PY 100 test 2

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according to Aaron beck, a person who is experiencing depression is most likely to have which of the following thoughts after failing an exam

"I am so stupid. There is no way I can pass this course"

Which of the following can be categorized as a secondary emotion


The flight-or-fight response helps people cope with


Which of the following is not a psychosexual stage of development


Bandura's reciprocal determinism theory of personality includes all of the factors except ____ factors


Which of the following statements is true about dieting behavior

dieting is typically counterproductive for long-term weight loss

Aline is sitting in a physician's office and has just been told that a nurse will be coming in to measure her BMI. Aline is not familiar with the term "BMI" and starts to panic. How should her mother reassure her about BMI tests?

"Relax; they are just going to measure your height and weight"

Noor and Ahmad, 4-year-old twins, are shopping with their mother. She offers to buy them each a small cookie now or a large toy later if they are good during the shopping trip. Noor takes the cookie, but Ahmad waits for the toy. Based on this, who will be more successful in high school?

Ahmad, because he can delay gratification

Jim has a negative attitude toward healthy eating. Jim's doctor describes research showing that healthy eating can help him live longer. Jim pays very close attention and thinks very carefully about his doctor's statements and then changes his attitude toward healthy eating. Jim has changed his attitude based on the ________ route to persuasion.


Dr. Vissage accurately describes the relationship between panic attacks and agoraphobia in which of the following statements?

NOT having panic attacks has little to do with the development of agoraphobia

People from a variety of cultures are able to look at facial expressions and identify emotions like happiness and surprise. This evidence that facial expressions for emotions are universal suggests that

Facial expression of emotions is biologically built in

After trying new foods, Roger comes to a conclusion that he dislikes oysters but enjoys brussels sprouts because he has always believed that vegetables are healthier foods to eat than oysters. Which of the following statements can best explain his preferences?

He came to dislike oysters because he has a simple attitude

A political candidate wants to create a long-lasting positive image. According to the elaboration likelihood model, the candidate would use commercials

NOT with catchy slogans and attention-grabbing graphics

Which person is most likely to have a sense of self largely defined by his social roles and group relationships

Miko, who was raised in Japan

Which person is most likely to have a sense of self that is based on his feeling of being unique from others

NOT Ibrahim, who grew up in Pakistan

Kelly is studying for her introductory psychology exam and is struggling to learn the personality disorders. Her roommate helps her by explaining that all of the following disorders are part of the anxious cluster (cluster C) EXCEPT

NOT avoidant

On the advice of social psychologists, a technology company decides to pay an unreasonable amount of money to a well-liked celebrity to promote a new product. The company is taking the ________ route of persuasion and using ________ conditioning to make potential customers develop a positive attitude about the product.

NOT central;classical

women experiencing eating disorders more often than men. This fact is evidence for the idea that ____ factors can influence psychopathology

NOT dimensional

why do researchers suggest that one way to avoid getting an STI is to avoid drug and alcohol use?

NOT drugs and alcohol can directly result in transmission of STIs by strengthening the virus, bacteria, or parasites that cause the disease

depression is sometimes referred to as "the common cold of psychological disorders" because

NOT even if a person gets over it, he or she can expect to get it again

Eysenck's trait theory proposes that personality traits have all of the following dimensions EXCEPT

NOT extroversion/introversion

which of the following is a major risk factor of heart disease?

NOT genetic predisposition

Marco is a college student who is highly concerned with what other people think about him. He regularly tries to show off his good qualities in hopes that others have a good impression of him. Due to his concerns, he is more likely to be depressed or anxious. Marco's concerns are consistent with ___ goals

NOT grit

Two women, Jackie and Roberta, ask Katie out. Although she likes both of them, Katie decides to go out with Jackie. Afterward, she starts to notice more positive qualities about Jackie and more negative qualities about Roberta. Katie's new attitude is most likely a result of

NOT justification of effort

You are trying to decide which of two horses in a race to bet on. After you make your decision, you are likely to be ___ sure about the horse you bet on because of ___

NOT less; postdecisional dissonance

When he misses lunch, August knows he is experiencing a state of deficiency. Pretty soon, he starts to feel hungry and he goes to a deli to eat. August was motivated to eat because he experienced the psychological state called a(n) ________, which will reduce his state of deficiency.

NOT need

Sexually transmitted infections can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT

NOT parasites

Recently, Miriam's violin instructor tells her that she has to practice three hours a day for a competition. Although Miriam usually practices more than three hours, she suddenly finds that she enjoys playing a lot less. Self-determination theory suggests that Miriam's sudden loss of interest happened because

NOT playing has become work, not pleasure

Maya finds her customer service job to be frustrating and stressful. She tells her friend Jeff about her negative experience at work, and he tells her to force herself to smile while she is at work, an idea he learned in his phychology class. When Maya tries smiling at work, she finds her job less frustrating and even begins to enjoy it some days. The idea that Jeff shared with Maya is most like the

NOT reappraisal principle

You are recruiting part-time tutors for an elementary school. According to research findings about the insufficient justification effect, a successful strategy to increase the commitment of these tutors would be to pay them a

NOT salary that increases over time

For the past several weeks, Hugh has had a vague sense of irritability. He does not know why he is feeling this way, but it seems to be affecting how he thinks about his job and how he acts at work. Hugh's irritability is best categorized as a

NOT secondary emotion

Blaine, who plays high school football, considers himself to be both athletic and shy. When he attends a pep rally for the football team, he is more likely to view himself as athletic because his immediate experience and environment make that the most relevant self-description. Blaine's view of himself as athletic at the pep rally is an example

NOT self-schema

Women in developing countries, such as India, Brazil, and Chile, experience more _____ than women in developed countries

NOT specific phobias

Mr. Powell, a white man who does not believe that racial discrimination is a problem in his community, feels most comfortable crossing the street to avoid a black man wearing a hooded sweatshirt. Mr. Powell is displaying

NOT subtyping

Lisa believes that drinking alcohol is wrong. However, her boyfriend, Mike, likes to drink beer after work. Instead of breaking up with Mike, she decides that drinking alcohol is not so bad after all. Lisa's attitude most likely changed because of

NOT the actor/observer bias

Timo does not have many memories of his early childhood. However, one thing he remembers clearly is when he broke his favorite toy. He remembers crying for days when his parents would not replace it. This childhood memory may be especially clear for Timo because

NOT the hypothalamus stores emotions from childhood

Susan is looking at a photograph of herself taken by a friend and deciding whether she should use the true photographic image or the mirror image as the wallpaper on her smartphone. According to social psychology research. Susan will most likely perfer the ___ image because of ___

NOT true photographic; the mere exposure effect

Remmy is watching a tragic love story at the movie theater. She notices feelings of sadness come over her, followed by tears filling her eyes. The idea that our minds are quick to process emotions but our bodies take a few seconds longer is consistent with the

NOT two-factor theory or James-Lange theory

According to the diathesis-stress model, mental disorders are caused by both _____ and stress

NOT unconscious conflicts

After finishing elementary school, Mia moved to a new school district for middle school. Almost none of her friends from elementary school came with her to the new school. She feels anxious and quickly joins an after-school club. What motive may be driving Mia's behavior

Need to belong

Dr. Black is interviewing a client. The client displays only the following symptoms: he rarely responds to the doctor's questions, shows no emotions, and does not make eye contact. Is Dr. Black able to make a diagnosis of schizophrenia?

No, because he is only displaying one of the five major symptoms

When Valerie leaves her house, she experiences unwelcome thoughts that make her nervous, so she engages in repetitive behaviors that make her feel calmer so she can get into her car. Based on this, Valerie is most likely to be diagnosed with ______________________.


Paloma's parents spent a great deal of time with her when she was growing up; they always made her feel loved and valued. Erhard's parents loved him, but they were always busy and distant. As an adult, who is likely to experience more guilt, and why?

Paloma, because she has likely developed a greater ability to empathize with other

Which of the following is a true statement about how some STIs can be transmitted from person to person

Sharing hypodermic needles that were used by an infected person can transmit HIV

When re-creating Mischel's famous marshmallow delay-of gratification study, Art finds that children who successfully wait to eat the marshmallow are least likely to

Stare at the marshmallow

Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that one in four people between the ages of 15 and 24 have an STI. If you are a part of this age group, why is this statistic especially relevant to you and others your age?

With so many people carrying infections, the likelihood of your sex partner having an STI is greatly increased.

Arianna refuses to eat, has stopped bathing, has quit going to work and paying bills, and no longer talks to people. Should Arianna be diagnosed with a mental disorder?

Yes, her behavior is maladaptive

One of your roommates comes from a small rural town and the other is from a large city. Does this factor affect their probability of experiencing a schizophrenic episode?

Yes, the person from the urban area may be at higher risk for developing schizophrenia

Ralph sometimes experiences disruptions to his identity, memory, and conscious awareness. Because of this he may be diagnosed with

a dissociative disorder

In some cases, the mania in bipolar I is so severe it results in psychosis, which is

a failure to recognize reality

Ted was diagnosed at age 18 with severe schizophrenia. His functioning has progressively gotten worse since his diagnosis. Compared with people who have more mild cases of schizophrenia, neuroimaging of Ted's brain would reveal that he has

a reduced amount of brain tissue

Behaving in a way that confirms your own or other peoples expectations is referred to as

a self-fulfilling prophecy

General adaptation syndrome proposes three levels of stress resistance. Which of the following lists the correct order of stages


It is not uncommon for us to hold stereotypes toward people. The main advantage of forming a stereotype is that it ________. The main disadvantage is that it ________.

allows for rapid mental processing; can potentially lead to errors

Winona has difficulty determining how fearful someone is based on the person's facial expressions. Her friends worry that she can no longer processes the emotional significance of stimuli due to brain damage and think there is a problem with Winona's


Shyla is considering going to the Halloween dance. She thinks about how she would feel regret if she did not attend, and she thinks about how she would be happy and excited to hang out with her friends if she did attend, so she decides to go. This example illustrates how

anticipating emotions helps us make decisions

Thoughts and behaviors affect the environment. The environment affects human biology. In turn, biology affects behavior. This description fits the ____ model of health psychology


Lithium has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of ______ disorders. However, clients frequently refuse to take this drug because it ____

bipolar; reduces their positive feelings

Shana wants to establish an exercise routine, but she really does not like to work out. If she decides to use incentives to motivate her exercising behavior, which of the following is Shana most likely to do?

buy herself a new pair of shoes after exercising every day for two weeks

if someone wants to create an attitude that will last a long time, he or she should use the ___ route of persuasion. If someone wants to create an attitude that will last only a short time, he or she should use the route of persuasion

central; peripheral

Jenn is daydreaming during class about what she will eat for dessert tonight. She decides she will make chocolate cake, and her mouth begins to water just thinking about how delicious it will taste. Her mouth-watering response is due to

classical conditioning

Peter is a clinical psychologist. When determining whether a client's behavior shows psychopathology, he should use all of the following criteria EXCEPT whether the

client recognizes that he or she has a disorder

Casey eats a lot of junk food. She knows the negative consequences of her diet, but she rationalizes her behavior by saying the junk food helps her deal with her anxiety. Casey is using this explanation because she is uncomfortable with the inconsistency between her behavior and her beliefs. Which of the following principles explains Casey's explanation the best?

cognitive dissonance

Children raised to have connections with their family and follow societal norms are more likely to be from a _____ culture


Ria's parents have raised her to follow group norms, obey authority, and to not challenge or complain about her status in society. Ria is probably being raised as a member of a _____ culture


You believe that eating fried food is bad for your health, but you eat fried chicken often. In this case, you have an _____ attitude about eating fried food


When Ellen learns that her roommate will be an international student from Britain, she is worried that her roommate will be stiff and reserved. Ellen is surprised when Diana turns out to be upbeat and friendly. Diana's behavior goes against Ellen's beliefs about how people from Britain express emotions and have violated her

cultural display rules

for evolutionary reasons, men and women may vary in their expression and emotions. For example, men are more likely to express ___, whereas women are more likely to express ___

defensiveness; nurturance

Trait theories of personality differ from psychodynamic and humanistic approaches because they

describe behavioral tendencies that are consistent over time

Hal is a police officer who believes that all elderly people are bad drivers. He issues tickets to a lot of elderly drivers. The way that Hal unfairly targets and punishes elderly drivers is best described as


Japanese student were shown film clips designed to provoke strong emotions. When Toko watched the clop with other people present, she showed little outward emotion. When Toko watched the clips alone, she showed the same strong emotions observed in American college students. The difference in what Toko considers to be acceptable emotional expression shows the influence of

display rules

Caroline acts strangely and it interferes with her life. She uses an old grocery cart to collect trash from the street. She wears multiple layers of clothing even when it is hot outside. She frequently talks to herself in public. Caroline is most likely

displaying the disorganized behavior that is associated with schizophrenia

Jie recently got out of a bad relationship and she is excited to be single again. Jie's friend, Nico, suggests that he would interpret that excitement negatively, if it were he. Excitement, in this example, is an ___ because it is subjective and personal relative to the individual experiencing it


According to the elaboration likelihood model, persuasion occurs through the ____ routes

emotional and rational

Milo is training for an international chess competition and thinks that if he "increases his brain volume" he will do better in the competition. Which of the following actions should Milo take to increase his brain volume?


An active and conscious effort to change an attitude by sending a message is referred to as:


Sam does not try hard at work, because he believes that promotions are completely random and that he has no control over whether he will get promoted. According to expectancy theory, Sam most likely has a(n) ________ locus of control.


Sarah wants to do well in class because she is earning credit toward graduation, which is her goal. Joe wants to do well in class because he gets pleasure from learning new material. Sarah is influenced by ________ motivation. Joe is influenced by ________ motivation.

extrinsic; intrinsic

On the TV show Lie to Me, the lead character sis an expert at reading people's emotions through their expressions. When asked how he does it, the lead character claims that he used people's _____ to give him the best cues as to how they are feeling


an active and conscious effort to change an attitude by sending a message is referred to as


At a potluck, everyone brings his or her favorite dish to share. Gavin decides to avoid the foods he has never heard or before and instead eats only the macaroni and cheese he brought to the party. In this example, Gavin eating food he prepared himself suggests that he is most influenced by


Because Simone works with clients who have anxiety disorders, she knows that the key characteristic of this group of mental disorder is

feelings of increasing nervousness in the absence of threat

Anik's id is a very dominant force in his personality. Which of the following is Anik most likely to do

follow his impulses when making decisions

When explaining other people's behavior, the tendency to overemphasize personality traits and underestimate situation factors is referred to as the

fundamental attribution error

Claude Bouchard found that identical twins have similar weights regardless of whether they are raised together or apart. This study provides evidence for the idea that

genes play an important role in weight gain

Kristine is experiencing some depression and memory problems. To reduce both of these, Kristin's doctor is most likely to recommend

getting exercise

Sally is having a hard time losing weight and keeping it off because the more weight she loses, the hungrier she feels. This condition is most likely due to the effects of ________, which triggers feelings of hunger.


Troy finds it very hard to lose weight, but he readily gains weight. No matter how hard he exercises, he keeps putting on pounds. He thinks that he has a genetic predisposition to weight gain, most likely making him insensitive to the hunger suppressing effects of


Robert becomes anxious during exams. He has found that chewing on the eraser on his pencil while he thinks helps him to calm down. Over time, Robert's pencil chewing is likely to become a(n)


Julia is non-Western international student studying in the United States. When her American teacher tries to make eye contact with her, Julia always looks away. The best explanation for Julia's reaction is that she

has different norms from teacher for having eye contact

Julia has contracted a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Julia may have contracted the STI from any of the following activities EXCEPT

having a PAP test

Greg is a parent who wants to apply a person-centered approach to raising his son Isaac. Which of the following things should Greg do?

he should love and support Isaac no matter how he behaves

Which of the following conditions is an effect of chronic smoking

heart disease

Our ability to fulfill our potential through greater self-understanding is part of the ________ approach to personality.


Upon visiting his doctor, Ted is surprised to learn he has a brain tumor. This may explain why Ted cannot stop eating and eats as much food as possible. Ted may have a tumor in the part of his brain called the


Tom was hungry, so he went to a fast-food restaurant. He did not have any money, so when a young girl left her burger unattended, Tom quickly grabbed her burger and left. According to the psychodynamic theory of personality, his actions were most likely driven by his


Ken wants a new music album but does not want to buy it. He knows that he can download it for free but that doing so is illegal. Or he can buy just a few tracks online. Ken wants to steal the music but knows it is wrong. According to psychodynamic theory, Ken has a conflict between his ___ and ___

id; superego

when Marcus rides the elevator at work, he always stands facing the back of the elevator car. although this goes against standard social practice and makes his coworkers uncomfortable, it is more likely to be psychopathology if it is

impairing good daily functioning

When attitudes influence feelings and behavior on an unconscious level they are called ___ attitudes


when you make a downward comparison, it will typically _____ self-esteem

increase your own

Sydney, who is currently in a good mood, has been asked about her life satisfaction. According to the affect-as-information theory, Sydney will most likely respond that she.

is generally happy with her life

Frank believes that he is more valuable and special than anyone else. As a result, he feels he is entitled to special treatment, focuses mainly on his own needs, and gets angry when anyone challenges him. Frank most likely

is narcissistic

Though it appears to be negative, guilt can actually serve to protect and strengthen our interpersonal relationships. All of the following are examples of this protective concept except when guilt

is used to manipulate others

Current genetic research has found that bipolar disorder has a strong and complex genetic component. Perhaps one reason that the genetic component of bipolar disorder is so strong is that

it is probably linked to more than one gene

Tamera and Kai found a house they want to buy. The day they found it, they had been having a wonderful time house hunting and planning their life together. A few days later, after having a miserable day at work, Kai goes back to look at the house again. Tamera predicts that Kai will like the house ___ because of ___

less; affect-as-information theory

Brad and Gloria met on an online dating site. Gloria describes herself as secure, calm in stressful situations, and rarely angry. According to the Big Five trait theory, Gloria is most likely

low in neuroticism

When people are going into military combat, adjusting to a new marriage, or starting a new job they are most likely experiencing

major life stressors

The main reason that people make attributions that reflect the just world hypothesis is that these explanations

make them feel safer

Dr. Arzun is using the biopsychosocial model as a frame of reference for understanding heart disease. Based on this, she will most likely recommend that a client with heart disease uses __________ to treat the illness.

medication and exercise

Mr. Griffin has a class full of students with high achievement motivation. To help these students do well on his calculus exam, Mr. Griffin should write questions that are

moderately difficult

Hugh is sad that his best friend is studying abroad for the entire academic year. His brother tries to get him to go to some social events, but Hugh does not want to do anything. Hugh's behavior is not energized, directed, or sustained, and he is lacking


Today is Bridget's first day of college. She is excited to conquer this new challenge. Bridget, along with other students who are high in achievement motivation, is more likely to choose a seat

near the front of the classroom

Dwight is very apathetic toward others. He does not show much outward emotion, his speech is slow, and he speaks in a monotone. If Dwight has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, then what he is displaying are ________ symptoms.


Exercise increases the productivity and growth of


the current edition of the DSM-5 describes disorders in terms of

observable symptoms

Evidence suggests that some individuals are more prone to becoming regular smokers than others. One factor involves

parents and peers who smoke

researchers have found that the physical expression of pride tends to be more biologically based than culturally specific. Each of the following research findings support this claim except

people in isolated communities cannot identify expressions of pride on the faces of people who are outside of their culture

New Smoke wants to market its e-cigarettes to young adults, so it decides to create an ad using an attractive celebrity couple. By using well-known, high-status people to influence its audience and deliver its message, the company is using the ________ route of persuasion to increase e-cigarette sales.


A mood disorder characterized by mildly or moderately depressed moods that persists for two years or more is called

persistent depressive disorder

which of the following information is least likely to be communicated by the face

personal attributions

Bruno is typically shy, likes working on computers, and tends to worry about the future. Bruno's many unchanging characteristics across time and situations are referred to as his


Rose is explaining the different theories of emotion to his younger brother. When describing the two-factor theory, he explains that a situation causes a

physiological response that is followed by a physiological label

negative feelings, opinions, and beliefs based on a generalized set of ideas about a group of people are known as


attributions about other people's behavior can vary in each of the following dimensions except

primary or secondary

Health psychologists investigate

promoting health and well-being

for which of the following groups would an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, be most typical

race and class may not be important risk factors for these conditions

Tyra is tall and very thin and appears to be anorexic. She justifies her weight by saying that she is small boned. Tyra's sensible excuse for her eating habits is an example of the ________ defense mechanism.


Dominic is watching a horror movie at the movie theater. His heart is racing, he feels scared, and he considers leaving to calm down. Instead, he begins to think about how the blood in the movie is not real and the people are only actors. Dominic is using which strategy to regulate his emotions?


Gwen has always experienced extreme anxiety regarding tests. After seeing a counselor, she learned how to regulate her emotions during exam week. Instead of thinking about the exams as a threat, she thinks of the exams as an opportunity to show how thoroughly she studies and how much she knows. Which strategy is Gwen using to regulate her emotions?


When starting a new job, Carl's wife suggests he make quick observations of his coworkers and trust his judgments. The research on thin slices of behavior would support this suggestion because

relatively accurate judgments can be made based on little information

which psychological disorder literally means "splitting of the mind" and is characterized by a split between thoughts and emotions?


Hernando and Fiona are in an advanced math class, which they love. In order to increase his effort in the class, Hernando's parents give him $5 for every "A" that he gets. Fiona's parents do not reward her for good grades. Which of the following concepts suggests that Fiona is more likely to do well in the class

self-determination theory

Our memories, beliefs, and generalizations about the self are integrated to make up our


When Joe did really well on his first sales presentation, he said it was because he worked hard on it. When he did poorly on his second sales presentation, he said it was because the computer and projector were not working properly. Joe's explanations about his two sales presentations reveal a

self-serving bias

Dhara was recently in a car accident. Her doctor told her that she has frontal lobe damage. How will this damage affect Dhara?

she will be less self-aware

Dr. Clark is treating clients with schizophrenia who have disorganized speech. She notices that their speech

shifts rapidly between topics with no obvious logic

You believe that smoking is bad for you, so you do not smoke and avoid places where people are likely to be smoking. In this case, you have an ____ attitude about smoking


in the five-factor theory, the trait of neuroticism is similar to the dimension of ____ in Eysenck's biological trait theory


According to the textbook, being encouraged by peers and enhancing one's self-image are reasons why people

start smoking

Research in different cultural contexts reveal that obesity is

stigmatized in some of them and respected in others

You experience a minor disruption that threatens a part of your life. Most likely, you will experience body changes, thoughts, and actions associated with the psychological process of


Andy is an angry child whose aggressive behavior has gotten him into trouble. His parents decide to put him in sports to channel some of this anger into a healthier and more productive outlet. According to the psychodynamic theory of personality, his parents are trying to use the defense mechanism of


When you encounter a person who does not fit into a stereotype, you may create a special category for that person instead of revising your stereotype. This practice is called


Dianne is convinced she has developed an anxiety disorder because she has an underlying biological condition that was brought out by living in a stressful environment. Dianne's belief about how she developed psychopathology is most consistent with

the DSM

Research has shown that schizophrenia is influenced by biological factors. Specifically, brain-imaging studies have shown that in people with schizophrenia

the amount of overall brain tissue is reduced

after meeting with Ramie for several sessions, Dr. Morris discusses her prognosis. Dr. Morris is most likely talking about

the future course and probable outcome of Ramie's disorder

Freud thought that anxiety resulted from conflict between ________ and ________.

the id; the superego

Stewart desperately wants a job in computers. During his interview, he is aggressive about his thoughts and ideas. A motivation theorist who interprets Stewart' behavior in terms of extrinsic motivation would say that Stewart's behavior in the interview is most likely motivated by

the incentive of wanting to earn a high salary

Cynthia's psychology professor asks the class not to think about purple unicorns. Though Cynthia has never once before thought about a purple unicorn, she finds that she cannot stop thinking about them. Cynthia is experiencing _______ as a result of her attempts at _______.

the rebound effect; thought suppression

Psychologists have emphasized that people experience the fight-or-flight response more than the tend-and-befriend response because

the research has largely been done with males

Many researchers are skeptical about whether dissociative identity disorder is a genuine psychological disorder. This is because

therapists using hypnosis may have unintentionally suggested to people that they were experiencing multiple identities

Marta has a successful job, a handsome husband, and three intelligent children. What would you predict about Marta's self-esteem based on this information

there is only a weak relationship between life outcomes and her self-exteem

According to the learned helplessness model of depression, some people with depression

think they have no control over the outcomes of events they experience

A stressor is any event or stimulus that

threatens an organism and elicits a coping response

Anita takes a personality test online. The results say she is high on the extraversion dimension of personality and she is likely to be assertive and energetic. The online personality test most likely used the _____ approach to personality.


Janet and Joan are on a hot air balloon ride. They experience identical patterns of physiological arousal: increased heart rate, sweaty palms, pupil dilation, and increased breathing. After each women assesses the environment, Janet interprets her response as being excited while Joan interprets her response as being very scared. Which theory of emotion can best explain this difference


Linda is feeling shaky, her heart is racing, and her mouth is dry. She attributes these symptoms to the fact that she has a big presentation in five minutes and she is nervous. Which theory of emotion best explains Linda's experience?


Tyson reads a book on the best parenting practices that suggests parents should accept and value their children no matter how they behave or what they accomplish. Tyson's book is recommending parenting practices based on

unconditional positive regard

after performing poorly at a track meet, Troy said that he just does not have as much natural athletic ability as the other runner. Troy explains his performances at the track meet based on a

upward comparison

Parvati is a competitive gymnast at the Olympic trials. She is highly motivated to perform her absolute best. Given your knowledge of the effects of arousal on performance, the best advice you can give Parvati is that she should calm down because

very high arousal can hurt her performance

Sarah is trying to be the healthiest person she can possibly be and feel satisfied with life. Sarah is focusing on her


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