Research- Chapter 4

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The presentation of the study's conclusions and implications for further study are found in which section? A) Discussion B) Introduction C) Methods D) Results

Ans: A The discussion section interprets the study findings, draws conclusions, and states implications for further study. The results show the level of significance of the study findings. The introduction states the research problem and its context. An abstract is a synopsis of the study. The introduction states the research problem and its context. The methods sections consists of strategies used to answer research questions.

Key variables and the population of the study are most likely to be communicated in which of the following? A) Title B) Abstract C) Introduction D) Methods

Ans: A In quantitative studies, the title communicates key variables and the population (in other words, PICO components). An abstract is a synopsis of the study. The introduction states the research problem and its context. The methods section lists the strategies used to answer the research question.

In a quantitative research article, a review of prior research on the problem under study is most likely to be found in which section? A) Introduction B) Method section C) Results section D) Discussion

Ans: A The introduction to a research article acquaints readers with the research problem and its context. The method section describes the methods used to answer the research questions. The results section presents the findings that were obtained by analyzing the study data. The text presents a narrative summary of key findings, often accompanied by more detailed tables. In the discussion, the researcher presents conclusions about the meaning and implications of the findings, i.e., what the results mean, why things turned out the way they did, how the findings fit with other evidence, and how the results can be used in practice.

Nurses are most likely to encounter research results in which of the following? Select all that apply. A) Poster sessions B) Journal articles C) Textbooks D) Dissertations

Ans: A, B Nurses are most likely to encounter research evidence in journals or at professional conferences. Research journal articles are descriptions of studies published in professional journals. At conferences, research findings are presented as oral presentations or poster sessions. A textbook is not a primary source for research results, but rather an overview of established knowledge in a field. Dissertation is defense of research that has been conducted.

In which section of the research report might the research problem be stated? A) Abstract B) Introduction C) Methods section D) Results section

Ans: B An abstract is a synopsis of the study. The introduction states the research problem and its context. The methods section lists the strategies used to answer the research question. The results show the study findings.

Research findings that are organized by categories or labels can be found in which type of study? A) Clinical trial B) Qualitative C) Quantitative D) Quasi-Experimental

Ans: B Research findings that are organized by categories or labels can be found in qualitative research studies. They are not found in clinical trials or in quantitative or quasi-experimental research studies.

When a finding is statistically reliable, it means which of the following? A) The finding is very important B) The same results are likely to occur with a new sample of subjects C) The researcher's hypothesis is correct D) Changes in nursing procedures are needed

Ans: B Statistical reliability refers to the probability that the same results would be obtained with a new sample of subjects-that is, that the results are an accurate reflection of a wider group than just the particular people who participated in the study. It does not necessarily mean that the finding is very important, that the researcher's hypothesis is correct, or that changes in nursing procedures are needed.

The level of significance of the findings in a research study can be found in which section? A) Discussion B) Introduction C) Methods D) Results

Ans: D The results show the level of significance of the study findings. The introduction states the research problem and its context. The discussion section interprets the study findings. An abstract is a synopsis of the study. The introduction states the research problem and its context. The methods sections consists of strategies used to answer research questions.

Questions such as "What were the research questions?" and "What were the findings?" and "What methods were used to address those questions?" can all be answered in which of the following sections? A) Discussion B) Abstract C) Introduction D) Results

Ans: B The abstract is the one place in the article where most if not all of the ìwhatî questions can be answered. Although other sections can answer some of these questions, only the abstract, which is a synopsis of the study as a whole, can address most or all of them. The introduction states the research problem and its context. The results show the study findings. The discussion is the part of the research study that interprets the findings.

The accuracy and consistency of information that is obtained from a study is which of the following? A) Credibility B) Reliability C) Validity D) Trustworthiness

Ans: B The accuracy and consistency of information that is obtained from a study is its reliability. Validity is the soundness of the study. Credibility is achieved to the extent that the methods engender confidence in the truth of the data and in the researchers' interpretation. Trustworthiness in qualitative research encompasses several difference dimensions, including credibility, dependability, confirmability, transferability, and authenticity.

In which section would the following sentence most likely appear: "The study sample consisted of 135 mother-infant dyads from an inner-city neighborhood?" A) Introduction B) Method section C) Results section D) Discussion

Ans: B The method section describes the methods used to answer the research questions including the sampling plan. The introduction to a research article acquaints readers with the research problem and its context. The results section presents the findings that were obtained by analyzing the study data. The text presents a narrative summary of key findings, often accompanied by more detailed tables. In the discussion, the researcher presents conclusions about the meaning and implications of the findings, i.e., what the results mean, why things turned out the way they did, how the findings fit with other evidence, and how the results can be used in practice.

The criterion used by quantitative researchers involving the soundness of the evidence is which of the following? A) Reliability B) Validity C) Credibility D) Generalizability

Ans: B Validity is a more complex concept that broadly concerns the soundness of the study's evidenceóthat is, whether the findings are cogent, convincing, and well grounded. Reliability (a key challenge in quantitative research) refers to the accuracy and consistency of information obtained in a study. Credibility is achieved to the extent that the methods engender confidence in the truth of the data and in the researchers' interpretations. Generalizability in a quantitative study concerns the extent to which the findings can be applied to other groups and settings.

A conclusion drawn from evidence presented in a study is called which of the following? A) Statistically significant B) Valid C) Inference D) Credible

Ans: C An inference is a conclusion drawn from evidence presented in the research study. Statistically significant means that the study has a high probability of being ìreal.î Validity is the soundness of the study. Credibility is achieved to the extent that the methods engender confidence in the truth of the data and in the researchers' interpretation.

In a qualitative research article, the thematic analysis of the data would be presented in which section? A) Introduction B) Method section C) Results section D) Discussion section

Ans: C In qualitative reports, researchers often organize findings according to the major themes, processes, or categories that were identified in the data. The results section of qualitative reports sometimes has several subsections, the headings of which correspond to the researcher's labels for the themes. The introduction to a research article acquaints readers with the research problem and its context. The text presents a narrative summary of key findings, often accompanied by more detailed tables. In the discussion, the researcher presents conclusions about the meaning and implications of the findings, i.e., what the results mean, why things turned out the way they did, how the findings fit with other evidence, and how the results can be used in practice.

The discussion of the central phenomena or variables of a study, along with the theoretical or conceptual framework of the study, is found in which section of the study? A) Discussion B) Abstract C) Introduction D) Results

Ans: C The discussion of the central phenomena or variable of a study, along with the theoretical or conceptual framework of the study, is found in the introduction. The discussion section interprets the study findings. An abstract is a synopsis of the study. The introduction states the research problem and its context. The results show the study findings.

An objective assessment of a research study's strengths and limitations is called which of the following? A) Evidenced-based practice B) Peer review process C) Research critique D) Literature review

Ans: C The research critique is an objective assessment of a research study's strengths and limitations. Assessment of strengths and weaknesses is not called evidence-based practice, peer review process, or a literature review.

In which section of a research report would the following sentence most likely appear: ìPatients who coughed were significantly more likely to have spontaneous dislodgement of small-bore nasogastric tubes than patients who did notî? A) Introduction B) Method section C) Results section D) Discussion

Ans: C The results section presents the findings that were obtained by analyzing the study data. The method section describes the methods used to answer the research questions including the sampling plan. The introduction to a research article acquaints readers with the research problem and its context. The text presents a narrative summary of key findings, often accompanied by more detailed tables. In the discussion, the researcher presents conclusions about the meaning and implications of the findings, i.e., what the results mean, why things turned out the way they did, how the findings fit with other evidence, and how the results can be used in practice.

The soundness of the evidence collected and the relationship between the variables is known as which of the following? A) Credibility B) Reliability C) Validity D) Trustworthiness

Ans: C Validity is the soundness of the study the quality of evidence about the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The accuracy and consistency of information that is obtained from a study is its reliability. Credibility is achieved to the extent that the methods engender confidence in the truth of the data and in the researchers' interpretation. Trustworthiness in qualitative research encompasses several difference dimensions, including credibility, dependability, confirmability, transferability, and authenticity.

In a research report, limitations of the study are normally discussed in which section? A) Introduction B) Method section C) Results section D) Discussion section

Ans: D A discussion section that presents the researcher's grasp of study limitations demonstrates to readers that the authors were aware of the limitations and probably took them into account in interpreting the findings. The introduction to a research article acquaints readers with the research problem and its context. The method section describes the methods used to answer the research questions including the sampling plan. The results section presents the findings that were obtained by analyzing the study data. The text presents a narrative summary of key findings, often accompanied by more detailed tables.

Which of the following is an aspect of trustworthiness used in evaluating the strength of evidence in a qualitative study? A) Triangulation B) Reflexivity C) Reliability D) Credibility

Ans: D Credibility is achieved to the extent that the methods engender confidence in the truth of the data and in the researchers' interpretations. Triangulation, the use of multiple sources or referents to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth, is one approach to enhancing credibility. Reliability (a key challenge in quantitative research) refers to the accuracy and consistency of information obtained in a study. Reflexivity, the process of reflecting critically on the self and of scrutinizing personal values that could affect data collection and interpretation, is an important tool in qualitative research.

In which section would the following sentence most likely appear: "The results may have been influenced by the patients' desire to please the researchers and the hospital staff?" A) Introduction B) Method section C) Results section D) Discussion

Ans: D In the discussion, the researcher presents conclusions about the meaning and implications of the findings, i.e., what the results mean, why things turned out the way they did, how the findings fit with other evidence, and how the results can be used in practice. The method section describes the methods used to answer the research questions including the sampling plan. The introduction to a research article acquaints readers with the research problem and its context. The results section presents the findings that were obtained by analyzing the study data. The text presents a narrative summary of key findings, often accompanied by more detailed tables.

A nurse researcher compared men's and women's level of stress following cardiac surgery and made sure that both groups were comparable with regard to length of stay in hospital. Length of stay in hospital is which of the following? A) Independent variable B) Dependent variable C) Mediating variable D) Confounding variable

Ans: D Researchers seek to control confounding (or extraneous) variablesóvariables that are extraneous to the purpose of a specific study but that might contaminate the results because they may be the actual cause or influence on the dependent variable. In this case, length of stay in the hospital may be the actual cause or at least one cause of the level of stress, instead of the cardiac surgery. The dependent variable is the behavior, characteristic, or outcome the researcher is interested in explaining, predicting, or affecting, which in this case is level of stress. The independent variable is the presumed cause of or influence on the dependent variable, which is cardiac surgery, in this case. The independent variable corresponds to the ìIî and the ìCî components in the PICO scheme. A mediating variable is a factor through which another factor has an effect on a dependent variable. In this case, for example, the effect of cardiac surgery on stress is mediated by length of stay, making length of stay the mediating factor.

The statement "the results of this study are statistically significant" means which of the following regarding the findings? A) Passed a Chi test B) Are clinically important C) Are the strength of the study D) Are probably true and replicable

Ans: D The statement ìthe results of this study are statistically significantî means that the findings are probably true and replicable. Findings that are statistically significant have a high probability of being ìreal.î Statistically significant does not mean that the study findings passed a Chi test, are clinically important, or are the strength of the study.

The use of multiple data collection methods to draw conclusions about the area being studied is called which of the following? A) Bias B) Statistical test C) Research control D) Triangulation

Ans: D Triangulation is the use of multiple sources or referents to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth. A bias is an influence that results in an error in an inference or estimate. Researchers use statistical tests to test their hypotheses and assess the probability that the results are accurate. Research control usually involves holding constant influences on the outcome variable so that the true relationship between the independent and outcome variables can be understood.

When a research report undergoes a "blind" review for a journal, it means which of the following? A) The journal editors do not know who submitted the report. B) The authors of the report do not know who the editor of the journal is. C) The report is published without indicating the authors' names. D) The reviewers making recommendations about publication are not told who the authors are.

Ans: D Usually, manuscripts are reviewed by two or more peer reviewers (other researchers) who make recommendations about whether to accept or reject the manuscript, or to suggest revisions. Reviews are usually ìblindîóreviewers are not told researchers' names, and authors are not told reviewers' names. As a result of peer review, consumers have some assurance that journal articles have been critiqued by other nurse researchers.

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