Pub Com Final Ch. 1-4

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______ involves paying close attention to and making sense of what we hear.


A ______ is a conclusion that generates emotional appeal by fading step by step to a dramatic final statement.

Dissolve ending

______ is listening to provide emotional support for the speaker

Empathetic listening

5 ways to order your main points.

1) Chronological order 2) Spatial order 3) Casual order 4) Problem - Solution order 5) Topical order

3 tips for preparing your main points:

1) Keep main points separate 2) Use the same pattern of wording 3) Balance amount of time for each point

4 things to consider in using language appropriately

1) Occasion 2) Audience 3) Topic 4) Speaker

4 things to consider regarding the speaker's body

1) Posture 2) Facial expression 3) Gestures 4) Eye-contact

4 basic methods of delivering a speech

1) reading verbatim from manuscript 2) reciting from memorized text 3) speaking improptu 4) speaking extemporaneously

List the 8 parts of a speaker's voice

1) volume 2) pitch 3) rate 4) pauses 5) vocal variety 6) pronunciation 7) articulation 8) dialect

Most speeches contain from ___ to ___ main points.

2, 5

Using language ____ is as vital to a speaker as using numbers accurately is to an accountant


6 strategies for dealing with nervousness

Acquire experience, prepare, think positively, use the power of visualization, know most nervousness isn't visible, don't expect perfection.

_____ means giving your undivided attention to a speaker in a genuine effort to understand a speakers point of view.

Active listening

____ is the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, usually in a parallel structure.


_____ is listening for pleasure or enjoyment. Music

Appreciative Listening

If you are using PowerPoint, always bring a ____ of your slides.

Back up

One of the biggest barriers to clear speech is using ____, ____ words where ____, ____ ones will do the job better.

Big, bloated, short, sharp

Research studies confirm that _______ is vital to effective public speaking. Listeners must be able to follow the _____ of ideas in a speech from _____ to _____.

Clear organization, progression, beginning, end

____ describes discourse that takes many more words than are necessary to express an idea.


The main points of a speech should be organized to ______ the speaker's message.


_____ is listening to understand the message of the speaker

Comprehensive listening

The ____ is your last chance to drive home your ideas.


____ words refer to tangible objects, ____ words refer to ideas of concepts.

Concrete, abstract

_____ are a word or phrase that connects the ideas of a speech and indicates the relationship between them.


____ is more variable, figurative, and subjective. Its meaning is suggested by the associations or ____ triggered by a word or phrase.

Connotative, emotions

_____ is the audience's perception of whether a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.


A _______ is a conclusion in which the speech builds to a zenith of power and intensity.

Crescendo ending

____ is listening to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it.

Critical listening

_______ often handwritten notes on a speaker's outlines giving them directions on how to deliver key parts of the speech.

Delivery cues

Words have two kinds of meanings - ____ and _____

Denotative, Connotative

_____ is precise, literal, and objective. It is the literal or _____ meaning of a word or phrase.

Denotative, objective

Besides getting attention and revealing the topic, there is a third objective you may need to accomplish in your introduction - _____.

Establishing credibility and goodwill

_____ is the branch of philosophy that deal with the issues of right and wrong in human affairs


______ is the belief that our own group or culture whatever it may be is superior to all other groups or cultures


_____ is from people who are recognized experts in their field.

Expert Testimony

____ speeches are prepared ahead of time, but the____ words are chosen at the moment of presentation. This allows for more ____ delivery than does reading from a _____.

Extemporaneous, exact, direct, manuscript

According to Herb Lovelace, "the ____ the PowerPoint presentation, the less ____ the ideas being presented."

Fancier, valuable

The messages, usually nonverbal sent from a listener to a speaker


_____ impressions are important. A poor _____ may so distract or alienate the listeners that the speaker can never fully recover.

First, beginning

The sum of a persons knowledge, experience, goals, values and attitudes

Frame of reference.

________ is stealing your speech entirely from another source and passing it off as your own

Global Plagiarism

____is a physiological process involving the vibration of sound waves on our eardrums and the firing of electrochemical impulses from the inner ear to the central auditory system in the brain.


in his classic book _____ Darell Huff exploded the notion that numbers dont lie

How to lie with stats

a _____ describes an imagine or fictitious situation

Hypothetical example

____ describes the use of vivid language to create mental images of objects, actions, or ideas.


An ____ speech is delivered with little or no immediate preparation


audience size may also affect your ___ choice of ____ and use of ____

Language, appeals, visual aids

_______ occurs when the speaker fails to give credit for particular parts or increments of a speech that are borrowed from other people

Incremental plagiarism

________ is anything that impedes the communication of a message. it can be _____ or ______

Interference, external, internal

A good _____ will get your speech off to a strong start. To be most effective, it should __________ to the audience and be delivered with a minimum of _____.

Introduction, relate the topic, notes

The _____ are the central features of your speech. You should select them _____, phrase them _____, and arrange them _____.

Main points, carefully, precisely, and strategically.

____ is communication based on a person's use of voice and body, rather than on the use of words.

Nonverbal communication

4 similarities between public speaking and conversation.

Organizing thoughts logically, tailoring the message to the audience, telling a story, adapting to listener feedback.

Developing an _____ helps ensure that the structure of your speech is clear and coherent.


____ is the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or senetneces.


_____ occurs when a speaker pilfers from 2 or 3 sources

Patchwork Plagiarism

_____ is from ordinary people with first hand experience on a topic

Peer testinomy

To______ means to present another persons _____ or ______ as your own

Plagiarize, language, ideas

No matter what kind of visual aide you choose, be sure to employ it when you ____.


You need to ____ a speech thoroughly before delivering it.


_____ is a statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body.

Preview statement

3 differences between public speaking and conversation.

Public speaking is structured, more formal language, different delivery

The ______ session is a common part of public speaking.

Question and answer

whenever you _____ someone directly, you must attribute the words to that person


The best ____ depends partly on the ____ the speaker wants to create.

Rate of speech, mood

Listeners, unlike readers, cannot turn to a dictionary or ____ an author's words to discover their meaning. A speaker's meaning must be ____ comprehensible; it must be so ____ that there is no chance of _____.

Reread, immediately, clear, misunderstanding

____ is the pattern of sounds in a speech created by the choice and arrangement of words.


_____ are a very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or that focuses attention on key ideas.


______ is the difference between the rate at which most people talk (____ - ____ words per minute) and the rate at which the brain can process language (______ - _____ words per minute)

Spare brain time. (120-150) (400-800)

regardless of the kind of speech communication there are 7 elements

Speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, and situation

In the process of gaining attention, be sure to _____ of your speech. If you do not, your listeners will be ____ and your chances of getting them absorbed in the speech are almost ___.

State clearly the topic, confused, nil

a speech thats supported by _____ is usually more persuassive than an undocumented presentation


________ is putting a speech together in a particular way to achieve a particular result with a particular audience.

Strategic Organization

______ are materials used to support a speaker's ideas. Three major types of supporting materials are _____, _____, and _____.

Supporting materials, examples, statistics, testimony

Even when discussing ____ technical subjects, effective speakers look for ways to communicate their ideas in ____, ____ language.

Technical, clear, familiar

_____ is an excellent way to gain attention in a speech introduction. The ____ should be clearly ____ to the topic and should be delivered ____ with strong eye contact.

Telling a story, story, relevant, expressively

______ is a word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another.


While a 30-second ____ can illustrate your ideas in a memorable way, anything much longer will ____ attention from the speech itself.

Video, distract

____ are changes in a speaker's rate, pitch and volume that give the voice ____ and ____.

Vocal variety, variety, expressiveness

Good public speakers are _____which means they keep the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation

audience- centered

the ____ is a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech

central idea

_______ Consists of 2 steps 1) identifying the general demographic features of your audience and 2) gauging the importance of those features to a particular speaking situation

demographic audience analysis

people are _____ and pay closest attention to messages that affect their own values, beliefs and well being


3 things to consider when evaluating internet resources

engines, specialized research resoruces, documents

an ______ is a _____ case used to illustrate or represent a group of people ideas, conditions, experiences.

example, specific

3 major kinds of supporting materials

examples, statistics, testimony

citing the testimony of ____ is a good way to make your ideas more____

experts, credible

6 audience traits the author identifies

gender, religion, age, racial, ethnic, cultural back grounds , sexual orientation, group membership

the _____ of a speech is the broad goal

general purpose

A _____ briefly notes a speakers main points and supporting evidence in rough outline form.

key word outline

when you look for a speech topic keep in mind _____ you may have or sports, hobbies, travel and other personal experiences that would be interesting


____ is vital for most speeches

library research

listeners also have ethical obligations they are.

listen courteously and attentively, avoid prejudging the speaker, support free and open expression of ideas.

a ______ is a research aid that catalogues from a large number of ____ or ____

newspaper and periodical database, magazines/journals, newspapers

surefire way to improve your concentration and keep track of a speakers ideas


you have to identify your sources ___ as you are speaking


3 methods of brainstorming

personal inventory, clustering, internet research

the_____ is what a speaker wants the audience to remember after they have forgotten everything else in the speech.

residual message

3 types of questions _____

scale, fixed alternative, open ended

the ______ of a speech is a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish his speech

single purpose

situational audience analysis focuses on situational factors such as the ____ of the audience ____ setting for the speech and the ____ of the audience toward the ____ the ___ and the occasion

size, physical, disposition, topic, speaker

unlike _____ which you need to settle on early in the speech preparation process the, _____ usually takes shape later as a result of your research

specific purpose, central idea

_______ involves creating an oversimplified image of a particular group of people, usually assuming that all members of the group alike.


______ are used to support a speakers ideas

supporting materials

6 tips for using statistics

use stats to quantify ideas, use stats sparingly, identify sources, explain sources, round off stats, use visual aids

5 tips for formulating specific purpose statement

write purpose statement as full infinitive phrase, express purpose as a statement, avoid figurative language, limit to 1 distinct specific idea, make sure specific purpose is not too vague or general

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