Relationships - Chapter 13

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According to a study by Finkel et al., compared to their great-grandparents, young individuals today are more likely to see marriage as primarily a means to: A) achieve personal fulfillment. B) raise children. C) pay bills. D) lead a routine, practical life with a romantic partner.


According to the Framingham Heart Study, people who have a friend or relative who divorces are ________ more likely to divorce themselves. A) 75 percent B) 33 percent C) slightly D) no


According to the parental conflict model: A) children are better off going through a divorce if their homes are full of conflict. B) children are always better off staying in a home with two parents, no matter the level of conflict. C) any time parents divorce, it is better for the children because conflict is inevitably happening in those homes. D) some level of parental conflict is helpful to children as a model for effective communication.


Announcing one's dissatisfaction with a relationship but opening things up for discussion and negotiation is an example of a(n) ________ strategy. A) direct, other-oriented B) indirect, other-oriented C) direct, self-oriented D) indirect, self-oriented


As part of the Marital Instability Over the Life Course Project, when divorced couples were asked what caused their divorce, women were much more likely than men to cite: A) infidelity. B) that love was lost. C) communication difficulties. D) personality problems.


In Karney and Bradbury's vulnerability-stress-adaptation model, a long period of unemployment that a couple experiences may be described as: A) a stressor. B) an enduring vulnerability. C) an adaptive process. D) an alternative.


In their long-term study of married couples in the Processes of Adaptation in Intimate Relationships (PAIR) project, Huston and his colleagues found that the best predictor of which couples would divorce was the: A) disillusionment model. B) emergent distress model. C) enduring dynamics model. D) vulnerability-stress-adaptation model.


Many Americans ask more of their spouses than ever before because: A) Americans are less connected to their communities than past generations. B) more and more women stay at home and rely heavily on their husbands' support than earlier. C) of the collective nature of Western societies. D) of the prevalent negative perceptions of divorce.


People who divorce are generally: A) unhappy for years before the divorce and start feeling better after the divorce. B) unhappy for years before the divorce and feel even worse after the divorce. C) unhappy for years before the divorce and continue to feel just as unhappy after the divorce. D) unhappy just before the divorce and start to feel unhappier after the divorce.


The Eastons had a rocky courtship. They broke up twice before getting engaged and married. There were a few differences that they didn't seem able to reconcile, but they hoped marriage would provide them with some stability. Several months into marriage, they found themselves fighting about the same things again and on the road to divorce. Their experience goes along with the: A) enduring dynamics model. B) emergent distress model. C) disillusionment model. D) reactive stress model.


When romantic partners break up, then reconcile and get back together, this is known as: A) churning. B) transition. C) resilience. D) adjustment.


Which of the following countries has the highest divorce rate? A) The United States of America B) England C) Canada D) Japan


Which of the following perceived barriers to divorce actually distinguishes couples who divorce from those who do not? A) Religious norms B) Fear of financial ruin C) Threat of losing one's children D) Worry that children will suffer


According to a study by Jose, which of the following is true of the relationship between cohabitation and the probability of divorce? A) People who cohabit before marriage tend to have fewer problems in their marriage compared to those who do not cohabit. B) People who cohabit before they become engaged are more likely to divorce later compared to those who do not cohabit. C) People who cohabit for longer periods of time have better marriages than those who cohabit for brief periods. D) People who cohabit before they become engaged have better marriages than those who cohabit with their fiancé.


According to research by Steve Duck, the stage that occurs first in the dissolution of most relationships is called the: A) dyadic phase. B) personal phase. C) social phase. D) grave-dressing phase.


According to research done by Fitch and Ruggles, which of the following is true of the correlation between the proportion of American women employed outside the home and divorce rates in the United States? A) The two factors are negatively correlated. B) The two factors are positively correlated. C) The two factors have no correlation. D) The two factors are positively correlated only in low-income families.


According to research done by Wolfers, divorce has become more socially acceptable than before because: A) we like to blame people for wrongdoings. B) no-fault divorces have become legal. C) fewer people today want to be coupled off. D) fewer people are having children.


As part of the Marital Instability Over the Life Course project, when divorced couples were asked what caused their divorce, men were much more likely than women to cite: A) infidelity. B) communication difficulties. C) substance use. D) abuse.


In a sample of divorced parents in the Midwestern U.S., ________ had amicable relationships and ________ had distressed relationships with ex-spouses. A) 70 percent; 30 percent B) 50 percent; 50 percent C) 20 percent; 80 percent D) 40 percent; 60 percent


In predicting how they would feel after a breakup, young adults: A) correctly predicted their distress would fade with time but underestimated the initial pain they would feel when the breakup occurred. B) correctly predicted their distress would fade with time but overestimated the initial pain they would feel when the breakup occurred. C) were incorrect in predicting that their distress would fade with time but correctly estimated the initial pain they would feel when the breakup occurred. D) were incorrect in both predicting that their distress would fade with time and in the amount of pain they would feel when the breakup occurred.


Men's per capita income tends to ________ after divorce, while women's per capita income tends to ________. A) decrease; increase B) increase; decrease C) stay the same; decrease D) decrease; stay the same


Researchers of the Early Years of Marriage (EYM) Project are primarily interested in how ________ affect marital outcomes. A) genetics B) social conditions C) attachment styles D) enduring vulnerabilities


Shauna and Brent got married in June. They both have little education, Shauna's parents had a bad marriage, and Brent's social skills are not very good. According to Karney and Bradbury's vulnerability-stress-adaptation model, Shauna and Brent's marriage: A) is doomed no matter what happens. B) may make it if they do not encounter too many difficulties in life. C) should be fine as long as they don't have many alternatives to their relationship. D) has a high likelihood of succeeding no matter what happens.


The breakup pattern most commonly found by Baxter in her study of college students was one labeled: A) direct interference. B) persevering indirectness. C) continual discontent. D) direct discontent.


Throughout the world, divorce rates are higher when the sex ratio is: A) high. B) low. C) even. D) not important.


Which model suggests that problematic behavior that destroys a couple begins after marriage? A) The enduring dynamics model B) The emergent distress model C) The disillusionment model D) The reactive stress model


Which of the following factors accounts for the finding that children do worse following divorce if one parent moves some distance away? A) Parental stress B) Parental loss C) Parental conflict D) Economic hardship


Which of the following is true of children of divorced couples? A) They are less likely to get divorced themselves. B) They are more likely to divorce when they become adults. C) They have more favorable views of marriage. D) They have higher quality marriages.


A(n) ________, or story that explains one's experience, is often shaped by a person's perceptions rather than the "truth" of the event. A) monologue B) explication C) narrative D) reenactment


According to a study by Amato, compared to marriages with traditional gender roles, which of the following is true of heterosexual marriages with an equitable division of household responsibilities? A) Both men and women are a lot happier. B) Couples experience more troubles. C) Women are much happier, but men are less happy. D) Couples are happy at the beginning, but women soon begin to regret their loss of control over the house.


At their wedding, the Smiths were one of the happiest couples their wedding guests had ever seen. The couple was sure they had a romance that would endure forever and expected a life together that would be wonderful. During their first year, they discovered that marriage was hard work, and they both began to doubt their relationship. By the end of their fifth year together, they were seriously considering divorce. Their experience goes along with the: A) enduring dynamics model. B) emergent distress model. C) disillusionment model. D) reactive stress model.


Children of divorce are less affected by divorce when: A) their non-custodial parent does not interfere and visits rarely. B) their custodial parent speaks well of the other parent, whether or not the children ever see that other parent. C) they continue to have meaningful contact with both parents. D) their non-custodial parent visits occasionally but not too much (no more than once a week).


Craig has a bad day at the office. He comes home and yells at his wife, causing discord in their marriage. This is an example of: A) an enduring vulnerability. B) an alternative. C) stress spillover. D) resilience.


In Leslie Baxter's study of college student breakups, she found that: A) people broke up about half the time by directly telling their partner and half the time using indirect strategies. B) in most cases, people ended their relationships by telling their partner they wanted to break up. C) in most cases, people tried to end the relationship without ever directly saying so. D) although people wanted to use indirect strategies, they ended up using direct strategies to break up.


In the context of the Processes of Adaptation in Intimate Relationships (PAIR) project, which of the following models will most likely recommend premarital interventions to reduce the risk of divorce? A) The disillusionment model B) The emergent distress model C) The enduring dynamics model D) The vulnerability-stress-adaptation model


In the context of the Processes of Adaptation in Intimate Relationships (or PAIR) project, which of the following models suggests that marriages that are headed for divorce are weaker than others from the very beginning? A) The disillusionment model B) The emergent distress model C) The enduring dynamics model D) The vulnerability-stress-adaptation model


No-fault divorce laws are an example of a ________ that undermines marital success. A) personal context B) relational context C) cultural context D) bias


Of those who get remarried after a divorce, most do so within: A) a few months. B) two years. C) four years. D) ten years.


Research has found that on the whole, the average perceived quality of American marriages has ________ since 1970. A) increased B) stayed about the same C) declined D) increased among younger couples but decreased among older couples


The most common pattern of interaction in the months after a breakup is: A) partners becoming more committed to each other than when they decide to quit their romance. B) there is no change in partners' connection with each other. C) partners starting out as friends, with their commitment to each other gradually fading away entirely. D) a series of ups and downs as partners figure out a new pattern of fitting their lives together.


The most common situation leading to a breakup is: A) a sudden onset of discontent. B) a shared desire between both partners to end the relationship. C) gradual dissatisfaction. D) the presence of repair attempts.


The number of married adults in the United States: A) is about the same today as in 1960. B) is at an all-time high. C) is at an all-time low. D) dropped from 1960 to 1980 and has climbed steadily since then.


According to Levinger's barrier model, all of the following factors influence breakups EXCEPT which one? A) Attraction B) Alternatives C) Barriers D) Attachment


After a divorce, social networks usually: A) increase greatly. B) increase somewhat. C) stay the same size. D) decrease in size.


How has individualism likely influenced the divorce rate in the United States? A) We demand more of our spouses than in the past. B) We are less connected to social norms that might discourage divorce than in the past. C) We have less social support from friends and family than in the past. D) All of the answers are correct.


Mark knows his relationship with his partner will soon end. He is now talking with friends and family, telling them his side of the story and garnering support. Mark is in the ________ of the dissolution of his relationship. A) resurrection phase B) personal phase C) dyadic phase D) social phase


People who are high in the personality trait of ________ are more likely to divorce than those who are not. A) openness B) extraversion C) conscientiousness D) neuroticism


The Processes of Adaptation in Intimate Relationships (PAIR) project revealed that the speed of a divorce is influenced by all of the following factors EXCEPT which one? A) Degree of changes in a romance B) Speed of disillusionment in a romance C) Problems that couples bring to the marriage D) The wedding experience and the blending of extended families


Which of the following statements is true of divorce statistics in the U.S.? A) The number of children living in single-parent homes is three times higher than it was in 1965. B) More than half of married couples will divorce before their twenty-first anniversary. C) The median age at which men encounter their first divorce is about 31. D) All of the answers are correct.


Which of the following theories says that an unhappily married couple would stay together because the barriers for getting a divorce are high and the alternatives are few? A) Seligman's positive psychology model B) Ekman's model of facial understanding and facial mismatches C) Whitehead's social expectation model of divorce D) Levinger's barrier model


With regard to the findings of the Marital Instability Over the Life Course Project, which of the following factors are divorced couples most likely to acknowledge as having played a part in their decision to divorce? A) Socioeconomic status B) Age of marriage C) Social networks D) Incompatibility


With regard to the research study by Ahrons on the relationship between ex-spouses, in which category of post-marital relationship are former spouses not good friends but are civil and pleasant to each other? A) Angry Associates B) Concerned Compatriots C) Perfect Pals D) Cooperative Colleagues


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