Responsible Driving Final

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A forward/backward movement of your vehicle occurs when you


To maintain your speed when you drive uphill,

accelerate just before your vehicle begins to climb the hill

Adjust the driver's seat so you can

access the vehicle's controls

Your license may be suspended if you

acquire a certain number of points for moving violations

When driving on a road with limited visibility

adjust your speed downward

A driving choice that you might make as the traffic situation changes is

adjusting your sped for road continuation

To maintain an adequate space margin,

allow a 4- to 5-second following distance when following motorcycles

For safety purposes

allow a visual lead of 20 to 30 seconds

To avoid colliding with the vehicle in front of you,

allow enough time and space to see and react if a problem occurs

The device that alerts you to an electrical problem is the

alternator light

To stop your vehicle smoothly for a stoplight,

apply the right amount of pressure on the brake pedal with your toes OR press down on the clutch and then ease up to stop

You can minimize your driving risks in cities and suburbs if you

are prepared for stopping and turning vehicles at all times

Rearview and sideview mirrors

are useful for helping you change lanes safely

To make the best possible choices in a driving situation, you should

assess, interpret, and evaluate the available information

If the road on which you are traveling has a posted recommended speed of 25 mph

assume the posted recommended speed is the maximum safe speed for this part of the road

Actions that can prevent or reduce costs of crashes include

avoiding the consumption of alcohol

When you use the Reverse gear,

back up slowly and control your direction and speed

When driving on urban and suburban streets that are dense with traffic, you should

be careful to maintain an adequate margin of space

Driver's of SUV's should

be careful when driving in windy conditions

Vehicle engines fail most often because of

broken belts or a malfunctioning fuel or electrical system

Aggressive driving behaviors

can become criminal acts when directed toward other drivers

Air bags

can cause personal injury if you fail to follow safety warnings

The highway transportation system consists of

cars, drivers, and roads

You can keep your vehicle's engine running smoothly by

changing the oil and oil filter regularly, according to the maintenance manual

To be sure your vehicle is in good running order,

check the fluid levels, belts, hoses, wires periodically

When you want to change lanes,

check the traffic ahead, to the sides and behind you before you move

To monitor your speed

check your speedometer when traffic conditions permit

You can reduce the risk level of driving in inclement weather by

cleaning your vehicle windows and lights before you travel

When you follow the basic speed laws, you should always

drive at a reasonable speed for road conditions

When sharing the roadway with cyclists

drive with headlights on, signal when turning, changing lanes, or stopping

To control your vehicle in weather-related conditions

drive your vehicle at a reasonable speed that allows you 8 to 12 seconds to react to an emergency

A shared left-turn lane is used by

drivers traveling in opposite directions who want to make left turns

The speed at which you are driving will probably need to be adjusted if you

encounter a slippery road surface

Depth perception is important for

fail to react to a potential hazard

The highway transportation system is regulated by the

federal, state, and local governments

The best way to control your emotions when you drive is to

get into the habit of always using safe-driving procedures

The best way to overcome fatigue when driving is to

get out of the car and walk or jog for a few minutes

To minimize your risks while driving during a tornado,

get out of your vehicle and find suitable shelter or a ditch

A regulatory sign may be used to

give limitations for using a particular lane of traffic

When you enter a T-intersection, you must

give the right-of-way to the car traveling on the continuing road

When you use a ramp to enter or exit the freeway, you should

glance over your shoulder to be sure the road is clear where you want to go

If you need mileage information to a certain destination, you should look out for a

guide sign

When you can feel a vibration in your vehicle, you should

have your tires checked for balance

Cruise control

helps your car operate more efficiently

To drive at a reasonable speed, consider

how close you are traveling to the vehicle in front of you

Commentary driving can help a new driver by

identifying important traffic clues

Driving a motor vehicle gives you

increased mobility

The distance required to stop your vehicle

increases as your speed increases

You can maintain an adequate time margin by

increasing or decreasing your speed as needed

To enable your vehicle to hold to the road, you should make sure your tires are

inflated so that they grip the road evenly

A vehicle having a low center of gravity usually

is more stable when carrying a loaded luggage rack

In order to manage your space when driving on a multiple-lane road in cities and suburbs, you should

keep as much space as you can between your vehicle and the vehicles in other lanes

Tracking occurs when you

keep your vehicle on a chosen track with minor steering adjustments

The type of vehicle most likely to maintain speed when climbing a hill is a

large passenger vehicle with an 8-cyclinder engine

When you drive at a higher rate of speed, you have

less time to react to a dangerous situation

If the temperature gauge rises or warning light displays

let the engine cool down

To safely make an off-road recovery

let your vehicle slow gradually until it is off the roadway and then gradually return to the roadway

Traffic engineers may use a diamond interchange to connect roads that have

light traffic

Risk when you are driving a car is

likely to increase when you drive in bad weather

When your vehicle goes into a skid

look and steer in the direction you want the front of the vehicle to go

A safe way to approach and cross an intersection is to

look at all four corners for traffic signals, vehicles and areas of blocked vision

When you approach an intersection with a traffic sign, you should

look to your left, right, and back to your left before you proceed

To avoid being impaired by carbon monoxide poisoning

maintain your car's exhaust system

If you are involved in a collision in which someone is injured

make a written report to the police and the state department of motor vehicles

When you are preparing to pass a vehicle on a two-lane, two-way road

make sure you can clearly see oncoming traffic

When you want to move out of traffic,

make sure you have enough space to maneuver to the place you want to move

Being a responsible driver is dependent of

making responsible decisions

When your vehicle's fuel and exhaust system work properly, your vehicle is able to

minimize air pollution

Being fatigued when you drive may cause you to

miss critical information

Compared to driving a compact car, if you are driving a fully packed SUV, you should allow

more time to accelerate and enter the freeway

Most goods and people are transported by

motor vehicles

To avoid a crash with a truck,

move ahead to the right lane as soon as you pass the truck on the left side

Margins of safety are

needed to allow adequate visibility, time, and space to maneuver your vehicle

An illegal per se law makes it against the law to

operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content above a certain level

Driving on residential streets often presents special hazards because

pedestrians may move in the path of vehicles

Jaywalking occurs when

pedestrians walk into the street from between parked vehicles

If you need to brake hard, you can manage the law of inertia if you

place your hand firmly on the steering wheel

You can avoid being an aggressive driver by

practicing common courtesies such as keeping a safe distance from the vehicles ahead

If you need to stop your car quickly and safely,

press the brake pedal firmly without locking the brakes and hold it there

A certificate of title for your car

provides proof of ownership of your car

Mountain driving requires that you

push down on the accelerator as you ascend a steep grade

Environmental factors that cause the most problems for drivers include

rain, snow, and fog

If you suddenly have no brakes,

rapidly pup the brake pedal unless you have power brakes

As you drive, you need to look 20 to 30 seconds ahead so you can

react to potential roadway hazards

You should be aware of stopping traffic when a vehicle's

red brake light displays

When you are preparing to make a right turn,

reduce your speed as you approach the intersection before making the turn

To safely drive through a curve

reduce your speed if the road is wet

Foundations of effective driving are especially important when you drive on

residential streets because you may encounter unexpected obstacles suddenly moving in your path

A high-occupancy-vehicle sign indicates that a traffic lane is

restricted for multi passenger vehicles

Your visual system consists of your

retina, brain, and optic nerve

You may avoid a driving crisis by

scanning for patches of water on the road

If you have a temporary injury

secure a driving permit

If you have a chronic disease you should

secure your doctor's permission to drive if you take certain medications

If your vehicle picks up too much speed when driving downhill

shift to a lower gear if you are going down a long, steep hill

When driving on rural roads that may have limited visibility, you should always

signal your intention to turn, to pull over, or to pass

If you take a medication, be aware that

some prescription drugs may make you drowsy and therefore impair your driving ability

a vehicle's rates of acceleration and deceleration are dependent on

speed and weight of the vehicle

When you want to merge your vehicle into traffic,

steer to the nearest traffic lane if clear

If you know how natural laws work, you may be able to avoid a collision by

steering your vehicle off the roadway

The law that establishes specific guidelines for state motor vehicle safety program is

the National Highway Safety Act

When your vehicle's electrical system is in good working order

the battery produces the power to start the engine and to operate the other systems of your car

You should use your hazard lights when

the headlights won't some on OR your vehicle is moving very slowly

You must make sure that your vehicle's lubricating and cooling systems work properly so that

the metal parts of your vehicle's engine will not rub against each other and overheat

Young drivers are at a greater risk when

they have other young passengers in the vehicle with them

To insure the safety of your passengers when you are driving you should manage your

time, space, and visibility

You must yield the right-of-way

to avoid a collision

International signs are used in the US for

traffic control

When changing lanes

try to maintain your speed as you gradually steer into the other lane

You can reduce the risks of driving by

turning on your low-beam headlights at all times

If your vehicle has a 4-speed transmission, you should use Third gear for speeds

up to 30 or 40 mph

Manual transmissions, when compared to automatic transmissions usually

use less fuel

A cloverleaf interchange allows vehicles to

use loops to exit one road and enter another without stopping

When driving on rural roads, you should

use sound judgment when approaching railroad crossings because there may be no signs, signals, or gates

When you need to make a turnabout,

use the method that best suits traffic conditions and local traffic laws OR back into a driveway on the left side of the roadway

Impaired driving can be the result of

using and abusing drugs or alcohol

Driver's can compensate for declining physical conditions by

using rearview and sideview mirrors to search the roadways for traffic

A person is less likely to be seriously injured in a collision when driving a

vehicle equipped with an air bag

Driving on multiple-lane highways is more complex than driving on rural roads in that

vehicles often pass on the left or the right

After 2 hours, a person who consumes alcoholic beverages at the rate of one drink per hour is most likely to have a lower blood alcohol concentration if he or she

waits at least 3 hours after drinking before driving

Warning signs may

warn you about road construction

If you see an advisory speed limit, you should

watch out for a potentially dangerous driving situation

Distance vision can be impaired if you

wear scratched sunglasses

When you are driving, your attention level should increase

when the vehicle in front of you makes a sudden move

When you prepare to make a left turn,

yield the right-or-way to oncoming traffic, pedestrians, and road obstacles

When driving through a residential area,

yield to pedestrians, even if they are crossing the road illegally

When you approach a roundabout

yield to the traffic from the left until there is room for you to enter

When driving a car with a manual transmission you may need to downshift when

you are driving up a hill

Drive through a railroad crossing when

you have looked both ways and do not see or hear an approaching train

You may need to make a judgment call when

you need to travel on a street with parked cars

Good hearing is critical to your driving ability because

you use traffic sounds to alert you to situations around you

If you have been drinking alcohol, your driving ability is affected in that

your ability to process information and make critical decisions is impaired

If you notice steam or smoke rising from under the hood of your vehicle

your engine may have overheated

Hydroplaning is dangerous because

your tires lose contact with the road

To control your vehicle more easily on a rough road surface, make sure that

your vehicle's suspension system is in good condition

When a blowout occurs

your vehicle's tires suddenly loses pressure, and the car is hard to control

The highway transportation system is used by more than

194 million licensed drivers

Which is most important for driving? a. sense of vision b. sense of direction c. sense of smell


A psychological impairment that may affect your driving ability may be cause by

a distraction such as talking on a cell phone or to another passenger

A side-impact crash occurs when

a vehicle hits another vehicle in the side, sometimes causing death

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