RCSC 384 Quizzling 3

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personalized charismatic leader (pcl)

one who possesses a dominant, self-centered, self-aggrandizing, and narcissistic personality and uses charisma for self-glorification. (negative) pursues leader-driven goals and promotes obedience, dependency, and submission. Tends to be authoritarian and exploitative. Uses rewards and punishment to manipulate and control followers, and info. is restricted or used to preserve the image of the leader. Emphasizes devotion to themselves more than to ideals. Group accomplishments are used for self-glorification.

socialized charismatic leader (scl)

one who possesses an egalitarian, self-transcendent, and empowering personality and uses charisma for the benefit of others. (positive) promotes empowerment, personal growth, and equal participation for followers. Uses rewards to reinforce behavior that is consistent with the vision and mission of the organization. Followers are part of a cohesive team.

Open Climate

practice of an open-leadership style, free discussion, nonjudgmental attitudes, and acceptance of divergent thinking.

self-promoting personality

promote their vision in media circles, not afraid to promote themselves and their beliefs


puts more responsibility in hands of employees, increased responsibility means increased rewards, when compensated properly tend to flourish under stewardship. without rewards hard to sustain stewardship

superb communication skills

quality that sets charismatic leaders apart, both effective communicators as well as good orators, inspires followers, use metaphors, analogies, stories, contrasts, and rhetorical questions.


relationship of inventory on hand to retail sales. measure of turnover or weeks' supply

stewardship and servant leadership

represent a shift in leadership from a focus on leading to a focus on serving. The leader is a steward or servant of the people. Have their roots in ethics, virtues, and morality, Lead positions from moral influence not power. "Value based leadership". advocate moral imperatives related to public policy.

transactional leadership

seeks to maintain stability within an organization through regular economic and social exchanges that achieve specific goals for both leaders and their followers.

helping others discover their inner spirit

servant leader's role is to help follower's find their inner spirit and their potential to make a difference, leaders need to be empathetic to others circumstances.

strong team orientation

steward leadership works best in environments where leaders and followers work as a team to formulate goals, strategies, and policies for achieving a collective vision. Steward's role is less dominant, more of a coach or facilitator.


steward leadership works best when the leader and followers are equal. honesty, respect, and mutual trust prevail when there is equality.

attributes of effective stewardship

strong team orientation decentralized decision making and power equality reward

the transformation process

successful process involves broad participation among stakeholders with the goal of a reaching a shared vision, negotiating and communicating priorities, minimizing risk, and creating action plans and commitments for change. Four Part Process: 1. challenge the status quo and make a convincing case for change 2. present an inspiring vision of the future 3. provide effective leadership during the transformation 4. institutionalize the change


the ability to imagine different and better conditions and the ways to achieve them.


the difference between the book and the physical inventories, resulting from theft, internal or external fraud, and paperwork errors.

Illusion of Unanimity

the effect of rationalizations and psychological pressures, drawbacks are downplayed because the inevitability of the final course if reinforced. Doubting group members may even feel that they have adequately put their own fears to rest. Ex. Clark McCauley of Bryn Mawr points out in Watergate that the group remained unanimous in supporting the cover-up effort over a period of months during which evidence accumulated that too many people knew too much for the cover-up to succeed.

decentralized decision making and power

the steward leader is highly effective, empowers followers because they are encourage to take an active role in self-leadership.

relational power base

there is a close emotional bond between the leader and followers and the leader usually has positional power.


to cancel


to carefully plan a method for achieving an end


to infer on minimal grounds, conjecture, suppose


to remove or dismiss to some less prominent position

transformational vs. transactional leadership

transformational leadership- is effective in motivating followers in innovative behavior, is about changing the status quo. Vision-oriented, value change, manage, enduring. transactional leadership-involves an exchange of valued benefits, based on expectations and motivations of both leaders and followers, leaders and followers are in a specific contractual arrangement, leader provides benefits that satisfy the followers' needs and expectations and punishes behavior or performance that doesn't. task and reward-oriented, value stability, transitory.

ability to inspire trust

trust is critical in any relationship but even more so for transformational or charismatic leaders because they asking for an immense change, build trust by being honest as well as being models of what they want their followers to do (Ex. Gandhi)


uncertain, temporary, not fully worked out

high energy and action orientation

urgency is the way that they express courage and conviction about their vision.

direct mail

use of the mail to make announcements, sell merchandise, sell services, promote the store, its division, its departments, its character, and its way of doing business.

qualities of effective charismatic and transformational leadership

vision, superb communication skills, self-confidence and moral conviction, ability to inspire trust, high risk orientation, high energy and action orientation, relational power base, achievement orientation, ability to empower followers, self-promoting personality


want their followers to grow, develop, an achieve both personal and organizational goals. More about facilitating then actively leading.

drop ship

when the buyer orders merchandise to be shipped directly to a specific store. Saves time and expense of the vendor's shipping to the central warehouse. Sometimes more expensive.

illusion of invulnerability

when the group comes to believe that any decision they reach will be successful. Ex. Military leaders opting not to heavily fortify Pearl Harbor prior to the attack during WWII.

Belief in the Inherent Morality of the Group

when there is a need to believe in the rightness of our actions, relieve us of responsibility for justifying decisions according to rational procedures. Do this as a way to protect our self-esteem Ex. Trustees at Kent State University finalized a decision to enlarge school's gym onto area that the May 4th Shootings occurred causing a new protest.


workable, capable of living and growing, able to succeed

Followers Effects

-often develop a strong sense of trust and bonding with the leader. Strong emotional bond because of their confidence and efficacy. -tend to assume greater risk than they would with other leaders. Willing to suffer whatever fate awaits the leader. -Motivates them to set or aim higher goals and ideals as well as having greater confidence in their abilities.


26 week period used for planning and reporting purposes. Appears on all price tickets as one, two, three digits and is a means of showing the age of the goods

Direct Pressure

Can come in many forms. Members are conditioned to keep dissident views to themselves and not to believe them because it can put them at odds with the group. Ex. Members of the Challenger launch group put direct pressure on the engineers to alter their views.

locus of charismatic leadership

Focuses on one question: what is the basis for charisma? The basis was thought to be either: a)the situation or social climate facing the leader- meaning that the leader responds to a crisis within society. b)the leader's extraordinary qualities: meaning that society doesn't need to be in distress it's just natural for the person c)a combination of the situation and the leader's qualities.

transformational leadership

J.M. Burns first introduced the idea with Bernard Bass expanding on it almost a decade later. Earn their title of transformational leader by their accomplishments. Known for moving and changing organizations, by communicating to followers an inspiring vision of the future, and giving followers' higher ideals and desire for change. seeks to change the status quo by articulating to followers the problems in the current system and a compelling vision of what a new organization could be.

charismatic and transformational leadership: what's the difference

Key Differences: -not all transformational leaders are charismatic, while they strive for change they don't do it through their charisma. -how one achieves the label of charisma or transformer, attribution theory states that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership quality these attributions from the basis upon which a leader is seen as possessing or not possessing charisma. transformational is not based on these attributions but on what they actually transformed in their organization -the mind-set of charismatic and transformational leaders. Charismatic leaders have a more activist mind-set, influenced by political issues. Transformational leaders are more strategic in their approach, they find and exploit opportunities that maximize their gains and avoid threats. - the career path that each leadership type is likely to follow: charismatic leaders are more likely to emerge in times of crisis, transformational leaders follow an organic career path of promotions and growth that will ultimately place them at top. -how they perceive personal meaning or purpose in life: personal meaning-the degree to which people's lives make emotional sense and to which the demands confronted by them are perceived as being worthy of their energy and commitment. Charismatic leaders tend to follow this that their goal was their purpose in life while transformational leaders not as often. -the degree of risk each faces from opponents of their vision. emotional levels of resistance and conflict tend to be higher with charismatic leaders than transformational.


Marketing and profit planning. A formal operating plan consisting of store strategies, store statistics, and future plans to achieve planned sales

the effects of transformational leadership

Organizational level- positive effects on organizational performance, culture, and learning. Strong advocates for teamwork, cooperation, and innovation. Individual level- positively affect follower organizational commitment which reflects the extent to which members are loyal and willing to work hard toward achieving organizational objectives. Has direct implications on employee turnover rates, performance, and citizenship behavior. Shifts from self-interest to a focus on collective interest.


Problem when legitimate objections exist but they are completely overshadowed by the perceived negative reaction to anyone voicing those objections to the group. Ex. engineers in the Challenger decision withdrew their objections because they rationalized the perceived risk of launch failure as only "possible".

weber's conceptualization of charisma

Sociologist Max Weber made these claims. He used charisma to explain a form of influenced based not on traditional or legal-rational authority systems but rather on follower perceptions that a leader is endowed with the gift of diving inspiration or supernatural qualities. A charismatic leader is someone that single-handedly visualizes a transcedent vision or course of action that is not only appealing to potential followers but also compels them to act on it because they believe the leader is extraordinarily gifted.

ability to empower followers

The leaders know they can't reach their vision along, they need the support and help of their followers, they empower their followers to do what needs to be done to achieve their goals and can make the followers useful team players

the effects of charismatic leaders on followers

Thought that charismatic leadership has an effect on followers motivations, job performance, and satisfaction, as well as an organization's overall performance.

Avoiding the effects of Groupthink

Ways to help reduce chances of lapsing into groupthink. Open Climate Avoid the Isolation of the Group assign members the role of critical evaluator avoid being too directive


a corollary entity may surface to protect us from disturbing thoughts and ideas. Typically self-appointed and perform their group not within the group but outside of group discussion.

New Groupthink Factor

a highly insulated group with restrained access to outside feedback; a stressful decision making context such as that brought on by budgetary restraints, external pressure, or a history of recent setbacks.

avoid being too directive

a leader is to remove themselves from the leadership role, can do this by being absent from key meetings or letting others lead the meeting, so they don't influence the other group members.


a metal four wheel cart with two shelves. Generally one assigned to each group of depts. Used to move merchandise or supplies from one area to another.


a person who makes purchases to report on customer service and checks to be sure the sale is certified correctly. checks to be sure he or she received a correct receipt, another way of preventing shortage.


a seller, resource, manufacturer or supplier


a social construct between the leader and follower, in which the leader offers a transformative vision or ideal that exceeds the status quo and then convinces followers to accept this course of action not because of its rational likelihood of success, but because of their implicit belief in the extraordinary qualities of the leader.


a state in which the interaction of discrete agencies, agents, or conditions produces a situation such that the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects


ability to express oneself without censorship has always been highly prized individually. Most common censorship is on ourselves because of wanting to keep loyal to a group or adhere to company policy. Ex. Security Advisor William McFarlane admitted that he didn't have the guts to stand up to the president and tell him his doubt about the Iran-Contra plan because of fear of what his other members would say.


activity for another, sharing in an experience of another through the imagination

open stock

additional and/or replacement pieces of merchandise carried in bulk and kept in stock at all times, i.e. China


an employee-focused form of leadership that empowers followers to make decisions and have control over their jobs.


an idealized vision is important for leaders, Leaders are able to recognize and articulate fundamental discrepancies between the status quo and the way things can or should be.

charismatic leadership

analyzed by the effects the leader has on followers, or in terms of the relationship between leaders and followers.

achievement orientation

because of a strong belief in the rightness of their causes they are have less internal conflict or discomfort even when faced with resistance.

charisma: a double-edged sword

capable of producing both positive and negative outcomes. Charismatic people include Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Charles Manson, Hitler, and Osama Bin Laden. Light and Dark side of charisma. Dark charismatic leaders are narcissistic and are self-serving and have elaborate goals. Looking at the values and motives of the leader can determine what their charisma is used for. Self-glorification- focuses on self-enchancement vs. self-transcendence-collective good of the broader society.

stereotypes of out-groups

caused by listening to stereotypes when facing an adversary. Ex. When President Truman chose to cross the 38th Parallel even when Communist China warned them not to but did it anyway because they saw them as a weak and dominated by Russia

high risk orientation

charismatic and transformational leaders are willing to take more risks, understand the risk-return relationship (to earn high returns you have to take higher risks), people admire the courage to take high risks.

loss report

completed by the manager when an item is known to be missing and has not been sold. Stops shortage by removing the merchandise for the book inventory.


concise, clearly expressed with few words



Symptoms of groupthink

could give an early warning that groupthink may be present Eight symptoms: Illusion of Invulnerability belief in the inherent morality of the group rationalization stereotypes of out-groups self-censorship direct pressure mindguards illusion of unanimity


deadline for paying for goods. Number of days available to pay. Usually associated with a cash discount.

effective listening

don't impose their will on the team, listen carefully to the problems others are facing. Show love, acceptance, and encouragement for their followers.

assign members the role of critical evaluator

each group member should have this role, will question all decisions and re-examine all assumptions and rationalizations


end of month sale

avoid the isolation of the group

frame a decision problem in a variety of ways so they can investigate the stability of preferences. Bring in outsiders to have reaction to the group's ideas.

service over self-interest

have a desire to help others, make decisions to further the interests of the group rather than their own interests.


having a regular method or order


heading, title; class, category

attributes of the effective servant leader

helping others discover their inner spirit earning and keeping others' trust service over self-interest effective listening

end use

how an item will ultimately be used by the customer


hypothesized by psychologist Irving L. Janis, "A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members' striving for unanimity overrides their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action"

self-confidence and moral conviction

leaders have an unshakable self-confidence and optimism, emphasize messages of change and have strong faith and moral conviction in the message. Followers feel connected to these leaders that optimistic and confident as well as have a high moral conviction. Ex. MLK Jr.

earning and keeping others' trust

leaders need to be honest and true to their word, they have to preserve their own integrity. Influence based on trust not power.


leadership that transcends self-interest to serve the needs of others, by helping them grow professionally and personally.

servant leadership

linked to ethics, virtues, and morality. The core of servant leadership is self-sacrifice for others without regard to what one might receive in return. Driven to serve not be served. Have to both serve and lead out of moral duty.

towel wall merchandising

method of presenting merchandise by color vertically from top to bottom and graduating from light to dark horizontally


of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes


of, relating to, or being a language or dialect native to a region or country rather than a literary, cultured, or foreign language

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