Road To Independence

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Approximately how many Loyalists left the United States as a result of the American Revolution?


On March 5, 1770, antagonism between citizens and British soldiers flared into violence in an event known as what?

Boston Massacre

What organization, in 1773, was granted a monopoly on all tea imported by the colonies?

British East India Company

The shot heard around the world" was fired under the command of whom?

Captain John Parker

Who served as Great Britain's chancellor of the exchequer in 1767?

Charles Townshend

What was the principal Southern port in the American colonies?

Charleston, South Carolina

Who led a French expeditionary force of 6,000 men in July, 1780?

Comte Jean de Rochambeau

General George Washington crossed the ______north of Trenton, NJ, on December 25, 1776.


What area of North America was returned to Spain by the Treaty of Paris?


The colonies wanted to extend their boundaries as far west as the _______.

Mississippi River

What law extended the boundaries of the province of Quebec south to the Ohio River?

Quebec Act

General Cornwallis surrendered at ________ on October 19, 1781.


What did the Declaratory Act do?

Asserted the Authority of Parliament to make laws

Who infamously betrayed the Americans at West Point, NY?

Benedict Arnold

What American intellectual and inventor was sent to Paris in 1776 to gain France's support for the American Revolution?

Benjamin Franklin

The British soundly defeated the Americans at Cowpens, SC, in early 1781. T or F


The French sent very little aid to the American colonies during the American Revolution. T or F


The ideas of the American Revolution have been most depicted as a triumph of Calvinist dissenting Protestantism. T or F


The majority of colonials strove energetically to keep the tax controversy alive. T or F


When Loyalists voluntarily left or were expelled from the United States, American society became less liberal-minded. T or F


What general led British troops in the South?

General Charles Cornwallis

What British general sent troops to face 77 Minutemen at Lexington on April 19, 1775?

General Thomas Gage

American leaders argued that their only legal relations were with whom?

George III

Who was appointed commander-in chief of colonial forces on June 15, 1775?

George Washington

Coercive Acts were also known as the ______ Acts.


What Philadelphia lawyer wrote Letters of a Pennsylvania Farmer?

John Dickerson

Spurred by whom, the Virginia House of Burgesses passed a set of resolutions in May 1765, denouncing taxation without representation as a threat to colonial liberties?

Patrick Henry

George Washington defeated the British at _______, NJ, on January 3, 1777.


The _____required local authorities to find suitable quarters for British troops, in private homes if necessary.

Quartering Act

What Virginia delegate to the Second Continental Congress introduced a resolution declaring, "That these United Colonies are, and of the right ought to be free and independent states"?

Richard Henry Lee

Who was the most effective leader of the radicals arguing for independence?

Samuel Adams

Who, on December 16, 1773, led a band of men disguised as Mohawk Indians to dump tea into Boston harbor?

Samuel Adams

Secret organizations formed to protest the Stamp Act, often through violent means, were known as what?

Sons of Liberty

The ______ required all newspaper, broadsides, pamphlets, licenses, leases, and other legal documents to bear revenue stamps.

Stamp Act

The Molasses Act of 1733 was replaced by the ________ of 1764.

Sugar Act

The Townshend Acts were based were based in what legal premise?

That taxes imposed on goods imported by the colonies were legal while internal taxes were not

What law was enacted by Parliament in 1764 "to prevent paper bills of credit hereafter issued in any of His Majesty's colonies from being made legal tender"?

The Currency Act

What meeting was held in Philadelphia on Sept. 5, 1774?

The First Continental Congress

What 1765 law required colonies to provide royal troops with provisions and barracks?

The Quartering Act

What meeting was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 10, 1775?

The Second Continental Congress

______ were warrants that authorized the king's officers to search suspected premises.

The Writs of Assistance

What treaty was signed on February 6, 1778 with France?

The treaty of Amity and Converse

Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who wrote Common Sense

Thomas Paine

General Washington and his troops spent the brutally cold winter of 1777-1778 at _____, PN, where they were short of clothing, food, and supplies.

Valley Forge

What theory assumed that all British subjects shared the same interests as the property owners who elected members of Parliament?

Virtual Representation

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