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What's 13-50


If a dozen donuts are 12 cents how much does 100 donuts cost

100 cents

How many states were in the original 13 colonies


Your mom lives 100miles away, your driving 50mph how long does it take you to get to your mom house


How many Nickels are in a dollar


How many stars on the American Flag?


You drivin 2mph, how long will it take you to reach the distance of 100 miles

50 hours

23min till 7, what time is it


You have 13 puppies. All but 8 died. How many do you have left?


Whos face is on the 10$ bill

Alexander Hamilton

Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days. How many have 28 days?


Which president is on the 20$ bill

Andrew Jackson

An you spell asthma


Can you name all five oceans

Atlantic, pacific, Indian, Artic, southern

Spell ballon


Who was the 44th president of the United States

Barack Obama

What two colors make up blue

Blue is a primary color

What's heavier a pound of cotton or a pound of stone?

Both weight the same. Both a pound

Spell champagne


Spell Cincinnati


What three countries make up North America

Canada, United States, Mexico

Spell definitely


Can you spell esophagus

E s o p h a g u s

What does the E in E-mail stand for?


Europe is in what continent

Europe is a continent

If 'YES' spells yes, what does 'E Y E S' spell?


Spell 'TOP'. Say TOP 2xs fast. Say TOP 3xs fast. What do you do at a green light?


Who's face is on the one dollar bill

George Washington

What years did Fredrick Douglas serve as president, the 60s or the 70s

He never was a president and died in 1895

How many terms did Benjamin Franklin serve as a president. One or two?

He wasn't a president

How many feet are inna inch

Inches are in feet

You're locked in the backseat of your car windows rolled up with no keys and it pouring raining, how do you get out

Just unlock it

Name the three branches of government

Legislative, Executive, Judicial

Spell Mississippi


What state did the Boston tea party take place?


What does naacp stand for

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Is water wet

No nibba

A bird a squirrel and a monkey are racing up a coconut tree, who gets to the banana first

None of them because there are no bananas on a coconut tree

What continent is the United States in

North America

If a plane crashes on the border of The United States and Mexico, where would the survivors be buried?

Nowhere, you don't bury survivors

What's Obama's last name


Can you name the two days starting with T besides Tuesday and Thursday?

Today and Tomorrow

Last 5 letters of the alphabet. You got 5 seconds, go


What is the nation's capital?

Washington DC

What does ceo stand for

chief executive officer

Which state has the largest population? LA, Chicago, or Miami.

Those are not states

Spell receive


If it is 6pm in Chicago what time is it in Houston Texas

Same time

You're running a race and you pass the person in second place what place are you in


Can you name your five senses

Sight hearing smell taste touch

Spell twelfth


Father and son are in tragic accident. Father dies. The son get rushed to hospital. The doctor walks in and says I can not operate on him because he is my son. Who is the doctor?

The doctor was the boy's mother

You're living in a one story brick house the living room is red and the kitchen is white, what color are the stairs

There are no stairs

What's taller 5'12 or 6ft

They the same

Your mother has four children. North, East, South. What was the name of the fourth child?

You. Your name.

If 6+7=12 does 7+6=12

it does not equal 12. it equals 13.

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