer

You get to your car and realize you have lost your keys. So you think of the last time you saw your keys and retrace your steps from that point. You are using the problem-solving technique of ________ to help find your keys.

working backward

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