Romeo + Juliet - key quotations & screenshots

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Juliet came out of the elevator, and started saying things. Maybe if Romeo could change his last name then there wouldn't be any problem, because her enemy is just the Montague name not Romeo himself.

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy.

Romeo & Juliet's death brings peace to the fight between the Montagues and Capulets.

A glooming peace this morning with it brings.

Romeo then surrendered and told Tybalt that he will not fight because he loves both Capulet & Montague names the same.

And so, good Capulet, whose name I tender as dearly as mine own, be satisfied.

Romeo is hiding in Friar Laurence's house. Romeo would rather be dead than kicked out of the town where Juliet lives.

Be merciful, say death. Do not say banishment.

Juliet wants night to come because she is looking forward to the honeymoon night. Juliet thinks the day is boring because she is WAITING ALL DAY to see her new husband.

Come, loving, black-browed night, give me my Romeo. So...tedious is this day...

Even though he was just crushing Rosaline, Romeo admires Juliet's beauty.

Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.

Romeo chases down Tybalt and says, "You Tybalt or me or both of us needs to die and follow Mercutio to heaven."

Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him.

At the church after the honeymoon morning, Paris talks with Friar Laurence about how Juliet's dad hurries the wedding to stop Juliet from crying.

Her father... in his wisdom, hastes our marriage, to stop the inundation of her tears,

FORESHADOWING: Romeo says that he dreams Juliet finds him dead and kisses him awake. It is IRONIC because something similar actually happens.

I dreamt my lady came and found me dead, and breath'd such life with kisses in my lips, that I reviv'd, and was an emperor. Ah me, how sweet is love!

While Romeo and his friends were leaving, Tybalt said that he wants to kill Romeo for crashing their family party.

I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall now seeing sweet convert to bitterest gall.

When Romeo says, "Juliet is the sun," he uses a metaphor of the sun to symbolize warmth, light, life, and hope.

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

As it gets brighter in the morning after their honeymoon night, Romeo and Juliet are feeling more depressed and sad because they have to separate from each other.

More light and light, more dark and dark our woes!

As Juliet watches Romeo leave from the party, she says that the guy she loves, Romeo, comes from the Montague family, the household that Capulets hate.

My only love sprung from my only hate!

Mercutio does not like that Tybalt is beating up Romeo after he just surrendered. Mercutio then attacks Tybalt.

O calm, dishonourable, vile submission!

Even though Juliet is dead, she still looks beautiful to Romeo.

O my love, my wife! Death... hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. Why art thou yet so fair?

Romeo kills Tybalt out of anger, but he realizes what a big mistake he made.

O, I am fortune's fool!

Benvolio is afraid that if they meet the Capulets, they will have to fight in the hot afternoon.

The day is hot, the Capulets abroad, and if we meet, we shall not scape a brawl, for now these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.

Friar Lawrence says that something fun that begins quickly might also end quickly. So, they should take it easy and not be too quick and rush their love.

These violent delights have violent ends. Therefore, love moderately.

Friar Laurence think it is a good idea to marry Romeo and Juliet so Montague and Capulet will be in peace.

This alliance may so happy prove to turn your households' rancour to pure love.

Later that night, Juliet is praying in her bedroom. She is worried that the plan is not going to work.

What if this mixture do not work at all? Shall I be married then tomorrow morning?

FORESHADOWING: The police chief says no more fighting. The next person who fights will die.

Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace

In the prologue/introduction, it is the destiny of Romeo & Juliet to kill themselves.

a pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life

In Juliet's bedroom, Friar Laurence tells the family to bring/carry/take Juliet's body to church for her funeral.

bear her to church

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