public speaking midterm

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"Conversational quality" in a speech means that the speaker talks the same as she or he would in ordinary conversation. t/f


A political candidate is running for office and must give a speech that will lay out the details of her platform. The speech will be widely covered by newspapers and television. What kind of delivery is the candidate most likely to use?


A public speaker who frequently says "uh," "er," or "um" is failing to make effective use of


A single practice session of two or three hours is usually the best way to rehearse your speech. t/f


According to your textbook, a speech that sounds spontaneous to the audience no matter how many times it has been rehearsed has a strong __________ quality.


According to your textbook, saying "dunno" instead of "don't know" is an error in


According to your textbook, saying "pas-ghetti" instead of "spaghetti" is an error in

knowledge, interest, and attitude

According to your textbook, what are the three primary factors to consider when assessing an audience's disposition toward a speech topic?


According to your textbook, when people in one region of the country say "warter," while people in another region of the country say "water," the difference is a matter of

their sexual orientation

According to your textbook, which of the following is a demographic characteristic of a speech audience?


Although most of the process of audience adaptation occurs as part of preparing a speech, a speaker may still need to adapt her or his remarks to the audience during the presentation of the speech. t/f


An extemporaneous speech is carefully prepared and practiced in advance. t/f


An impromptu speech is delivered with little or no immediate preparation. t/f

vocal variety

Changes in a speaker's rate, pitch, and volume are referred to as

nonverbal communication

Communication based on a speaker's body and voice, rather than on the use of words, is called


Dialects are usually based on regional or ethnic speech patterns. t/f

telling the audience how nervous he is about impromptu speaking

Diego needs to make an impromptu response to another speaker at a staff meeting. Your textbook recommends that he should do all of the following except


During her speech on malpractice insurance, the head of the local branch of the American Medical Association consistently avoided making eye contact with her audience. According to research on the role of nonverbal communication in public speaking, the audience was likely to perceive her as


Ethnocentrism means that audiences typically approach speeches by asking, "Why is this important to me?" t/f


Every speech contains two messages—the one sent by the speaker and the one received by the listener. t/f


Forming particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly is called

Focus on communicating, and your gestures will usually take care of themselves.

Hannah is giving a presentation in her physics class and is worried about what she should do with her hands. Which of the following recommendations would she find in your textbook?


If you say the "s" in Illinois or the "p" in pneumonia, you are making a mistake in articulation. t/f

age of the audience

If you were giving an informative speech to a general audience about the war in Vietnam, the most important demographic factor to consider in analyzing your audience would probably be the


Impromptu speaking gives more precise control over thought and language than does extemporaneous speaking. t/f


In an extemporaneous speech, the exact wording is chosen at the moment of delivery. t/f


In her speech introduction, Kaelyn asked, "Have you ever looked through old family photo albums and laughed at what people were wearing? Have you ever been amused by the bright colors, huge lapels, and crazy ties worn by characters in old TV shows? Like many of you, I've noticed the changes in fashion and feared that my effort to look stylish today may eventually be a source of amusement to my future children." According to your textbook, by seeking to create a bond with her audience through emphasizing their common experiences and fears, Kailyn was engaging in


In the United States, public speakers who establish strong eye contact with listeners are usually perceived as less credible than speakers who have weaker eye contact. t/f

all of the above

In which of the following situations will the personal appearance of the speaker have an impact on the audience?

when making a toast at a wedding

In which situation would a speaker be most likely to recite a speech from memory?


It is the __________ of your voice that reveals whether you are asking a question or making a statement, whether you are being sincere or sarcastic.

attitude towards the topic

Michael is preparing a persuasive speech for class in opposition to gun control. The most important factor for Michael to consider when analyzing his audience is probably its


No two people have exactly the same vocal characteristics. t/f


Nonverbal communication is based on a person's use of voice and body, rather than on the use of words. t/f


One of the advantages of speaking from a manuscript is that it frees a speaker from the need to establish eye contact with the audience. t/f


Pauses usually work best in a speech when they are planned in advance. t/f


Research shows that personal appearance affects the audience's perception of the speaker. t/f


Speaking from a manuscript allows for greater spontaneity and directness than does speaking extemporaneously. t/f


Speaking from memory is most effective when a speaker wants to be very responsive to feedback from the audience. t/f


The "conversational quality" of extemporaneous speaking means that a speech has been well rehearsed yet sounds spontaneous to the audience. t/f


The __________ speaker uses only brief notes or a speaking outline to jog the memory.


The primary purpose of speechmaking is to demonstrate your command of the topic. t/f


The relative highness or lowness of sounds produced by the human voice is called


The study of bodily motion and gestures is part of a subject called


Unlike beginning speakers, experienced speakers have little need for audience analysis. t/f


Ways of talking based on ethnic or regional speech patterns are called dialects. t/f

record the speech to check how it sounds

What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery?


When a speaker's body language is inconsistent with her or his words, listeners often believe the body language rather than the words. t/f

establish eye contact with the audience before you start to speak.

When approaching the lectern and beginning your speech, you should


When speaking from a manuscript, you should strive for the same directness and sincerity in your voice as in an extemporaneous speech. t/f


When you reach the end of your speech, you should maintain eye contact with the audience for a moment after you finish talking. t/f


You are most likely to be successful in your classroom speeches if you think of your classmates as a real audience. t/f


You can articulate a word sharply and still mispronounce it. t/f


You should try to look at the audience about 50 percent of the time while you are giving a speech. t/f

speaking extemporaneously

is adaptable to more situations than is speaking from manuscript.


means that public speakers should keep the audience foremost in mind throughout the speechmaking process.

good speech delivery

sounds conversational even though it has been rehearsed.

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