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Q53 What things in Qualtrics can I translate and how? Can I use my own language when translating in Qualtrics?

"Can use your own language. You can translate:

Q83 Custom End of Survey options


Q77 Why is it important to set the Survey Language in Survey Options to be the language you're actually using the in the Survey Module?

Default messages will display in the default language. If you use translations, the language you used will show up as the default language.

Q76 Partial Completion, Partial Completion and Survey Expiration & emailed link expiration

See the link to the right. You set email link expiration in options when distributing through email while composing the email.

Q23 How do remove formatting from the text of one of my questions?

Select the question > Click Tools > Review > Select Strip Formatting.

Q63 Can I add a word to the spell checker dictionary?

Tools > review > spell check > type in the suggested spelling box > click Use this spelling

Q34 When would you Allow Text Entry? What customization options are available for Allow Text Entry?

"Multiple choice question: Text Entry questions allow you to collect open-ended responses from your respondents.

Q41 Loop & Merge options and Piped Text

"Once Loop & Merge is turned on, you can specify how your block of questions will be repeated. Choose to loop based on questions, numbers, or predetermined fields.

Q74, Custom Survey Validation Messages, Replacing Default Validation Messages, Survey Title, By Invitation Only

Custom Validation Messages (under Survey Experiene in Survey Options) are the messages that respondents see when they don't pass validation on a question (e.g. didn't answer a force response question). You can customize the message they see. Survey Title (under Survey Experience in Survey Options) changes the title on the brower tab for the survey. By Invitation Only (under Survey Protection in Survey Options) makes it so anonymous links can't be used to take the survey - only invitation links.

Q70 Is there a way to have a different color on every other row of my matrix?

Only in the old editor this can be done. Click back to the old editor > colours > Alternate Row option

Q13 Does skip logic work if I have question randomization set up?

Skip logic to the end of the survey works but the question could be anywhere including last. Skipping a question might randomly work the way it was meant to work but it also might not.

Q60 I am trying to generate test data using the "test survey" feature, but it keeps telling me that there is a validation error. What could be going wrong?

Test survey is incompatible with certain features. examples: Authenticator, table of contents, loop & merge, custom validation. When there is a text entry with custom validation then generating test answers will not work.

Q48 Does Qualtrics have a search and replace feature?

Yes, Tools > Review > search and replace

Q50 Do contact list triggers work if a survey was sent out using the anonymous link?

Yes, contact triggers will adjust contact lists by adding, changing or deleting contacts. All you need is a question that asks for at least an email address and add a contact list trigger. The option 'update existing contact lists memebers will only work with individual or personal links, or when an authenticator is used.

Q20 I want to ask for a person's email address in the survey and then have them re-enter it to confirm. How can I make sure they match?

1. Select Email Address validation for the first email text box. Access this setting under Content Validation 2. On the second question ("Verify email"), click Custom Validation under the Validation Type options 3. Set a logic condition to require that the second email field be equal to the first email field. Use Piped Text to pull in the email from the previous text field

Q5 In a Bipolar Matrix Table question, can I have words along the top of the radio buttons as well as on the sides? Is it possible to have people type in their answers instead of using radio buttons on a matrix table?

1. Yes, you can have words along the top - called labels 2. Can not type in answers. You can do text entry Matrix but not on a bipolar matrix

Q7 I forgot to add the Meta Info question to my survey. Everyone has already finished taking the survey. If I add the meta info question in now, will I be able to build a bar chart of the meta info?

1. You can't add a question retroactively but you can add embedded data/meta data retroactively 2. Qualtrics has a built in embedded data field for UserAgent that provides all the same information as the Meta Info question and can be accessed at any time. The only issue is that is it harder to read. 3. You can't use UserAgent because the information comes in as one segment of info rather than separated into distinct separate values

QID217 I have a survey with two blocks and the back button option is enabled. I noticed that the back button isn't shown on the first question of block 2. How do I get it to appear?

A back button will sometimes not show on your page even if you have the setting selected in your Survey Options. This is caused by having elements between blocks in your Survey Flow. Any element (Branch Logic, Embedded Data etc) will disable the back button on the first page of the block that follows it.

Q89 I have three blocks and all three will be shown to each survey taker. I need to make sure Qualtrics evenly presents the permutations of these blocks. Is this possible, and if so, how?

Add a randomizer in the Survey Flow and select Present evenly

Q29 Can I time my whole survey? I want to know how long it's taking people to complete the survey.

Add an embedded data field Q_TotalDuration at the beginning of the survey. Timing question more usefull for timing single questions or blocks

Q82 Save & Continue, Allow authenticating respondents to retake authenticated section Options, and other authenticator options

After a respondent authenticates and completes a response, if they try to do another response, the authenticator will tell them they have already done a response and won't let them do the authenticated section again. But, if you check the retake authenticated section option on options in the authenticator survey flow element, they WILL be able to retake the authenticated section using the same credentials.

Q73 Which permissions are required for someone to view participant's uploaded files from a colleagues survey?

All have to be on: View survey results, view restricted data, access to reports tab Need to check

Q80 Embedded data set from a URL.

Amend the link by adding an ? followed by the name of the embedded data field, = and the value that you are setting. To add multiple put, an & instead of ? for each one after the first. Make sure to add the embedded data field in your survey flow

Q18 Where can I use piped text?

Basically anywhere you can type

Q30 How can a participant uncheck a radio button of a Multiple Choice - Single Select question if they decide they don't want to answer the question?

Can't, change to multiple choice. Make Multiple choice > Multiple answer > go into each answer option and Make Answer Exclusive. When answer is exclusive, that answer can only be selected on its own (example use: none of the above)

Q44 Multiple Match Handling, Quota Actions, and Public Quotas Dashboards. When I open up my Public Quotas Dashboard, I don't see anything. Why is this happening?

Could be happening because you don't have any quotas set up yet.

Q45 Simple Logic Quotas vs Cross Logic Quotas

Cross Logic quota uses percentages to define how respondents are distributed in your quota. This quota type is ideal when you have multiple groups of conditions. Simple Quota set a number based on one condition. If the account doesn't have an option between cross logic and simple qutoas, they are using simple quotas.

Q10 Default Choices, Editing Recode Values, Variable Naming, and JavaScript

Default choices - click on question > small gear > add default choices. Editing recode values - click on question > small gear > recode values. Variable naming - click on question > small gear > recode values > variable naming. Javascript - click on question > small gear > add Javascript

Q54 I've translated my survey. How do I make sure that when a contact list member is emailed the survey, that they'll open the survey in the correct language? Is there a way for me what language the participant completed the survey in?

Default is web browser settings. To customize: Per person set language code in contact list. Then you can pull this data to survey by adding an Embedded Data field at the top with Q_Language; you can see which language used. 2) If using an anonymous link can create a survey link for each language with a Query string - ?Q_Language=

Q59 Can I pipe a score into my survey? Which ways can I base logic in my survey flow on a score?

Descriptive text question > piped text > scoring > total score > score. Base logic in survey flow on score: add embedded data field, pipe score as a value. Add a branch based on the embedded data field

Q85 If I reorder the questions in the Survey module, what will this affect?

Display logic, skip logic (depending how set up, can change the internal flow you want), Also order of the results you get in Results Reports, carry forward, loop and merge?

Q40 What's the difference between duplicating a block in the Survey Flow and copying a block in Block Options?

Duplicating the block in the Survey Flow will treat the second block as the same block as your first one, Copying will treat the copied block as a seperate block. When you duplicate, and the respondent has already responded to the origin block, the answers they previously gave will be displayed. If the respondent changes their answer, the old answer is overridden. If you copy a block, the copied block will be treated like a seperate, new block. If the participant already responded to the original block, their response to the copy is recorded a second time as a different variable.

Q28 Edit Multiple?

Edit multiple is an option that allows you to add multiple answers to multiple choice questions at once. When you click 'edit multiple' under choices, a field will pop up. There you can paste your answers. Make sure each answer is set on a new line. Only there until responses start being collected. After this, no more edit multiple.

Q32 I have to use custom validation on my survey question, but if validation fails, I want it to act like the "request response" feature where it asks them if they want to finish the question or move on. How do I do this?

Either custom validation or request response but not both. You can create own custom validation message if you like for forced response

Q21 I've removed all of the formatting, but my question text is still bolded. What could be happening?

Either you still have formatting in the rich text editor or In look and feel under style

Q27 I have a video in YouTube but when I put it into my survey using the button that looks like a filmstrip it only works on some browsers. How can I make sure it works on all browsers while still hosting it on YouTube?

Embedd the source code retrieved from youtube directly. Make sure Javascript is enabled. Some older browsers might not support youtube. You can add a descriptive text that encourages respondents to take the survey on a modern browser.

Q157 I'd like to include YouTube videos in my survey and have them start playing as soon as the respondent enters the page. How can I set this up?

First make sure that you own the account on which the video is posted and the content of the video. If not, the URL will brake when the video is removed from youtube. Add a descriptive text question. copy and paste the embedded html code from youtube and paste in your video. Add "?autoplay=1" to the end of the link. If there already is a question mark (?) in the link for your clip, add "&autoplay=1" instead.

Q61 What is a quick way in the tools menu to see all of the coded values of all of the questions at the same time?

For recode values - tools > support mode (must use shift command/control when clicking on Tools). For user: export > word > coded values

Q78 If I password protect my survey, will respondents with unique links have to enter a password every time they click on the link?

If save and continue is enabled they will not have to re-enter their password

QID5 I shared my survey to someone outside of my organization and put in their email. I know they have multiple accounts. Which account will my shared survey show up in?

If the user outside of your organisation has more than one account associated with the same email address, the user will receive an email with the collaboration code when you invite them to collaborate on your survey. The user can log into any of their accounts and enter this code to access the survey.

Q36 I've collected responses in my survey last spring. I want to send the same survey out to a new group of people but I need to change answer choices for a few of the questions. What will happen to the old data if I: 1) Delete an answer choice 2) Completely change an answer choice? And what do you recommendation I do?

If you use the randomization option and advanced randomization, you can hide answer choices. You can also edit the survey to add choices. If you delete a choice, the data associated with the choice will delete too

Q14 I accidentally deleted a question after collecting responses. What are the consequences and what can I do about it?

If your survey has collected responses, deleting a question will remove all of the data associated with that question. If the question is still in the trash, the data can be restored. Restore the question by scrolling to the bottom of the page, click on the question and click restore. If trash was empty, go to tools, version earlier version. Now you must restore the old survey and download the CSV. Restore the New Survey and make the question that you were missing. import CSV to the survey and you will then manage the data to attach to the old question you remade in the new survey.

Q6 How do I record text entry answers as numeric values instead of strings?

In the Editing Pane go to Validation type --> Content Validation --> Content Type --> Number Click on "Content Validation" under validation type, then have the content type be "Number"

Q22 What does the {a} button do in the Rich Content Editor?

It allows you to generate piped text. Piped text is text that was entered elsewhere in the survey for example in the form of a question or embedded data. The code that appears when you generate piped text will display your specified text to the respondents

Q25 A client calls into Quni because they're having troubles putting a video into their Rich Content Editor. What could be happening?

It could be that the video is too big, Qualtrics has a limit of 16MB on attachments. A solution would be to upload the video to youtube and link the URL. If you private it, no one will see the video. This URL will show as a video in the final survey. Also, it could be they are a free accounts. Some accounts can not upload a video so all you could do is copy the link.

Q71 How do I add a logo to the top of every page of my survey?

Look and feel > Logo. Options: logo image to upload, style is floating or banner, placement, max height and mobile scaling. also header

Q31 I have display logic set on scale points on a matrix table question and on the ones that are displayed, I want to make sure that they answer at least 1 answer per column. I have custom validation set up for this, but if the scale point isn't displayed it always fails. How do I fix this?

Make columns exclusive by using 'make answer exclusive' 'and Force response.

Q35 I have a matrix table question and I only want people to say one answer per row and per column. Can I do that?

Make statements exclusive by selecting 'Make answer exclusive'

Q69 What features cause page breaks?

Manual page breaks, look and feel limit on questions per page, automatic with blocks, skip and display logic. Piped text needs manual breaks added. Combining questions per page and timing question is discouraged because timer question times per page.

Q16 I created a choice group but it's not showing up when I preview the survey. Why is this?

No answer choices are assigned to this choice group. They must be assigned to be in the group, and groups with nothing assigned don't show up. Also possible that the group title is hidden Also possible that display logic has been used on all the options in the group

Q49 I don't like the format of the response report in the email trigger. Can I edit this?

No you can't, only reports that can be edited are in the Reports tab

Q51 Do contact list triggers work if the response was a closed partial response? What about an email triggers?

No, Contact list triggers only trigger when the survey is completed, partial responses do not trigger a contact list trigger. Email triggers do trigger after partial responses when the condition was met

Q55 I see that I have the ability to change the default language for my survey in the Survey Options. Couldn't I just leave it as English but write the survey in Chinese? What are potential issues when doing this? Could ghost translations be causing problems?

Potential issue: default messages such as error and end of survey messages will appear in the default language. When multiple languages are used, the repospondents will have to select English for Chinese. Ghost translations are a possible issue.

Q75 Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing, Anonymize Responses

Prevent Balllot Box stuffing - helps keep respondents from taking a survey multiple times by placing a cookie on their browser when they submit a response. The next time the respondent clicks on the survey link, Qualtrics will see this cookie and not permit them to take the survey. Anonymising response - No identifying information from responsent. When responses are gathered with the Anonymous Link, enabling this setting will remove the respondents' IP address and location data from your results. When responses are gathered with the Individual Link, enabling this setting will remove the IP address and location data and disconnect the response from the contact who provided it. In this way, you can know which contacts have responded (through your distribution history and contact history), but not which response belongs to which contact.

Q67 Is there a way to change what questions are included in the progress bar calculation?

Progressbar is located in the look and feel. You can exclude questions by nesting them in a branch element. In the survey flow, click on a branch, there you can choose to exclude from progress bar

QID199 I only want people who complete the survey (get to the very end) to increment my quota. (Quota logic questions are at the beginning of the survey.) How do I ensure that?

Qualtrics will only increment the quota count if a respondent completes the survey. You do not have to add anything extra in order to capture only respondents who finish your survey.

Q94 Can I use Display Logic on questions in blocks that are included in the Table of Contents?

The display logic will work. Only when the condition is met, the question that has display logic is displayed. Be mindfull that when survey takers already filled in a block with a hidden question, they might have to go back to answer it.

QID71 What is the difference between a single response report and a response summary? (Clarification: These features are found in the End of Survey element and email triggers)

The show response summary option in the end of survey element will show respondents the questions they were shown and their answers before completing the survey (no skipped or not displayed questions) and gives the option to download them. A response report in email triggers will show the respondent's answers in the body of the email, pdf and via a link

Q33 Is it possible to move multiple questions into a new block all at the same time? Can I add Request Response to all of my questions at one time?

To add questions to a new block: 1. Select questions you want to move, 2. in the right corner click move to a new block. Only forced response can be set in bulk, request response has to be done individually

Q156 What is the best way to include a video in a survey (so that it has the fewest compatibility issues)?

Upload the video in your library and upload it by using the rich content editor. If your video is too large, it is recommended to het the HTML code from youtube and embed it in the Rich Content Editor

Q96 How do I assign each of my participants a random number, and put that random number into a contact list when they complete the survey?

Use piped text and select random number. Warning: does not check for double numbers, so make range wide enough to decrease the chances. You can save it in a contact list by adding a contact list trigger

Q97 I want an email to be triggered to a respondent halfway through completing a survey. It absolutely has to be in the same survey, so I can't use any redirects to use the built in email trigger function. How can I do this? I know it's possible using the survey flow.

Use webservice

Q2 Sharing permissions: User account permissions vs sharing permissions, how to share and how to see shared surveys, etc

User account permission are set by the brand admin within the limits of the license permission, sharing permissions are set by the survey owner when collaborating a survey. Tools, collaborate

Q55 I want to upload a translation (Chinese) but the characters aren't coming in properly. How can I bring them in correctly?

When dealing with special character encoding issues, the file type must be changed (excel screws things up). Change to Unicode Text (*.txt)/UTF-16 Unicode Text (.txt). Then upload as TSV. Or you can import file to google sheets, download as CSV (do NOT open again in Excel), then import as normal

Q56 Can I score the same questions in two different ways, giving someone two different scores for the same set of questions?

Yes, If you use scoring categories a question can be scored once in each category

Q72 Is it possible to change the button text on the last page of a multi-page survey to say "Submit" instead of "Next?"

Yes, block options > next/previous button. This overrides general changes in the look and feel (tab general)

Q52 Can I upload translations of multiple languages into my survey at once?

Yes, import a translation. 1.Tools > Translate Survey 2. Download the translation (recommended: unicode text excel) 3. Open the translation file in Excel, select delimited in the menu that pops up, select tab is second screen and finish in third without making changes 4. add translation in the file 5. import the translation file. 6. More options > merge updated translations. DO NOT remove rows for already translated text, everything needs to be in the document

Q93 Will screen-outs (checked in the End of Survey Element) count towards my total response limit?

Yes, you will need to select do NOT record survey response

Q65 As a Quni rep, you're troubleshooting a past revision of a survey. Is it possible to export the old revision, edit it, and create a new survey with that version?

Yes. Tools > Versions > Version History > View in Editor > Export as QSF. Create a new project, then upload the survey via Tools>Import/Export>Import Survey

Q38 Is there a way to stop collaborators from editing specific blocks in a survey?

Yes. Under block options > lock the block, add optional password this way others cannot make edits.

Q58 Can I display the participant's score of a single scoring category after each question?

Yes. scoring editor > Scoring options > After each question (for multiple categories need to make own scoring report). In non-related questions, piped text can be used to refer to the exact scoring category

Q11 Carry forward with Matrix Tables. How do I enable the option to "allow text entry" on choice that was carried forward from a previous question?

You can do Allow Test Entry on a mAtrix table. If you type in those boxes those will be displayed as the option on the carry forward question but you won't see the option that was above the text entry on the Matrix Table.

Q57 Can I display the overall average score for all of the scoring categories?

You can use an overall category or use math operations to calculate an average of your categories

Q3 Understand the options and data output for: File Upload Question, Timing Question, Heat Map, Highlight, Signature, etc


Q8 Understand Randomize Choice, Random Subset, and Undisplayed Items in Advanced Choice Randomization and when you'd use each. Is it possible to have two sets of randomized choices in one question?

no, each answer choice can only be put in one group

Q42 Understand what Simple TXT used to import surveys look like

wordpad files that you can import

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