Quiz 4_Destruction Myths
Which one of the following best sums up the message of flood myths?
Death is a necessary aspect of life.
Which one of the following is not something Manu instructed to do?
He is to let the eagle take him high into the sky.
Which one of the following is not a similarity between the Mesopotamian creation story and the Hebrew creation story?
News of the flood that is to come is communicated through a dream
Which one of the following is not a reason flood myths are common across cultures?
People who travel to different parts of the world share these stories.
In the Mesopotamian flood story, why do the gods decide to eliminate humans?
They don't like the noise.
In the Mayan Creation story, what happens to the humans who survive the flood?
They flee into the forest and become monkeys.
In the Mayan Creation story, why do the gods create humans?
They wanted people to talk to them and worship them.