Radiology I Final

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An image receptor holder with an external aiming device can make radiographic errors less likely. a. True b. False


An advantage of the paralleling technique is that it produces accurate radiographic images with a minimal amount of superimposition of adjacent structures. a. True b. False


An image receptor holding device should be used to position intraoral radiographs. a. True b. False


The open end of the PID should almost touch the face with its midpoint centered over the point of entry before exposure. a. True b. False


The paralleling technique does not meet the shadow-casting principle that requires placement of the image receptor close to the teeth of interest. a. True b. False


The paralleling technique is preferred over the bisecting technique. a. True b. False


The paralleling technique must achieve parallelism by placing the image receptor: a. away from the crowns of the teeth. b. away from the root tips of the teeth. c. closer to the crowns of the teeth. d. closer to the root tips of the teeth.


The patient must be seated correctly to use predetermined vertical angulations when employing the bisecting technique. a. True b. False


The presence of each of the following conditions may indicate using the bisecting technique instead of the paralleling technique EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. A class II malocclusion b. An edentulous region c. A large palatal or mandibular tori d. A very low or shallow palatal vault


The recommended vertical angulation for exposing a mandibular premolar periapical radiograph using the bisecting technique is: a. -10 degrees b. -15 degrees c. -20 degrees d. -5 degrees


The recommended vertical angulation for exposing a maxillary molar periapical radiograph using the bisecting technique is: a. +20 degrees b. +30 degrees c. +40 degrees d. +45 degrees


The technique used to image bitewing radiographs is unique to the bitewing exam. a. True b. False


The true value of bitewing radiographs is that proximal surface caries may be identified. a. True b. False


The two planes that can be visualized by the radiographer are the estimated long axis of the tooth and the plane of the image receptor. a. True b. False


The word "periapical" is derived from the Greek word peri (meaning around) and the Latin word apex (meaning highest point). a. True b. False


When using an image receptor holder with an external aiming device, the patient's head does not need to be precisely positioned. a. True b. False


When using the bisecting technique, the patient should bite down on the image receptor bite block as close to the teeth as necessary. a. True b. False


Which image receptor placement is most likely to be more comfortable and allow the patient to become accustomed to the procedure? a. Maxillary anteriors b. Maxillary posteriors c. Mandibular posteriors d. Posterior bitewings


What is the ideal target-image receptor distance used with the paralleling technique? a. 8 inches (20.5 cm) b. 12 inches (30 cm) c. 16 inches (41 cm)


A longer 12-inch or 16-inch PID is better suited to the bisecting technique. a. True b. False


A patient may bite down on a sterilized cotton roll that is placed on the same side of the bite block as the teeth to provide stablization and add to patient comfort. a. True b. False


What is the result if a bitewing radiograph is exposed using a negative 10-degree vertical angulation? a. More maxillary teeth and alveolar bone will be recorded. b. More mandibular teeth and alveolar bone will be recorded. c. The image of the arches will appear tilted across the horizontal plane. d. The image of the arches will appear tilted across the vertical plane.


When a class II occlusal relationship presents, the anterior edge of the image receptor should be positioned behind the distal half of the maxillary canine for a premolar bitewing. a. True b. False


When using the paralleling technique, insufficient vertical angulation will result in loss of the image of the crowns. a. True b. False


The disadvantage of using the largest size image receptor possible to expose a bitewing radiograph is that: a. unnecessary structures will be imaged. b. exposure times must be increased. c. anatomical limitations may hinder ideal placement. d. it is contraindicated for patients with periodontal disease.


A minimum of how many periapical radiographs should make up a full mouth survey for most adult patients? a. 10 b. 12 c. 14 d. 16


The principles of the paralleling technique include each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. The image receptor is placed parallel to the long axis of the tooth of interest. b. The central ray of the x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to the tooth and to the image receptor. c. The central ray of the x-ray beam is directed at a plane halfway between the long axis of the tooth and the long axis of the image receptor. d. Parallel placement of the image receptor is accomplished using an image receptor holder.


The recommended vertical angulation for exposing a mandibular canine periapical radiograph using the bisecting technique is: a. -10 degrees b. -15 degrees c. -20 degrees d. -5 degrees


The recommended vertical angulation for exposing a maxillary incisor periapical radiograph using the bisecting technique is: a. +20 degrees b. +30 degrees c. +40 degrees d. +45 degrees


To determine the vertical angulation when using the bisecting technique, the central rays of the x-ray beam should be directed: a. perpendicular to the image receptor. b. parallel to the image receptor. c. perpendicular to the imaginary bisector. d. parallel to the imaginary bisector.


Using an image receptor holder with an external aiming device will most likely eliminate what error? a. Overlapping b. Unequal distribution of arches recorded c. Cone cutting d. Incorrect placement of the image receptor


Periapical radiographs can be taken with each of the following image receptor sizes EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3


The identification dot on an intraoral radiograph film is used to: a. provide a comparative reference to pathology. b. identify buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth. c. distinguish occlusal or incisal edges from apices. d. distinguish between the patient's right and left sides.


The paralleling technique is also called the: a. right-angle technique. b. extension-cone technique. c. long-cone technique. d. All of the above.


Which of the following statements regarding image receptor holders is FALSE? a. Short bite blocks should be used for the bisecting technique. b. External aiming devices help locate correct angles and points of entry. c. External aiming devices eliminate the need to position the patient's head precisely. d. Bite blocks with an L-shaped back plate should be used with the bisecting technique.


Which of these statements is FALSE? a. Cross-sectional occlusal radiographs of the mandible are taken with the occlusal plane perpendicular to the floor. b. Topographical occlusal radiographs of the mandible may be taken with the head positioned the same as for maxillary topographical occlusal radiographs. c. An image receptor holder is not required for stabilization of the image receptor. d. Mandibular topographical radiographs are taken with the midsaggital plane parallel to the floor.


Which of these statements regarding the anterior bitewing exam is FALSE? a. The longer dimension of the image receptor is usually placed vertical. b. For ease of placement and to avoid bending, the use of a size #1 image receptor is recommended. c. Use of a longer bite tab allows for placement of the image receptor farther lingually in the mouth. d. Vertical angulation used for anterior bitewings is increased over that used for posterior bitewings.


Which one of the following is NOT a principle of shadow casting? a. Long axes of the teeth and image receptor should be parallel to each other. b. Long axes of the teeth and image receptor should be as close to each other as possible. c. Source of radiation should be as small as possible. d. Teeth should be as close as possible to the radiation source.


Anterior periapical radiographs should be positioned in the oral cavity with the long dimension ___________, and posterior periapical radiographs should be positioned in the oral cavity with the long dimension __________. a. vertical, horizontal b. horizontal, vertical c. horizontal, horizontal d. vertical, vertical


Bitewing radiographs are especially useful in detecting caries on which of the following tooth surfaces? a. Mesial b. Occlusal c. Facial d. Lingual


Bitewings are limited in their ability to image the entire tooth. a. True b. False


Centering the image receptor to line up behind the central and lateral incisors to include recording the mesial halves of the canines if using a size #2 image receptor describes the placement of the image receptor for which periapical radiograph? a. Central incisor b. Canine c. Premolar d. Molar


Changes in vertical angulation are indicated when the patient's palatal vault is high or low. a. True b. False


Correct horizontal angulation is determined by positioning the image receptor parallel to the embrasure of two predetermined teeth. a. True b. False


Each of the following is a use of an occlusal radiograph EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Detecting incipient, interproximal caries b. Locating soft tissue calcifications c. Assisting in the evaluation of fractures d. Revealing retained roots of extracted teeth


Each of the following is standard placement for a full mouth series of periapical radiographs using a size #2 image receptor on an adult patient EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Four incisor periapical radiograph b. Four canine periapical radiographs c. Four premolar periapical radiographs d. Four molar periapical radiographs


Each of the following statements regarding successful patient preparation for bitewing radiographs is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Position the image receptor close to the lingual surfaces of the teeth. b. Base image receptor size on the size of the arches. c. Check for anatomical obstructions before positioning the image receptor. d. Caution the patient not to swallow or let the teeth separate during the exposure.


Even when the positioning and angulation steps are accurate and precise, the bisecting technique will produce some dimension distortion. a. True b. False


Excessive vertical angulation when using the paralleling technique results in: a. cutting off incisal/occlusal edges. b. cutting off the apices. c. foreshortened images of the teeth. d. elongated images of the teeth.


For an adult horizontal premolar bitewing, position the image receptor so that the anterior edge lines up: a. behind the distal half of the canine. b. between the first and second premolars. c. behind the distal half of the first premolar. d. in front of the mesial half of the second premolar.


If the image receptor holder is not positioned precisely, the resultant image may be undiagnostic. a. True b. False


If using an image receptor holder with an external aiming device, the indicator ring attachment must be slid all the way down the metal arm of the device to be as close to the patient's skin as possible without touching the patient prior to the exposure. a. True b. False


If vertical angulation of the tube head is set at zero, the PID will be: a. parallel to the floor. b. perpendicular to the floor. c. in positive angulation. d. in negative angulation.


It is possible to place the image receptor close to the mandibular molars and still achieve a parallel relationship between the image receptor and the long axes of the teeth. a. True b. False


Neither the paralleling nor the bisecting technique completely meets all five requirements for accurate shadow casting in all regions of the oral cavity on all patient types. a. True b. False


Periapical image receptors for exposure of anterior areas are placed with the long dimension vertically. a. True b. False


Radiographs are shadow images on an image receptor. a. True b. False


Recording an unequal distribution of the arches is caused by incorrect: a. vertical angulation. b. horizontal angulation. c. centering of the x-ray beam. d. aligning of the anterior edge of the image receptor with the teeth of interest.


Specific vertical angulations required when using the bisecting technique differ from those used with the paralleling technique. a. True b. False


The Dentsply Rinn Stabe and the Flow Dental SUPA image receptor holders designed for the paralleling technique do not have an external aiming device. a. True b. False


The Dentsply Rinn XCP image receptor holder is designed for use with the paralleling technique. a. True b. False


The bisecting technique is applied when the image receptor cannot be placed parallel to the long axes of the teeth. a. True b. False


The bisecting technique is useful in patients who cannot tolerate parallel placement of the image receptor. The bisecting technique produces images with reduced image distortion. a. The first statement is true. The second statement is false. b. The first statement is false. The second statement is true. c. Both statements are true. d. Both statements are false.


The bisecting technique originated from the rule of isometry. a. True b. False


The bitewing survey may consist of two to eight radiographs. a. True b. False


The correct horizontal and vertical angulations are critical to producing quality periapical radiographs. a. True b. False


The horizontal angulation is determined in the same manner for both the bisecting and the paralleling techniques. a. True b. False


The name bitewing is descriptive. a. True b. False


Which of the following is NOT a shadow-casting principle? a. Use the largest possible source of radiation (focal spot). b. The tooth should be as far as possible from the source of radiation. c. The tooth and image receptor should be as close together as possible. d. The tooth and image receptor should be parallel to each other.


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the paralleling technique? a. It is ideal for positioning radiographs for children. b. It minimizes superimposition of adjacent structures. c. It produces images with minimal dimensional distortion. d. With appropriate image receptor-holding devices, it takes less time than trying to locate the position of an imaginary bisector.


Which of the following is the cause of overlap error, when the overlapping appears to be more severe in the distal or posterior region of the image? a. The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the mesial b. The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the distal c. The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the occlusal d. The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the apical


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. A minimum of 10 periapical radiographs is required for a full mouth survey on an adult patient. b. The long dimension of the image receptor is positioned horizontally in the posterior regions. c. A size #1 image receptor is the best fit for the canine region. d. Six size #2 image receptors may be used to record the maxillary and mandibular anterior region.


Which of the following statements is correct? a. Occlusal radiographs have some amount of dimensional distortion. b. The occlusal technique is similar to the paralleling technique. c. Occlusal films should be inserted completely into the oral cavity. d. An image receptor holder will allow for correct positioning of occlusal radiographs.


Which of the following statements is correct? a. Topographical occlusal radiographs yield a greater amount of information in the alveolar crest and apical areas than periapical radiographs. b. Topographical occlusal radiographs may be exposed only on the maxillary arch. c. Cross-sectional occlusal radiographs work best to image the maxilla. d. Topographical occlusal radiographs cannot be used on children.


Which of the following statements regarding managing bitewing exposures is correct? a. The patient should be instructed to close so that the teeth occlude normally. b. The bite tab should be held firmly against the lingual surface of the mandibular teeth while the patient closes. c. The film packet should be inserted vertically into the patient's mouth. d. The bite tab should be held firmly to permit the film to drift bucally.


Which of the following will correct an elongated image? a. Increasing the vertical angulation b. Decreasing the vertical angulation c. Directing the central ray perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor d. Directing the central ray perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth


Which of these statements is FALSE? a. Bitewing radiographs record the apices of teeth and surrounding bone. b. Bitewing radiographs record the coronal portions of teeth and alveolar crests of both arches. c. Periapical radiographs may be taken using the bisecting or paralleling technique. d. Occlusal radiographs record the maxillary or mandibular arch (or a portion thereof) on a single image receptor.


Which of these statements is FALSE? a. Incorrect vertical angulation results in overlapped contact points. b. Negative angulation is generally used for exposure of the mandibular arch. c. Positive angulation is generally used for exposure of the maxillary arch. d. An image receptor will aid the radiographer in determining the correct angulations.


While the use of a size #2 image receptor for anterior periapical radiographs is acceptable, the narrower size #1 image receptor may fit this area better. a. True b. False


With the paralleling technique, the central ray is directed perpendicular to the long axes of the teeth and the plane of the image receptor. a. True b. False


The recommended vertical angulation for exposing a mandibular incisor periapical radiograph using the bisecting technique is: a. -10 degrees b. -15 degrees c. -20 degrees d. -5 degrees


All vertical angle deviations from zero in which the tip of the PID is tilted toward the floor are called "negative angulations." a. True b. False


An image receptor holder with an external aiming device is more comfortable for the patient. a. True b. False


Because of the supporting structures on the maxillary arch, to accomplish a parallel relationship between the image receptor and the long axes of teeth, the image receptor must be placed closer to the teeth. a. True b. False


Comparing the paralleling technique with the bisecting technique, which of the following statements is correct? a. The paralleling technique is easy to achieve on all patients. b. Proficiency should be achieved in both techniques. c. The bisecting technique is more likely to be uncomfortable for the patient. d. Once the full mouth series procedure is started, the radiographer must continue with the bisecting or the paralleling technique and not mix the two.


Conditions that would indicate the need for a periapical radiograph include each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXEPTION? a. Abscess b. Cleft palate c. Large caries d. Root fracture


Each of the following statements regarding horizontal angulation is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Contact points should appear open or separate from each other on the radiograph. b. The central ray should be directed parallel to the curvature of the arch. c. Overlapped contact points result when incorrect horizontal angulation is used. d. Horizontal angulation is the positioning of the central ray in a side-to-side plane.


Each of the following statements regarding orientation of the occlusal radiographic image receptor is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. If using film, the white side must face the arch of interest. b. The image receptor must be placed in the mouth with the long dimension horizontal. c. The image receptor should protrude from the mouth about ¼ inch. d. If using film, the embossed dot should be positioned toward the anterior.


For an adult horizontal or vertical molar bitewing, align the film packet so that the anterior edge lines up: a. behind the distal half of the first premolar. b. behind the distal half of the second premolar. c. in front of the mesial half of the first premolar. d. in front of the mesial half of the second premolar.


For bitewing radiographs, the image receptor is placed near and almost parallel to the teeth of both arches while the patient holds the mouth in an open position. a. True b. False


If an image receptor holder has an external aiming device, then the patient must be seated upright with the head straight. a. True b. False


If periapical radiographs are available, there is no need to expose additional bitewing radiographs. a. True b. False


Image receptor holders designed for use with the paralleling technique usually have a short bite block. a. True b. False


Image receptors with an external aiming device eliminate radiographic technique errors. a. True b. False


In the paralleling technique, the distance between the tooth and the image receptor is usually closer than ideal. a. True b. False


It is possible to place the image receptor close to the maxillary anterior teeth and still achieve a parallel relationship between the image receptor and the long axes of the teeth. a. True b. False


Periapical image receptors for exposure of posterior areas are placed with the long dimension vertically. a. True b. False


Periapical radiographs can image only one tooth on each radiograph. a. True b. False


Placing the dot in the slot of the film holder positions the identification dot toward the apices of teeth. a. True b. False


The bitewing technique could be considered a modification of the bisecting technique used for exposing periapical radiographs. a. True b. False


The goal of accurate bisecting technique is to direct the central ray of the x-ray beam perpendicular to both the long axes of the teeth and the plane of the image receptor simultaneously. a. True b. False


The identification dot should be placed toward the apices of the teeth when exposing periapical radiographs. a. True b. False


The periapical examination is sometimes referred to as an interproximal radiograph. a. True b. False


The purpose of the periapical examination is to record the crowns and alveolar bone crests of the teeth in both arches on one radiograph. a. True b. False


The recommended vertical angulation for exposing a maxillary premolar periapical radiograph using the bisecting technique is: a. +20 degrees b. +30 degrees c. +40 degrees d. +45 degrees


The seating position of the patient is not important in using predetermined anatomical landmarks to direct the central ray of the x-ray beam toward the point of entry. a. True b. False


The size #3 film or phosphor plate is used exclusively for occlusal radiographs of adult patients, and the size #4 film or phosphor plate is used exclusively for horizontal bitewing radiographs of adult patients. a. True b. False


The size #3 image receptor has two advantages over a size #2 image receptor when exposing a bitewing radiograph. a. True b. False


The smallest available image receptor should be used to take bitewings on the child patient. a. True b. False


The use of the paralleling technique is ideal with adult patients with a small mouth or shallow palatal vault. a. True b. False


To avoid conecut error when using the bisecting technique, the point of entry should be the occlusal plane of the teeth. a. True b. False


To compensate for the increased object-image receptor distance needed to achieve parallelism, the target-surface receptor distance should be increased. a. True b. False


To compensate for the increased object-image receptor distance needed to achieve parallelism: a. the target-image receptor distance should be decreased. b. the target-image receptor distance should also be increased. c. the object-image receptor distance should also be increased. d. the object-image receptor distance should be decreased.


Using the bisecting technique, the image receptor is placed parallel to the long axes of the teeth. a. True b. False


What is the ideal design of a paralleling image receptor holder? a. A short bite block and an L-shaped backing b. A long bite block and an L-shaped backing c. A short bite block and a 105-degree backing d. A long bite block and a 105-degree backing


When using the bisecting technique, because the long axis of the tooth and the plane of the image receptor are not parallel, a shorter target-image receptor distance will increase magnification and distortion. a. True b. False


Which of the following is most likely to result in a retake of a bitewing radiograph? a. The patient maintained a steady pressure on the bite tab. b. The patient swallowed during the exposure. c. There are no large tori or severely malpositioned teeth. d. The top edge of the image receptor did not contact the lingual gingiva.


Which of the following is the cause of overlap error, when the overlapping appears to be more severe in the mesial or anterior region of the image? a. The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the mesial b. The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the distal c. The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the occlusal d. The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the apical


Which of the following is true of the bisecting technique? a. It is easy to standardize subsequent films. b. There is increased patient comfort during image receptor placement. c. There is decreased radiation exposure for the patient. d. It is less likely to cause image distortion.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Determining horizontal angulation is the same for both the bisecting and the paralleling techniques. b. Vertical angulation is accomplished by directing the central ray parallel to the image receptor. c. Angulation is changed by rotating the tube head horizontally and vertically. d. To change horizontal angulation, the tube head is swiveled from side to side.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Malaligned teeth may necessitate the exposure of additional bitewing radiographs. b. Bitewing radiographs are not required if a full mouth series of periapical radiographs is available. c. When patients present with edentulous areas, bitewing radiographs may not be needed. d. Children with mixed dentitions may not need bitewings if a visual inspection of the proximal surfaces is possible.


Which of the following statements regarding orientation of a film packet is FALSE? a. The white, unprinted side of the film packet must face the source of radiation. b. The identification dot should be positioned toward the apices of the teeth when placing periapical radiographs. c. The identification dot is used during interpretation of the radiograph to distinguish between the patient's left and right sides. d. The film may be positioned with the long dimension vertically or horizontally when placing posterior bitewing radiographs.


Which of the following will correct a foreshortened image? a. Increasing the vertical angulation b. Decreasing the vertical angulation c. Directing the central ray perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor d. Directing the central ray perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth


Which of these is NOT a disadvantage of the bisecting technique? a. It produces images with dimension distortion. b. Image receptor positioning is difficult for patients with small mouths. c. Adjacent structures are often superimposed. d. Estimating the location of the imaginary bisecting may be difficult.


Which of these statements is FALSE? a. Negative angulation directs the central ray upward toward the ceiling. b. Accurate vertical angulation is more important to the paralleling than the bisecting technique. c. 0˚ vertical angulation directs the PID parallel to the floor. d. Vertical angulation refers to directing the PID up and down.


Which of these statements is FALSE? a. The paralleling technique does not meet all five shadow-casting principles in all regions of the oral cavity on all patients. b. With the paralleling technique, it is not possible to direct the central rays of the x-ray beam to both the tooth and the image receptor simultaneously. c. The paralleling technique is the technique of choice for obtaining periapical radiographs. d. With the paralleling technique, the object and image receptor are positioned parallel to each other.


Which of these statements is FALSE? a. The two basic techniques employed in intraoral radiography are bisecting and paralleling. b. The paralleling technique arose through application of the rule of isometry. c. Both the paralleling and the bisecting techniques can be modified to meet special conditions. d. The paralleling technique is newer than the bisecting technique.


Conecut error results from incorrect: a. vertical angulation. b. horizontal angulation. c. centering the x-ray beam. d. aligning the anterior edge of the image receptor with the teeth of interest.


Each of the following statements regarding preparations for bitewing exams is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. The dental x-ray machine should be turned on and the exposure setting selected prior to placing the image receptor intraorally. b. The radiographic procedure should be explained to the patient prior to beginning the exposures. c. The patient's head should be positioned with the mean tangent parallel to the floor. d. The patient should be asked to remove eyeglasses and all intraoral appliances prior to placement of the image receptor.


Each of the following statements regarding the fundamentals of periapical radiographs is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Periapical radiographs may be taken using the paralleling or bisecting technique. b. Placement of the image receptor-holding device must be evaluated to avoid angulation errors. c. The patient's finger can be used to hold a large image receptor in position in the oral cavity. d. The size of image receptor chosen depends on the shape and size of the dental arches.


Each of the following statements regarding the point of entry is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Incorrect point of entry results in cone cut error. b. Care must be taken to center the image receptor within the beam of radiation. c. The open end of the PID should be placed two inches from the patient's skin. d. An image receptor holder with an external aiming device aids in locating the point of entry.


Each of the following statements regarding the principles of the paralleling technique is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. Parallel placement of the image receptor is accomplished using an image receptor holder. b. The central ray of the x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to both the teeth and the image receptor. c. The patient is directed to hold the image receptor in the mouth with a finger or thumb. d. The image receptor is placed parallel to the long axes of the teeth of interest.


Each of the following statements regarding vertical angulation is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? a. The correct vertical angulation for bitewing radiographs is +10 degrees. b. Vertical angulation is indicated on a dial on the side of the tube head. c. Negative angulation directs the central ray downward toward the floor. d. Vertical angulation is measured in degrees.


Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of the paralleling technique? a. The best images are obtained with the more difficult to position long 16-inch PID. b. Image receptor positioning is difficult for patients with small mouths. c. There is a limited number of image receptor holders that accommodate the paralleling technique. d. It is more likely to excite an exaggerated gag reflex to achieve parallel position in the posterior region.


Which of the following is NOT an intraoral radiograph? a. Occlusal b. Bitewing c. Panoramic d. Periapical


Which of the following is a basic principle of the paralleling technique? a. The image receptor is placed perpendicular to the long axes of the teeth. b. The central ray of the x-ray beam is directed parallel to both the teeth and the recording plane of the image receptor. c. The image receptor is placed parallel to the long axes of the teeth. d. The central ray of the x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to an imaginary bisector.


Which of the following statements regarding bitewing image receptor holders is NOT correct? a. Disposable bitewing holder tabs and loops are available. b. Two stick-on paper bite tabs may be attached to lengthen the bite tab. c. Bitewing loop holders are limited to use with vertical bitewing radiographs. d. Stick-on bitewing tabs are available for both film and digital sensors.


Which of the following statements regarding patient preparation for dental radiography is NOT correct? a. The patient should be protected with a lead/lead-equivalent apron and thyroid collar. b. The patient's occipital protuberance should be against the headrest during exposure. c. The patient's eyeglasses may be left in place to protect the eyes. d. Objects in the mouth such as dentures, partials, and retainers should be removed prior to exposure.


Which of the following will correct an overlapping error? a. Increasing the vertical angulation b. Decreasing the vertical angulation c. Directing the central ray perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor d. Directing the central ray perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth


Which of these image receptor holders is NOT designed for use with the paralleling technique? a. XCP b. XCP-DS c. Snap-A-Ray d. RAPD


Which of these image receptor holders is designed for use with the bisecting technique? a. XCP b. XCP-DS c. Snap-A-Ray d. RAPD


The patient must bite down on the bite block as far away from the teeth as possible, using the full extent of the bite block to maintain a parallel relationship between the image receptor and the teeth in all regions of the oral cavity EXCEPT the: a. maxillary incisors and canines. b. mandibular incisors and canines. c. maxillary premolars and the maxillary molars. d. mandibular premolars and the mandibular molars.


The recommended vertical angulation for exposing a mandibular molar periapical radiograph using the bisecting technique is: a. -10 degrees b. -15 degrees c. -20 degrees d. -5 degrees


The recommended vertical angulation for exposing a maxillary canine periapical radiograph using the bisecting technique is: a. +20 degrees b. +30 degrees c. +40 degrees d. +45 degrees


When using the paralleling technique, the patient must bite down on the image receptor holder bite block as far away from the teeth as possible with the exception of which area? a. Maxillary anteriors b. Mandibular canines c. Maxillary premolars d. Mandibular molars


Which of the following best describes the correct vertical direction of the central ray when using the bisecting technique? a. 90 degrees to the long axes of the teeth b. 90 degrees to the plane of the image receptor c. 90 degrees to the long axes of the teeth and the plane of the image receptor d. 90 degrees to the imaginary bisector


Which of the following image receptor sizes would necessitate that only two bitewing radiographs be exposed? a. Size #0 b. Size #1 c. Size #2 d. Size #3


Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. A sterile cotton roll may be placed on the opposite side of the bite block for stabilization of the image receptor holder. b. The external indicator ring attachment must be as close to the patient's skin as possible without touching. c. The patient must bite down on the bite block firmly enough to hold the image receptor in place. d. The bite block back plate must be at a 105-degree angle for use with the paralleling technique


Which of the following statements is correct? a. Vertical angulation is usually described in millimeters. b. Vertical angulation of the tube head and PID begins at 90 degrees. c. To change vertical angulation, the tube head is swiveled from side to side. d. When the open end of the PID is tilted toward the floor, the vertical angle is positive.


Which teeth should be imaged on an adult molar periapical radiograph? a. Distal half of canine, first premolar, second premolar, and first molar b. Distal half of first premolar, second premolar, first molar, and second molar c. Distal half of second premolar, first molar, second molar, and third molar d. Distal half of first molar, second molar, and third molar


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