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creating logic sets

** conditions will read in the order they are input**



Identifying the piped text and HTML source icons

2 toolbar buttons {a} and SOURCE: {a} can be used to insert someone's name, a title, or any other embedded data about an individual taking a survey HTML<>Source will let you edit the underlying HTML tags and CSS code used to create your online questions pages

Removing vs. Stripping formatting

2 ways to remove style changes Removing: to remove style changes from a single question Stripping: to remove formatting from several questions at once ***after all local changes made with the rich content editor are removed, you can reset global formatting in the Look and feel menu and formatting will take effect uniformly***

Identifying the content libraries

4 sections within a library: 1. survey library - store templates of surveys, blocks, and questions 2. Graphics Library - Store images for later use in survey themes, questions, and messages 3. Files Library - store non-image files 4. Messages Library - store messages used in your surveys (end of Survey messages, email invitations, reminders, etc)

Sending Invites to Participnts

A contact list is used to distribute emails and personalize them. It can also be used with survey logic.

Page titles

Apply page titles to organize your report. By default question text is used for titles. If yo udon't want this, select show full question text in pages titles. Show the question number withthe title by selecting include question numbers

Survey Flow Elements

Branch - use conditions to divert respondents to key questions, Blocks, or other elements Embedded Data - collects extra information about a respondent that can be reused with piped text Randomizer - randomizes the appearance of elements End of Survey - create customizable survey endings for some or all of the respondents

To add a question to a survey, click ____

Create a new question or to add another question, hover over an existing question and click the GREEN PLUS buttons (either above or below the existing question)

Reveling or hiding with display logic

Display logic shows or hides questions based on specified conditions. conditions are based on previously collected information such as answer selections, contact list information, or embedded Data. Add conditions to be met before the respondent can see the question. a page break is added before any display logic question by default. you can also add display logic to individual answer choices.

Using folders to organize Library Content

Each Library contains default folders and sorting functionalities. Use the item type bar to quickly search for different types of content. Use custom folders and subfolders along the left pane to organize your content. Drag the content you want to categorize to the appropriate folder.

Seeing changes in a live Survey

Each change made to a survey is saved automatically. A new respondent who starts the survey after the change will see the most updated version. A respondent who started the survey before the change will continue to see the previous version.

Changing Visualizations

Each question type has a default visualization setting. Yo ucan change the type of cisualization by clicking a different icon under Visualization. Different question and data types have different available visualizations. For example, multiple choice questions can be: bar charts, line charts, pie charts, simple tables, breakdown bars. Text entry questions can be either a word cloud or a paginated table

Global vs. Local Changes

Global edits are made in the Look and feel menu and affect all questions and answer choices. You will need to preview your survey to view them. Local edits are made in the rich content editor of a single question or answer choice. THese changes are visible to your survey editor. TO remove any global changes you've made, and revert back to the efault settings for your chosen theme, click RESTORE DEFAULTS. this works regardless of whether youve made edits yesterday or in the same browsing session. Local changes override global changes. Therefore, when you make a change in the rich content editor, those settings will override the setting in the Look and Feel menu. To remove local formatting from a single question, click into the Question text and select Remove formatting. TO remove local formatting from many questions at once selct all the desired questions using the checkboxes to the left of each question then select tools then review then strip formatting. Once all local changes are removed, your global look and feel settings will take effect across those questions.

Increasing email response rates

INLINE EMAIL QUESTIONS: let you insert a question in an email. When participants click their answer to that question, the survey launches a new window with their answers pre-populated, and they continue taking the survey. If participants quit the survey, their response to the email question is saved as a partial response and recorede in your datasheet. Using inline Emial questions may greatly enhance your response rate by letting participants start your survey immediately

adding memebers from a file.

Import from a file allows you to import a list containing all of the contacts' information. THe list must be specifically formatted into a CSV support file type. - Click example document to sownload a template file. The import is particulatly helpful when tansferring information from another program or directory to QUaltrics. ***you can convert a spreadsheet into a CSV file by changing the format when you save it*** i nthe example document, there are several default columns for first name, last name, primaty email, and external data reference. Use the external data reference column to save personal information about each contact (employee ID, Student ID, and so On) Use the defaults to provide the contact information. Create additional columns to store more information as embedded data. You don't need to fill out every cell for every contact, but each contact requires a value for email. Below, we specified five contacts. we included the default contact information in addition to information for two custom fields: gender and region ***you can reference the gender and region fields in a survey by creating an embedded data field foreach in the survey flow. Once you save the CSV file, do the following: go to the add contacts pane and click browse (you can also drag the file directly from your desktop into the Qualtrics window), preview the fields imported. QUaltrics attempts to match the file's column headers to default fields. If a field is labeled incorrectly, update and save the file to ensure it is correct movin forward. Click reload to refresh the selcted file. Click add contacts

Import from your surveys

Import questions from choose my surveys from the menu choose the survey you want to take questions from click on your questions to preview them select a question, multiple questions, or an entire survey. (press Ctrl or Cmd and click your mouse to select multiple questions click import

Styling Options for Visualizations

In addition each visualization type has display options in the editing pane. These include: adding and editing a title, selecting a metric to display in the visualization, setting the number of decimal places, editing colors, relabeling axis and legend values, rearranging axis values, hiding axis values

Capturing HTML Code from YOuTube

Not every browser supports every video file type. HOsting media on a site like YOUTube or SoundCloud drastically reduces browser-related incompatibility issues. In addition, these sites will usually generate embed HTML code for you. EX: to capture HTML embed code from YOuTube, open the video's YouTube page, click share, click embed, copy the embed code, return to Qualtrics, open your rich content editor and click source, paste your code and them click out of your question. ***your video or audio player appears, letting you know that the code is working currently***

Editing an active Survey

Once you have sent out your survey, you may notice that you spelled a word incorrectly or forgot to add a question, fortunately, you can still make changes to yoru survey

Inactive Survey message

Participants who try to start the survey while it's inactive will see an inactive survey message. To change this message open survey options and use a custom inactive survey message.

Inserting images

Qualtrics supports JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF images and video files that are 16MB or smaller. Use Rich content editor to insert graphics and videos in question fields, answer choice options, and email messages. Yo ucan also attach files to your questions for respondents to download. TO insert a graphic into a question or message click in a text editing field, open the rich content editor, click the insert graphic toolbar button, when the insert graphic menu opens select to insert a graphic from a library or upload a new graphic to your library from your computer


Qualtrics will discern which scale you may need and automatically fill in your choice list. Disable this by clearing the Automatic choices checkbox for the question, or click the dropdown to select a different choice list.

Report navigation

Reports are comprised of 3 components: visualizations - a presentation of data in a graph or table Pages - where one or more visualizations and notes are displayed Report - a collection of pages and visualizations

Recoding a Response in progress

Responses in progress become recorded responses when: a respondent submits a survey, a survey is manually closed from the responses in progress page, click pause response collection in distributions and select the close all active survey sessions and record them as partial data option, the partial completion deadline passes. Close a response in progress to record the collected data. After a response in progress is closed, it is listed in the recorded responses data table. The respondent will no longer be able to complete the survey. ***if responses in progress are set to delete in partial completion in survey options, responses in progress will be dleeted upon closing. Use the with selected menu to delete or close selected responses in progress.

Sending reminders and thank YOus

Schedule Reminders - reminders are sent to participants who have not finished their survey. THese emails include recipients' individual links which allow them to continue where they last left off if they already started. TO send a reminder, Click schedule reminder beneath the distribution block, schedule a time, enter a subject line, enter a message, click send. A green box appears under the main distribution bar. Schedule Thank You Emails - to express appreciation to respondents, senda thank yo uemail. THese emails are sent to respondents who have cmpleted their survey. Click Schedule thank you message and follow the same process for reminders. Once you send, a yellow blcok appears under the main distribution bar.

exporting a page.

TO export a page: click the page options drop-down, click export page as, select the file type (PDF, Word, or CSV) you can also add this export to your Download Preview Exports Menu.

Logo Placement

TO give your survey a professional feel, branded look, use your company logo. Use the Logo section to add an image to every page of your survey, then place and size it accordingly. Use the mobile scaling option to determine how you want the logo size to adjust relative to the screen size. It the logo is large, its better to adjust the % lower, particularly for viewing. Yo ucan preview what this will lok like in both desktop and mobile views by adjusting the icon along the top bar of the menu.

DIstributing with the Anonymous Link

The anonymous link is the simplest, yet most flexible way to distribute a survey. To launch your survey with the anonymous link forthe first time navigate to the distributions tab, click web, click use anonymous link. This creates an anonymous link UTL. YOu can access the anonymous link UTL at any time by selecting it from the Distributions tab.

Viewing Distribution Metrics

The distributions tab summarizes and keeps track of email distribution metrics for your project.

Manually adding members.

The manual input option provides you with a table that you can use to specify the contact information. The first fields are included by default. Click the plus sign to add columns for additional custom fields. THe only field that must be populated for every contact is the email address.Once youve entered all your contacts, click add contacts.

Distribution metrics

The recent responses chart displays the number of responses collected for each distribution channel over the last 14 days. Hover over any date to see the exact count by distribution channel. The All responses table shows all responses collected for each distribution channel used. Distribution channel is the channel that was used (preview, anonymous link, invite over email), Audience size is number of links distributed. Surveys started is the number of surveys that were started by participants. Responses is the number of responses collected. Completion rate is the number of responses collected divided by the number of durveys started.

Report Organization

The top bar of the reports tab holds global Report Settings. You can create new reports, navigate between reports, add filters, and access report styling options. Questions pages list the default pages made for each question and embedded data field in your survey. In addition to these default question pages, you can create new custom pages to create and arrange visualizations freely. TO the right of the page list is the page content. This is where the visualization is displayed. You can: add and edit visualizations, and add notes. Clicking the page content gives you access to the visualization editing pane. Depending on which visualization is selected and which type of question is displayed, the editing pane options change.

Question Types: Descriptive text and graphic

These do not have answer choice options. Only text and graphics are displayed. They are often used for introductions or instructions

Pausing Response Collection

Throughout a project's cycle, it will have different status. The status determines if respondents are able to take the survey

Creating a Custom Page

To create a new custom page, click create custom page. The new custom page contains a visualization by default that you can edit or remove. Title your page by clicking New Custom Page above the default visualization

3 types of randomization

USE THE ARROWS TO THE RIGHT TO MOVE OPTIONS INTO AND OUT OF VARIOUS CATEGORIES! randomize the order of all choices present only a subset of the total choices (ex: if you decide to display only 3 of the 6 possible answer choices) Advanced randomization where you specify which choices are randomized versus which choices are always fixed i nthe same location

Grouping ELements

Use groups to group elements together for convenient randomization. EX: you can group two different end of survey elements with the control and the experimental blocks

Mailing list options

Use the mailing list options menu to: export your mailing list view samples created from the mailing list rename the mailing list delete the list

Deleting multiple responses at once

When you have several responses to delete, select the checkboxes for all the necessary responses, click the with selected dropdown, click delete ***use the with selected dropdown after a filter has been added to delete the returned results.***

Importing results

With import Data option, you can combine repsonses fro m2 identical surveys, upload edited data, or upload your own data.

Capturing embedded data

You can capture embedded data from multiple sources and store millions of data bits called values. Embedded data values are saved in fields. Field names describe related variables (gender, school, degree, title, color). To set up embedded data open survey flow, click add a new element here, click embedded data.Type a descriptive field name into the first text box in the element. Click set a value now to assign a value to respondents as they take the survey. To assign additional fields and values, click Add a new field and repeat the process. Use branches and conditional statements to operationalize specific embedded data values in your branch logic.d

Arranging pages.

You can rearrange and export pages. To rearrange pages do one of the following: drag the page to its destination, in page options, click move to top or move to bottom. Custom pages always appear at the top of your report, above default question pages. You can reorder custom pages within the custom page section, but it's not possible to move a question page above a custom page.

Resuming Response Collection

You can reopen your survey for response collection at any time by clicking Resume Response Collection. You pause and activate surveys from the Project Actions dropdown on the My Projects page.

Using a QR code

a QR or quick reference code is a barcode that can be printed, shown online and read by mobile devices with a camera. Your survey's QR code is linked to the Anonymous link. When respondents scan the QR code with their mobile device, they are directed to your survey. It is a good option for using on handouts or posters and for targeting your distribution to mobile device respondents.

Creating COntact Lists

a contact list is stored in QUaltrics and includes email addresses and names. You can also include any other identifying information like employee ID, language, gender, and department. Use contact lists to easily distribute surveys to multiple people simultaneously. TO create a contact list: click contacts, click create contact list, name your contact list and, if desired, select a folder to categorize, click next to view the add contacts menu. You have three options to add members: from a file, manually, from a survey

Creating mailing lists

a mailing list is stored in QUaltrics and includes email addresses and manes. You can also include any other identifying information, like employee ID, language, gender, and department. Use mailing lists to easily distribute to multiple people simultaneously. TO create a mailing list, click contacts, click create list, name your mailing list and click create, click add list contacts to view the add contacts menu. You have 2 options to add members: from a file or manually

Pie chart

a part-to-whole visualization that displays categories as proportions. You can make it look like a donut or a pie. Typically, it's best to display 2-5 categories

Preventing Multiple Access to the Anonymous Link

a participant can take your survey via the anonymous link as many times as they like.. Selecting the prevent ballot box stuffing option keeps participants from submitting more than one response, like save and continue, this feature works by using cookies

Project's Status

a project can have one of 3 statuses: new, active, and inactive. By default, a project starts with new. This prevents respondents from taking your survey while you're building it. After activating your survey, the status changes to active, indicating the survey is ready for new responses. At any point, you can pause your response collection and set your project status as inactive

Changing titles

a title displays in the browser's tab near the top of your browsing window. By default, online survey software/qualtrics survey solutions appears. To change a title: open survey options, scroll down to the survey experience section, change the text in the survey title box

Adding page breaks and forcing responses

add a page break after any question that provides values for later use as piped text. You should also make these forced response questions because failure to answer means there is no piped text to pipe.

Inactive survey behavior

after an active survey has been closed, a default message appears to tell respondents who click on the link that the survey is inactive. You can change this message by selecting the CUSTOM INACTIVE SURVEY MESSAGE option.

Saving CHanges

after you make changes to the survey flow, you have 2 options - to keep you changes click save flow, click cancel and retrun to your questions editor without making changes to the survey flow

Randomizing questions

all choices moved into the randomize questions box will all be randomized and re-inserted into the dispolay order where the randomized placeholders appear Options placed into random subset will all be randomized but only your selected number will be re-inserted into the display order where the random subset placeholders appear Options dragged into the undisplayed items will never be displayed to respondents ***using the undisplayed items category is helpful to prevent displaying outdated answer choices without deleting the options (and their collected data) from the survey.***

Other piped text display options

all choices- displayed and hidden brings in every single answer choice in the question Displayed choicecs - brings in only the choices the respondent say Undisplayed Choices - brings in only the choices the respondent didn't see Selected choices - brings in only the choices the respondent clicked unselected choices - brings in all the choices the respondent didn't click Selected choices recode - will bring forward the coded value assigned to any selected choice Entered text - will bring forward the text that the respondent entered in an answer choice text box.

Adding Advanced Questions types: Pick, Group, and Rank

allow respondents to drag and drop items into categories or groups

Simple Tables

allow you to view basic information about a selected metric for a given data source. By default, it displays: Answer choice name, percentage and count of each answer choice, total number of responses

Breakdown Bar

another part-to-whole visualization. It displays each answer choice as a proportion. You can display it horizontally or vertically.

Question Types: side by side

ask multiple questions in a condensed table. Each column is treated as a separate question possessing its own structure, format, and choice options.

Saving and Restoring Questions

autosave: qualtrics automatically saves when you click outside of a question or move to a different question. Undo and Restore from Trash: you can undo most changes with Cmd+z. If you accidentally delete a question, restore it by scrolling to the bottom of your survey and finding it in the trash. Select the question, then select restore. Resroring a deleted question from the trash will bring back deleted data associated to that question. ***if a question is permanently deleted from the Trash, the question and its data are irretrievable***

Adding page Breaks

avoid overwhelming respondents with too many questions per page. You can add page breaks manually or limit the number of questions on each page automatically. To insert a break manually, click the question above your intended page break then in the editing pane click add page break. To automatically limit the number of questions appearing per page go to general tab in the look and feel menu, type your desired number in the questions per page text box. ***be careful to review your survey as your questions per page settings can cause manually inserted page breaks to be ignored. In addition, Skip Logic and Display Logic (where in page isn't selected) will still force a page break and can override your page setting.***

Preparing a survey and data for import

before importing, youll need a qualtrics survey to import yoru data to. THis survey can be the survey you downloaded the dat from, a copy of the survey you downloaded the data from, a survey identical to the one that collected the data you are importing. Before uploading your data needs to be in a format Qualtrics understands. Your survey format and data file must match exactly. You can use a CSV or TSV file. To ensure a successful import, make sure: your data uses numeric values, not choice text, each response has its own row, you label your columns to help you recognize the data (ex: each column should align with your survey question numbers.)

Deleting Responses by Type

before launching a survey, we recommend deleting test or preview responses. TO delete by response type, click the tools dropdown, point to delete data, click the type of response to delete.

Create a project in a few different ways (5 ways)

blank survey project Imported data project Blank website/app feedback create from existing templates


blocks can be locked to disable editing. THis feature is helpful when you share the survey with other users, but want to prevent any changes to a particular block. In the block options dropdown, select lock block. Enter a password and click lock.once the block is locked, a red locked notice appears at the top of the block.

Tracking blocks in a survey flow

blocks=trains questions = traincars elements = tickets that guide passengers to their unique trains, seats, connections, and final destinations SURVEY FLOW - collapses all the blocks so you can focus on their relationships (the gray line with the arrow links the blocks together and always proceeds from top to bottom

Saving progress with the anonymous link

by defaullt, your respondents progress is saved as they take the survey and return later with a feature called dave and continue. It places a cookie in the browser, storing the answers and place in the survey. When respondents return, they resume where they left off. Save and continue only wors if respondents return to the survey on the same browser on the same device and did not delete their browser cookies.

Recognizing a response in progress

by default a response is considered in progress when a respondent clicks a link to a survey. You can cusomize this behavior when you send invitations through the QUaltrics mailer. FOr a distribution, you can select whether the response in progress is recognized when a respondent clicks the link or when the invite distribution is sent. TO recognize a response in progress upon email distribution, navigate to distributions and then click compose emial, click advanced options, clear the box next to do not mark responses as in progress until survey is started.

Bringing embedded data into a survey

by default when you distribute a survey to a mailing list, survey response data will include the following fields: first name, lastname, email, and extermal data reference. HOwever, to include additional fields in your data, you need to add them as embedded data in your survey flow. First, navigate to the survey module and open your survey flow. Then add an embedded data element to your survey flow and move it to the top of the flow. CLick on the field name text box and then the dropdown arrow on the right. Select Add from contacts. Select the mailing list you want to import field names from, and then click OK. ***if you type in the field names namually, you must make sure that the spelling and capitalization of the field name in survey flow matches exactly what is in the mailing list. Do not set a value for thefield in the survey flow. Qualtrics will search your contact list for a field with the name entered and if found will include the value i nthe survey's data

Saving and reloading Filters

by default, filters reset when you leave the datat and analysis tab. However, you can save filters for late use. after applying a filter, click the plus sign + this openst the manage filters window, add additional conditions to your filter, name your filter, click save and apply. When you return to the data and analysis tab, you can re-apply saved filters by selecting saved filters in the add filter menu. ***to temporarily remove a saved filter, click the minus sign (-) next to it. From the namage filters window, you can edit, copy, add, and delete filters.

Customizing navigation buttons

by default, the buttons at the bottom of each page will show arrows. To place text in the buttons instead, go to the general tab in the look and feel menu, and enter the desired text directly in the next button text and back button text boxes. If you want to allow respondents to return to previous quetions, open survey options and select back button.

Creating contact list triggers

by default, the trigger adds or modifies a respondent when any response is submitted. If desired, click add a condition so the trigger only fires when a response is submitted and a specified contditon is also met. Click adda condition, select the contact list you want to update or create a new list. IF you're updating members, select update existing list members, depending on the context of yor work, you can also use the unsubscribe the list member option to automatically unsubscribe contact from your list if they meet you trigger requirement. CLick the dropdown next to each of the contact list fields (first name, last name, email, and so on) and choose which item from your survey to use as the value for each field. THese will ikely be questions in your survey. THis si not necessary if you are only planning to update existing contacts. CLick add additional fields if there is other embedded data information you want to store in the contact list, like age or department. Five the field a name, and then select which item from your survey to use as the value. ***Contacts are only created when a respondent submits a survey; partial responses will not create or update contacts.***

Anonymize responses

by default, your respondents' contact information is stored in your dataset with their responses. You can disassociate contact information from responses using anonymize responses. If you are end of survey elements, select the do NOT record any personal information option to achieve the same effect.Both of these settings are flagged "not recommended" because they are irreversible once the survey has been distributed.

Preventing web indexing

by default, your survey will NOT be indexed by search engines, though you can change this by clearing the check mark next to prevent indexing in the survey protection section of your survey options.

Using the rich content editor

can change styling anywhere you can edit text. Changes only alter the question you are editing and override global changes applied in the Look and feel menu. RCE provides typical work processing-style commands and is available anywhere you have access to text, including questions, answers, messages, and emails. The toolbar lets you format fonts and font sizes. YOu can also insert images, files, videos, and special characters. There are options to change alignment, add indentations, insert bullets, or include numbered lists. TO style question text, click in a question's tect fiels, select the rich content editor tab in the upper left, make your changes, click off the question to save. TO style your answer choice text, click in the answer choice text field, click the blue arrow, click the rich content editor, make your chances, click off the answer choice to save.

Adding Advanced Questions types: Graphic Slider

capture preferences with the help of a graphic, for instance, changing a smiley face or picking a letter grade. Graphic sliders are particularly useful for younger audiences

Background View

choose your survey's background section of the Look and Feel Menu. If you want the background to be a solid color, change the background type to color, then select the color swatch, or insert a hex code. If you would like to use and image as your background, change your background type to photo then click change image. ***whatever you choose will adjust to the screen's size, so it's best to choose a very large, high-resolution image.*** yo ucan also select an overlay color, covering your background with a layor of black (dark) or white (light). the overlay opacity allows you to decide how thick this overlay is. also, you can set a questions container to put whitespace around your questions. THis can often be preferable for themes that have detailed photo backgrounds, and where the text is still hard to read even with all contrast options set to high

Page transitions and autoadvance

choosing the right page transition can increase visual appeal. Depending on the survey theme selected, you can choose from a variety of page-load animations. To select your transition, click the PAGE TRANSITION dropdown in the LOOK and FEEL menu and select the transition you want. also choose to enable QUESTION AND PAGE AUTOADVANCE to automatically move respondants to the nect question or page after they input their answer. THis can decrease survey fatigue and keep respondents more actively engaged.

To create a new block...

click ADD BLOCK. then name the block by clicking the text in the upper-left corner

Deleting and restoring

click DELETE BLOCK in the block option. then you will see a warning ***deleted questions are placed in the trash found at the bottom of the survey. You can open the trash and click restore to rescue questions, unless you click permanently delete, which deletes the question forever and all the data associated with it.

Adding a filter

click add filter, a drop down menu appears, click a data source, select an operator, select an operand (value) to filter. This applies a single filter to your report to show only responses that meet that criteria.

Import from the Qualtrics Survey Library

click import questions from select Qualtrics library, then select survey library (or another library if available) click appropriate category click on questions to preview them select a question, multiple questions, or an entire survey. (press Ctrl or Cmd and click your mouse button to select multiple questions.) Click Import Edit the question(s) normally ***some questions use custom code and must be imported first to be previewed***

Edit Question text

click in the question text or answer choice text boxes to enter or edit your text

Using embedded data with piped text

click piped text dropdown, hover over embedded data, enter the name of the field . The piped text code will be replaced with whatever value has been assigned

Previewing Options to preview your survey

click preview survey ar the top of the projects page to launch an interactive preciew. Preview mode looks and behaves like you actual survey with some additional testing options: Restart Survey jumps back to the beginning of your preview, Ignore validation bypasses questions with answer validation, like any character limits in text entry questions. Show hidden Questions lets you view questions that may be hidden to respondents, like timing and meta info questions Place Bookmark tags any page you are currently on, letting you skip previously tested questions later

to delete a question, ___

click the RED MINUS sign ***you can recover deleted questions from the Trash at the bottom of the survey***

Prepopulating Answer-Choices

click the question options drop-down, then select add default choices. to prepopulate a multiple choice question, select which option(s) will be selected automatically for respondents to prepopulate text entry question, add the text that will appear in the textbox as the question opens. (respondents can edit this text). to prepopulate rank order question, choose the order you want to options to appear to prepopulate slider questions, determine where to place the statement slider handles as respondents first see the question If you decide not to include a default choice, return to the menu and select clear ***if a respondent doesn't change the default choice, the default answer will be recorded in your dataset as the respondent's answer***

Using piped text in subsequent questions

click the question, then select piped text, from the dropdown choose survey question, locate the previous question you want to pipe from, choose the value you want to pipe in *selected choices = respondent's answers are inserted into follow-up questions*, look for a piece of code to appear in your question text.

Customizing email trigger messages

click the {a} symbol i nthe rich content editor for themessage and choose either the question or the contact fiels their emial is stored in. THis iwll create a string of piped text. Copy and paste the piped text into the TO EMAIL ADDRESS field. After entering addresses, enter a subject adn a message and choose when you want the email to send. by default a copy of the respondents answers are included in the email, but you can deselect the include response report option to exclude this copy. You can add antoher email trigger and place different conditions on the trigger and greate a new message to send different emails to different respondants. By default, email triggers send when a respondent finishes their survey. THere are several additional considerations, however: if an email trigger dowsn't have a condition, and the respondent finishes their survey, the email trigger will send. If the email trigger doesn't have a condition, and the respondent doesn't finish their survey, the email trigger won't send. If they email trigger does have a condition, and the respondent meets the condition but doesn't dinish the survey, the email trigger will send upon closing. If the email trigger does have a condition, and the respondent doesn't meet the condition and doesn't finish the survey, the email trigger won't send upon closing

Setting up an email trigger

click tools dropdown, hover over triggers, select email triggers

Editing coded values and variable naming

coded values are the values assigned to each answer choice in a question. They are also called numeric values and can be helpful when performing additional analyses. The coded values are automatically assigned to answer choices in sequential order. For example, if you have a 5-point scale ranging from very dissatisfied to very satisfied, ver satisfied is the choice text displayed to the respondent. However , 5 would be the numeric value assigned to that choice. After you collect a response, if you delete very satisfied and add a new choice of extremely satisfied, extremely satisfied is the 6th option and has a coded value of 6. Your coded values re now 123456. If you move extremeley satisfied so that its the 4th option, your listed values are now 1236 and 4. Variable naming adds an additional label to eah answer choice to facilitate analysis. Variable naming does notupdate the text displayed to the respondent. It instead is a secondary label that can be used in analysis. THis is frequently used to create shortened phrases to represent longer answer choices. For example, the name of an office may be displayed in the question as provo, utah, headquarters but given the name Provo. TO view and edit recode values and variable naming navigate to the survey tab, click the question options menu, click recode values., view and edit the assigned values, select variable naming to add labels, click close to save. You can edit recode values and variable naming at any time without invalidating recoded data. Changes are reflected in the next export requestied, reports, and dashboards. Note: not every question type can recode values. To recode values, a question must have distinct answer choices. Question types like text entry won't work.

Question Types: matrix table

collect more information than multiple choice options because you can condense several questions into a single display. Most common is built upon the LIKERT SCALE

Statistics table

combine aggregate metrics for your data source. You use a statistics tbale to evaluate all of the responses collected and to display calculated results such as mean, standard deviation, variance.

Using a custom page

consider a survey wit htwo questions: satisfaction rating question and text entry question asking why they gave that score. If you used default question pages when building a report, the data collected for these questions appears on 2 separate pages. With a custom page, you can include visualizations for bot questions on the same page.

Copy project from a library

creating a new project based on . asurvey template from a library... go to my projects, create project, from library, select a library and a source project, name the project, click create project

Adding advanced Question types: Net Promoter Score

customer loyalty metric with a standard format "on a scale of 1-10..." Calculated by taking the percentage of promotors and subtracting the detractors. If respondents select 0-6, they're a Detractor. Similarly, 7-8 means they are passive. Finally, 9-10 means they are a promotor

Survey termination options

default end of survey: Custom end of survey message: can load a saved message through the load a saved message dropdown, then select an end of survey message youve saved in your library or create a new one. Redirect to web pages and reports: you can redirect your respondents to a URL. TO redirect to a custom web link, select Redirect to a full URL and enter the desired web address ***If you are using the QUaltrics mailer to distribute the survey, you can trigger a thank you email automatically***

Individual LInks

default link. Unique to each participant, one time use, saves contact's information in your data set, automatically saves the participant's progress in the survey, able to resume on any device, subject to an expire after 60 days by default. after expiring, a participant cannot start the survey., allows you to trach who has taken the survey, compatible with reminder and thank you emails.

Logic Sets

define complex logic, they are a set of conditions that are evaluated together and linked with conjunctions. to create a logic set: press the shift key while clicking the plus sign or click Move to a new logic set from the and dropdown


defines relationships and will divert demographic groups down assigned pathways. nest an end of survey element underneath its related branch. Then only those who fit the branch condition will be brought to the end of the survey

Question Types: Rank Order

determine an order of preference for a list of items by respondents selecting a value, typing in values, or dragging and dropping answers into a rank order.

Paginated table

displays open response data from text entry question. Yo ucan see specific text answers and view the full survey response. You can also add columns to simultaneously display answers from other questions

Piped Text

dynamically updates the text displayed in your survey questions based on who is taking the survey. generates a code that pulls previously gathered embedded data into a survey.

Survey protection options

easiest way to protect your survey is to require a password. in survey options menu. HTTP Referer Verification restrics the web page that respondents must come from when entering your survey. Survey Expiration option allows you to specify an exact date and time range when respondents can begin your survey. If they try to access your survey before or after the specified range, a default message appears explaining that the survey is currently unavailable. ***survey expiration specifically affects a participant's ability to start the survey. If the expiration date passes, those who are in the middle of a response will be allowed to continue taking their survey until the partial completion deadline passes, even if that deadline goes beyond the survey expiration date.

Adding Advanced Question Types: Captcha Verification

ensures that respondents aren't robots by presenting a "challenge" that must be solved to proceed

Adding sample criteria

ensures the returned group of contacts fits your needs. To add criteria, click add sampling criteria, select the source, operator, and desired value for each condition, Use +new condition and +new condition set to add more conditions, use the dropdown menu to choose whether any or all of the conditions must be met, click create to finish your sample. If the number of contacts that meet your criteria is less than the sample size specified, only the members that meet the criteria is less than the sample size specified, only the members that meet the criteria will be included. THis could result in a smaller sample than previouslt indicated. From the lists tab, you can export, delete, or edit your samples. TO change the criteria of your sample, click edit sample and adjust the criteria. Once the changes have been made, click to resample the mailing list to retrieve a new sample.

Adding advanced question types: File Upload

file upload collects user-uploaded photos and documents

Filtering and grouping results data

filtering allows you to locate and view subsets of your data when you're analyzing and reporting. Or you can segment or group your visualizations by other questions or fields using breakout by. For example, using demographic questions, you can observe how age, income, or region affects answers to other questions.

If a project is shared with me...

find it by going to the shared with me folder on your projects page. you can also sort by owner. when sharing projects you can leave notes to share ideas and suggestions.

Navigating and filtering yoru responses

from the data and analysis tab, you can view all of the active and collected responses.

Sharing your project

gives another qualtrics user controlled access to your project. to share your projecr, click project actions dropdown and select collaborate. IF the user you want to share your project with is within your qualtrics license, click User and group address book. From here, you can view and search for all the groups and users you can automatically share with. Once you've selected all the people you would like to share your project with, click add selected.

Displaying quetion numbers

gives progress feedback to your respondents. Thye appear in the upper left-hand corner of questions in your Survey editor

Randomizing Anser choices

helps overcome potential bias resulting from the order in which items are presented: click advanced question options dropdown select randomization

Adding Advanced Question Types: Timing

hidden to respondents and track time. YOU can use them to limit how long participants spend on a survey page or track average response times.

displaying recoded values data

how question data displays in the downloaded data is controlled by the export settings. Regardless of the export type, you can download the data as either choice text or numeric values. Choice text refers to the text respondents see when they are taking the survey. IF you have enabled variable naming, you will see those labels instead. In the data table, switch between numeric values and choice text by clicking the column header and selecting the preferred setting. By default for data table exports, question values are exported in the format currently displayed in the data table. TO specify the format for all downloaded data, select the desired format in the download data table nemu when you choose to export data.

Sharing a project

if a colleague has a qualtrics account, you can use the share project feature on the my projects page to share your project with that colleague's account and grant access to reports. You and your colleagues can view, edit, and create reports using the same data.

Unlockign a survey

if no one has taken the survey yet, you can make whatever changes you want. As soon as the first response is collected, the survey becomes locked. The survey lock reminds you to carefully consider your changes before making them. Click the unlock link to disable the protection.

Applying recoded values

if yo uobtain a code book for coded values for your questions, go to the survey tab, click tools, click export to word. this word document details all your coded cvalues for all your questions. coded values influence graphs and tables in reports as well. When using a metric, such as an average, it uses the coded values for the calculations.

Coding Custom CSS

if you are familiar wih custom code and would like to add unique stling tags: click the style tab in the look and feel menu. From the CSS editor, insert your own CSS. ***custom coding features are provided as-is. Qualtrics support does not offer assistance or consultation on custom code.

Generating test responses

if you complete a test survey and submit yoru response, you will campture that data. It will be available in your responses so you can examine how your backend data will appear. ***this does NOT count toward your response limit*** to randomly generate a lot of "dummy" test responses without retaking your survey multiple times, click the tools dropdown, hover over review, click generate test responses, select the number of test responses, click start test

Canceling or dleting a distribution

if you have scheduled a distribution and no longer need to send it, you can choose to cancel the distribution. THis will halt the distribution and not send any emails. If you have already sent a distribution and need to remove the distribution record and prevent new survey sessions, you can choose to delete the distribution. Any shared survey links will be deactivated. This action cannot be undone.

Edit multiple

if you've written questions in a text editor like Word, use Edit Multiple to transfer your answer choice text. You can also use edit multiple to delete or rearrange your answer choices by highlighting, copying, and pasting choices in the edit multiple box. ***Edit Multiple will be disabled as soon as you collect your first response to ensure your data isn't invalidated***

Ading to a mailing list - using contact list triggers

if youre using a trigger to create new contacts, you must include a question in your survey that asks for the respondent's name, email address, and any other informaiton you want to save in the contact list. IF updating an existing contact list, you need to ask for the fields you want to update. TO create a contact list trigger, click tools, point to triggers, and click contact list triggers.

Adding contacts from a file

importing from a file allows you to import a list containing all of the contacts' information. The list must be specifically formatted into a csv file type. (click EXAMPLE DOCUMENT to download a template file.) Importing is particulatly helpful when transferring information from another program or directory to Qualtrics. ***you can convert a spreadsheet into a csv file by changing the format when you save it*** In the example document, there are several default columns for first name, last name, primaty email, and external data reference. Use the external data reference column to save personal information about each contact (employee ID, student ID, and so on) use the defaults to provide the contact information. Create additional columns to store more information as embedded data. You dont need to fill out every cell for every contact, but each contact requires a value for email. In the following image, we specified several contacts. We included the default contact information in addition to information for three custom fields: department, region, and tenure. ***you can reference the custom fields in a survey by creating an embedded dta field for each in the survvey flow. This is covered in a later lesson.*** Once you save the csv file, go to the add contacts pane and click browse (you can also drag the file directly from your desktop into the Qualtrics window. Preview the firlds imported Qualtrics attempts to match the file's column headers to default fields. If a field is labeled incorrectly, update and save the file to ensure it is correct moving forward. Click reload to refresh the selected file. Click add contacts. Once the file is done importing, click on view results to view metrics related to your import, or click on reload contacts to refresh the mailing list and view the new contacts in it.

Creating an email task

in actions tab. YOU can trigger emails to anyone for any reason. set the condition that will cause theemail to be sent. (if you want multiple conditions to be met together, use the all operator instead of any), select add task, then email. Customize your email message wit hthe recipiant(s), subject, and message.

Updating contacts using a file

in addition to editing contacts manually, you can also edit contacts by importing modified contact information form a file. this option is most useful when you are making mass edits to a large portion of your mailing list. TO start, export a file that contains the current version of the list. CLick list options, and then select export contact, specify an export format, select whether you'd like to include contact statistics or embedded data ***the first column i nthis export is the contactID field, which is used by qualtrics to update the members of the list. Ensure that thsi column remains untouched as you edit the file. enter your changes into the other columns of the file (editing, adding, or deleting fields), to import your modified file, open youcontact list and click add list contacts i nthe upper right corner, select upload a file, browse and select your modified file. Upon import, the existing contacts are updated as long as the contactID column is in place. If the COntactID column is not present, Qualtrics creates new members in the list instead of updating existing members.

Exporting the Data Table

in the data tab, click export and import adn then click export data. use the download data table window to export either the columns displayed in the data table or yoru entire data set. Or, click Use legacy exporter i nthe top right corner to export yoru entire data set in the previous export format.

Navigating the library

in the library, you can store surveys, graphics, messages, and other file types. Navigate to the library section to access this content.

Creating new reports

in the reports tab, you can create many different reports. You'll start with a default report. to rename a report: click report options, click rename report. To create a new report: click the report name drop-down. CLick either create new report or copy crport. Yo ucan also use this drop-down to switch between multiple reports.


it is wise to move an embedded data element to the top of the survey flow so that values are set as soon as respondents start the survey. If you place the element at the botton of the survey flow, the values won't be assigned until the respondent finishes the survey, and the values can't be used during the survey. IF you forgot to add the embedded dta fields to your survey flow before yo ucollected responses, don't worry. As long as the values were stored in your contact list during response collection, you can add the embedded data fields to the survey flow at any time and the data will be included.

How does the randomizer work?

it keeps track of the munber of times each element (like a block of questions) is presented and skews the randomizer in an attempt to present elements equally

Sending participants forward with skip logic

jumps respondents to a future point of a survey based on a previous response. after adding skip logic to a question, yo can select the grey skip logic dropdown menu to the right of the logic for more options. YOU can have more than one option triggering Skip Logic in the same question. For instance, you can add a skip logic statement to each answer choice in a multiple-choice question. Each statement's option menu will display as a different color to avoid confusion ***using skip logic will always cause a page break after the question***

Adding advanced Question types: Signature

let participants draw their signature with a mouse or with their finger on mobile devices

Adding advanced Question types: Highlight

let participants select words or phrases from text samples and then select their level of "like" or "dislike" for the text segments.

Adding advanced Question types: Drill Down

make it easy to sort through long lists of options. Respondents pick from a general category and then "drill down" to more precise answers. EX: after selecting an automaker, a car buyer can drill down to a specific Year, Make, and Model. Drill down choices are set up in applications like Microsoft Excel that can save comma separated values or CSV files.

Forcing a response

make respondents answer a question before moving forward in a survey. When applied to a question, respondents must answer the question in order to move forward in the survey.

Viewing previously downloaded data

manage downloads naintains a record of each data export requested for a project. return to this menu and click download to access a previous export. The data will download as saved on the original export date.

Fonts and spacing

manipulates the sizing of your visualizations. Your report starts with normal-size font and spacing but you can make them either larger or smaller.

Applying a breakout

many visualizations offer the option to break up the displayed data by another question or information field. To break out a visualization: click the visualization, click breakout by in the editing pane, select a question or other value. After clicking a question or value, it applies to your visualization. Breaking our a visualization creates groups based on the question, using the data source for the values and legend.

Writing Meta Description

meta description is the text that appears beneath a survey's title when it's posted to social media or turns up in a web search. CHange your survey's meta description in the text entry box in survey options.

Adding advanced question types: Meta Info

meta info questions are also hidden and record public information about a respondent's device, operating system, and browser type.

Coded Values and Metrics

metrics are calculated using coded values assigned to a question's answer choices. If you have a rating question from 1-5, metrics based on the values 1,2,3,4,and5. For example, you can use a mean on a 7-point satisfaction scale question. If the coded values are numbers 1-7, the mean is calculated from those values. However, a multiple choice question asking about favorite color, using a mean between "red" and "blue" has no meaning. While the mean won't appear in the menu, the coded values are still available to use for other purposes.

Question Types: Multiple CHoice

most common choose from a list of choices - increase or decrease the number of choices - flip the way answers are displayed - add images - change formatting and colors

Bar charts

most common visualization to compare groups or time periods. It works well with rating scales and categorical data. A line chart is a time series visualization that shows changes in a metric over time. You'll need a date field to segment metrics over time.

Editing a reference survey or block

navigate to the librrary, locate the survey and click edit survey in the actions list, use the survey editor to update the survey ***this editor posts the number of liked surveys affected by these changes***, click the notice to display the names of all the linked surveys. ANy chances made to the survey in the library are reflected in the linked surveys. Be careful if any of the linked surveys are actively collecting responses.

Referencing library Surveys in a project

navigate to the project, open the survey flow, click add a new element here and then click reference survey, use the drop-down lists to select the reference survey from the library, move the reference survey element so that it appears in the appropriate position in your survey, click save

Anonymous Link

not able to track who has taken the survey, does not collect contact information, incompatible with reminder and thank you messages

Mapping Vlaues

on the configuration screen, use the dropdown nemus to match each column in your file to its corresponding field in the survey. If a survey field dows not have data, sich as start date and IP address, yo ucan choose to ignore column. This leave the field blank when you upload your data. When finished, click import responses. Your data will display in the data table.

Importing Responses

once your file is ready click import data in data and analysis, click browse,select your file, verify that the correct delimiter is selected for your file type. The default is comma, but change this to tab if you are uploading a TSV file. Click uplaod.

Updating the Next/previous button text

open block options and select next/previous button text. Change the text forthe next button to "submit" for example

Use embedded data in display logic

open logic menu and choose embedded data, enter the field name exactly as it appears in the survey flow. Enter what value that field should or shouln't be.

Question Types: Text Entry

open-ended text feedback. Change the size of your text box in the text type list in the editing pane. Under validation type, set character limits to restrict response length

Requesting a response

prompts, but does not force a respondent to answer a question. With this, respondents can choose to answer or to move on without answering

Public reports

public reports enable you to share reports with a web link. Public reports are dynamic, interactive, and update in rel time. Your colleagues don't need a qualtrics account ot access the link.to publish your report click export report, click manage public report, set public report available at the following link to ON, copy the link. Add an access code or password to a public report to protect your data. To add an access code, click export report, and then click manage public report, set access code protection to on, enter a code. yo ucan change the code at any time.

Automatic Choices

qualtrics has automatic choice statements that can help build questions. When creating quetions, select automatic statements. THen select an option from the list of satisfaction scales, frequency scales, and likeability scales. Choices vary with each question type. Use the plus or minus signs to adjust the number of scale points. Scale points adapt to your selection. Edit the text if needed.

Harmless VS harmful Changes

qualtrics uses the survey tab as a template to store data. If you make changes to the template, collected data can become invalidated. Superficial edits, like fixing a typo or rearranging questions, won't affect your data not will adding new content. Keep in mind, you will not be able to distinguish in the data which version a respondent viewed. Data-input edits, like delting a question or changing the question type are more harmful. Deleting a question or answer choice deletes the data previously collected for that question or choice. Changing the question type invalidates how the data was originally stored.For example, qualtrics cannot save responses from a text entry question as the predetermined answers of a multiple choice question.

Renumbering Questions

question numbers are automatically assigned in the order questions are made. THEY DON'T UPDATE AS YOUREARRANGE BLOCKS OR QUESTIONS, INSERT NEW QUESTIONS, OR DELETE OLD ONES. To renumber questions so they appear sequentially, you can: renumber manually, use auto-number questions. TO renumber manually, click directly into a question number and edit as needed. To sequentially renumber all question automaticlly: click tools, auto-number questions, select the numbering style you prefer

Using piped text variations: question text, description, text entry

question text - pipes the question a respondent sees when taking the survey Description - refers to previous answer choice text Text entry - pipes any text a respondent enters

Applying a report breakout

rather than applying a breakout to one visualization, you can apply it to the entire report. To do this: click add report breakout, select a data source. Adding a report breakout applies to compatible visualizations across your report. You can still make changes to specific visualizations after applying a report breakout.

Interacting with recorded response

recorded responses are closed and recorded in your dataset. These include completed responses, responses closed due to inactivity, preview responses, and test responses. You can view recorded responses in the data table. By default, the columns display the recorded date for each response in addition to a few questions from the survey.

Text Highlights

represent data collected from the highligh question. Each text portion of your question is marked with a different shade of color depending on the number of times that word was selected, showing up darker if it was selected more often.

Word Cloud

represent the frequency of words found in open-ended feedback questions. Using stop words, you can prevent certain words from appearing.

Heat Map

represents data from a heat map question. The coordinates respondents selected are overlaid across the graphic as colored areas, the color corresponding with selection frequency. Dark red areas mean more respondents chose that coordinate.

Managing Responses in Progress

responses in progress are active survey sessions that have been strted but not yet submitted or closed.

Partial COmpletion

responses in progress track any active survey sessions. Partial completion determines the amount of time a response stays in responses in progress. If the participant doesn't complete the survey within the partial completion time frame, the response is closed automatically and moved to recorded responses. ***by default, the option is set to record the partial response one week after the respondent's last activity.

Creating a contact sample

sampling allows you to create a subset of a mailing list. Samples can be random or based off of specific criteria. to create a sample, click create list, select sample, title your sample, select the relevant mailing list as the source ***mailing lists owned by other users will not be accessible*** Designate the desired sample size using the plus and minus buttons or by typing a number. The sample size will be the maximum number of contacts added to this sample. Click create.

Adding Advanced Questions types: Constant Sum

set % allocations (i.e. the percentage of a budget spent in specific categories). each entry is summed and displayed in real time

Sending Conditional Emails

set conditions on when an email should send or who it should send to, click add a condition and enter your criteria.

If your collaborators are not in your license...

share with them by typing their email address into the address bar and clicking Add. ***YOu must use the email address associated with their Qualtrics account.***

Testing mObile devices with QR codes

shows how the survey will look on a mobile device. TO test on a personal device: click QR code, scan the code with you device, preview directly on your mobile deice

Adding Progress bar

shows respondents how far along they are in the survey go to general tab, click look and feel, then progress bar dropdown, select a style you want, and save settings ***the progress bar counts every question in its calculation. If your survey skips participants past a set of questions, their Progress Bar will jump accordingly***


shrink questions by clicking collapse questions in the block options menu. TO hide your questions completely, click the down arrow next to the block's name

Adding Advanced Questions types: Heat map

similat to Hot SPots. Screen coordinates are captured as participants click and image. The most oft-clicked areas are clearly visible in the results. you can also add hidden recions


snapshots of your survey at a point into it me. create a version if there are changes you want to save or return to later. then you can restore your survey to this or other previous platforms at any time. ***qualtrics periodically saves versions for you*** ***if a past version is substantially different from the current version, you may lose data collected between the two***

Retaking a Survey Response

sometimes you or a respondent needs to edit a recorded survey response. Use the actions menu to access the retake survey link using one of the following options: retake survey rewrites and existing response. Retake as New response saves the edited response as a new record and maintains the original response in the dataset. TO generate a retake survey link, identify the response you want to retake in the data table, click the actions menu, click retake response or retae as new response. Selecting an action reveals the related link. Click the link to take the survey yourself or copy and send this link to the respondent. clicking the link reopens the respondent's survey. The survey will start at the beginning, but pre-populates the respondent's original answers. Leave the answers as they are or make changes as you progress through the survey. The retaken response is saved once the full survey is completed.

Partial completion and survey expiration

survey expiration determines when participants can start a new response. Set the restricted date range in survey options. Partial completion works in tandem wit hsurvey expiration to ensure survey responses are only collected within appropriate time frames. Outside the survey expiration date range, participants cannot start a new survey response. Partial completion controls how long participants have to complete a survey that has already been started.

Exploring Response Actions

the actions menu to the right of each response provides response-specific options.

Anonymous Link Characteristics

the anonymous link has several key characteristics. It can be pasted into an email, a website, or in-page pop-ups. The anonymous link URL never changes. No personal identifying information is colelcted unless specifically asked for in the survey. Note that IP address is collected.

Exporting Data Formats

the available file formats and options depend on the method selected. For the data table, yo ucan export to CSV, TSV, XML, SPSS, GoogleDrive, User Submitted Files, Tableau. For the Legacy Format yo ucan export to : CSV, XML, SPSS, HTML, FIXED FIELD TEXT, USER SUBMITTED FILES, & TABLEAU Once you've selected the method and file type, click download. The manage Downloads menu displays the download task, file type and progress. For exports that take some time to finish, close this menu and come back at a later time to access the file. The export continues to run when yo unavigate away. Once the export is complete, click download. The manage downloads menu displays the download task, file type, and progress. For exports that take some time to finish, close this menu and come back at a later time to access the file. The export continues to run when you navigate away. Once the export is complete, click download.

Copying Projects

the copy feature on the projects duplicates a project. the new survey will have all the same questions and settings as the original

Navigating the downloaded file setup

the csv file presents responses in an easy-to-read format. Each row denotes a separate response. Each column denotes a piece of information recorded. The first columns in your downloaded data file contain survey respondent information, like response ID, IP address, recipient email, and so on. Depending on the type of survey and available information, some of these columns may differ in values or be empty. For example, if you used the anonymous link, recipient email address will be empty for all responses.

Uploading files to the library

the files library works the same way as the Graphics Library except files can only be uploaded from a computer. ***the 16 mb size limit applies to all uploaded files.*** Use the rich content editor in a quesstion or message to insert the file. QUaltrics will provide a link for respondents to view the file

Interpreting response completion and Status

the finished column indicates whether the response was finished bythe respondent or was closed response. The status column indicates what type of response it is. There are 6 main statuses. 0 - a live response 1-a preview response 2-atest response 4-an imported response 8-a possible spam response 16-a qualtrics offline app response yo ucan combine the values to represent combinations. For example, 17 would refer to an offline app preview where 1 (preview) plus 16 (offline app) equals 17.

General Survey Formatting

the general section can help you design sophisticated, positive survey experience. THere are several things that can be edited, like the next and back button, progress bar, questions per page, header and footer, etc. To edit these settings, use any of the dropdown menus ro manually input your desired change into a text box.

Interpreting geolocation

the last 3 columns contain geoloactaion information. THey provide location latitude, location longitude and a measure of location accuracy. the accuracy column reveals how the information was captured. A value of -1 means that the geologation coordinates wer taken fro mteh respondent's IP address. A positive value means that the geolocation coordinates were taken from the GPS of the respondent's device. THe value estimates accuracy in terms of meters.

Applying weights

the last option in Global Options revolves around any weighting that is set up in Data and Analysis. CLick Use Weighted Metrics to turn the data weighting for your visualization on and off.

Survey Layout

the layout tab adjusts the overall presentation of yoru survey. While themes are brand-specific and contain the logo, layout, background, and primary color, layouts change the arrangement and styling of the content

Viewing Scoring, Embedded data values, and questions responses

the next columns listed capture the scoring categories and embedded data fields collected. Only embedded data fields saved i nthe survey flow are included i nthe downloaded data. ***yo ucan add embedded data fields from a contact list or URL to the survey flow before or after data collection to include the fields in the downloaded data. Question data follows the scoring and embedded data columns. Column headers include the question labels and the beginning lines of the question text. Simple questions like text entry and single answer multiple choice display in one column. More cmplex questions like matrix table and side by side, display across multiple columns.

Creating visualization types

the reports tab offers many visualization types, each with its own customization options

Using SOcial Media

the social media option posts you anonymous link to social media websites such as facebook and twitter. To post on social Media, click social media, and then click the social media platform you want to use. fill out the login prompt, follwo subsequent prompts to post your link. ***qualtrics uses popups to connect to social media. If youre having dificulty, try enabline pop-ups in your browser. When sharing a survey through social media, you can record the site the respondent is directed from. To capture this information, add an embedded data element to your survey flow. Name is Q_socialsource.

Viewing and exporting a single response

the view response option displays how an individual answered your survey in teh individual response report. The report shows the most current version of each wuestion in the survey and how the respondent answered. Grayed out questions were not displayed to the respondent. Scroll to the bottom to view any embedded data fields or scoring values. If location data was collected from the IP address, there will also be a geoIP estimation map. Yo ucan move through the different response reports by clicking the arrows in the bottom right. ***you can select the export to PDF option dropdown nemu in the upper right corner***

Survey THemes

themes can apply an appealing and cohesive look to any survey by controlling all visual features of the survey. They are accessed from the Theme section in the Look and Feel menu.Select from a list of pre-made themes or from one of your organization's branded themes. There are 2 types of themes - dynamic (all individual settings can be changes and adjusted) and Stateic (the layout, logo, and background cannot be changed)

Question and Custom Pages

there are 2 types of pages: question pages are default pages that reports generates for you for each question, embedded data field, custom field, and text topic in your project. Custom pages are blank spaces to create a preferred layout of visualizations. Both types of pages are customizable and can hold many visulaizations. The main difference between the two page types is that custom pages can display visualizations from any data source, whereas question pages only show visualizations from the data source the page was creted for. Additionally, the custom pages have more options: rename and delete, display survey metadata fields, display first in a report.

Deleting Responses

there are several options to delete responses. Although deleting recorded repsonses will dot decrease the number of autiable responses, it does remove unnecessary data.

Adding multiple filter conditions

there may be cases when you want ot set or group conditions together. For example, you may want your report to show males 25-34 year old and females 35-44. Consider the top line of the following example. "show only responses where all of the following are trus". This is the outermost condition. It saus that your data must meet each added condition to appear in your report. If you change to an ANY set, your data only has to meet one of the conditions in order to be included in your report. In our example, you'll want your outermost condition set to be ANY set iwht 2 nested ALL sets. This is because you're looking for 2 types of people: people who are either one set of conditions or another set of conditions. ANY of these two sets can be true. TO start to create new conditions, click insert new condition, click insert new condition set, create your two condition sets by clicking insert new condition set at the bottom of the filter. Be mindful of your operators. click insert new condition below the select field drop-downs to filter males who are 25-34 and the other to filter females who are 35-44. Yo uwill use the two all sets to connect statements that both have to be true. You want data from respondents that are males AND 25-34 OR female AND 35-44

Distribution history

this is a list of all email recipitents along with data such as RESPONSE ID, STATUS, END DATE, LINK, LINK EXPIRATION ***you can download distribution history at any time during a response collection

Data Sources

this is a specific response information to display in a visualization, such as dates or answers from a survey question. TO change the field, click data source in the editing pane, select a question, embedded data, or survey metadata. Depending on the particular data source you select, you'll have different visualizations available to use. Text entry questions have 2 possible visualization types: paginated table and word cloud. Paginated tables allow you to view all of your open response data in a single navigable table. Word Clouds show the most repeated words found in your results. The reports tab gives you the best visualization depending on the question type. For example, bar charts are helpful for questions with discrete values (multiple choice or martix table), but not for questions where inputs are infinite. Some data sources also have multiple options for data representation. For example, MPS questions hae 2 options: NPS group (promotor, passive, detractor) or numeric value (0-10)

Distribution Summary

this provides an overview of collected responses and metrics for your survey, broken down by channel (including preview and test results). It includes a bar chart displaying recent response trends and a table showing all responses collected

Collaborating with users outside of your brand

those users will gain access to brand-wide content, including surveys, libraries, contact lists, etc. this applies even if the survey you are sharing is not a brand-wide one. When collaborators are added, you can use the checkboxes to indicate what level of project access each individual will have. Permission to edit the project, view results, pause or resume response collection, copy

Uploading and editing graphics in the library

to add images to the graphics library click upload graphic. TO upload images from a computer, click browse to select the relevant files or drag them from your computer to upload menu. ***THERE IS A 16MB FILE SIZE LIMIT TO ANY FILES*** To upload a graphic hosted online, paste the URL link. Only use the link to file on the web option for graphic the you own or host. then click upload. Once the graphics are saved in the library, you can use the images in surveys and messages. TO update the graphic locate the graphic in graphics library, click edit graphic in the options list, click either choose files from your computer or link to a file on the web to load your updated graphic. Click save to update anywhere this graphic is used

Manually adding members

to add manually option provides you with a table that you can use to specify the contact information. The first fields are included by default. Click + to add columns for additional custom fields. The only field

Font Styling and survey coloring

to change the font size and style for your survey text including questions, answer choices, and messages, use the style section. You can customize different items - primary color (brogress bar and highlighted questions), Secondary color (next and back buttons), Font (all question, answer, and message text), Question text (font size and bolding of the question text), Answer choice text (font size and bolding of the answer text), and Custom CSS (add your own CSS to customize the survey)

Search and replace

to change words throughout your survey, use search and replace found in the Tools dropdown under Review

Deleting a single response

to delete a single response locate the response and then click the actions dropdown, click delte response, select decrement all quotas for deleted responses to remove deleted responses from the quota counts. Select the appropriate confirmation option and then click delete this response. Once you delete a response, yo ucannot retrieve it.

Distribute with a contact list

to email ising a contact list select the emails option, click compose email, click select contacts, hover overyour library to choose a contact list.

Foramtting inline email questions

to embed a question, click the inline email question icon select a compatible question type (MC, single answer, or NPS) then selct a color scheme. THe question will appear as piped text for the question text and answer choices. Send a preview email to see how it will actually appear in the email.

Adding Headers and footers

to insert a header or footer, open the look and feel menu, click general tab, click edit beneath the header or footer box to open the rich content editor, use rich content editor to style a header or footer, or to insert and image to serve as a logo, resize and reposition your logo as needed by double clicking the image,


to move a block within the survey editor, open the block options menu and click move block up or move block down to inch blocks into position

Pausing response collection

to pause response collection, go to the distributions tab, click pause response collection, select how to handle responses in progress (or""active survey sessions"). You can close them all and have them recorded as partials or allow them to be finished. Click pause response collection. Pausing response collection turns your survey "off". You are no longer accepting new responses and all links are disabled.

setting partial completion

to set partial completion, navigate to the survey editor, and then click survey options. In the first partial completion dropdown, select record or delete responses in progress. ***only click delete if you do not want partially completed responses recorded. If yo uclick delete, you cannot retrieve the discarded infromation later. Select the amount of time a response will stay in responses in progress., select when the clock begins. CLick start of survey to begin the countdown as soon as the link is first clicked. Alternatively, clikc last activity to reset the clock each time a respondent returns to the survey.

Exporting reports

to share a digital copy of your report, use the export report option to generate a PDF, Word file, PowerPoint, or CSV.

Default metrics and decimals

to specify metrics such as sum and decimal place settings, click report options, click global operations. A pop-up window appears. From here, you can specify the default metric and default decimal places tha you prefer.

Viewing mailing lists

to view and edit members of a mailing list: 1. click a mailing list to view its members, use the table to view the contacts. The columns included are STATUS (indicates if a contact is opted-in or opted-out of distributions involving this mailing list), FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, EMAIL, then click an individual contact to view more information. With each contact, there are 3 sections (attributes, lists, and statistics. The attributes section contains editable contact information and global opt-in status. The all attributes part of the section contains embedded data saved to the contact. The Lists section displays the contact's opt-in status for the list and gives you the option to change it. Here you can also remove the contact from the mailing list. The statistics section contains information on a contact's distribiution and response history. It displays the following pieces of information: Last invite recipt: date of the last survey invite email received Last response: the date of the alst response the contact completed. Surveys started but not completed are not counted here. Total Invites: How many survey invites the contact has receied in as a part of that mailing list. Total responses: how many responses the contact has given as a part of that mailing list in total regardless of survey. Response rate: The percentage of the time that this contact responds to surveys they re invited to. Deleting a contact permanently deletes the stored contact information. If a contact is deleted, the email address and other contact information (such as embedded data) will all continue to be stord in any survey response the contact provided. Opting a contact in or out of the mailing list impacts the future emails sent to this mailing list. Only opted-in contacts will receive future mailings.

Actions and page breaks: creating page breaks

under actions section in editing pane, click add page break

Multiple completes link

unique to each participant, allows participants multiple attempts on a survey, each time a participant takes the survey, a new response is recorded in you dataset and stores all the contact's information, cannot track who has taken the survey, incompatible with reminder, and thatnk you messages, relies on cookies to save progress and must be accessed from the same browser on the same device

Updating contacts manually

updating contacts manually is a great option if yo are making small edits to a couple of members in your list. TO edit contact information: Find the relevant mailing list. Select the contact being modified and go to the attributes section, click on the value you want to edit and modify it. Click save next to the box once you are done. TO add an embedded data field to a contact, click on add attribute, type a field name for the embedded data, click add, insert a value, click add. To change a contact's opt-in status for a mailing list, click on the lists section, click on the three dots next to the mailing list, select opt-out of list or Opt-in to List

Importing Questions

use Import Questions From to add questions based on previously created questions, blocks, or entire surveys. Click My Surveys or your personal Library, designated by the name on your account. Follow the prompts to select which items you want to import.

Question Types: slider

use a draggable bar to indicate preference and are an interactive alternate to Matrix Table questions. For styling, try bars, sliding handles, or stars. Set minimum or maximum values. You can even add labels or alter the number of visible grid lines.

Copying questions

use copy question in the editing pane to copy a single question. Use Copy block in the block options to copy a whole block of questions.

Skip vs. Display logic

use skip locig to skip it use display logic to hide it if youre jumping a respondent past a lot of question, it may be easier to skip rather than hide so many questions with display logic. Skip logis bases its conditions off the answer choices in the current question. Display logic bases its conditions off any information collected previously in the survey With skip logic, you can add multiple actions to a single question. YOu can skip respondents to point A if they answer one way or to point B if they answer another way With display logic, the only action available is to hide the question if the respondent dowsn't meet your specified condition ***you can use skip and display logic in combination...skip participants to a question in a later block and then use display logic to hide specific questions in the block, customizing their experience even further***

Using the messages library

use this to create, edit, and store messages used in yor surveys. Every message yo ucreate is stored in the messages Library. To create a message, click NEW MESSAGE, sleect the message type ***picking the right type of message is important to ensure you can use the messge appropriately later. EX: if you select look and feel messages - headers, footers, etc - you won't be able to use that message in an email invitation.***, pick a folder and name the message, enter the text of your message. TO use a saved message in an email, navigate to distributions, click emails, click compose email, select the message from the load message list. if you make edits to the message, click save to override the saved message template. Alternatively, click save as to create a new message in the library.

Adding Advanced Questions types: Hot Spot

used for "concept testing" and "usability testing. Hot spots allow respondents to click predefined regions within the image. Region shapes are created manually. you can have as many clickable regions as needed."

Gauge Charts

used to measure averages, sums, counts, and Net Promoter Score. The curved bar adjusts as responses are gathered, and the colors can be changed accordingly.

Personalize an email or survey

using a contact list and piped text, you can display information in an email. In the rich content editor, click the {a} symbol to pull in contact list information like a first name. TO pull in information from a custom field, hover over embedded data field and enter the field name exactle as it appears in your contact list. You can use contact list information and piped text in a survey as well. You can use contact list information with survey lovic. For example, when setting up display logic, you can click contact list to display a question if the contact's name or email address meets certain conditions. If you have a custom field in you contact list such as department or region, click embedded dta and enter the name of the custom field. the name must natch your contact list exactil in both spelling and capitalization.

Viewing responses in progress

view and active survey sessions by clicking responses in progress. For each response in progress, the table lists a survey session ID, start time, last question, and progress. Click Survey Session ID to view the participant's answers thus far. Navigating several pages of responses in progress using the arrows beside the page number. CLick select page size in the tools menu to adjust the number of responses sown per page. Click download CSV to export all responses in progress. For surveys distributed to a contact list, use the add search feature to search your responses in preogress by First/Last Name, Email, or External Data Reference.

Managing Contacts - the contacts section

view, edit, and delete mailing lists and individual contacts in the contacts section. The contacts section displays the name and number of members for every mailing list in your account. Use folders-listed to the left-tocategroize mailing lists. Folders make it easier to locate the lists in your account. To add a folder, click new folder, name the folder, drag mailing lists into the new folder.

Controlling access to the anonymous link

when a survey is open for collection, it is accessible by anyone who clicks the anonymous link UTL. By default, the link is set ot open access. By enabling by invitation only, you can disable access to your survey via the anonymous link to ensure that only those with and individual like can enter.

Understanding Link TYpes

when distributing a survey using the Qualtrics mailer, you can send 3 types of links to yoru participants (individual, multiple completes, and anonymous links)

Disabling Validation for Previewing

when force and request response validation options are enabled, a validation icon appears to the left of the question. Force and request response can make previewing a survey tedious. To disable validation, click the gear icon and click ignore validation.

Including videos

when inserting videos, you have 2 options: link to a video or upload a video file to your library. To add or upload a video, open the rich content editor, select the insert graphic toolbar button, select the insert media box and either paste a link to a video into the URL box(see captire HTML code from Youtube in dext section), then click advanced to change the width and height of your video's frams

Recoding values

when you create a question, a numeric value or coded value and variable label are automatically assigned to each answer choice. These values can be useful when downloading your data.

Change question type

when you first click Create a New Question, multiple choice questions are inserted by default. To change question types: 1. go to the editing pane (on the right of your question). 2. Click change Question Type 3. Pick any new question type

Navigating account libraries

when you first enter the library, you will see the items in your personal Library. This library is created exclusively for your account. Your personal library content is available for your to view, edit, copy, and use in any surveys in your account. click the library name to reveal additional libraries. Every Qualtrics user has access to the Qualtrics library which contains example surveys and other content that yoru are freeto use in your research. You can also set up user groups to facilitate content sharing.

Using your email history

when you schedule or send an email distribution using Qualtrics, its recorded as a distribution block in the emails page.

Understanding embedded data sources

when you set or assign embedded data values directly in your survey flow through logic or math operations, you save information that is created during the survey session. However, when you capture information from an outside source, like a URL or a contact list, you pull information into your data that exists somewhere else. THis distinction has some consequences. Qualtrics automatically captures extra imformation for every survey response. THis information is not displayed by default, but can be added to your data set by using one of Qualtrics' built-in embedded data fields

Duplicating vs. copying blocks

when you use the copy block option from the block options dropdown in the survey editor, you're creating an entirely new set of editable questions. when you duplicate a block in your survey flow, you're not creating a new block of questions. Instead, you are re-displaying and repeating the same questions. from the survey flow, click duplicate. The duplicat blocks are not editable. YOu will only see one source block in your survey editor. Each time respondents see a duplicate block, they'll see that their previous choice is already pre-selected. If they change their answers the second time though, only the most recent answers will be recorded *** duplicated blocks are often placed in mutually exclusive branches, yet this still gives you the option to pull all of the data together into a single report

Distribution metrics

whithin each distribution block, you'll find relevant information including: the contact list used, send date/scheduled send date, number of emails sent, number of surveys started, number of surveys finished. click the right menu arrow to view distribution options reflecting whether the distribution is sent or scheduled. Before the scheduled distribution time, you can edit the message, reschedule the time, cancel the distribution, download the distribution history. Once a distribution is sent, you can view the message that participants received, delete the distributon record, download the distribution history

Adding visualizations

within a page, click ADD VISUALIZATIONS to insert a new visualization. On a question page, a new visualization automatically shows data from that question. On a custom page, you can choose the data source.

Customize the data table

yo can alter the information presented in the table. TO customize the data table columns, open tools, hover over choose columns and select the data that you want to include. Possible data fields include questions, survey metadata (start date, response type, IP Address, and so on), contact list fields, and embedded data fields. ***you can also clear data that you want to hide*** Click a column header to sort the table, hide, or move the column. In addition, for some questions types, yo ucan view the column entries as coded values or choice text. Click view as coded values t oupdate the displayed data. Learn more about coded values in the article, CUSTOMIZING AND DOWNLOADING DATA.

Adding multiple filters

yo ucan apply more than one filter condition. Before making afilter with multiple conditions, review the 2 types of operators ALL-all conditions must be met, similar to "and". ANY- at least one condition must be met. similar to "or". To add multiple parameters, click add filter, click the plus sign to the right of the filter. The manage filters menu appears. Click Insert new condition. Create new filters using the same filter process as for a single filter.

Color settings

yo ucan specify a default color palette which determine which colors display by default in you visualizations, ranging from color groups to sequential shades. Colors apply to your visualizations from left to right. This means ifyou only need one color, the color at the far left will be used...etc. Yo ucan affect this order in 2 ways: select the color you want to use first in the priority order. This is where the color palette will start, followed by any colors to the right until the start color is returned to. Select reverse colors, which reverses the order in which the colors apply.

Creating a time series

yo ucan use breakout by to create a time series. If yo uhave a support satisfaction question, you may be interested in trends over time. to do this: create a line chart visualization, add a breakout using a date field. An option to group by date appears. Select a tiem interval. Yo ucan transpose the axis and legend values so that the dates are on the axis. Clear unnecessary legend values to view a particular value.If you want to see how the average satisfaction has changed over time, rahter than each individual possibility, change the metric to mean.

Filtering the Data table

yo umay want to view a specific subgroup of the data. Use filters to display the list of responses that meet certain criteria. Click add filter, select the filter field. filter based off of survey metadata, contact fields, embedded data, and questions. ***survey metadata includes information like start and end date, response type, IP address, and so on. Select the filter operator to determine the type of condition (is, greater than, is empty, and so on), click the operand as the criteria the operator evaluates. ***you can select multiple options in the select operand menu to return any of the selected values. The response viewer automatically updates to display only responses that meet the filter condition(s). The filter and the bottom of the response viewer display the number of filtered responses.

Hiding pages

yo umight have certain pages you dont want todisplay in yoru published report. TO hide a page, hover over the page icon to the left of the page name, clear the checkbox,. Hidden pages are grayed out in you page list. Yo ucan display the page by selecting the page's checkbox. hiding options are also found in the page options drop-down. TO quickly hide many pages, click report options click hide all pages re-select the desired pages.

Survey Movement

you can adjust how respondents move from question to question in your survey using the motion section. Adjust how each page loads with the page transition dropdown, selecting from several different transition options. TO automatically move respondents to the next question or page as soon as they answer a question, enable Question Autosave or Page Autoadvance. (autoadvance on questions makes it so that as soon as the respondent selects an answer choice, they will move to the next question on the page. Autoadvance on pages makes it so as soon as the respondent selects and answer choice, they will move to the next page i nthe survey. ***page autoadvance can only be enabled after you enable question autoadvance*** with autoadvance, clicking an answer choice provided in a multiple choice question will immediately move the respondent forward. For text entry questions, they must press enter on their keyboards or the done button before they continue.

referencing ablock of questions

you can also reference individual blocks of quesitons stored in the library, to reference a blcok of question navigate to the edit survey tab, click import quesitons, select the appropriate block from the library, select reference ***one time copy imports the questions from the bock saved to the library. THese questions however would not be impacted by changes to the reference block going forward.***, click import block

Understanding visualizations

you can customize your report by making edits to existing visualizations or by adding new visualizations.


you can preview blocks independently of the rest of the survey with the VIEW BLOCK option in the block options menu. After you have tested a block, you can start over or close the tab to return to qualtrics.

Randomizing Survey Flow Elements

you can randomize the following: elements, block order, control groups vs. experimental groups, survey endings, embedded data fields, branches To randomize elements, open the survey flow, click add a new element here, click randomizer. Nest the elements you want to ransomize withing the randomizer element. Enable evenly present elements to smooth out the distribution.

Saving Questions to your Library

you can save questions to your library to access for a later project. Navigate to either the library section or the survey tab. In the library, click copy to this library. Specify whether you want to save a survey, a block, or a question. in the survey tab locate which block to save, click block options, click copy block to library or copy questions to library

Navigating the Account Survey Library

you can save templates of the content you have created. Your account has a library that stores questions and surveys to re-use in your projects. Survey library holds questions, blocks, and entire surveys for you to use in existing projects.

Schedule recurring emails

you can send a copy of yoru report to a specified email list on a recurring basis. This report includes most recent data and updates in each mailing. TO schedule report emails, click export report, click schedule report email, in the To field, select the recipient contact list, in the fromfields enter the from name and email address, set the frequency to send the report, set the time of day ot send the report., select the attachment file type, and you can include the public report by copying and pasting it into the email message. To send the report to multiple audiences and at multiple times, click ADD SCHEDULED REPORT and follow the same steps above. To pause a scheduled report, click the check box to the left of the report name. To cnacel a scheduled report, click the X to the right of the report name.

Selecting a metric

you can specify a metric for visualizations. The default metric might be choice count, but you can change to a sum or mean of values instead. To do this: click a visualization, click select metric in the editing pane, select a new metric. The exact options available depend on both the particular data source and the visualization type selected.

Saving reference surveys

you can use reference surveys to embed surveys stored in your qualtrics library inside multiple survey projects. You can edit the reference survey in your library to update multiple projects simultaneously. to save a reference survey: navigate to my projects, click copy project i nthe project actions list, copy the project to your library

Navigating the data table pages

you may collect more responses than can appear on one page. Use the page navigation at the top and bottom of the tale to view additional responses. Select the page number to jump to a page you'd like to view. To adjust the number of responses perpage, open tools and then click select page size. designate the number of responses per page,


you may need to make changes to a survey after you've started collecting responses. With the publish feature, you can make edits without affecting open survey sessions. agter editing your survey, you must click publish for new resondents to see your changes. a new version of yor survey is saved every time you publish your survey. Like all version, you can add a description of the changes you've made. *** if your survey is ney, publishing will activate your survey***

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