Quiz Bowl #169-#171(Laila , Ashton , Alize, and Megan)

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Daisy needs to fill in all the solutions of the equation x cubed plus x equals zero. Since there is only one real solution, she realizes there must be two imaginary number solutions .

0, i, -i

For any positive base, 5 times the logarithm of 2 equals the logarithm of what number?


C. How many points of intersection exist between the parabola created by the function and the one created by x equals y squared plus 2y minus 15? This is the maximum number of intersection points that can exist between two distinct parabolas.

4 [y equals x squared plus 2x minus 15 creates an upward-opening parabola, while x equals y squared plus 2y minus 15 creates an rightward-opening parabola]

What is the volume of a cube whose edges have a length of 4


Human saliva also contains an immunoglobulin denoted by this letter. In music, the major key based on this note has a key signature of three sharps


A. This city has been Morocco's capital since 1912.

A. Rabat [ruh-BAHT]

This man supported a festival in which a statue of Atheism was lit on fire to reveal one depicting Wisdom. A. Name this leader of the Committee of Public Safety who supported the Cult of the Supreme Being.

A. Robespierre

Magnesium is bound with this anion in Milk of Magnesia. A. Name this anion whose chemical formula is OH minus.

A. hydroxide

Name this 6-foot-7 rookie outfielder who wears a number 99 jersey

Aaron James Judge

B. This battle, which was fought on December 26, 1776, took place after George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River.

Battle of Trenton

B. Wellington won this June 18, 1815 battle that resulted in the final downfall of Napoleon.

Battle of Waterloo

B. Both Grendel and his mother are killed by this hero from an Old English epic.

Beowulf ["BAY-oh-wolf"]

Name this educator known as the "science guy"

Bill Nye

This 19th century president often consulted an informal group of advisers called the "Kitchen Cabinet", whose members included Amos Kendall and Duff Green

Andrew Jackson

Name this story about an office worker who repeatedly refuses requests by stating "I would prefer no to "

Barteny, the Scrivener

"Fog" is by this American poet, who combined the phrase " city of the big shoulders" in his poem "Chicago"

Carl August Sandburg

This object, named for a Roman goddess of agriculture, is the largest body in the asteroid belt


A constant named for this scientist is equal to the reciprocal of four pi times the permittivity of free space. An inverse-square law named for this scientist calculates the electrostatic force between point charges. What Frenchman is the namesake of the SI unit of charge?

Charles Augustin de Coulomb (Coulombo's constant or Coulombo's law)

"Bubbles " was the name of one of these animals owned by the singer Michael Jackson. Jane Goodall spent over 50 years studying these primates.


What Nigerian author depicted Okonwo's undoing in Things Fall Apart?

Chinua Achebe

Scopes was defended by this attorney, whose notable clients included the killers Leopold and Leob

Clarence Seward Darrow

The capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor is proportional to the area of the plates divided by this other geometrical quantity

Distance between the plates

In 2011, this country began construction of the grand renaissance dam. Amharic is the main language of this most popular landlocked country in the world.


Sawm is this type of practice of abstaining from food, drink, and other pleasures from dawn to dusk.


Diocletian established a system of administration which divided the Roman Empire into this many sections, each ruled by its own emperor.


In the mid-20th century Bernstein led a revival of the music of this composer, whose symphonies include the Titan and Resurrection.

Gustav Mahler

Joanna Hifferman modeled for this French realist painter's erotic The Origin of the World. He also painted The Stone Breakers.

Gustave Courbet

B. The Fonz was a central character on this 1970s TV series, which co-starred Ron Howard as Richie Cunningham.

Happy Days.

This principle states that when a certain criteria are met the frequencies of recessive and dominant alleles for a particular gene should remain constant overtime identify this principle named for a British mathematician and a German physician

Hardy Weinberg principe

This Democrat won his first Senate term by defeating Roscoe C. Patterson in 1934. Alben Barkley was this man's running mate in an election that the Chicago Daily Tribune wrongly claimed that his man had lost. What man became the president after the death of Franklin Roosevelt?

Harry S. Truman

In 1814 a Federalist "Convention" began in what capital of Connecticut?

Hartford, Connecticut

During a battle, this man was convinced to fight by the words of his brother Deiphobus, who was actually Athena in disguise. This father of Astuanax was married to Andromache. He killed Patroclus, leading to his fatal duel with Achilles. Name this greatest Trojan warrior.


During a scene set in a "witches' kitchen", this character drinks an age reversing potion. His newborn child is drowned by Gretchen, whom this man seduced with the aid of magic. A two part tragedy by Goethe depicts what scholar who makes a deal with the demon Mephistopheles?

Heinrich Faust

This man created a "sociological department" that determined whether workers were worthy of profit-sharing. He joked that an item was available in any color as long as it was black.

Henry Ford

This man, who was president at the time of the crash, was blamed for the Depression, leading to his 1932 electoral defeat by Franklin Roosevelt

Herbert Clark Hoover

Particles like the W and Z bosons acquire mass by spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism mediated by this particle, whose discovery was announced by CERN [surn] on July 4th, 2012.

Higgs boson

This Irish author wrote Dubliners

James Joyce

This African American author included seven "sermons in verse" in his poetry collection God's Trombones. He also wrote The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man

James Weldon Johnson

Joanna Hifferman modeled for this artist's painting Symphony in White No.1. Name this American artist who also painted an Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1.

James Whistler

This social worker, who was the other founder of Hull House, was the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Jane Addams

B. Bertha's existence is exposed when Mr. Rochester tries to commit bigamy by marrying this governess.

Jane Eyre

A precursor to the International State Highway System was a map complied by this general who led the American Expeditory during World War I

John Joseph Pershing

Name this rappers whose album include To Pimp a Butterfly

Kendrick Lamar

A character in this movie claims golden herons sing about what happens when we die. Its title character must come home before dark to avoid his grandfather, the Moon King. Name this stop-motion film about a Japanese boy who shapes paper by planting his guitar-like shamisen.

Kubo and the Two Strings

The protagonist of this novel is kidnapped by aliens from Tralfamadore. Name this satrical novel in which Billy Pilgrim becomes "unstuck in time".

Kurt Vonnegut

Kenya borders this massive lake, the largest in Africa

Lake Victoria

This man wrote about a pianist named Oceola Jones in "The Blues I'm Playing", a story included in The Ways of White Folks. He wrote, "I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young" in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers."

Langston Hughes

In 1946, trial of the surviving high-ranking Nazis, including Hermann Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop, began in this German city


This Peter Burg film is based on the 2010 explosion of the title oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Deepwater Horizon

Athens led this "League" during the Peloponnesian War. Pericles moved its treasury to Athens while it served its original purpose of fighting the Persians.

Delian League

The computer genius Walter O'Brien recruits a waitress named Paige to join the title group in this drama that stars Katharine McPhee and Elyes Gabel.


A queen of this country also became queen of France after marrying Francis II. This Glencoe Massacre targeted this country's MacDonald family. Elizabeth I executed this country's queen Mary.


Remembrance of Things Past is divided into this many volumes, the first of which is Swann's Way, and the last of which is Time Regained


Organic compounds called kerogen may be found in this material. This fissile sedimentary rock is made of compacted silt and clay.


Mar's Olympus Mons is the largest known example of the "shield" type of what object that erupt lava

Shield volcanoes

C. Joseph Jefferson Jackson, a baseball player banned for throwing the 1919 World Series, bore this nickname that originated when blisters hampered him during a game.

Shoeless Joe

Palermo and Catania are major cities on this Italian island, the largest and most populous in the Mediterranean.


The Monroe Doctrine was announced by Monroe as part of one of these annual speeches.

State of the Union

C. Silent Spring first appeared in serialized form in this magazine, whose covers often depict the monocle-wearing dandy Eustace Tilley. Its title refers to residents of an East Coast city.

The New Yorker

Following the line from Orion's belt par Aldebaran leads to this star cluster, known in Japan as Subaru

The Pleiades

C. Henry James wrote that "there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to... afternoon tea" at the outset of this novel, whose title character is Isabel Archer.

The Portrait of a Lady

In this other short story by the author from "The Cop and the Anthem", the son of Ebenezer Dorset terrorizes his kidnappers Sam and Bill to the point where Sam and Bill pay his father to take him back.

The Ransom of Red Chief

C. The Oder-Neisse [OH-dur nice] line forms the border between Germany and this country.


Because longships were relatively lightweight, they could be carried overland, a maneuver known by this term.


Name this last emperor of China. He also ruled the Japanese puppet state of Manchuko from 1934 to 1945


James Mastbaum donated a collection of this man's art now housed in Philadelphia museum dedicated to him. This artist included Paolo and Francesca in a larger project inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy. The Gates of Hell is by what French sculptor of The Thinker?


The Tubu people live near in this desert's Tibesti Mountains. Name this largest desert in Africa, found on the northern part of the continent.

Sahara Desert

Directly south of the Sahara is this fertile grassland region, which separates the Sahara from the savanna. Its name is derived from the Arabic word for "coast".


Name this poem who speaker crosses the seas to reach the title city in Asia Minor

Sailing to Byzantium

This lake flows from Lake Ontario into a namesake gulf on the Atlantic Ocean. Name this river that forms part of the northwest border of New York.

Saint Lawrence River or Gulf of Saint Lawrence

This city was named Petrograd from 1914-1924, then was named Leningrad until the end of the Cold War. It re-assumed its original and current name in 1991

Saint Petersburg

Name this liquid that contains amylase, a catalyst that begins the process of converting starch into simple sugars


Evaporites are sedimentary rocks formed though evaporation;one example is halite, which is the rock from of this ionic compound


This poem asks the question "on what wings dare he aspire?" while considering the nature of a being whose "shoulder" and "art" are capable of twisting "sinews" of the title creature's heart. What William Blake poem describes the "fearful symmetry" of the title predator?

The Tyger

During the 1912 election, Addams supported the third-party campaign of this Progressive, a former president who advocated "big stick" diplomacy.

Theodore Roosevelt

Henry was forced to do penance after four of his knights murdered this archbishop of Canterbury.

Thomas a Becket

Like many other insects, a wasp's legs and wings extend from this central main section of its body, which lies between the head and the abdomen


Anat Hoffman leads the "Women" of this structure, who protest the gender segregation that occurs there. Folded prayer notes are placed inside the cracks of this structure, which was once part of the Second Temple. Name this holy Jewish site in Jerusalem.

Western Wall (or Wailing Wall)

This word refers to phenomena at the 1281 Battle of Koan and an earlier 1274 battle in Hakata Bay, which forced the retreat of Kublai Khan's navy from a failed invasion of Japan. "Spirit wind" is the literal translation of what word later used for Japanese suicide attacks?


C. In Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard presents two men of this rank; one pines in "infinite resignation" over what's lost, while the other has "faith" that what he loses will return.


This drug, whose structure was confirmed by Dorothy Hodgkin, binds to DD-transpepidase by its beta-lactam ring, disrupting cell wall formation in Gram-positive bacteria.


Some distillations use a technique of this name in which vapors are condensed, then returned to their original source. The R in the medical acronym(*) GERD refers to this condition. What word, when it follows "acid", is the name of a condition whose symptoms include heartburn?


C. The second opera in the Ring Cycle is titled for one of these mythical beings, whose namesake "ride" is a popular excerpt from the opera.


This equation named for a Dutchman modifies the ideal gas law by accounting for inter-molecular forces and the space occupied by each gas particle.

van der Waals equation

What equation in slope intercept form is equivalent to 3x plus 4y equals 48


C. During the battle, Anthony McAuliffe provided this one-word response to a German request to surrender Bastogne.


Vince needs to find the price of a widget, given that one widget is worth as much as 8 gadgets plus 6 dollars, and one gadget is worth one-tenth of a widget. By setting up two equations with two unknowns, he computes what price for a single widget?


This empire's introduction of pensions and health insurance led to the coining of the term "state socialism" In this empire, the Falk Laws or May Laws targeted Catholicism in the Kulturkampf.

(Imperial) Germany

IN 2017 a Danish inventor was charged with killing Kim Wall- a member of this profession- aboard his submarine. Name this profession practiced by employees of Al-Jazeera and Reuters.

(Investigative) journalists or reporters

B. Redwall is the first installment in a namesake series of over 20 novels by this British author.

(James Brian) Jacques ["jakes"]

Before the All Star break, Jidge broke the Yankees rookie record fro home runs in a season held by this man . Later in his career, he recorded a hot in a record 56 straight games

(Joltin') Joe DiMaggio

C. This man, who pitched for 27 seasons, threw a record seven no-hitters. He is also the all-time leader in strikeouts.

(Lynn Nolan) Ryan (Jr. )

B. In 2017 Taco Bell selling a version of this item that replaces its normal flatbread shell with a crispy chicken fillet.

(Naked Chicken) Chalupa

Lewis died of mysterious gunshot wounds while journeying along this trail, called a "trace", that linked Tennessee and Mississippi. It was known as the "Devil's Backbone".

(Old ) Natchez Trace

London's 1665 outbreak of plague was described in this author's Journal of the Plague Year. He also wrote Moll Flanders

(Sir) Christopher(Michael) Wren

In 1953, Tenzing Norway and this New Zealand mountaineer archived the first official ascent of MOunt Everest

(Sir) Edmund (Percival) Hillary

Name this brass instrument that changes the pitch not via valves, but with an extendable slide

(Slide) trombone

According to some interpretations, this text has an apparent meaning, the zahir, and an esoteric meaning, the batin. Name this central scripture of Islam


After the 1666 Great Fire of London, this architect was tasked with designing the rebuilt St. Paul's Cathedral

(electrical insulators)

If the code digits must be in strictly ascending order with no repeats, and Noah chooses 6 as his first digit, how many different codes are possible? You should assume 0 is the lowest digit.

3 codes

Ben needs to compute, to one decimal place, the base 10 logarithm of 2,000 , given that the base 10 logarithm of 2 is approximately 0.3. Since 2,000 equals 2 times 1,000, he applies a logarithmic identity to find what value for the logarithm of 2,000

3.30 or 3 3/10

Individuals may be considered obese if their body mass index- or BMI- is greater than this integer.


Ann needs to know the current age of her mother, given that her mother is now 4 times as old as Ann, but in 16 years, her mother will only be twice as old as Ann. By setting up two equations with two unknowns, Ann calculates what age of her mom?

32 years old [m = 4a, so a = m/4; m + 16 = 2(a + 16), so m + 16 = 2(m/4 + 16), so m = m/2 + 32 - 16, so m/2 = 16, and m = 32]

Consider a sphere whose radius is 3. What is the volume of the sphere, given that the volume formula includes an r cubed term?

36 pi

This symphony ends with 29 bars of fortissimo C major chords, despite being a C minor. During WWII, the Allies used it as a symbol a victory. The Pastoral Symphony follows what symphony whose opening "short-short-short-long" motif is said to represent fate?


B. If he wants to raise his batting average to exactly .500, how many additional at bats will be required if he gets a hit during every bat going forward? You have ten seconds

4 at bats [He currently has 8 hits in 20 at bats, so, if x is the number of additional at bats, (8 + x)(20 + x) = .500, so 8 + x = 10 + (0.5)x = 2, and x = 2/0.5 = 4/1 = 4.]

At a restaurant, Stacy is allowed to choose 3 side dished from a menu of 4 slides, and needs to know how many different combinations of items she could eat if the order of selection if not important. Fine the number of ways to select 3 items out of 4

4 combinations

How many non-coplanar points are required to uniquely define a sphere?This is one more than the number of non-collinear points required to define a plane.

4 points

Tom randomly picks a single card from a standard 52-card deck, and needs to know the probability that it is either a heart, or a queen, or both. By taking care to not double count the queen of hearts, he finds what probability of a queen or heart?

4/13 or 4 in 13

For any positive base, the logarithm of 6 plus the logarithm of 7 equals the logarithm of what number?


Hector Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique has this number of movements. The key of B major has this many sharps. Alexander Borodin was part of this many Russian composers sometimes nicknamed the Mighty Handful.


Consider a sphere whose radius is 3. What is the circumference of a great circle of the sphere, given that the center of any great circle is at the center of the sphere?

6 pi

Jason needs to find the perimeter of a right triangle whose legs measure 15 and 20, respectively. By realizing the triangle is a scaled-up version of the familiar 3-4-5 right triangle, he computes what perimeter given the legs measure 15 and 20.

60 [Scaling-up a 3-4-5 right triangle by a factor of 5 yields a 15-20-25 right triangle, P= 15 + 20 + 25 = 35 + 25 = 60]

B. What is the discriminate of the quadratic polynomial? You have ten seconds.

64 [D = b squared - 4ac = 2 squared - (4* 1* -15) = 4 - (-60) = 64]

B. If, instead, she has a 50 percent chance of making any given shot, what is the probability that she makes at least 1 free throw out of 3 taken?

7/8 or 87.5% or 0.875 or 7 in 8 [The chance that she misses all 3 shots is 50% to the third power = 1/2 to the third power = 1/8, so the probability that she makes at least one is 1 - (1/8) = 7/8.]

If the code cannot repeat any digits, or , in other words, each digit of the code must be unique, how many codes are possible?

720 codes

A popular song from the musical The Music Man describes a parade led by this number of trombones, "with a hundred and ten cornets close at hand".


C. If, instead, she has a 65 percent chance of making any given shot, what is the expected value of made shots if she takes 122 free throws? You have ten seconds.

79.30 free throws (or shots) or 79 3/10 free throws or 793/10 free throws [122 * 65% = (100 * 0.65) + (20 * 0.65) + (2 * 0.65) = 65 + 13 + 1.3 = 79.3.]

How many digits are in the integer equal to 2 raised to the 28th power, given that 2 raised to the 30th power is a little more than 1 billion?

9 digits

It's unclear whether Luther nailed or mailed this set of statements while living in Wittenberg. Many of them commended the sale of indulgences.

95 Theses

This play's protagonist is given pet names such as "my little squirrel" and "my little skylark" by her husband. A forged signature on a loan causes this play's protagonist to be blackmailed by Nils Krogstad.

A Doll's House

A character in this play named Ruth disparages the "good-for-nothing loudmouths" who associate with her husband Walter. Beneatha considers going to Africa in this play about the Younger family's choice to move to a white neighborhood. Name this play by Lorraine Hansberry.

A Raisin in the Sun

This novel's protagonist joins a group led by a man named Granger, who is the author of a book titled The Fingers in the Glove. A. Name this novel in which Guy Montag is assigned the task of memorizing the biblical book of Ecclesiastes.

A. Fahrenheit 451

A. What country's sans-culottes lacked breeches, but enthusiastically supported a revolution in which thousands of nobles were executed during the Reign of Terror?

A. France

This monarch introduced the Pain and Penalties Bill to annul his first marriage. A. Name this British King, the husband of Caroline, who before taking the throne wielded power as Prince Regent.

A. George IV [the fourth]

This empire was ruled from Kumbi Saleh prior to the rise of Islam and the Mali Empire in the same area. A. Identify this ancient African Empire that shares a name with a modern-day West African country whose capital is Accra.

A. Ghana Empire (or Awkar or Wagadu or Wagadou)

A madman runs through a marketplace shouting this statement in a passage from The Gay Science. A. Give this three-word statement that announces the decline of systems of morality based on Christian values.

A. God is dead

This character terrorizes Heorot ["HAY-oh-rot"], a great hall built by King Hrothgar [RAWTH-gar]. A. Name this monster, whose mother returns to attack Heorot after this creature is slain.

A. Grendel

This poem describes flowers that stretch "in never-ending line / along the margin of a bay." A. Name this poem in which the narrator's sadness lifts at the sight of "golden daffodils."

A. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

This country's prime minister Matteo Renzi resigned after his proposed constitutional amendment was rejected in a referendum. A. Name this country, whose current minister is Paolo Gentiloni.

A. Italy

Alfonso Ossorio's [urchase of this artist's No. 5, 1948 prompted his partner to ask "you paid money for that?" A. Name this American painter, whose style of splattering paint directly onto the canvas inspired his nickname "Jack the Dripper."

A. Jackson Pollock

The Chizza is a pizza-like offering from this fast food company. A. What chain's menu items have included the Double Down, a sandwich consisting of two chicken fillets in place of bread?

A. KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken

Bonus Questions: This constellation's alpha star is Vega. A. Identify this constellation that is named for the Latin word for a small, harp-like instrument.

A. Lyra

Portugal used once had many colonies in Africa. A. Mozambique, a former Portuguese colony, is separated by a namesake channel from this large island country home to lemurs.

A. Madagascar

A. Textbooks often claim this 1215 agreement between King John of England and his barons was a major influence on the Constitution.

A. Magna Carta

Jean Rhys's novel Wide Sargasso Sea is told from the perspective of this character's wife. A. Name this character who confines his mad wife Bertha to an upper of his house.

A. Mr. Rochester

Many organisms in this phylum, such as Trichinella ["trick"-uh-NELL-uh], are parasites that affect humans. A. Name this phylum of roundworms that contains the model organism C. elegans.

A. Nematoda

A member of this race named Alberich is tricked into turning into a toad using the Tarnhelm. A. Name this race of creatures. A cycle of four operas by Richard Wagner is titled for their "ring."

A. Nibelung

A. While visiting this country in 2016, Warmbier ["WARM-beer"] was sentenced to fifteen years of hard labor. He died in 2017 after being returned to the U.S. in a coma.

A. North Korea

Two years after this man's death, his opponents dug up his corpse so it could be hanged and beheaded. A. Name this man, a commoner who ruled England after signing the death warrant of Charles I.

A. Oliver Cromwell

This people's name means "rubber people," and they may have invented the Mesoamerican ballgame. A. Name this people best-known for their giant stone heads.

A. Olmecs

The de Broglie [duh-BROH-lee] wavelength of a particle equals this constant divided by its momentum. A. What constant is equal to about 6.626 times 10 to the negative 34 joule-seconds?

A. Planck's constant

This author's book The Edge of the Sea was dedicated to her friend Dorothy Freeman, whom this author described as her "ideal reader." A. Name this marine biologist whose other books include The Sea Around Us.

A. Rachel Carson

In this novel, Matthias searches for the sword of Martin the Warrior to help repulse an impending invasion by Cluny the Scourge. A. Name this novel mostly set at an abbey.

A. Redwall

A. In a parable, a "good" man of this ethno-religious group aides a wounded traveler. People who perform good deeds are colloquially called "good" people of this type.

A. Samaritan(s)

A. This White House Press Secretary quit after six months. He infamously declared that Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons.

A. Sean Spicer

Bonus Questions: After this rebellion began in Meerut, rebels declared a Bahadur Shah II to be Emperor of Hindustan. A. Name this 19th-century rebellion against the British East India Company.

A. Sepoy Rebellion

This character is given a girdle by Lady Bertilak, who turns out to be the wide of his foe. A. Name this knight who, in verses by the "Pearl Poet," engages in a supernatural beheading contest with the Green Knight.

A. Sir Gawain (or Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)

During an August 2017 press briefing, this man accused CNN's Jim Acosta of having a "cosmopolitan bias." A. Name this senior White House policy advisor who was one of the chief architects of the January 2017 travel ban.

A. Stephen Miller

Bonus Questions: This novel ends in the Magic Theater, a surreal environment that bills itself as "FOR MAIDEN ONLY!" A. Name this German-language novel about the suicidal Harry Haller, who struggles to reconcile his lupine and human traits.

A. Steppenwolf

A. Harvey resulted in massive flooding and damage to cities such as Corpus Christi in this state.

A. Texas

A bronze statue of this character giving a double thumbs up can be found in downtown Milwaukee. A. Henry Winkler played what TV character who frequently wore a leather jacket?

A. The Fonz (or Fonzie or Arthur Fonzarelli)

Regarding this novel, its author said "I aimed at the public's heart and by accident I hit it in the stomach." A. Name this novel that depicts the plight of such immigrants as Jurgis Rudkus in the city of Chicago.

A. The Jungle

In Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake, this story so influenced Ashoke Ganguli that he named his son for its author. A. Name this 1842 story in which Akaky Akakievich saves up to buy the title garment, which is then stolen from him.

A. The Overcoat (or Shinel)

A character in this novel notes that the sun belt swayed "up and down, from solstice to solstice, in a minute or less." A. Name this 1895 novel, in which a "traveller" journeys along the "Fourth Dimension."

A. The Time Machine

This song opens with the singer declaring himself "just a young man, with a quick fuse." A. Name this 2017 song whose chorus features Dan Reynold's voice, pitch-shifted up, stuttering and repeating the title word, which he then urges the listener to "feel."

A. Thunder

Bonus Questions: This ship earned its nickname during a fight with the HMS Guerriere. A. Identify this ship nicknamed "Old Ironsides." It is the oldest U.S. naval vessel still aloft.

A. USS Consitution

A. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two of the seven namesake subdivisions of this wealthy country.

A. United Arab Emirates or UAE

A double portrait by Piero della Francesca depicts the duke and the duchess of this city facing each other. A. A Titian painting depicting a reclining nude is titled for the "Venus of" what Italian city?

A. Urbino

This "father of English history" was an 8th-century monk who worked in Northumbria. A. Name this scholar, known by the epithet "the venerable," who wrote The Ecclesiastical History of the English People.

A. Venerable Bede [beed]

According to legend, the croissant was invented during a siege of this city. A. Name this city that was relieved during a 1683 siege by John Sobieski's [sohb-YES-kee'z] winged hussars.

A. Vienna

This country's modern name was first used during the rule of Gia Long , the first emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty. A. Name this Southeast Asian country that was a French overseas protectorate from 1858 to 1954.

A. Vietname

A. Puget Sound is an inlet of the Pacific Ocean that forms part of the coastline of this state.

A. Washington

This leader called his own soldiers "the scum of the earth" in response to looting after the Battle of Vitoria. A. Name this general who used reverse-slope defenses to break up attacks by French infantry columns.

A. Wellesley or 1st Duke of Wellington

This man defeated William Jennings Bryan, who lost two prior presidential elections, to win presidency in 1908. A. Name this Republican who served as secretary of war under his predecessor, Theodore Roosevelt.

A. William Howard Taft.

Following these events, the inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels lead to a refractory period. A. Name these events in which membrane potential of a neuron rapidly spikes during the transmission of impulses.

A. action potential

Many English words are named after figures from Greek mythology. A. This word for a collection of maps shares its name with a legendary North African king, as well as a Titan forced to hold the heavens upon his shoulders.

A. atlas

A. Photosynthesis is usually performed in these specialized organelles that contain chlorophyll.

A. chloroplasts

The Ishihara Test can be used to diagnose this condition. A. Name this visual disorder that has "red-green" and "yellow-blue" variants.

A. color blindness

Bonus Questions: Apollonius of Perga wrote an extensive treatise on these shapes. A. Name this set of curves that can be formed by intersection of a plane and the 3D shape from which they derive their name.

A. conic sections (or conics)

The "second wave" of this movement emphasized such issues as domestic violence and reproductive thoughts. A. Name this philosophical, social, and political movement that seeks to achieve equality for women.

A. feminism

A. The caloric theory tried to explain what flow of energy through the movement of a fluid called caloric?

A. heat

A. The UCL [ulnar collateral ligament]connects the ulna to the medical epicondyle of this upper arm bone.

A. humerus

A. There are "absolute" and "relative" forms of this measure, which is the amount of water vapor in the air. Meteorologists typically give the relative form, which is a percentage.

A. humidity

The "bifurcated" form of this phenomenon occurs when one atom partakes in this interation with more than one other molecule. A. Name this kind of intermolecular that involves the lightest chemical element.

A. hydrogen bonding

A. Tollen's reagent [ree-"agent"] is used to distinguish between aldehydes and these related functional groups, which contain a carbonyl between two "R" groups.

A. ketones

In July 2017 the FDA recommended the approval of a new cancer treatment involving gene alteration. A. That treatment was effective against a particular type of this form of cancer, which causes a high level of deformed white blood cells.

A. leukemia

A. Sound waves are this kind of wave, which cause displacements in the direction of propagation, unlike traverse waves.

A. longitudinal or compression (waves)

In particle physics, this property is often given in units of giga-electronvolts per c-squared. A. Name this property, which for an electron is about nine times ten to the minus 31 kilograms.

A. mass

The first instance of this type of game in 2017 was thrown by the Marlins' Edinson Volquez [EH-din-sun VOHL-kez]. A. Name this pitching feat, which is less strict than a perfect game because batters may reach base via walks or errors.

A. no-hitters.

Paul Signac helped develop this technique. A. Name this painting style, developed in France, in which an image is composed of many small dots.

A. pointillism (pointillist technique; divisionism)

In 19th-century France, it was considered scandalous for a doctor to place his ear against a woman's chest. A. This was Rene Laennec [LAEN-nek] inspired to invent this device with which a physician could hear sounds in the chest from a distance.

A. stethoscope

India banned all foreigners from visiting the country for purposes of this practice in 2016. A. Name this practice of gestating another couple's artificially-implanted embryo.

A. surrogacy

Students are often taught the acronym "SOHCAHTOA," to remember the meanings of trigonometric functions. A. What function does the letter "T" represent in "SOHCAHTOA"?

A. tan

A tax on this product prompted a December 1773 action by disguised members of the Sons of Liberty. A. Name this product, over 300 chests of which were dumped into Boston's harbor.

A. tea

This Monarch's withdrawal from the Continental System prompted an invasion of his country in 1812. Name this tsar of Russia whose troops fought the Battle of Borodino during the Napoleonic Wars.

Alexander I

The Rape of the Locket was written by this English author, who claimed "true ease in writing comes from art, not chance" in his Essay on Criticism

Alexander Pope

Name this Macedonian king who conquered Persia

Alexander the Great

In a film by this director, photographer L.B. Jefferies watches "Miss Lonelyhearts," "Miss Torso", and other neighbors. This director is seen winding a clock in that film, one of his typical cameo appearances in his movies. What "Master of Suspense" directed Rear Window?

Alfred Joseph Hitchcock

This girl is called a "monster" by a unicorn, who is angered when this girl gives a lion a larger slice of plum-cake. She holds a poem up to a mirror to rad about the Jabberwock. Through the Looking Glass centers on what Lewis Carrol character who also visits Wonderland?


Name this war, whose "southern campaign" also included the Battle of Kings Mountain

American Revolution

This operating system's releases are named after sweet foods such as Lollipop and this system's eighth major version, Oreo. This operating system is used on Nexus tablets and phones as well as Samsung Galaxy devices.


Studying this system during World War II blackouts enabled Walter Baade [VAHL-tur BAH-deh] to define distinct "populations" of stars. This Local Group galaxy is marked M13 in the Messier ["mess-yay"] catalog. In 4.5 billion years what galaxy will collide with its near neighbor, the Milky Way?


This artist depicted the result of a collision with a utility pole in Green Car Crash, part of his Death and Disaster series. He contrasted colored and black and white silk screened images of an actress in his Marilyn Diptych. Name this artist of Campbell's Soup Cans.

Andy Warhol

This leader of the Christian Democrats first became chancellor of Germany

Angela Merkel

B. Luanda is the capital of this oil-rich country north of Namibia [nuh-MIB-ee-uh], which controls the exclave of Cabinda.


This landmass' Queen Maud mountain range contains Mount Bowser, which was named for a geologist who studies at its McMurdo Station in the 1960's.


A nude sculpture of this deity that was rejected by the citizens of Kos, was eventually purchased by the city of Knidos. A statue in the Louvre that is believed to depict this goddess is missing both arms and was discovered on the island of Milos. Name this goddess of love.

Aphrodite or Venus

One of the principle languages of the Achaemenid Empire was this Semtic language, a form of which was likely spoken by Jesus.

Aramaic Language

The Rape of the Locket depicts a guardian "sylph" with this name, which is also the name of a spirit in Shakespeare's The Tempest


A servant in this novel is mistaken for an "old rajah" as he saves the widow Aouda from her husband's funeral pyre. Members of the Reform Club are disappointed when Passepartout and Phileas Fogg return to London in what Jules Verne novel about a circumnavigating journey?

Around the World in Eighty Days

B. According to the acid-base theory developed by this Swedish chemist, a base is a substance that dissociates in water to form hydroxide ions.


When this man arrived at Heston Aerodrome after a 1938 meeting, he showed cheering crowds a piece of paper. He proclaimed "peace for out time" after allowing the annexation of the Sudetenland. Name this British prime minister who signed the Munich Agreement to appease Hitler

Arthur Neville Chamberlain

The Battle of Cowpens was a humiliating defeat for this British commanders who became infamous for slaughtering surrendering American forces following the Battle of Waxhaws

Banastre Tarleton

The aggressors in this battle were set back when they failed to quickly capture St. Vith A. Name this December 1944 German offensive during which Joachim Pieper's unit perpetrated the Malmedy Massacre.

Battle of the Bulge (or Bulge)

This island is home to a temperate rain forest known as the Tarkine, and was once hone to the extinct thylacine. It was once called Van Diemen's Land and lies south of the Bass Strait. A namesake marsupial "devil" is found on what Australian island whose capital is Hobart?

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

B. The German objective of this Battle of Bulge was the capture the port of Antwerp in this country.


Budapest is the capital of this European country, whose main ethnic group is the Magyars


This author wrote a pair of plays titled Every Man in His Humor and Every Man Out of His Humor. Name this English playwright who depicted a scheming Italian nobleman in the play Volpone.

Ben Jonson

This man is described as a "most brilliant soldier" on a monument to him shaped like a boot. This man who was wounded at the Battle of Saratoga, attempted to(*) surrender West Point to the British. Identify this Revolutionary War general whose name is synonymous with treachery.

Benedict Arnold

C. Prior to the presidency, Taft was solicitor general under this president, who served in between the two terms of Grover Cleveland.

Benjamin Harrison (or B. Harrison)

A lawyer for this world leader was accused of corruption in the purchase of submarines from a German company. This premier, who succeeded Avigdor Lieberman as foreign minister in 2015, is the head of the Likud Party.

Benjamin Netanyahu

At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, this man's brother tearfully cast his delegate vote in his favor. Name this senator and former mayor of Burlington, Vermont

Bernie Sanders

C. The Beanboozled product extended out of a product tie-in inspired by this Harry Potter character's "Every Flavour Beans."

Bertie Botts

B. This former governor of Arkansas, who later became president, passed one of the earliest laws to allow married couples to be legally recognized when they use a surrogate.

Bill Clinton (or Clinton)

In an episode of this TV show, the protagonist is glued to a toilet and seeks help from the dentist Dr. Yap. Mr. Fischoeder is the landlord of its title location, which is operated by Linda and other members of the Bechler family. Name this animated show about a restaurant.

Bob's Burgers

Engelburg is used to shoot many mountain scenes produced by this Indian film industry which is centered in Mumbai. It produces about 250 films a year.

Bollywood or Hindi cinema

The ideal gas law can also be expressed as PV is equal to capital N times "k sub B" times T, where "k sub B" represents this constant.

Boltzmann's constant

A Brutalist city hall stand in this American city, whose John Handcock Tower underwent emergency repairs after its windows stared falling out during high winds

Boston, Massachusetts

In the Super Smash Bros series, this character's Final Smash causes him to transform into his giant, turquoise-shelled "giga" form. Name this king of the Koopas and principal antagonist of most Mario Games.

Bowser Koopa

Former defense secretary Robert Gates served as president of this group from 2014 to 2016.When addressing this group, Donald Trump chided Barak Obama for not have attending its quadrennial jamboree. What youth organization began accepting transgender members in 2017?

Boy Scouts of America or BSA

In 1888 this country's Golden Law was passed during the regency of Princess Isabel,making it the last western country to abolish slavery. After this country gained independence,it was lead by emperor Pedro.


Name this Portuguese speaking country that includes most of the Amazon basin


The author of Slaughterhouse Five based parts of the novel on his experience as a prisoner during WWII.

Breakfast of Champions

This empire shed territory after a "debate" named for a canal it held. Name this empire that colonized Nigeria and modern India.

British Empire

The purge targeted the SA, a paramilitary group whose members ***** shirts of this color.


Identity this style of modern architecture whose name comes from the French for "raw", referring to the bare concrete that characterizes it

Brutalist architechture

Name these often round volumes of gas that can occur within a fluid. The spontaneous nucleation of CO2 forms them in soft drinks


This other Vonnegut novel, which centers on a Pontiac dealer named Dwayne Hoover, opens with an acknowledgement that the title phrase is a trademark belonging to General Mills.


Varanasi is also sacred to members of this religion, as it is near where this religion's namesake founder gave a sermon titled "The Setting in Motion of the Wheel of Dharma."


ARSA is a militant group in the western part of this country, which has the world's largest supply of raw jade.

Burma or Myanmar

As president, Roosevelt created this program that employed young men to plant trees and construct state parks. Its first director was Robert Fechner


The Montreal Protocol sought to limit the emission of this class of greenhouse gases, such as the coolant Freon, because they also deplete the ozone layer.


This abbreviation refers to a culinary school based in Hyde Park, New York. Another organization known by this abbreviation suspended the OSS in 1947, and is know led by Mike Pompeo. Name these three letters that denote an intelligence service based in Langley, Virginia.


This city is home to a nationalist law student named Fahmy, whose mother Amina is hit by a car while returning from the Al-Hussein mosque. Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, and Sugar Street make up a trilogy of novels by Naguib Mahfouz set in what capital city of Egypt?

Cairo (or Cairo Trilogy)

C. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is a final product of these "light-independent" reactions that take place in the stroma of chloroplasts.


This woman lost her job at the Patent Office in 1856 after James Buchanan was elected, because she was a Republican. She ran the Missing Soldiers Office after a war which she was dubbed the "Angle of the Battlefield." Name this nurse who led the American Red Cross.

Clara Barton

During a September 2017 visit to this country, Pope Francis lamented that there has been "too much hatred and vengeance". This country's president won the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize for a peace deal rejected in a referendum. FARC rebels operate in what South American country?


The Snake River is the longest tributary of this other river of the Pacific Northwest, which is impeded by the Grand Coulee Dam

Columbia River

C. In 1999 a mass shooting took place at this Colorado high school, where Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed twelve of their classmates.

Columbine High School

along with small ocelli, wasps possesses this type of eye, which has many lenses and is common among arthropods

Compound eye(s)

Alexander I joined the Holy Alliance with Prussia and Austria at this in 1814 to 1815 "congress" that redrew the map of Europe after the fall of Napoleon.

Congress of Vienna or Wiener Kongress

C. During the period in which second-wave feminism arose, the Supreme Court overturned a law banning the use of contraception in a case named for Estelle Griswold and this New England State.


Genevieve needs to compute the limit, as x approaches 5, of the rational function the quantity of x squared minus 6x plus 5, divided by the quantity x minus 5. By first factoring the numerator, she computes what limit as x approached 5?

Death Valley National Park

The DNC allegedly held a bias against Sanders' 2016 campaign, which led to the resignation of this Florida congresswoman as DNC chair

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Patrice Lumumba was the first prime minister of this country, which was once a Belgian colony. The dictator Mobutu Sese Seko renamed this country Zaire. It now shares part of its name with a country governed from Brazzaville. Name this African country led from Kinshasa

Democratic Republic of the Congo

This country's second most popular city, Aarhus , was occupied during the Schleswig Wars, and is a major port n the Kattegat.


This emperor unsuccessfully tried to curb inflation with his Edict on Maximum Prices. Name this Roman emperor who preceded over the bloody persecutions of Christians beginning in AD 303.

Diocletian or Diocles or Diocletianus

This king of Argoes took Odysseus on his night raid into the Trojan camp.in this mortal warrior's extensive aristeia, or most heroic moment, he wounded both Apollo and Ares


For the bell tower of the Florence Cathedral, this artist sculpted the Hebrew prophet Habakkuk. This artist of Zuccone sculpted a biblical hero wearing only boots and a hat, and standing over the decapitated head of Goliath. Name this sculptor of the bronze David.


The English referred to Viking longships as this kind of ship, after the creatures often carved into the bow. In Norse myth, Fafnir was turned into one of these fire-breathing monsters.


A key fact in this Supreme Court case was Dr. Emerson's move to Fort Snelling in the Wisconsin Territory. Roger Taney wrote the majority decision in this case, which struck down the Missouri Compromise.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

In 2015 this quarterback became the fastest to 60,000 yards when he threw a pass to Brandin Cooks

Drew Christopher Brees

Public awareness of this event grew after Emile Zola published the open letter J'accuse. Name this event in which a Jewish artillery officer was unjustly convicted of giving military secrets to the Germans.

Dreyfus affair

In a story from this collection, Polly Mooney has am affair with Mr. Doran ,who works for a Catholic wine merchant. "The Boarding House" and "A Little Cloud" are stories from what collection, which also includes a tale about a boy who tries to buy a gift from the title city's Arabay market.


This poem describes a youth "stumbling/and flound'ring like a man in fire or lime." The speaker of this poem "cursed through sludge" while walking "bent double, like old beggars under sacks."

Dulce et Decorum Est

Gary Gygax helped create what tabletop fantasy role playing game

Dungeons and Dragons

The Interstate Highway System was championed by this president, who was inspired by the autobahns of Germany

Dwight David Eisenhower

During these events, a "truce" prohobited armies from entering Elis. The silimar Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian festivals were scheduled not to conflict whit these events. The station was a running race performed at what games held in Ancient Greece every four years?


In 2017 the cable TV channel laid off about 100 employees, including Jayson Stark and Trent Dilfer, and moved some of its operations to North Carolina from Bristol,Connecticut. Around the Horn is a show produced by what cable channel that also produces SportsCenter?


This man, who served as chief justice for most of the 1960s, wrote the majority opinion in Miranda v Arizona

Earl Warren

B. Bede's magnum opus discusses the controversy in the British Isles over calculating the date of this holiday, which named a 1916 "rising" for Irish independence.


This author likened his soul to "a stagnant tide" in his poem "Eulalie". HIs poem "Ulalume" describes a journey through the "ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir". This man wrote about a narrator who wonders "weak and weary" upon a "midnight dreary" in another poem. Who wrote "The Raven"?

Edgar Allan poe

This artist painted a woman wearing a blue dress searching a filing cabinet in Office at Night. In another of his paintings, a man wearing a white shirt and cap reaches under a counter while serving three patrons in a brightly-lit cafe. Name this artist of Nighthawks.

Edward Hopper

This architect's furniture designs included the Tulip chair. He evoked a bird with outstretched wings in his thin shell design for a terminal for TWA at New York's JFK Airport. The(*) Gateway Arch is an example of the smooth, curved designs of what Finnish American architect?

Eero Saarinen

A wasp's stinger is essentially a modified ovipositor, which is an organ used to deposit these things into the environment.


In this myth system, the underworld of Duat [doo-aht] was home to a part-lion, part-hippopotamus, part-crocodile creature named Ammit, who ate hearts that outweighed the feather of Ma'at [maht] during a ceremony overseen by Anubis. Name this myth system whose underworld was ruled by Osiris.

Egypt (or Egyptian)

Fasting is forbidden on this feast day that celebrates the end of Ramadan and falls on the first day of the next Islamic month, Shawwal.

Eid al-Fitr

This Democratic senator was referred to as "Pocahontas" after she claimed to have Native American ancestors. Name this liberal U.S. Senator who defeated incumbent Scott Brown to gain her seat in 2012.

Elizabeth Warren

In 2012 this man proposed a transportation device called the Hyperloop. Six years earlier, he helped found SolarCity. This founder of PayPal is also CEO of a company that produces the Model S electric car. Name this businessman who founded SpaceX and Tesla.

Elon Musk

At the 2017 G20 summit, this leader decried women who have "seven or eight children" for exacerbating Africa's "civilization problems". This founder of En Marche! won a May 2017 runoff. The National Front's Marine Le Pen lost an election to what president of France?

Emmanuel Macron

Because dissolving the sugar in water to create the supersaturated solution requires the absorption of heat, it is what kind of chemical reaction


Exothermic reactions have a negative change in what quantity symbolized H that measures a system's heat content?


This young woman is chosen as a successor to the rebellious Vishti. This woman, who was raised by her cousin Mordecai, foils the schemes of Haman, a feat commemorated during Purim celebrations. What Jewish woman becomes queen of Persia in her namesake Old Testament book?

Esther (or Hadassah or Book of Esther)

The St. Lawrence River contains the largest example of this type of feature in the world. They consist of brackish water, and are found between a river and the sea.


C. Peggy, a member of this philanthropic family, commissioned Pollock's 1943 work Mural. Another member of this family is the namesake of a spiral-shaped museum in New York.


This artist depicted the three Gorgons in part of his massive Beethoven Frieze. Name this artist who also painted portraits of Adele Bloch-Baurer

Gustav Klimt

B. The Time Machine was written by this British author, who mocked vendors of patent medicines in the novel Tono-Bungay.

H.G. Wells

That aforementioned show is this musical, which mixes hip-hop and more traditional musical theater styles to tell the story of a Founding Father.


This group operated kontore such as the Steelyard in London. Waldemar IV was forced out of Denmark by members of this group, including its "queen", Lubeck. From the 14th to 17th century this group dominated Baltic Trade.

Hanseatic League

This king faced the Great Revolt, which was led by three of his sons and his estranged wife Eleanor of Aquitaine. Name this king of England who was succeeded by his son Richard the Lionhearted.

Henry II of England

The warrior Philoctetes was abandoned and subsequently retrieved by the Greeks after they learned they needed the bow of this hero turned god, which Philoctetes owned, to win the war


This author of Moby Dick wrote "Bartney, the Scrivener"

Herman Melville

B. This German-Swiss pacifist author of Siddhartha [sih-DAR-tuh] wrote Steppenwolf.

Hermann Hesse (or Hesse)

B. Bao Dai [rhymes with "cow die"], the last emperor of Vietnam, was convinced to abdicate in 1945 by this Communist leader of the Vietminh [vee-et-MIN].

Ho Chi Minh

Stanley Yelants is forced to dig for treasure in this Louis Sachar novel


Williams was nominated for an Oscar for the songs "Somehwhere in my Memory", from this 1990 film in which Kevin McCallister fights the Wet Bandits

Home Alone

The Latin name of this very early hominid species indicates that they walked upright

Homo erectus

This region's basic law, which followed a Sino-British Joint Declaration signed in 1984, specified that the policy of "one country, two systems" would continue for at least 50 years past 1997

Hong Kong

The Banuk appear in this game's expansion The Frozen Wilds. Its protagonist, an ex-member of the Nora tribe voiced by Ashly Burch, learns how the Faro Plague caused the extinction of the Old Ones. Name this 2017 open-world game about Aloy, a woman who hunts giant robots.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Being one-to-one means the graph of the function passes this "test".

Horizontal line test

B. Both George IV and his father George III were from this royal house, whose first British ruler was George I. This house also ruled a namesake German electorate.

House of Hanover

This institution was inspired by London's Toynbee Hall. Name this social institution co-founded in 1889 in Chicago by Ellen Gates Starr.

Hull House

In this 2017 song, Kendrick Lamar claims to be "tired of the Photoshop" and repeats "hold up" among demands to be the title adjective


C. At the end of the Great Turkish War, Austria gained most of this kingdom to its east, which was conquered by the Ottomans after the battle of Mohacs [MOH-hahch].


This city's House of Terror museum is on its Andrassy Avenue. Name this European capital city, whose Chain Bridge spans the Danube River. It is home to St. Stephen's Basilica.


This anion is typically denoted H-. Name this anion of hydrogen.


This novel's title character visits Jim Trueblood's cabin while working as a chauffeur for Mr. Norton. This novel's title character, who lives underground in a room with hundreds of lights, is nearly lynched by Ras the Destroyer. Name this novel by Ralph Ellison.

Invisible Man

In 2017 an NBA G league team in this state changed its name from the "Energy" to the "Wolves". Teams from a university in this state are nicknamed the Hawkeyes.


The US secretly raised money for the Nicaraguan Contras by selling arms to this Islamic Republic, where American hostages were taken in Tehran in 1979


B. A Modest Proposal suggests that only the poor children of this Western European island should be eaten.


B. A 1988 Senate resolution claimed that the oral constitution of this Native American alliance was an inspiration for the U.S. system of government.

Iroquois Confederacy

This city was founded as Byzantium, then renamed Constantinople when it became the eastern capital of the Roman Empire


This Russian scientists won a Nobel Prize for his experiments in training dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell in a process known as classical conditioning

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

The Danube River also passes through this other capital, which was formerly the capital of Yugoslavia

Ivan the Terrible

C. This personal friend of C. S. Lewis produced a standard Middle English version of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight before becoming an Oxford don.

J. R. R. Tolkien (or Tolkien)

B. This Houston Texans football player raised over 31 million dollars for relief for hurricane victims.

J.J. Watt

B. The Hulu series 11.22.63 centered on a teacher who travels back in time to save this U.S. president.


C. The Olmecs made masks using this rock, in particular its "Olmec blue" variant. Green versions of this mineral are popular in Asian jewelry.


Writers in this country originated a form of collaborative poetry called renga. An author from this country described the splash produced by a frog in a poem containing 17 phonetic units. What country was the homeland of Matsuo Basho, who wrote many classic haiku?


B. This husband of Ivanka Trump is the other senior adviser to Donald Trump.

Jared (Corey) Kushner (or Kushner)

Williams used an altering Hal f step theme in his iconic score for the Steven Spielberg film, in which Martin Brody quips "You're gonna need a bigger boat"


This founder of Amazon.com acquired the Washington Post on 2013. In July 2017 this man was briefly the world's richest person

Jeff Bezos

B. Beanboozled is a product of this gourmet jelly bean line.

Jelly Belly

C. Bede's work popularized the chronological standard of dating events "before" and "after" the incarnation of this religious figure.

Jesus Christ

Chapter 28 of this man's namesake book in his "hymn to wisdom." This man's friends Eliphaz Bildad, and Zophar make a burnt offering on his behalf, after which his boils disappear and his riches and family are restored to him.


C. This author of Your Best Life Now was criticized and called a "fraud" for not opening his Lakewood Church as a shelter for hurricane victims.

Joel Osteen

Name this Baroque composer of the Goldberg Variations

Johann Sebastian Bach

In a poem by this author, "death-pale" warriors issue a "horrid warning" to a knight who is seduced by a fair woman. This author of "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" also wrote a poem that declares "beauty is truth, truth is beauty." What English Romantic wrote "Ode on a Grecian Urn"?

John Keats (or Keats)

Though it is named for Monroe, the doctrine was developed and written by this man, who was Monroe's secretary of state. He was later elected president himself.

John Quincy Adams

Name this composer best known for providing the music for the Star Wars and Indianan Jones Films

John Towner Williams

This president of Indonesia undertook a massive speaking campaign to combat these rumors and secure his position.

Joko Widodo

C. This Anglo-Irish satirist wrote A Modest Proposal.

Jonathan Swift

Nicholas was overthrown in a 1917 revolution commonly named for the mont of February, as Russia at the time still used this calendar. The Gregorian calendar largely suspended this earlier one.

Julian calendar

This character lives above a restaurant named Genghis Connie's, which is destroyed by a bazooka. Pop's barbershop employs this man, who fights the villains Cottonmouth and Diamondback.

Luke Cage

The southern two thirds is called Gutland, and its northern 3rd, Oesling, is covered by the Ardennes Forest This country with the highest GDP per capita in Europe is the world's last grand duchy. Name this smallest of the three Low Countries.


The national park's Devil Golf Course is a rugged salt plan. "Sailing stones" are found in this park's Racetrack Playa. It includes Badwater Basin, and was the site of the hottest temperature ever recorded. What California park contains the lowest point on North America?

Neil (McGill) Gorsuch

Mount Everest is on the border between China and this Himalayan country, whose capital is Kathmandu


On an island controlled by this country, the Global Crop Diversity Trust operates a massive underground seed bank. Svalbard and Jan Mayen islands are part of this country. Unlike the other Nobel Prizes, the Peace Prize is awarded in what European country west of Sweden?


What province's name is Latin for "New Scotland"?

Nova Scotia

Luther married von Bora who previously had this role or position in the Catholic Church


This author wrote "The Cop and the Anthem" and "The Ransom of Red Chief".

O. Henry

Venezuela was one of the first five members of this international organization that can influence oil prices via the setting of production caps. Its other members include Saudi Arabia and Iran


This "rule" is most commonly followed by compounds comprised of elements in the first two rows of the periodic table. Name that rule, which states that atoms combine in ways such that each atom has 8 electrons in its valence shell

Octet rule

B. Antigone was the daughter of this king of Thebes, who unwittingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta.


B. This capital of Washington is near the southern tip of Puget Sound.


Al Franken told this man "I had a career in identifying absurdity" when attacking this man's dissent in the "frozen trucker" case. Some Democrats maintain that this man occupies Merrick Garland's rightful seat. Name this man who joined the US Supreme Court in April 2017.

Olympic Games

B. The exclave of Musandam, which borders the Strait of Hormuz, is part of this country that is officially an sultanate.


The Lewis and Clark expedition's most westward encampment was at Fort Clatsop, near the mouth of the Columbia River in this modern-day state in the Pacific Northwest


Name this constellation, one of whose shoulders os formed byBetelegeuse


This man fell in love with Calais while sailing on the Argo, where he was responsible for drowing out the Sirens. This man's wife was forced to return to Hades because this man looked at her while leaving the Underworld. Eurydice was married to what mythical musician?


From the 17th century to 1925, this Scandinavian city was known as Christiana


B. Vienna was besieged several times by this Turkish empire, the first time under Suleiman the Magnificent.

Ottoman Empire

C. The Constitution had earlier participated in this undeclared conflict between the U.S. and France, which took place during the presidency of John Adams.


This name was given to a bloody campaign fought by Ulysses S Grant in Virginia during the spring of 1864. J.E.B. Stuart was killed at this campaign's Battle of Yellow Tavern


Name this 1818 poem about a fallen statue of the title king


China's investments in this country's port of Gwadar are part of the "One Belt, One Road" project. In 2016 police guarding anti-polio workers were killed in this country's city of Karachi. Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai [yoo-suf-ZYE] is from what country where Osama bin Laden was killed?


The 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting went in part to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists for reporting on this set of "papers" detailing off-shore tax havens managed by Mossack Fonseca

Panama Papers

All male members of the US Marines from east of the Mississippi undergo basic training at this South Carolina "island" facility, which has been used for Marine recruit training since 1915.

Parris Island

When odd numbers in this mathematical construct are colored in, it resembles a fractal called the Sierpinski gasket. The sum in the nth row of this arrangement is 2 to the n. Binomial coefficients are the entries in what triangular array of numbers?

Pascal triangle

This law states that pressure in a fluid is transmitted equally in all directions. Its discover also names the SI unit of pressure

Pascal's law

Bach's religious music includes two of the pieces about the final week of Jesus's life, using text from the gospels of Matthew and John.


Fermi developed a set of statistics describing the behavior of particles with half integer spin independently of this English physicist

Paul ( Adrien Maurice ) Dirac

In solid state physics, the Fermi level lies in the band gap of these materials, such as glass, which don't conduct electric current

Paul ( Adrien Maurice ) Dirac

The incident occurred during the presidency of this former war hero

Paul von Hindenburg

Luther wrote an essay urging readers to "smite, slay, and stab" these people, during a war in which some of them followed Anabaptist preacher Thomas Muntzer


After this war, the losing side was ruled by the Thirty Tyrants. Name this war in which Alcibiades led a disastrous Athenian invasion of Sicily.

Peloponnesian War

C. Vitoria was a battle fought during this conflict, a section of the Napoleonic Wars in which France and Great Britain struggled for control of the Spanish throne.

Peninsular (War)

"Ozymandias" was written by this Englishman, who praised a bird's "unpremeditated art" in the poem "To a Skylark

Percy Bysshe Shelley

A bijection from a set to itself, especially a finite set, is often known by this term because the function essentially rearranges the inputs.

Permutation or automorphism

B. The descamisados, or " shirtless ones", supported what Latin American leader whose second wife was known Evita?

Peron ["pair"-OHN]

The Strait of Hormuz is at the eastern end of this gulf, home to the island of country Bahrain

Persian Gulf

A. France's nominal chief of state under the Nazi occupation was this World War I hero.

Petain [pay-tawn]

This man has the all time record for passing yards with 71,940. He retired after leading the Denver Broncos to a Super Bowl with in 2016.

Peyton Williams Manning

Name this Asian archipelago governed from Manila


B. The Sepoy Rebellion began after rumors spread that Enfield rifle cartridges were greased with fat from two types of animals, angering Hindu and Muslim soldiers. Name either animal.

Pigs or Cows

A current player of this hockey team made fun of a Toronto columnist by eating hot dogs out of a trophy. Phil Kessel plays for this team that won the 2016 and 207 Stanley Cups. What NHL team captained by Sidney Crosby plays home games in western Pennsylvania?

Pittsburgh Penguins

This studio's 1986 short film Luxo Jr. featured an item that now appears in this studio's logo. A 2016 film by this studio starred Ed O'Neill as Hank, a "septopus" missing a limb who aids a lost blue tang.


Violins and other string instruments can be played using this technique, in which the strings are plucked with the fingers instead of a being bowed.


Name this activity that is interrupted when a doctor arrives to take Blanche DuBois to a mental hospital


In July 2017 this country's president, Andrzej Duda, vetoed an unpopular judicial bill. During a July 2017 visit to this country, Donald Trump gave a speech touting the virtues of western civilization. Donald Tusk is a politician from what country governed from Warsaw


The 1871 Law of Guarantees allowed holders of this office to receive ambassadors. This office's holder was officially recognized as a head of state in the 1929 Lateran Treaty, which established an enclave within Rome. Name this office at the head of the Catholic Church.


The Hardy Weinberg principle requires a large values for this quantity, which is typically symbolized a N. This qu9iantity is limited by the4 carrying capacity of an environment

Population size

Graffiti claiming "The cake is a lie!" Appears in hidden areas in this first game featuring the psychopathic AI GLaDOS, who oversees the "test chambers" at Aperture Science.


This Greek sea god used his trident to produce a saltwater spring deity a contest to determine the patron deity of Athens, which he lost.


The last line of this novel credits Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner fro bringing two people together in Derbyshire. The male protagonist of this novel averts a scandal by bribing the soldier Mr. Wickham to marry Lydia.

Pride and Prejudice

C. This former Republican National Committee Chair served as White House Chief of Staff for six months before being replaced with John Kelly.


Name this group of eukaryotic organisms whose members don't belong to Animalia, Plantae, or Fungi.


A "penitential" chapter of this book begins with the word "miserere" which means "have mercy" . This first book of the Ketuvim is followed by Proverbs.The words "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want open the 23rd chapter of

Psalms or Tehillium

The Mercenary War shortly followed the first of these conflicts. The last war of this name ended with the destruction of a city by Scipio Aemilianus [SKIP-ee-o "eye"-mee-lee-AH-"noose"]. In the second of these wars, an army led elephants across the Alps under Hannibal. Rome fought Carthage in what three wars?


After abdicating, Puyi was briefly allowed to remain in this sprawling royal residence in Beijing

Purple Forbidden City

B. The microstate of Andorra is in this mountain range that divides Spain and France.

Pyrenees [peer-un-neez]

What elementary particles have "flavors" called "top" and "bottom"?


In 2014, Tuttle published a new "dynamic translation" of this classical Chinese novel about the conflict between the states of Wei, Wu, and Shu.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

The Carpathian Mountains separate Transylvania from the rest of what Eastern european country led from Bucharest?


Ceres is considered a dwarf planet because it is in hydrostatic equilibrium, meaning that is has this geometric characteristic.


Hugh Trenchard is considered the "father of this organization, which used the wood de Havilland Mosquito on pathfinder operations. The Hurricane and Spitfire were fighters used by what military force that fought off the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain?

Royal Air Force (or anything pertaining to the British Air Force)

C. In 1653 Cromwell dismissed a parliament known by this term, which referred to those politicians left behind after Pride's Purge drove the Presbyterians out of the Long Parliament.

Rump Parliament

Nicholas II abdicated in 1917, making him the final Romanov ruler of this country


The Rising Sun Flag became an imperialist symbol during this 1904 to 1905 war that ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth.

Russo-Japanese War

B. Antoní Gaudí was the chief architect of this Barcelona church, which has been under construction since 1882.

Sagrada Familia

B. The space pirate Ridley is a recurring antagonist in Nintendo's Metroid series, which stars this galactic bounty hunter.

Samus Aran

B. Every team in Major League Baseball has thrown at least one no-hitter except for this NL West team, which now plays in Petco Park.

San Diego Padres

Pelosi's congressional district covers the majority of this major American city

San Francisco, California

In an interview with Katie Couric, this woman claimed to regularly read "all of" the magazines. This politician stated "you can actually see Russia" from her home state. John McCain's running mate in the 2008 election was what former governor of Alaska?

Sarah Palin

This country's founder defeated Sharif Hussein, and united the Nejd [nezhd] and the Hijaz. This nation's state oil company, ARAMCO, organized an OPEC oil embargo during the Yom Kippur War. What nation's Salafist monarchy, led by King Salman, controls the cities of Medina and Mecca?

Saudi Arabia

B. This other composer of Transfigured Night was inspired by an Albert Giraud [ahl-"BEAR" zhee-ROH] poem about moonlight to write Pierrot Lunaire [PEER-oh loo-NAYR].


The central subject of this event was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act. Name this trial in which William Jennings Bryan was asked whether he believed in the truth of the Bible

Scopes trial

Name this type of rocks formed by cement action and compaction of minerals

Sedimentary rocks

Some Sevit is a group of artificial islands in this city, whose Lotte World contains the world's largest indoor theme park. This city on the Han River was the capital of the Dynasty and is home to the headquarters of Samsung. Name this capital of South Korea.


Alexander I's nephew, Alexander II, "emancipated" this group of peasants who were bound to the land.


This character claims that the "hard dealings" of Christians lead them to "suspect" others. He asks "if you poison us, do we not die?" in a speech beginning "hath not a Jew eyes?" A pound of Antonio's flesh is demanded by what moneylender in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice?


B. The Nibelung Mime raises this son of Siegmund and namesake of the third opera in the Ring Cycle.


B. Carson is best remembered for this 1962 book, which accused the chemical industry of lying about dangerous pesticides such as DDT.

Silent Spring

B. The Forza Italia party, which is led by this former prime minister, took the lead in the polls running up to the 2018 election. This man was ousted in the wake of a scandal over "bunga bunga parties."

Silvio Berlusconi

This man authorized killing opponents of independence in his "Decree of War to the Death". This man won the Battle of Junin with his second-in-command, Antonio Jose de Sucre.

Simon Bolivar

Extravagant tombs that include air conditioning have been built for deceased drug lords in Culiacan the capital of this Mexican state


The "East of Suez" debate also concerned withdrawal from the British base in this modern day country, which was led by Lee Kuan Yew after its independence.


The Southern Celestial Hemisphere contains the brightest star in the night sky, which is found in the constellation Canis Major


VSEPR theory predicts that a molecule with two bonding atoms and zero lone pairs, such as carbon dioxide, will have this geometry

Slaughterhouse Five

A. This country's capital of Bratislava sits on its western border with Austria.


Gibbs was a pioneer in this field of physical chemistry and physics, which uses probability theory to investigate the typical behavior of a chemical system.

Statistical mechanics

This country's Butana region contains the ancient city of Meroe. This country claims, but does not control, the Hala'ib Triangle. Nomadic militias called janjaweed are active in its western Darfur region. The White and Blue Niles meet at what country's capital of Khartoum?

Sudan (or Republic of Sudan or Jumhury as- Sudan)

Britain's withdrawal of its protectorate followed a public debate on the withdrawal of British forces from east of this canal in Egypt.


Replacing the central carbon atom in acetone with an atom of this element produces DMSO. It bonds to lead in galena, and bonds to two hydrogen atoms in a compound noted for a rotten egg odor. One the periodic table, oxygen is above what element whose atomic symbol is S?


This denomination includes four madhhabs ["MATH"-habz], or schools of jurisprudence. Its members follow the six major hadith collections. This denomination holds that Muhammad did not choose a successor. Almost 90 percent of Muslims belong to what denomination contrasted with Shi'a?

Sunni Islam (or Sunni)

This poem pokes fun at "mighty contests" that "rise from trivial things". Name this satirical poem inspired by a real life incident in which Lord Petre cut off Arabella Fermor's hair

The Rape of the Locket

This party's 19th-century factions included the pro-reform Mugwumps, who could not support a candidate of the moderate "Half-Breeds". That conflict led to this party's James G. Blaine losing the presidency to Grover Cleveland. What "Grand Old Party"is opposed to the Democrats?

The Republicans or Republican Party

The title of this lengthy English poem is forced to wear the dead albatross around his neck after he shoots it

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

This band's founder, Brian Jones, named it after a Muddy Waters song. The words "war, children, its just a shot away" are repeated in this band's song "Gimme Shelter." This band sang "I try and I try" in "Satisfaction." Name this band led by Keith Richards and Mick Jagger.

The Rolling Stones

In this novel, Gibreel Farishta begins to transform into an angel. Name this 1988 novel whole publication resulted in Ayatollah Khomeini calling for the death of its author and publishers.

The Satanic Rushdie

The Puritan Hester Prynne is punished for adultery in what novel by Nathaniel Hawthrone?

The Scarlet Letter

The bank employee Jose K. Is killed "like a dog" at the end of this'd Kafka novel

The Trial

The Post's greatest rival in Washington, DC is this more leaning publication, which bills itself as "America's Newspaper." It was founded by Sun Myung Moon

The Washington Times

One character in this novel plants a bomb in an elevator to cover up a series of attacks by her sister, Angela. In this novel, Turtle Wexler is among the tenants who are given clues to the fortune of a supposedly deceased millionaire.

The Westing Game

The Gibbs phase rule gives the number of phases that have this property with respect to each other. Phases with this property have no net change of heat between them.

Thermodynamic equilibrium

What is the only quadrant of the Cartesian plane through which y equals three fourths x plus q2 does not pass

Third quadrant

B. This economist worried about the effects of a linearly increasing food supply and a geometrically increasing population in his An Esssay on the Principle of Population.

Thomas Robert Malthus (or Malthus)

The jotunn Thrym stole this object. Loki disguised himself as a fly to bite the dwarf Brokkr as this object was being made. A magic belt and iron gloves are needed to lift this object. Mjolnir is the name of...what weapon of the Norse god of thunder?

Thor's hammer

Ivan was the first ruler to use this title, which was used by all the other monarchs who succeeded him

Time of Troubles

The dioxide of this metal form the mineral rutile, and is used as a white pigment. This metal is used to join replacements as it is biologically inert, and in jet engines because of its high strength to density ratio. Name this metal whose atomic symbol is Ti


In a November 2016 game, this New England quarterback became the fifth player to throw for 60,000 yards following a completion in a game against the Jets

Tom Brady

The star of "Forest Gump" played pilot Chelsey Sullenberger in Clint Eastwood's film "Sully".

Tom Hanks or Thomas Jeffery Hanks

After skipping school, this literary character is forced to whitewash a fence. He later falls in love with Becky Thatcher

Tom Sawyer

Who wrote Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead?

Tom Stoppard

B. The UCL of the elbow can be reconstructed in a surgery named for this former baseball pitcher.

Tommy John

In 2017 Jose Bautista players on what only MLB franchise in Canada

Toronto Blue jays

This ruler established a publishing house called the Moscow Print Yard. Name this Russian Monarch who was succeeded by the weak Feodor I after killing his original heir in an outburst of rage.


In this novel, a spinster named Ophelia arrives from Vermont to help her cousin Augustine. This book's title character befriends Augustine's daughter, Eva St. Clare, but is still sold to the cruel Simon Legree.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

An artist from this country depicted a headless statue striding forward in an entry from his series The Course of Empire. Landscape artists from this country include Frederic Edwin Church and Thomas Cole. Name this country where the Hudson River School flourished.

United States or America

Until 1913 holders of this position were apportioned state legislatures. Name this position whose 100 holds make up the upper house of the US Congress

Unites States senator(s)

B. The Jungle was written by this muckraking novelist.

Upton Sinclair

A 2016 proposal to repeal the 17th Amendment was approved by the legislature of this western state, whose senators include Mike Lee


C. In some accounts, Excalibur is the same weapon as the so-called "sword in the stone," which Arthur pulls out to prove he is a Pendragon, and thus the son of this man.

Uther Pendragon

Organisms now is genus Shigella gave rise to this organism's pathogenic O157:H7 strain. This organism in genetics, whose K12 strain normally inhabits the GI bacterium described by Theodor Escherich.


The protists paramecium and amoeba have "contractile" from of these organelles, which they use to regulate osmolarity. Some plant have a "central" one of these organelles.


The Kashi Vishwanath temple is in this city, which is the holiest of the seven sacred cities in Hinduism and Jainism. Name this city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.


Bernstein also composed this musical about rival gangs called the Sharks and the Jets. Its songs include "Tonight", "Somewhere," and "Maria."

West Side Story

This animal is compared to a "Christian Soul" as it flies out of the fog. Name this animal that comes to a ship "every day, for food or play" until it's shot with a crossbow.


The computer scientist Alan Turing likely used a poisoned one of these items to commit suicide. In Greek myth, the wedding of Peleus and Thetis was disrupted when Eris threw a "golden" one. The laryngeal [luh-RIN-jee-ul] prominence is partly named after what fruit with a "Red Delicious" type?


Among the Miranda rights is the right of the accused to consult with a member of this profession, as provided by the sixth Amendment


God appears to point towards the first human in this fresco by Michelangelo, which is near the center of the Sistine Chapel ceiling

The creation of Adam

An ancient philosopher points skywards while reaching for a cup of hemlock in this painting by Jacques-Louis David

The death of Socrates

TAE and TBE are two types of these solutions commonly used in biology labs. In blood, the bicarbonate system behaves as one of these solutions. These solutions consist of a weak acid and its conjugate base, or vice versa.

buffer solutions

C. In young athletes, throwing rarely causes UCL tears but more often causes injuries at the growth plate, which is made up of the hyaline ["HI"-ah-lin] form of this connective tissue.


Jonson influenced this group of poets, which included Robert Herrick. It shares its name with supporters of King Charles I.


Obesity is also associated with elevated levels of LDL, which is sometimes called the "bad" form of this steroid.


C. Laennec also named this condition in which the healthy normal tissue of the liver is replaced with scar tissue. One of this condition's major causes is alcoholism.


The six books in Cassandra Clare's series The Mortal Instruments have titles that begin with this word, such as the first novel about one "of bones"


The fundamental theorem of algebra is that every non constant polynomial has at least one root in this set of numbers. These numbers have real and imaginary components/

complex numbers

B. Color blindness is caused by defects in one or more subsets of these color-sensing photoreceptors.

cone cells (or cones)

C. What trigonometric function- not explicitly present in "SOHCAHTOA"- corresponds to "hypotenuse over opposite"?

cosecant (or csc)

Studying how these animals perceive sensory inputs won Karl von Frisch a Nobel Prize. These eusocial animals may perform a waggle dance to point to the direction of pollen sources. The genus Apis contains what insects that make wax combs to store honey?

honey bees

C. The ration distance between focus and directrix- or eccentricity- for this type of conic section is always greater than 1.

hyperbola ["hi"-PUR-buh-luh]

The ends of this thing are also the endpoints of two catheti. The lengths of this thing is used in the denominator of the sine and cosine functions, and is usually denoted c in the Pythagorean theorem.


This structure produces somatostatin and oxytocin, along with TRH, CRH, and other hormones that stimulate the anterior pituitary gland. This gland is responsible for regulating thirst and body temperature. Name this gland that helps the brain regulate the endocrine system.


Charles law, Avogadro's law, and Boyle's law are special cases of this law. Name this law, which states that PV equals nRT.

ideal gas law

Fermilab is found in this state's city of Batavia. Fermi constructed the world's first nuclear reactor under a football stadium in this state.


The process for this action is set forth in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution, which applies to "all civil officers" of the U.S. Treason, bribery, or "high crimes and misdemeanors" can trigger.


B. Sound waves can undergo this process either constructively, which amplifies the sound, or destructively, which diminishes the sound.


What term describes nucleotide sequences within a gene that are removed from the mRNA after transcription, and thus never translated into protein?


The Fischer system uses the letters D and L to denote some of these entities. These entities can be classified as constitutional, geometric, and optical or stereo. Give this term for molecules with the same molecular formulas but different three-dimensional structures.


C. In Steppenwolf, Pablo plays this genre of music, which Haller thinks of as much wilder than Mozart. Toni Morrison wrote a 1992 novel titled for this genre of music.


C. This three-word term for the moment when a TV series begins to decline in quality is taken from an episode of Happy Days in which the Fonz performs this action while water-skiing.

jumping the shark (or jumped the shark or jumps the shark)

After carbon dioxide and water vapor, this gas contributes the most to the greenhouse effect. Major human sources of this gas include the fermentation of waste in landfills and on farms.


In mammals, most of ubiquinone in a cell is found in this organelle whose DNA is inherited maternally. In Eukaryotes, the electron transport chain and Krebs cycle take place in this organelle.


This computer component is often powered by a unique 20+4 pin connector. The northbridge is part of the onboard chipest of this component. PCI-Express slots connect to this device, and so do the RAM and CPU, or main processor. Name this primary computer hardware "board"?


C. Another parable compares the Kingdom of Heaven to one of these seeds, which is small but grows into a tree.

mustard seed

The first law of thermodynamics related the principle of the conservation of this phenomenon. Name this quantity required for the performance of work.


This quantity is symbolized by a capital S in an equation inscribed on Ludwig Boltzmann's gravestone. A decrease in this quantity in an isolated system would violate the second law of thermodynamics. Name this thermodynamic measure of the "disorder" of a system.


In many programming languages, these sequences of characters begin with a backlash. Name these sequences that are used to represent text characters that cannot be easily typed, such as a new line character or a tab

escape sequences

B. The theory of relativity helped dispel the need for what hypothetical medium, suggested in Isaac Newton's Opticks, through which light could pass?

ether or aether

Scopes violated the Butler Act by teaching this concept in public schools


Christian contributors to this philosophical tradition included Gabriel Marcel, who wrote The Mystery of Being. A. Name this 20th-century movement whose other members included Jean-Paul Sartre [sar-truh]. It focuses on the ability to define oneself by one's choices.


Love for one of these beings convinced Frey to surrender his magic sword. Surtr led a group of these beings from Muspelheim. Another group of them descended from Bergelmir. The universe was created from the body of one named Ymir [ee-mir]. Name these enemies of the Norse gods.


Both Klimt's Beethoven Frieze and his First Portrait of Adele Bloch-Baurer integrated decorative "leaf" of this precious metal, leading the Portrait of Adele Bloch-Baurer to be nicknamed the "Lady in" it


This is the collective term for gases such as carbon dioxide that absorb heat and trap it within the atmosphere.

greenhouse gases

C. In DNA, a "three point" hydrogen bond occurs between cytosine and this other nucleobase abbreviated G.


B. Action potentials can also occur in the pacemaker cells of this organ, which are in its SA node.


This structure, which is part of the brain's limbic system, is primarily responsible for memory consolidation.


The name of this large sub-Saharan mammal mean s"river horse" in Greek.


Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1 depicts an individual with this relation to Whistler.

his mother

C. This other string instrument was standard in piano quintets until Robert Schumann wrote a piece in the genre. This instrument's jazz players include Charles Mingus.

double bass (or contrabass)

C. A psychrometric chart can be used to calculate relative humidity if the "bulb" temperatures described by these two adjectives are known.

dry and wet

The natural logarithm is a logarithmic function whose base is this transcendental number.


C. During the second phase of an action potential, an influx of this ion restores the cell's membrane potential to its resting value. A trace amount of this element's radioactive 40 isotope is found in bananas.


The fundamental theorem of arithmetic is that every integer larger than one can be written as a product of these numbers.

prime numbers

B. After this figure demands and subsequently wastes his inheritance, he returns home penitent and is welcomed by his joyous father, who orders the "fattened calf" be killed for a feast.

prodigal son (or lost son)

B. Warmbier was arrested for supposedly trying to steal one of these objects from his hotel.

propaganda poster (or poster or sign)

Western blots are used to identify these molecules. Chaperonins [SHAP-uh-rohn-inz] assist in arranging these structures into their tertiary structure. Their monomers contain amino and carboxyl groups, and are linked by peptide bonds. Hemoglobin and collagen are what polymers of amino acids?


This field of physics describes an inequality involving the product of the standard deviations of two complementary variables, such as energy and time or position and momentum.

quantum mechanics

B. From the relationships described by "SOHCAHTOA," one can conclude that the tangent function has this relationship to the sine and cosine functions.


In Redwall, the evil Cluny is this type of animal, as are his associates Redtooth and Darkclaw.


What organelle, which is attached to the "rough" endoplasmic reticulum is the site of protein synthesis?


B. Fire trucks in Fahrenheit 451 are referred to by the name of this animal, which along with "the hearth" titles the first part of the novel.


This term technically refers to particles that have a grain size between that of gravel and silt. The process of saltation can be undergone by this material. Forms of this material that are rich in silica are often melted to make glass. Name this material found on beaches.


This instrument was played by Paul Desmond and Ornette Coleman. A musician known for his "sheets of sound" technique played this instrument on the albums My Favorite Things and A Love Supreme. Charlie Parker and John Coltrane played what curved woodwind instrument?

sax (or saxophone)

C. Kemp's ridley and olive ridley are two threatened species of these aquatic animals. Their other varieties include the loggerhead.

sea turtles

C. In 2017 a type of gene therapy was also shown to be effective in treating this disease, in which a mutated form of hemoglobin causes misshapen red blood cells.

sickle-cell disease

B. When an aldehyde is present, a solution with Tollens's reagent will produce a "mirror" of this precious metal, whose atomic symbol is Ag.


The inverse of this function applied to a ratio of indices of refraction gives the critical angle beyond which total internal reflection occurs.


B. Some roundworm parasites attach to the duodenum of this digestive organ, where they drink the host's blood.

small intestine (or small bowel)

Though he is officially an independent, and ran for president as a Democrat, Sanders identifies his platform as the "democratic" version of this concept


B. Holmes' assault took place in one of these locations, which was owned by the company Cinemark.

theater (or multiplex)

Jonson's poem "To Celia" begins by asking Celia "drink to me only with" these body parts. In a Shakespeare sonnet, these body parts are said to be "nothing like the sun".

thine eyes

B. During photosynthesis, the electron transport chain pumps protons into these membrane-bound structures with chloroplasts.


Taking the dot product of this quantity with angular velocity gives power. It equals an object's moment of inertia times its angular acceleration, and it is the rate of change of angular momentum. The rotational equivalent of force is what quantity that is denoted "tau"?


Sinis used these objects to kill hapless travelers. Upon their death, Baucis and Philemon became a pair of these things. After praying for help while fleeing Apollo, Daphne transformed into one of these objects. Lindens, laurels, and oaks are what kinds of plants?


B. Laennec's nephew used his stethoscope to diagnose his uncle with this disease, whose classic symptoms are fever, night sweats, and weight loss.


The "AXE method" of counting electrons is used when applying this theory, which was developed by Ronald Gillespie ad Roland Nyholm. Name this theory known by a five letter acronym. It predicts the geometry of molecules based on the number of bonding atoms and lone pairs.

two(lone pairs)

C. Planck proposed his law to resolve a "catastrophe" named for this type of light, whose wavelength is shorter than visible light but longer than X-rays.

ultraviolet (or UV light)

C. Two stars in Lyra, Beta Lyrae and RR Lyrae, are prototypes of two classes of these stars. As their name indicates, the brightness of this kind of star fluctuates as seen from Earth.

variable stars or variables

C. Pierrot Lunaire requires this musical instrument to be performed in a style called Sprechstimme [SPREK-ahtim-muh]. Famous performers on this instrument included Maria Callas and Enrico Caruso.


Oxygen is reduced to this compound by cytochrome c oxidase in complex IV of the electron transport chain. Along with carbon dioxide, six molecules of this compound are a waste product of one cycle of aerobic respiration. Name this compound that humans must drink to survive


The W and Z bosons mediate this fundamental force, which is often compared and contrasted with a "strong" counterpart.

weak nuclear force (or weak nuclear interaction)

A German resistance movement that opposed the Nazis was named for a rose of this color. A common name for sclera of the eye refers to this color. It is the surname of the author who wrote Stuart Little. What color describes a "House" at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?


The last known specimen of this proboscidean species probably inhabited Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean about 4,000 years ago. during the last ice age, this animal evolved into Siberia.

woolly mammoths

Consider the quadratic function y equals x squared plus 2x minus 15. A. What is the y-intercept of y equls x squared plus 2x minus 15.

y = -15 [At the y-intercept, x = 0, and the equation reduces to y = -15]

This color partly titles a Charlotte Perkins Gliman story about a women who goes mad in a room with wallpaper this color. Walter Reed studied a mosquito borne disease known as this type of "fever". Give this color that also describes a submarine in a song by the Beatles.


The 1929 Saint Valentine's Day Massacre was ordered by what Chicago based gangster?

Al Capone

what French composer wrote Bolero?

Maurice Ravel

Name this composer of Pictures at an Exhibition

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky

C. This island country in the Persian Gulf is connected to Saudi Arabia via King Fahd Causeway.


Muriel Bowser is the current mayor of this city. It was granted electoral votes by the 23rd amendment.

Washington D.C.

Name this newspaper that, in the 1970s, broke the water grate scandal

Washington Post

What is the derivative, with respect to x, of the natural log of x, when x is positive.


what is the value of the base x logarithm of x, assuming x is a positive number?


The natural logarithm of 4 is between what two integers?

1 and 2

How many different 3-digit codes are possible if each digit must be between zero and 9, inclusive, but there are no other restrictions?

1000 codes

C. If a different hitter has a .337 batting average over 362 bats, what whole number of hits does he have? We will accept any answer within 5 hits of the correct total.

122 hits (accept any answer between 117 hits and 127 hits)[.337 is very close to .333 repeating, which is the decimal equivalent of 1/3; 362 at bats can be approximated as 360, yielding (1/3) * 360 = 120 hits, which is within the specified tolerance.]

B. In Brown, the Court held that segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause of this constitutional amendment.

14th Amendment

A scientist has 60 grams of a radioactive substance with a half-life of 20 years, and needs to know how many grams of it will remain after 40 years. By first calculating the number of half-lives that will pass, she computes what remaining amount?

15 grams [40 years in 40/20 = 2 half-lives, so only (1/2) squared = 1/4 of the original amount will remain; (60 grams) * (1/4) = 15 grams.]

Charlie needs to convert into degrees an angle measurement of 5 pi over 6 radians. By recalling that a complete circle has 360 degrees, or 2 pi radians, he is able to compute what degree equivalent to 5 pi over 6 radians?

150 degrees

Direct election of the senators was mandated by this constitutional amendment

17th Amendment

According to the Hardy Weinberg Principle, if 90% of alleles or dominant, this percentage of individuals should exhibit the heterozygotes genotype.


Name this year in which the Great Depression began


In this decade, Stanislav Petrov's decision not to report a false alarm and the lessening of tensions over the "Able Archer" military exercise-both averted nuclear war The "Star Wars" missile defensive system was began during what decade, in which Ronald Reagan was president?


What is the Euler characteristic of any cube, given that the Euler characteristic equals the number of vertices minus the number of edges plus the number of faces?


Name these CBS shows in which characters work as waitresses. This comedy that was cancelled in 2017 starred Beth Behrs and Kat Dennings as the title duo, who worked at a Brooklyn diner.

2 Broke Girls

What is the prime factorization of 28?

2,2,7 or 2^2,7

John needs to find the harmonic mean of 2 and 5. He can either begin by summing the reciprocals of 2 and 5, or utilize his knowledge that the harmonic mean simply equals 2 times their product divided by their sum.

20/7 or 2 6/7

Assuming 1 is considered to be a proper divisor, what is the only positive improper divisor of 28?


Baldwin needs to simplify the expression the square of the quantity 1 minus the square root of 2. By applying the FOIL method, then grouping like terms, he is able to compute what simplified form of the square of the quantity 1 minus root 2?

3 - 2 times the square root of 2 [(1- sqrt(2))(1- sqrt(2)) = 1- sqrt(2) - sqrt(2) + 2 = 3 - (2 * sqrt(2))]

Two weeks before the Amazon-Whole Foods merger was announced, this German supermarket chain said it would partner with Instacart to provide a grocery delivery service.


This idea that this variable increasing would lead to lower wages is known as the "iron law" of this variable. A. Name this variable whose exponential increase was thought to portend poverty and famine.

A. (human or world) population

A. If she has an 80 percent chance of making any given shot, and each shot is independent, what is the probability that she makes both of her next 2 free throws?

A. 64% or 0.64 or 16/25 or 16 in 25 [Since the free throws are independent, the overall probability is just the product of the individual chances; 80% * 80% = 0.8 * 0.8 = 0.64 = 64%.]

A baseball player is batting .400, meaning that he is getting a hit in 40 percent of his bats. A. How many hits does he have given that he has accrued 20 total bats?

A. 8 hits [(20 at bats) * (40% bits/at bat) = 20 * 0.4 = 8 hits]

Bonus Questions: This essay describes a policy that would reduce "the number of Papists" while also supplying "admirable gloves for ladies." A. Name this 1729 essay that satirically advocates the practice of infant cannibalism.

A. A Modest Proposal

A. This composer's Second Piano Quintet includes a trio based on a folk dance called a furiant. His string quartets include one composed in Spillville, Iowa, nicknamed the "American."

A. Antonin (Leopold) Dvorak [ann-toh-NEEN dVOR-zhahk]

An August 2017 terrorist attack targeted this city's Las Ramblas district. A. Name this city in Spain that is the capital of Catalonia.

A. Barcelona

This was the first major battle fought after the Declaration of Independence was issued. A. Name this battle fought in Kings County, which involved more deployed troops than any other battle of the Revolutionary War.

A. Battle of Long Island

The fourth edition of this product added pairs of Spoiled Milk and Coconut, and Strawberry and Banana Smoothie and Dead Fish. A. Name this product consisting of pairs of candies, one of a common flavor, and one of a disgusting flavor that looks identical to the normal one.

A. Beanboozled

A. December 26 is when many Commonwealth countries celebrate this holiday, which is named for the packages that servants expected on the day after Christmas.

A. Boxing Day

Answer the following about TV characters whose deaths are reversed by time travel. A. On the 12th season of Family Guy, Stewie Griffin uses a time machine to prevent this dog from being hit by a car.

A. Brian Griffin

Kenneth and Mammie Clark's doll experiments were used as evidence of the impact of discrimination in this case. A. Name this Supreme Court case that outlawed racial segregation in public schools.

A. Brown vs. Board of Education

A piano piece by this composer was based on a Paul Verlaine poem about moonlight. A. Name this French composer of Suite bergamasque [BAIR-guh-mahsk], which includes "Clair de lune" [klair duh loon].

A. Claude Debussy [deb-yoo-SEE]

A 2012 incident in this state involved the largest number of shooting casualties in the U.S. until a 2016 massacre in an Orlando nightclub. A. James Eagan Holmes killed twelve people and wounded 70 others in what state's city of Aurora?

A. Colorado

The death of this character's son, Haemon, is predicted by Tiresias. A. Name this character who orders the death of Antigone after she attempts to bury Polynices.

A. Creon

This actress voiced Taeko in the English dub of Studio Ghibli's Only Yesterday. A. Name this English actress who starred as Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

A. Daisy (Jazz Isobel) Ridley

Section 7 of this law contains a provision that prohibits "adversely modifying" critical habitats. A. Name this 1973 law under which organisms can be "listed" for special protection.

A. Endangered Species Act

This weapon is engraved with the phrases "take me up" and "cast me away." A. Name this mythical weapon, which in most counts is given to its owner by the Lady of the Lake.

A. Excalibur

In 1804 this man lost a race for governor of New York to Morgan Lewis, who was chief justice of the state supreme court. His loss led to an incident near Weehawken New Jersey, where this man confronted his chief rival.

Aaron Burr

This Sumatran province, the site of a lengthy independence movement, has been allowed to implement an idiosyncratic interpretation of Sharia law. It was the nearest land to the epicenter of a 2004 earthquake and tsunami.


In mathematics, a series is created by doing this operation on a sequence. The arithmetic mean of two numbers is computed by doing this operation on them, then dividing by 2, and is also called the average. Name this operation whose result is called a sum.


This beautiful youth, who spent a third of the year with Persephone, was born from a myrrh tree. He was later gored to death by a boar.


This Athenian king and father of Theseus committed suicide by jumping into the sea, which was subsequently named for him.


This brother of Menelaus sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia in return for favorable winds for the Greek expedition to Troy


This novelist wrote about "poison pet" letters sent to the villagers of Lymstock in the Moving Finger. In several books by this author, Arthur Hastings assists a fastidious Belgian detective.

Agatha Christie

One of these structures named Kansai was built in the 1990s on an artificial island is Osaka Bay, Most of them are designated by a three letter code such as "JFK" for one serving New York City. Name this kind of structure that includes London's "Heathrow" and Chicago's "O'Hare".


C. Contemporary Ghana contains much of the land once held by this empire that was annexed by the British after a colonial governor demanded to sit on its Golden Stool.

Ashanti empire (or Asante)

This character causes Jadis' iron bar to turn into a lamp post. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver are last seen in this character's namesake country. He is skilled on the Stone Table by the White Witch in a story paralleling the Crucifixion. Name this lion of The Chronicle of Narnia.


Name these rocky bodies of the solar system , most of which lie in a "belt" between Mars and Jupiter


Before the development of the Haber process, this desert was the main source of saltpeter. The Very Large Telescope is part of the Paranal Observatory in this desert, which is formed by a rain shadow from the Andes Mountains. Name this desert that lies mainly in Chile.

Atacama Desert

After Zeus swallowed her mother, the Titan Metis, this Greek goddess of wisdom leapt fully-formed from Zeus's head.


Former basketball player Troy Maxon is the central character of Fences, a play in this author's Pittsburgh Cycle.

August Wilson

While ill, this politician gave his signet ring to his trusted general Marcus Agrippa. This man secured power after winning the Battle of Actium against his former Second Triumvirate ally Mark Antony. Name this first Roman emperor, the adopted son of Julius Caesar.

Augustus Caesar

A 2017 plebiscite by postal mail in this country seeks to overturn its Marriage Act, which was defined to disallow same-sex marriage by then prime minister John Howard. Malcolm Turnbull now leader what country where Turnbull defended same-sex marriage to opponenets in Sydney?


The Day of the Dead may derive from a festival held by this people in honor of the goddess Mictecacihuatl who was queen of the underworld.

Aztec Empire

C. Titian painted two cheetahs in a painting that depicts this Roman god jumping out of a chariot toward Ariadne.


Lamar guested on the remixed version of this Taylor Swift song, in which she claims that "it used to be and love" but " now we've got" the title acrimonious concept

Bad blood

A student in this country, Ariana Cuvin, designed a logo consisting of 13 diamonds. A 360 degree film by Sesqui was part of 2017 celebrations for this country's July 1 independence day.


This character is unperturbed when he loses 50,000 francs playing cards at the house of a supposed "Marchioness". As a young man, this character is expelled from the castle of Thunder-ten-Tronckh for kissing Cunegonde ["CUE"-nuh-gahnd]. Name this title character of a satire by Voltaire.

Candide ["can-DEED"]

Every third movement of the Goldberg Variations is one of these pieces in which a repeated melody enters and overlaps at regular intervals. Johann Pachelbel wrote a D major one.


Name these circuit elements, whose ability to store electric charge is measured in farads


C. Praia [PRY-ah] is the capital of this island country off the west coast of Africa, which is partially named after the Portuguese word for "green."

Cape Verde

The attached in Nice used this unconventional weapon to kill of injure over 400 people before being stopped. This weapon was also used in an April 2017 terrorist attack in Stockholm.

Cargo truck

The Guadalupe Mountains, which cross the boarder between Texas and New Mexico, are the site of this national park in New Mexico. Its limestone "Big Room" is over three-quarters of a mile long.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

This opera inspired a violin fantasy by Pablo de Sarasate . An aria from this opera compares love to a rebellious bird. The words "votre toast" opens an aria from this opera.


B. This most populous city in Morocco hosted an Allied conference in 1943 during World War II. Its name titles a Humphrey Bogart film.


While dying, a character in this novel complains "I'm cold," to which the protagonist is only able to reply "there, there." This novel is partly set on Pianosa, where the soldiers Snowden and Yossarian are stationed during World War II. Name this novel by Joseph Heller.


One form of this structure contains polysaccharides called pectins. Synthesis of another type of this structure is inhibited by penicillin. In prokaryotes it is made of peptidoglycan, while in plants it is made of cellulose. What structure surrounds some cellmembranes?

Cell walls

The Tibesti Mountains are most likely located in this landlocked country whose capital is N'Djamena. A namesake lake in the southern part of this country almost completely dried up in the 1990s.


C. The British inventor of the difference engine, which was regarded as the world's first computer, was born on December 26, 1791.

Charles Babbage

This other British commander surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown, ending the war

Charles Cornwallis

C. This author wrote the novel Jane Eyre.

Charlotte Bronte [BRAHN-tay]

This woman wrote the article "Moving On" after a July 2016 suicide attempt. In chats with Adrian Lamo, she discussed the "Collateral Murder" video and other leaked items. In 2017 President Obama commuted the sentence of what ex-soldier convicted of violating the Espionage Act?

Chelsea Manning.

In 2014 Black Friday protesters in this city demanded its mayor resign after the police shooting of Laquan McDonald. Barack Obama's first chief of staff is the current mayor of this city. What city whose mayor is Rahm Emanuel has experienced over 300 murders in 2017?

Chicago, Illinois

The northern Yucatán is home to this archeological site, a Classical maya city that boasts a huge step pyramid temple called El Castillo

Chichen Itza

B. Taft is the only man to serve both as president and in this judicial position, which is currently occupied by John Roberts.

Chief Justice

An author from this country used his experience as a "sent-down youth" to write the 2006 novel Wolf Totem. Name this country, also the home of the 21st-century author of a science fiction trilogy that opened with 2008's The Three-Body Problem.


The western part of this country contains the Taklamakan Desert, in an area called the "Uyghur Autonomous Region." The southern part of the Gobi Desert lies in this country's province of Xinjiang.


Following the election, North-Rhine Westphalia's state legislature was headed by a coalition led by this party, which also holds the most seats in the German Bundestag

Christian Democratic Union

Nirosta steel was used for the cladding on this building's crown, topped by a secretly constructed spire that allowed it to briefly become the world's tallest building. Gargoyles modeled after hood ornaments adorn what art deco New York skyscraper named for a car company?


This novel by Marissa Meyer is the first book in the Lunar Chronicles. This novel's title cyborg is loosely based on a princess from a fairy tale.


Malthus's work inspired the subsistence theory of wages," which was advanced by this author of Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.

David Ricardo (or Ricardo)

Not long after Diocletian's persecutions , this Roman emperor became the first Christian to rule the empire.

Constantine I or Constantine the Great or Constantinus Augustus

Ajaccio is the capital of this French island that was the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte.


Androgens, a prince of this island, was murdered in Athens. A king of this island employed the architect Daedalus, who built an elaborate labyrinth


During a battle in this war, Lord Raglan's orders were misinterpreted by Lord Cardigan's cavalry. In this war British troops foolishly charged enemy artillery at the Battle of Balaclava. The Charge of the Light Brigade occurred during what 1850s war on a Russian peninsula?

Crimean War

The term "European early modern humans" is sometimes used in place of this hyphenated term for the short and stocky humans of the Upper Paleolithic, which derives from both French and Occitan


Rock candy is formed by the nucleation of sugar in what case of highly ordered solids that are often contrasted with "amorphous" solids

Crystals or crystalline

A revolutionary movement in this country named after July 26, the date of a failed attack on the Moncada Barracks. The American Mafia supported this country's leader Fulgencio [fool-HAYN-see-oh] Batista. A 1959 revolution brought communists to power in what country led by Fidel Castro?


Its first ruler was this "great'' king who defeated Croesus and ended the Babylonian Captivity

Cyrus the Great

The octet rule can be broken by elements that have access to these orbitals with an azimuthal quantum nu8mber of 2. These orbitals can hold up to 10 electrons.

D orbitals

Name this English author of Sons and Lovers and Lady Chatterly's Lover

D.H. Lawerence

The deal between Trump and Pelosi came a day after Trump's administration announced plan to rescind this program, which offered protections for undocumented working adults who came to the US as children


During this process, a ligase joins together Okazaki fragments. This process, which begins with the enzyme helicase unwinding a double helix, occurs only during the cell cycle's S phase. Name this process in which a cell copies its genetic material.

DNA Replication (DNA Synthesis or DNA Duplication)

This poem asserts that "every woman adores a Fascist" and notes that the title figure stands "at the blackboard." Name this poem addressed to a relative of the speaker, which opens with the lines "you do not do, you do not do / anymore, black shoe."


On a 2017 cycle of this TV show, former MLB player David Ross finished second to NFL star Rashad Jennings. A spin-off of this show was subtitled "Bruno vs. Carrie Ann," after two of this show's judges. Name this ABC series in which celebrities perform choreographed routines.

Dancing with the Stars

In 1660 this city's government was deposed by the army of George Monck. Name this city on the River Thames, where executions often took place at a tower built during the reign of William the Conqueror

Daniel Defoe

Varanasi is on the banks of this holy river of Hinduism, which receives the Yammuna River at Allahabad.

Ganges River

A quote attributed to Robert Frost counsels against taking one of these projects down "until you know why it was put up". Name these objects , "good" one of which are said to make "good neighbors" in Frost's poem 'Mending Wall'


This Philippine President embezzled billions of dollars before being overthrown in 1986. His wife Imelda owned over 1,000 pairs of shoes

Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos

The Southern Celestial Hemisphere contains the brightest star in the night sky, which is found in the constellation Canis Major

Ferdinand Magellan

This country's city of Rovaniemi is the capital of the northern region of Lapland. The Neva River flows into this country's namesake gulf, which separates this country from Estonia.


During this conflict, Peter the Hermit led an army of peasants. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was established in the wake of this conflict, which began after the Council of Clermont. Pope Urban II urged what initial attempt by Christian armies to retake the holy land?

First Crusade

What Italian city in Tuscany was ruled by the Medicis


Name this 1916 poem about a meteorological phenomenon that "comes/on little cat feet"


Nice is a city in this European country


Name this conquistador who led the Spanish conquest of Peru

Francisco Pizarro

Name this German language author who wrote about K's efforts to contact a bureaucrat named Klamm in The Castle

Franz Kafka

B. This composer based a movement on his A major Paino Quintet on his lied "The Trout," leading to its nickname of "Trout Quintet." He also wrote the "Unfinished" Symphony.

Franz Peter Schubert (or Schubert)

Gibbs is the namesake form of this "usable" energy in a system. Hermann von Helmholtz names another form of this kind of energy.

Free energy

The octet rule is also broken by these highly reactive species that contain unpaired electrons

Free radicals

B. Second-wave feminism was influenced by The Feminine Mystique, a book by this co-founder of the National Organization for Women.

Friedan [frih-DAN]

B. This German philosopher, who wrote that humans should aspire to be the ubermensch [OO-ber-mensh], proclimed that "God is dead."

Friedrich Nietzsche [NEET-shuh]

This member of Maxwell's equations, named for a German scientist, states that the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the enclosed charge.

Gauss's law

C. French occupation of Vietnam ended following the signing of peace accords in this European city in 1954 shortly after the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

Geneva, Switzerland

The Peninsula Campaign was a failure for this over cautious Union general, who later ran against Abraham Lincoln in the presidential election of 1864

George Brinton McClellan

A movement for two oboes and strings in this composer's oratorio Solomon is titled "The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba." An "Alla Hornpipe" dance is part of his Water Music. King George II supposedly stood up during what composer's Messiah, which includes the "Hallelujah" chorus?

George Frideric Handel

"Read my lips:no new taxes" was a pledge of what 41st president , the father of the 43rd president

George H.W. Bush

In Hamilton, this character sings the songs "What Comes Next" and "You'll Be Back", which are both stylistically different from the rest of the show's numbers

George III of the United Kingdom

B. William Howe led the British forces that defeated this commander-in-chief of the Continental Army at Long Island.

George Washington

This newspaperman supported Dreyfus; he later became French prime minister during the First World War.

Georges (Benjamin) Clemenceau

B. This painter used pointillism in his A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.

Georges Seurat [zhorzh suh-rah] (or Georges-Pierre Seurat)

Past governors of this state include the Democrats Zel Miller and Jimmy Carter. The images of three Confederate leaders are carved onto Stone Mountain in this state. The capital of this state is served by a public transit system called MARTA. Name this "Peach State."


What president pardoned his predecessor Richard Nixon?

Gerald Ford

May 2017 regional elections in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia ousted the Social Democrats from power on the state legislature. North-Rhine Westphalia's is the most populous state of what member of the European Union?


Hydrides are often able to donate an electron pair, which means they are bases under this American chemist's definition.

Gilbert N(ewton)

In eukaryotes, this organelle adds mannose-6-phosphate to proteins. This organelle is typically made of a series of folded stacks known as cisternae. Proteins are packaged into membrane-bound vesicles in what "apparatus" named for an Italian biologist?


A poet with this surname authored "Elegy"Written in a Country Churchyard". In 1858 Henry Vandyke Carter illustrated a pioneering anatomy textbook written by a surgeon with this surname. Give this surname of Oscar Wilde's ageless character Dorian.


Puyi was a member of this dynasty, which ruled China from 1644 until Puyi's forced abdication in 1912

Great Oing Dynasty

C. This country's surrogacy industry has grown in recent years. It is host to an overcrowded Syrian and Afghan-filled refugee camp on Mykonos.


Nicholas employed this unpopular Russian mystic as a healer for his wife and son. Legendarily, this man proved very difficult to kill.

Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin

In this Central American country, the US facilitated the overthrow of the democratically elected Jacob Arbenz at the behest of the United Fruit Company


Cyrus the Great conquered this region boarded by the Euphrates river, whose earlier cultures included Sumer, Akkad, and Assyria.


B. "Thunder" is a song by this Las Vegas-based band behind the 2013 single "Radioactive."

Imagine Dragons

This quantity, which has the same units as momentum, equals the average force over a period of time. It gives the change in an object's momentum due to an applied force.


B. This country's city of Darjeeling, in its state of Wes Bengal, is the source of a renowned variety of black tea.


In early September 2017 journalist Guari Lankesh was shot and killed outside her Bangalore home in this country


The president of this country banned Hizb ut-Tahrir in an effort to tamp down rumors that Islamist's would stage a revolt. Name this archipelago, where those plots were discussed after the governor of Jakarta was accused of blasphemy.


A publication known as the "Yellow Book" laid out this system's planned routes. Name this network of high speed roads that was established in the US in 1956

Interstate Highway System

This type of function can always be created for a bijection; it "ungoes" the original function.

Inverse function

What middle period of the Mesozoic came between the Cretaceous and Triassic Periods?

Jurassic Period

C. The Brown case originated in this state. In the early 2000s this state was governed by Kathleen Sebelius, before she became secretary of health and human services.


This territory was compared to an assaulted virgin in a speech by Charles Summer about "the crime against" it. It is the first territory mentioned in the name of an 1854(*) law granting popular sovereignty to two places. Conflicts over slaver led to what territory "bleeding"?

Kansas Territory

An 1848 pamphlet was rewritten by Friedrich Engles and what co-author of The Coommunist Manifesto?

Karl Heinrich Marx

Many Bollywood films are shot in Engelburg because of political instability has inhibited film shooting in this mountainous region that remains disputed between India and Pakistan.


Name this African country whose capital is Nairobi


The second of this set of three laws states that equal areas are swept out in equal times by a planet orbiting the sun

Kepler's law of planetary motion

B. This 19th-century Danish philosopher, who described the struggle to keep faith in Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death, was a precursor to existentialism.

Kierkegaard [KEER-kuh-gard]

B. Excalibur is wielded by this king, who assembles the Knights of the Round Table in Camelot.

King Arthur

Henry's youngest son was this future king who was nicknamed "Lackland" and "Softsword", and who lost much of his father's French territory.

King John of England

This man, who oversaw an "economic miracle' was the first postwar chancellor of West Germany; at his 1963 retirement he was the oldest democratic leader in the world history.

Konrad (Hermann Joseph ) Adenauer

In Februrary 2017, a leader of this group, Frank Ancona, was murdered. A former member of this group won three percent of the vote in Louisiana's 2016 senate race, and another founded the website Stromfront. David Duke was the a Grand wizard of what hood-wearing hate group?

Ku Klux Klan

B. This first leader of an independent Ghana renamed his country for the ancient empire.

Kwame Nkrumah [KWAH-may en-KROO-man]

Along with the Salween and Yangtze Rivers, this is one of the Three Parallel Rivers that flow through Yunnan. The Tonle Sap is a tributary of this river, which flows into the South China Sea just south of Ho Chi Minh City. Name this major river of Southeast Asia.


The last 5 lines of "Chicago" describe the city performing this action in various ways, including "with white teeth" and :under the terrible burden of density"


The line, "and I eat men like air" ends a Plath poem titles for a "lady" with this name. In the New Testament, Jesus raises a man with this name from the dead.


C. In the second-season finale of this series, the title group "breaks time" during a mission that undoes the death of Amaya Jiwe.

Legends of Tomorrow

At the begging of "Ozymandias", the traveler described fallen pieces of the statue that resemble "vast and trunkless" examples of these boys parts


Benny Goodman premiered the solo clarinet part in this composer's Prelude, Fugue and Riffs. Name this American composer whose work on the musical On the Town included a major ballet scene set in Times Square.

Leonard Bernstein

During operation El Dorado Canyon, the U.S. bombed this country in retaliation for a 1986 attack on a disco in West Berlin.


This man won a Tony Award for Best Original Score for his work on In the Heights. Name this musician and actor who also wrote the score for a Broadway show nominated for a record 16 Tony Awards in 2016.

Lin-Manuel Miranda

C. This Argentine soccer star plays forward for FC Barcelona. This player has won FIFA's Ballon d'Or five times since 2009.

Lionel Messi [messy]

A hydride containing aluminum and this lightest material is commonly used in organic chemistry as a reducing agent


C. In The Jungle, Jurgis Rudkus and his wife Ona are immigrants from this modern-day Baltic country.


This substance contains the same ingredients as orcein, as both are made from ochella. Nitrazine strips are an alternative to this substance, which is extracted from(*)lichen. What substance is an indicator that turns red or blue when reacting with an acid or base?


After Feodor died childless, the Ruik Dynasty ended, ushering in this chaotic period in Russian history filled with usurpers and civil uprisings


C. Wordsworth called his homeland a "fen / of stagnant waters" in an 1802 sonnet named after this city.

London (or London, 1802)

B. When in power, Cromwell was know by this two-word title, which was also briefly used by his son Richard.

Lord Protector

The Grizzlies' center , Marc Gasol, was drafted by this team before being traded to the Grizzlies for his brother Pau. This team took Brandon Ingram in the 2016 NBA draft

Los Angeles Lakers

C. The Reign of Terror began several months after the execution of this French king, the husband of Marie Antoinette.

Louis XVI [the 16th]

This state is home to the largest river swamp in the U.S., a basin that begins near the town of Simmesport and is at the mouth of the Atchafalaya River. The longest bridge in the U.S. goes over Lake Pontchartrain in what state divided into parishes and led from Baton Rouge?


John Hancock Tower was designed by the firm of I.M. Pei, who designed a glass pyramid to be placed outside of this Paris art museum


This Jeff Nichols film stars Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton as an interracial couple who fight a supreme court case.


Name this NBA team that originally placed in Vancouver before moving to the US in 2001.

Memphis Grizzlies

Name this man who led the Corps of Discovery alongside William Clark

Meriweather Lewis

The line "fire burn and cauldron bubble" is spoken by the three witches in this Shakespeare tragedy


A vaper cone can occur when a number named for this man is greater than 1. This Austrian lands his name to a dimensionless "number" that is greater than one for an object generating a sonic boom. What man's number is the ratio of an object's speed to the speed of sound?


A character in this novel uses water to simulate teardrops on a break up note that he places at the bottom of a basket of apricots. Rodolphe's secret affair is exposed after a doctor's wife named(*)Emma takes arsenic in what 19th century French novel by Gustave Flaubert?

Madame Bovary

This Spanish island, the largest in the Balearis archipelago, is a popular tourist resort. Its most-populous city is Palma


Members of the protists genus Plasmodium are responsible for causing this mosquito borne disease


This endeavor absorbed a similar British effort known as "Tube Alloys." At the culmination of this project, the phrase "now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" was spoken by J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Manhattan Project

Three of these things appeared in the center of the proposed "Pearson Pennant" championed by Prime Minister Lester Pearson. A symbol that replaced the "Red Ensign" design in 1965 depicts a single, 11-pointed, red one of these. What object appears on the national flag of Canada?

Maple leaf

Remembrance of Things Past was written by this author

Marcel Proust

This politician resigned following a leadership challenge from Michael Heseltine. This prime minister clashed with Arthur Scargill during a miners' strike, and sent troops to fight Argentina in the Falklands War. What Conservative prime minister was know as the "Iron Lady"?

Margaret Thatcher

In 2012 film director James Cameron made the first solo visit to this area in a vehicle made by Glomar. This area is located where the Pacific Plate subducts below a small plate near the Philippine Sea. Challenger Deep is in what trench at the lowest depth of the ocean?

Mariana Trench

This man gave Harvard's 2017 commencement address, though he dropped out of Harvard in 2004. Priscilla Chan is the wife of what founder of facebook?

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg

C. This city is home to the Eli Badi [BAH-dee] palace, was a capital of the Almoravid Dynasty. It is the source of the modern English word "Morocco."


The Battle of Antietam eras fought during a September 1862 "campaign' named for this state, in which the battle occurred


Elizabeth warren represents this state in the senate. Its previous senators included Ted Kennedy.


Units called baktuns and katuns were part of what civilization's Long Count calendar system


An August 2017 accident involving a ship named for two members of this family forced the U.S. Navy to order a full safety review. Another member of this family unexpectedly voted against the "skinny repeal" of Obamacare. Name this family of longtime Arizona senator John.


For two gears, this quantity differs from the speed ratio because it is calculated as the ratio of teeth, not the radius of the gears. The law of the lever can be used to calculate what "advantage" a measure force amplification for simple machines?

Mechanical advantage

The winged horse Pegasus and his human brother Chrysaor were born from either this monster's blood or from her decapitated body.


Name the singer of the song "No" and "All About that Bass"

Meghan Elizabeth Trainor

What Japanese emperor ruled over a namesake "restoration"?


A skeleton wearing a hat, known as "La Catrina," is a folk character from this country. Name this country, in which celebrants place skulls made of candy on altars during the Day of the Dead.


B. This former National Security Adviser resigned after lying about the nature of his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

Michael Flynn

C. Earlier in his career, Miller served as a press secretary for this Republican congresswoman from Minnesota, who unsuccessfully sought the GOP presidential nomination for 2012.

Michele Bachmann

B. This blend of Anglo-Saxon and Norman French was used to write Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. It evolved onto the modern language used by Shakespeare.

Middle English

Creating a cake in this game requires placing a three buckets of milk, two piles of sugar, one egg,and three bundles of wheat into a square pattern on a table.


An art deco skyscraper in this city bears the name of Wilbur Foshay. This city's Saint Anthony Falls is near the site of a 2007 bridge collapse that killed 13 people and the newly-built US Bank Stadium. The Mall of America is in a suburb of what "Twin City" near St. Paul?


The 2010 case Berghuis v Thompkins relaxed the requirements of a set of rights named after this case. Name this 1996 Supreme Court case that originated in Arizona. Its namesake set of "warnings" include being notified of the right to remain silent.

Miranda v. Arizona

In February 2017 this Senate Majority Leader used the phrase "Nevertheless, she persisted" after forcing an end to Warren's speech criticizing attorney general nominee Jeff Sessions.

Mitch McConnell

This port is the second most populous city in Kenya, and was the site of a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in 2002.


According to Newton's second law, the range of change of this quantity equals force. Name this quantity , which in Newtonian mechanics equals mass times velocity.


This policy was announced in an 1823 message to Congress, which noted that certain "events in Spain and Portugal" showed that "Europe is still unsettled." Name this U.S. policy that opposed European colonialism in North America. It is named for the fifth president.

Monroe Doctrine

C. This French Enlightenment thinker inspired the notion of separation of powers with his treatise The Spirit of the Laws.


This city is home to the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, from whose basement civil rights activism was planned. This city was the endpoint of marches that started in Selma. Name this Alabama city where a 1955 boycott was held after Rosa Parks would not give up her bus seat.

Montgomery, Alabama

The downtown area of this most populous city of Quebec is on an island in the St. Lawrence River.


C. The narrator of The Time Machine uses the term "Under-Grounders" to describe these beings, who are treated with disdain by the "beautiful" Eloi.


The brother of Aaron was what prophet who led Israel out of Egypt?


A large brown ridge characterized these hominids named for a valley in Germany, which either died out or interbred with modern humans


Mo Yan, the Chinese author of Life and Death are Wearing Me Out and Red Sorghum, was awarded this literary prize by the Swedish Academy in 2012.

Nobel Prize in Literature

Uday and Qusay, the sons of Saddam Hussein were killed in a gunfight in this city in 2003. Name this city in Northern Iraq which in July 2017 was recaptured from the Islamic state.

Mosul or Mawsii

Name this location where George Mallory's body was found in 1999, 75 yeas rafter his 1924 disappearance

Mount Everest

This dynasty was served by the "Nine Jewels," including the storyteller Birbal, who followed a syncretic religion called Din-i Ilahi. The son of this dynasty's ruler Humayun moved his capital to Fatehpur Sikri.


Bela Bartok also collected the "folk" kind of art form, performed by gamelan ensembles and orchestras


B. Olmec means "rubber people" in this language spoken by the Aztecs. It is still spoken by over 1.5 million people in Mexico today.

Nahuatl [nah-WAH-tul]

Name this Democrat who has been the House Minority Leader since 2011; prior to that, she served as speaker

Nancy Pelosi

B. This hunter who fell in love with his own reflection names a person fixated upon themselves.

Narcissus (or narcissist or narcissism)

C. A month after the battle, this spy was executed by the British; before his death, he supposedly expressed regret that he only had one life to give for his country.

Nathan Hale

Mary Dalton is accidentally smothered by Bigger Thomas in what novel by Richard Wright?

Native Son

The incident purged many enemies and internal dissidents of this political party led by Adolf Hitler.

Nazi Party

Kafka also wrote this short story in which the traveling salesman Gregor Samsa turns into a "vermin"

The Metamorphosis

This state's Cannon Mountain, which is in Franconia Notch, contained a cliff formation that collapsed in 2003. The town of Dixville Notch in this state casts presidential primary votes at midnight. The "Old Man of the Mountain" was in what New England state that led from Concord?

New Hampshire

The metropolitan area of El Paso, Texas includes Las Cruces, a city in this other state. Name this state that is also home to White Sands National Monument.

New Mexico

A Streetcar Named desire is set in this southern city; Blanche relates taking the title streetcar to reach the Kowalski apartment in the French quarter

New Orleans, Louisiana

In 1874 this state's voters elected the reform-minded governor Samuel Tilden. The Harper's Weekly contributor Thomas Nast drew cartoons depicting a corrupt political group in this state as a "tiger." Boss Tweed and the Tammany Hall political machine were based in what state?

New York

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer represents what state where Trump addressed police on Long Island

New York

Aaron Judge is a breakout star with this team, whose former starts include Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera

New York Yankees

Robert Hooke began a bitter feud with Issac Newton after Newton published this inverse square law

Newton's law of universal gravity

For most of the 1980s in this country, a civil war was fought between the Sandinistas, led by Daniel Ortega, and the US blacked Contras


The use of left hand pizzicato was popularized by this 19th century violin virtuoso. The last of his 24 caprices became the basis os a "rhapsody" by Sergei Rachmaninoff

Niccolo Paganini

Name this city where 86 people were killed by a terrorist during Bastille Day celebrations


This coach joined his current team in 2007 after an unsuccessful two-year stint with the Miami Dolphins. He suffered his first loss in a championship on January 9, 2017, to Dabo Swinney's Clemson squad. Name this coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide football team.

Nick Saban

At am American economic exhibition in Moscow in 1959, Richard Nixon held the impromptu "Kitchen Debate" with this Soviet premier, who held power during the Cuban Missile Crisis

Nikita ( Sergeyevich ) Khrushchev

B. "The Overcoat" was written by this Ukranian-Russian satirist, whose other works include the novel Dead Souls and the play The Government Inspector.

Nikolai Gogol (or Gogol)

In this novel, a philologist named Syme discusses "the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year." Jargon-filled articles written in Newspeak are produced by Ministry of Truth employees such as Winston Smith in what dystopian novel by George Orwell?

Nineteen Eighty-Four

C. The last British monarch from the House of Hanover was this woman, who ruled from 1837 to 1901.

Queen Victoria

On this month's Night of Power, the Qur'an was first revealed to Muhammad. Name this ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which Muslims observe the pillar of Islam known as sawm.


This painter of The School of Athens depicted a boy pointing at a fire behind him un his Portrait of a Young Man.


C. This author of Fahrenheit 451 also wrote The Martian Chronicles.

Ray Bradbury

A phosphorous allotrope that is named for this color is formed by exposing white phosphorous to sunlight. Lithium and strontium burn this color in the flame test. Blue litmus paper turns this color in acids.


B.Robespierre ruled during this period of the French Revolution that was ended by the Thermidorian Reaction. It featured frequent executions by guillotine.

Reign of Terror

Meditations on First Philosophy is by what Frenchman who wrote "I think, therefore I am"?

Rene Descartes

Most of this state's drinking water comes from Scituate Reservoir. The town of New Shoreham is on this state's Block Island, and Pawtucket is a suburb of this state's capital. The Ivy League's Brown University is in what New England state whose capital is Providence?

Rhode Island

B. The Endangered Species Act was signed into law by this president, during whose administration the Clean Water Act was also passed in 1972.

Richard Nixon

This former Texas governor currently head the US Department of Energy. This Republican made unsuccessful bid for president in 2012 and 2016.

Rick Perry

In 1972, the Supreme Court settled a boundary dispute between Texas and New Mexico caused by a shift in the course of this river, which also forms the boundary between Texas and the country of Mexico.

Rio Grande

This version of the flag of Japan, which was used in World War II, depicts 16 rays emanating from the central red disc.

Rising Son Flag

A vacuum chamber that Robert Hooke designed for this scientist was used to discover the inverse relationship between pressure and volume at constant temperature.

Robert Boyle

This Demographic politician was assassinated in 1968 while walking through the kitchens of the Ambassador Hotel

Robert Francis Kennedy

Name this scientist who is the namesake of a law governing ideal springs

Robert Hooke

Name this river that forms much of the eastern bodes between Oregon and Idaho

Snake River

The fourth volume of Remembrance of Things Past is titled for these 2 biblical "cities of the plain" which are destroyed by God in Genesis

Sodom Gomorrah

C. Antigone and Oedipus Rex are tragedies by this ancient Greek playwright.


After his conviction, Dreyfus was sent to the prison of Devil's Island, which was located just off the shore of this continent home to the overseas department of French Guiana.

South America

The northeastern corner of this state is known as the "Pee Dee' region. The Cooper River flows past this state's cities of Goose Creek and Mount Pleasant. The "Palmetto State' is a nickname of what southeastern state that contains the popular tourist destination Myrtle Beach?

South Carolina

The Spartly Islands are one of the many disputed island groups in this sea west of the Philippines

South China Sea

The star Acrux is found in a "cross" constellation mainly visible in this hemisphere. Name this celestial hemisphere that also contains the star Canopus

Southern Celestial Hemisphere

Gurenica is set in what home country of Pablo Picasso?


The US granted control of the Philippines via the 1898 Treaty of Paris, which ended the war. This war began with the explosion of the USS Marine

Spanish American War

Athen's principal enemy in the Peloponnesian War was this city-state that sent 300 men to fight the Persians at Thermopylae.


Momentum is conserved according to this 1905 theory, which states that the speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all inertial reference frames.

Special relativity

C. Until it was dethroned by Avicii's "Wake Me Up," "Radioactive" was the most-streamed song on this freemuim streaming service. In 2014 Taylor Swift withdrew all her music from it to protest the low compensation it provides artists.


Eating establishments in this city include A Taste of Serbia, which is located at the South Street Squidport, and the Lard Lad donut shop.


This man led the country that hosted the Argonaut Conference. He was the only one of the "Big Three" to attend the entirety of the Tehran, Potsdam, and Yalta conferences, the last of which took place in his country. Name this Soviet leader during World War II.

Stalin (or Joseph Stalin)

This man planted mail address to "Friends of the Nazi Party" to test people's willingness to send lost letters. IN another experiment designed by this man, a "teacher" dispensed fake electric shocks to a "learner."

Stanley Milgram

To make rock candy, the first step is to cool a hot sugar solution , creating what kind of solution that contains more than normal the normal maximum sugar solution can hold at a given temperature

Supersaturated solution

This author's novel Catching Fire and Mockingjay are the second and third entries in her series The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins

This woman wrote "Daddy" which appeared in her collection Ariel. This one-time wife of Ted Hughes also wrote The Bell Jar.

Sylvia Plath

B. The new gene therapy involves modifying these immune cells- which have "helper" and "cytotoxic" variants- so that they target cancer cells. Individuals with HIV typically have a low count of these cells.


C. The University of Puget Sound is in this city halfway between Seattle and Olympia. It shares its name with a Native American name for Mount Rainier [run-NEER].


This building has been described as a "tear-drop on the cheek of time" was designed by Usad Ahmad Lahauri [lah-HAH-ree]. This structure is on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra, and contains a large "onion"-shaped dome. Name this Indian mausoleum commissioned by Emperor Shah Jahan [juh-HAHN].

Taj Mahal

Amonton's Second Law is that this force does not depend on area. The "dry" form of this force can be further classified as static or kinetic; in the latter case, its strength is the normal force times a coefficient symbolized mu. Name this force that is reduced by lubricants.


Following the belt to the northwest leads to Aldebaran, which has been called the red "bull's eye" of the zodiac sign constellation


Stanley and Blanche both appear in this author's play A Streetcar Named Desire

Tennessee Williams

A cube, or hexahedron, is one of the 5 Platonic solids. Give the name of any one of the other Platonic solids, which have 4,8,12, and 20 faces

Tetrahedron Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron

Name this mountain range that contains Lake Lucerne and the Matterhorn.

The Alps

Penny and Burnadette formerly worked as Cheesecake Factory waitresses on this sitcom about Caltech researchers.

The Big Bang Theory

This short story ends with its protagonist receiving a three-month sentence for loitering. Name this short story in which the homeless "Soapy" repeatedly tries-and fails-to get arrested so he can spend the winter in jail.

The Cop and the Anthem

In this final story of Dubliners, which is significantly longer than the others, Gabriel Conroy discovers a secret from his wife Gretta's past.

The Dead

This book contains several episodes in which the pranksters Bruno and Buffalmacco play tricks on Calandrino. In this book's frame story, seven women and three men leave Florence to escape the Black Death. Name this collection of 100 stories by Giovanni Boccaccio.

The Decameron

Sweet cakes can be found in both Newlands Lodge in Cheydinhal and in the Anvil Mages Guild in this Elder Scrolls game, in which gates to a hellish region open all over Cyrodiil.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The final sentence of this novel states "we beat on, boats against the current, borne back carelessly into the past." This novel's protagonist is floating in a swimming pool when he is shot by George Wilson. Nick Carraway narrates what 1925 novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald?

The Great Gatsby

In this story, Mr. Summers exclaims "little little late today folks" after he arrives with a black wooden box. This story's protagonist screams "it isn't fair, it isn't right" as her fellow villagers throw stones at her. Tessie Hutchinson is killed in what story by Shirley Jackson?

The Lottery

This man was made Count of Vidigueira after a trip on which he posed as a Muslim to meet the Sultan of Mozambique. Bartolomeu Dias helped him construct the ships he used to sail past the Cape of Good Hope. Name this Portuguese explorer who discovered a sea route to India.

Vasco de Gama

Name this Latin American country currently experiencing widespread hunger, hyperinflation, and massive anti-government protests/


B. Titian learned under the tutelage of Giovanni Bellini in this Northern Italian city, whose canals were painted by Canaletto [can-uh-LET-toh].


B. Petain's government was based in this spa town in east-central France.

Vichy [Vee-shee]

Klimt's Beethoven Frieze is in this European capital, where Klimt led a namesake "secession" art movement


Ernest Gruening [GREE-ning] opposed the escalation of this war after an attack on the USS Maddox. The U.S. supported overthrowing Ngo Dinh Diem [noh din d'yem] during this war, as was revealed in the Pentagon Papers. The Tet Offence occurred during what war that ended with the fall of Saigon ["sigh-GONE"]?

Vietnam War

Because these vessels were symmetrical from back to front, they could sail backward immediately if they got trapped in ice. Name these versatile seafaring vessels used by the Vikings beginning in the 9th century AD.

Viking Longship

This man joined the Grizzlies in 2014, 16 years after he was drafted by Toronto. He turned 40 in January 2017, making him the only players that old in the NBA.

Vince Carter

Name this bowed string instrument, two of which join a viola and a cello in a standard string quartet.


In this state, Jason Kessler sued a city into allowing an event at at Emancipation Park. James Fields was arrested in this state for driving into a crowd, killing Heather Heyer.


What vitamin needed for calcium absorption is often added to milk

Vitamin D

This leader imposed a tax on food production called the prodnalog. He proposed the New economic Policy, or "state capitalism", after emerging victorious from a civil war between the White and Red Armies. Name this Bolshevik dictator of Russia after the October Revolution.

Vladimir IIyich Lenin

Capacitance equals charge stored divided by the "drop" in this quantity. Since carbon batteries supply 1.5 of the SI unit of this quantity.


The alternate title of "Bartleby, the Scrivener " describes it as a "story of" this street in Manhattan. The protagonist title of Tom Wolfe's novel The Bonfire of the Vanities also works on this street

Wall street

Before Amazon emerged as the definite front runner, this other retail giant that owns Sam's Club was thought to be in the running to acquire Whole Foods


B. The battle between the Constitution and Guerriere took place during this war, which the British burned Washington D.C.

War of 1812

This man's campaign manager, Harry Daugherty, became his attorney general and was part of a group known as " the Ohio Gang". This president's secretary of the interior, Albert Fall, took bribes from oil companies. What man's presidency was tarnished by the Teapot Dome scandal?

Warren G(amaliel) Harding

In August 2017 Amazon required this supermarket chain for 13.7 billion dollars. Name this American brand that only sells food without artificial preservatives or hydrogenerated

Whole foods(Market, Inc.)

This man died in the arms of his personal secretary, George Cortelyou. He won the presidency thanks to a "font-porch campaign" led by Mark Hanna. During this man's presidency, the U.S. annexed Hawaii. Name this president who was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz [CHOHlL-"gosh"] on 1901.

Willaim McKinley

This Irish poet included "Sailing to Byzantium" in his collection The Tower.

William Butler Yeats

This man stated the poetic credo "no ideas but in things" in a long poem set in New Jersey titled Paterson. The collection Spring and All was written by this poet, who begged "forgive me/ they were delicious" in an apology for eating plums. What poet wrote "This Is Just To Say"?

William Carlos Williams (or Williams)

B. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" was written by this poet, who co-authored the collection Lyrical Ballads.


During this war, James Doolittle commanded an air raid launched from the USS Hornet. Chester Nimitz was made an admiral during this war after an attack that sunk the USS Arizona. Name this war that included the Battle of Midway and a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

World War II

C. Red-green color blindness is a recessive trait most commonly seen in males, as it is a sex-linked condition whose allele is carried on this chromosome.

X chromosome

This bespectacled boy with a Pig Latin nickname is the unofficial head of Stanley's group of campers.


What is the x intercept of y equals negative three fourths plus 12


The headwaters of the Snake River are in this national park, whose attractions includes the geyser Old Faithful

Yellowstone National Park

A member of this family named Ella fails to honor a promise made to Madame Zeroni, and is cursed with hereditary bad luck. Name this family. Another of its members is given the nickname "Caveman" at Camp Green Lake


The maya mainly settled in what is now Guatemala, Belize, and this Mexican peninsula that extends into the Guf of Mexico


Both KFC and Taco Bell are subsidiaries of this fast food conglomerate, whose other brands include Pizza Hut and WingStreet.

Yum! Brands Inc.

C. The words "God is dead" are also spoken by this title character of a Nietzsche book, who shares his name with an ancient Persian prophet.

Zarathustra [ZAH-ruh-THOOSS-truh]

What People do All Day? and the Best word Book Ever are by what children's author of books set in Busytown?

`Richard McClure Scarry

At the beginning of the novel, Gibreel and Saladin Chamcha are miraculously saved after one of these vehicles explodes.

airplane or plane

A "society for effecting" this goal was co-founded by Granville Sharp. Josiah Wedgwood made a medallion with the statement "Am I Not a Man and a Brother?" to support this goal. William Wilberforce supported what goal which involved ending the transatlantic triangle trade?

abolition of slavery

B. Pollock was a leader of this artistic movement, which emphasized emotional intensity and spontaneity in art.

abstract expressionism

What quantity equal to approximately 9.8 meters per second squared at sea level is denoted g?

acceleration due to gravity or gravitational acceleration

Cellulose reacts with this organic acid to produce a plasticky material used to make photographic film. The Cativa process and the Monsanto process produce this acid with formula CH3COOH.

acetic acid

C. Another pointillist work by Seurat depicts people performing this action in the commune of Asnieres [ahn-YAIR] along the banks of the Seine.

bathing (bathe or swim or wash)

C. Aluminum hydroxide is the main constitute of this ore, which is purified in the Hall-Heroult ["hall" ay-roo] process to form pure aluminum.


C. When two sounds are played at slightly different frequencies, the interfaces can result in this phenomenon, in which the volume of the sounds pulses at regular intervals.


B. Planck's constant appears in Planck's law, which describes the radiation emitted by these perfect absorbers of light.

black bodies

The creation of particle-antiparticle pairs near these objects causes Hawking radiation. Examples of these objects include Sagittarius A and Cygnus X-1. The center of the Milky Way contains what kind of supermassive compact object from which light cannot escape?

black holes

This game's basic strategy specifies doubling down all "hard" elevens unless the dealer is showing an ace


C. The German army conquered France via a six-week campaign in 1940 that utilized this strategy, the German term for "lightning war."


C. The North Korean government claimed Warmbier was in a coma due to contracting this illness.


C. Many of the rebels were executed by the method of "blowing from a gun," in which a body was strapped to one of these devices.


In this musical, a lovesick man sings "I've seen how you sparkle, when fall nips the air" in the song "If Ever I Would Leave You." Near the end of this musical, a king discovers his wife's infidelity with Lancelot.


functions representing this concept are downward-sloping because the wealth effect is usually positive. This concept's "law" is violated by Giffen goods, goods for which a price increase results in a___ greater quantity sold. What concept is often displayed along with supply?


B. This "point" is the temperature to which a parcel of air must be cooled for its water vapor to become saturated.

dew point

This diseases "type 1" once referred to as the "juvenile" type, is caused by an autoimmune attack against the islet cells of the pancreas. Name this disease whose "type II" is associated with obesity.

diabetes mellitus

In the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Death and a ghostly woman play this game of chance to decide the title character's fate.


This name is given to the process in which cnidarian polyps and bacteria reproduce asexually by splitting in half. Otto Frisch applied this term to a neutron-dependent process discovered by Otto Hahn in uranium.


This symbol is called either Nisshoki or Hi no maru. Name this national symbol that consists of a red circle on a white field.

flag of Japan

B. One way to define a conic involves specifying a constant ratio between the distances to a line known as a "directrix," and a point not on the line known by this term.


Amonton's Second Law is that this force does not depend on area. The "dry" form of this force can be further classified as static or kinetic; in the latter case, its strength is the normal force times a coefficient symbolized mu. Name this force that is reduced by lubricants.

friction(al force)

The fundamental theorem of this branch of mathematics states that the integration is the nerve of differentiation.

fundamental theorems of calculus

Uracil replaces thymine in what molecules, formed from DNA templates, that are read by the ribosome?


C. This term for an individual who tutors someone less experienced derives from the name of a guide of Telemachus and friend of Odysseus.


This is the only heavy metal that is liquid at room temperature.


C. This silver in Tollens's reagent is bonded to this polyatomic ion, whose chemical formula is "N-O-three-minus".


The seventh of these substances was named for the physicist Yuri Oganessian in 2016. Sir William Ramsay discovered the initial set of these elements, which includes radon and krypton. Inertness is a property of what group of "gases" on the far right of the periodic table?

noble gases

C. Another Gogol story depicts a St. Petersburg civil servant who wakes up to fond that this facial feature of his has gone missing. Cyrano de Bergerac has an unusually large one.


B. Hydrogen bonding is responsible for the high strength of this first commercially-successful synthetic polymer, developed by DuPont in the 1930s as a replacement for natural silk.

nylon (or nylon-66)

The opening line of "Sailing to Byzantium" declares " that is no country for" people described by this two-word phrase. These are the last two words in the title of a Cormac McCarthy novel about a bag of stolen drug money

old men

C. After the act's passage, the timber industry in the Pacific Northwest blamed protection of a "spotted" type of this bird for a decline in logging in old-growth forests.


Galena is the principle ore of this poisonous heavy metal whose atomic number 46 is used in catalytic converters, which process harmful chemicals out of automotive exhaust.


In URLs, this symbol is used before the hexadecimal ASCII value of a reserved character as a type of escape sequence. In C++ it is also the modulus operator.

percent sign

Two of these particles form an electron-positron annihilation. If this particle's energy exceeds a metal's work function it can eject an electron from the metal. In a vacuum, these massless particles move about 300 million meters per second.


An effort to develop guided missiles controlled by these birds was led by B.F. Skinner. Young birds of this type are known as squabs. The last member of a species of these birds died in 1914 at the Cincinnati Zoo.


C. Lazzaro Spallanzani bolied meat in sealed flasks for an hour, providing evidence against what theory that life can arise, under ordinary conditions, from non-living material?

spontaneous generation

C. The comedian Beppe Grillo leads an opposition party named for five of these objects.


Tachoclines separate the "radiative" and "convective" zones of these objects. The magnitude and luminosity of these objects are plotted on an HR diagram.


Piracy is a major problem in this busiest strait of the world, which separates Sumatra from the Malay Peninsula

strait of malacca

Double and single quotes are often escaped when creating these types of variables that hold text, since those characters are normally used as delimiters


B. Vega forms an asterism with Altair and Deneb that is known as the "triangle" of this season. The constellation Orion is not seen in the Northern Hemisphere during this season.

summer (or summer triangle)

The Qur'an is divided in 114 chapters, which are given this Arabic name


C. The warrior Unferth gives Beowulf one of these objects name Hrunting [ROON-ting], which Beowulf uses to fight Grendel's mother.


C. This type of flatworm, in class Cestoda [sess-TOH-duh], also infests the intestines. Their name reflects their long and flat shape.


The Joule-Thomson effect describes the change in this quality for a real gas in a throttling process. For any gas, there is a direct relationship between volume and this quantity according to Charles's law. Name this quantity that can be measured using the Kelvin scale


The Throne Verse is part of this second sura, the longest in the Qur'an, which is named for a type of animal

the cow

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