Religion ch 6

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Human cloning, both therapeutic and reproductive, is gravely sinful and contrary to the moral law. It opposes the dignity of the conjugal union between husband and wife and the nature of human procreation and treats the person as a commodity.

Is human cloning moral?

Surgery to remove an organ or limb to save the life of a seriously ill or injured person is morally licit

Is organ removal moral under certain circumstances?

No. The state has the right to implement the death penalty when necessary for the protection of others in society

Is the use of the death penalty inherently wrong?

No. From the biological point of view, the fertilized egg in the womb is a completely new organism with its own, unique genetic code which, in time, will fully develop

Is there any specific basis for claiming the embryo or fetus is not a person?

Capital punishment

It is an act by the legitimate authority of a state or nation to put a criminal to death

Filial piety

It is respect for our parents

Euthanasia is an action or an omission of an action that causes a person's death in order to eliminate suffering. Assisted suicide is suicide with the aid of others. Both euthanasia and assisted suicide violate the Fifth Commandment

What are euthanasia and assisted suicide?

His affection, kindness, and spirit of service

What are some of the qualities of Christ that parents and children should imitate?

Any bad behavior provides a bad example that others may imitate. More specifically, recommending music or videos with immoral content can scandalize others. Immodest fashions can lead others into impurity

What are some ways teenagers cause scandal to others?

It often does not serve as a deterrent for others, and it may preclude the possibility of the conversion of the criminal. It may serve to perpetuate an impoverished view of the value of human life in society that leads to capital crimes

What are the church's reasons for limiting the death penalty?

For a war to be morally just, it must fulfill the principles of self-defense, last resort, probability of success, and proportionally. Also, the nation must never deliberately target non-combatants

What are the conditions for a just war?

Families also have the duty to love members of the extended family

What is the demand of charity toward members of the extended family?

The person's obligation to authority extends from parents to the extended family to elders and ancestors to teachers, employers, leaders, and our civil governors.

What is the extent of a person's duty toward authority according to the Fourth Commandment?

The first duty of love that the husband and wife have is toward each other. The second duty of love is toward their children

What is the hierarchy of love between husband and wife?

It is gratitude: children can never repay their parents for the gift of life and for their upbringing

What is the idea behind children truly loving their parents?

Parents effectively direct and guide their children not only by verbal command, but ??? Their good example

What is the importance of the good example of parents?

The fifth commandment is about respecting and protecting innocent life. A person has a right to defend himself or herself against an unjust aggressor, even if it means injuring the assistant

What is the justification behind self-defense?

Parents may not force a particular vocation on their children, for example, over whether to become a priest or to marry

What is the limit to parents' authority over their children regarding living the faith?

The defender may only use proportional means of force to defend himself or herself and others

What is the limit to self-defense?

We have the absolute duty to respect, defend, and protect human life

What is the main thrust of the fifth commandment?

Parents must try to earn and maintain the respect of their children

What is the message of the phrase, "Do not provoke your children to anger"?

It is automatic excommunication, the exclusion of the baptized person from the sacramental life of the church. This applies to the person performing the abortion, the mother, and all who cooperate in the act

What is the penalty for abortion according to Canon Law?

It affirms the dignity of the human person

What is the positive side of the command not to kill?

Subsidiary is the principle that should guide relations in society. A lower authority must not be interfered with by a higher authority without necessity. When a higher authority does intervene, it should be for the legitimate common good

What is the principle of subsidiary?

Authority exists to serve the individual and the common good

What is the purpose of authority?

Parents who love their children discipline them

What is the relationship between good discipline and love?

A healthy family environment ultimately contributes good citizens to society

What is the relationship between the family and good citizenship?

Public authority is obliged to respect the fundamental rights of the human person, as well as to guarantee the conditions to make the exercise of these rights possible.

What is the relationship between the fundamental rights of the person and public authority?

Man is made in the image and likeness of God, made directly for God's glory, and called to share in God's everlasting life

What is unique about man?

Every person has been created in the image and likeness of God. Every human life is sacred and must be protected and nurtured.

What makes human life sacred?

Man is sacred because he is made in the image and likeness of God and is willed for his own sake

What makes human life scared?

Insensitivity to the needs of others, habitual laziness and idleness, and an inability to fulfill reasonable tasks can result

What vices can result from lack of parental discipline?

When a child is convinced in conscience that it would be morally wrong to obey a particular instruction or command, the child should not obey

When does a child not have to obey a parent?

He or she exists from the moment of conception

When does a new person begin to exist?

It becomes grave when it leads others to moral sin

When does scandal become grave?

Flows from the gratitude of a child for all his or her parents have given him or her

Where does respect for parents originate?

Euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland (if not performed by a doctor), and the United States (Oregon, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Vermont, Washington)

Where is euthanasia legal?

By reason of marriage, a husband and wife must show their greatest and deepest love For each other

Who are husband and wife most obligated to love?

The decision belongs to the prudential judgment of those who have responsibility for the common good

Who is responsible for deciding if a country should go to war?

The unborn child who is developing in his or her mother's womb is most defenseless

Who is the most innocent and defenseless of all human persons?

No matter how grateful, children can never repay their parents for the gift of life and upbringing

Why are children forever in their parents' debt?

According to the Fourth Commandment, children are obligated to obey their parents, regardless of whether their father and mother are good role models

Why are children to obey their parents?

Although children are entrusted to the care of their parents, they belong to God and deserve to be treated as his children

Why do parents not have absolute authority over their children?

Those who by nature or office are obliged to teach, educate, lead, or govern others have a greater influence on people than others do

Why do those in authority have a special obligation to avoid scandal?

Because of the effects of original sin, we need both Christ's example to guide us and his grace to imitate him

Why does each family member need a strong relationship with Jesus Christ in order for the family to be an oasis of happiness and charity?

Suicide is morally wrong, and, thus cooperation in suicide is also illicit

Why is assisted suicide wrong?

It destroys a person's procreative ability

Why is direct sterilization wrong?

Embryonic stem-cell research is a violation of the fifth commandment because it requires the destruction of human embryos. Non-embryonic stem-cell research can be morally licit

Why is embryonic stem-cell research immoral?

While in vitro fertilization is also opposed to the sixth and ninth Commandments for other reasons, it violates the fifth commandment because it requires the production and destruction of so-called "spare" human embryos

Why is in vitro fertilization a violation of the fifth commandment?

Authority has power so that it can serve the individual and the common good

Why is it legitimate for authority to possess power?

It violates the dignity of the conjugal union between husband and wife

Why is the conception of human life in a laboratory setting a gravely sinful act?

It is an essential part of the human person and an instrument of salvation, sanctification, and evangelization. God greatly honored the human body by the Incarnation of Jesus Christ

Why must we give our human body respect?

The authority of a parent comes from God, not from the parent's degree of moral perfection

Why should children obey a parent who has character flaws?

The students' parents have entrusted their children to the teachers; therefore, teachers share in the parents' authority

Why should students obey their teachers?

It is the will of God that Christians obey those in rightful authority, their representatives, and the laws of the state

Why should we obey authority?


____________ is an ancient but ever-recurring philosophy that holds that please is the highest and perhaps only good. To a large extent, our culture today is _________


____________ is just as ancient and enduring, but it is not very evident in our culture today. It is the view that pleasure especially bodily pleasures like eating drinking, dancing, sports, and sex, is morally suspect, if not outright sinful in itself

It is moral when both the donor and the recipient give informed consent and the physical and psychological dangers and risks are proportionate to the good sought

Under what conditions is organ transplantation moral?

Current research shows non-embryonic stem-cells are as effective as embryonic stem-cells

Is embryonic stem-cell research necessary?

God is its origin. "The Lord honored the father above the children, and he confirmed the right of the mother over her sons."

According to Sinach, what is the origin of the hierarchy within this family, in which children are "below" their parents?

No. Only embryonic stem-cell research is opposed because it kills an innocent person

Does the Catholic Church oppose all forms of stem-cell research?

The magisterium of the church has consistently proclaimed the grievously sinful nature of abortion throughout her history

How consistent is the church's teaching on abortion?

Human life begins at conception, so each of the fertilized eggs is a human person. More embryos than necessary are "created" for the procedure. Some are destroyed right away because they seem weaker or have defects. The rest are later destroyed or placed in a frozen state.

How does IVF violate the Fifth Commandment?

It is recognized as a good thing because it makes one righteous

How does discipline look to the person who successfully receives it?

Martial fidelity cultivates and facilitates in one's children respect and obedience toward God, the parents, and all other authority

How does marital fidelity affect children's respect for authority?

It contributes good citizens to it

How does the family serve society?

They cannot use disproportionate means against a violator of the law

How does the use of proportionate means to protect the common good apply to police and security agencies?

Parents have a duty of care toward their children, and children have a duty of obedience toward their parents

How is the fourth commandment a two-way street between children and parents?

Children should help their parents and never cause them grief or despise them

How should children treat their parents, even if they grow old and senile?

Each child is a child of God redeemed by Jesus Christ and must be treated by parents as such

How should one's children be treated?

The dignity of human life transcends the value of all material creation

How valuable is human life?

These practices reduce human beings to objects that can be manufactured and manipulated rather than treating them as unique and irreplaceable creations of God

How would cloning#and how do in vitro fertilization and embryonic stem-cell research-offend the dignity of the person?

Catholic realistic position

The ______________ affirms that pleasure is a good and necessary thing, created by God. God is happy when people enjoy good things. However, given the reality of the original sin, we have the tendency to either make pleasure our god, becoming obsessed with it (like the Epicturean), or to see the trouble that comes from pleasure and reject it as evil (like the Puritan)

The act of self-defense, even though it may involve harm and injury to the assailant, is compatible with the Fifth Commandment. However, extreme measures can only be taken as a last resort and when no other option is available

What are the conditions for defending oneself and others against unjust aggression?

Organ transplantation is permissible when the rocks are proportional to the good ?? Received

What are the conditions for moral organ transplantation?

They are fairness/understanding, discipline, and instruction in the Faith

What are the three principal aspects of Christian parenting?

Therapeutic abortion - performed because of a danger to maternal health Psychological or psychological abortion - performed for psychological, economic, or medical reasons Eugenic abortion - performed because of a malformation of the fetus

What are the three types of induced abortions?

Good use of freedom, self-control, and a sense of responsibility can be instilled

What can parents instill in their children through discipline?

It means that killing an innocent person is a flagrant violation of natural law and, therefore, a most grievous sin

What does "you shall not kill" mean?

He promises many blessings

What does God promise those who obey the Fourth Commandment?

Because a person's existence, in cooperation with God's creative power, is a direct consequence of his or her parents' love, children must honor, obey, respect, and love their mother and father as REPRESENTATIVES of God

What does a child owe his or her parents, and why?

It means that public authority must protect human rights For example, one of the fundamental rights of the person is the right to life. A public authority should not pass laws that take the life of an innocent person, nor permit others to threaten the lives of innocent persons

What does it mean to say that public authority is obliged to respect the fundamental rights of the human person as well as to guarantee the conditions that make the exercise of these rights possible?

The first three Commandments refer to God, while the next seven relate to our neighbor. The first commandment relating to our neighbor is the Fourth, demanding we honor our father and mother, so it is first, or has "pride or place," among the Commandments relating to our neighbor

What does it mean to say the fourth Commandment takes "pride of place" among the Commandments referring to the person?

The fourth commandment promises blessings on children who honor their parents throughout their entire lives

What does the Fourth Commandment promise children who honor their parents?

It means that a person's family-his or her father and mother and siblings-is the best place in which to grow up well

What does the following statement mean: "A person's upbringing and moral and physical support find their ideal setting in the family"?

The church has always condemned abortion. The earliest written record is the Didache, written ca. AD 80.

What does tradition teach about abortion?

They are frozen for future IVF procedures, used for experimental purposes, or discarded

What happens to the unused, fertilizer eggs?

They can find consolation in uniting their sufferings with the suffering of Christ on the cross

What help can the cross give to people suffering from incapacitating and incurable illnesses?

They experience deep and long-lasting emotional and psychological pain

What is a common effect of abortion on the mother and others involved?

It is any action or omission of action that assists another person in causing his or her own death

What is assisted suicide?

From the Greek meaning "good death", euthanasia is an action or omission of an action that, by itself or by intention, causes a person's death in order to eliminate suffering

What is euthanasia?

IVF is a medical technique that aims to allow women who cannot become pregnant through sexual intercorse to still have a baby. A woman is induced to produce a large number of ova that are then fertilized in a test tube or Petri dish. One or more of the fertilized eggs is then inserted into the woman's uterus

What is in vitro fertilization?

It is a licit medical procedure in which the patient is sterilized as a secondary, unintended result of curing an illness or repairing an injury

What is indirect sterilization?

It is wrong to bring about the disabling mutilation or death of the donor to sage the life for the other

What is not permitted in connection with organ donation?

Scandal is an attitude or behavior that leads another to do evil. It is a grave sin when it leads others to mortal sin by deed or omission

What is scandal?

Stem-cells may someday provide a cure for presently incurable conditions such as Parkinson's disease, juvenile diabetes, certain neuromuscular disorders, and spinal-cord injuries

What is the allure of stem-cell research?

A person's upbringing and moral and physical support find their ideal setting in

What is the best place to raise children well?

As a direct consequence of their parent's love for them, children must honor, obey, respect, and love their mother and father as representatives of God

What is the child's obligation to his or her parents?

Although it is the right of the state to impose the death penalty, the church opposes it in most cases as unnecessary and a devaluation of human life.

What is the church's position on the death penalty?

From 1939 to 1941, the Nazi gov. euthanized 75,000-250,000 of its own citizens with mental and physical disabilities it deemed unfit for life.

What is the connection between euthanasia and Nazi Germany?

The failure to recognize the human person as a son or daughter of God makes us extremely vulnerable to manipulation or actual destruction if the whims of society or convenience so dictate

What is the danger in seeing human life as possessing only a subjective value?

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