Renicker: world history semester 2

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Revolts by the captives


America which came to be used for both continents of the Western Hemisphere

Name of martins map

Who is the general of the army in France, now that Robespierre is executed


What is the new set of laws that Napoleon creates

Napoleonic Code

What does the 3rd Estate rename themselves

National Assembly

Saeyes (?) and Mirabeau

National Assembly was under which two people

The third estate chose to represent the people of France

National assembly

National governments had a lot of control over economies

National economies

Middle class militia organized in repose to Royal troops in Paris

National guard

Rules discoverable by reason,

Natural law


Natural laws allows happiness, not medieval misery

Rights that belonged to all humans from birth Life Liberty property

Natural rights

Fishing, timber, shipbuilding

New England resources


New France

Grew slowly because of long winters and not very farmable climate

New France population

Moderate Protestant doctrines, English replace Latin

New book of common prayer

Parliament Officers selected for skill rather than class

New model army

Anne Boleyn

New wife of Henry

German George I Spoke no English and parliament helped him rule

Next king and his struggles

Wrote the prince which is about how to gain and maintain power End justifies the means Showed realistic look at politics

Niccolò Machiavelli

Floating coffins

Nickname for the boats

Wrote On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

Nicolaus Copernicus

Was movement between classes in the Early Middle Ages easy


Who made up the second estate


Absolutism Resented royal beuarocracy

Nobles hated

Lutheranism and south chose Catholic

North Germany chose


Northern humanists put a greater emphasis on what compared to other Italians

Fighting, swearing, laughing in church, dancing

Offenses were

A government in which the ruling power belongs to a few people


Roundhead leader Skilled general

Oliver Cromwell

_______ ______ put together the New Model Army

Oliver Cromwell

1791 A woman who was angry about revolution not including them Wrote the declaration of the rights of woman and the female citizen

Olympe de Gouges

"Woman is born free and her rights are the same as those of man"

Olympe quote

Religious upheaval

One of norths most powerful themes

What percent of Western European population did the plague kill


Cottage industry

Other word for putting out system

Which 2 Germans invaded Italy to try to help the pope

Otto I and Frederick Barbarossa

Suleiman Turkey to balkans


linear perspective

Parallel lines that recede into the distance

Replaced royalist government of Paris

Paris Commune


Parliament dissolved when

It must be set aside for religious observance and anyone over 14 who "profaned the lords day" would be fined

Parliament new law about Sunday

Exiled most Catholics to barren lands in Ireland Anyone who disobeyed would be killed

Parliament passed law in 1652

Tried to execute his chief ministers and called for abolition of bishops and said they couldn't be dissolved without their consent

Parliament retaliated and

Executive is part of the House of Commons

Parliamentary government

To divide up

Partition definition

1772 The three monarchs (Catherine, King Frederick II, Emperor Joseph II) agreed not to fight one another and divide up poland

Partition story

A financial supporter of the arts


A people who provides financial support for the arts



Peace of Augsburg

1648 Series of treaties that ended the thirty years war

Peace of Westphalia

Germany in 1524 Wanted end to serfdom and other changes in harsh lives

Peasants revolt

Repressed them Made conditions worse for peasants - more were forced into serfdom

Peasants revolted, what did Catherine do

The Law of the __________ states that objects fall at the same rate without other variables


Who is the first king named by the pope

Pepin the Short


Period of Euro. History at the end of the Middle Ages and the rise of mosernity; cultural rebirth from the 14th century through the middle of the 17th century

Allowed Renaissance artists to create realistic art Make it look 3D


1600 Blended Flemish and Italian forms of art Big on mythology, bible. Etc

Peter Paul Rubens

Power struggle Catherine the great

Peter did not have a heir

1725 His legacy was ending Russia's long period of isolation

Peter died

10 years old 1682 got throne but didn't control government till 1689 Romanov

Peter the great

1697 To learn the western ways in European cities

Peter went where

A small chateau on the palace grounds at Versailles where she lived her own life of amusement

Petit Trianon

Parliament made Charles I sign this prohibiting the king from raising taxes without parliaments consent or jailing anyone without legal justification

Petition of right

What is the desire to increase well-being of humankind by charitable aid or donations


1700 Inherited throne of spain

Philip V

Forty two years Absolute

Phillip II reigned for how long and made his power what

Who created the Estates General

Phillip IV

Why does Boniface issue a bull

Phillip IV of France was taxing the clergy

Which Bourbon gained the Spanish throne

Phillip V

17 provinces Richest part of empire Wanted to be Protestant Broke off from spain

Phillips battles in the Netherlands

Queen Elizabeth I Protestant

Phillips main enemy

Someone who seeks to understand and explain life, a person who studies philosophy


French thinkers that focused on economic reforms and supported Free trade and opposed tariffs


1500s, a Flemish painter who portrayed lively scenes He address and classical and religious themes and

Pieter bruegel

Peasant Breugel for portraying peasant life

Pieters nickname

English Protestants who rejected the Church of England went to Plymouth, Massachusetts for religious freedom


1. One of Greatest human achievements, key to learning the truths 2. Look beyond simple appearances to learn natures truth

Plato believed what in math and thought humans should look beyond what

Napoleon holds what to see if he should be dictator for life


People vote yes or no


What is having multiple Church offices


Phillip IV kidnaps __________

Pope Boniface VIII

Who signed a treaty to make peace with the Lombards

Pope Gregory I

Who excommunicated lay investiture

Pope Gregory VII

In 1521 he excommunicated him

Pope Leo III did what to Luther

Basic principle of the American system of government which asserts that the people are the source of any and all governmental power, and government can only exist only with the consent of the governed

Popular sovereignty

Results of plague/ war/ famine

Population goes down from 20 m. To 13.5 million


Port city and access route to the West (Venice too)

1415 Muslim North Africa

Portugal expanded into what

Does the recovery from plague and war have a positive or negative outcome


What was Napoleon's downfall


House of Commons had control over spending

Power of the purse

Calvinist belief that God long ago determined who would gain slavation


Scottish Calvinists are _________


Ran by a president Executive separate from legislature

Presidential government

Period in European history when inflation rose rapidly

Price revolution

Began to rise in 1500s because of silver and gold from Americas

Prices began to rise why


Pride in one's country, a mentality of US vs THEM

The availability of the Bible brought people to the same level as who


Sponsored exploration for Portugal, small nation next to Spain

Prince Henry

Madeira and Azores near southwest Portugal

Prince Henry's navigators claimed the islands

Book cheaper, readily available

Printing revolution



Science could lead to perfection in society


Those who protested papal authority


What faith is Anne Bolyne (Catholic or Protestant)



Protestant whose views and opinions differed from those of the Church of England

New Protestant power (Austria was Catholic)


Cromwell forced a _________ way of life (religious order)


Members of an English Protestant group who wanted to purify the Church of England by making it more simple are more morally strict


Used to bypass the guilds Used to produce textiles, then spread to other industries Example Merchant gives out raw wool to peasant cottages, and the cottages spun the wool into thread and then wove it into cloth, the merchants would buy it and sent it to the city to finish the product, then sold it

Putting out system

English captains/sea dogs to loot Spanish cities in America

Queen Elizabeth encouraged

Deeply religious but had doubts about organized church

Rabelais, more, Erasmus all were

An extreme


Admired for artistic nature and sweet gracious nature Made In the school of Athens, included himself


What is the absence of intolerance, bigotry, and prejudice



Reason could set peoples of all nations free

The period when radicals rule France is called the __________________

Reign of Terror

The period that links the Medieval World and the Modern World


What the USA has, it works for a large society and direct democracy didn't work because not enough citizens dare about each issue

Representative democracy

System of government in which officials are chosen by the poeple


Ended many years of turmoil

Responses to her reforms

Parliament invites Charles II back to be monarch, known as the __________ period




Moderate - 1789-1792 Radical - 1792-1795 Directory - 1795-1799 Napoleonic - 1799-1815

Revolution stages

Who convinces Muslim leader Salah al-Din to open the gates of Jerusalem to Christians

Richard of England

Huguenots and nobles because they didn't believe to Royal authority

Richelieu wanted to destroy whose power

1600 English Refined alchemists view of chemicals as basic building blocks

Robert Boyle

Molded the cabinet into a unified body by requiring all members to agree on major issues

Robert Walpole

_________ is known as "the incorruptible"


Puritan clergy Hair was close cut around their heads


Supporters of Parliament in the English civil war


Believed that people in natural state were good Innocent


Who wrote the Social Contract


Direct democracy - favors it over representative democracy

Rousseau believed in what government

"Man is born free, but everywhere is in chains"

Rousseau quote

A city state

Rousseau wanted what

The Social Contract

Rousseau wrote

_______ is not reached by faith alone but also by good works


Working class men and women "Without breeches" Wanted a republic

Sans culottes

Which building in Florence did Lorenzo Medici complete

Santa Maria del Fiore



German Princes joined Protestants against Charles V in the what alliance

Schmalkdic League


Science could lead to perfection in society

Step by step process of discovery requiring data

Scientific method


Scientific revolution led to

Russia uses _________ __________

Scorched-Earth Policy

Setting fire to the land behind

Scorched-Earth Policy


Scottish Calvinists

1776 Thomas Jefferson

Second continental congress

A subgroup of a major religious group


King John

Selfish, lost in wars against the French, and was later forced to sign the Magna Carta

1756-1763 On four continents

Seven years war

English poet and playwright


Even common people could understand his plays

Shakespeare's language

Firmly Protestant country

She kept many catholic traditions, but made England a

What are 2 reasons people don't like Marie Antoinette

She spends extravagantly and is a foreigner

Hundreds were crammed in for three weeks to three months

Ship life for Africans

Sangho panza Unromantic, earthly realism

Side character to son Quixote

Golden century 1550-1650 Brilliance of its arts and literature

Siglo de oro

What is the buying and selling of Church offices


What were some conflicts that were questioned during the Protestant Reformation

Simony, Pluralism, Absenteeism, Marriage, Conspicuous Consumption

Why the church was going down

Simony/ pluralism/ absenteeism/ priest can marry/ conspicuous consumption


Small army that stands close to each other (use black powder)

Laissez Faire Wanted to protect society

Smith supported

An agreement by which people gave up their freedom to a powerful government in order to avoid chaos

Social contract

Jesuits Founded by Ignatius of Loyola

Society of Jesus

Throw off the rule of both the church and emporer

Some princes used Lutheran beliefs to

Edward VI Nine

Songs name

Ride, tobacco, made plantations

South resources

What land did Charles V give to Phillip II

Spain and the Netherlands

130 ships 20,000 men

Spanish Armada


Spanish fortune hunter

Preserve food, flavor meat, make medicines and perfumes

Spices are used to

A good period of the arts

Splendid century

Peters effort to forge a modern Russia

St Petersburg was a symbol for

Complete breakdown to the order of France

St. Bartholomews Day symbolized

August 24, 1572 Catholic royals plotted and led a massacre of 3,000 Huguenots More were slaughtered the next day

St. Bartholomews day incident

New Russian capital in Sweden land Found it while looking for the window on the west

St. Petersburg

Without laws or other control This would be solitary, brutal, nasty, short

State of nature

License, marriage, drinking age

States rights

Hard work, discipline, thrift, honesty, morality


Humanist/humanism/ humanities

Student of the liberal arts: teach us: Francesco Petrarch

The Act of ________ made Elizabeth the ruler of England


Tax on imported goods Protect local companies from foreign companies by increasing the price of the imported goods


What 2 main factors caused the spread of Lutheranism

Technology, Principal of Proximity

What is the name of the agreement that the 3rd Estate will not disperse until they create a constitution

Tennis Court Oath

Where does the 3rd Estate create a constitution

Tennis Courts

Famous oath made on a tennis court by members of the third estate in France

Tennis court oarh

Symbolized renewed feelings of intense faith

Teresa of Avila symbolized

Entered convent very young, thought convent life was not strict so she started her own

Teresa story

What does the coalition show?

That it is ok to overthrow

What is the second constitution that the National Assembly votes on called

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

What was the difference between Parliament in England and the Estates General in France

The French king did not need consent from the Estates General

What is Richard I of England called

The Lion Heart


The Magna Carta

Defender of the Faith

The Pope gave Henry's nickname

Niccolo Machiavelli wrote what book

The Prince

What happens after Robespiere takes over reign?

The Reign of terror begins

The classical age of French drama

The age of Louis XIV was also known as

Restated trial by jury, abolished excessive fines and unjust punishment, affirmed the principle of Habeas corpus

The bill of rights also did what

Any Roman Catholic

The bill of rights forbade who from sitting on the throne

Limited monarchy in place of absolute monarchy New Legislative assembly

The constitution

Salvation comes through hard work

The council reaffirmed traditions like

John Locke, then the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence

The glorious revolution influenced who

Their food prices soared causing extreme hunger

The government tax more, and what happened to the peasants

Example of personal responsibility

The marriage of arnolifini

1555 treaty after a number of brief wars let princes chose which religion their religion would be

The peace of Augsburg

Return of monarchy to England

The restoration

Sated that he felt society placed too many limitations on people's behavior Some controls necessary, but they should be minimal

The social contract

1748 Montesquieu Discussed government through History

The spirit of laws


The third estate wanted votes counted by

European peace

The treaties aspired to bring about

Free market should be allowed to regulate business activity Showed how manufacturing, trade, wages, profits were linked to supplies and demands

The wealth of nations

1. Colonies couldn't set up own industries 2. Couldn't buy goods from other countries

These laws



What did the Council of Constance first do to solve the problem of the 2 popes

They elected a third pope (which did nothing)

Was not the only source of Christian religious truth

They said that the bible

Bananas, sugar cane from Africa/Asia Wheat and grapes from Europe

Things Given to America

Bourgeoisie Urban workers Peasants 97% of population 70% of land Paid all taxes

Third estate

Began in Bohemia (Czech republic)

Thirty years war began where

Who argued that there didn't need to be conflict to have faith and reason

Thomas Aquinas

Henry appointed him new archbishop who annulled Henry's marriage

Thomas Cranmer

The Protestant book of common prayer which was required reading

Thomas Cranmer wrote what

Henry's chancellor who passed laws to Parliament that took church from pope

Thomas Cromwell

Two English thinkers Key to the enlightenment Lived through the English Civil War

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke


Thomas Hobbes wrote the

Erasmus' friend and humanist. He wrote utopia

Thomas more


Thomas more after death

What farming idea was used during the High Middle Ages

Three-field system

A tax amounting to 10% of income


To give greater knowledge and understanding

To enlighten

Why did Louis XVI recognize the Estates General

To solve the issue of taxing nobles

What are the 2 goals of the Church in the Catholic Reformation

To strengthen the Church and to combat Protestantism

Why did the Pope want the Crusades

To unite the east and west

1689 Limited religious freedom to dissenters, etc but not Catholics Only Church of England members could hold public office

Toleration act

What are causes of the Hundred Year's War

Trade, Edward's claim to the French throne

Treaty of 1763 that ended the seven years war and resulted in British dominance of the Americas France give Canada Spain got Louisiana territory French got slave outposts in Africa and sugar industry in Caribbean

Treaty of Paris

What treaty exiles Napoleon to Elba

Treaty of Vienna

1713 Philip remained in throne, but France agreed to never unite

Treaty of ulrecht

Series of Atlantic trade routes linked Europe, Africa, and the Americas First leg - Europe, merchant ships brought European goods to Africa then merchants traded goods for slaves Second leg - America - slaves exchanged for sugar, molasses, and other goods Third leg - merchants shipped goods to Europe for money

Triangular trade

Edward III

Tried to claim French throne, as his mother was the sister of the deceased king. Denied at first because his mother could never reign, but Salic Law put him of the throne

(True or False) Thomas Hobbes said people had no right to rebel John Locke said oppressed subjects had every right to rebel


Bacon believed in the scientific method while Descartes believed in human reasoning (True or False)


Charles I is sentenced to death for treason (True or False)


Clovis converted to Catholicism (True or False)


Henry IV becomes Catholic after becoming French king (True or False)


Laws of competition benefit the consumer (True or False)


Montesquieu criticized the French monarchy and the Church (True or False)


Napoleon helps the economy by reducing inflation (True or False)


Napoleon's downfall was his thirst for power (True or False)


Parliament gives commoners a say in government (True or False)


Robespierre helps France successfully beat back the coalition (True or False)


Spain is mismanaging their money from the Americas (True or False)


The Council of Trent said indulgences, pilgrimages, and venerations of relics are valid expressions of Christian faith (True or False)


The Unum Sanctum says that kings have temporal power but the pope has everlasting power (True or False)


The plague had a negative impact on the Church (True or False)


The printing press brought corruption to the forefront of society (True or False)


The set of laws from Napoleon give equal rights to all citizens (True or False)


With a surplus of goods, wealthy nobles began to look towards arts and architecture in the Renaissance (True or False)


Her husband 1762" murdered by Russian officers Catherine became heir to throne

Tsar Peter III

What ruling family is Henry VIII of England part of


Where the royal family lived in Paris Basically prisoners


Britain and France (developing overseas empires) Prussia and Austria (control of German states)

Two basic European rivalries

Corn, potatoes

Two new foods from america

Tories - aristocrats who liked the old traditions, and Royal power Whigs - like the glorious revolution and supported parliament

Two political parties in late 1600s

Protect natural rights Best government would have limited power and was accepted by all Disliked absolute monarchy

Two treatises of government

Danish astronomer in 1500s Evidence for Copernicus

Tycho Brahe

Priest and admirer of Erasmus who lived in Zurich

Ulrich Zwingli

Compromise between Protestant and catholic practices

Under the settlement, there was a

The Act of ________ made England one single Protestant Church


What is the name of the bull that lectures Phillip IV of France

Unum Sanctum

What 2 popes are elected at one time, eventually leading to the schism

Urban VI (Italy) and Clement VII (France)

Who is voted in as pope following Gregory XI's death?

Urban XI

An ideal society in which men and women live in peace and harmony and all are educated


Idealistic or visionary, usually used to describe a perfect society


1777-1778 Harsh winter for soldiers

Valley forge

Hacked a passage westward through the tropical forests of Panama in 1513

Vasco Núñez de Balboa

1497 Portuguese navigator Lead four ships around cape of good hope and wanted to go further

Vasco da gama

Who wrote "On the Structure of the Human Body"


Everyday language of one's homeland


Everyday language of ordinary people


King Louis XIV French residence and seat of government Symbol of the sun kings wealth and power


Which palace did Louis XIV live at


Danish navigator Found Bering strait between Siberia and Alaska

Virus Bering

"Crush the infamous thing"


French philosopher who stated the Holy Roman Empire wasn't holy, Roman, or an empire


Philosophes Real name was François Marie Arouet Not religious


My trade is to say what I think

Voltaire quote


Vote yes/no

Prime minister

Walpole was britains first

_____ pumps up radicals who want change

War (with Austria)


War between Catholic and French Protestant time period

1792-1815 Legislative assembly declared war on Austria, then Prussia, Britain, etc

War between French revolutionaries and European monarchs

Eight year war Maria helped Hungarian subjects

War of Austrian succession


War of Spanish succession

One that would be free of ice all year round Peter wanted to find this so he could trade with the west

Warm water port

No because he rejected most Protestant doctrines

Was Henry a religious radical

No, many small states

Was Italy a united nation

No, he actually wanted people to join Catholics because it was a threat to traditional order

Was Luther for a few groups of Anabaptists?


Was Poland government prepared to stand up to the increasing might of Russia, Prussia, and Austria

No!!! He got a lot of spices that he sold for large sums of money

Was the voyage for nothing

Bad because they were very hardworking in the French economy

Was this good or bad

Where is Napoleon defeated the second time


Adoption of western ideas, technology, and culture


Wolves walking around deserted cities

What animal was seen in the Middle Ages

-executive -legislative -judicial

What are the three branches of the separation of powers?

Everyone turned against it

What began to be the perspective of france

Every person was educated from all genders and classes

What big step was taken in mid century

The crusades

What brought about trade

"The power vacuum" Emporer had little power over H the rival princes Divided German states

What contributed to the Thirty Years War

1700s Corn, potatoes, manioc, beans, tomatoes in America

What contributed to worldwide population growth


What culture did Catherine embrace

Our lives our fortunes our sacred honor

What did Americans pledge

Russian orthodox faith

What did Catherine do to gain the people's trust

1642 Led troops to House of Commons to arrest leaders They fled and raised own army

What did Charles do

How large the earth is two continents worth of land

What did Columbus not put to mind

Laws about trade

What did Europe enforce

Put him in solitary confinement and watched his friend be beheaded

What did Frederick William do in response

Whig domination

What did George want to end

He took over the English church

What did Henry do

Wrote a pamphlet denouncing him

What did Henry do against luther

Confiscated them then gave some to nobles and high ranking citizens

What did Henry do with the land

The national guard

What did Lafayette head

French Protestant minority

What did Louis see as a threat To religious unity

The sun, being at the center of the universe, so the sun King stands in the center of the nation

What did Louis used as symbolism for his power

He wrote 95 theses against indulgences

What did Luther do

Pacific derived from the Latin word peaceful

What did Magellan name the south sea

The size of the pacific He thought it would take three weeks but it took four months

What did Magellan underestimate

Shave their beards, replace old robes with new westerner style clotting

What did Peter force the boyars to do


What did Phillip II devot most time too

The saying "good queen bess"

What did Queen Elizabeth make popular

The biggest country in the world

What did Russia become

A vindication of the rights of women Equal education of boys and girls SHE WAS SUPER EDUCATION HEAVY

What did Wollstonecraft write

Monopolies, overseas trading companies

What did government sell

Holy roman empire and the netheralnds

What did hapsburg include at its height

It was allowed to be read in English

What did he allow concerning the bible

Revoked the 1685 edict of nantes

What did he do

Peace treaty with leader of Calicut 1502

What did he do with his next fleet

Revive the parliament in 1640, then parliament revolted

What did he have to do

A soldier of God

What did he vow to become

A union between France and Spain so the balance of power is maintained

What did other countries not want

Catholic church

What did phillip ii reign over

Portuguese could convert Africans to Christianity, Africa would have riches the Muslim trades controlled

What did prince Henry want to do with africa

Getting to Asia Go around Africa

What did prince Henry want to find an easier way of doing

Taverns, gambling, dancing

What did puritans not like

Made herself supreme governor over spiritual matters, not supreme head of church

What did she do unlike Henry

Practice mercantilist policies Benefitted England

What did the 13 colonies do

The West Indies

What did the Caribbean become known as

"Freeborn Englishman" Defending their traditional rights

What did the English colonies view themselves as

French - Canada, much of central USA Dutch/English - east coast Spanish - claims to Texas and Florida

What did the French, Dutch, English, Spanish, and more have by the end of the 1600s

Drove the king from his palace

What did the Fronde do

Abolished the monarchy, House of Lords, and established the Church of England

What did the House of Commons do after the execution

Our lives and our blood for your majesty!

What did the Hungarians say about Maria (quote)

To end their own priveldges and give up their old manorial dues, exclusive hunting rites, legal status, and exemption from taxes

What did the National Assembly agree on on August 4

1581 Dutch Netherlands

What did the Netherlands become

French It was an attack on public morals Pope wanted to excommunicate Roman Catholics who read it

What did the Public think of the encyclopedia


What did the book spark

Feudalism is abolished

What did the delegates announce at 2 a.m.

The red white and blue flag that is know france's flag

What did the guard make

June 1791 A coach took them from Paris to try to escape BUT THEY DIDNT they were caught by a man who held a piece of currency to the Kings face to identify him

What did the king and queen do

That the king come to paris

What did the mob demand

The right to not pay taxes

What did the nobles fear losing

Chief official of the British government

What did the prime minister become

Port cities

What did the thriving trade lead to

Vape of good hope because it helped them find Asia

What did the tip become known as?

Fur trapping, fishing, and trading

What did they begin to do instead of farming

Tyrant, traitor, murderer, public enemy

What did they call him

Put him on trial Condemned him to death

What did they do to king

Made Massachusetts bay colony

What did they do when more people came

Used bookkeeping to see if making or loosing wealth

What did they use to track wealth

Decreased nobles independence Increased own control

What did this do

Separated capital and labor

What did this do for the first time

It made the royals look like traitors

What did this do to their image

The Black Death Mongol empire

What disrupted trade of what empire

Treaty of Paris

What ended the American Revolution

Treaty of paris

What ended this war

Theocracy - run by church leaders

What government did Calvin use

Absolute monarchy

What government did Hobbes like

Parliament in england

What government did Peter

A republic known as Commonwealth after Oliver Cromwell

What government was England

1700s The whole of North America in exports to Europe

What had the Caribbean islands surpassed when

A direct route to Asia

What had the Europeans still not found

Printing revolution

What happened after this

The emporer wanted him to give them up, he refuesed and Charles called him an outlaw and no one was allowed to feed or help him

What happened at the diet

They only had one child, Mary Tudor and Henry wanted a male heir

What happened between them

Lost half of ships, many died of thirst, hunger, scurvy, disease of lack of vitamin c in diet

What happened on the way home

She was executed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

What happened to Gouges

100,000s fled to other countries

What happened to Huguenots

He was imporisoned and exiled Forced to see his books burned but still defended free speech

What happened to voltaire

The idea that one set of physical laws governed the earth and another governed the rest of the universe

What idea did Sir Isaac Newton disprove?

Catholic Church did not permit divorce, some popes annul royal marriages but this one would not

What is problem


What land did every king want

That they would keep their lands and serfs (strengthened serfdom)

What laws did he make regarding nobles

That no one could have absolute power or ignore the law

What lesson did this show

He reached a group of people name Indians

What made him think he was in the Indies


What math did Isaac develop

Frederick the great

What name did Frederick earn

Mercantilist policies, encouraging exports and improving waterways and canals

What policies did he adapt to pay for his reforms

Exploit Mineral and timber resources, build roads Imposed national currencies, weighing systems

What policies did mercantilists urge others to follow


What port did they seize

Their seclusion

What practice with upper class women did he end


What religion did he prohibit

Baptist, Mennonites, amish

What religions came from Anabaptist

North - Protestant South - catholic

What religions were the north and south German states


What revolution did it trigger

The right to overthrow the government if it fails them

What right did Locke want to give to the people

"Liberty, property, security, resistance to oppression"

What rights were in the declaration

Magnetism and gravity

What scientific forces did the natural law govern

Sphere so he knew it should bring him to Eastern Asia

What shape did Columbus think the earth is


What shape did they rotate in


What sparked the National Assembly into action

Lord protector Ruled as a virtual dictator through the army

What title did Cromwell take

Treaty of tordesillas 1494

What treaty was signed when to finalize the line of demarcation

Seven years war and French and Indian war

What wars drained George's treasury

Used astronomical observatory and accumulated info on the sky

What was Brahe's evidence

Truly Protestant

What was Edwards government like


What was English civil war primarily about

Use the word enlightenment He was excited about the enlightenment and thought the natural law could help humanity

What was Immanuel the first to do

Smuggling, not considered a crime

What was common in the colonies

The legislature, judicial, and executive

What was did Montesquieu think was the best way to protect Liberty

No open worship to Roman Catholics so all Protestants could have religious freedom He embraced Jews and welcomed them back to England after 350 years

What was he for and against with religions and who did he embrace

Use more than 1700 words in a play/poem

What was he the first to do

He had two empires

What was his conflict

The parliament

What was in the king in the hands of in 1647

Revive moral authority of church and roll back Protestant ride, end corruption by appointing reformers within papacy

What was it set out to do


What was more common than mutiny from captives


What was most of the third estate

Army "Prussia is not a state which possesses an army, but an army which possesses a state"

What was one of Fredericks main focuses

Equality of all male citizens before the law

What was the Enlightenment goal

Liberty, equality, fraternity

What was the French Revolution slogan

The earth

What was the accepted center of the universe

European countries militaries so no one country gets too powerful

What was the balance of power between

Disease (smallpox) This would also hurt the merchant because they would be loosing "goods"

What was the biggest threat to the captives

The church

What was the central force of northern europeans lives

1/3 were loyalists - those who supported Britain Many refused both sides

What was the dilemma within much of Americans


What was the main food

Long parliament because it lasted on and off from 1649-1653

What was the parliaments nickname and why

NOPE THEY WERE NOT HAVING IT Pope condemned it Some peasants didn't like it either

What was the reaction from clergy towards this constitution

The "general-will" of the people was all-powerful

What were Rousseau's beliefs regarding the "general will"?

To be open minded and show good will towards other

What were an individual's chief duty according to Erasmus

Landowning aristocrats

What were believed to be the natural ruling class

No basis in bible Pope had no authority to release souls from purgatory

What were some of the theses

-reason -nature -happiness -progress -liberty

What were the five ideas philosophers of this time presented?

Peaceful and prosperity

What were the next years like

-technology -science -mathematics -music -art -medicine -government -law -geography

What were the nine subjects in which Denis Diderot accumulated new and enlightened thoughts and ideas?

Niña Pinta Santa María

What were the three boats

She kept most catholic rituals, heirarchy,

What were these compromises

Circumnavigate (completely travel the world)

What were they the first to do


What widened the gap to the west for Russia

It would bring them wealth and prestige

What would the Spanish rulers get out of this


What year did charles i become king


What year did he return

1533 Elizabeth

When did Anne and Henry marry and the name of the child

1494 to study Italian masters

When did Dürer travel to Italy to do what

1603 She had no kid

When did Elizabeth die


When did France almost become bankrupt

23 years old

When did Louis fully take over government

1658 Christians lost control of England because people were tired of military rule and Puritan ways

When did Oliver die and what happened

July 14, 1789

When did Paris seize versailles


When did Poland disappear


When did Poland reappear

With Scientific Revolution

When did alchemy end

August 3, 1492

When did he set sail

May 1789

When did the estates general convene

March 1521 Philippines - Magellan was killed

When did the fleet reach where?

October 1791 Lasted a year

When did the new legislative assembly take office


When did the slave trade peak


When did the trade end

October 12

When did they find land

September 8, 1522 One ship and eighteen sailors

When did who reach Spain

Russia in 1709 Won Baltic Sea territory

When did who win

During the Russo-Turkish war Gained the warm water port on the Black Sea in 1774

Where did Catherine gain territory during what war

Atlantic seaboard

Where did England want to establish colonies

Yorktown, Virginia

Where did Washington force surrender

The black sea

Where did he find this

Wittenbergs All saints church

Where did he post the theses

The Caribbean islands

Where did he spend several months cruising around

Some at Versailles to compete for royals appointments Others lived in their own land with little income

Where did nobles live


Where did northern Renaissance begin

Around Indian Ocean, making Portuguese a world power

Where did the Portuguese seize new ports

Vienna, Austria Austria held firm but they got most of hungary

Where did the ottomans try to invade

April 1775 Lexington and concord

Where do American Revolution start and when

Jamestown, Virginia 1607 Many settlers died of disease Nice with native Americans Found wealth in tobacco

Where was first permanent settlement

Suppliers Would try to meet the demand for profit

Wherever there was demand

Political motives

Which issue outweighed the other in this war (political or religious)


Which philosopher admired English government after reading the works of John Locke?

Denis Diderot

Which philosopher brought together the most current enlightened thoughts and discoveries in many subjects?


Which philosopher was thought to have a sharp tongue?

Locke Rousseau Montesquieu

Which philosophers influenced constitution

Sir Isaac Newton

Which scientist became enthusiastic in their approach towards investigating nature?

Netherlands Swiss federation

Who became independent states


Who believed that civilisation destroys freedom and equality?


Who believed the general will of the people was all-powerful?

Entrepreneurs and capitalists made a new business class devoted to goal of making profits Made European economies into an international trading system

Who combined to make a new kind of class

1400s Arabs and Italians

Who controlled most trade between Asia and Europe

China Russia got lands above China and they located a defined border

Who did Russia sign a peace treaty with

Corrupt officials and aristocrats Hated slave trade and deplored religious prejudice, French government

Who did Voltaire target


Who did he defeat

Ferdinand - central europe Phillip II (son) - netherlands, spain, southern italian states

Who did he give empire too

Parliament, for money (especially Henry) Eve new taxes

Who did the Tudors frequently consult with

It hurt nobles whose wealth was in the land It helped merchants

Who did the revolution hurt and help

Women; they had natural rights but they had to stay at home

Who did this not apply too

Calvinist scots and they rebelled

Who didn't like this

Adam Smith

Who founded free trade?


Who founded the separation of powers?

James II Charles brother

Who inherited throne in 1685

Cavaliers Quick victory

Who looked to win in the beginning

England, north Ireland, Scotland, Wales

Who makes up United Kingdom

Ferdinand and Isabella of spain

Who paid his voyage

Adam Smith

Who proposed the law of supply and demand?

Adam Smith

Who proposed the laws of self-interest?

Other Europeans

Who realized it wasn't east Asia

1488 Bartholomeu dias

Who rounded the southern tip of Africa

Tudor monarchs Believed in divine right

Who ruled England from 1485-1603

British because of huge army and resources

Who seemed to be winning American Revolution


Who was elected holy roman emporer

George Washington

Who was in charge in continental army

May 1660 Charles II

Who was invited rule England when

Mary - James Protestant daughter William III of orange - Dutch Protestant husband

Who was invited to become rulers in place of James in 1688

Urban workers - apprentices, journeymen Many unemployed

Who were some of the poorest in the third estate

The forces of revolution

Who won in England

France won - gained Spanish and German territories Hapsburgs - had to accept independence of all princes of the Holy Roman Empire

Who won, who lost

English because of their higher quality and faster ships

Who won: Spanish v. English

Lawyers, middle class officials, writers

Who would vote primarily in the third estate

Denis Diderot

Who wrote the first encyclopaedia?

Junkers (Prussian nobles) Gave them positions in the army and government

Who's support did Frederick gain how

The angelican church - new Church of England

Who's support did he secure by doing this

Native Americans

Whose help did the Americans have


Whose jurisdiction do most crimes fall under

King Phillip II didn't have a good successor Economics

Why Spain had a downfall

1556 It was too hard to rule over

Why did Charles V give up his title


Why did French go to New France originally

He didn't like it because tetzel was saying that poor people couldn't get into heaven

Why did Luther not like this

1. Many had interest in Rome 2. On meditteranen so could trade, access to Muslim world

Why did Renaissance emerge in Italy

He did not want to embarrass the royal Roman Empire Charles V, who is Anne's nephew

Why did he refuse

World contact New diseases

Why did some population decreased while most were increasing

Because he suggested taxing the first and second estates

Why did the nobles and clergy dismiss Jacques

They believed there were weapons in there but they found none

Why did the people break into Bastille

Thought witches performed magical deeds to help the devil and we're see as anti Christian

Why did they hate witches

It was on swamps, many died trying to drain it

Why was it hard to build this city

The heavens were believed to be in a fixed position to earth, and perfect

Why was this sacrilegious

Geography Diverse cultures

Why was uniting these lands hard

Who succeeds Edward I of England

William Duke of Normandy

1600 English Circulation of blood for first time

William Harvey

Who do Parliament call upon to overthrow James II

William and Mary

Archbishop of Canterbury Wanted Clergy to follow strict angelican rules

William laud

Who was a Protestant turned Catholic that strategized with the Dutch

William of Orange

1450-1750 Women and men died mostly in German stars, Swiss, french

Witch hunts

Where johann tetzel set up a pulpit and offered Christians indulgences for money for St. Peter's in Rome


British social critic Women were first supposed to be good mothers, but they should be able to decide their own interests


Naturally inferior to men, they just don't get the same educational opportunities

Wollstonecraft said that women are not..

They went from Paris to Versailles and shouted "BREAD" and wanted to see the king

Women on October 5


Would the native Americans convert


Wrote "the prince"; view characterized by cunning, duplicity, and bad faith. "View that holds that the end." Ex. Nicolo Machiavellian

Who influenced John Huss


Which 2 reformers first believed that the authority of the Bible is higher than that of the pope

Wycliffe and Huss

Is Henry IV tolerant

Yes (Allows one Protestant church per town outside of Paris)

Did the plague impact the economy

Yes (Artisans and merchants died)

Importance of bible and dint like elaborate church rituals

Zwingli stressed


a desire to increase the well-being of humankind by charitable aid or donations


a financial supporter of the arts


a group of scholars


a person who receives a fief, gives lord protection


a person with extreme ideas


a philosophy against the church

Architecture Meant to blend beauty with utility

a social art


a view characterized by cunning, duplicity, and bad faith, "the ends justify the means"


acquire gold and silver, expand manufacturing, encourage commerce, own colonies, build up ships and army, favorable balance of trade


any type of an investment into something


anywhere Christianity exists, starts to replace Roman government, lack of loyalty to state


assassins, opposed James II


blocking off trade

3rd Estate

bourgeoisie, urban lower class (culottes), peasant farmers (sans-culottes) 98% of population


branch of mathematics partially developed by Newton


bull issued by Boniface VIII

The Black Death

caused by bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic plagues


ceremony of giving fief to someone


charging money for sacraments, people paying to get out of sin, buying and selling of church positions

House of Lords

clergy and nobles

1st Estate

clergy, 1% of population


common language of the people

Minuscule writing

concept of uppercase and lowercase letters


contained area for specialized workers (Burghers), formed the Bourgeoisie


controlled local areas, specifically took care of judicial matters and collection of taxes

Free peasants

could leave manor if they wished, not as much work as serfs, could become serfs if bad harvest


couldn't be bought, sold or traded, but we're bound to the land on which they were born, could become free peasants if they had a surplus


design style that centered around light

Subsistence farming

farming for oneself


five ideas: reason, nature, happiness, progress, and liberty


fleets, border patrols were increased


foreign tax on trade

limted monarchy

government in which a constitution or legislative body limits the Monarchs powers


government in which ruling power belongs to a few people

constituional government

government whose power is defined and limited by the law


grant of money


holding more than one office

Parlement of Paris

judicial branch of French government


killing machine with falling blade

House of Commons

knights and burgesses




legislative group of England


living on a manor, manoral life

Crucial weapons

longbow, crossbow, pike/spear, early firearms


members of an English Protestant groups who wanted to purify the Church of England by making it more simple and morally strict


modern nations and monarchies


monks who did not live in isolated monasteries, took a different approach to reform (includes Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustinians, etc.)

Habeas corpus

no person can be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime

2nd Estate

nobles, 2% of population


one who is concerned with the interests and welfare of human beings, a student of the liberal arts, a classical scholar


one who protects and fights


only a select few are granted salvation

Linear perspective

parallel lines recede into the distance, they appear to get closer together or converge


pardon from sin, would apparently lessen the time spent in purgatory


parliamentary advisors to the king who originally meant in a small room, or cabinet


part of gov. (Law-making body not reconized)


people/person with extreme ideas


person who owns a fief

Lay investiture

political rulers who don't hold spiritual authority ordaining priests


presiding over too large of an area, priests not doing their jobs


pride and sense of identity in one's country


radical political party


religious paintings to symbolize religious ideas, not meant to look like real people

Due process of law

required government to act fairly and in accordance with rules

english bill of rights

series of acts passed by the English parliament in 1689 that limited the rights of monarchy and ensured the superiority of parliament

Law passed in 1765 by British parliament that imposed taxes on items like newspaper and pamphlets Repealed in 1766

stamp act

Salic law

succession passes the girls

Divine right

the God-given right to rule


the artistic decoration of books and manuscripts, brilliant colors and decorative details


the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of modernity; a cultural rebirth from the 14th to the middle of the 17 centuries (1350-1600)

Major Domo

the power behind the throne, acts like a mayor


the system of lords, fiefs, vassals, and peasants


the technique of painting on wet plaster


those who invested sums of capital in business ventures


those who supported parliament


those who supported the king


to be sent away or kicked out


uprising against royal power

Law of the Pendulum

uses gravitational pull, earth's rotation, to help tell time

Missi Dominici

watches the counts and monitors them


whatever is left from the investments


when a local lord or king needs money, the people demand more freedoms in return


when religious ceremonies of all nature were taken away from a kingdom


where most of people lived during medieval ages, small estate run by a lord


worldly goods and views

Nobles, clergy, and others who had fled France


Quote by Napoleon

" I love power as a musician loves his violin"

Stuart monarchs were against parliament

"Century of revolution"


"Crush the infamous thing"

Weird sayings

"Erasmus laid the egg and Luther hatched the egg" "Today you are burning a goose however in 100 years from now, you will hear a swan sing"

Sir Isaac Newton

"Every particle of the universe attracts every other particle with a force varying inversely as the square of the distance between them and directly proportional to the square of their masses"

Sir Isaac Newton

"If I have seen further than others, it is becuase I have stood on the shoulders of giants"


"Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains" Social Contract

C Reformation

"We have been doing some thinking and we are changing"

Abbé Sieyès

"What is the 3rd estate?...everything" "What do we want?....something" "What have we done with this point?...nothing"

Counter Reformation

'We acknowledge what you say, and we will change"

Pope Gregory XI

( -1378)

Henry II

(1154-1189) he established royal circuit courts, the sovereign Rule of Precedent, and brought in the trial by peers

Edward I

(1272-1307) Son of Henry III Created parliament Asante means of getting more money. He created the House of Lords and the House of Commons to give the middle class more power. This made them more willing to pay taxes.


(1296; 1302 Unam Sanctam) Papal order that listed the monarchs as only a symbol and the pope as the one who held power

Babylonian Captivity

(1309) Clement V moves from Italy to Avignon, France for safety and security. This lasts 67 years

Black Death

(1347-1350) Started in Mongol and spread through trade, killing over 20 million people (1/3 of Europe)

Great schism

(1378-1417) Clement VII voted in as pope 13 months following Urban XI, as the latter made too many reforms.

Council of Constance

(1414-1418) denounced Wycliffe and Huss' teachings and disposed of the three popes, electing Martin V

Who was Luther summoned by in 1521

(HRE) Charles V

Scorched-earth policy

(Russians) burned the earth so there are no more resources


*Lorenzo the magnificent *ruled as absolute, but looked like a republic

Philip II

*has Spain/ American colonies/ Milan/ Naples in S./ disbuted land in France/ Netherlands *Catholic and wanted to defend them (bulwark) *750,000 lbs of Gold/ 16,000 lbs of silver *built Escorial=castle for church and state {86 staircases/ 120 doors/ 84 mi of corridors}

Cosmo Medici

*prosperous man, ruled from behind the scenes (like a major domo) *C. 1430 *beautiful city of Florence & gave it its 1st Liberty

Ghiberti v. Brunelleschi

*wanted to paint the doors of Gaberta *Ghiberti won *created "Gates of Paradise" *Brunelleschi created "Santa Maria del Fiora" - largest at that time and towering over the painted doors


- "salvation by the faith along" - bible is the word of God - indulgences do nothing and God can't be bought - true Sacraments: baptism and Eucharist - bible should be in vernacular- all know and won't be fooled - most important part of service: sermon (word of God) - no superior class for saints - summoned HRE Charles V -pope Leo X excommunicates Luther

Johann Gutenberg

- 1450 - invented the printing press= info faster (social media @ the time)

Peasant farmers

- 50% in taxes; the corvée

Bacon v. Descartes

- B: experimentation; observation - D: human reasoning; think before I am (I think, I'm real) Both argued that truth is not found in the beginning

Catholic Refomation or Counter Reformation

- Catholics addressing Protestants - Ignatius Loyola--> injured in battle by cannon ball--> in bed--> thought about life-- > write book { Spiritual Excercises} - 15-20 yrs later: followers (Jesuits) (society of Jesus) - pope Paul III approves- agreed - spiritual army- unique quality ******didnt want protestism to spread; good schools

The Valois dynasty ends

- Charles IX and Henry III rule - religion and politics are linked - The guise and Philip II were friends - Guise send troops to Spain--> nationalism rules (wants to get rid of valoise even though his wife was one) -wants throne in France, but lost -Catherine dies from natural causes -Henry is mad that he was overthrown so he kills the Duke of Guise - he is murdered= no airs

Protestism spreads

- Church of England (Angelican) - Calvinism - Presbyterian

Geocentric v. Heliocentric

- Copernicus wrote book: "On the Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies" - Brahe got data - Kepler: takes date from Brahe; finds 3 laws of Planetary motion


- Coup d'état---> stroke of state----> to overthrow - 2nd coalition - plebiscite--> votes yes/no * ask if he should be the 1st council for life * 3.5 million said yes

Accomplishments of Louis XIV's reign

- France was largest country in euro (20 mill pop) *goods/resources/ $--> get more - ultimate military power or Euro.-> 100K-400K m. - ultimate economic power--> invent new things

Cardinal Jules Mazarin

- Louis ruled with C. J Mazarin until 23 (not kind) - France is strongest economy/ political nation - 5 yrs of frond (French word meaning slingshot)- revolt

Phillip II's attempt at marriage

- Marries Mary out of an alliance - wants to marry Elizabeth after her death who is a Protestant - says she could stay Protestant, but her people must be Christian - Elizabeth is "thinking about it" - (sea dogs) Sir Francis Drake is stealing Philip II's ships and $ - gets mad so he does what every angry boyfriend does and sends the Spanish Armada - Spanish go into English Channel and lost because of the wind - switched; made them slow while the English zoomed by and shot them down - also burned their own ships so the flame will catch on to the Spanish Armada (attach forms as a crescent)

HRE handle prostestants

- P. Charles V: war against them - Schmalkdic league: c;p v. Charles V - peace of Augsburg: prince decides belief -Catholic or Lutheranism - Charles V gives son (Philip II) Spain; brother (Fernidad HRE) Germany


- Pietà - David - Moses - the day of judgement - the temptation and expulsion - flood -the creation


- Pope Julius II - school of Athens ( R./ G style)

Calvinism spreads

- Presbyters (layman govern)- ex. John Knox (Scottish) - Huguenots- follow in France - could practice, but be careful

After reign of terror

- Robespierre was executed because he went too far - new gov. Set in place by National Convention; writes down new constitution (3rd) - 2 houses/ executive body of 5 men called the Directory - new general army--> Napoleon

War of the Spanish Succesion

- Spanish King Charles II goes thrown to Louis's 17 year old grandson-> Philip V (bourbon rules both) - Euro countries team up to get a balance; to stop them taking Spain

National convention

- abolished monarchy and renamed it a REPUBLIC

Baldassare Castiglione

- annunciation by Leonardo - book courtier - well-edu./mannered aristocrat: Renaissance man * men: edu./ smart/ athletic/ funny/ witty/ polite/ charming/ sing/ dance/ paint * women: write/ charming/ mend/ edu./ inspire poetry/ sing/ dance/ don't seek fame

Scientific Revolution

- believe science or religion? - Copernicus/ Brahe/ Kepler: studied universe

Jean Baptist Colbert

- believes in stron mercantilism--> system of a lot of things going on - granted subsidies= grant of $ {ex. Every farmer dosn't go poor cause of loss of crops} - imposed tariffs= (taxes on goods) creates good relations; > $ (tricks people to think it's cheap) * revenue generated (get $)

War with Austria

- bro of Antoinette threatened to attack *gets in French affairs/ failed *france doesn't want anyone getting in their business and get angry *imprisoned/ radicals take over and get rid of king's power - make a national convention!!! *execute Louis XVI/ Marie Antoinette *no more CONSTITUTION/ MONARCHY/ L.A

Sistine chapel

- choose pope - "Day of judgment"

Henry VIII (married 6x)

- defender of the faith Marries Catherine of Argon (Spanish)--> child named Mary--> 5 died before--> Henry wanted a boy so liked Anne Boleyn (Protestant)--> wants to divorces C. And asks clement VII--> says no (captured by Charles IV and is his niece)(if he says he'll help, never let go)--> created reformation parliament--> divorced; married--> had girl named Elizabeth--> weakened pope--> act of supremacy--> behead Boleyn cause "cheating"--> marries Jane Seymore--> baby Edward--> dies--> Mary is queen--> dies--> Elizabeth queen-->dies-->end

Reign of Terror

- everyone doesn't like Jacobins - Robespiere is called "the incorruptible" - they get rid of every trace of monarchy--> no more cards or calenders * 12 months/ 30 days with practical names--> fog with no Sundays - public Safelty: tried and executed on the same day

End of Napoleon

- exiled @ island called Elba - left/ tried to overtake gov. With army - 1815: defeated @ battle of Waterloo - treaty of Vienna--> tried to balance gov. - 1821: died of stomach aliment


- favorable balance of trade--> import/ export - internal improvements= relations with countries

Radicals take over

- feed off of each other and could cause chaos - club called Jocobins: Marat/ Danton met @ national convention - Louis XVI is sentenced to death - coalition is formed against France--> army leader Robespiere takes of reign

How improvement helped economy

- fix bridges & transportation= goods spread faster; is less money (time is money) - houses for farmers= > workers to tax - colonization in Canda- fur trade for France ($) - 100 new war ships - 20 yrs late= benefited state; Louis - revoked Edict of Nantes

How Lutheranism spread

- impact on technology - principle of proximity - popularity of message

Galileo and the Natural World

- law of pendulum: gravitational pull of earth to move - objects fall at same rate with no friction - telescope 30x nearer; 1000x larger - church forced him to recant Copernicus's ideas--> church scared

3 parts of Factions

- liberal-- get rid of monarchy (radicals) - moderates--- want laws to slow down - conservatives

Liberty/ Equality/ Fraternity

- limits monarchy--> constitutional monarchy (doc. Explains power of monarchy) - monarchy (limited and isn't absolute) has executive power to enforce laws - 83 departments (still dangerous if corrupted)- citizens elect person - Louis XVI agrees, but attempts to run away (2-faced)--> captured when a person looks at a coin with his face on it (imprisioned) - constitution is complete/ N.A steps down/ Legislative Assembly takes over

Characteristics of Renaissance art

- linear perspective - vibrant colors - detail and realism - humanism ( interaction with classics/ others) - symbolism - personal responsibility--> mark their names on work

United States

- lists all wrongs on natural rights (13 colonies) and King George - they revolt--> mass and power increases

Juan Ponce de Lion

- looked for the fountain of youth in Flordia, but didn't find it or any treasure

Louis XIV was a weak ruler

- marriage to Marie Antoinette - unpopular cause of her birth/ expensive taste -solution: tax nobles, but would have to call estates general (not interrupted for 275 yrs)

Spain's economy weakens

- more gold= more $= price increases= inflation -no more middle class fighting for power (Spain is behind; looks like Middle Ages) - old-fracturing manufacturing--> invested lots of goods

Symbolism of pope Julius II

- old: judgement errors in wars - white/red: church and papal colors - chair/ beard: power - rings: conspicuous conception; audacious pope - acorns in chair: family symbol - X on wall: papal keys

Great Fear swept France

- panic/fear over gain prices

How the 1st war ended

- pop of 20K---> 100k in army during peace; 400k during war - couldn't keep supremacy *cost him power/ $: expansion brought dept * balance of power: defense strategy where countries come together + team nation; no more French power--> French lose 3x v. Netherlands

Marat and Danton

- powerful leaders

Tennis Court Oath

- promise not to dissolve until a constitution is written

Parisians stormed Bastille

- sign: we are breaking down - Louis said O.K lets all settle and talk - called Swiss army behind their backs cause he was worried people will desert French army

Sandro botticelli

- the birth of venus

Leonardo da vinci

- the last supper - Mona lisa

Jan van eyck

- the marriage of arnolifini

Desidarius Erasmus

- wanted education and translation - told failures of the church--> inspire people to live Christian lives - "the praise of folly"-- makes fun of failures (like SNL) - attacks Julius II and Leo X - believed that sacraments/ Gospels are gateways to JC and salvation

Terms of Treaty; who won

- war lasted 13 yrs 1) Spain could rule, but neve team up with France 2) France kept distributing land * new balance of power-> Spain/France get rulers & countries could team up (Britian/ Austria/ Netheralands)

National Assembly took power

- was that each state is allowed 1 vote--> 1/2 estate over votes 3 - now: every member 1 vote (610 v. 591) - King says no - changes name to ... (patriotic) - locked out and went to popular tennis court

John Calvin

- wrote book: Institues of Christianity - believed that God already chose who went to heaven; hell (predestination) - theocracy - rules of Geneva: no playing cards/ swear/ inn after 9/ wear bright clothing= burned at stake

Niccolo Machiavellian

- wrote the prince - believed man was originally evil - end justifies the means: do whatever you can to protect your people - be feared not loved - weak people shouldn't rule - don't be hated or overthrown * be neutral - give compliments rarely so when he does people will try to be their best

What did Charles V give?

-1 empire (Germany) for his brother: Ferdinand HRE -1 empire (Spain, Brussels, Milan) for his son: Philip II

What Cardinal RIchelieu did

-1) closed off strong-hold= no more walled cites (everyone is apart of it) -2) French nobles--> no more forts and armies; no nobility -3) 30 YEAR WAR IN AUSTRIA V. HAPSBURGS

Social structure

-1st estate--> 10% of land and 2% "free" gift -2nd estate--. 2% of pop. And 20% of land -3rd estate--> 98%

William the orange (silent) (kept secrets) {with Netherlands}

-Dutch, raised a Catholic, but born Lutheran -strategic move in alkamarr--> provoked Spanish to go to low lands (below sea level)--> they flooded place --> free - divided lands into 7 provinces= United provinces of the Netherlands (not the South)(still controlled by Spain) -religious toleration

Bubonic plague

-Egg size swellings -armpits, neck, groin -Haemorrhaging -pus -5 days to live

John Wycliffe

-English clergy in 14th century -believed that people need to live like Christ and learn by bible (Sola Scriptura) -believed that God is the head of the church

Cardinal Richelieu ruled France

-Henry IV had a son named Louis XIII -when Louis XIII was King (9 yrs old) Cardinal Richelieu made decisions

Catholics v. Islam

-Lepanto (+) 200 ships v. 300 (Turks) -Don John commanded ships and won (+)= better ships; guns -Philip II was a great defender of the faith

Henry IV brought peace

-Protestant bourbon -converts to c. So people aren't mad "Paris is well worth a mess" -signs Edict of Nantes--> all county's have a church except Paris cause it is it's capital -"every peasant will have a chicken on their pot on Sunday"--> enjoy fruits of labor -murdered by a p. cause he was tolerant to c.

Dutch go republic

-United provinces of the north accepted all religions -elected governor Stadtholder -sent delegates to the States General


-Vesalius- book: "On the Structure of the Human Body" {cure and learn more } - Newton: Gravity and math (calculus) - Boyle: building blocks of life - difference betw elements and compounds - stuff coming together; what we can't see

Septicaemia plague

-bloodstream -rash and swelling -blood vessels burst -hours to live

Cathereine de Medici

-can't rule because she is Italian -makes Charles IX kill Admiral de Coligny cause he's Protestant -kill 12,000 cause he thought he should kill all so he dosn't get caught

Jon Hus

-disciple of Wycliffe -1450 - didn't like crusade v. Naples - also no to indulgences - burned at stake cause church felt threatened

Doña Marina (Christian name) {Malinche}

-enslaved -helped Spanish (creates agency by taking opportunity

The 3 houses

-house of bourbon= Protestant -house of guise= Catholic -house of Valois= Catholic

Pneumonic plague

-infection in lungs -coughing spread -vomit blood -3 days to live


-makes $ *capitalist: those who invested large sums of capital in business ventures *capital: invest $ and then get profit (something for something) -get 10,000 ships for Amberdame= made of channels (live where you work) *built navies to protect ships -Florence is the #1 place to borrow; lend $ -commercial revolution

Phillip II's attempt at marriage

-marries Mary out of an alliance -wants to marry Elizabeth after her death who is a Protestant -says she could stay Protestant, but her people must be Christian -Elizabeth is "thinking about it" -(sea dogs) Sir Francis Drake is stealing Philip II's ships and $ -gets mad so he does what every angry boyfriend does and sends the Spanish Armada

Start of 30 year war

-p. Mob in Czech kingdom of Bohemia - Fernidand II was a German speaking Austrian who was c. - HRE sent troops to Bohemia--> princes feel like they need to for religious reasons

Spanish war v. Dutch Catholic war v. Protestants

-sent 20,000 soldiers under command of Duke of Alva -killed 1500 heretics and war for 10 yrs


-started (people in L.A) to sit together that had the same political ideals

Protestants; hostility in Netherlands

-wanted them out of Europe (inquisitions) -Netherlands: Phillip II sent Margaret (sis) to watch over them with $ and soldiers - she speaks Spanish while they speak Flemish and French= problem * planned to do things * gets rid of Protestants (Calvinists 1/3 of pop) *raise taxes

Errors of Napoleon

1) Continental system: blockade failed cause British was too strong/ smart to let France win the economic battle * England would eventually beat France 2) goes after Spain to beat King James of Spain 3) invaded Russia: broke treaty and many died cause of conditions * 400,2200 men-> decreased-> scorched- earth policy (starvation)-> retreated-> came back-> 10,000 men

3 laws of Planetary motion

1) Planets resolve in elliptical orbits 2) move more rapidly as it moves towards the sun 3) distance away varies in the time to revolve

Mercantilism examples

1) acquire gold/ silver= valuable for all 2) expand manufacturing= (> goods) sell eternally for $ 3) encourage commerce= (buying/ selling) move it around 4) own colonies= take resources 5) build up shipping & navy= > ships (trade); > navy (protection) 6) favorable balance of trade= export>import

Extended France's power

1) annexed directly into France (parts of Italy/Netherlands) 2) Independent by name, but still controlled(Spain/parts of Germany) 3) attached by treaties/ alliances (Russia/ Prussia/ Austria)

3 estates

1) bourgeoise 2) urban lower class- Culottes with pants above knees 3) Peasant Farmers- San-Culottes with pants below knees

Pope Paul III

1) cardinals investigate probs 2) approved Jesuits 3) council of church leaders (..of Trent) {statues could help faith} -no more of pope's interpretation of bible -council of Trent: faith and good works -bible; church tradition--> ownership; speaks to faith -indulgences/ pilgrimages/ venerations of relics--> c. Piety (good)

5 things Henry VIII did

1) closed monasteries--> no noble clergy 2) bible in vernacular 3) ok with married priests 4) head of church 5) keeps RC rituals/ doctrines

What Napoleon did

1) economic order--> bringing rights back**/ down inflation/ down prices 2) social order! Merit not family 3) religious order! Religious tolerance 4) legal order! Napoleon code

Importance of printing press

1) mass production brought corruption to the forefront of society 2) Burning images in the minds of the willing 3) more readily available to the masses, more people to be equal -people realize the church is corrupted

4 stages

1) moderate (1789-92); constitution and the Bill of Rights 2) reign of terror (1793-94) 3) reaction v. The reign of terror (1794-99) (v. The blood) 4) Napoleon (1799-1815); empire

3 parts of the Protestant reformation

1) people were mad--> birth of the "protest" 2) degrees of Protestantism 3) re-action of the Catholic Church - Catholic reformation - counter reformation

Reforming powers

1) strengthen CC 2) fight Protestants

1. Annexed 2. Ind. by name 3. Related by treaties A. Spain, Warsaw, Parts of Germany B. Dutch, Parts of Italy C. Russia, Prussia, Austria

1-B 2-A 3-C


1/10 of income, church tax

When is the Great Schism


Henry died but everyone continued to work


Sweden who dominated the Baltic region

1700, Peter had a war with

Took over Ireland



1st, 2nd, and 3rd, lawmaking body that has not been recognized for 200 years


2 houses/ executive body of 5 men

To make Bourbon and France strong

3 dangers that made it weak 1) Independant Hugennot cities 2) power of French Nobles 3) Hapsburgs--> sorrounded France and pose a threat


95 Theses

Napoleon code

= rights; censored material (didn't want to look bad); he was above the law

What are the 5 ideas of the Enlightenment A: Progress, Nature, Liberty, Happiness, Reason B: Liberty, Life, Nature, Reason, Inspiration C: Prosperity, Nature, Reason, Property, and Progress D: Reason, Nature, Happiness, Progress, Life


What is NOT a reason Elizabeth is Spain's greatest enemy A: She has her own empire in the Americas B: She is helping revolters in the Netherlands C: She is keeping England Protestant D: She is backing Sir Francis Drake and the Sea Dogs


What is not a reason Protestants are worried by James II A: He makes a secret agreement with Louis XIV B: He has a Catholic child that is in line to be heir to the throne C: Opens government positions to both Protestants and Catholics D: He appoints 13,000 soldiers outside of London


Who gives a speech to pump up the 3rd Estate A: Abbe Seiyes B: Louis XVI C: Robespierre D: Shia Labeouf



A city in the Tuscan region of n Italy that was the center of the Italian Renaissance


A figure that controlled a local area, took care of judicial matters, and collected taxes

Estates General

A group of supporters for the king of France First: church Second: great lords Third: middle class/representatives

What are 2 bad things Napoleon's laws bring A: His censoring of printed material B: Clergy is above the law C: Napoleon is above the law D: Napoleon is a tyrant


What are Margaret's plans in Netherlands (pick 2) A: Raise taxes B: Annex the Netherlands into Spain C: Invade France D: Stomp out Protestantism



Absence of intolerance, bigotry, or predjudice

Phillip II Ruler with complete authority lver the government and lives of the poeple he or she governs

Absolute monarch

1534 Parliament Ads Henry the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England

Act of Supremacy

Who believed in the laws of self-interest

Adam Smith

Who created the law of supply and demand

Adam Smith

Who founded free-market economics

Adam Smith

Physiocrat Wrote the wealth of nations

Adam smith

Grant religious freedom to german princes

After his suppression, what did he have to do

One of the first northern artists to be affected by Renaissance Italy

Albrecht Dürer

branch of science that believed any substance could be transformed into any other substance


French 1540 New effective ointment for preventing infection and new surgical techniques Artificial limbs

Ambroise Paré

Italian sea caption who wrote book on voyage to brazil

Amerigo Vespucci

Rejected infant baptism because they are too young to understand what it means


Old order System of governmenr in pre revolution france

Ancien régime

1543 On the Structure of the Human Body - first accurate and detailed summary of the human body and anatomy

Andreas Vesalius

Horse and donkey used for transportation Horse helped the buffalo hunts Cattle, pigs, goats, chickens joined Native American diet

Animals used for

Other lovers of Henry VIII

Anne of Cleves: no child Catherine Howard: cheated Catherine Parr: old age

Dutch Perfected microscope and first human to see cells and microorganisms

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Survivor who said no one will ever make such a voyage again

Antonio pigafetta

2% of population 20% of land Exempt of taxes





Art form in which an artist etches a design on a metal plate with acid and then uses the plate to make mult. Prints

First constitution Failure No strong central government

Articles of confederation


Artistic technique used to give paintings and drawings a three-dimensional effect

Revolutionary currency




What Peter became Having unlimited power


Where does Clement V move the papacy

Avignon (France)

Napoleon places people in government based on A: Family B: Merit C: Loyalty to him D: Money


What are three reasons conquistadors go to America A: Fame B: Family C: Fortune D: Conversion


What does the 3rd constitution use as an executive body in government A: Puts the monarchy back in charge B: a 5-man group C: the Assembly D: 3 estates


What is not a law in the Petition of Rights A: No martial law during times of peace B: No putting army generals at high-ranking government positions C: Due cause for imprisonment D: No quartering soldiers without consent


Why are the French upset with the Guise A: They are Catholic B: They are being assisted by the Spanish C: They do not want an absolute monarchy D: France is in civil war


What did Charles I do when Parliament made him sign documents for money to put down a revolt A: He dissolved it for 11 years B: He marched on Parliament to arrest 5 leading officials

B (He dissolved it after needing money for war)

Which is not a law of planetary motion A: distance away varies in the time to revolve B: the farther from the sun, the colder it becomes C: planets revolve in elliptical orbits, not in perfect circles D: As you move closer to the sun, the faster you go

B (Kepler never observed that)

What is the 67 year period where the Church is moved from Rome

Babylonian Captivity

Experimentation and observation, wanted to make life bettter

Bacons methods

Is a full democracy good or bad?

Bad because it could get dangerous

Distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming too strong

Balance of power

Other smaller nations come together to keep a _______ __ _____ in Europe

Balance of power

Made the book of the courtier About manners, skills that members of court should have

Baldassare Castiglione

More important Allowed wealthy merchants to lend money at interest


Studied European governments Criticized absolute monarchy

Baron de montesquieu

What is the massacre when Charles IX orders the execution of all Protestants in France

Bartholomew's Day

800 Parisians A grimy medieval fortress used as a prison for political figures Many died


Which castle do revolters storm


People of France representing years of abuse by the monarchy

Bastille symbolized

1571 Spain and italian allies defeated ottoman fleet In Greece

Battle of Lepanto

1777 French joined effort against Britain

Battle of Saratoga

Battle of mohács

Battle with the ottomans

Who created a strict set of rules for monastic life


Law of competition

Better product at a fair price

Treaty of Westphalia

Big international agreement of things; saying what land is what--> freedom and place to protect p.

The first 10 amendments of the constitution Religion, speech, press

Bill of rights


Black Plague

Restricting goods and people from traveling in or out of a nation


What is another name for the Glorious Revolution

Bloodless Revolution

What event caused the death of 4,500 people because they worshipped pagan gods

Bloody Verdict of Verdun

Red coats fired protestors

Boston massacre

Colonists dressed up as Indians and dumped tea exports that cost a lot of money

Boston tea party

Truth not known at beginning of inquiry, but at the end

Both Francis and René said

Analysis of Composition of matter

Boules studies opened the way for

Which 2 families see an opportunity to overthrow the Valois in France

Bourbons (Protestant) and Guise (Catholic)

Middle class Third estate Bankers, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, journalists, and professors


Political titles and other titles

Bourgeoisie could buy

Landowning nobles, to serve the state in civilian or military positions


Individual elements and chemcial compounds

Boyle distinguished between

Location Business climate Fewer restrictions Winning side of European conflict Slave trade Territory

Britain was a power because

Made series of campaigns against them on the Ohio frontier French won a lot 1759, Brits attacked Quebec and the war went till 1763 and British won

British soldiers were against French in Canada during French and Indian war

Who constructed the dome in Florence


What is another name for Santa Maria del Fiore

Brunelleschi's Dome

Peasants with special talents that leave the manor and enter towns


Knights wanted crusades for all of the following reasons except A: Fame B: Fortune C: To settle along the way D: Forgiveness from sin


What was an outcome of the War of the Spanish Succession A: Spain gained Gibraltar B: Phillip V combined parts of Spain with France C: A new balance of power was formed (England, Dutch, Austria)


What was not an upside of the plague A: Availability of land B: Growing paternity of government C: Medicine was developed D: Power of peasants increased


When each estate gets one vote, who always loses A: Estate 1 B: Estate 2 C: Estate 3 D: No one- it is equal



C. 1305: painted life-like pics with depth

Decision of politics or religion

C. Richelieu sent troops to help p. Cause he wants to defeat Hapsburg even though he is c.

Counter reformation

C.R also known as

Parliament to the king who originally met in a small room = "cabinet"


Notebooks prepared by all three estates listing grievances


Sinners and saints

Calvin thought there were two people

What term means the laws and teachings of the Church

Canon Law

Recognized as saint


Input to the deal


Economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit Europe increased in this


One who invests large sums of capital in business ventures


Picked by Richelieu

Cardinal Mazarin

What Cardinal was Louis XIV helped by

Cardinal Mazarin



Woman centers man and man althetic but not overactive

Castigliones ideal man and woman

Who does Henry VIII first marry

Catherine of Argon

German princess Came to Russia at 15 to marry heir to Russian throne

Catherine the great (backstory)

Was with Lutheran Sweden Against Catholic Hapsburgs

Catholic France was with who and against who

Closed because Henry claimed they were ere centers of immortality

Catholic convents and monasteries

Pope Paul III

Catholic reformation was led by

Anabaptists, assumed witches, Jews

Catholics/Protestants persecuted

Supporters of Charles I Mostly wealthy nobles


Supporters of the monarchy in the English civil war


Who is the first emperor named by the pope


Who is the son of Pepin the Short


1625 Inherited the throne

Charles I

Ferdinand and isabellas grandson King of spain

Charles I

Charles V

Charles I took the name

Uncrowned heir to the throne His supporters attacked England through Ireland and Scotland

Charles II conflict

Wanted Martin on his diet at the city of worms

Charles V

Lutheran princes to church but it didn't work

Charles V tried to force

Absolute monarch

Charles and James believed in

1637 Imposed the angelican prayer book on Scotland

Charles and laud

He said he was a martyr of the people He told the executioner he would give a sign when to strike He prayed And he severed his head

Charles execution

A written document that set out the rights and privileges of a town


Allowed to increase their stranglehold on the peasants

Charter to the boyars

Each branch can check on the other two

Checks and balances

Knights lived according to what code


What is the area where Christians live called


What was the result of the first crusade

Christians won and executed many Jews and Muslims

Italian navigator from Genoa

Christopher Columbus 1. Nationality 2. Where from

1% of population 10% of land No taxes


World affairs, competitions with kings and princes

Church became invested in

Non church authorities

Church could only be reformed by

1790 Bishops and priests are now elected Ended papal supremacy over French church Dissolved convents

Civil Consitution of the clergy

1642 to 1651 Happened at same time as Fronde

Civil war years

A _________ of other countries is formed against France


Series of nations combining


The wealthiest state

Colbert made France what

The global exchange of goods, ideas, plants and animals, and disease that began with Columbus exploration of the Americas

Colombian exchange

No taxation without representation

Colonists quote

March 1493

Columbus went back to spain

To reach the East Indies which are a group of islands in Southeast Asia, now Indonesia He was going to do this by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean

Columbus' goal

What is the committee that Robespierre led

Committee of Public Safety

Agreement among people


Acceptable middle ground


To the right


Model community

Considered by many Protestants as a

What is showing off wealth called

Conspicuous Consumption

1789 Thomas Jefferson Used Locke Rousseau and Montesquieu


83 new departments of the same size

Constitution replaced old provinces with

Government whose power is defined and limited by law

Constitutional government

John Addams (Massachusetts) George Washington (Virginia)

Continental congress leaders

An agreement between two parties Both benefit


Control of Gascony

Control of the Flemish cloth trade and other textiles

Fees that peasants owed dating back to peasant times such as unpaid labor to repair roads and bridges


Gained control of Florentine government in 1434

Cosimo De Medici


Council of Trent

Group of Catholic leaders that met between 1545 and 1563 to respond to Protestant challenges and direct the future of the Catholic Church

Council of Trent

Carlo borromeo

Council was led by

To overthrow internally


Giovanni Mosaccio

Created the "Trinity", "the virgin", and "St. John" -all wore clothes that were from a different era (his era)

Lorenzo Ghiberti

Creates "Gates of Paradise" - took 50 yrs

Did not like him

Cromwell towards the levellers


Cromwell/puritans closed what?



3 basic human rights of John Locke are A: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness B: life, liberty, and kid cudi C: Liberty, reason, and freedom from oppression D: Life, liberty, and property


What was not a danger for France and Louis XIII A: Independent Huguenot cities B: Hapsburgs C: Power of French nobility D: England


What was not a problem for Elizabeth A: Money B: Phillip II C: Parliament D: Middle Class


What was not an error of Napoleon A. Blockade of England B. Invasion of Russia C. Attempt to get Joseph to be king of Spain D. Reinstating of the Catholic Church


What is not a part of the Bill of Rights A: No suspending of Parliament laws B: It is OK to have grievances towards the king C: Parliament is in charge of taxation; the king needs consent D: The monarchy is not tax exempt

D (others: no excessive bail, no standing army, free speech)

Protestant and helped Catholics

Daring Jesuits pretended to be

July 4, 1776 Thomas Jefferson John Locke influence

Declaration of Independence

August 1791 King of Prussia and emporer of Austria (related to Marie) threatened to interfere for the French monarchs

Declaration of Pilnitz

Modeled after Declaration of Independence All men were "born and remain free and equal in rights"

Declaration of the rights of man

Situation in which a government spends more money than it takes in

Defecit spending

May 1618 Protestant noblemen Tossed two Royal officials out of a castle window in prague

Defenestration of Prague

Who wrote the Encyclopedia

Denis Diderot

Reduction of population Around 1/3 of people in Germany died because of the war most likely


I think, therefore I am

Descartes famous statement

Human reasoning as best road to understanding

Descartes methods


Descartes said the only thing he couldn't question was

Dutch priest and humanist born in 1466-one of most important scholars of the age Made a Greek version of the bibke

Desiderius Erasmus


Desire to increase the well-being of humankind by charitable aid and donations Ex. Lorenzo Medici

No, many merchants stayed to buy spices when prices low and save them for next fleet

Did he bring everyone back?

No, later on Catherine the great did tho

Did he get the Black Sea?

Yes He reopened taverns and theatre Reestablished Church of England and had religious tolerance

Did people like Charles II? Why?

Her father wanted her to, but other European rulers ignored their pledge to her

Did she succeed her father?

The crew did very reluctantly

Did they continue to East Indies?

HA no

Did they ever become a centralized governmental system like France?

Made encyclopedia 28 volume set Emphasized religious toleration and freedom of thought


Painter known for Spanish royalty portraits

Diego Velázquez

Assembly of German princes Means a day for a meeting


Descartes Discard all traditional authorities and search for provable knowledge

Discourse on Method

Protestant whose views and opinions differed from those of the Church of England


Unlike James I and Charles I, Charles is cautious about proclaiming his _____ _______

Divine Right

What do James I and Charles I openly proclaim

Divine Right

Belief that a rulers authoirty comes directly from God

Divine right

Why is Erasmus angry?

Doesn't want church to be just a habit and wants christ to be back in it

What book is written in 1086

Domesday Book

Pokes fun at medieval stories of chivalry First modern novel

Don Quixote

Made life sized statue of man on horseback First such figure ever done


Federal and state citizen (ex. - USA and Illinois citizen) Must follow both laws

Dual system of government

What says no free man should be arrested except by legal judgement of his peers or the law of the land

Due process

Leonardo of the North

Dürer's nickname

What was not a stage of the French Revolution A: Napoleon B: Moderate Stage C: Reaction against the death D: Reign of Terror E: Tennis Courts


Struggle to survive and abandoned their dreams but found wealth by using their natural resources

Early years of colonies

American treasure overshadowed farming and commerce Heavy tax to middle class Expelling other religions lowered the skilled artisan and merchants Inflation

Economics of Spain

What said princes could decide if a region is Protestant or Catholic

Edict of Nantease

1598 Granted Huguenots religious toleration and other freedoms

Edict of Nantes

Who created Parliament in England

Edward I

Made vaccine for smallpox

Edward Jenner

Mary Tudor, his half sister

Edward died, who succeeded

The Greek Master of Spanish painting Born in Crete

El Greco

Where is Napoleon exiled to first


Who chose the holy roman emperor These were Seven leading German princes


25 daughter of Henry and Anne Boleyn


Series of reforms

Elizabeth settlement

Hapsburg Austria 1700 No male heir

Emporer Charles VI

Change the general way of thinking by explaining ideas

Encyclopedia was suppose to

Who helped Dutch revolters


Scotland and Wales

England took over what in 1707

Short answer - parliament > monarchy Series of acts passed by the English parliament in 1689 that limited rights of the monarchy and ensured the superiority of parliament

English Bill of rights


English civil war brought about what revolution


English term A legislative group or talking

Northwest passage - route from Atlantic Ocean to the pacific through the Arctic islands

English, Dutch, and French explored the coast of North America unsuccessfully for what

Art form in which an artist etches a design on a metal plate with acid then uses the plate to make multiple prints


Movement of intellectuals to improve society using reason


Free and equal

Enlightenment slogan

Person who assumes financial risk in the hope of making a profit Hired workers Expanded overseas


"We kiss the shoes of the saints and their dirty handkerchief and we leave their books, their most holy relics, neglected"


Which reformer directly attacked Julius II and Leo X


Who was the first to complain that religious ceremonies were reduced to mere habits


Humanism and social reform and disliked the corruption in the church

Erasmus spread

Land Somber palace outside madrid


Which palace does Phillip Iive at


Social class in France


Three social classes First - clergy Second - nobility Third - vast majority of population


Legislative body made up of representatives of the three estates in pre revolutionary France

Estates General

No role in Royal power from 1614-1789

Estates general


European societies had social classes?


Everyday language with ordinary people


Example of checks and balances

Nantes, France, Bristol, England, Massachusetts, Salem,Rhode Island

Examples of these port cities

Enforces laws


To banish


Dissenting group of people Competed against other factions for power


Martin Luther thought that the most important part of the Mass is not the Word of God but the Eucharist (True or False)

False (Eucharist, not the Word of God)

For their beliefs, Wycliffe is killed and Huss is forced to denounce his faith (True or False)

False (Huss is killed and Wycliffe is forced to denounce his faith)

Cromwell ruthlessly put down revolts in Sweden (True or False)

False (Ireland)

Phillip II sends his sister Mary to rule over the Netherlands (True or False)

False (Margaret)

Masaccio used Roman and French themes (True or False)

False (Roman and Greek)

The war between Charles V and Protestant was purely a religious war (True or False)

False (Started as religious, but became political)

The 30 Years War brought Germany together (True or False)

False (farther apart)

The Armada put Britain in its place (True or False)

False (got destroyed)

The Magna Carta created an absolute monarchy in England (True or False)

False (limited monarchy)

Martin Luther believed that there should be no pastors, but instead priests (True or False)

False (no priests, but instead pastors)

Popes like Clement VII elected during the schism are still recognized as popes today (True or False)

False (not recognized)

The second constitution voted on by the Assembly gives equal rights to all citizens (True or False)

False (only to men)

The Legislative Assembly steps down and the National Assembly takes over

False (switched)

Louis gave money to the Americas to help in their revolution, and the colonies paid France back quickly (True or False)

False (the colonies didn't pay France for a while)

What did Cortez and Pizzaro want?

Fame- discovering something new fortune- gifts from powerful people conversion- to Christianity

Problem with "David" by Donatello

Feather up butt---> homosexuality was accepted--> people were angry

Government in which power is divided between the national and federal governments, and the states

Federal republic

Wanted to petition in parliament

Female levellers

Catholic Hapsburg king of Bohemia Wanted to suppress Protestants and to assert Royal power over nobles


After the 30 years war

Ferdinand II is dead--Ferdinand III signs treaty with Swiss/French/p. 1) France takes Alasc along Rhine Rr. For trading 2) Sweden took piece of N. Germany 3) German princes could do anything 4) Calvinism--> could choose any religion or belief 5) United Provinces of Netheralands gains recognition of Independant state

September 20, 1519 Portuguese nobleman Went with five ships from Spain to find way to Pacific Ocean Explored South America bays for way around, nothing worked 1520-found passage called the Strait of Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan

1493 Spanish pope Alexander VI

Ferdinand and Isabella appealed to who to support their claim to lands in the new world

What term means land


Made the dome modeled after the pantheon

Filippo Brunelleschi


Financial supporter of the arts--> wants to sponsor Ex. Cosmo de Medici (1400's in Italy; 1500's in France)

Napoleon calls himself _______ _______ and France a __________

First Council, Republic


First permanent settling in canda

A region that included parts of present day northern France, Belgium, and Netherlands; was an important industrial and financial center of Northern Europe during a the Middle Ages and Renaissance


Peace of Augsburg

Form Protestant and Catholic league - used to be just Lutheran and c.

Who has the upper hand in the Hundred Year's War


Believed use of reason could lead to reforms

France enlightenment thinkers

Quebec to a Great Lakes to Mississippi River to Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico

France's empire reached from to where

1608 Samuel de Champlain established new colony in quebec

France's first permanent settlement established in

Florentine, 1300s Library of Greek and Roman books

Francesco Petrarch

Devoted to learn how truth is determined Rejected Aristotle's assumptions

Francis Bacon and René Descartes

Succeeded in bringing back Protestant converts

Francis de Sales

Monk, physician, scholar, author

François Rabelais

Who was the first to be called Holy Roman Emperor

Frederick Barbarossa

Trained in art of war Liked to play flute and write poetry more

Frederick II

1740 Seized rich Hapsburg province of Silesia

Frederick II of Prussia

1713 Prussian ruler who came to power when father died

Frederick William I

What does laissez faire mean

Free trade


French Calvinists

Tried to strengthen revenues from taxes from overseas and appointed officials to see economic activities, sent soldiers, settlers and more

French King Louis XIV did what

Set high standards for the arts and sciences

French academies

In America from 1754 to 1763 Part of a global war called the seven years war

French and Indian War

Half of North America within 200 years

French had occupied how much of what

Border control

French plague was prevented by

Which religious group lived poor lives


Nobles, merchants, peasants, and poor rebelled in protest to Royal power to preserve their own


Ancient, dead Many physicians relied on his works Eventhough had some error


Assembled astronomical telescope and observed that four moons of Jupiter move slowly around that planet


1633 Tried by inquisition Under house arrest forever Accused of heresy Ended up giving up and saying the earth stands still in center of universe, then muttered "yet it moves"

Galileo legal trouble

Written by Rabelais about two gentle giants. Novel that had underline meaning of religion, education, etc but just looked like a comical tale or travel

Gargantua and Pantagruel

_____ _____ of the people is all-powerful

General Will

Best conscious of the people

General will

Asked Calvin to run their Swiss community


Where does Calvin run his utopia


Chosen people

Geneva people saw themselves as

The earth is the center of the universe


Ruled for 60 years Policies disastrous

George III

Women were being excluded from social contract itself

Germaine de Staël, Catharine Macaulay, Mary Wollstonecraft all thought

Moscow neighborhood where many Dutch, Scottish, English, and other foreign artisans and soldiers lived

German quarter

Venice order Jews to live in seperate quarter of the city, then other Italians began doing this



Glorious Revolution

The new rulers brought huge armies to fight James II but he ran away and there was no bloodshed

Glorious revolution


Good and reasonable Must be natural laws to economy, motion, etc.

Royal governors oversee affairs Parliament pass laws and regulate trade A lot of self rule Esch colony had a representative

Government in colonies

Force that pulls object in Earths sphere to center of Earth


Attacks on villages and towns Government troops seizing crops Famine and fear

Great fear

How did the power struggle happen?

Greed from Philip II of Spain


Group of nations coming together

Small group using cover as protection


What method of execution was used in the French Revolution


No person could be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime

Habeas corpus

European empire that lasted from 1400s-1900s

Hapsburg empire

Holy Roman Empire Wanted to expand lands (Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, etc)

Hapsburgs kept what title

Why won't Clement VII grant Henry VIII's divorce

He is in captivity from Catherine of Argon's uncle (Charles V)

Gods highest act of grace

He said printing was

Guardian of the holy roman empire

He saw himself as

Protestantism because he was catholic and rude

He suppressed what religion

Why did nobles choose Hugh Capet as the French king

He was weak


He went back with how many settlers

Prime minister

Head of cabinet also known as

All have equal access to God Ordinary people should be able to read bible, and he made it German Banned pilgrimages, indulgences, confession, and prayers to saints Clergy could marry

Heart of luthers teachings

James Stuart Ruling King of Scotland Relative

Heir to her throne

Sun centered


The sun is the center of the universe


Who creates trial by a jury of one's peers

Henry II

Who destroyed private castles to keep nobles away from fighting each other

Henry II

Who do the Guise kill

Henry III

Huguenot 1589 Fought Catholics

Henry IV

Didn't like Protestant revolt

Henry VIII

Who starts the Anglican Church

Henry VIII

Assassinated 1610

Henry died

1547 1 6 marriages

Henry died when How many kids How many marriages

Put a "chicken in every pot" Give everyone food

Henry wanted to do what else

Catherine of Aragon

Henry's wife

What people did Church leaders look for during the Inquisition


Ruled scattered lands across north Germany

Hohenzollern family

What land did Charles V give to Ferdinand

Holy Roman Empire (Germany)

What are the 2 houses of Parliament

House of Lords and House of Commons

Taking or giving funds

How can federal governments influence states

Didn't like it, were killed for treason Thomas more resigned in protest

How did Catholics react

High tariff

How did Colbert protest French

Converted "Paris is well worth a mass"

How did Henry end the conflict

Gravity Saw Apple fall from tree, wondered if force pulled it and took twenty years to perfect theory

How did Isaac come up with greatest accomplishment

Increased fees of baptism, marriage, and indulgences

How did churches get money they needed (3 things)

Autopsies through friendship with people of great influence

How did he get invitations to what

He had to push through the Ottoman Empire, but couldnt

How did he get it

They wouldn't fund him

How did the Portuguese react

Existed for benefit of the parent country Provided resources and raw materials not available in Europe

How did the mercantilists view the colonies

Stiff penalties, and it began to establish school

How did they end abuses in church

Many died Learned to grow corn from native Americans

How did they survive in Plymouth

In 1740 when he became king, he used army's And seized Silesia and sparked the war of Austrian succession

How did this mold Frederick II

200 years 1900s universities questioned him

How long did Isaacs theories hold

72 years Longer than any other monarch

How long did Louis XIV rule for

11 years

How long did he ignore the petition

Three voyages

How long did he think he found east Asia

Off and on for twenty years

How long did the council meet

223 years

How long did they stay like that

175 years because some feared nobles might recover the power taken from them under absolute rule

How long had it been since the king had called the estates

10 month voyage and reached the great spice port of Calicut on west coast of India

How long was vascos voyage and where did he reach

4000 copies between 1751-1789

How many encyclopedias have been published

11 million 2 million

How many made it to America How many died

37 plays 1590 and 1613

How many plays did Shakespeare write between what years

80,000 a year

How many slaves were involved then?

360 "One for every day of the year"

How many states was Germany divided into

Bad Frederick II tried to flee country

How was his relationship with his father

NOT TOO GOOD The upper class was taking over their lands and it was easy for them since they controlled parliament

How was the lower class doing

Russia failed embarrassingly, with their army five times the size being defeated by the 8,000 Swedish men

How was the war?

It WASNT It could put whole human knowledge in question

How was this theory accepted

Peaceful and wanted religious toleration, separation of church and state.

How were most Anabaptists

French Calvinists are ________


French protestants


Intellectual movement at the heart of the Renaissance that focused on education and the classics


One who is concerned with the interests and welfare of human beings


Grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history



Hundred Year's War

Possible explanation


Louis XIV

I am the state and the sun king


Idealistic or visionary, perfect society

Who started the Jesuits

Ignatius Loyola

Shattered leg in battle, comforted by reading saints who overcome pain

Ignatius of loyola story

German The critique of pure reason

Immanuel Kant


In 1500s, how many Africans were believed to be in The slave trade

Catholic, but Protestantism had major foothold on continent

In 1600s majority of Europeans were


In France, Belgium, and netherlands, industrial and financial center of northern euro during Middle Ages and Renaissance

The earth was heliocentric

In Nicklaus' book, what did it say

The strong would overpower the weak

In the social contract, who would outweigh who

What is an example of urban planning?

Increase of canals so that when it gets too crowded, they would have enough canals

pope Paul IV

Index for forbidden books--> Martin Luther; Erasmus

List of works too immoral in irreligious for Catholics like Luther, Calvin, etc

Index of forbidden books

Pardon for sins committed during a persons life, less time in purgatory Sold by clergy At first, only for good deeds but in 1400s with money


What are pardons from sins sold by the Church called


Rise princes that is linked to a sharp increase in the amount of money available


What occurs when money loses value and prices rise


Who is the pope during the Crusades

Innocent III

Strengthened by pope to go against The Protestants


Royal officials who collected taxes, recruited soldiers, carried out policies


What is the ceasing of all religious ceremonies called


Philip II

Invented Bailiffs

Philip IV

Invented the Estates General, led a government that acted with or without the consent of the public regarding taxes, war, etc. Later kidnaps pope Boniface VIII

Louis IX

Invented the Parlement of Paris as a strong central government

What is the ceremony in which land is given away


North is Protestant and would be minority in a combination of south Catholics

Ireland isn't unified because


Irish bandits, supported James II

"If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants"

Isaac Newton

English 24-made theory a On why planets moved

Isaac Newton

Who disproved the idea that one set of physical laws governed the earth and another governed the rest of the universe

Isaac Newton

Boniface VIII

Issued a bull (Unam Sanctam) to the French King

What happens to the king's power in France after the Hundred Year's War

It grows

What does Napoleon think of the Directory

It is weak

Capitalist owned factories in 1700s

It led to

What happens to the king's power in England after the Hundred Year's War

It shifts more towards shared power

Radical political club Middle class lawyers and intellectuals


Explored coastline of eastern Canada and found st. Lawrence river and claimed much of it for France

Jacques Cartier

Financial expert, advisor Urged King to reduce court spending, reform government, tarriffs

Jacques Necker

Agreed to rule according to English laws and customs Wanted absolute power

James I

Father of constitution

James madison

Openly Catholic and angered many by suspending laws Ruled for three years

James was what religion

Important Flemish painter in the 1400s He did portrayals of townspeople as well as religion scenes with a lot of details

Jan Ben Eyck

40 years after Wycliffe led movement in Czech for which he was executed

Jan Hus

Finance minister to Louis Imposed mercantilist policies to bolster economy

Jean Baptiste Colbert

Who was Louis's financial advisor

Jean Baptiste Colbert

Catholic rulers to help prevent heresy

Jesuits became advisors to

Crusade to defend and spread Catholic faith

Jesuits began a

Expelled from Christian lands sometimes, pope Paul IV and Charles V placed restrictions and more

Jew restriction increased how

Made the first complete edition of the christian bible in 1455 and the bible went on to produce 15 to 20 million volumes

Johann Gutenberg

Would ensure entry into heaven for purchaser and dead relatives

Johann claimed that the indulgences

German astronomer/mathematician Used Brahe's data to calculate how the earth rotates around the sun

Johannes Kepler

Who do the barons force to sign the Magna Carta


Venetian navigator Found rich fishing in Newfoundland and claimed it for England Searched for northwest passage to Asia with no success

John Cabot

French 1536, made widely read book that showed his beliefs and how to run a Protestant church

John Calvin

Who wrote the Institutes

John Calvin

Supporter and diarist whose writings are an important source of information about English political and social history

John Evelyn

Led religious rebellion to overthrow Christian queen

John Knox

Who brought Calvinism to Scotland

John Knox

Launched systematic attack against the church using sermons and writings to call for change in 1300s, in England

John Wycliffe

Two teachers that were forced to denounce their teachings as they were seen as Heresy?

John Wycliffe and John Huss

Developed in late medieval times and allowed people to pool large amounts of capital needed for overseas ventures People who invested could join in any profits that were made If company lost money, they would only loose their initial investment

Joint stock companies

Interprets laws


Magna Carta

June 15, 1215 63 clauses, limiting the power of the king and protecting the rights and privileges of the people

Who made the 3 laws of planetary motion



King of Aztecs and thought Cortez was a white-skinned God

House of Commons

Knights and burgesses. Allowed all groups to be represented in parliament, and set the standard for future monarchs. "What affects all should be approved by all"

Wanted policy that Allowed business to operate with little or no government interference Imposed tariffs

Laissez Faire

Let it be

Laissez Faire means


Laissez Faire replaced

What are a few pros to the plague?

Land become available when its owner died, peasants gained power as there were fewer to rely on, and the paternalism of government grew

What did the Concordat of Worms solve

Lay investiture

One of most important Christina texts ever, and was canonized


Power to make laws, collect tax, decide on war Male citizens over 25

Legislative assembly

Makes laws


Dissected corpses to learn how bones and muscles worked Mona Lisa The last supper Experimented in anatomy, optics, music, architecture, engineering, flying machines, undersea boats before first airplane or submarine built

Leonardo da Vinci

Thought that poor men should have as much Say in government as gentry, lawyers, and more do


Stated that people are naturally cruel, selfish, and greedy


Morning ritual during which nobles would wait upon Louis XVI like handing him his shoes or holding the washbasin


To the left


Constitution or legislative body limited the Monarchs powers English rulers still had much power, but they had to obey the law and goers in partnership with parliament

Limited monarchy

Dividing the noneuropean world into two zones 1. Spain had trading and exploration rights to west 2. Portugal the east

Line of demarcation

Masaccio used what principle to add depth

Linear perspective

Two treatises of government

Locke wrote

Optimistic of human nature Thought that people were reasonable and moral

Locke's views

What did the pope and Italian merchants form to beat back invading Germans

Lombard League

Wrote 1,500 plays Comedy and action

Lope de vega

What title does Cromwell go by

Lord Protector

The magnificent Represented he Renaissance ideal Patron


Who created the Parlement of Paris

Louis IX

Who was named a saint for his fighting in the Crusades

Louis IX

Nine 1624

Louis XIII

Cardinal Richelieu - chief minister and devoted 18 years to strengthening central government

Louis XIII's Cardinal

Five 1643 Inherited throne

Louis XIV

Who does Charles II make a secret agreement with

Louis XIV

Divine right

Louis XIV believed in

his wars put France in debt

Louis XIV was bad to France how


Louis XV ruled from

Well meaning but weak and indecisive

Louis XVI attitude

Didn't want to accept reforms

Louis XVI reaction to the declaration of the rights of men

I am the state

Louis' quote

The Netherlands is called the _________ because it is below sea level

Low lands


Luther developed ____ that said the church must be reformed by secular authoirties

Was for it, but it began to grow violent

Luthers thoughts on revolt

The ends justify the means


The Roman Catholic church

Many thought James would restore what

What are a few cons to the plague?

Many workers were lost, family life was hurt, people questioned faith and its guidance

Who are the 2 leaders of the Jacobins

Marat and Danton

Only heir, but no woman had even ruled Hapsburg lands in own name

Maria Theresa

Got Frederick II out of Prussia But she persevered her empire and many respected her

Maria Theresa never did what

Joseph II

Maria Theresa successor

Who everyone was angry at Madame deficit

Marie Antoinette

Aristocratic hero of two worlds who fought with George Washington in the American Revolution

Marquis de Lafayette

German monk and professor of mythology in 1517, led revolt against church

Martin Luther

Who did the Council of Constance elect as pope after getting rid of the 3 that had power

Martin V

1507 German cartographer Made map using his descriptions of the region

Martin Waldseemüller

Reject Romes authority

Martin urged Christians to

Who is Elizabeth's cousin that rules Scotland

Mary Stuart

Burned many Protestants at the stake for heresy and wants England to return to Catholic faith

Mary Tudor

1558 Elizabeth

Mary died when, who succeeded

Guidelines for governing North American colony

Mayflower compact


Mazarin died

Florence Wealthy family


Which family ruled Florence from behind the scenes


Where was trade carried out in the Middle Ages

Medieval Fairs

Policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported in order to build its supply of gold and silver


Soldier serving in a foreign army for pay Burned villages, killed many


What dynasty was Charlemagne


Sculptor, engineer, painter, architect, poet

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Piéta, David, Sistine chapel

Michelangelo creations

Melancholy genius because he struggled with life long religious and artistic struggles

Michelangelo nickname

Growing Talented workers

Middle class

Lived nicely

Middle class families


Middle colony resources

Leg of triangular trade route on which slaves were transported from Africa to the americas

Middle passage

Sucked Taken from inland and forced to march to coastal ports. They were bound with ropes and walk up to one thousand miles and carry heavy loads Many died Those who survived were in costal holding pens

Middle passage for Africans

Most important writer Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes

Who checked on the counts of the region for Charlemagne

Missi Dominici

Mix free markets with government regulation Control safety regulations and price protections

Mixed economy

In the middle


Islands in eastern Indonesia; was the center of the spice trade in the 1500-1600s


Limited Monarchy

Monarchy in which the king or queen has no political power and only serves as a symbol

Why did merchants want the Crusades

Money from transportation

Bad for the consumers Smith warns against them America has anti trust laws against the,


Who believed in 3 branches of government to create a Separation of Powers


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