Review Quiz- Chapters 1,2,9,10,11, and 12

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The axial skeleton contains how many bones?


The __ position is the most widely used and is accurate in all aspects of the body. Someone in this position is standing in an upright posture, facing straight ahead, with feet parallel and close and palms facing forward.

Anatomical Position

__ is a line that is parallel to the mid-axillary line and passes through the anterior axillary skinfold.

Anterior axillary line

__ involve the muscle lengthing under active tension and occur when the muscle gradually lessens in tension to control the descent of the resistance. This is used to decelerate the movement of a body segment from a faster speed to a lower speed or stop the movement of a joint already in motion.

Eccentric contraction

___ is the ability of muscle to return to its original resting length following stretching.


__ is like a true ball-and-socket joint in that it permits movement in all planes.

Enarthrodial joints

During bbony growth, the diaphysis and epiphysis are seperated by a thin plate of cartilage known as the ___, commonly referred to as the growth plate.

Epiphyseal plate

__ is the ability of muscle to be passively stretched beyond its normal resting length.


What is the action of the Gluteus Maximus muscle?

Extension of the hip, external rotation of the hip, The upper fibers assist in hip abduction, The lower fibers assist in hip adduction, and posterior pelvic rotation

__ is the muscle property of being sensitive or responsive to chemical, electrical, or mechanical stimuli.

Irritability or excitability

Posteriorly, the triangular __ ligament extends from the ischium below to the trochanteric fossa of the femur and limits internal rotation

Ischiofemoral ligament

A sleevelike covering of the ligamentous tissue known as the __ surrounds the bony ends forming the joints.

Joint capsule

___ may be defined as the study of the principles of anatomy (active and passive structures), physiology, and mechanics in relation to human movement.


Relating to the middle or center; nearer the median or midsaggital plane


Relating to, located in, or extending toward the middle; situated in the middle, medial


__ is a line running vertically down the surface of the body passing through the apex of the axilla (armpit)

Mid-Axillary line

__ is a line running vertically down the surface of the body passing through the midpoint of the clavicle.

Mid-clavicular line

__ is a point midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and pubis symphysis.

Mid-inguinal point

How many muscles are found in the body?

More than 600

__ can be used to initiate or accelerate the movement of a body segment, to slow down or decelerate the movement of a body segment, or to prevent movement of a body segment by external forces.

Muscle contractions

The __ ligament is located anteromedially and inferiorly and limits excessive extension and abduction


Pulling from the anterior inferior iliac spine, the __ muscle has the same tendancy to anteriorly rotate the pelvis down in the front and up in the back

Rectus Femoris

The __ plane bisects the body from front to back, dividing into right and left symmetrical halves. Generally flexion and extension movements happen in this plane. Ex: Bicep curls, knee extensions, and situps.

Saggital plane (anteroposterior or AP plane)

What are the three cardinal planes of motion?

Saggital, Frontal, and Transverse

The __, a two-joint muscle, is effective as a hip flexor or as a knee flexor.


What is the longest muscle in the body


__ is also known as the saddle joint and is only found in the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint and permits ball and socket movement with the exception of slight rotation

Sellar joint

Amphiarthrodial joints are __ and are divided into what three types?

Slightly movable. Syndesmosis, Symphysis, and Synchondrosis

___ is the study of muscles, bones, and joints as they are involved in the science of movement.

Structural Kinesiology

Near the surface; used to describe relative depth or location of muscles and tissue


Classification by structure places joints into one of what three categories?

Synarthordial, amphiarthrodial, and diarthrodial

The __ consist of appendages, or the upper and lower extremities, and the shoulder and pelvic girdles.

The appendicular skeleton

The __ consist of the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum.

The axial skeleton

The __ is the major integrator of sensory impulses and provides feedback relative to motion. It controls the timing and intensity of muscle activity to assist in the refinement of movements.

The cerebellum

The muscles of the pelvis that act on the hip joint may be divided into two regions. What are they?

The iliac and gluteal regions

The __ plane divides the body into superior (cephallic) and inferior (caudal) halves. Generally, rotational movements such as forearm pronation and supination and spinal rotation occur in this plane.

Tranverse (axial or horizontal plane)

__ joint also known as pivot or screw joint, is a type of joint with a rotational movement around a long axis. An example is the rotation of the radius on the ulna at the proximal and distal radioulnar joints


When hanging from a bar by your knees, the hamstring muscles are used without aid of the gluteus maximus muscle. True or False


an __ is a tendinous expansion of sense fibrous connective tissue that is sheet or ribbon like in appearence and resemebles a flattened tendon


The motion between the articular surface is known as ___, and it includes three differnt types of accessory movements. What are they?

arthokinematics; roll, spin, and glide

How does the gluteus medius and minimus muscles show action in walking?

as the weight of the body is suspended on one leg, these muscles prevent the opposite pelvis from sagging

Outward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or joint, as in knock-knees


Inward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or joint, as in bowlegs


Relating to the belly or abdomen, on or toward the front, anterior part of


When is the tensor fascia latae muscle used?

When flexion and internal rotation take place

__ states that bone in a healthy indivisual will adapt to the loads it is placed under.

Wolff's law

When you are in a sitting position and attempt to cross your legs, why do you lean back in an attempt to cross them?

You're raising the muscle in an attempt in lengthening the Sartorius, making it more effective in flexing and crossing the knees

Both the gluteus minimus and medius are used powerfully in maintaining proper hip __ while running.


What is the action of the tensor fascia latae?

abduction and flexion of the hip, tendency to rotate the hip internally as it flexes, and anterior pelvic rotation

__ are located on the opposite side joint from the agonist and work by relaxing and allowing movement ; these muscles have the opposite concentric action of agonist.


The body/skeleton can be divided into what two regions?

axial and appendicular

What three compartments is the thigh divided into?

anterior,posterior, and medial

As the pectineus contracts, it also tends to rotate the pelvic


Saggital Plane can also be known as

anteroposterior or AP plane

The __ controls the maintence of postures and equilibrium and learned movements such as driving a car. Sensory integration for balance and rthymic activities is controlled here

basal ganglia

The muslce group that extends the knee is located in the anterior compartment of the thigh and is known as the


What muscle is a powerful extensor of the knee when the hip is extended, but is weaker when the hip is flexed?

rectus femoris

flexion and extension of the knee occur in what plane?


What three muscles join together distally to form a tendinosus expansion known as the pes anserinus, which attatches to the anteromedial aspect of the proximal tibia below the level of the tibial tuberosity

sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus

Both the semitendinosus and semimembranosus are responsible for __ of the kne, along with the popliteus muscle. Because of their cross at the joint, these muscles are very important in providing dynamic medial stability to the knee joint.

semitendinosus and semimembranosus

What are known as the hamstrings?

semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris

List all seven of the biarticular (two-joint) muscles

semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, sartorius, and gracilis

__ conduct action potentials to the spinal cord

sensory neurons

__ transmit impulses to the spinal cord and brain from all parts of the body

sensory neurons

At the hip joint, there are __ two-joint muscles that have one action at the knee and one at the hip.


If the sagittal plane runs from anterior to posterior, then its axis must run from

side to side

Motor units fuction as a

single unit

The pelvic girdle moves back and forth between three planes for a total of __ differnet movements


Type of joints very both in __ and __

size and structure

__ are muscles that assist in the action of an agonist but are not neccessarly prime movers for the action, known as guiding muscles, assist in refined movement and rule out undesired motion.


The __ muscle aids in preventing external rotation of the hip as it is flexed by other flexor muscles

tensor fascia latae

What are the antagonist to the quadriceps at the knee?

the hamstrings

When the stimulus becomes strong enough to produce an action potential in a single motor unit axon, it is known as __, and all the muscle fibers in the motor unit contract.

threshold stimulus

Pennate muscles are categorized into what shapes?

unipennate, bipennate, and multipennate

What is the largest muscle of the quadriceps group?

vastus lateralis

When does the Gluteus Maximus come into action?

when movement between the pelvis and the femur approaches and goes beyond 15 degrees of extension

When is the gluteus maximus used without the help of the hamstring muscles?

when the knees are flexed while the hips are being extended. This occurs from rising from a knee bend position to a standing position

A __ is defined as a muscle or group of muscles supplied by a specific spinal nerve.


At birth and during development the pelvic bones are three distinct bones. At maturity, theyre fused to form one pelvic bone known as the

os coxae

The motion of the bones relative to the three cardinal planes resulting from these physiological movements is referred to as

osteokinematic motion

The ten muscles of the gluteal region function to primarly

extend and rotate the hip

What is the action of the quadriceps muscles?

extension of the knee

pertaining usually to muscles that arise or orginate outside of or proximal to the body part on which they act


__ is a sheet or band like of fibrous connective tissue that envelopes, seperates, or binds together body parts of the body such as muscles, organs, and other soft tissue structures of the body.


Parallel muscles are categorized into what shapes?

flat, fusiform, strap muscles, radiate, and sphincter

What is the action of the Sartorius muscle?

flexion of the hip and knee, external rotation of the thigh as it flexes the hip and the knee, abduction of the hip, anterior pelvic rotation, and weak internal rotation of the knee

What is the action of the Semitendinosus and semimembranosus?

flexion of the knee, extension and internal rotation of the hip, internal rotation of the flexed knee, and posterior pelvic rotation

What is the action of the biceps femoris?

flexion of the knee, extension of the hip, external rotation of the hip and flexed knee, and posterior pelvic rotation

What is the action of the Pectineus muscle?

flexion, adduction, and external rotation of the hip and anterior pelvic rotation

Diarthrodial are __ joints

freely movable

__ detect tension applied to a tendon

golgi tendon organs

The __does the sanem function as the other adductor muscles, but adds some weak assistance to knee flexion


the __ group is located in the posterior compartment of the thigh and is responsible for knee flexion.


the stance phase is divided into what three componets?

heel strike, mid stance, and toe off

When the knees are extended, the Sartorius becomes a more effective __

hip flexor

The __ joint is a ball-and-socket joint that consist of the femur connecting with the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle

hip joint

internal and external rotation of the knee occur in what plane?


__ are central or connecting neurons that conduct impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons.


pertaining to muscles within or belonging solely to the body part on which they act.


What is the term meaning "on the same side?"


__ occurs when tension is developed within the muscle, but the joint angles remain constant.

isometric contraction

__ involve the muscle developing tension to either cause or control joint movement

isotonic development

The joint capsule is lined with a thin vascular synovial capsule that secretes synovial fluid to lubricate the area inside the joint capsule, known as the __.

joint cavity

What actions do the hamstrings do at the knee and hip?

knee flexors and hip extensors

Between the walls of the diaphysis lies the __, or marrow cavity which contains yellow or fatty marrow.


What are the six deep lateral rotator muscles?

piriformis, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, obturator externus, obturator internus, and quadratus femoris

What muscle is the only true flexor of the knee


The appendicular skeleton contains how many bones?


Bones continue to grow longitudinally as long as the epiphyseal plates are open. Most close by age __, but some may stay open until age __.

18; 25

How many bones make up the skeletal system?


How many pairs of skeletal muscles are there?


What is the complexity of the foot?

26 bones, 19 large muscles, many small intrinsic muscles, and over 100 ligaments

The __ muscle is used in the breaststroke kick in swimming and in horseback riding.

Adductor magnus

__ are known as the primary movers, or muscles most involved. When these muscles contract concentrically, they cause joint motion through a specified plane of motion.


Transverse plane can also be known as

Axial or Horizontal plane

The axial skeleton contains what three regions?

Cephallic, Cervical, and Trunk

List the levels of control of the central nervous system

Cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, the brain stem, and the spinal cord.

__ involve the muscle developing active tension as it shortens and occur when the muscle develops enough force to overcome the applied force. This is used to accelerate the movement of a body segment from a lower speed to a higher speed.

Concentric contraction

__ is a type of joint in which the bones permit movement in two planes without rotation

Condyloidal joint

Pertaining or relating to the opposite side


Frontal plane can also be known as

Coronol or lateral plane

The __ or __ plane is a combination of more than one plane of motion.

Diagonal or Oblique plane

What is the action of the Rectus Femoris?

Flexion of the hip, extension of the knee, and anterior pelvic rotation

The __ plane bisects the body laterally from side to side, dividing it into front (ventral) and back (dorsal) halves. Abduction and Adduction such as jumping jacks and spinal lateral flexion occur in this plane.

Frontal plane (coronol or lateral plane)

The __ position is when someone is standing in an upright posture, facing straight ahead, with feet parallel and close and the palms facing the body.

Fundamental Position

__ is like a hinge joint. It permits a wide range of movement in only one plane. Ex: the elbow (humeroulner), ankle (talocrural), and the knee (tibiofemoral).

Ginglymus joint

__ organs are located in series with muscle and serve as "tension moniters" that act as a protective device for muscle.

Golgi tendon organs

What are the five differnt types of bones?

Long, short, flat, irregular, and sesamoid.

__ is a line that is parallel to the mid-axillary line and passes through the posterior axillary skinfold.

Posterior axillary line

The __ is the common pathway between the CNS and the PNS, which contains all the remaining nerves of the body. It has the most specific control and integrates various simple and complex spinal reflexes, as well as cortical and basal ganglia activity.

The spinal cord

The appendicular skeleton contains what two regions?

The upper and lower limbs

The hip is also known as the

acetabular femoral joint

What is the action of the adductor longus?

adduction of the hip and it assist in flexion of the hip and anterior pelvic rotation

What is the action of the adductor brevis?

adduction of the hip, external rotation as it adducts the hip, and it assist in flexion of the hip and anterior pelvic rotation

What is the action of the adductor magnus?

adduction of the hip, external rotation as the hip adducts, and extension of the hip

What is the action of the Gracilis muscle?

adduction, internal rotation, and assist with flexion of the hip and weak flexion and weak internal rotation of the knee

The __ muscles provide powerful movement of the thighs toward each other.

adductor muscles

List the differnt roles of muscles

agonist, antagonist, stabilizers, synergist, neutralizers, and force couples

The hamstring muscles, along with the gluteus maximus muscle, are used in __ of the hip when the knees are straight or nearly so.

biceps femoris

The semitendinosus and semimembranosus, along with the popliteus are responsible for internally rotating the knee, whereas the __ is responsible for knee external rotation

biceps femoris

The __ integrates all central nervous system activity through excitation and inhibition od desired neuromuscular actions and funcations in arousal or maintaining a wakeful state.

brain stem

Muscle contractions can be used to ___, __, or ___ joint movement

cause, control, or prevent

__ is the highest level of control, provides for the creation of voluntary movement as aggregate muscle action but not as specific muscle activity

cerebral cortex

__ is the ability of the muscle to contract and develop tension or internal force against resistance when stimulated


Semittendinosus is most effective when

contracting to either extend the hip or flex the knee

A defined area of skin supplied by a specific spinal nerve is known as a


Growth in __ continues throughout life.


Long bones have a __, which is the long cylindrical portion of the bone.


The __ or "Y" ligament prevents hip hyperextension.


List the three ligaments of the hip joint

iliofemoral, pubofemoral, and ischiofemoral

The pelvic bones are made up of what three bones?

ilium, ischium, and pubis

Synarthrodial joints are __, and have what two types?

immovable. Two types: suture and gomphosis

__ transmit impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to muscle and glanular tissue.

motor neurons

A __ consist of a single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates.

motor unit

__ surround the joint or body part and contract to fixate or stabalize the area to enable another limb or body segment to exert force and move.


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