Restorative art - exam 1
Common practices to achieve wrinkles ( furrows )
- draw in wax w/ blunt force instrument -place wax paper and draw in with an appropriate instrument -moisten and rub a piece of ligature into the wax surface -elevate adjacent areas with cylinders of wax
Methods to achieve firm & dry tissue
-arterial embalming -hypodermic injection -surface compress -cauterizing agent -electric spatula -sealer ( binder agent )
Modelizing media for restoration
-clay -latex and silicone products -cotton&collodium
Methods for firming wax
-cooling the wax ( refrigeration ) -addition of drying powder ( talcum ) -addition of corn starch
Common methods for smoothing wax
-hand/figure smoothing -brush smoothing
Standard practices to soften wax when preparing a restoration?
-mixing with spatula ( friction & body heat ) - mixing with massage cream & petroleum jelly -mixing with cream cosmetics -direct applied heat ( blow dryer )
Common restorative art instruments
-scalpel -forceps -suture needles -scissors -aneurysm hook/needle -water collar ( swelling ) -brushes ( stipple,spreading,powder,tinting,lining ) -head positioning blocks
How to identify infant skull
-skull is not fused -skull still has soft spot
Common methods for applying skin texture ( pores )
-stipple brush -lintless gauze -paper towel imprint -terry cloth or other material with raised, irregular pattern
Cosmetic/Application categories (5)
1) Cream cosmetics 2) transparent & semi-opaque cream 3)liquid Tints 4) opaque paints 5) powder cosmetics
Difference between male, female and infants skulls
1) bone thickness 2) size of bone 3) prominence of eminence
Anatomical structures of the temporal bone used for locating the modeled ear?
1) external auditory meatus 2)zygomatic arch 3)mandibulaire fossa 4)mastoid process
Distinguishing characteristics NOT to be altered or concealed?
1) warts 2) birthmarks 3) scars 4)moles
Lip wax
A very soft wax that may be tinted. It is primarily used to correct lip line of closure separations and modify compromised tissue of the mucous membranes
Solvent to remove oil based residues
Removing grease?
Acetone, gasoline;
Removing iodine?
Removing urine?
Away (farther) from the midline of the body
Away (farther) from the trunk of a body, away from the attached end of the limb.
When should receive authorization for restorative art?
Before embalming, not included in the authorization to embalm
Zygomatic bone
Bones of the cheek ( diamond shape )
intestinal fortitude
Embalmer needs to embrace an unbiased attitude with conducting restorations
Removing wax?
Face exhibits a lack of true symmetry, balance & proportion. Exhibits differences in paired features
Farther from the surface of the body ( ex: the heart is deeper than the ribs )
Medium wax is used to ( derma )
Feature modeling
Firm wax is used to ( hard or wound filler )
Fill large cavities, excision treatments. Best if used with firmly embalmed tissues and the basket weave suture as it does not have a lot of adhesive quality
Tissue best for wax restoration
Firm & Dry
For a larger area, which type of wax would you need?
Firm wax
Eminences of the Frontal Bone
Frontal eminence, Supraorbital margin, Superciliary arch, and Glabella
Major restoration
Higher expertise, more extensive process
Impacts of highlights and color
Nasal bone
Inferior to the glabella, and forming a dome over the superior portion of the naval cavity
Removing ink?
Lemon juice
Removing nicotine?
Lemon juice
How to identify female skull
Lighter, smaller, more round
Occipital bone
Lowest part of back + base of the cranium, forming a cradle for the brain
Opaque paints may not
Mix with wax, but can be applied to skin or tissues as an undercoating
Powder cosmetics can be
Mixed with wax but do not adhere well to the wax surface
Most common characteristics of each feature
Geometric form of the skull
Removing paint
Paint thinner
widest part of the cranium
Parietal eminence to the opposite parietal eminence
Alvelor process
Portion of the maxillary bones that form the support for the teeth in the upper and lower jaws.
Zygomatic arch depression
Processes of the temporal and zygomatic bones, determines the widest part of the face.
Minor restoration
Requires minor restoration
Removing adhesive tape blood
Rubbing alcohol, ammonia
Soft wax is used for ( surface restorer )
Soft & pliable, used to fill shallow depressions. Used for burn restorations and concealing sutured incisions.
What are not surface bones on the skull?
Sphenoid & Ethnoid
Study of structures and surface markers of the face and features
Parietal bones
Superior portion of the sides and back of the cranium, as well as the posterior two thirds of the roof of the cranium
Maxilla bones
The maxilla bones are paired bones joined in the midline. They are located in the upper lip region and together are commonly referred to as the "upper jaw." They also form a portion of the wall of the orbit, the wall of the nasal cavity, the hard palate, and they contain the upper row of teeth.
The most obvious characteristic of old age,
The reduction of size in the upper/lower jaw due to lack of teeth
Toward (farther) from the trunk of the body, toward the attached end of a limb.
Toward (nearer) to the midline of the body
Inferior (term)
Toward the feet
Various cosmetics may be applied?
Under, mixed with, or applied over wax
Surfaces of the Frontal Bone
Vertical Surface (forehead). This surface extends from the upper margin of the eye sockets to the level of the two frontal eminences. The part of the face above the eyes. Horizontal Surface (Crown). This surface continues to ascend superiorly until it reaches the parietal bones.
Opaque cream cosmetics works
Well with all scenarios
Removing glue?
White vinegar, glue solvent
Transparent and semi-opaque cream cosmetics work
With an oil vehicle these can be applied upon or mixed with wax. Water soluble types are not effective.
Liquid tints do not
Work well on wax, except colloid types, these may work.
a recession in the temporal cavity
Frontal eminence
a rounded prominences on the median line and a little inferior to the center of the frontal bone
Frontal bone
anterior portion of the cranium that forms the forehead
Temporal bones
inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium, inferior to the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone
nearer to the surface of the body
Surface bones of the cranium
occipital, parietal, temporal, frontal
What is restorative Art
restorative the care of the deceased to recreate natural form + color
Frontal process of the maxilla
the ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises beside the nasal bone to meet the frontal bone; the ascending process of the upper jaw.
think 3D , Shape
Posterior (dorsal)
toward the back of the body
Anterior ( ventral)
toward the front of the body
Superior ( term )
toward the head