Public Speaking - Chapter 1 to 14

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According to research cited and pictured in the text, the visual and vocal codes account for ____ of the meaning of the message:


The body of your speech should take approximately ____ of your total speaking time.


Careful preparation for a presentation, can reduce anxiety as much as:


You can avoid gender bias by: A) use words like "police officer" or "mail carrier" B) using the generic term "she" C) using the generic term "he" D) use words like "policeman" or "mailman"


Which of the following is the best worded purpose statement for a five-minute speech?

After hearing my speech, my audience will know how to train a dog to heel.

A metaphor makes a direct comparison between items and uses words such as "like" or "as."


A speech of introduction gives you a moment to shine. You do not need to focus all of the attention on the featured speaker.


All of the information in your rough draft outline will be used in your speech.


An effective presentation will relate to people of your age group only.


Audience members do not need to hear why a topic is important to you.


Because ceremonial speeches fall into a special category of speech types, it is not necessary to establish your credibility within your speech.


Because introduction speeches are so common, audience members are more accepting of platitudes, such as, "here is someone who needs no introduction...".


Before you speak, you should write your speech out word for word so that you can refer to it while speaking.


Explanations can be used for proof, but not for clarification.


If audience members are not motivated and are unable to process information, they will most like use careful critical thinking and consideration of arguments and evidence.


The correct sequence of symbols in the standard numbering for outlines is A, 1, a.


If the intent of your speech is presenting new information or making listeners aware of new ideas or information, your speech is persuasive.


It is best to have an extremely broad purpose statement to ensure that you can cover everything you want to during the presentation.


It is helpful to write your speech as if it were a written essay.


It is not necessary to research arguments for and against your position in order to persuade your audience.


Leaning slightly forward while speaking, makes you look nervous and unprepared.


Once you have captured your audience's attention, you can feel confident that they will remain attentive.


People from all cultures experience the same level of communicator anxiety.


Speaker credibility has little impact on listeners.


Speakers who support their assertions by citing personal experiences are considered less trustworthy and less persuasive.


Using large amounts of statistics in a presentation is the best way to get your point across.


Values are not stable and are easy to change.


When brainstorming for possible speech topics, avoid writing down ideas that are obviously ridiculous.


When giving a presentation that uses a projection screen or computer screen, make sure to keep your eyes on the screen to ensure that the slides are in the right place.


When giving a presentation, it is fairly safe to assume that all men enjoy sports and women enjoy cooking.


When speaking to multicultural audiences, it is safe to assume that their high-ranking values are the same as yours.


Using small objects to clarify points will frustrate your audience.


When ambiguous words are used deliberately to sway an audience, the outcome is unethical.


When speakers use generic masculine or feminine words they are helping to maintain sex-biased perceptions.


A speech to ____ seeks intellectual agreement from the listeners.


A speech where you remember someone who has just died is a(n) ____ speech.


In this stage of listening, listeners judge the speaker and the message.

evaluating stage

Research on memory has shown all of the following except:

even poorly designed visuals improve memory

Factual statements and opinions which support the logical arguments of a speech are known as:


Speakers who use ____ typically overestimate the costs, problems, or negative consequences of a new proposal.


A speech delivery type prepared by turning the preparation outline into keyword notes is the

extemporaneous speech.

When the speaker or listener is distracted by something in their environment, such as people talking, they are experiencing:

external noise

Which of the following can be used for both clarification and proof?

factual instances

You can't prove an idea by using only instances, but ____ can add some proof to your arguments.

factual instances

A listener's verbal, visual, and vocal responses to a speaker's message are known as:


All of the following are true of positive imagery except:

feelings, such as pride or confidence, will not occur until the situation actually exists.

____ show similarities or differences between two or more items that are basically different.

figurative comparisons

People from low-context cultures expect messages to be brief, indirect, and implicit.


Persuasion is something that we seldom use in our lives.


Research the topic before doing the rough draft outline.


The Japanese culture admires speakers with highly animated facial expressions and spontaneous gestures.


The only time you should summarize your information is in the conclusion of the speech.


The primary difference in informative and persuasive speeches occurs in the conclusion.


There are six primary stages of listening.


Topics that are ideal for a demonstration speech will work just as well as an informational speech.


When giving a speech, it is best to pick a topic that you know nothing about so that you can improve your research skills.


When presenting both sides of any issue, you should give both arguments equal time.


When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, the listener is most likely to believe that the verbal message is the more truthful.


When you plan a speech, it is best to write the introduction and conclusion before the body.

False is a reliable source; there is no need to verify content found on the site.


You can assume that if your audience is staring at you, they are listening attentively.


Your praise during a eulogy should demonstrate the perfection of the deceased.


Speaking notes should be as brief as possible, preferably an outline using keywords or phrases.


Statistics are easier to understand and remember when shown in graphic form.


The current view of trait anxiety is that it is both inborn and learned


The number one reason that speeches fail to meet their goals is the speaker's failure to analyze the audience carefully enough.


Though an after-dinner speech is meant to be entertaining, there is not need to keep audience members laughing constantly.


To avoid unintentional plagiarism you should use a research method that makes clear which passages you have paraphrased and which ones you quoted.


To persuade, you must limit the number of options that are perceived as acceptable.


Transitions help listeners follow the development of the speaker's ideas and keep them from getting lost.


Unless you are giving a demonstration speech, a demonstration used to support a point should be brief, preferably 30 seconds or less.


Visual aids should be used when you want to offer audience members a concrete reminder of what they should recall from your speech.


Vivid language is more likely to take the active voice than the passive.


When audience members are given handouts, they tend to read the handout instead of listening to the speaker.


When both men and women will be in your audience, you need to relate your topic to both genders.


When citing an unfamiliar source, if the qualifications are not mentioned, the presentation is not increased in persuasion.


When emotional appeals are used in place of evidence, they are unethical.


Abraham Maslow illustrated the most basic need of human beings as:


Words written in meter or free verse that express ideas, experiences, and emotions in an imaginative style are:


All of the following are suggested by the text as ways to help you establish your credibility except:

pointing out why the topic is important to your audience

One of the most effective ways to use humor in a speech is to:

poke fun at yourself.

To aid final planning and organization, a speaker will use a:

preparation outline

The difference between organizational patterns used in informative speeches versus those in persuasive speeches, is that persuasive speeches are intended to influence audience opinions, while informative organizational patterns:

present information without biasing audience opinion.

In a persuasive speech, the best course is usually:

presenting both sides

Maslow defined esteem needs as:

pride, recognition from others, status and prestige

Persuasion is:

about influence, not control

A(n) ____ speech shows goodwill toward the audience and presenter.


A speaker whose persuasive speech topic is "The Need for More Organ Donors" would expect the audience response to be:


A speech to ____ asks for intellectual agreement and action of some sort.


Which of the following is the best example of a well-worded purpose statement for a five-minute speech?

after hearing my speech my audience will know how to train a dog to heel.

For positive imagery to work, you must read your list of positive statements and also:

all of these

Listener interpretation and evaluation often depend on the speaker's:

all of these

Listeners mentally evade persuasive messages that cause them discomfort by:

all of these

Using visual aids helps speakers feel more confident because:

all of these

When motivating your audience to listen, you:

all of these

To maximize listener' understanding in the comprehend stage, you can try:

all of these.

When you practice your speech, it is best to:

always practice out loud

A feeling of approval or disapproval of a person, group, idea or event is defined as:

an attitude.

A clear simple sentence that specifies exactly what you want your audience to gain from the speech is called:

an exact purpose

A supporting material that allows you to define or give more information about a term or topic or gives instructions on how to do something is called:

an explanation

An example or illustration that is used to clarify, add interest, and (in some cases) prove a point, is called:

an instance

In the visualization step of Monroe's Motivated Sequence, you should:

any of these

When writing main points in the outline, they should be written as:

complete sentences

All of the following are examples of visual behaviors which promote immediacy except

formal gestures used primarily for emphasis

When designing a text visual, it is best to limit each visual to no more than ____ lines of text.

four to six

Fitting your message to audience needs is called:


Visual aids such as maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams are called:

graphic visuals

A speech containing many statistics or technical terms without visual aids can cause the listener to suffer from:

information overload

In this stage of listening, listeners supply meaning to the messages that they have seen, heard, and felt.

interpreting stage

A rough-draft outline is especially helpful because:

it saves research time by indicating which areas need research

Each of the following are reasons why language choices are important except:

language can keep listeners' attitudes and behaviors from being influenced

Research into listeners' response to the use of logic and evidence indicates all of the following except:

listeners have very little difficulty spotting illogical messages

____ show similarities or differences between two or more items of the same class or category.

literal comparisons

When audience members perceive that a speaker shares similar attitudes on issues not related specifically to the topic, the audience sees the speaker as:

more credible with respect to trustworthiness

Listeners will pay close attention to a presentation that shows how:

needs will be met

Rarely will listeners accept your statements without some kind of:


Supporting materials in a persuasive speech are adequate if they:

prove that the speaker's position is accurate and desirable

When asking your audience an actual question, you should:

raise your own hand and/or tell the audience you would like a show of hands

During a presentation, a listener becomes aware of a conversation behind her when someone says something that sounds like her name. Her shifting attention to the conversation is an example of what stage of listening?


In this stage of listening, listeners select or ignore one or more stimuli from the multitude of stimuli that continually bombard us.

receiving stage

These colors should probably not be used together, as color blind people could not see them.

red and green

To help your listeners remember exact words or figures, you should use:


When researching a speech, beginning speakers sometimes make this mistake:

they do too little research

Which is not an advantage of visual aids?

they substitute for concrete evidence

According to the text, the most important element of credibility is:


Which of the following is the best example of a well-worded positive statement?

I am relaxed when I speak to large groups

A good example of hyperbole would be:

I've told you a million times in the past hour not to use hyperbole.

When referring to quantity or scope, which question is significant?

Is the problem great enough to make it a social issue?

A speaker gives a speech about how to distinguish antique jewelry from reproductions. The piece of jewelry that most clearly illustrates her point is obviously too small for the audience to see from the front of the room. What could the speaker do?

She could make a larger model of the jewelry

Which of the following statements is a simile.

The dude looks like a lady.

A statement of fact indicates:

The speaker will present evidence to persuade the listeners that a debatable point is or is not true

Special occasion speeches differ from informative and persuasive speeches in all of the following ways except:

They present detailed instructions

Which of the following is the best example of an opening sentence for a speech?

Three years ago, one of my best friends - a young woman about your age - was told she had cancer.

A speaker's main points are: I. Where to look for collectibles II. How to determine the value of a collectible item III. How to bargain with a collector The speaker is using which organizational pattern?


A list of references should be included at the end of your preparation outline.


Varying volume, pitch, emphasis, rate, and pauses in a natural manner is called

Vocal variety

The mental acceptance that something is true, even if we can't prove it is true is

a belief

An illustration is:

a detailed and vivid picture or narrative

Billy gave a presentation on appointing a designated driver. He suggested ideas for people to consider before going out for the evening and recommended that people who do not drink should never start. What type of speech did Billy give?

a speech to actuate

The final step in using positive imagery is to:

avoid comparing yourself to other speakers

A good speech topic should interest you and your audience, and should also:

be valuable to your audience.

In an effective persuasive speech, the speaker:

begins to persuade in the introduction

Another word for credibility is:


Gestures should be:

both b and c

You can establish credibility with the audience by:

citing statistics and sources that your audience views as credible.

A type of attention-getter, which is effective because it enables the listener to be drawn into it and become personally involved, is a:

hypothetical instance

The behaviors a speaker uses to promote a sense of closeness and personal interaction with audience members are known as the speaker's

immediacy behaviors

Listeners tend to remember best the information:

in the beginning and ending of a speech

When you are using emphasis, you are likely to:

increase volume and raise pitch

An upward pitch at the end of a sentence is usually thought to do all of the following except:

indicate boredom

Inaccurate articulation, vocalized pauses, and unnecessary repetition of words, all which lead a speaker to be judged as being low on competence, are examples of:


The key component of unintentional plagiarism, as demonstrated by its inclusion in every example of plagiarism, is:

not citing the source you use, regardless of whether or not you paraphrase the information or use it word-for-word

Audiences are more easily persuaded when arguments are presented in a(n) ____ way:

novel or new

Which of the following is not a basic stage of listening?


In Monroe's Motivated Sequence, the solution to the problem is presented in which step?


Pithy expressions of truth or wisdom, usually from an unknown source, are called:


When determining a persuasive speech topic, most speakers:

select a topic, then analyze the audience

A rough draft outline:

should contain main points and supporting materials you think you will need

Numbers that are used to show relationships between items are called:


In the United States, many audiences value:

straight talk.

The way language is used to express ideas is called:


When you arrange points in a step-by-step order or by dates, you are using:

the chronological pattern

All of the following are true of using expert opinion except:

you must use the exact words of the speaker

When no visual aids are used in a presentation, the audience usually remembers:


Overstating or presenting facts as more important than they are is an example of distortion.


Speaking from memory helps the speaker react to listener feedback.


The anxiety that is caused by a speaker's feelings of personal inadequacy or low self-esteem is known as situational anxiety.


Visual aids increase presentation time.


A speaker should establish a steady rate early in the speech.


An audience will be impressed with a speaker who uses long technical words or jargon.


Computer-generated slides will always aid your presentation.


Correct pronunciation is also known as emphasis.


If a speaker appears nervous or appears to have little respect for the audience, the audience will keep listening in hopes of learning something new


Using color and underlining on your speaking notes will distract you during your speech.


When giving a demonstration speech, you should merely tell the audience how to do something, but never attempt to actually show them.


When giving a speech, don't try to look at all sides of the room


The first step in preparing an informative speech should be:

analyze the audience

The stylistic device that occurs when a sentence contains two contrasting ideas in parallel phrases is called:


The clear and distinct production of speech sounds is called


Audience recall is better when ____ visuals are used.


A public speaker sends and receives messages simultaneously.


Persuasive language is usually more ____ than informative language.


All of the following are considered part of the speech environment except:

the topic

Research indicates that an "average" presenter who uses visuals can be as effective as an "expert" presenter who uses no visual.


Speaking notes should be as brief as possible, preferably an outline using keywords or phrases.


Many speakers either don't use visual aids or

use ones that are overcrowded and difficult to read.

It is important to keep your volume consistent throughout your speech


In How to Say It with Your Voice, the author says that "nothing you can do for your image will give you as much bang for the buck as improving the way you sound" (p. 4). What factors impact improving the way you sound?

All of these

When designing transparencies, what is the minimum point size for subtitles?

24 point

Language that describes intangible concepts that are difficult to picture is called:


The best time to distribute handouts is

after the speech

Immediacy is achieved by

all of these

When rehearsing your speech, you should:

all of these

Using someone else's ideas without giving that person credit for the idea is known as:


All of the following are examples of verbal behaviors which promote immediacy except:

referring to the group as "you" or "your"

An effective conclusion should use no more than ____ of the total speaking time.


The introduction should take no more than:

10-15% of your total speaking time

When making eye contact, hold your gaze for ____ before moving on.

3 to 5 seconds

Using the formula in the text, what is the maximum number of visuals suggested for a 10 minute speech?


When listeners spend more than ____ to grasp the content of a visual aid, they slip into reading mode and hear almost nothing the speaker has to say.

6 seconds

The following filters can affect the listener's perception of the speaker:

All of these

A demonstration speech always takes less time than an informational speech.


Which of the following is the most concrete description?

Misha, my two year-old, 14 pound, yellow-and-white longhair cat

Describing the specific problem using credible, logical, and psychological appeals, uses which step in the Motivated Sequence?

Need step

A consideration to make when giving a PowerPoint presentation is to make sure there is adequate lighting so the audience can see your facial expressions during the presentation.


A high level of fear is usually more effective in persuasion than medium or low levels of fear.


A recent poll shows fear of public speaking to be the number two fear of Americans.


A signpost is a type of transition that clearly indicates where the speaker is going next.


Age is a demographic characteristic that can be misleading.


An outline makes getting suggestions from others much easier.


Animated facial expressions and spontaneous gestures appear egotistical to people from Asian cultures.


Audience size is crucial in determining what type of visual aids you will use.


Before selecting a humorous instance, you should analyze your audience carefully to avoid offending them.


Before your audience's higher level needs can be addressed, their lower level needs must be mostly satisfied.


Beliefs are the reasons people hold the attitudes they do.


Both speakers and listeners tend to believe that if the speaker uses clear language and the listener pays attention, 100% of the message will be understood.


During a Q & A session, you should admit when you don't know the answer to a question.


Effective speakers search for supporting materials that will clarify their ideas, prove their points, and add interest to their speeches.


Even when listeners only mildly disagree with your position on a controversial topic, they are difficult to persuade.


Feeling apprehensive about public speaking is normal.


Guests who have paused to hear the inspiring words in a toast do not want to hear clichés.


If you are unfamiliar with your audience, you should ask for information from the person who invited you to speak.


If you want your speech to be really persuasive it is best to use all three types of appeals: ethos, pathos and logos.


In a speech to actuate, you might want to give the audience more than one request for action.


In your acceptance speech, you should demonstrate your understanding of the award's deeper significance.


It is best not to speak about a topic that holds no interest to you, even if you know a lot about it.


It isn't evidence unless audience members think it's evidence.


Listeners are more likely to find you credible if you show them areas where you are in agreement with them.


Listeners sometimes make evaluations based on assumptions without waiting to make sure they have all the facts.


Logic connects various pieces of evidence to create a meaningful and persuasive argument.


One of the primary differences between informative and persuasive speeches is the speaker's goal.


People from different cultures listen differently.


People who feel comfortable expressing themselves are perceived as more competent, make a better impression during job interviews, and are more likely to be promoted to supervisory positions than anxious people are.


Sometimes the only way to be sure that your slides are sending the message you desire is to see them projected on a screen.


The only message that counts is the one that gets received.


A speaker supports a point by saying, "Relationships require the same care you give a garden. When the plants are dry you must water them. You must fertilize them if they are to grow. And you must prune or spray at the first sign of disease, lest it spread and kill the whole plant." This is an example of:

a figurative comparison

Gillian gave a presentation on the number of children in her state that had no health insurance. She presented three simple steps that could alleviate the problem that would benefit the children, their parents and society. Gillian didn't ask the audience to write to their representative and she didn't ask them to make a phone call or donate money. She wanted to audience to know that uninsured children present a problem that was solvable. What type of speech did Gillian give?

a speech to convince

Which of the following is most likely to motivate an audience to continue to listen?

a statement about how the audience is likely to benefit from this information

Falling pitch inflection at the end of a sentence usually indicates:

a statement or understanding

Words that have vague, unclear meanings that can be understood in more than one way are:


Instead of worrying about looks or impressions, it is better to:

concentrate on getting your meaning across

An effective speech of introduction should do all of the following except:

answer questions about the featured speaker's background and qualifications

All of the following are listed by the text as ways to enhance the audience's perception of the speaker's competency except:

appearing friendly and likeable

When a speaker says "Omina show ya allah the things yer gonna be needin' to buy," the speaker is using poor:


Language that is specific and describes tangible things that the audience can picture is called:


The part of the argument, known as a position statement, is the:


Audience members from this type of culture prefer speeches that build on audience history and take a cautious, back-door approach to points:

collectivistic cultures

The goal of this stage is to understand.

comprehend stage

Authority, rank, and even competence can be communicated by wearing:

dark clothing

Listeners who sit perfectly still are:


The process of determining exactly what a speaker's language or nonverbal behavior means is known as:


If audience members show up to your speech expecting a serious, scholarly speech but you present a humorous, after-dinner-type talk, members will likely feel:


The belief that you are the only person experiencing nervousness is a characteristic of trait anxiety known as:


Which of the following is true of effective text visuals?

effective visuals use phrases rather than sentences

When using statistics, it is best to:

eliminate any that are not absolutely necessary

The process of choosing language or nonverbal behaviors to convey your message is known as:


Misunderstandings occur in which stage of listening because listeners supply meaning to the messages they have sensed?

interpret stage

Persuasive speeches differ from informative speeches in all of these ways except:


When speakers appear tense, don't smile, and make very little eye contact, the audience thinks the speaker:

is not prepared

The study of orderly thinking, the sequence and connection of thoughts and ideas as they relate to one another" (Bell, 1990, p. 262) is known as:


All of the following are listed by the text as ways to enhance the audience's perception of the speaker's credibility through dynamism except:

lots of drama or oratorical flair

A preparation outline should include:

main points, subpoints, supporting material, introduction and conclusion

A type of visual aid that makes speakers appear less prepared is a(n):


Confidence, interest and energy can be added to your presentation by using:


The best gestures are


When preparing an outline, it is best to use ____ to represent the main points in the speech.

roman numerals

If your listeners agree with your proposal and have a well developed belief system, you should present:

only your side of the argument

Martin Luther King Junior's I Have a Dream speech makes great use of which stylistic device?


All of the following advantages of using organizational patterns except:

organized information allows listeners to catch the message without paying close attention

Similarly phrased ideas presented in succession are:


Summarizing the speaker's ideas in your own words is called:


The emotional needs of an audience are referred to as:


An involuntary audience is usually made up of:

people who are different in a variety of ways.

Voluntary audiences tend to be:

people who have a particular interest in hearing you and your topic.

Groups of words preceded and followed by pauses are


The inoculation theory involves:

presenting a brief look at opposing arguments along with facts and logically disproving them

A question designed to make the audience think, and for which no answer is expected is known as a(n):

rhetorical question

According to the text, an attitude poll can be used to help you do all of the following except:

select your topic

A speaker's main points are: I. Clipping a poodle's head II. Clipping a poodle's midsection III. Clipping a poodle's legs IV. Clipping a poodle's tail The speaker is using which organizational pattern?


A speaker who worries that the audience knows more about his topic than he does is exhibiting the characteristic of trait anxiety known as

subordinate status

Relaxation with deep breathing involves:

tensing and relaxing each muscle group from your head to your toes as you inhale through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth.

When analyzing the audience, situational information refers to:

the audience size and the audience members expectations about the topic.

Which pattern requires citation of evidence and strong supporting material to prove the existence of a relationship?

the causal pattern

A speaker's credibility depends less on logical proof and more on:

the listener's perception of the speaker

When listeners are persuaded, they usually attribute the persuasion to:

the speaker's use of evidence and logic

A type of commemorative speech that only lasts a minute or two is a:


All of the following are listed as organizational patterns suitable for persuasive speeches except:


Which organizational pattern is used most often in informative speeches?


These audience members need a delivery that is dynamic and entertaining.

uninterested audience

This audience type has a short attention span and can be a real challenge to a speaker.

uninterested audience

Which of the following is not a specific objective of a speech to actuate?

urge the audience to agree with your viewpoint

Persuasive speakers are more likely than informative speakers to do all of the following except:

use a relaxed, informal style of language

All of the following are suggested as ways to enhance the credibility of your sources except:

use only sources with which your audience is already familiar.

All of these things will distract from your message except:

using visual aids

You should include something in your introduction that evokes the common ____ and feelings that brought your audience together.


Which of the following methods would be best in presenting complicated statistical information?

verbally, with a graph to illustrate

To avoid embarrassment during a speech of introduction, a speaker should:

verify all facts about the speaker he or she will introduce

What is the best way to prove to yourself that most nervousness is only minimally obvious to an audience?

videotape yourself giving a speech

Using information from respected sources:

will add credibility to your presentation.

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