pysch HW 8,9, & 10

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A teacher asks their psychology class to describe what kind of images come to mind when they think of the Bronx in New York City. Kids suggest inner-city conditions, abandoned buildings, and the rough streets they grew up on. Their teacher then shows them pictures of the Bronx Zoo, beautiful parks full of open-green space, and suburbs full of Tudor-style housing. The students have now changed and updated their schema they had of the Bronx. This is an example of________.


social motives differ from primary motives in that they

acquire to social learning

According to psychodynamic theory, people who have a strong need for order might be considered to have (the) _________.

anal fixation

According to Freud, which part of the psyche represents biological drives and is entirely unconscious?


According to Sigmund Freud, conflicting emotions such as love and hate can dwell side by side in the ___________.


Acquiring knowledge by observing others refers to which type of learning?

cognitive learning

peoples behavior in satisfying drives is strongly influinced by


According to Ainsworth's strange situation method, upon reunion with their mothers after separation, infants with resistant attachment:

alternately cling to and push their mother away.

According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, which of the following is a characteristic of children in the stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt?

Children need to develop feelings of self-control over physical functions.

According to Piaget, the sensorimotor stage of child development is dominated by _______

learning to coordinate perception of the self and of the environment with motor activity

According to Freud, children may develop strong sexual attachments to the parent of the other gender and begin to view the parent of the same gender as a rival for the other parent's affections during which stage of psychosexual development?

phallic stage

unlearned drives w a biological basis are the


the need for oxygen, food, drink, pain avoidance, proper temperature and elimination of waste are classified as

physiological needs

According to Freud, the id follows the _________.

pleasure principle

male members of many species become sexually aroused when they perceive pheromones secreted by females. pheromones are ___________ of the instinctual sexual response.


acquiring a drive for money bc money is associated with food and drink is explainable bc

we learn/acquire drives

According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage of intimacy versus isolation is associated with which stage of life?

young adulthood

According to Freud, which of the following is an anal-retentive trait?


A feature of crystallized intelligence is that it does not increase throughout the life span.


According to Piaget's stages of development, when children are in the concrete operational stage, they are more egocentric than when they are in the preoperational stage.


Acculturation and assimilation are basically the same thing.


According to Freud, which of the following is true of the ego?

It begins to develop during the first year of life.

According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following is true of the superego?

It holds up shining models of an ideal self and monitors the intentions of the ego.

According to Freud, which of the following is true of the ego?

It stands for rational ways of coping with frustration.

A person's temperament is largely considered something that is inborn for each of us


Although Hippocrates' theory of personality traits was speculative, many of his terms such as choleric, sanguine, melancholic are still used in descriptions of personality today.


According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which of the following is true of children in the concrete operational stage?

They center on the motives of wrongdoers as well as on the amount of damage done when assigning blame.

A two-year-old child's family has a pet rabbit. When the family visits the zoo, the child sees a hamster for the first time and calls it a rabbit because of the physical features that are common to a rabbit and a hamster. According to Piaget, which cognitive process will most likely modify the child's understanding?


According to psychodynamic theory, people who are careless and messy might be considered to be (or have an) ________.

anal expulsive

According to psychologist Erik Erikson, late adulthood is the stage of _________.

ego integrity versus despair

A pregnant woman undergoes an ultrasound in the second month of her pregnancy and hears the heartbeat of her developing child for the first time. She is told that at this stage of her pregnancy the head of the developing child will start changing shape, and its facial features will start becoming easier to identify. Which stage of prenatal development does this scenario depict?

embryonic stage

According to Arnett, which of the following is most likely a part of the emerging adulthood stage?

experiments with career possibilities

A researcher places a baby in a room with many different objects. Then, he records the amount of time the baby spends looking at any one stimulus or object. This shows the baby's visual preference. In this scenario, the researcher is most likely measuring the baby's ___________.

fixation time

According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, which of the following is an oral trait?


According to Piaget, children in the formal operational stage of cognitive development:

have the ability to hypothesize

the tendency of a body to maintain a steady state is referred to as


the brain structure involved in regulating hunger, thirst, sex and other drives is the


primary drives are


According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, children begin to assert control over the environment and strive to master adult skills when they are in the stage of __________.

initiative versus guilt

according to the text, ________ tend to be species specific


when faced w a complex task according to the Yerkes Dodson law, it would be helpful to keep ones level of arousal


the hypothetical states within an organism that propel the organisms toward a goal are defined as


A mother is playing with her eight-month-old son. She places a toy in front of her son and then takes it away. She notices that her son starts searching for the toy. Which aspect of Piaget's sensorimotor stage of development is depicted in the scenario?

object permanence

a general level of activity at which we feel our best and behave most effectively is out

optimal level arousal

According to 20th century analytic theory, created by men like Freud, what did women suffer from that made them feel inferior to men?

penis envy

According to Piaget, the second stage of cognitive development in children, which involved difficulty with conservation tasks, is called ______________.

preoperational stage

physiological drives are also referred to as

primary drives

a need for achievement, power, self-esteem, and social approval are classified as

psychological needs

According to Freud, the ego is guided by the ___________.

reality principle

According to the research done my Ainsworth, which type of attachment is the healthiest?


According to behaviorists, personality is formed by __________.

situational or environmental influences

the need for acievment motive is

social motive

the text defines a need as

state of deprivation

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which part of the psyche functions according to the moral principle?


A pregnant woman visits her doctor for a scheduled ultrasound. She hears the strong heartbeat of the developing child. She is also able to see its fingers and toes. She tells the doctor that she frequently feels the baby kick. Which stage of prenatal development is depicted in the scenario?

the fetal stage

According to the humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers, he defines this as the center of experience:

the self

people are motivated to work bc

to meet basic needs and many social needs

Lydia has always found himself to be a bit anxious and constantly striving for perfection. He is fearful of making mistakes on his school work and will spend hours on an assignment trying to make sure everything is perfect. Alexi is most likely _________________.


A preschool teacher accidently steps on a pencil that is laying on the classroom floor and it breaks in half. A student gasps and says, "That poor pencil! I bet that hurt him." The student is displaying which of Piaget's concepts?


which of the following is/are considered social motives

approval power agression

According to Jung's hypothesis, which of the following refers to the primitive images contained in the collective unconscious?


need is to deprivation as drive is to


A two-year-old child has a pet dog named Sophie. The child visits her neighbor and sees the neighbor's pet dog. Even though the neighbor's dog is larger and of a different color, the child points to it and calls it a dog. Which of Piaget's cognitive processes is the child demonstrating


According to ethologist Konrad Lorenz, there is a critical period of development for which of the following?


According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, toddlers through about the age of three are said to be in the stage of __________.

autonomy versus shame and doubt

According to Ainsworth, when an infant exhibits minimal distressed by their mother's departure, play by themselves without fuss, and ignore their mothers when they return, they are showing signs of which type of attachment?

avoidant attachment

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, decentration in the concrete operational stage refers to children being able to ________.

center on two dimensions of a problem at once

Alfred Adler's theory which emphasizes feelings of inferiority and the creative self is called __________.

individual psychology

According to the psychosexual stages of development, if little Jevonte experiences the world by putting everything in his mouth and finds gratification when he sucks his thumb, which stage is be mostly likely in?

the oral

According to the psychoanalytic perspective, which part of the mind contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression?


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